John Wick is a Metaphor for the Satanic Phoenician Empire and it's High Table of Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires.
The High Table is comprised of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds and the Black Nobility Families and all the British Aristocracy, Marquises, Earls, Barons, B
John Wick is a Metaphor for the Satanic Phoenician Empire and it's High Table of Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires.
I was very pleased with the first John Wick Movie because the word plays with Wicked and with a Wick, the light of a candle, the light of Illumination and the play between the two.
It is the life of an illuminated being to have been terribly wicked in past lifetimes as with our student Old Nick who in past lifetimes signed pacts with the devil, then renounced them, transmuted them and all his ancient Karma using the Energy Enhancement Meditation Seven Step Process..
In John Wick One we show him taking revenge on a Mafia Guy, "You killed my Dog" renouncing the Satanic Life of, "the Organisation which has existed before the Roman Empire" - The Continental
Before you can become Enlightened, first you must have explored the Dark Side..
"Before you can follow the light, first you must have touched the darkness" - Arwen Evenstar, the Rings of Power
And here is Old Nick, Nickananda, Wick, our Energy Enhancement Meditation Student recounting his experiences in Energy Enhancement Meditation where he made pacts in past lifetimes with the Dark Satanic Organisations.
Nickananda Reports Satanic Pacts Past Life Rituals
Visions of Past Lifetimes Clearing the Satanic Pacts with the Devil with Energy Enhancement Meditation...
Because we have been given free will to be given those experiences of the Dark Side so we can freely choose, "Only to do the good and right thing" - Satchidanand
Because, "We have been down that path, Neo, and we know where it ends" - Trinity from the Matrix
As I say in Against Satanism
The Satanic Phoenician Empire is 10,000 years old - "the Organisation which has existed before the Roman Empire" - The Continental
And the High Table is comprised of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds and the Black Nobility Families and all the British Aristocracy, Marquises, Earls, Barons, Baronets. The King’s Privy Council of the British East India Company contains Lord Malloch (Molech) Brown CEO of Dominion Voting Machines, tool of George Soros…
The Aristocrats derive their power from the King Chucky the Turd Saxe Coberg Gotha who owns Vanguard and Blackrock with his Court Jews Rockefeller and Rothschild who also manage the Vatican Bank,
King Chucky the Turd Saxe Coberg Gotha who is descended from Dracula and who has bought Dracula's castle in Transylvania in Romania "I have a stake in Romania - as it were..." - King Chucky - where he lives six months of the year getting visits from his, "Little Friends" from the local orphanage.
Here is my Esoteric Movie Review I wrote before...
Karma and Anti-Satanism in the Spiritual Actor, Keanu Reaves movie, "John Wick (2014)" Esoteric Movie Review by Satchidanand
In John Wick Two John Wick is busy renouncing the, "Organisation which has existed before the Roman Empire" - The Continental, and it ends in only the way that it can - in him killing one of the High Table for which he is "Excommunicado" pitting him against the whole High Table Organisation of Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires.
Read my review here..
Taken (2008), Trafficked (2017) and John Wick 2 - Sex Trafficking, Pedophilia, Ritual Human Sacrifice, Organ Harvesting and Drugs Worldwide - Esoteric Movie Reviews by Satchidanand
In John Wick Three we see John Wick taking a look at the task before him and saying it's all too much and trying to get back into the organisation without being killed.
But once you have made the decision, it's impossible to go back and this is the meaning and significance of John Wick Three. The movie disappointed me because I knew that it was a diversion, a break in the true path of revulsion, reversion, revolt against the High Table.
In John Wick Four I was very happy to see that John Wick did not die at the end of the movie as everyone was saying, but instead used the trick of, "Nothing lies like a Phoenician Cemetery" of pretending to die so the high table would not go after him after he killed the Marquis of the High Table in a Duel.
We know that John Wick, "A man of Infinite Will Power" must now complete his task of wiping out the High Table of Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires. So I'm looking forward to seeing that, "As only celluloid can deliver" - V for Vendetta, another seminal movie written, adapted by the Wachowskis
I have written many Spiritual Movie Reviews here in my Two Books of Reviews..
BLACKLISTED Heart Opening & Movie Reviews Book Volume 1 - Click Below..
Movie Reviews Book Volume 2 - Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence
Click Below..
And more, here on my Movie Reviews Page...
And here are my Eleven Volumes of Against Satanism where we are shown the Secret Histories of the Birth of the Satanic Phoenician Empire controlled by Satanic Ritual and Infiltration of every Empire so as to feast off their decline.
The Eleven Volumes of Against Satanism where we are shown the Management of the Empire by means of the Satanic Religion and it's Satanic Rituals..
The Energy Enhancement Video Meditation Course is the only Spiritual program Right Hand White Magic path to removing lifetimes of Mind Control...
Reconnect to the Source of Infinite Energy. Find Flow and Direction in Life. Lost or unfulfilled Love. Sexuality and how to use it rightly. Wounds from sexual abuse. Isolation and abandonment. Powerlessness. Fears. Depression, grief, and suicidal thoughts. Guilt, anxiety, and anger. Repressed emotions/memories. Fears/phobias. Low self-esteem. Obsessive thoughts. Healing the inner child. Brain plasticity - Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change and adapt due to experience. It is an umbrella term referring to the brain's ability to change, reorganize, or grow neural networks when connected to higher spiritual energies and the removal of Energy Blockages. Emptying the mind of useless recurring memories to speedily recover the brain faster.
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Energy Enhancement LEVEL 2 - The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to Totally Remove Mind Control Energy Blockages, Totally Remove All Problems, Totally Remove Negative Emotions, Remove Energy Blockages from the Body, from the Chakras, from the Infinity of Chakras above the Head, from the Infinity of Chakras below the base, Heal Your DNA, Remove your Karma - OPEN YOUR LIFE!!
Energy Enhancement LEVEL 3 - Eliminate even Deeper Energy Blockages - The Removal of Strategies. The removal of past life vows, Quantum Integration. The Karma Cleaning Process to Eliminate All Your Karma, all your Trauma, all your Energy Blockages from All Your Past Lifetimes!!
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Download the siddhi book here..
Just imagine spending years of your time meditating with lesser courses yet getting nowhere!
With Energy Enhancement you will Speed to your goal, Superfast! Self Realization is attained effortlessly in Energy Enhancement by the grace of the Gnani (spiritual master). Many have experienced this eternal happiness! You, too, can attain this bliss!
Satchidanand has been teaching Meditation for 40 years and developed the Energy Enhancement Meditation Streaming Video Course based on 5000 years of repressed Spiritual Technology which works.
You can learn this course live in Iguazu Falls in Brazil or Palolem Beach in India or by the Energy Enhancement Video Meditation Course.
Email us now!