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UFO's were a Satanic Phoenician Pychological Operation to create a New World Order United Nations World Government together with Hallucinogenic Satanic Pagan Cults of Eleusis created by Jung and MKULT


UFO's were a Satanic Phoenician Pychological Operation to create a New World Order United Nations World Government together with Hallucinogenic Satanic Pagan Cults of Eleusis created by Jung and MKULTRA Mind Control in 10,000 Children kidnapped by the Fascist CIA, and the Pushing of Drugs by Aldous Huxley to create…

Genocidal Depopulation in Fentanyl Tent Cities World Wide.


Genocidal Depopulation in Fentanyl Tent Cities World Wide

There is understandably a growing indignation over the opioid crisis that has become too large to ignore at this point. In many towns and metropolises, tent cities can be found taking up an ever-larger portion of city space. This is occurring throughout the once-affluent western world. The homeless, in such places as the notorious East Hastings of Vancouver, British Columbia, has grown to hundreds upon thousands living on the streets, the greater majority on opioids or crystal meth.

The problem has now entered West Hastings as well. Areas in Victoria, also in British Columbia, are among the worst cases in Canada of municipalities being taken over by these tent cities rampant with drug addiction, prostitution and crime. Canada, a country that has never really had hard-core ghettoes, has been increasingly taken over by the tent-city phenomenon over the last decade.

East Hastings, City of Vancouver
West Hastings, City of Vancouver
Hastings, City of Vancouver

Note these pictures cannot do justice to the immense size of these tent cities which in the case of Hastings spans about 20+ blocks of what has become not just people living on the street but in abandoned dilapidated buildings. In other words, most of the businesses have understandably left these areas and no business wishes to take their place. Thus, the city is left with an ever-expanding zone of abandoned buildings. In these buildings are prostitution and drug laboratories amongst other things.[1] The businesses that do remain or take-up shop in these areas are those that cater to the tent city economy, for example pawn shops that ask no questions in dealing with the goods they are presented with.

I have walked through East and West Hastings a number of times and have seen how quickly the situation has worsened over the years, having once lived in Vancouver I visit the city often since I still have family there. It is common to see people living on the street in these conditions “frozen” in time, often standing but with the upper body completely hunched over or leaning sideways, a side-effect from one of the street drugs. They can stay in such a position for hours. Or those who have such terrible health that their hair is falling out and it looks like their skin is bubbling over, likely an effect from crystal meth. Truly, there are sections of East Hastings that look like they are straight out of a Goya painting. And then there are the saddest cases, of those who are covered with bruises and scars, unable to defend themselves from their daily onslaught of attackers fighting for scraps.

I remember twenty years ago, as a young adult, that we were taught not to make any judgement on any of this. In other words, that we shouldn’t judge their “decision” to live on the street and do drugs. Rather, that we should treat them like any other human being we encountered, even if they were literally walking around like an actual zombie and mumbling incoherency. We were taught to sit at a park bench in the middle of filth, and not turn up our noses at it, but to accept this as the chosen ecosystem of certain people and we simply needed to accept this.

For many years, the Vancouver and Victoria municipalities have treated this crisis of homelessness and drug addiction as if it were in fact - not an actual problem. In other words, the city took the stance, and many mushy liberals with them for the past ten years and more, that it was simply a matter of providing food and “safe injection sites” and even “free drugs” so they would not steal and commit crime (in theory), and that this approach was going to somehow decrease the number of homeless living on the street, who mostly suffer from drug addiction.

I remember when the safe injection sites were first being promoted in Vancouver over 17 years ago, the “theory” was that those who were suffering from heroin addiction could safely administer their drug at safe injection sites during their work break. Methadone, a synthetic opioid, was being sold at the time as a way to wean off of heroin and was available in the form of a tablet, oral solution or injectable liquid. It was thought that with Methadone, people with heroin dependence should have no problem getting their “fix” and working full-time. However, after over 17 years it is clear that this theory is a complete failure. Heroin addiction has skyrocketed since and those on Methadone simply got addicted to Methadone. The greater majority of opioid addicts are not able to keep a full-time job for very long and yes, very predictably, they end up on the street.

You would think such cities as Vancouver would have gotten a clue since then, however, rather they have only increased their support for such tent cities. Taxpayer money goes to cleaning Hastings Street daily, during the summer, of the filth that accrues from just one day of tent city traffic and activities. Every morning food and even “free drugs” are offered to the tent city folk, paid for by the taxpayer. Not only this, but areas like Victoria have even encouraged homeless people from across the country to come live in their tent cities. CTV News reported that the Victoria, Vancouver Island tent city in 2016 costed $1.6 million of taxpayer money every year. The cost is most certainly a great deal higher today.

The problem has reached such catastrophic levels that even the mushy liberals are starting to squirm uncomfortably. Clearly, these people who advocated the “right” for homeless people to live in their East Hastings’ ecosystem are starting to have issues if the better parts of town are also going to be implicated. In other words, they were fine with it as long as such people were relegated to a designated part of town, but with the threat of this ecosystem becoming the dominant ecosystem, they are now becoming more critical about the “problem” of the tent cities. And who is to blame? Well, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) of course (as with seemingly everything wrong with our collapsing society)….as well as Mexico, are blamed as the source for this problem for those who have taken all but two seconds to think about the matter. Even those who were advocates of “safe injection sites” for heroin users years ago are now getting on the bandwagon of blaming “communist China” for the situation they find themselves in today, funny how we never seem to want to take any responsibility in such matters and have readily agreed to beating a straw-man that has been conveniently placed in front of us. Anything but admit to ourselves the far uglier truth.

I have thus far spoken about the Canadian situation since it is the one I am most familiar with, however, I think that this also speaks volumes as to how far this opioid crisis has blown up such that it is no longer relegated to just the “dirty” American, British, French ghettoes etc. but has since entered suburbia and what are supposed to be among the most beautiful and peaceful cities in the world, including Vancouver and Victoria. In other words, the opioid epidemic has become ubiquitous. And most westerners know someone personally, or via a second-degree acquaintance who has died from an opioid overdose or has had their life destroyed by opioid or methamphetamine addiction.

If we truly care about the welfare of these people living in tent cities, and thus suffering from drug addiction, we need to acknowledge that none of this was an actual “choice”, a romantic rejection of “sell-out white collar cubicle living” and somehow a political statement of empowerment and freedom.

Let’s not kid ourselves here. If you are not economically empowered (i.e. can’t easily exit tent-city life) and are suffering from a drug addiction, you do not have the “freedom” to choose to do something else with your life, and as we see the pattern formation throughout the decades, most who end up on the street with drug addictions, will die from preventable health issues or drug overdose. To act like this is somehow a dignified and empowered way of living is in fact to completely abandon these people from the support they need to truly become sovereign beings. It is also completely avoiding a much more serious problem - the fact that such an outcome has been designed for that very effect.

This is what Harari speaks of when he discusses the “problem of the useless eaters.” Those, like Harari, who see themselves as at the helm of societal policy see the opioid crisis in a very different light. To them, this is how the “useless” and the “weak” can contribute to their society and at the same time address the so-called “overpopulation problem,” by effectively making up a consumer economy that almost entirely benefits the black market and living an attenuated life.

You might think you are different from the meth and opioid addicts out there as you line up for your government provided stock of weed, but let me tell you, you may not be living on the street but you most certainly are not living your best life either.

SQDC is the DUMMING DOWN government weed store in Quebec, Canada. This picture is in Montreal on St. Catherine Street. Weed is well known for reducing stress, it also reduces most people’s drive for hard-work and constructive problem-solving. You may think you are not in this category, however, it is undeniable that the greater majority are and that means a society that is full of passivity and lack of direction.To bring the World together against a UFO extra-terrestrial enemy as a plot to create a One World Government under the United Nations. A New World Order controlled by the Satanic Phoenician 2000 Trillion Dollar Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds and Rockefeller Black Nobility.

By Cynthia Chung

Through A Glass Darkly
Why the People’s Republic of China Is Not Responsible for America’s Drug Problem
There is understandably a growing indignation over the opioid crisis that has become too large to ignore at this point. In many towns and metropolises, tent cities can be found taking up an ever-larger portion of city space. This is occurring throughout the once-affluent western world. The homeless, in such places as the notorious East Hastings of Vanco…
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To mind control people by the use of MKULTRA de-patterning hallucinogenic drugs, hypnotism and torture/stress in order to implant the Energy Blockage of a new degraded Satanic Paradigm into their Minions, in place of Jesus.

In approaching this subject, we shall try to find out what it is that is common to many religions in the methods of sudden conversion employed by their priests and evangelists. We shall endeavour to bring this into relation with what we know of the physiology of the brain. We must beware of being distracted by what it is that is being preached. The truths of Christianity have nothing to do with the beliefs inspired by the rites of pagan religions or of devil-worshippers. But the physiological mechanisms, of which use has been made by religions on each side of this gulf, will bear the closest examination.

The leaders of successful faiths have never, it may in fact be said, dispensed entirely with physiological weapons in their attempts to confer spiritual grace on their fellow men. Fasting, chastening of the flesh by scourging and physical discomfort, regulation of breathing, meditation disclosure of awesome mysteries, drumming, dancing, singing, inducement of panic fear, weird or glorious lighting, ritual, initiation, incense, intoxicant drugs — these are only some of the many methods used to modify normal brain functions for religious purposes. Some sects pay more attention than others to a direct stirring up of emotions as a means of affecting the higher nervous system; but few wholly neglect it.”

-          William Sargant, Battle for the Mind (1957), pioneer of Tavistock & MK Ultra mind control techniques.

To mind control people by the use of Tavistock MKULTRA de-patterning hallucinogenic drugs, hypnotism and torture/stress in order to implant the Energy Blockage of a new degraded Satanic Paradigm in a form of Initiation into a new Elite Elusinean Mystery.. in place of Jesus.

To use drugs to devolve people in a country slated for destruction gradually impoverising in tent cities, gradually killing, gradually genociding, gradually killing their souls, gradually stealing their Spiritual Energy.

To use drugs to split the mind into Jung’s Shadow subpersonalities, reducing the will-power of the Soul, and replacing the Soul with a Satanic Ritual Devolution Paradigm into soulless husk of Subpersonalities.

Lord Mountbatten's Influence and UFO Promotion

The protocols of Project Sign and Grudge were amplified by the much larger British government inquiry dubbed the 1950 Flying Saucer Working Party, overseen by Sir Henry Tizard, following the orders of Lord Louis Mountbatten. Lord Mountbatten was among the most powerful administrators of the British Empire, having been supreme allied commander of Southeast Asia during World War II, first sea lord of the British Navy, and governor general and viceroy of India, where he undermined the dream of Indian independence by carving up the nation into warring factions. Lord Mountbatten's devotion to the cause of world empire and the replacement of sovereign nation-states with a centralized world government under British control reflected the same cause as that outlined by H. G. Wells much earlier. From 1952 to 1961, Mountbatten advanced this agenda as NATO commander of the Allied Forces of the Mediterranean and chairman of NATO's military committee, where he directly oversaw the growth of dozens of coups and assassinations of nationalist leaders resistant to the New World Order. It is with these facts in mind that it becomes interesting to note that Lord Mountbatten was among the earliest and highest profile promoters of UFOs, having advanced the story that a flying saucer had landed on his property in Ramsey, Hampshire in 1955.

Mind War and the Power of Communication

Emphasis with tactical applications playing a reinforcing supplementary role In its strategic context, mind war must reach out to friends, enemies, and neutrals alike across the globe. State of the art developments in satellite communication, video recording techniques, and laser and optical transmission of broadcasts make possible a penetration of the minds of the world such as would have been inconceivable just a few years ago. Like the sword Excalibur, we have to but reach out and seize this tool, and it can transform the world for us if we have the courage and the integrity to enhance civilization with it

Stargate Project and its Military Implications

The Stargate project attempted to create a scientific facade for paranormal activity, telepathy, and telekinesis using thousands of human guinea pigs, and later fed into the revolution in military affairs, which ushered in the war against terrorism starting with Desert Storm in Iraq, 9-11, and forever wars in the Middle East since 2001. This Rockefeller-funded program was staffed by several UFO-promoting scientists affiliated with U.S. military intelligence with names such as Harold Puthoff, Ingo Swann, Jacques Vallée, and of course the shadowy figure J. Allen Hynek.


UFOs and the Creation of a New World Religion

Throughout the Cold War, the mythology of extraterrestrial gods, both seeding and overseeing humanity's evolution across millennia, would be cultivated by the modern sorcerers of the CIA, following the template laid out by H.G. Wells and Carl Jung. The objective was never about aliens, UFOs or disclosure, but was always about the creation of a new world religion whose Satanic polytheistic deities and drug-laced rites of initiation would be overseen by a new class of technocratic priests which came to be called social engineers or transhumanists.

Contradictory UFO Narratives as Psychological Warfare

One must wonder how the air force's policy of publicizing artificial devices operated by a high intelligence not made from this earth could be publicly promoted on the one hand while the same air force frantically suppressed all discussion of UFO's on the other could it be that these apparently contradictory narratives were simply two sides of one psychological warfare experiment carried out on the minds of Americans It is here that the role of media mogul Henry Luce, owner of Time, Life and Fortune magazines, becomes extremely interesting.

Cold War Origins of UFO Sightings and Intelligence Agencies

The practical application of these ideas took the form of the science of cybernetics developed during World War II and became the instrument of control by a small managerial elite in positions of bureaucratic influence across Western governments in the post-war age. It is here that our story will resume. 1947 was a strange year the cold war had just begun the USA UK signals agreement that would create an organization known as the five eyes was launched establishing the anglo-american empire’s special relationship and a new intelligence agency named the CIA was created after a vast purge of patriots from u.s intelligence additionally Hundreds of civilian and Air Force personnel began noticing something out of the ordinary in the skies above. On June 24, 1947, American businessman Kenneth Arnold testified that he had witnessed nine unidentified flying objects in the skies of Washington, setting off a flurry of similar accounts which were reported to press agencies across England and the USA. By the end of the year, nearly seven hundred The question was, why were these objects appearing now? And of all the nations on the earth, why were they specifically appearing near military bases in the USA and England alone?

Rockefeller's UFO Religion and Military Evolution

While this transformation of the US military was unfolding and America's soul was slipping away, another of Lawrence Rockefeller's sponsored projects was bringing the new UFO religion into reality via the Stargate project at the Stanford Research Institute. The Stargate project attempted to create a scientific facade for paranormal activity, telepathy, and telekinesis using thousands of human guinea pigs, and later fed into the revolution in military affairs, which ushered in the war against terrorism starting with Desert Storm in Iraq, 9-11, and forever wars in the Middle East since 2001.

High-Profile Figures in UFO Disclosure and Counterculture

It was while following Lawrence Rockefeller's initiative that Bill Clinton released thousands of classified UFO documents to the public in 1993, and it was also during this time that Hillary began visiting Lawrence's ranch. John Podesta made his UFO coming out party widely known in 2002, and has continued to devote himself to UFO disclosure for the next 22 years. The irony that a J.P. Morgan vice president, a Rockefeller family patriarch and a fascist media mogul would become patrons of the counterculture was lost on many. It is also worth noting that Henry Luce was not just a promoter of magic mushrooms and aliens, but was also an avid consumer of LSD-25 and did more than anyone alive to popularize this drug as well. Luce's biographer Stephen Siff wrote of the mogul's embrace of LSD.

Foundation of a New World Order

In the last episode of The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs, the foundations for a new world order was established by leading scientific managers of the decaying 19th century British Empire. These leading social engineers recognized that in order to save their collapsing system of world empire, it was necessary to sabotage the emergence of cooperating independent nation-states then springing to life across the globe. To do this, a new, more sophisticated science of control needed to be created in short order.

Strategic Use of UFO Narratives by the CIA

So, if preventing sightings was impossible, then of course the next best question was, how to control the narrative explaining what those witnesses would be seeing? How could a story be spun that both satisfied the visual evidence of these unexplained aircraft, while also incubating the seeds for a new set of sacred stories that could shape humanity's deepest held beliefs about existence in the coming post-national age of world government? A clue to this answer could be gleaned by the words from CIA director Walter Bedell Smith, who wrote to the director of the New Psychology Strategy Board of the CIA in 1952, saying, 'I am today transmitting to the National Security Council a proposal in which it is concluded that the problems associated with unidentified flying objects appear to have implications for psychological warfare as well as for intelligence and operations. I suggest that we discuss at an early board meeting the possible offensive and defensive utilization of these phenomena for psychological warfare purposes. Smith's words were echoed by the leaders of the new CIA-run UFO Investigation Commission, dubbed the Robertson Panel, overseen by a Manhattan Project quantum physicist named Howard P. Robertson. After World War II, Robertson had become a classified CIA employee in the office of the Secretary of Defense and scientific advisor to NATO's Supreme Allied Commander of Europe, where he would have worked in close proximity to none other than Lord Louis Mountbatten. Following the lead from Sir Henry Tizard's UFO working party, the Robertson panel officially recommended that the Air Force begin to train all personnel to report on UFO sightings.

Contradictory UFO Narratives as Psychological Warfare

one must wonder how the air force's policy of publicizing artificial devices operated by a high intelligence not made from this earth could be publicly promoted on the one hand while the same air force frantically suppressed all discussion of ufos on the other could it be that these apparently contradictory narratives were simply two sides of one psychological warfare experiment carried out on the minds of americans It is here that the role of media mogul Henry Luce, owner of Time, Life and Fortune magazines, becomes extremely interesting.

Cold War Origins of UFO Sightings and Intelligence Agencies

The practical application of these ideas took the form of the science of cybernetics developed during World War II and became the instrument of control by a small managerial elite in positions of bureaucratic influence across Western governments in the post-war age. It is here that our story will resume. 1947 was a strange year the cold war had just begun the usa uk signals agreement that would create an organization known as the five eyes was launched establishing the anglo-american empire’s special relationship and a new intelligence agency named the CIA was created after a vast purge of patriots from u.s intelligence additionally Hundreds of civilian and Air Force personnel began noticing something out of the ordinary in the skies above. On June 24, 1947, American businessman Kenneth Arnold testified that he had witnessed nine unidentified flying objects in the skies of Washington, setting off a flurry of similar accounts which were reported to press agencies across England and the USA. By the end of the year, nearly seven hundred The question was, why were these objects appearing now? And of all the nations on the earth, why were they specifically appearing near military bases in the USA and England alone?

The Concept of Mind War

document in question was dubbed mind war and called for a total war on the minds of the populations of the globe both enemy and friendly alike using next generation technologies and psychiatric techniques aquino writes mind war must be strategic in emphasis with tactical applications playing a reinforcing supplementary role In its strategic context, mind war must reach out to friends, enemies, and neutrals alike across the globe. State of the art developments in satellite communication, video recording techniques, and laser and optical transmission of broadcasts make possible a penetration of the minds of the world such as would have been inconceivable just a few years ago. Like the sword Excalibur, we have to but reach out and seize this tool, and it can transform the world for us if we have the courage and the integrity to enhance civilization with it. If we do not accept Excalibur, then we relinquish our ability to inspire foreign cultures with our morality. They can then desire moralities unsatisfactory to us.

In the last episode of The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs, the foundations for a new world order was established by leading scientific managers of the decaying 19th century British Empire. These leading social engineers recognized that in order to save their collapsing system of world empire, it was necessary to sabotage the emergence of cooperating independent nation-states then springing to life across the globe.

To do this, a new, more sophisticated science of control needed to be created in short order. As Thomas Huxley's X Club was created to establish a control over the realm of science, extending laws of the jungle and survival of the fittest over the weakest onto the human domain,

Huxley's protégé, Head of British Secret Services MI6, Herbert George Wells, went to work pioneering a new genre of entertainment dubbed science fiction.

In this powerful new realm of warfare that acted upon the imagination of a vast target audience, ideas pertaining to the nature of reality, technology, and most importantly, the future, could be infused into the collective imagination.

This misuse of science fiction as a tool for mass manipulation and cultural warfare would shape a new set of modern myths about humanity's origins and destiny.

Throughout Wells's many fictional stories, evolutionarily superior alien races acting like new immortal gods threatening humanity would be a recurring theme. The idea of uniting humanity under a world government out of fear of alien forces from beyond has played out across countless films, books and television shows during the 20th century, but its origins are to be found in the mind of Wells.

Meanwhile, Wells's concepts of technology and government would also provide a blueprint for the creation of the atomic bomb, the Manhattan Project, and even post-war efforts at a world government under a renewed Fascist British empire trumpeted as a League of Nations.

Disciples of Wells not only oversaw this new age of secret science projects, but additionally advanced Wells's vision for a new science of control outlined in non-fiction books such as The Open Conspiracy, The New World Order, and The World AI Brain.

The practical application of these ideas took the form of the science of cybernetics developed during World War II and became the instrument of control by a small managerial elite in positions of bureaucratic influence across Western governments in the post-war age.

Henry Luce's Fascism and Imperial Vision

Henry Luce was not merely a self-professed fascist and sponsor of American fascism prior to the war, placing Benito Mussolini on his magazine covers extensively from 1923 until the fascist leader's death, but Luce was also closely allied to the Rockefeller Foundation. Working alongside the Rockefellers and using his own media outlets, Luce advanced a new imperial vision for an American empire, publishing The American Century in 1941.

MKUltra and the rise of a new drug-laced spirituality.

MKUltra was a vast secret science program which was revealed publicly during the Church Committee hearings of 1975. Between 1953 and 1973, MKUltra involved a vast complex of thousands of projects and sub-projects that developed a wide array of psychoactive drugs, hypnosis, trauma-based mind control, techniques of sexual abuse, sensory deprivation, electroshock therapy, and psychological torture more broadly.

These horrific experiments carried out on millions of civilians involved the application of psychiatric theories premised on a mixture of Sabbatean Frankist Satanic Sigmund Freud, Pavlov, the founder of behaviorism, and CIA Asset advising Dulles, Carl Jung. The facts show that it was the CIA and military intelligence that developed those drugs which users have come to see as their spiritual liberation.

The Satanic Tavistock Institute Rockefeller Sabbatean Frankism Freud ...


The satanic tavistock institute, satanic lord russel, satanic rockefeller, satanic sabbatean frankism, satanic freud, the satanic frankfurt school and the kabbalah satanic frankfurt school adorno, benjamin, marcuse, lukacs, brecht, weill, eco, derrida vampire addiction implant blockages, vampire sexual



Additionally, by promoting drugs as a key to mental health, personal liberation, and even religious experiences, Henry Luce and Gordon Wasson were acting entirely as agents of the CIA and MKUltra. MK-Ultra itself was overseen by CIA director Alan Dulles, as well as the American chemist and spymaster Sidney Gottlieb, who both managed a vast array of experiments across North America.


In the CIA's Harvard Psilocybin Project founded in 1958, a devoted disciple of both Dulles and Carl Jung, Henry Luce and Gordon Wasson were acting entirely as agents of the CIA and MKUltra.


MK-Ultra itself was overseen by CIA director Alan Dulles, as well as the American chemist and spymaster Sidney Gottlieb, who both managed a vast array of experiments across North America.


In the CIA's Harvard Psilocybin Project founded in 1958, a devoted disciple of both Dulles and Carl Jung, named Dr. Henry Murray, used talented young students as test cases with a star guinea pig named Theodore Kaczynski coming out of the experience with a strange desire to murder anyone who promoted industrial civilization.

After sending out murderous letter bombs across America, Unabomber Kaczynski won infamy and even a vast cult following as the Unabomber.

Other controllers of the Harvard Psilocybin Project included one Richard Alpert, later known as Ram Dass, Aldous Huxley, and a certain LSD-loving psychiatry teacher named Timothy Leary.

How Trillionaires Infiltrated DMT, LSD and Ayahuasca

How Trillionaires Infiltrated DMT, LSD and Ayahuasca into the Environmental, Hippie, Progressive and New Age Movements to Destroy Them Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Graham Hancock, Russell Brand, Rupert Sheldrake, Daniel Pinchbeck, Aldous Huxley, Tim Leary and Ram Dass pushing Drugs for

Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Graham Hancock, pushing Drugs for ...

Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Graham Hancock, Russell Brand, Rupert Sheldrake, Daniel Pinchbeck, Aldous Huxley, Tim Leary and Ram Dass pushing Drugs for Trillionaire Oligarch Controlled Military Intelligence to Destroy Society WEALTH - THE NEW HUMAN RIGHT Russell Brand and Satchidanand


Is Joe Rogan related to Mussolini? -

Rogan, from the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Families… Rogan is said to have held several jobs, including one as a private investigator, but he apparently couldn't find his own parents and get the news to Wikipedia. All the while he was performing stand-up comedy on the side, allegedly "scratching and grinding for money". The classic sob story of a privilaged Phoenician.

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All three individuals soon joined Gordon Wasson, Albert Hoffman, and Henry Luce as gurus of the newly forming counterculture, where they pioneered a New Age movement based on an embrace of Satanic ancient pagan mysticism, the definition of Satanism, sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

In 1961, Aldous Huxley described the importance of these new CIA brain drugs to Timothy Leary. These brain drugs, mass produced in the laboratories, will bring about vast changes in society. This will happen with or without you or me. All we can do is spread the word.

The obstacle to this evolution, Timothy, is the Bible.

Leary then reflected on the obstacles they encountered as they sought to flesh out their Satanic vision of a new enlightened world religion.

We had run up against the Judeo-Christian commitment to one God, one religion, one reality that has cursed Europe for centuries and America since our founding days. Drugs that open the mind to multiple realities inevitably lead to a Satanic polytheistic view of the universe.

We sensed that the time for a new humanist religion based on intelligence, good-natured pluralism, and scientific Satanic paganism had arrived.

America's secret science program proved terribly effective as an entire generation watched their world go dark as the United States, once a beacon of freedom, now embarked on a new age of militarism abroad, consumerism at home, and CIA assassination programs everywhere.

With this conversion of the Republic into a corrupt expansionist empire, the stage was set for a new reactionary youth movement ready to embrace a new (00:39:10): religion based on drugs, sex, and alien gods.

Dr. Davidson also took astute notice of the important role in this affair played by Alan Dulles' fellow OSS agent and mentor, Carl Jung.


Davidson was among the very few truth seekers who recognized that Carl Jung's 1954 book, Flying Saucers, a modern myth of things seen in the sky, was nothing short of a manual for social engineering and mass hypnosis in shaping a new Satanic religious order.

It should be recalled that Carl Jung saw himself as a modern sorcerer who believed it his destiny to overthrow Christianity by restoring a Dionysian Gnostic paganism. This aim was made explicit by Jung, who wrote this new pagan revival in a 1912 letter to Sigmund Freud. I think we must give it time to infiltrate into people from many centers, to revivify among intellectuals a feeling for symbol and myth, ever so gently to transform Christ back into the soothsaying god of the vine which he was Bacchus, Satan, and in this way absorb those ecstatic instinctual forces of Christianity for the one purpose of making the cult and the sacred myths what they once were, a drunken feast of joy where man regained the Satanic ethos and holiness of an animal.

Despite being hailed as a great psychologist to this day, the fact is that Jung was nothing short of a Satanic sun-worshipping occultist obsessed with reviving Satanic ancient mystery cults outlined by Wasson and Hoffman in The Road to Eleusis.

Jung had also believed that he was himself a Satanic initiate, having come into contact with several demonic entities over the years, with names such as Philemon and Abraxas. Jung believed that the high initiate of secret mysteries would become liberated, mind controlled, hallucinated of all dualisms of right and wrong imposed on us by culture, as light and darkness and goodness and Satanic evil were integrated within ourselves.

Through this exercise, which of course involved the use of mind-altering drugs, the initiate would become essentially God.

Jung describes his own Satanic awakening to his deification in a 1925 lecture.

Awe surrounds the mysteries, particularly the mysteries of deification. This was one of the most important of the mysteries. It gave certainty of immortality. One gets a peculiar feeling from being put through such an initiation. The important part of that led up to the deification was the snakes and coiling of me.

The animal face which I felt mine transformed into was the famous Deus Leontocephalus of the Mithraic Mysteries, the Demonic figure which is represented with a snake coiled around a man, the snake's head resting on the man's head, and the face of the man that of a lion.

This statue has only been found in the mystery grottoes, the under churches, Mitraeum, the last remnants of the catacombs.

Jung's account of his deification hinged on the ancient Persian solar deity Mithra, which had been imported into Rome under the leadership of Rome's general Pompey in 60 BC.

The cult of Mithra became the most important religion rivaling the early Christian movement during the first four centuries after the death of Jesus. The male-only mystery religion was a favorite among Rome's praetorian guards and elite legion, and operated in close proximity to the earth-mother cult of Transsexual Cybele and Attis whose Castration Rituals created Homosexual Dog Priests - the Galli, who took it up the rear in Sacred Satanic Sodomy Rituals, whose temples were typically located in close proximity to Mithraic enclaves.

All three cults practiced the Satanic Hallucinogenic Drug Rites of Eleusis.

The Mithraic cult worshipped exclusively in underground caverns called Mithraeum, (00:45:17): of which over 400 have been discovered across Europe and North Africa to this day.

Jung then turns his analysis of ETs inside out by casting it as a new global mythology that will usher in a post-Christian age of Aquarius.

He also asserted that these ETs represented a mass Shadow subpersonality archetypal projection of ourselves onto the Shadow mind Split Sub-personalities of the schizophrenic gods, which each higher initiate of the ancient mysteries deified themselves into becoming.

Book 15 out of 53 Free Books with Energy Enhancement..

15. Eliminating the Shadow.. In this book, Satchidanand trashes the greatest most intellectual investigators and descriptors of the Shadow and the Shadow Subpersonalities.

Great People - The Highest of All Humanity - Jordan Peterson, Carl Jung, Niezsche, and every Psychotherapy, Psychological therapist who can describe the problem of the Shadow, talk about the problem of the shadow but have no Practical solution to the Shadow. All of those guys Failed to Solve the Problem of the Shadow. None of these guys have Any practical solution for the Shadow.. And it is the Shadow Subpersonalities which is the Source, The Fount, of All Evil on this Planet... And the Source of All Evil within You!!

Carl Jung says.. “There is no generally effective technique for assimilating the shadow. It is more like diplomacy or statesmanship and it is always an individual matter. First one has to accept and take seriously the existence of the shadow. Second, one has to become aware of its qualities and intentions. This happens through conscientious attention to moods, fantasies and impulses. Third, a long process of negotiation is unavoidable.” (Carl Jung)

As Jung notes in the passage above, he thought there is no general technique to integrate the shadow, even though the Buddha and Jesus Christ exemplified the Ancient Meditation Technology which is the only means for removing the Shadow. For thousands of years great souls have come to earth to demonstrate otherwise, that enlightenment is, "Tat tvam asi" Thou art that!! You are a part of the Universe and have nothing else to seek.

Energy Enhancement Meditation including Level 1 Alchemical VITRIOL to Ground Pain and Trauma from Memories and the Energy Enhancement Level 2 Seven Step Process to remove Energy Blockages by Purifying them then Integrating them with the Soul to create ONE Soul Infused Personality creating Spiritual Insight – combined with psychological knowledge Energy Enhancement is THE complete way of processing and integrating your Shadow Side into wholeness.

See Swami Satchidanand talk about the Shadow on Videos

I am writing today because this is so important.

Only Energy Enhancement can Annihilate Evil on Earth and change this Planet into a Planet of Love and Light in this Place, for You, for Me, for the Entire Human Race.

It is about The Energy Enhancement Elimination of All Evil on this Planet.

You remember my latest book, Eliminating the Shadow Subpersonalities..

It is beneficial for everyone to heal themselves by removing ALL blockages using Energy Enhancement advanced techniques. Not just a handful.

Because the Shadow Subpersonalities are the Source, the Fount, of All Evil on this Planet.

The Shadow Subpersonalities are essentially Evil because they are cut off from the energies of God and thus from Good, because Only God is Good!!

Shadow Subpersonalities are virtual machines existing within the mind computer but with no access to God, "They are minds of metal and wheels" - Tolkien, with no access to genius because the geni etymologically, is the Soul.

Shadow Subpersonalities, cut off from the energies of God, can only live off the Soul infused Personality or the Essence within themselves or that Energy within other people.

Shadow Subpersonalities Vampirise the Energy of God and devise Evil schemes to get it.

Strategies, - the Strategies of the Vampire are all Attention Seeking schemes to Vampirise your Energy. The Poor Me Addictions, the Violator Bullying, the Selfish Competitive Black Star, the Sabotaging Self Destructor, are all Drama Queens - just a little Evil to destroy lives - Your Life, the Lives of your family, your City, and your Country.

You can see all these strategies busily at work in the people around you. You might even see them at work in yourself. Know that these strategies are even now turning you against the One Course which can Remove them.


The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process Can Easily Remove All your Strategies and Subpersonalities!

Most people are just a little evil, but over many lifetimes, as the number and power of Subpersonalities grow within you, so that the Demon on your left shoulder, debating with the Angel on your right shoulder becomes so powerful that you become more and more Evil.. Until you are entirely taken over by Evil.. Possessed by Evil, a Servant of Satan!!


You can see in the picture below that most people are controlled by Shadow Subpersonalities.

The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 3 - The Karma Cleaning Process - Remove Even Deeper Subpersonality Energy Blockages Click Below..

These Evil Shadow Subpersonalities band together to take you over and repress the Soul infused Personality. They are then Evil psychopaths and this is bad enough. But when these Evil Shadow taken over people band together into groups, Satanic Evil Religions, Bloodline Families and Bloodline Races, Secret Societies, Cartels, Banksters - giving courses on how to repress further the soul infused personality - how to become even more Evil - then this is what and why I write in my Against Satanism series of Books - currently Eleven volumes available for FREE!! when you sign up for the newsletter at . the Energy Enhancement Video Meditation Course or the Iguazu Live Course

There is a translation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika which I studied as a young man as part of my studies of Hatha Yoga by my Guru, Theos Bernard who through yoga, pranayama and meditation became accepted as a Rinpoche, Tibetan Reincarnation when he came to the gates of Tibet.

Through the practise of Hatha Yoga from the age of fourteen and the study of Pranayama and Agnisar Kriya at age 21 and then the study of meditation and Shambhavi Mudra at age 28 I gradually built up the happy power of samadhi within my being and became a healer with the National Federation of Spiritual Healers of Great Britain.

My Guru, Swami Satchidananda said that when he was young he could touch a person and take away their Heart disease or Cancer. But later he found the same people coming back with the same problem. By this he learned that the people had to change themselves, their attitudes, their lives before the disease, a product of all that, could be truly healed. And for this reason, people need to learn to do it for themselves with the Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course - or come visit us in India of Iguazu Falls, Brazil.

In reality, Illumination is the final healing required. Although the normal miracle can show what is possible, this should only show the way. So then he started teaching yoga and meditation. Healing came in from the side.

With the addition of Energy Enhancement, came the finish of all the problems associated with Energy Blockages, the bane of every healers life yet at the same time their reason for existence.

I can now say the same for every man and woman on this planet, "Energy Blockages, the Shadow, are the bane of every persons life yet at the same time their reason for existence"

In order to evolve we need to understand that Energy Blockages are the reason for all your problems.

The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course, is the solution.

Satchidanand - "who can know the true greatness of the Raja Yoga. Knowledge, mukti, condition, and Siddhis can be learnt by instructions from a guru alone" Hatha Pradipika 4.8

Can I help you in any way with more information about the course?

Successful people make decisions quickly.

And change them slowly.

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COME LEARN THE ADVANCED TECHNIQUES OF ENERGY ENHANCEMENT, NOW!! › p › the-subpersonalities-satchidanands

The Subpersonalities - Satchidanand's Warning to The World - Substack

Nov 14, 2022 Share. The Subpersonalities - Satchidanand's Warning to The World. "Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual's conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. If an inferiority is conscious, one always has a chance to correct it…. But if it is repressed and isolated from consciousness, it never gets ... › p › satchidanand-talks-about-satanic


Satchidanand talks about Energy Blockages creating the Shadow, Revenge and Ghosts and the Removal of the Energy Blockages creating Detachment, Forgiveness and Peace

The Mastery of Relationships – Ahimsa, Detachment, Ghosts, Revenge, Forgiveness and the Shadow


Watch the video – Click Here –

Watch the video – Click Here –


So I will give a little a talk, in honor of this birthday of Hanumananda with his nice beautiful shirt. And I would like to reiterate what we talked about this morning because I think everybody has problems in life and they are very general in nature, like, everybody has the same problems but with just with a few variations of a theme, a general theme, which is normal.

Hanumananda – all six foot nine of him! and Satchidanand


I think it was Alice Bailey, let me just check my notes, I made some notes for this, yea a little bit off target but there we go, yea Alice Bailey it was that said there were initiations before the enlightenment initiation. And the first is The Opening of the Heart, because in general most people don’t think of others, they only think about themselves.

And the initiation of the opening of the heart is a very important one for humanity. Because with the opening of the heart, we have a person who thinks about other people as well as themselves, on the way toward thinking about other people instead of themselves. Yea. Basically if you don’t think about other people, if you cannot place yourselves in the feet of another person, if you cannot put yourselves in their place, then you don’t have a heart.

Oct 4, 2022 satchidanand talks about satanic energy blockages creating the shadow, revenge and ghosts and the removal of the energy blockages creating detachment, forgiveness and peace › p › 19-my-shadow-and-third-eye

1.9. My Shadow and Third Eye - Yuko's Substack\

Sep 15, 2024 Satchidanand's guidance to meditate and clear the second chakra blockages indicates his ability to perceive subtle energies and provide tailored support to students. ... That place was Substack. This time, in 1.9. My Shadow and Third Eye, I was confused by the fact that I was able to express a deeper and more complex inner self than I have ever ...

Yuko’s Substack
1.9. My Shadow and Third Eye
My body was honest yet raw and sensitive. Every muscle in my frame began to assert itself at once. I was so captivated by their assertions that my left hemisphere stopped creating language the next day after dedicating my mind and body to the primary series of Ashtanga Yoga. Silence descended, enveloping my head…
Read more › p › 14-my-featherweight-ego

1.4. MY FEATHERWEIGHT EGO - by Yuko and Satchidanand - Substack

Jun 3, 2024 There was only one person in the past who noticed my dangerous ability. An Englishman named Swami Satchidanand taught me how to meditate in a small town in south Spain. He had a soft but strong, melodic and passionate voice like the sounds of iron wind chimes in a sweltering summer.

Jung writes, the UFOs could easily be conceived as Demonic Gods.

They are impressive manifestations of totality, whose simple, round form portrays the subpersonality archetype of the self, which, as we know from experience, plays the chief role in uniting apparently irreconcilable opposites, and is therefore best suited to compensate the split-mindedness of our age.

It has a particularly important role to play among the other subpersonality archetypes, in that it is primarily the regulator and orderer of chaotic states, giving the personality the highest possible unity and wholeness.

It creates the image of the divine human personality, the primordial man or anthropos, Chen Yen, un Elijah, who calls down fire from heaven, rises up to heaven in a fiery chariot, and is a forerunner of the Messiah, the dogmatized figure of Christ, as well as of Sufi Quidr, the verdant one, who is another parallel to Elijah.

Like him, he wanders over the earth as the human personification of Allah.

At this point, it is important to reemphasize that Jung was not merely a psychiatrist with a fetish for UFOs and ancient satanic paganism, but was also a Swiss-based OSS agent during World War II, where he began a long-term relationship with Alan Dulles, advising him on matters of psychological warfare.

Throughout the Cold War, (01:08:56): the mythology of extraterrestrial gods, both seeding and overseeing humanity's evolution across millennia, would be cultivated by the modern sorcerers of the CIA, following the template laid out by H.G. Wells and Carl Jung.

The objective was never about aliens, UFOs or disclosure, but was always about the creation of a new world religion whose Satanic deities and drug-laced rites of initiation would be overseen by a new class of technocratic priests which came to be called social engineers or transhumanists.

The Atheism of Ricky Gervais ends in, Satanic Society - Against Satanism


I would like to express my gratitude to Cynthia Chung and her Husband, Mathew Ehret whose knowledge and this movie - IMPROVED AND MADE BETTER - has augmented mine along with Lyndon Larouche for many years…

Free Book – Eliminating the Shadow

Download the Free Book – Eliminating the Shadow by Satchidanand

Watch the video – Click Here –


And I was just counting one thing, and people count all the bad things people have done to you wanting revenge.

There’s all these movies from Hong Kong and they want their revenge, they’re actually teaching you that it’s a good thing to get revenge.

So what is it inside, we mentioned the shadow . And I give it a name, energy blockages but as we’ve seen before ghosts are energy blockages. What type of energy blockage is it that counts the revenge and wants to know all these things and I give them the name “inner children” because they’re childish, because who else but a child would take revenge?

No adult would take notice of what the little children do him. Because we’re all children.

Every relationship we have is with a child. And when the children want to kick you or hurt you or cry or scream, there, there, little child, be calm, don’t worry, daddy’s here. (laughs).

Inner children, and we have another name for them. Because these inner children don’t just start in this lifetime, they probably started in many past lifetimes and they pass along lifetime to lifetime, all the time getting stronger, all the time getting filled with more and more negative energy, all the time being wanting to take more and more deep and horrible revenge on everybody around them, as we gather more and more negative energy, as we gather more, and more slights come into the black book, each page in the black book, gets longer and longer, filled with revenge, which is to come.

And it is this negative energy which I call evil. It is a pertinence to evil, it is truly evil because it is waiting for the opportunity for all of that bile to be spewed out in an interaction of revenge, for everything that’s ever happened to them.

Another name for these inner children is subpersonalities. They are virtual machines, within the mind computer. They have these in the computer, they’re when the computer gets split up into VPS’s and into virtual machines and everybody has a part of the mind which the computer.

I think if you’ve watched Shyamalaman’s Split or Glass or any of those multiple movies that are being made about subpersonalities which exist where you’ve got 6 or 7 or 23 different personalities existing within the one mind and they just come in through the side… oomph front and center, I’m that subpersonality and then another one comes in and I’ve changed my personality, and I’ve got another one coming in front of me.

Well I want to say that this is not unusual except that in most people they are a little bit circumspect, they don’t just come in and take you over, and you can tell the difference, these are subtle subpersonalities, that seem to be a part of the main personality and yet they totally change the way you think.

We talk about them using the strategies of the poor me, “oh I’m so sad today I’ve got a pain in the diodes all down my left side” and everybody goes “oh there, there, you poor thing” getting a load of energy and it’s the subpersonalities that want the energy from everybody else .

Or you have the subpersonality of the violator, you get this bondage and sadomasochism. And you’ve got this poor sub going, beat me, beat me, and the sadist comes by and goes “no”. That’s my favourite joke, on BDSM.

But when you beat another person, you take their energy. And one person enjoys giving the energy and one person enjoys receiving the energy and the poor person who has been beating dies, and the person who was beating them goes “you bastard you died on me I better go find someone else to go beat”.

Subpersonalities, they take you over, there are all sorts of emotions and desires, evil desires that can take a human being over if we allow it to happen, and most people know about this therefore they keep themselves in the center, away from the drugs and the sex and the violence which is inherent in subpersonalities which are entirely Satanically Evil.

Because they are not part of the soul.

We have a soul infused personality, which says, “when I wake up and see you in front of me, its as if I am seeing you for the very first time”, that is normal, and all the other things come from the shadow, from subpersonalities, they come from lifetimes of counting the hurts, the spew, the bile, the revenge that wants to hit and hurt and destroy and kill.

So when we are talking about the mastery of relationships first of all we have to clean ourselves of all these lifetimes of spew and bile and pain and revenge, and Energy Enhancement Meditation will help you do that by teaching how to drain the pain, the trauma, the Evil from the Subs and then fusing, integrating, the sub back into the Soul.

But when it comes to mastery of relationships, it means that if you have close friends around you or personal relationships, you have to expect that these people have all of that stuff fulminating inside of them.

And you can either treat them like a child or if it gets too bad they can’t stay with you or you have to teach them how to how to remove all of that stuff within themselves or they can’t stay with you.

The mastery of relationships mean that you understand all of that and you can handle it, it means you have to be compassionate even with Genghis Khan. You have to be compassionate even with Hitler.

In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali it says stay away from evil, and what I am telling you is that every person on this planet is evil, some have more evil than others, but everybody is evil, everybody has that shadow, everybody has those subpersonalities, everybody has those little black books, if you wake up in the morning and you feel I said something bad to you (laughs) “ that bastard Satchidanand, he did that to me” (laughs) you have not yet mastered relationships in yourself.

How can anybody think bad thoughts about me?

How can anybody have evil thoughts about me?

It’s just not possible.

Nail him up, get him on that cross, you bastard. I suppose you think you’re better than me? (laughs).

So there you go.

What else was I going to say…

You might think you are ok, but at the heart of you is a sub personality. We are filled with many of these subs, these people who have come down to us from many past lifetimes.

We are filled with Karma from all the bad things we have done in this and previous lifetimes.

This time it’s a little boy who is sad his father died. More than that, he is angry his father left him.

This little boy needs to be grounded and fused into your soul again.


We will teach you how to do this on the Energy Enhancement Meditation course.

I think that’s enough for today.
I think it was very good, I enjoyed that. I enjoy getting it all out.
Oh does anybody have any questions before we finish? Any questions?

Oh I must have done well.
I think its because we all want to go to the Indian restaurant and have some nice Indian food.

Because it is the birthday of Hanumanananda and we’re all going to celebrate.

Watch the video – Click Here –


The Energy Enhancement Video Course in Five Levels is the essential Meditation Course which connects us, Powers us up! With Infinite Spiritual Energy and Removes the Shadow – All the Infinite Energy Blockages to which we are Prey.

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Individuality. The Universe. Enlightenment.

He alone who has encountered reality and achieved Union has a genuine claim to self-confidence, for he has faced the dark ground of his self and learned the Energy Enhancement techniques which allow him to easily transmute his Energy Blockages and thereby has gained himself.

This Energy Enhancement experience gives faith and trust…

In the ability of the higher self to sustain him, for everything that menaced him from inside he has made his own by..

Transmuting the Trauma.

Purifying the Pain.

He has acquired the right to believe that he will be able to overcome all future threats by the same means.

He has arrived at an inner certainty which makes him capable of self-reliance.

Carl Jung, The Symbolic Life – adapted by Satchidanand

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