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Scientists Confirm Weather Weapons Being Used To Collapse Civilization and Depopulate Humanity

There is ample evidence that Weather Control and Weather Weapons have been used to create and steer Hurricanes Milton and Helene.

Scientists Confirm Weather Weapons Being Used To Collapse Civilization and Depopulate Humanity

There is ample evidence that Weather Control and Weather Weapons have been used to create and steer Hurricanes Milton and Helene.

Satchidanand’s Against Satanism Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Geo-engineering Watch Director Dane Wigington Exposes The Federal Government’s Secret Weather Weapons System Now Targeting All Life On Earth

There is a video of President Lyndon Bird Johnson in 1962 saying that with Weather Control America will rule the World - see the video... Weather Wars – FEMA Mass Murder…

Since 1976 with Cloud seeding with Silver iodide, with

  1. HAARP microwave heating of the upper atmosphere to create an atmospheric dome to manage the jet stream, to create an area of intolerable heat underneath.

  2. Doppler radar to steer hurricane systems.

  3. Trillion watt lasers to further steer weather systems from space

  4. Nano Aluminium, Strontium, Barium sprays of hundreds of thousands of tons yearly from planes Worldwide to supposedly block off the heating of the sun to stop global warming but instead has the effect of destroying the ozone layer having exactly the opposite effect of increasing the heat of the planet!

  5. Nano Aluminium, Strontium, Barium sprays of hundreds of thousands of tons yearly from planes Worldwide is having the effect also of increasing the PH of the soil killing the trees, destroying the crowns, destroying their root systems, making trees fall over, destroying trees worldwide - Acid Rain…

  6. Nano Aluminium, Strontium, Barium sprays of hundreds of thousands of tons yearly from planes Worldwide is having the effect also of attacking the respiration of people so that deaths from the lungs, asthma, lung cancer, difficulty in breathing is increasing.

  7. Nano Aluminium, Strontium, Barium sprays of hundreds of thousands of tons yearly from planes Worldwide is having the effect also of killing the bees, killing insects killing pollination. 80% of all insects have died worldwide!

  8. Nano Aluminium, Strontium, Barium sprays of hundreds of thousands of tons yearly from planes Worldwide is having the effect also of killing all vegetation, all flowers, killing the crops, decreasing their yield. Monsatan is creating aluminium resistant Frankenstein seeds which in future will be the only thing which grows.

  9. Geoengineer Claims: Pathogens and Global Airborne Dispersion

    What kind of a statement is that from the world's most recognized climate engineer? And this is the attitude of these people, Alex. And the second most recognized geoengineer on the planet, Dr. Ken Caldera, former Department of Defense scientist. We own an audio of him at stating, in his words, what he did for the DoD, designed methods of spraying virus and biological pathogens into clouds to infect the populations below. Think about that. And now we have pathogens showing up in the case of CV-19. We had 85 countries infected in three days. That's indicative of an airborne dispersion. We have Italian scientists that say they have found CV-19 attached to airborne particulates. Do these dots connect? So the bottom line is, again, we can hide from forms of medical procedures that we don't want, the injections. We cannot hide from what they're spraying in our skies.

Weather Control weapons are being used to blackmail countries with drought if they do not do what they are told.

Dubai and all the Arabian Countries have been using Weather Control for 20 years to green the deserts yet when Dubai rejected the Dollar recently, immediately they had incredible rain falling leading to floods… in the desert!

The American Journal: Hurricane Milton Set To Rip Through Florida (AKA Trump Country) Just 26 Days Out From Election Day - FULL SHOW - 10/09/2024

The video above with Alex Jones has all the White papers all the Patents for Weather Control since 1945!

So, you may ask, why did everyone in the fake news, presstitute mainstream media and selected social medias say there was no evidence? That people who believe such conspiracy theories are mad?

Alex Krainer's TrendCompass
Have they weaponized hurricanes?
After hurricane Helene wreaked havoc through Southeast of the United States, hurricane Milton is about to make landfall on Florida’s Gulf coast, also with catastrophic potential. US Government’s inability or unwillingness to adequately respond to the resulting disasters has unleashed heated discussions on social media, including the speculation that they are somehow deliberately engineering these storms…
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The conspiracy theories can’t be dismissed; our government agencies as well as certain oligarchs like Bill Gates have been busy playing God with climate-engineering technologies like cloud-seeding, HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), AAI (atmospheric aerosol injections), carbon sequestration, sun dimming, and who knows what else. These technologies exist, and they can and do influence the weather. Here’s the former CIA director John Brennan talking about AAI in 2016:

Every Country in the World including China is now using weather control!

There are International treaties banning the use of Weather Weapons which no-one is paying any attention to.

So why should a Chinese spy who regularly tells us the the UK and the USA are doomed, tell us that Weather weapons do not exist?

As I have said many times, all BRICS whilst bringing down the West with de-dollarisation, who have clearly won the arms race and are winning the intellectual patents race, are still adhering to United Nations World Government Agenda 2030 censorship, sustainablity, depopulation and Incredible Totalitarianism.

And all gatekeepers speak 90% truth and 10% lies by omission or otherwise.

The Mega Trillionaire Phoenician Black Nobility are Satanic... They follow the Satanic Religion, The Old Religion for 10,000 years This AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 1 -

The Satanic History of the World Part 1 is the first volume in a series of books written in order to delineate the Satanic History of the World proving not only that the "Old Religion"of Satanism has been the hidden Religion of the World from 10,000 years before Christ but also even now Satanism is the Religion of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires of the Black Nobility, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and is guiding the Post Human Transhumanic vision of eugenocide for 99% of the World's population and of Immortality for the Satanic Elite today. Protect Yourself against the Satanic Science of Energy Blockages with The Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Meditation Course. Innoculate yourself Against Globalism by Downloading.. Energy Enhancement Books - Against Satanism in Eleven Volumes by Satchidanand. We know the effects of meeting one psychopath and the destruction he can wreak in our lives. Wisdom teachings teach how to overcome their strategies and,"stay away from evil". Satanism, - The Old Religion" - is when all the satanic psychopaths get together in one group to wreck the world - a Eugenocide to reduce the population by 99% with Covid-19, MRNA vaccines and their poisonous spike proteins and sv40 cancer viruses, CBDC digital Currencies, Social Credit Scores, De-banking, destruction of the economy through Climate Change Policies killing cattle, stopping petroleum and coal, reducing Nitrogen Fertilizer preduction, reducing food production, inducing starvation for billions together with middle class destroying lockdowns and oxygen destroying muzzles - to their benefit. Energy Enhancement Wisdom teachings describe the historical problem and the means to overcome it. "Vampires hate the light of truth". British Destruction of France with its created French Revolution and Jacobins, commanded by Palmerston, Necker, Bentham, Mazzini and Masonry. Karl Marx wrote Communism Das Kapital from his office in the British National Library in London from the notes of Ambassador Urquhart. The British Superagent Marx creation of Communism in London overturning and degenerating Russia with Jacobin Bolsheviks and Agents Lenin and Stalin - 60 millions murdered and China with Superagent Mao - 100 millions murdered. Satanic Karl Marx was a British Agent and the Communist takeovers of Russia by the Bolshevics and British Agents Lenin and Stalin and China by the Red Guards and Satanic 33rd Degree Freemason, Yale Educated Mao.. killed 160 million people in the 20th century..

Get Against Satanism by Satchidanand Volumes 1-12 - “The Occulted Satanic History of the World” - Your Worldview Will Never Be the Same! - in an easily downloadable file from our own website.

George Soros is worth about 8 billion and his family owns Soros Fund Management and the Open Society Foundations racket. George Soros a Hungarian Jew was originally born George Schwartz and he admitted to working with the Nazis and confiscating property from other Jews during WWII. The Soros family are involved with financing Nazi style gang stalking, human trafficking to Wiccan covens, and financing criminal political organizations used to disrupt societies around the world like Black Lives Matter. The name Schwartz means Black. Prince Karel Schwarzenberg has stated that he has known George Soros for 30 years. The Soros family are agents of the Austrian Schwarzenbergs and the Austrian-Hungarian Pallavicinis. George Clooney is a top authority in Hollywood and he is with the Venetian Count Giovanni Volpi di Misurata who works with the Venetian Mafia. George Clooney is also friends with the former Mayor of Rome and he owns a villa in Italy on Lake Como where the Odescalchi and Erba nobles ruled. Clooney was also married in Venice at the palazzo that is owned by the Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga family which are married with the Savoys.

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PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT OF Scientists Confirm Weather Weapons Being Used To Collapse Civilization and Depopulate Humanity VIDEO…

Alarming Environmental Contamination

So we have peer-reviewed study to prove that when root systems are exposed to this toxic element, they shut down nutrient uptake. And we know that In the case of Monsanto, they're engineering aluminum-resistant seeds. And that doesn't mean that the plant doesn't absorb that toxic material. It means it just doesn't operate. Its defense mechanism is shut down, so it continues to grow in spite of this toxic element. And then we get to eat it. So the bottom line is, again, this ubiquitous contamination of everything, everywhere. We have peer-reviewed study now to prove that. We have... recent study that proves that there's PFAS forever chemicals in every single drop of rain everywhere. There is nowhere to hide from this.

Defense Contractors' Role in Weather Manipulation

We know we have private defense contractors that are neck deep in the patents that manipulate these storms, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin. We know those two in particular do the weather modeling for the nation's weathermen, National Weather Service and NOAA.

Media and the Inevitable Exposure of Weather Warfare

For example, a recent article from the New York Times, Alex, from Christopher Flavell, who did his best to marginalize this incredibly dire issue, he referred to the interview exchange I did with Robert F. Kennedy and try to mock and marginalize that, these people are increasingly desperate to mask what can't be hidden for much longer. And that's what I would encourage those trying to share this most dire issue and the ridicule and resistance they get from family and friends. Know that this issue will be exposed. You can't hide this. You can't put it in the rearview mirror. It's getting bigger and more ominous in front of the windshield every day. They're becoming more bold with their weather warfare tactics.

The Criminal Nature of Denying Climate Engineering

when these technologies have existed for so long, and as a matter of historical record, and we have somewhat over one 200 patents at this point right now existing, The denial of this is criminal, and we would argue at that everybody either actively or passively participating in these crimes, be it an elected official or media or a so-called weather expert that is participating in the cover-up of these crimes, does that not make them also culpable? So at, we are trying to make known who's authoring articles. For example, a recent article from the New York Times, Alex, from Christopher Flavell, who did his best to marginalize this incredibly dire issue, he referred to the interview exchange I did with Robert F. Kennedy and try to mock and marginalize that, these people are increasingly desperate to mask what can't be hidden for much longer.

Pathogens in the Sky: A Controversial Connection

We own an audio of him at stating, in his words, what he did for the DoD, designed methods of spraying pathogens into clouds to infect the populations below. Think about that. And now we have pathogens showing up in the case of CV-19. We had 85 countries infected in three days. That's indicative of an airborne dispersion. We have Italian scientists that say they have found CV-19 attached to airborne particulates. Do these dots connect? So the bottom line is, again, we can hide from forms of medical procedures that we don't want, the injections. We cannot hide from what they're spraying in our skies. And at any moment of their choosing, Because we have polymer fibers and graphene in our rain. That's in our lab tests.

The Impact of Geoengineering was the first to publish insect populations were crashing. We did that in 2012. The so-called science community tried to marginalize us. They've since had to admit to this problem. If your listeners search insect apocalypse, they'll find lots of data now, 12 years after disclosed it. The UV radiation, again, wiping them out. All these roads lead back to climate engineering and This ubiquitous intentional disruption of the planet's life support systems for purposes of power and control holds our collective reality, our collective futures in the balance in the trees you referred to. We're seeing that dive from the forest everywhere. Recent peer-reviewed study of the forest in western North America, the fir tree being the predominant tree. They're dying so fast, Alex, that the title of this study was Firmageddon. And I think that that title explains pretty clearly what's happening.

Confronting the Climate Engineer: Aluminum Nanoparticles Controversy

These people know exactly what they're doing. In the film, The Dimming, again, available for free on the homepage of, and that film, in spite of social media censorship, is over 25 million views and counting. So on that film, you can see me confronting the world's most recognized climate engineer, Dr. David Keith, at an international geoengineering conference after a three and a half hour symposium of Dr. Keith proposing, as if it wasn't already happening, the dumping of tens of millions of tons of aluminum nanoparticles into the atmosphere. And what I confronted him about was, have you done toxicological studies of doing that? And he stumbled a bit and paraphrased. He basically stated, well, there's a lot of particulate pollution in the atmosphere anyway. A little more won't hurt. And I cornered him with that. That particulate pollution isn't aluminum, bioavailable, toxic to everything that lives, aluminum. And he then stated this, Alex. We haven't studied that. Could terrible things happen tomorrow? We don't know. What kind of a statement is that from the world's most recognized climate engineer?

Geoengineer Claims: Pathogens and Global Airborne Dispersion

What kind of a statement is that from the world's most recognized climate engineer? And this is the attitude of these people, Alex. And the second most recognized geoengineer on the planet, Dr. Ken Caldera, former Department of Defense scientist. We own an audio of him at stating, in his words, what he did for the DoD, designed methods of spraying virus and biological pathogens into clouds to infect the populations below. Think about that. And now we have pathogens showing up in the case of CV-19. We had 85 countries infected in three days. That's indicative of an airborne dispersion. We have Italian scientists that say they have found CV-19 attached to airborne particulates. Do these dots connect? So the bottom line is, again, we can hide from forms of medical procedures that we don't want, the injections. We cannot hide from what they're spraying in our skies.

Intentional Malevolence in Geoengineering

And you got interrupted by the break. Can you go back into your own words? You were saying, this is not by accident. It's not a program run awry. This is malevolent. And then start over. That's important. Well, it is, again, because many people want to pretend that there's good intentions here. They're just perhaps running off the rails a bit. That couldn't be further from the truth. These people know exactly what they're doing.

Political Leaders Confront Weather Manipulation

I had an hour conference call yesterday with the representatives and senators from the Carolinas after Satanic megatrillionaire created Hurricane Helene, and we presented the data to them to answer their questions about how this manipulation occurs. They realized this was not a natural event. They're trying to digest the fact that their states were literally under assault from weather modification operations that are clearly connected with DOD operations. And we can speculate again on the agendas and objectives being carried out, but the fact that the storm was manipulated is absolutely inarguable. We know that technology to stop these rotations from even occurring has existed for decades with the manipulation of atmospheric pressure zones.

Impact of Climate Engineering on Renewable Energy

So we have... commercial solar fields that are producing half their design output because of these light reflecting particles blocking the sun, cutting your output in half with the massive solar farms. Again, there's nothing renewable about a 900 foot tall wind turbine. But when you, we have climate engineering because it's affecting convection, it affects surface wind speeds. So we have all or nothing winds. We have hurricane force winds or nothing. So when you double the wind speed of a wind turbine, You cut the power off completely because they have to shut it down to keep it from blowing apart.

Power and Insanity: A Psychosocial Analysis

It is. Thank you for that example. And they can watch Shatner narrate, it's called Trinity, the nuclear bomb movie. And anybody who watches that and doesn't realize that there are elements in the human race that are controlling everything, controlling the matrix, that are literally clinically insane. And to add credence to this from psychoanalysis, and this is straight from the manual, the study of those who crave power, that there's a collective, there's a common thread, and that is a, quote, near total insanity. lack of comprehension as to the consequences of their actions, even to themselves.

Environmental Hypocrisy & Climate Engineering

If I could rail one more time against the so-called environmental community, how hypocritical is it to push forms of, quote, alternative energy like hydro, wind, and solar, all of which I have, by the way. My home is on the cover of the world's largest renewable energy magazine. And that's what brought me into this issue, the loss of solar power from these operations. But we have the entire environmental community denying climate engineering when climate engineering is, in fact, completely thwarting all three primary forms of alternative energy. Why do they say climate engineering is going to save us from global warming? Good question. Really good question.

Confronting a Climate Engineer: The Aluminum Debate

In the film, The Dimming, again, available for free on the homepage of, and that film, in spite of social media censorship, is over 25 million views and counting. So on that film, you can see me confronting the world's most recognized climate engineer, Dr. David Keith, at an international geoengineering conference after a three and a half hour symposium of Dr. Keith proposing, as if it wasn't already happening, the dumping of tens of millions of tons of aluminum nanoparticles into the atmosphere. And what I confronted him about was, have you done toxicological studies of doing that? And he stumbled a bit and paraphrased. He basically stated, well, there's a lot of particulate pollution in the atmosphere anyway. A little more won't hurt. And I cornered him with that.

Admissions and Paradoxes: The Government's Geoengineering Efforts

We have presidents, vice presidents, CIA directors. I have a stack of CIA, Department of Energy, National Institutes of Technology, all right here, showed it yesterday, admitting this. And then you go to their big conferences, and they're up there admitting it there. And, oh, yeah, we spray pathogens on people for the government, meaning viruses and bacteria. And then they just laugh at us. So there's this weird paradox. But also, I've literally seen thousands of articles, as you know, the last... You've seen more than I have. You were on this more than I am. But I'm not even looking for it. It's in the news every day. Oh, they are spraying with planes to save the Earth from the sun and global warming.

Intentional Malevolence in Geoengineering

And you got interrupted by the break. Can you go back into your own words? You were saying, this is not by accident. It's not a program run awry. This is malevolent. And then start over. That's important. Well, it is, again, because many people want to pretend that there's good intentions here. They're just perhaps running off the rails a bit. That couldn't be further from the truth.

These Satanic Phoenician Megatrillionaires know exactly what they're doing.

You are, hands down, the last 25 years, the leading organization group with the scientists and others testifying to, you know, legislatures, Congress, you name it, exposing the real documents, the real admissions of this thing hiding in plain view.


And InfoWars have been so pivotal and key in helping to blow this issue out into the open. Your voice is heard around the world. InfoWars is known around the world, and it's usually watched that we're immensely grateful to you and Infowars for your help with sounding the alarm on this issue.


We believe an unexpected jog toward the southeast, toward the Yucatan Peninsula, where a massive transmitter in Cancun nudged it back on course, and we recorded those transmissions as well. It spun up to, we believe, earlier than they had scheduled it to.


It spun up to the strong Cat 5 that we saw, again, making it much more difficult to manipulate. So it may have gone off course a bit from where it was scheduled to go. Bottom line is these storms are being steered, period. If we go all the way back to 1947, Alex, I know you know this.


Many of your listeners do as well. But Project Cirrus, the U.S. military's initial onset of manipulating hurricanes— How far have they come since then? And again, for people to deny climate engineering at this point is absolutely ludicrous. And we know even Project Popeye in Vietnam in the 60s, historical record, U.S.


military is so effective at controlling precipitation over that country that by the mid-70s, we have international treaties forbidding weather modification in wartime, not that anybody pays attention to those. So, Alex, this is nothing short of weather warfare, period. The degree to which the climate system has been derailed by these operations is total at this point.


So the bottom line is we have an industry that in the case of the federal weather modification or weather disseminating agencies are being gagged. And in case of the local meteorologists, they're just concerned about their paychecks and pensions. And Alex, you're literally reading scripts.


The skies you see right there in that video are so typical in so many regions. And we have the local meteorologists days in advance, sometimes a week in advance, stating that a day will be mostly sunny or filtered sunshine. And that's filtered sunshine. How would that meteorologist know a week in advance that there's going to be


aerosol spraying operations on those days unless they're reading a script? This is a virtual fight for life. We cannot hide from what they're dispersing in our skies. It's not only disrupting, derailing the planet's life support systems, including the ozone layer hydrological cycle. It's contaminating virtually everything on the planet, every breath we take.


But if we put a big enough break in the dam, Alex, that they can't plug, we will indeed cause a shockwave around the world as we awaken populations to what their government has been and is doing to them without their knowledge and consent. And this, again, goes back decades, Alice. We're not dealing with sanity.


We're dealing with a headless, heartless, soulless cancer.


All right, Milton is set to slam into Florida and continue to be a hurricane as it goes from the west to the east. They're saying it's going to be one of the worst hurricanes ever. Dane Whittington has been coming on my broadcast for over 20 years. And, of course,


he had his background in solar energy and working with Bechtel Power Corporation and also advising... legislatures, governments, you name it. He's a filmmaker, author, He's the head of that, the preeminent group that goes with the science and the facts. So we can talk about the history of weather control and weather weapons, what's currently happening.


Look at these two storms. The Democrats admitting it's going to disrupt Republican areas from voting. That's magically where it's all hitting. Both of these storms, Also, the big news broke in the last two days, breaking lawmakers briefed on weather modification tech conclude hurricanes, DOD linked weather weapon deployed against American people.


We're going to be talking to him about all of this here in just a moment. But first, I want to play a few clips of him recently talking about this. Here's the first one.


The question here is, how does this hurricane's path differ from others that we've seen? I've already had a lot of people call me from the Asheville area, talk specifically about the horrendous damage, and many of them pointed out that that is not Hurricane Alley per se. It's not an area that normally attracts storms.


Can you help us understand this?


Well, the bottom line is it was directed there, as the transmission recordings clearly show. They kept that moisture corral there to deluge in the same location. So, again, these are patented technologies. And the fact that we have the entire so-called meteorological community denying that this is going on to protect their paychecks and pensions is absolutely


criminal at this point. We know we have private defense contractors that are neck deep in the patents that manipulate these storms, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin. We know those two in particular do the weather modeling for the nation's weathermen, National Weather Service and NOAA. Again, both agencies have an illegal federal gag order on them.


So at this point, this is an emperor has no clothes moment. That's the best description I can give for something that is so blatantly obvious and inarguable, can only be considered weather warfare at this point. And the fact that, again, the so-called science community is denying this manipulation is criminal. It's absolutely criminal, Colonel McGregor.


Here's one more clip of him specifically talking about Helene. Then we'll get into Milton. He can go wherever he wants with this, but it's a fact that they have the power to kill these hurricanes. They're bare minimum not doing that, which is an action in and of itself. They are in control of it by not blocking it,


but clearly there's evidence with these flight paths and things that it has been manipulated. We'll talk about how they're able to do that and more of them in a moment. There's one more clip.


If you can do so, could you tell us about some of your recent discussions, conversations, briefings that you've had with political leaders from the states in question that have asked you what you think? First of all, What did they specifically ask you, if you can tell us, and how did they respond to your answers? Yes, Colonel McGregor,


I had an hour conference call yesterday with the representatives and senators from the Carolinas, and we presented the data to them to answer their questions about how this manipulation occurs. They realized this was not a natural event. They're trying to digest the fact that their states were literally under assault


from weather modification operations that are clearly connected with DOD operations. And we can speculate again on the agendas and objectives being carried out, but the fact that the storm was manipulated is absolutely inarguable. We know that technology to stop these rotations from even occurring has existed for decades with the manipulation of atmospheric pressure zones.


HAARP in Alaska is one example many people are familiar with. That's an ionosphere heater. That's a weapon of mass destruction, period. It can cause an electrical chain reaction in the ionosphere, which heats it to extraordinarily high temperatures, which causes the atmosphere to bulge up and down. The downward push creates a high-pressure


dome that can steer the jet stream. And the same type of manipulation can create low pressure zones. When they have this type of power over the climate system, they can make or break these storms any time they want. And again, what we see now is storms kept weaker as they're over the ocean because they're


harder to steer until they reach the land-based network of transmitters. And then we have, Colonel McGregor, rapid intensification. You've heard that term probably a lot lately. because that's how they manipulate these storms. And again, we have Acapulco last October being the extreme example of rapid intensification, an insignificant low-pressure system developed into the strongest Cat 5 hurricane


to ever hit that part of the world in less than 24 hours, laid waste to Acapulco. And by the way, Hurricane John, which just hit Acapulco again, as Hurricane Helene was wreaking havoc in the Carolinas. Not many people know that. So Acapulco just got dealt another blow. So again,


how many agendas and objectives are being carried out when we know they can manipulate these storms and we know they can make or break them any time they want? And again, I bring up the oil infrastructure in the Gulf of Mexico that seems to magically miss any sort of damaging storm again and again and again.


while the storms wreak havoc inland and on shorelines, it's not a coincidence. They have that much sway over the storm.


Now, let's be 100% clear, and we'll go to our guest and give him the floor. We have the CIA Director 2015-16 in speeches saying we can do this, we've been doing it, but we don't want to tell the public about it because of lawsuits. So it's going on.


We have the leading expert, Dane Whittington, on with us, Right now, there's so many places to start, so many places to go here. So, Dane, I'm just going to give you the floor here to go where you think first. Dane, thanks for joining us.


Alex, good to be with you again, brother. Thank you for always staying the course in this fight on so many fronts. The American public and elected officials are beginning to wake up to the fact that the covert weather warfare assault has been waged for decades against them.


In regards to Hurricane Milton and the method with which these storms have been manipulated, the spawning is a separate issue, the spawning of the storms. But what we can say definitively is they are steering these storms. And Milton took We believe an unexpected jog toward the southeast, toward the Yucatan Peninsula,


where a massive transmitter in Cancun nudged it back on course. And we recorded those transmissions as well. It spun up to, we believe, earlier than they had scheduled it to. It spun up to the strong Cat 5 that we saw, again, making it much more difficult to manipulate.


So it may have gone off course a bit from where it was scheduled to go. The more difficult to control, the stronger the storm is. especially over the ocean. Once it reaches land, we have the NEXRAD network that is more capable of steering these storms. And again, these are patented technologies. So whatever agendas and objectives, again,


there may be about this storm, where it's scheduled to make landfall, we can speculate about, again, all those agendas and objectives. There's likely many. The screen you're showing right there, Hurricane Helene, And the NEXRAD transmissions that have a repelling effect on the storm. That's again what happened in Cancun as the storm went southeast.


And we believe that wasn't part of their original agenda, that it went off course a bit. And the transmitter in Cancun, very powerful transmitter, pushed it back. And again, we recorded those transmissions as well. So bottom line is these storms are being steered, period.


If we go all the way back to 1947, Alex, I know you know this. Many of your listeners do as well. But Project Cirrus, the US military's initial onset of manipulating hurricanes, how far have they come since then? And again, for people to deny climate engineering at this point is absolutely ludicrous.


And we know even Project Popeye in Vietnam in the 60s, historical record, US military is so effective at controlling precipitation over that country. that by the mid-70s, we have international treaties forbidding weather modification in wartime, not that anybody pays attention to those. So, Alex, this is nothing short of weather warfare, period.


And then we have... the fake environmentalists making everything about carbon dioxide, not atrazine, and nuclear reactors melting down, saying, oh, the weather's getting worse because you're not paying your carbon tax, literally terrorizing people with this. And we have all the CIA reports going back to the 60s, 70s, 80s, admitting all of this. I showed them yesterday.


While you talk, I'll show some of the documents. People can just type in the headline from the document and then pull it up themselves. It's at It's at Congress's website. We're talking about a fact here. I interviewed Ben Livingston. You know, one of the first guys to be involved in this.


And I remember I was attacking HAARP and having Dr. Nick Begichon in 2000. And in 2006, we get a call from an Air Force colonel at HAARP. And he said the director of HAARP would like to come on. That interview is out there. And the guy came on and said, yeah, we can control the weather.


We can even ignite the atmosphere. But big deal, it's not bad. So they admit all this and we have the patents. But then at one level, the CIA head goes on C-SPAN and admits it all. But then you and I talk about it. We get attacked and they say we're crazy.


But meanwhile, places like Dubai for decades admit they control their weather and can use Doppler radar. to create rain or to steer storms. Why don't you explain to people how Doppler radar is able to manipulate and energize the atmosphere and steer these storms?


Well, again, it has a repelling effect and that is extraordinarily visible from the NEXRAD transmissions that we are recording. We recorded for Hurricane Harvey, Ian, Maria, Michael, again and again and again. You don't need to know anything about meteorology to see visibly the effect of these transmissions on the storms. If you go to Dubai,


thank you for mentioning that, is it just a coincidence that days after Dubai announced it was going to ditch the dollar, they get deluged with two years worth of rain and I think six hours, is that just a coincidence? And we see this sort of scenario over and over and over. And again,


when these technologies have existed for so long, and as a matter of historical record, and we have somewhat over 200 patents at this point right now existing, The denial of this is criminal, and we would argue at that everybody either actively or passively participating in these crimes,


be it an elected official or media or a so-called weather expert that is participating in the cover-up of these crimes, does that not make them also culpable? So at, we are trying to make known who's authoring articles. For example, a recent article from the New York Times, Alex, from Christopher Flavell,


who did his best to marginalize this incredibly dire issue, he referred to the interview exchange I did with Robert F. Kennedy and try to mock and marginalize that, these people are increasingly desperate to mask what can't be hidden for much longer. And that's what I would encourage those trying to share this most dire issue and


the ridicule and resistance they get from family and friends. Know that this issue will be exposed. You can't hide this. You can't put it in the rearview mirror. It's getting bigger and more ominous in front of the windshield every day. They're becoming more bold with their weather warfare tactics.


actions because the public so far hasn't responded even when you have a hurricane like helene that again there could be various objectives there the piedmont lithium mine in piedmont in north carolina hemorrhaging hundreds of millions of dollars with dod contracts coming due for that lithium the owners landowners being a


roadblock for them and now those landowners have been washed away literally so


again let me stop you because i When I was thinking about you coming on the show yesterday, I meant to ask that question up front. So thank you for bringing up the most important point in my view. And let me just stop here, and I want you to really take your time answering this. You are, hands down,


the last 25 years, the leading organization group with the scientists and others testifying to legislatures, Congress, you name it, exposing the real documents, the real admissions of this thing hiding in plain view. I am seeing explosive awakening to this in the last few years, and it's really at a crescendo now everywhere. People on the street, family,


dominating social media, videos with hundreds of millions of views just all over the place talking about this. And so you've been hammering away at this. I've been hammering away. So many others have. And it got some traction. It's such a key issue. But now it's really broken into the consciousness.


Can you speak to what's happening in your statement that they can't hold this back anymore, the storm of awakening?


Certainly, Alex. You and InfoWars have been so pivotal and key in helping to blow this issue out into the open. Your voice is heard around the world. InfoWars is known around the world. And as you can watch, we're immensely grateful to you and Infowars for your help with sounding the alarm on this issue.


And because of the damage being done by these operations that is manifesting every single day in the DOD response to this, and I don't mean to implicate just the U.S. DOD. We have governments around the globe colluding and cooperating with this issue. In fact, so much so that we know we have historical records of Soviet climate modification


scientists touring the U.S., at the height of the Cold War in the 60s, and our scientists going there. So whatever the surface tensions are between these nations, they have definitely been colluding and cooperating on climate engineering operations. So the bottom line, and what's on the screen now, I want to explain that quickly. These are localized, quote,


weather modification operations that are designed as a smoke screen to mask the unfathomably larger climate intervention operations. So picture whatever particulate matter is going up on that screen that's shown right now. You might have a few grams of material floating into the sky. Compare that with the KC-135 military tanker that's dumping 100 tons of toxic


nanoparticles in one payload. So again, we have a power structure that's tried to mask The climate engineering operations with, quote, weather modification operations that are publicized, that are known, the single engine propeller driven aircraft, many times, Alex, with a few flares on the wings that might drop, in that case, five kilos of material into the sky.


Again, compare that with a KC-135 that will dump 100 tons in a single payload. In fact, Alex, we've extrapolated. I'll leave with this. But we've extrapolated based on our testing at, and we took a NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, flying lab to altitude, which no one will ever,


no private party will ever get access to again. That was a set of extenuating circumstances and great expense for us. But we took that to altitude with top scientists. It's all in the dimming documentary. We sampled what heavy aircraft were emitting. We processed that at Rensselaer Polytechnic in New York, world-renowned lab,


found what we knew we would find starting with aluminum nanoparticles. So working with University of Minnesota with hundreds of lab tests, We have extrapolated what the likely global dispersion of these elements is, and that's about 40 to 60 million tons annually. So is it any wonder, Alex, that every other commercial on TV is asthma this, COPD that,


respiratory everything? And yes, there's pollution. We recognize that. We're not denying that. But When you have this intentional dumping of nanoparticles that are extremely inflammatory to the respiratory systems of toxic elements, aluminum, barium, strontium, manganese, polymer fibers, surfactants, there's HAARP that you're showing now. And that HAARP is an ionosphere heater. It's directional.


They can bounce that signal off the atmosphere and bring it down in places over a great spectrum.


The director told me on air at the time they can ignite the atmosphere. It's so powerful.


Yeah, I've heard him say that, and we can't know the totality of the capability. What HAARP does transmits 3.6 million watts of power into the electrically charged ionosphere, causes an electrical chain reaction, which superheats that layer of the atmosphere and causes the atmosphere to expand up and down.


Alex, you've probably heard the term heat dome, high-pressure heat dome, a lot lately. We hear the meteorologists saying it all the time, right? So that's what you get from an ionosphere heater. a high-pressure heat dome, that compressing air. And we're experiencing that in the West Coast right now. It's like living in hell.


Temperatures never cool down day or night, and you have very little air movement under that heat dome. And they can circulate the jet stream in a clockwise manner around that heat dome in the Northern Hemisphere and direct it back down to other locations.


So the degree to which the climate system has been derailed by these operations is total at this point.


Now, expanding on my question about the level of the awakening you're seeing, I appreciate the credit to us, but we're all in this together, and people are interested in the general public. Why do you think you're seeing such a mass awakening, A? And then, B, just like the Manhattan Project went on for four or five years,


they kept it totally secret, hundreds of thousands of people working on it. Well, we know there's all these other big projects, and we have all the CIA documents I showed them yesterday. They admitted it was a giant secret project starting in the 60s. It even went back to 47, but officially in the 60s going into full scale,


saying it was their most important project and documents I showed yesterday. And so we're trying to expose this thing much bigger than the Manhattan Project that's hidden in plain view. So can you speak to both those questions?


Yeah, the way you frame that is exactly correct. Exactly correct. And people who deny this because they say it couldn't be hidden, it isn't being hidden. It's simply being denied. Anybody that's not clinically blind can see what's going on in our skies. You don't have grid patterns one day and nothing the next with similar atmospheric


conditions unless something's being dispersed in our skies. And we have up close film footage of these aircraft, Alex, KC-10s, KC-135s, C-17s, nozzles visible turning on and off. Nothing's being hidden. We just have a public that wants to be lied to and wants to believe those lies. And that's finally, thankfully,


breaking down as the public is being personally impacted by these operations. So the, quote, hiding of this issue is no different than pretending that certain medical treatments are, quote, safe and effective. when they're anything but. For decades, we had the whole medical industrial complex going along with that. And it makes it easier to hide also, Alex,


when you have illegal federal gag orders on National Weather Service and NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, all agency operations under that gag order. So the bottom line is we have an industry that in the case of the federal weather modification or weather disseminating agencies are being gagged.


In case of the local meteorologists, they're just concerned about their paychecks and pensions. And Alex, you're literally reading scripts. The skies you see right there in that video are so typical in so many regions. And we have the local meteorologists days in advance, sometimes a week in advance,


stating that a day will be mostly sunny or filtered sunshine, and that's filtered sunshine. How would that meteorologist know a week in advance that there's going to be aerosol spraying operations on those days unless they're reading a script?


Well, then we have, while they deny all this the last decade, All these thousands of headlines, CBS News, NBC News, BBC, they did it in Europe as well. Oh, there's a project to spray sunscreen to stop global warming and to dim the earth, and Bill Gates is involved. So they admit there's a project,


and then you've got the former CIA director admitting there's a project in testing but we don't want to, quote, scare the public so we can't really talk about it. And then meanwhile, there's just this giant program. And then they admit what? I've seen a NASA report, the Earth 20% dimmer than it was 50 years ago.


You're correct. That's where the term global dimming comes from. And for your listeners, most of which are highly educated on this, many of them might know this, but solar radiation management, that is the stated purpose for what is going on in our skies, to block some of the sun's incoming thermal energy. What's the end result of


doing something this incredibly destructive. They're destroying the ozone layer, and the single biggest cause of ozone layer destruction, no, it's not getting better. It's getting exponentially worse. It's not from hairspray cans, as we were told, Alex, I'm sure you remember back in the day. Those are harmful chemicals,


but that's a literal drop in the ocean compared to what climate engineering is doing. So we have that by itself increasing the thermal energy buildup on the planet, not decreasing it. And what's the DOD do when you're destroying the ozone layer from these operations? What's their solution? Spray more to block some of that incoming thermal energy,


which actually destroys even more of the ozone layer and causes in the end more thermal energy buildup. These particles that can block some daytime heating in some locations trap more heat than they deflect. that in the end, again, builds up more thermal energy on the surface of the planet, completely disrupting the hydrological cycle.


And I don't want to make it sound like that everything going on is just some project gone awry. This project is completely malevolent. There is no benevolence in these programs.


We've got a break. Stay there. Start over with that. This is key. I want to ask what the big picture is from the leading expert in the world, Dane Whittington, Save it. Share it. We're live now. Share the live links. When we archive this to X, get it out. We're going to stop this.


We're going to take our governments back. Stay with us. The globalist deep state just took their war on free speech and our very identities and our very freedoms to the next level. They have now introduced a lawsuit against me where they literally claim they own my name, my social media,


and me personally in violation of the 13th Amendment that we fought the Civil War over. They're actually saying I'm an indentured servant, that I am a slave. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm always the canary in the coal mine. I am the test case. And when they get through me, they're coming after you.


They're not just saying they own me. They've also filed in federal court and also in the state court saying they own the name Alex Jones and that they own real Alex Jones on X. Now, the courts have all said you can't do things like that, but they're trying it.


And if I don't aggressively battle them in the state and federal court, they will get a win if I don't challenge it. And then they'll be able to use that tactic on you as well. And in the words of President Trump, when that bullet grazed his ear, defiantly rising up and saying, fight, fight, fight.


That's how we fight in the information war, winning hearts and minds. And we're unstoppable if you simply decide to take action. So for all your word of mouth, all your prayers, and all your support over the years, I salute all of you and remind you that you are the Paul Reveres. You are the resistance.


You are the people. And I am so proud to have been working with all of you through the years. And now the fight is entering the most intense part of the phase. So let's redouble our efforts and let's win this thing. Or we can roll over and be slaves to the new world order.


As for me, I'll quote Patrick Henry. Give me liberty or give me death. And I'll quote Colonel Travis the Alamo. Victory or death. Back me and I'll never surrender. All right, Milton is set to crash into Florida sometime this evening. We'll be tracking it, literally, and doing a Saturday show tomorrow to break down the latest.


Not tomorrow. We'll be live Thursday, Friday, and Saturday intending to do shows. And then I'm already scheduling stuff in my brain. And then Monday, Dane Whittington, the head of geoengineering at, will be joining us at noon central in the second hour to break down the aftermath and all of this. So I'll be live Thursday, Friday.


Saturday, Sunday, Monday, right through all of what's unfolding and happening. Dane, finishing up what you were saying before the break, you were getting into the fact that this is not just programs that accidentally went awry. This is a giant, massive project, obviously much bigger than the Manhattan Project, going on,


as the CIA says in the documents I showed yesterday, for total control. We have a new report by Greg Reese where he has LBJ. I'd never seen that footage. talking about he who controls the weather rules the world. I mean, this is chilling stuff, so please continue.


It is chilling. Sorry to rant into the break, but when one has been at this for over 20 years, this has been my life nonstop, 20 years plus, never left my post. This is a virtual fight for life. We cannot hide from what they're dispersing in our skies. It's not only disrupting and derailing the planet's


life support systems including the ozone layer hydrological cycle it's contaminating virtually everything on the planet every breath we take and and alex if we consider the elements being dispersed among those elements again aluminum barium strontium manganese polymer fibers surfactants for those that have seen foaming rain or foaming runoff running down streams and curbs and streets there's


surfactants in this mix which is used to keep the particles from coagulating and sticking together And we have diagrams like what you're showing now on many science sources outlying exactly what we see. Everything we see in our skies, and we have the so-called climate science community denying it. And which, again, at this point is absolutely criminal.


And they need to be called out as such. And I've worked in the field with USDA scientists who I know well, testing soil pH values. So much contamination is coming down in our rain that it's poisoning soils. It's changing soil pHs. in Northern California, and I have the historical USDA baselines, so I'm not guessing,


but I've had these scientists say to my face, Alex, sheepishly, what do you want us to do about it? They don't want to lose their paychecks and pensions. How do you face your child? How do you face yourself in the mirror knowing this is going on and doing nothing? The film you just showed of Lyndon Johnson, 1962,


former President Johnson stating on film and on the record that we had the power to control the world's cloud layer then, And quote, he who controls the weather controls the world. Of course they're doing this. Those who print the money, who control everything, they control militaries, thus they control countries, they control media.


Of course they're controlling the weather. The covert weapon which they can and are bringing populations to their knees all over the world and have been for decades without those populations ever even knowing they're under assault.


And you got interrupted by the break. Can you go back into your own words? You were saying, this is not by accident. It's not a program run awry. This is malevolent. And then start over. That's important.


Well, it is, again, because many people want to pretend that there's good intentions here. They're just perhaps running off the rails a bit. That couldn't be further from the truth. These people know exactly what they're doing. In the film, The Dimming, again, available for free on the homepage of, and that film,


in spite of social media censorship, is over 25 million views and counting. So on that film, you can see me confronting the world's most recognized climate engineer, Dr. David Keith, at an international geoengineering conference after a three and a half hour symposium of Dr. Keith proposing, as if it wasn't already happening,


the dumping of tens of millions of tons of aluminum nanoparticles into the atmosphere. And what I confronted him about was, have you done toxicological studies of doing that? And he stumbled a bit and paraphrased. He basically stated, well, there's a lot of particulate pollution in the atmosphere anyway. A little more won't hurt.


And I cornered him with that. That particulate pollution isn't aluminum, bioavailable, toxic to everything that lives, aluminum. And he then stated this, Alex. We haven't studied that. Could terrible things happen tomorrow? We don't know. What kind of a statement is that from the world's most recognized climate engineer? And this is the attitude of these people, Alex.


And the second most recognized geoengineer on the planet, Dr. Ken Caldera, former Department of Defense scientist. We own an audio of him at stating, in his words, what he did for the DoD, designed methods of spraying pathogens into clouds to infect the populations below. Think about that.


And now we have pathogens showing up in the case of CV-19. We had 85 countries infected in three days. That's indicative of an airborne dispersion. We have Italian scientists that say they have found CV-19 attached to airborne particulates. Do these dots connect? So the bottom line is, again,


we can hide from forms of medical procedures that we don't want, the injections. We cannot hide from what they're spraying in our skies. And at any moment of their choosing, Because we have polymer fibers and graphene in our rain. That's in our lab tests. Those are used militarily for biological carrier platforms to carry a pathogen from


the clouds to the ground. Why would we think the U.S. DOD or those truly controlling the military, again, those who print the money, wouldn't do this if they become desperate enough, which I would argue they're becoming very, very rapidly. They could level the playing field overnight, Alex.


And these are literally mad scientists that are on a total power trip, taking control of society. We have presidents, vice presidents, CIA directors. I have a stack of CIA, Department of Energy, National Institutes of Technology, all right here, showed it yesterday, admitting this. And then you go to their big conferences, and they're up there admitting it there.


And, oh, yeah, we spray pathogens on people for the government, meaning viruses and bacteria. And then they just laugh at us. So there's this weird paradox. But also, I've literally seen thousands of articles, as you know, the last... You've seen more than I have. You were on this more than I am.


But I'm not even looking for it. It's in the news every day. Oh, they are spraying with planes to save the Earth from the sun and global warming. And as you point out, it goes through and bounces up and blocks it in. That's what the science shows is the opposite. And then...


The environmental movements are saying they're going to save us with geoengineering, and Bill Gates is going to save us. And then we go, okay, well, then declassify what you're currently doing. And they go, you're crazy. It doesn't exist. They just play that same game over and over again.


But as you said, people aren't putting up with this now.


And nor should they. And as you correctly cite, the so-called environmental movement, attorneys – contacted every single major environmental group, Greenpeace, Sierra Club, WWF, all of them. And all of them stated that they won't address this issue because they don't want to lose their 501c3 nonprofit. That is absolutely criminal. For the record, there's


This is what we try to instill in everyone to help us move this fight forward so that we build bridges instead of burn them. There can be no legitimate discussion of climate anything from any perspective without first and foremost addressing the climate engineering elephant in the equation.


And if we hold to that mantra and don't get sidetracked from that from different people with different perspectives from the left is the hardest to reach of all, Alex. As the proverb goes, you can't add to a cup that's already full. They are so incredibly programmed. That when they hear the word geoengineering, they shut down like kindergartners.


Literally, I've been at science meetings that when that term comes up, it's like they put their fingers in their ears and start ranting, I can't hear you. And that kind of infantile behavior from the so-called climate science community needs to be changed. And the public that knows this is going on.


should email them with many other people CC'd a link to the dimming so that they no longer have an excuse for denying that these programs are operational. Again, we proved conclusively in the dimming that these programs are ongoing. And for those that haven't seen this film, again, posted for free at the moment it was done.


And we spent well into six figures on that film. We posted for free the moment it was finished. But in that film, you have testimony from former U.S. Air Force generals, former government scientists, former US presidential cabinet members, former Canadian minister of defense, all acknowledging these programs exist and are ongoing. And so I would argue again, Alex,


this is the greatest and most immediate threat we collectively face short of nuclear cataclysm because we cannot hide from it. It's destroying the Earth's life support systems, contaminating every breath we take. And even in regard to nuclear cataclysm, we have a connection here because the destruction being done to the atmosphere


has now made us more vulnerable to coronal mass ejections, solar flare. And if we have a major event like the Carrington event now that shuts down power grids around the globe, we're going to have nuclear power plants that can't cool themselves. We're going to have dozens, if not hundreds, of Fukushimas. Game over. So from every conceivable direction,


what's happening in our skies holds our collective futures in the balance, Alex.


We know Trump was kept out of all the different compartmentalized areas of the government. That's why they're so upset because now he knows, and it's said with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., he knows how to get in there. He's going to release all this information. Can you speak to that?


Yes, I certainly have high hopes for Robert that he will be able to make headway with this issue. We're in communication with them again now. I've done an hour interview with Robert. I'm thankful for his courage for addressing this issue. And we are scheduled to do another interview very soon.


And once we reach the once we put a break in the dam and again, thanks to your voice, thanks to Robert's voice and others. Very important that we all stand together on this issue. But if we put a big enough break in the dam, Alex, that they can't plug.


we will indeed cause a shockwave around the world as we awaken populations to what their government has been and is doing to them without their knowledge and consent. And this again goes back decades, Alice. We have in Africa, for example, they've been cutting off precipitation to countries there for decades,


bringing those countries to their knees and the populations and thus forcing those countries to allow US occupation on their soil. If we look at the post 9-11, Alex, I'm sure you remember General Wesley Clark has a list of countries that were to be targeted immediately after 9-11. That list clearly existed before the event ever occurred.


Every one of those countries in the Middle East subsequently endured a once-in-1,000-year drought. Mathematically, statistically, it's impossible to have that kind of coincidence without climate intervention. And we have countries like Iraq. stating on the record on the floor of the UN, on film, on the record, the leader of that country,


that their reign was being systematically cut off, we see the same exact operations cutting the reign off to the Western US. So for those people that think our country, our government, that's literally a criminal cabal masquerading as a legitimate government, if American citizens think that they're any more important to these controllers than the Iraqis or anybody else,


or the Iranians, think again, think again. So the bottom line is there's so much undeniable data that this is going on, and we can speculate about all the agendas and objectives, but the fact that the American citizens are being subjected to the same weather warfare as the Iranians, and others around the world is indisputable.


And of course, if you're going to launch weather weapons like this, you keep it secret. That's the whole point. You have plausible liability. But when they were developing it all in the 60s, they admitted that was the plan. And I just showed those documents while you were speaking on air. Again,


anybody can just freeze the frame later when they're watching this, when it's archived, and then type in the headline. You'll be on the government websites, CIA websites, EU websites, UN websites. They have this world treaties that they had back in the 70s that are still in place. The CIA director admitting all that. But there's a point here,


Dane, that I think we should get into, and it's why they do these giant Manhattan projects. It's not just the weapons they develop, atomic weapons, hydrogen weapons, weather weapons out of them. They get to create a compartmentalized, breakaway civilization of government corporations that are aware of this,


and then it sets up a system of corruption in compartmentalization that they can then build out from through concentric rings of the compartmentalization. And I was reading about books about Julius Caesar and their writings and how they weren't just paying locals off for one deal.


Once they paid somebody off, it was called a corruption because they had now corrupted the person. So they roll out the virus this man made. They roll out the poison shot. It kills a bunch of people. The hospitals cover it up. Now the system set the precedent. Now they've got those people corrupted.


It's the same thing with the pedophiles, the Catholic Church, the Boy Scouts. And then they get a few of them in there. The church or Boy Scouts covers it up because it'll hurt the institution, they think. Then they're able to expand the abuse. And then they finally get control of the institution.


So by having all these big secret projects, fluoride in the water, all of it, they then get full control. And then they can be the saviors when the society breaks down. So I'm not a scientist, but I read the scientific reports about all of the aluminum in the soil.


And Bill Gates has patented seeds that can grow in aluminum. But we have a family ranch. In East Texas, it goes back that we bought from Mexico. And of course, it was huge then, 20-something thousand acres in the land grant from Mexico. They paid like 13 cents an acre. And we got a few thousand acres left.


But all the farmland over the years as family moves and family wants their inheritance, it's sold off to a few thousand acres. And so that's all woods. And I've been going there since I was born. We used to go there almost every week because Dallas is closer to it. And... It looked like hobbits lived there.


Giant oak trees that are 8, 9, 10 feet around. Just absolutely gorgeous. Huge pine trees. You go there now, all the big trees are dead. All of them. And you go all over Texas, even even East Texas. Everything's dying. Almost everything's dead in central Texas, except the cedar trees that grow in its place.


And then I talked to local scientists. They say, yeah, the soil is full of toxins. So and I know you've done documentaries. You've done reports. You've had scientists go out and test the soil. I know what's happening even in Hawaii and places. Can you explain to people what's unfolding here?


Because, I mean, again, I go to this beautiful ranch. And now it's just scrub brush everywhere because whatever's in the atmosphere killed everything.


Well, first, let me back up to your overall rundown of the power structure, how it works and how they've gained such control. Absolutely brilliant rundown. That's exactly what has happened. And those who don't believe it or simply have not taken the time to investigate. But that's that's such an important part of the component to understand how they've


gained this kind of control. And that's exactly how it's happened. So thank you for that back. background on on how we got here in regard to the soils yes the contaminants in our rain which are extraordinarily high for example in northern california when i began


this battle didn't want to find these contaminants in our rain because i knew then it would change the course of my life which it did i knew these operations were ongoing my initial lab test of seven parts per billion of aluminum in a precipitation test over the next 18 months


I had a test skyrocket to 3,450 parts per billion of aluminum in the rain. That's toxic rain, killing soil microbiomes, kills root systems. Alex, you know when the wind blows now, trees regularly blow over and the root ball is dying back just like the crowns are dying back because the roots are being poisoned, literally.


So we have peer-reviewed study to prove that when root systems are exposed to this toxic element, they shut down nutrient uptake. And we know that In the case of Monsanto, they're engineering aluminum-resistant seeds. And that doesn't mean that the plant doesn't absorb that toxic material. It means it just doesn't operate.


Its defense mechanism is shut down, so it continues to grow in spite of this toxic element. And then we get to eat it. So the bottom line is, again, this ubiquitous contamination of everything, everywhere. We have peer-reviewed study now to prove that. We have...


recent study that proves that there's PFAS forever chemicals in every single drop of rain everywhere. There is nowhere to hide from this. And in regard to the die-off, if we look at the planet's fundamental life support systems, let's start with plankton. That's the foundation of life on Earth, single greatest oxygen producer on the planet.


Because geoengineering is destroying the ozone layer and releasing intense UV radiation, not just UVA and B, but UVC on the surface, that is wiping out the plankton. They have to feed in the upper layers of the water column to photosynthesize, and they're being wiped out from this intense UV.


And again, I recognize there are other sources of damage to the ocean. I recognize that. But we're talking about the single greatest source of destruction. And now we have recent peer-reviewed study, Alex, to prove in the Atlantic – measured in 500 locations, plankton populations have virtually crashed. 90% decline.

45:30 was the first to publish insect populations were crashing. We did that in 2012. The so-called science community tried to marginalize us. They've since had to admit to this problem. If your listeners search insect apocalypse, they'll find lots of data now, 12 years after disclosed it. The UV radiation, again, wiping them out.


All these roads lead back to climate engineering and This ubiquitous intentional disruption of the planet's life support systems for purposes of power and control holds our collective reality, our collective futures in the balance in the trees you referred to. We're seeing that dive from the forest everywhere. Recent peer-reviewed study of the forest in western North America,


the fir tree being the predominant tree. They're dying so fast, Alex, that the title of this study was Firmageddon. And I think that that title explains pretty clearly what's happening.


You don't like to speculate, but you said this is obviously malevolent. This is being done on purpose. We have most of it hiding in plain view. We have so many documents you could swim in them. Yes. They say in the documents total control. They talk about the CIA. It's just almost incalculable is the quote.


I showed it yesterday. But reverse engineering it, what are they trying to do? We know the globalists want to cut off the energy, cut off the pipelines, and then not give us real renewables, not a real bridge forward. I mean, it looks like it's just build back better.


It's the great reset, collapse things so that human populations die. And the easiest way to do that is covertly just poison the biosphere.


You're correct. And there are many agendas and objectives there. being carried out. But what we would argue at, based on the current trajectory, no one gets out alive, including those behind these programs. And the next question that comes from most people, understandably, is, well, why would they do this to themselves?


And what we would point out at is, how much have they already done to themselves from the detonation of 2,400 nuclear bombs? Key aspect to cite there is Project Starfish Prime, the detonation of the hydrogen bombs in the magnetosphere, and they thought it could collapse the entire atmosphere. Did that stop them from doing it?


No, we're not dealing with sanity. We're dealing with a headless, heartless, soulless cancer.


And let me just stop you back here. you up for anybody that doesn't believe this even william shatner did a discovery channel show and i later looked it up and actually found the u.s archives we ordered it from the u.s archives and got tape of the original stuff in the 60s


operation fishbowl where they detonated hundreds of hydrogen bombs in the upper atmosphere trying to destroy the earth's atmosphere that to see if they could i mean think of that statement i just made that is that is bonkers


It is. Thank you for that example. And they can watch Shatner narrate, it's called Trinity, the nuclear bomb movie. And anybody who watches that and doesn't realize that there are elements in the human race that are controlling everything, controlling the matrix, that are literally clinically insane. And to add credence to this from psychoanalysis,


and this is straight from the manual, the study of those who crave power, that there's a collective, there's a common thread, and that is a, quote, near total insanity. lack of comprehension as to the consequences of their actions, even to themselves. So again, for those that want to deny this because, quote, they wouldn't do this to themselves,


they already have, they continue to, we're not dealing with sanity. And again, if we stay on this course, Alex, we have precious little time left, and that's a mathematical statistical trajectory. Again, insect populations down 80 to 90% now, wildlife populations down conservatively 70%. Here's another example, here's another example.


I mean, until the mid-90s, driving everywhere, my entire windshield, if I just went an hour anywhere in spring or fall or summer, I had to get a Ouija out and clean at the gas station. The gut's off. I now drive sometimes a 10-hour road trip in the summer, and there's like 10 bugs on my windshield.


Exactly. And about the bugs, and Alex, you know, most people know that the bees are dying, right? That's common knowledge, honeybee die-offs. So we have peer-reviewed study to prove the bees are dying of massive aluminum exposure. They're dying of symptoms that resemble Alzheimer's and dementia in a human being


that can't even find their way back to the hive. And this is in areas far away from any sort of industrialized anything. So how much longer are we going to last? I encourage your listeners, again, don't believe anything I say. please research it, search bees, aluminum, and you'll find peer reviewed study to prove everything I just stated.


Why isn't that headlines everywhere and not denying farm chemicals are harmful to bees or other sources, the frequency transmissions, but how can such a massive piece of the puzzle like aluminum exposure be completely systematically hidden. So again, the American population and populations and other first world nations completely asleep at the wheel.


And if we don't wake up fast and alter our course, we are going to crash through the guardrail point of no return, which in many ways were already passed. But the bottom line is, With this issue, if we expose it effectively and efficiently, Alex, and that's the key, and we encourage people at the homepage of,


we have the activist suggestions link with specific instructions on how you can move this fight forward from your own home computer by sharing links to the dimming, for example, with environmental article authors, with elected officials, many of whom are waking up to this issue right now.


And CC other people with that in the case of elected officials so that official knows that he'll be held more accountable by more people. If we learn to play chess well, we play effectively and efficiently, we can expose this issue with the help of voices like yours. We would cause a shockwave around the world, Alex.


Dan, I want to do five more minutes with you before well-known actor and patriot Robert Davey joins us to talk about the election and more about Milton and about the last hurricane and what you saw in the manipulation there from all your research and the radar being used. Stay right there. We'll be right back. Please remember, listeners.


You're not going to get this information really anywhere else, and we need to stay on air. Please support us right now at our great sponsor, Great t-shirts, great supplements, so much more. We need your support, plus our great products, I want to thank everybody that's been supporting us, and we've got a legal defense fund.


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And listen to this. One bottle is 40% off. Three bottles is 55% off. And again, one bottle is 40%. Get yours today at And I thank you for keeping us on the air. Final segment with the head of, Dane Whittington, looking at Helene and then the response trying to block recovery and the Democrats


admitting it's going to stop Republicans from voting, looking at Milton and then looking at the manipulation you saw. Give us a breakdown of that, please, here in closing.


Again, given the strength that Milton spun up to earlier than I think they were prepared for it to happen, it's questionable exactly where it will make landfall or if they're going to be able to direct it back to where they intended. The transmissions and these networks are all connected, controlled ultimately by the same core of power.


But as I stated, the Cancun transmitter, which we did record, bumped that storm back out onto the trajectory I think they intended for it to move forward on. And as you stated at the beginning of the broadcast, I believe, Alex, the technology to – bring these storms to a halt, to diminish them. That has existed for decades.


So we can also say again, at minimum, they do have the power to disperse this storm if they chose to. And when people start to connect the dots, how they know when there's a complete unorganized system somewhere, that that system's going to organize and travel over a certain trajectory in perfect synchronization once it reached landsfall,


especially as we saw in the case of Hurricane Helene, Perfect synchronization with the energizing of the transmission network, the NEXRAD network, that clearly steers it to specific locations and can disperse that precipitation once it's in that location. And we've recorded this at again and again and again. And as we enter the winter season,


we will see likely very abrupt temperature transitions as they flip the switch from summer to winter, bypassing the fall when they let enough moisture into chemically nucleate. Alex, you've seen, again, the baseball and softball size hail that destroys everything from homes to cars to renewable energy like solar fields.


If I could rail one more time against the so-called environmental community, how hypocritical is it to push forms of, quote, alternative energy like hydro, wind, and solar, all of which I have, by the way. My home is on the cover of the world's largest renewable energy magazine.


And that's what brought me into this issue, the loss of solar power from these operations. But we have the entire environmental community denying climate engineering when climate engineering is, in fact, completely thwarting all three primary forms of alternative energy. Why do they say climate engineering is going to save us from global warming? Good question. Really good question.


So we have... commercial solar fields that are producing half their design output because of these light reflecting particles blocking the sun, cutting your output in half with the massive solar farms. Again, there's nothing renewable about a 900 foot tall wind turbine. But when you, we have climate engineering because it's affecting convection, it affects surface wind speeds.


So we have all or nothing winds. We have hurricane force winds or nothing. So when you double the wind speed of a wind turbine, You cut the power off completely because they have to shut it down to keep it from blowing apart. When you cut that wind speed in half,


Cutting it in half reduces the power output by down to one-eighth of its design output. In the hydro, Alex, you know the dams, Hoover Dam and Page Canyon Dam, Lake Mead and Lake Powell, running out of water fast. The Amazon is empty right now. Amazon River is basically dry right now.


Amazon's burning to the ground because climate engineering has cut the precipitation off. There's been 45,000 fires in the Amazon this year alone. We don't hear about any of that in the U.S., So the bottom line is for these environmental organizations to not address this as criminal,


they shouldn't receive a cent in donations unless or until they address this issue. That resource should go to somebody who is trying to address this issue like Infowars. So bottom line is this issue must be dealt with or we're done.


Dane, we'll have updates from you, and we sent so many clips that you sent us we didn't get to. We'll do it Monday. You can send us, you can basically host an hour. I'd love you to do a presentation Monday at noon. You're going to be here with us.


I'd love to get you on Owen's show, on Harrison's show. We're going to have the producers call you. Thank you for your gracious time, and thank you for your tireless work for humanity. God bless you. My deepest gratitude to you and Infowars, Alex. Thank you for your voice. Thank you. All right.


The globalist deep state just took their war on free speech and our very identities and our very freedoms to the next level. They have now introduced a lawsuit against me where they literally claim they own my name, my social media, and me personally in violation of the 13th Amendment that we fought the Civil War over.


They're actually saying I'm an indentured servant, that I am a slave. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm always the canary in the coal mine. I am the test case. And when they get through me, they're coming after you. They're not just saying they own me.


They've also filed in federal court and also in the state court saying they own the name Alex Jones and that they own real Alex Jones on X. Now, the courts have all said you can't do things like that, but they're trying it. And if I don't aggressively battle them in the state and federal court,


they will get a win if I don't challenge it. And then they'll be able to use that tactic on you as well. And in the words of President Trump, when that bullet grazed his ear, defiantly rising up and saying, fight, fight, fight. That's how we fight in the information war, winning hearts and minds.


And we're unstoppable if you simply decide to take action. So for all your word of mouth, all your prayers, and all your support over the years, I salute all of you and remind you that you are the Paul Reveres. You are the resistance. You are the people.


And I am so proud to have been working with all of you through the years. And now the fight is entering the most intense part of the phase. So let's redouble our efforts and let's win this thing. Or we can roll over and be slaves to the new world order. As for me, I'll quote Patrick Henry.


Give me liberty or give me death. And I'll quote Colonel Travis the Alamo. Victory or death. Back me and I'll never surrender.


Thank you.

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