The Phoenician Black Nobility - This is Actually How the World is Run
Through a hierarchy, through a pyramid of power; hence their popular symbolism of the ‘All-Seeing Eye” within the pyramid of power.
The Phoenician Black Nobility - This is Actually How the World is Run
This is actually how the world is run – through a hierarchy, through a pyramid of power; hence their popular symbolism of the ‘All-Seeing Eye” within the pyramid of power.
If your Psychopathic Minion is at the top of the Pyramid he can send you to war, mandate the Deathvaxx, Digital identity, Central Bank Digital Currencies, total surveillance and the end of free speech!
At the top of this pyramid, we have hidden families originating from the Babylonian/Roman Empire. 13 families have been identified throughout history, just as there are 13 families within the foundation of the Order of the Illuminati and 13 layers of bricks on the dollar bill.
Now, some or even all of these families might be fronts (world stage actors) for other powerful bloodlines, i.e., some might be hidden and unknown – many refer to these as The Black Nobility or the Papal Bloodlines (or as “Mafia families”. However, that does not matter. What matters is the pyramid of power; the ancient and papal bloodlines who have amassed unrivaled power and unimaginable wealth through the centuries and who are at the top of it, as they own everything through their front-investment-companies such as Vanguard and Black Rock.
It is also vitally important to understand that the families that has been identified are all tied to the Vatican and the Jesuit Order. Some of them are full-fledged members of the Jesuit Order and/or the Order of Illuminati (created by the Jesuits as ‘Zionism’,) or have gone to Catholic Jesuit-owned schools and are members of lower-level secret societies such as the Freemasons.
Others are part of smaller orders such as the Knights of Malta, the protectors of the Vatican. For example, the World-banking moguls, the 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschilds, carries the shield belonging to the Knights of Malta – and the 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschilds were absorbed into the Jesuit Order through creating the Sodomite Bavarian Illuminati and Zionism in 1776 (today known as Order of Illuminati.)
In other words, they are all connected, and their organizer is the Superior General of The Jesuit Order, also known as the Black Pope, a title currently carried by Arturo Sosa S.J. While “world-leaders” (actors) swear allegiance to the pope, the satanic ritual is inverted and they swear allegiance to the Black Pope and to the Sun God, to Saturn or Satan, who they worship.
Now, these families of ancient bloodlines at the top of the pyramid relies on their advisors and the secret orders and societies beneath them. They have a vision and they delegate the work to those below them, in the same fashion that a company is run. This big think-tank and assembly of advisors are known as the Committee of 300. They in turn rely on other sub-organizations such as Club of Rome, the Tavistock Institute, the military- and secret-agency information-complex, and so on. All of these branches contribute to their plan and how to rule the world, which is then expressed in their face-to-the-public organizations of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. The latter organizations put forward the vision and the steps to be taken to reach these goals, as in Agenda 2030, which are then adopted and implemented by every country and their governments.
At this low-level of governments and government agencies, they are all run and controlled by Freemasons. Also, all major companies/corporations that contributes to the ‘infrastructure’ of every country are also run by Freemasons and other low-level members of secret societies. You cannot rise to a “powerful” position unless you’re in the club – and the same goes for every company, it cannot grow big unless funded and controlled by those at the top of the pyramid. Among these powerful companies we see all the major food corporations such as Nestlé, Johnson & Johnson, PepsiCo, P&G, Unilever, Coca-Cola, Mars, and so on. The same in Media & TV with National Amusements, Disney, TimeWarner, ComCast, News Corp and so on. Or infrastructure companies such as Union Pacific Corporation, American Tower, Ericsson, etcetera.
All of these big corporations that own most of the smaller companies within the same sector, are all in turn owned by the top of the pyramid through the investment and insurance companies of Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, Berkshire Hathaway, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, and more. And again, the board of directors in these companies are all Freemasons and even Jesuits themselves. They are all in the same club, all answering to the same vision and to the families at the top – otherwise they are swiftly replaced. Everything is controlled and the world is but a stage for them.
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Vladimir Putin with his close friend Prince Albert II of Monaco Prince Albert II and the Russian Mafia have a major headquarters in Monte Carlo with the Sicilian Mafia. The royals of Monaco or House of Grimaldi originated in Genoa which ruled the Black Sea region including Khazaria which had major influence over trade in Russia. Genoa and Russia and the Grimaldis and Romanovs have worked together for centuries.
Frank Zac Goldsmith with Benjamin Goldsmith and their family co-founded various banks including Paribas and they finance shills, trolls, online terrorists, and hackers as well as London gangs and sex trafficking of underage girls in England. Their sister Gemima Golsmith's ex husband is Imran Khan and he is the current Prime Minister of Pakistan. Pakistani gangs are heavily involved with trafficking underage girls in England like the Rochdale child sex abuse scandal.
Arnold Schwarzenegger the former Governor of California is a high level politician in the United States and he manages Nazis within the United States military, militant Nazi gang stalkers, and Satanic Faggot Bodybuilders like Hafthor Bjornsson, Eddie Hall, Craig Golias, and Kiki Vhyce. A Faggot is a person who loves to dominate and penetrate people through Sodomy. Arnold can be seen on the cover of Time Magazine with the 60 billion dollar billionaire Jew Michael Bloomberg wearing a Skull and Bones belt buckle. The Nazis used the Skull and Bones as a symbol for their Satanic Sodomite Ritual Faggot SS. Schwarzenegger also had a business meeting with Baron Jacob Rothschild and Warren Buffet. Schwarzenegger was married with the Kennedy family.
George Soros is worth about 8 billion and his family owns Soros Fund Management and the Open Society Foundations racket. George Soros a Hungarian Jew was originally born George Schwartz and he admitted to working with the Nazis and confiscating property from other Jews during WWII. The Soros family are involved with financing Nazi style gang stalking, human trafficking to Wiccan covens, and financing criminal political organizations used to disrupt societies around the world like Black Lives Matter. The name Schwartz means Black. Prince Karel Schwarzenberg has stated that he has known George Soros for 30 years. The Soros family are agents of the Austrian Schwarzenbergs and the Austrian-Hungarian Pallavicinis.
George Clooney is a top authority in Hollywood and he is with the Venetian Count Giovanni Volpi di Misurata who works with the Venetian Mafia. George Clooney is also friends with the former Mayor of Rome and he owns a villa in Italy on Lake Como where the Odescalchi and Erba nobles ruled. Clooney was also married in Venice at the palazzo that is owned by the Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga family which are married with the Savoys.
Prince Ottavino de Medici dei Toscana is a top authority over Zionism, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, international and central banking, tax collecting, and he is also a top owner of the Corsican Mafia and Chaldean Mafia. The IRS has been run by numerous Jesuit agents like David Kautter, Steven Miller, Charles Rossotti, and Douglas Shulman. Prince Ottaviano's cousin is Prince Giuliano de Medici dei Ottajano and he is also a top member of the Medicis and he oversees Hermeticism and Witchcraft. The Medicis have married with numerous monarchs, produced 4 popes for the Vatican, produced queens of France, and they owned the largest bank in Europe for centuries. Queen Marie de Medici of France had two daughters and one was the Queen of Spain and the other was the Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland. The Medicis are high level royalty and medium level Black Nobility and they serve the Massimos, Colonnas, and Sforzas. Most of the Black Nobility bloodlines are titled as sovereign princes equal or above in title with the royals and most of the families of the Black Nobility are also Vatican royalty. Popes are monarchs and the Vatican is a kingdom. The Medicis specialize in criminal banking, theft through taxation, and chemical warfare by infiltrating the medical industry and poisoning people with toxic drugs and pharmaceuticals.
Prince Duccio Corsini is a Roman prince and top owner of the Corsican Mafia. The Corsinis are both Florentine and Roman nobles. Prince Duccio is an overseer of a private Swiss banking and human trafficking operation in Gstadd, Switzerland. The Scherz family of Gstadd own a hotel in Gstadd and basically run Gstadd. The Scherz coat of arms is a heart. The Corsinis coat of arms is shaped as a heart and the Italian word Core or Coure has the meaning of heart. Prince Duccio also oversees the DEA. Lucien Conein was from Maryland and he was a documented associate of the Corsican Mafia and he worked for the OSS, CIA, and later for the DEA. The Corsican Mafia have a headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland and they oversee a large heroin and opium trafficking ring from Turkey, the Middle East, and Afghanistan to ports on the East Coast. Nancy Pelosi is from Baltimore and she is a Knight Grand Cross of the Italian Order of Merit and an agent of the Corsinis. The Corsican Mafia then traffics the heroin or opium to the Lucchese crime family which then provide it to the modern day Drug Council run by black gangster rappers. Corsica is named after the Corsinis and uses a black Moor on its coat of arms and flag. Moors, Arabs, and Africans invaded Europe and Slave trafficked natural white Europeans for over a thousand years. The Corsinis also owned banks in Florence and London.
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The Bush family - Royal Family of the United States
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The conscious Great Reset destruction of the Anglo-American Empire and the move to the Chinese Century
The Phoenician Stanleys – The King Makers
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Habsburgs and Zionism
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Savoy-Genovese Mafia
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Merchant Bankers of London
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The Phoenician Empire
The Phoenician Empire, also known as the Saturn cult, is one of the current rulers of earth. It has a long history going back over 10,000 years
It was involved in Shamen and Meditators who learned how to leave the body using drugs, hallucinogens, opium, pranayama and meditation and live outside of the body, without the body, in private universes in the chakras above the head eternally as long as they could vampirise energy from humanity through addiction energy blockages and so long as they could dum down humanity so they could never achieve their potential.
The Satanic Phoenician 2000 Trillion Dollar Mega Trillionaires and their Dark Gods control humanity through Poison - Genetically modified Frankenstein Food, Fuctory effluvients and gasses, Big Pharma drugs, vaccines, fluoride, and bioweapons like the MRNA Vaxx and also mind control poisons like Fake News, Fake entertainment, Fake history, fake science, Fake Religions, Fake Cults like Communism, Freemasonry, Illuminati, Satanism, Luciferianism, Theosophy, Golden Dawn, OTO – everything fake.
But the real control of Humanity comes though Energy Blockage Demons implanted into the Chakras above the Head.
Why did 80% of humanity take the Deathvaxx?
Why does Andrei Martyanov never ask the question, Why?
Why has America been transformed into a paper Tiger, it’s Universities taken over by Professors who espouse Transgenderality, it’s Industry degenerated by DIE, it’s intellectual competence decomposed?
The reason of course is because the Dark Gods control the mechanism of Power which are the minions educated to be Psychopaths so they will follow any order. An essential methodology inside the Satanism is the implantation of Energy Blockages into the chakras above the Head.
If you cut off connection with Gods supercomputers which are the chakras above the head then your intellect is compromised, your intuition is dead, you become essentially stupid.
So although you have an intellect of 160 IQ, you still do not have the intelligence not to take the Deathvaxx, you still believe that there are not two genders, you believe in the fake cults.
The Only way to remove Energy Blockages is through Meditation! Specifically the Energy Enhancement Meditation Seven Step Process…
You can understand why all mention of these Meditation techniques - The Kundalini Key, the Grounding of Negative Energies, Alchemical VITRIOL, the Kundalini Kriyas, The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process, The Karma Cleaning Process of all the pain from all your Past Lives, Energy Cords, Energy Cord Connections, Samadhi from the infinity of Chakras above the head - as part of the Meditational training have been consciously removed from the books and from all Traditional Meditations because all the best techniques have been removed by an Elite who hold Meditational Techniques as one of their main planks to Rule the World!!
Because control over meditation is the ultimate power on this World!!
Meditation techniques - designed to fail - have been dummed down and disparaged for 10,000 years so people have no defense against a Satanic Predatory Meditation Vampire Elite. Everyone is implanted with Addiction Energy Blockages and become energy cows for the implanters. Learn the only defense - Energy Enhancement Meditation by video or live Courses in Iguazu Falls, Brazil or Palolem Beach in India. Sign up to the Mailing List Now!!
Psychic Science of Black Magic - the Creation of Implant Drug and Sex Addiction Energy Blockage Mind Viruses - is an Ancient Technology which although is Scientific, appears like Magic to those which have never been taught Energy Enhancement Meditation…
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
― Satanic Pedophile Aristocrat Arthur C. Clarke,
They implant using the ancient meditational technology of energy cords.
Usually implant is implanted upon implant as many people have already been implanted in previous lifetimes. These people already addicted and are easier to recognise by the helper/collaborator and to implant over the original implant. People have HUNDREDS of implants!!
There are many young ladies and young men who act as the helper/collaborator/minion of the implanter. These many evolved helpers unconsciously even implant, sexually molest and vampirise their own children, the mothers and fathers sending the energy of their own children back to the original implanter.
Molest - Molech!
The field of the dark side is sex, drugs and rock and roll. Sex and drugs, to addict people to things which will burn their energy more quickly as they send their energy back to the implanter so they can burn out and be discarded early.
Thus the creation of Drug Addiction Implant blockages and Sex Addiction Implant Blockages.
Only with the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process can ALL Implant Blockages be removed.
Initiates involved in Sexual ritual can steal energy from their ritual partners but because no matter how high their degree if they do not know about Implant Addiction Energy Blockages, How to Create them, How to spread them about, How to gain energy from the victims - then they themselves are the victims!!
These so called high and mighty, "Initiates" are Initiates because they are implanted with Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages.
These so called high and mighty, "Initiates" are victims of higher Initiates who are draining them of their life energy, vampirising them like normal humanity because higher Initiates think of these lower Initiates in the same way that they think of normal humanity... as if they were livestock or a slave.
If you have not been informed about implant addiction blockages then you too are a slave
Sodomy Rituals to inject Demons and Kundalini Energy, the Sexual Palladian Ritual to download Demons into people so they become "Fleshly Gloves" of Demons, Lucifer, Satan, Aleister Crowley
Sodomy Rituals to inject Demons into the base chakra and Kundalini Energy to Open the Third Eye, the Sexual Palladian Ritual to download the dark God people who have learned to live outside the body into people so they become "Fleshly Gloves" of Demons, Lucifer, Satan, Aleister Crowley, Witches Wicca, Baphomet, General Pike 33rd Sodomy Masonic Degree, Palmerston's British Super Agent Mazzini
One of the techniques taught by the Dark Lord - a technique of the Dark Side - is how to leave the body and download into prepared bodies then upload again - in an attempt to live forever - a sort of spiritual transhumanism – doomed to fail...
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Book One, Sutra 19. "Those who merely leave their Physical Bodies and attain the state of celestial deities, or those who get merged in Nature, have Rebirth."
The Google manager, Ray Kurzweil’s version of Transhumanism and many science fiction series and books… “Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny and the Cylons of Battlestar Galactica” out of many examples, is taking the human psyche, uploading it into the machine, living in the Machine, then downloading into a clone to live forever is just a copy of the thousands of years old already existing psychic technology used by the people – Who became the “Dark Gods” who learned how to leave the body into private universes in the chakras above the head and download into a prepared body from there.
From AMERICA'S SUBVERSION The Enemy Within by Sonny René Stermole - The Illuminati Enemy Within Freemasonry - Weishaupt, General Pike, Palladian Rite, Sodomy Sex Magic, Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike, Rose-Croix, Templars, Alta Vendita or highest lodge of the Italian Carbonari, Mazzini, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall the seething energies of Lucifer - Satan, or Lucifer, and the demons, Demonic Possession.
The former high-level Mason Schnoebelen exposes in Masonry: Beyond the Light, one of several books he has authored, the five steps of the Palladian rite. Part of what is involved is a progression of corruption which ultimately result in complete, ongoing possession by "the evil spirit" for which the person becomes but a "fleshly glove." To achieve that state the "initiate" is "literally 'married'" ...
"by having a medium of the appropriate gender be possessed by the "dead spirit" (actually a demon) and then ... was consummated.
It was believed that the magical "virtue" of the spirit would flow from the possessed medium into the initiate through the act of intimacy – Sex!
The idea was that the wisdom and god-like power of the spirit being would gradually, through repeated congress, totally infuse the mind, body and will of the initiate.
p. 198 ... {later}
At this point, the soul of the initiate is totally eclipsed by the evil spirit. In other words, there is virtually "nobody at home" except the demon!
At this point, the initiate ceases to be an autonomous individual. He is but a fleshly "glove" with a demonic "hand" inside controlling his every move.
Such "illuminated beings" regard humans the way we regard cattle.
p. 199 Masonry: Beyond The Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991
Sex with the demon possessed is a diabolical means for transforming the individual and eventually completely taking over of the brain and body by "the evil spirit." That's been one way of taking control of an organization using high ranking members, by taking over their minds and bodies. Yet, how could Pike, Mazzini and their associated conspirators get persons to submit to such a diabolical process ?
This represents a high level Masonic stinging admission of the real issues, which Albert Pike began to reveal in his Morals and Dogma. Piercing "the film of the specious and the superficial" modern-day charges that the wealth and power of the Templars occasioned their doom as a military organ of the Roman Catholic Church, the question arises, "what was the "great arcanum," the great secret in ancient mysteries in which they had become so-called "wise" ? What was the black magic which eludes a specious and superficial examination ? What was the mystery of the Goat of Mendes which Manly P. Hall urges to give "thoughtful consideration by every studious Mason" in connection with the Templar legend ?
Specifically the Templars were accused of denying the tenets of the Christian faith, spitting or urinating on the crucifix during secret rites of initiation, worshipping a skull or head called Baphomet in a dark cave, anointing it with blood or the fat of unbaptized babies, worshipping the Devil in the shape of a black cat and commiting acts of sodomy and bestiality. p. 36
… It is possible that during their sojourn in the Middle East the Templar Order contacted adepts from the Arab Mystery schools who taught them the secrets of sex magic. This theory is supported by confessions of Templars who said that at the climax of the ceremony the initiate indulged in an act of sodomy with the chaplain.
p. 37 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989
Sex magic ?
Acts of sodomy and bestiality to inject Demons into the Anus and inject high levels of Kundalini Energy into the Base Chakra to Open the Third Eye!
This is Black Magic, the opposite technique of White Magic is getting Kundalini Energy into the base Chakra through the Energy Enhancement Meditation technique of Alchemical VITRIOL which also has the benefit of throwing out the Energy Blockage Demons and not being implanted by them.
Former first degree Illuminati, Knight Templar, High Wiccan Witch, satanist, and 90th degree of the Egyptian Rite, William Schnoebelen, has provided comprehensively indicting expositions of the occult establishment in the books which he has authored. While 33rd degree Mason Manly P. Hall points to actual issues of the Templars' suppression and points to them as "questions worthy of thoughtful consideration by every studious Mason," Schnoebelen reveals how another 33rd degree Mason, and notorious satanist, Aleister Crowley disclosed in writing secrets which bordered on revealing "the very highest secrets of both Templary and Freemasonry. Sexual magic which Michael Howard attributes to the Templars is further identified by Schnoebelen as the means by which depths of human degradation are brought about, leaving no question as to what accounted for the "degenerated" Knights Templar.
... the sexual magic Crowley brought to the West from his travels in Egypt, Nepal, Tibet and Ceylon involved the belief that various orifices of the body were tunnels into other magical dimensions ... and that sexual fluids were magical elixirs if properly "consecrated" by a Priestess of the Art in a Magic Circle.
In bringing these secrets out in his privately published books, Crowley skated the edge of revealing the very highest secrets of both Templary and Freemasonry. Those who followed his teaching, which included members of the English-speaking branches of the O.T.O., and a large majority of the Third Degree and beyond Witches I knew, rapidly became obsessed with Satanic Ritual drugs, sex, sadism, sodomy, perversion and both physical and psychic vampirism!
p. 193 Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990
Unfortunately in order to access and use the Phoenician Psychic technology to upload and download., from human bodies to Private Universes in the chakras above the Head they have to lose their Hearts and become Psychopaths because in order to utilize the technology you have to vampirise the human energy system by means of the ancient technology of Energy Blockages which are just psychic programs they can take off the shelf and implant into the chakras energy centers of human beings and then kill the Cattle lifetime after lifetime, the normal human beings!
The “Dark God” methodology can only be implemented by Psychopaths so their minions must be tempted by money and power and the promise of Eternal Life in the chakras above the head to perform their Satanic Rituals of torture, Sodomy, Castration, Pedophilia, and Human sacrifice which invariably end in Psychopathy.
The purpose of Satanic Human Sacrifice and other Rituals, Satanic Whipping and Fagging Sodomite and Pedophile Education, The Satanic Religion and Satanic Sodomite Cults is to create Psychopaths capable of Running the World for the dark Gods who live outside the body in what some people call the 4th Dimension!
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Phoenicians were worshiped in Sumer as the Anunaki (ruling from their private universes in the chakras above the head) and survived through the ages as the Persian Empire, the Babylonian Empire, Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire (Catholic Church), the British Empire, the French Empire of Napoleon, the European Union and the United Nations, with a top-down organized society.
Phoenicians who live outside the body can download and take over a prepared body to manage the earth like a plantation, like an energy farm.
Their Psychopathic Minions run their parts for their overlords who live outside the body and for their knowledge, they too want to live forever using the Phoenician Psychic technology to upload and download., with mass media spreading fear and division. Interdimensionals feed off fear and compliance Energy Blockages of human beings like the Covid-19 ritual of mass obedience.
From the start of Phoenician Sumerian civilization, its symbol was the Phoenix, as birds are related to reptilian dinosaurs.
The global wars between different nations and empires were internal family feuds between Phoenician elite families who see themselves as endowed with the Divine Right to Rule.
The bloodline of Phoenician Aryans became the Nephilim giants, the Merovingians, Black Venetians, House of Bruce, House of Guelf, House of Hanover, and Saxe-Coburgs. First they ruled through cruelty and brutal oppression, from the Enlightenment they rule through propaganda, distraction and puppet show democracy.
A lot of effort has gone into creating disinfo about the subject and conditioning the masses to think an unseen force controlling the rulers of earth as a ridiculous subject, using deception of Theosophical Society, Laurence Gardner, Dan Brown and BBC celebrity David Icke to play the role of crazy conspiracy theorist comparing himself to Jesus on the Terry Wogan talk show.
The method of creating endless distraction and ridiculing somebody who tries taking down the facade, as one person who is crazy, works better than the old method of brutal intimidation.
Gardner was promoted by Jonathan Harmsworth, the family who made war propaganda for the British Empire with their media monopoly since WW1. Theories about the Holy Grail bloodline of Jesus are propaganda to ridicule the fact that freemasonry was invented to protect the royal family bloodline and mix it with fiction in bestsellers and Hollywood movies. Icke uses Stewart Swerdlov - Project Montaulk psyop and Sandra Fecht to substantiate his claims.
History of the Phoenician Bloodline
In the mythology surrounding reptilians and even the disinfo, a recurring motif is that they use the constellation Draco the Dragon to live outside the body, at the north pole of the celestial axis. As part of a takeover in 3 steps the Draco's attacked another Phoenician group who learned to live outside the body - Orion to conquer the masculine energy of this galaxy. According to myths the long wars between the Phoenician groups Draco and Orion eventually resulted in an alliance group representing both interests (subject of Star Wars saga of George Lucas).
What also keeps recurring in popular fake UFO folklore and fake New Age religion (Phoenician Groups who live outside the body as new gods), besides reptilians and Greys, is the group Orion Nordics.
This group of Phoenicians founded the Northern Atlantis civilization migrating there from Lebanon, they became known as the Aryans, giants with red hair who worshipped the North Star (the point around which everything revolves, origin of the swastika symbol).
Phoenician Aryans acted as arrogant conquerors without empathy, acting from their reptilian brain under the rule of the Dark Gods of the Draco Empire (synonymous with the axis, the pole, the M, the 13 at the center of the 12 signs of the Zodiac).
The pole with winding serpent represents the kundalini energy/pineal gland, the one eye through which human beings are controlled. Sometimes they worked in alliance with groups from the Pleiades (Paal-ea-des, Baal Ea =Enki).
The Phoenician Draco-Orion (Aryan) bloodline spread to Western Europe (mythology of the the serpent people leaving the garden) as the redheaded Rh- blood group in Ireland, Scotland, southern France (Basque Country). They build sites with monolith stones ('dragon teeth') on specific lines ('dragon lines', based on sacred geometry, an artificial overlay of the organic).
They moved eastward, founding the Sum-Aryan civilization and Egyptian civilization, land of Iran, where they ruled at the top of the pyramid of power because of their origins and created a class/caste society.
In Sumer, the Phoenician Anunnaki bloodline were depicted with the head of a Phoenix.
In Phoenician Egypt the 3 pyramids represented the 3 stars of Orion, as a stargate aligned with Draco and Orion. The first pyramid was called the North pyramid. They used obelisks as a conductor for energy.
The Phoenician Atenism of Akhenaten (Atenism, Worship of One God) became Judaism in Jerusalem (Mount Hermon on 33rd parallel as Mount Zion). The holy bloodline became the Tribe of Dan (Danu= goddess Anu of the Anunaki), with their serpent symbol, sign of their 'divine' DNA, the Irish Tuatha de Danaan, wich conquered countries like Swe-den, Den-mark, Sar-Din-ia.
Phoenician Greek ruler Draco became famous for his Draconian saving, Pericles had a large skull.
Many Phoenician myths contain a hero-dragon slayer, Tharhunz defeating Illuyunka, Zeus defeating Typhon, ..
The story from Phoenician Sumerian mythology about the serpent /dragon that expels people from paradise (the original Atlantis civilization), was copied by the Jews in Babylon in the biblical story of Genesis, which counts as the official creation story for a thousand years.
The Phoenician Roman Empire were under the same Phoenician influence, the Empire with the Phoenix at the top of the axis. The equilibrium the axis represented the Pax Romana (PX symbol in Christianity).
The Phoenician Merovingians claimed descent of a Beast from the sea (Poseidon-Neptune, the kings of Atlantis) in the south of France.
In Christianity goddess Arya became M-aria. Draco's North Star on the Great Bear (Arcturus) became King Arthur. His father was called Pendragon, the dragon of Draco. Phoenician Charlemagne built 3 towers aligned with 3 stars of Orion, headed by the Dragon. Godefroid of Bouillon planned a Crusade to Jerusalem. The Phoenician Knights Templar built the City of London as new Babylon.
The Phoenician Habsburgs ruled the Holy Roman Empire for 900 years with the red dragon symbol. The coat of arms of Phoenician papal families Boncompagni, Sforza, Visconti, Hohenstaufen and Borghese also contains a dragon. Phoenician Count Dracula and Alfonso of Portugal were members of the Order of the Dragon. The Order of St George had St George who defeated the Dragon as their patron saint.
Phoenician Philip the Good founded the Order of the Golden Fleece, based on the Greek myth of the Argonauts who moved north. The Catholic Church also bears the dragon as an emblem.
The Phoenician Sforza family, the patrons of Leonardo da Vinci (who studied sacred geometry) with man-eating dragon serpent as a coat of arms, ordered the making the first Tarot (wheel of goddess Tauwret, Arya).
Phoenician Maya's worshipped and sacrificed to human-eating snake-dragon Quetzalcoatl. The Phoenician Ming dynasty built the Forbidden City in Bejing China with sacred geometry symbols.
The Phoenician Habsburgs fought their relatives of the Phoenician Ottoman Empire.
Agents of the Phoenician British Empire were sent to America to create a university system and to rebuild the technological civilization of Atlantis (announced by Francis Bacon's New Atlantis). The declaration of Independence was designed at tavern Green Dragon. The ship of James Lancaster of the Phoenician East India Company was called the Red Dragon.
The massacre of protestants ordered by the Jesuits were called Dragonnades.
Through the missionary work of the Jesuits, combined with the City of London (red dragon statue), they controlled the main leaders, the slave and opium trade and gradually conquered the whole world.
Phoenix Symbols
The Phoenician French Empire (Napoleon), Phoenician German Empire (Otto Bismarck), Phoenician American empire (Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson) all worshipped the Phoenix (Horus, Harya). The Royal Society and Lunar Society created the Industrial Revolution based on atheism and capitalism (corporations with top-down pyramid hierarchy).
The Klu Klux Klan names its leader the pendragon. Richard Wagner composed the Ring cycle about a dragonslayer and Holy Grail bloodline. Helena Blavatsky wrote on an Atlantean race of dragon people in The Secret Doctrine. The Phoenician Russian Revolution and Spartacus League (slave revolt against Roman Empire) represented the end of Romanov's (red dragon that ruled Russia for 300 years).
Robert Howard and HP Lovecraft used reptilians from ancient civilization in their science fiction.
The Phoenician Empire State Building was built as a modern obelisk of the Empire. The Wizard of Oz is based on mythology of Osiris (Orion), judge of the underworld. The Phoenician Aryan druid religion continued in Hollywood, with Disney movies about dragons. In all movies the hero descends in the underworld, the subconscious to face and defeat the Dragon (dragon Jabberwocky in Alice in Wonderland).
The Phoenician German nazi's (Heinrich Himmler's SS also a Jesuit Grand Master) based their religion on the ancient Phoenician Aryan religion with Swastika- North Star symbol. They founded the Ahnenerbe institute (Hermann Wirth), with missions to Tibet, to document the spread of Aryan culture.
The end of the WW1 and WW2 ritual, the defeat of Adolf Hitler and fascism represented the symbolic defeat of the Empire, the axis powers, the axis of Draco. From than on, slaves were told they were free and the Empire was defeated. The Phoenician World Empire of the United Nations (with north pole logo, UN ancient name of the sun) presented itself as an organization of benevolent cooperation between peace-loving nations, who wanted to prevent the forming of a new Empire.
Julius Evola and in the internet age David Wilcock, Michael Tsarion, Barbara Bartholic (friend of with Karla Turner), Eve Lorgen and James Bartley, all share bits of that story.
Japanese mafia created the Black Dragon Society.
The Phoenician Dutch royal family (House of Orange-Nassau) resided in Drakensteyn.
As interdimensionals they rule from the Chakras above the Head, they implant energy blockage sex and drug addiction programs to feed off trauma, perverse horror or porn (Crowley's sex magick, sexual energy used to vampirise energy), drugs like crystal meth or ecstasy.
1963 media rituals with the obelisk as a conductor for energy (e.g. Martin Luther King speech).
1968 Rosemary's Baby, in satanic ritual, has sex with a reptilian being to give birth to a child of Satan, announcing the birth of William V.
1969 reptilian character Sauron in X-men of Marvel Comics.
1977 Star Wars of George Lucas about the Phoenician Draco-Orion war, programming of subconscious with fear of the Phoenician Draco-nazi Empire. Phoenician America Orion vs Nazi Germany. Jedi Knights=Knights Templar with knowledge of the Djed pillar (Kundalini energy). Harrison Ford plays in Blade Runner of Orion Pictures (end scene with Rutger Hauer's monologue about the Orion wars).
1982 birth prince William presented by King Charles (red dragon symbol as Prince of Wales) and Diana in dress of Rosemary's Baby, child of Draco. book Holy Grail, Holy Blood (Holy Grail mythology). movie Q.
1985 V series (hebrew letter vav = 6), Enemy Mine (about a reptilian hermaphrodite race Drac's, played by Louis Gosset, which earned him a Saturn Award), Dreamscape, Dragonheart, Ghostbusters (shapeshifing entity, Sumerian god that feeds off negative emotions).
1993 Mario Bros humanoid reptilians in parallel dimension, Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
1994 Stargate and Stargate SG-1 (pyramids as stargate, as dimensional portal for the Dracos), Babylon 5 (the Narns). Rise of transgender trend as purple drag queens, androgynous dragon queens.
1996 Dragonheart. Reptilian energy is evoked in Draconian magic and Joy of Satan magic.
1999 The Biggest Secret of controlled opposition David Icke BBC, the Phoenician Empire creating its own opposition) links the one eye pyramid symbol of the Phoenician Draco-Orion Empire (America Online) controlling people through the pineal gland to the Illuminati hoax, so it can become omnipresent in pop culture and the truth can be hidden in plain sight.
Fake Reptilians were always linked to underground bases, the Devil residing in hell, underground, underground facility of CERN (horned god Cernunnos), Dulce base New Mexico story spread by Paul Bennewitz about fictional Thomas Castello, supposedly a RAND corporation technician, Phil Schneider telling his story in Youtube videos, book 1996 'Branton'. John Rhodes, according to David Icke, an authority on Fake reptilians, appeared on History Channel, repeated the Dulce base story on jesuit controlled Coast to Coast in 2009.
2001 Lord of the Rings Sauron the Satanic Devil Christopher Lee. Harry Potter character Draco Malfoy (father played by Jason Isaacs who played in remake of Antichrist movie Rosemary's Baby).
2009 Avatar reborn as red dragon (phoenix). Hip Hop character Drake. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. dragon in Game of Thrones. Elon Musk SpaceX Dragon.
2016 Colony series on USA Network (NBC Universal) strict control of movement and military occupation of The Authority serves a raptor race c called the Hosts.
Who runs the world?
A Phoenician Satanic Saturnian cult that rules a wide range of cults and religions who, sometimes unknowingly, worship the black sun Saturn. It governs monotheïstic religions (Judaism, Christianity), the Catholic Church, the entire political and financial system, the entire entertainment industry. Jewish elite families and he jesuits have always infiltrated and trained their puppets through their education system (all big names in politics, in every country are educated at jesuit schools).
The Phoenician own the American colony, its secret services CIA, NSA, FBI, the World Bank, United Nations, Knights of Malta, freemasonry, all nation states, the media industry and food corporations. They also run the heroin, cocain, xtc and weapon trade, the mafia, Islamic leaders, fake terror organisations like Isis and have perfected the art of creating controlled opposition.
The Phoenician have an obsession with fulfilling biblical prophecies and Jerusalem. Texts like Protocol of Elders of Zion (f.i. during nazism) were used to condition people to think a masonic jewish agenda is a dangerous form of extremism and anti-semitism.
Psycho Politician Minions of the Black Nobility Minions
Through the Sodomite Phoenician education system, the Jesuits train the most important actors in politics.
The Phoenicians designed the French revolution (Robespierre), American Revolution (John Carrol), WW1 and WW2 (Stalin, Goebbels, De Gaule), false flag attack on Hitler (Von Boeslager).
JFK administration (rival Fidel Castro, Jackie Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Pierre Salinger, Anthony Celebrezze)
Johnson administration (Lyndon Johnson, Anthony Celebrezze, Joseph Califano, Zbigniew Brzezinski,)
Nixon administration (Tricia Nixon, John Mitchell, Henry Kissinger, Bryce Harlow, Donald Rumsfeld, John McLaughlin)
Ford administration (Donald Rumsfeld, John Knebel, Alexander Haig)
Carter administration (Tim Kraft, Joseph Califano, Moon Landrieu, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Donald McHenry, Philip Klutznick, Charles Schultze)
Reagan administration (Alexander Haig, Frank Gafney, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, William Bennett, Ann McLaughlin, Gary Bauer, Edwin Feulner)
Clinton administration (Bill Clinton, John Podesta, Edward Montgomery, Ernest Moniz, Madeleine Albright, Dee Dee Myers, Alice Rivlin, Leon Panetta, Christine Varney, Les Aspin, Christine Varney, Clinton Foundation Bill Lindsey, lawyer Robert Bennett)
Bush administration (Donald Rumsfeld, Leon Panetta, Robert Gates, Peter Pacer, Doug Feith, Meghan Sullivan, Joseph Schmitz, Mitchell Daniels, son of Colin Powell, Michael Peter Jackson), 9/11 commission (John Lehman, Viet Dinh)
Obama administration (Jon Favreau, Joe Biden, John Podesta, Robert Gates, Janet Napolitano, Avril Haines, Scott Gration, Chuck Hagel, John Allen, James Jones, Broderick Johnson, Robert Cardillo, William Daley, Dan Pfeiffer, John Kerry, Jack Lew, Brennan, Clapper, Denis McDonaugh, Ernest Moniz, Hilary Clinton's running mate Tim Kaine,..)
Trump administration (Donald Trump, Paul Manofort, Steve Bannon, John Kelly, Mick Mulvany, Don McGahn,..)
Biden administration (John Kerry, Marty Walsh, Avril Haines, Denis McDonaugh, Alejandro Mayorkas, Shanda Young, Neera Tanden of Center for American Progress, with jesuit Elisa Massimino)
Phoenician European Empire (Van Rompuy, Barroso, Joaquin Almunia, Enrique Baron,..)
Phoenician United Nations (Boutros Boutros Ghali, John Ashe, Shashi Tharoor)
CIA (Allen Dulles brother of jesuit Avery Dulles, Walters, Casey, Gates, Tenet, Panetta, Morell, Petraues, Brennan,..)
The Phoenician Satanic Saturn cult of Minions worldwide
European Union
- Austria: House of Habsburg-Schwarzenberg, House of Furstenberg (Diane Furstenberg, married to Barry Diller), jesuit prince Amedeo of Belgium (house of Este), René Binko (Sigma), Peter Löscher (Siemens, Merck, Hoechst), Wolfgang Schüssel (ECFR), ..(in the past ruled by Habsburg, Orsini-Rosenbeg, jesuit Kurt von Schuschnigg, Hitler,..)
- Belgium: de Ligne (related to Rothschilds), de Mérode, House of Wettin (Saxe-Coburg, Orsini-Pallavicini), Lippens, Boël, Frère, Christian Van Thillo, Thomas Leysen, Etienne Davignon,..
- Britain: Cecil family (linked to the Cavendish, Vanderbilt, Kennedy, Payne families), Rothschild, Saxe-Coburgs, MI6, Grosvenor (Grosvenor Square, National Geographic), Wellesley, Goldsmith family, Russell family, David and Simon Reuben (connected to Roman Abramovich)..
- Czech Republic: Milos Zeman, Karel Schwarzenberg (TC, ECFR, descendants of the Habsburgs, Roman Empire), Vaclav Havel (VOC),..
- Denmark: House of Glücksburg-Oldenburg, Helle Thorning-Schmidt (European CFR, Atlantic Council, International Crisis Group, Save the Children, Gates Foundation, Friends of Europe), Anders Holch Pvolsen (Bestseller), Kjeld Kristiansen (Lego),..
- Finland: Martti Ahtisaari (ICG, ECFR),..
- France: jesuit Emmanuel Macron, jesuit Brigitte Trogneux, Francoise Bettencourt, Bernard Arnault, Francois Pinault, Serge Dassault, Alain Mérieux, Gérard Mulliez, Patrick Drahi, jesuit Henri Beaufour (Ibsen pharmaceutics), Pascal Lamy (WTO, ECFR), Stephane Bancel (Moderna, the Covid19-ritual), Le Siècle,..(in the past ruled by Capetian and Valois dynasty, de Medici, de Guise-Lorraine, House of Bourbon-Farnese, jesuit Napoleon, jesuit Chirac,..)
- Germany: House of Hanover and Hohenzollern (connected to the Saxe-Coburg), House of Wittelsbach and Wurttemberg, Angela Merkel, Dieter Schwartz (Lidl), Stefan Quandt and Susanne Klatten (BMW, nazi party), Georg Schaffler, Michael Otto (e-commerce), Karl Albrecht (Aldi), von Siemens, Gerhard Cromme (ERT), Miele, Reimann family, von Finck, Merck family (Merck group), Meister, Friede Springer (Axel Springer Group), House of Furstenberg (Barry Diller), Liz Mohn (Bertelsmann, Club of Rome, AB)..(in the past ruled by Habsburgs- after Hitler, Knights of Malta Adenauer and Herman Abs still in charge, politicians of the European Empire - Kohl, Schroder, Merkel, Atlantik-Brücke)
- Greece: House of Glücksburg (jesuit Pavlos Glücksburg, married to daughter of Robert Miller), Wittelsbach,..
- Hungary: Thomas Peterffy (Interactive Brokers), Sandor Csanyi (OTP Bank with 624 billion revenue, Mol Group), Gyorgy Gattyan (LiveJasmin), Gyorgy Schwartz/George Soros (CFR, ECFR, Soros Fund Management, Open Society), Viktor Orban (TC, dictatorship through the Covid-scam) and Lorinc Meszaros (Matra Power Plant, Echo), Thun-Hohenstein, Rosenberg and Rosenthal family, ..
- Italy: House of Savoy, italian nobility like the Massimo's (the descendants of Fabius Maximus, owners of the jesuit Istituto Massimo, Fabian Society, Center of American Progress,..), Orsini-Rosenberg (Ndragheta maffia), Aldobrandini (intermarried with the Rothschilds), Colonna (Dupont, NY maffia Columbo, Columbia, Knights of Columbus, Order of Jesters,..), Farnese-Bourbon, de Medici, Pallavicini (NY maffia Luccese), Chigi, Sforza, Ruspoli, Borghese, Odeschalchi, della Rovere, Albani, Agnelli (married into Furstenberg), Michele Ferero, Ndragheta mafia Calabria, Camorra Naples,..(in the past ruled by the Roman Empire, papal bloodlines, Knight of Malta Mussolini, House of Savoy)
- Ireland: jesuit Denis O'Brien (Digicel), jesuit Michael O'Leary (Ryanair, both assistents of billionaire Tony Ryan), Guiness (Furstenberg, Rothschild), jesuit Terry Wogan, jesuit Paul McGuinnes (manager U2), Pat Cox (European Parliament)..(in the past ruled by Tuatha de Danan, Church of England, William of Orange, jesuit Thomas Meager, jesuit Kevin Barry, jesuit Mary McAleese)
- Monaco: House of Grimaldi.
- Netherlands: House of Orange-Nassau (Royal Dutch Shell, Order of Malta, Open Society, Bilderberg group, ECFR), princess Irene (child of jesuit prince Bernhard, married to Carlos Farnese-Bourbon, the bloodline that created the jesuits), Michel and Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken (Rothschild, Citigroup, Heineken), Frits Goldschmeding (Randstad), Bert Koenders (ICG, ECFR), Endemol (venture with Disney and Apollo Global Managent of jesuit Tony Ressler, announced the Orwellian totalitarian society through Big Brother and Black Mirror), jesuit Karin Van Gennep, Brenninkmeijer (C&A), Schimmelpenninck, LSV Minerva, ..
- Norway: Erna Solberg (ECFR), Gro Harlem Brundtland (director-general of WHO, UN Foundation of Ted Turner),..
- Poland: Michal Solowow, Zygmunt Solorz-Zak (PAK power plant, Polkomtel, Polsat, Slask Wroclaw), Dominika Kulczyk, Sebastian Kulczyk (LSE, Singularity University of Ray Kurzweil),..
- Portugal: House of Bragaza, jesuit José Barrosso (Goldman Sachs),..(in the past ruled by House of Burgundy, Habsburg)
- Romania: Daniel Dines, Ion Tiriac,..
- Russia: Vladimir Putin and his oil and gas oligarchs, Anatoly Chubais (CFR), Leonard Blavatnik (CFR, Apollo Management), Viktor Vekselberg (Renova oil), Leonid Mikelsen (Novatek gas), Gennado Timchenko, Mikhail Fridman and German Kahn (Alfa-bank), Moshe Kantor (Acron Group, World Jewish Congress), Boris Rotenberg (Gazprom), Roman Abramovich, jesuit billionaire Eugen Shvidler, Mikhail Prokhorov (Brooklyn Nets), Russian mafia -Aleksandr Torshin (Bank of Russia), Sergei Mikhaeliov, Vyachoslov Ivankov, Semion Mogilevich (RusEkrEnergo),..(in the past ruled by the Romanovs, the communist party, Yeltsin)
- Spain: king Juan Carlos (Order of Malta), jesuit Gabriel Escarrer (Melia hotels), Amancio Ortega, jesuit Emilio Botin (Banco Santander), jesuit Fatima Banez (socialist), jesuit Joaquin Almunia, Juan Luis Cebriàn (Prisa media group, Club of Rome), Javier Solano (NATO, ECFR, CFR, TC), Bourbons, Zuniga family,..
- Sweden: House of Bernadotte (Habsburg), Wallenberg (Ericsson, Electrolux, Investor AB, TC, ERT), Guy Dardel (CERN), Nina Lagergren (sister-in-law of UN leader Kofi Annan), House of Oldenburg-Glucksburg, Kamprad (Ikea), Persson (H&M), Carl Bildt (ECFR, AC, TC, ICG), Pierre Schori (ECFR), Leif Johansson (Ericsson), Annie Lööf (TC), Anna Eckström (TC), entourage of Greta Thurnberg,..
- Switzerland: Hayek (Swatch group), Dreyfus family, Ruth Dreifuss (OSF), Le Rosey, ..
- Ukraine: Rinat Akhmetov, Viktor Pinchuk (Atlantic Council), Ihor Kolomoyskyi,..
- United States: Georgetown University and Catholic University of America jesuits and Dominicans in Washington DC, jesuit Joe Biden, jesuit Trump, Colonna (Collins, Dupont, Knights of Columbus), Kennedy, Disney, Hearst (Hearst Communications, CFR through president Bruce Paisner), Hilfiger, Koch (John Birch Society, Guardian Glass, Cato institute, influence on Trump administration), Michael Bloomberg, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Mars family (cult of Horus), oil families Duncan (Enterprise Products, Texas Monthly), Getty (Pia, John Paul, Gordon all jesuit) and Bechtel (CFR, Business Roundtable), Cargill-MacMillan, Cox, Johnson (SC Johnson), Johnson (Fidelity), Mellon, Crown, Pritzker (CFR), Russell, Schwarzenberg from Bohemia through Skull and Bones (Karel Schwarzenberg and George Soros-Schwartz, Stephen Schwarzmann of the Blackstone Group), Walton (Walmart, Business Roundtable, fund the jesuit run Center for American Progress), Phil Knight (Nike), Michael Dell, jesuit Tony Rezzler (Apollo Global Management), Robert Warren Miller and Miller sisters, jesuit William Doyle, jesuit Ted Leonsis (AOL), jesuit James Zenni (ZCapital), jesuit Mario Gabelli (Gamco), jesuit Vincent Viola, jesuit Fanjul brothers, Larry Ellison (Oracle),..
- Canada: Bronfman (Seagram, MGM, Universal, WarnerMusic, Mega Group with Les Wexner), Justin Trudeau (son of jesuit Pierre Trudeau), Thompson (Reuters), West End Gang, Rizzuto family, Paul Martin (Berggruen Institute),..
Latin-America (conquered by the Spanish and jesuit missionaries, under control of CIA since Operation Condor in 1975):
- Argentina: jesuit Alberto Fernandez, Jorge Rafael Videla (WACL), pope Francis, Zorreguieta (princess Maxima)
- Bolivia: Hugo Banser (WACL), La Corporacion, Santa Cruz cartel
- Brazil: jesuit Pedro Mala, jesuit Alex Behring and his mentor Jorge Lemann (Garantia bank, AB Inbev beer, 3G Capital, Burger King), Marinho family (mass media), jesuit Joao Moreira Salles (banking), Fernando Cardoso (Berggruen Institute), Jair Bolsonaro and Olavo de Carvalho as Trump like right wing villains
- Chile: Ricardo Lagos (Berggruen Institute)
- Colombia: jesuit Ernesto Samper Pizano, jesuit Alvaro Uribe, jesuit Ivan Marquez, Juan Santos (LSE, ICG), Alejandro Gaviria (OSF), jesuit Luis Carlo Sarmiento (Grupo Aval, 11,9 billion)
- Costa Rica: jesuit Laura Chinchilla, Oscar Arias (LSE), Jose Figueres Ferrer (WACL), Bernal Urbina Pinto (WACL)
- Cuba: jesuit Raùl Castro
- Dominican Republic: Dominicans, jesuit Luis Abinader
- El Salvador: jesuit Alfredo Cristiani, death squads of Roberto d'Aubusson (WACL),..
- Guyana: Azruddin Mohamed
- Guatemala: jesuit Oscar Berger
- Haiti: Michèle Pierre-Louis (Open Society Foundations)
- Jamaica: jesuit Bruce Golding
- Mexico: jesuit Vicente Fox, Sinaloa cartel (opium and marihuana, 90% of cocain and heroin market, money laundering through HSBC, DEA controlled by jesuits- Timothy Shea), jesuit Emilio Jean (Televisa), Carlos Slim, Raimundo Guerrero (WACL), Jorge Prieto Laurens (WACL), Ernesto Zedillo (Berggruen Institute),..
- Nicaragua: Daniel Ortega
- Paraguay: jesuit Horacio Cortes, Mario Benitez
- Uruguay: jesuit Luis Lacalle Pou
- Venezuela: jesuit Julio Borges (Borghese)
Middle east
- Afghanistan: jesuit controlled opium trade (heroin), Taliban, Mirwais Azizi
- Armenia: Armenian mafia
- Bahrain: house of Khalifa
- Egypt: Muslim brotherhood, Sawiris family (Orascom).
- Georgia: Giorgi Margvelashvili (Central European University of OSF)
- Iran: Pahlavi (Italian Pallavicini family), Aga Khan (Le Rosey, Kendra Spears, connected to the Fürstenberg family), jesuit Noor Pahlavi. Reza Pahlavi is the son of Fahra Pahlavi, stepcousin to Mercedes Bass (Disney). Jesuit Noor Pahlavi appeared in Harper's Bazaar of Hearst.
- Iraq: the marxist Baath movement, Al bakr, Saddam Hussein was replaced by jesuit Ayid Allawi, Paul Bremer (Yale, linked to Kissinger), jesuit billionaire Nemir Kirdar CEO of Investcorp, from 2018 led by pm jesuit Adil Mahdi.
- Israel: jesuit Shimon Peres, Reuven Rivlin, Roman Abramovich (Chelsea, Sibneft oil, BrainQ, close to Yeltsin and Putin), Eyal and Idan Ofer (CFR, Bloomberg New Economy Forum with David Rubenstein, Gary Cohn and Mukesh Ambani), Tzipi Livni (ICG), Shari Arison (Bank Hapoalim), Benjamin Netanyahu (worked with Mitt Romney), film producers Haim Saban and Arnon Milchan (work with Disney), Dan Gertler (diamond mining Congo, through the Saxe-Coburg/Rothschild connection), Lev Leviev (diamond mining Angola), Israel mafia Abergil, Mulner, Rosenstein.
- Jordan: jesuit King Abdullah, jesuit Ghida Talal, Rania of Jordan (UN Foundation with Ted Turner of CNN).
- Lebanon: Hariri family (jesuit Saad Hariri, jesuit Aymen Hariri), jesuit Amine Germayel, jesuit Riad Salameh (Central Bank, IMF), jesuit Taha Mikati (MTN Group).
- Pakistan: jesuit Alif Ali Zardari, since 2018 pm Imran Kahn (relationship with Hannah Rothschild and Jemima Goldsmith), Saba Qamar (CFR), Shaukat Aziz (AC, Berggruen Institute).
- Qatar: house of al-Thani (Quintet bank Merck Finck & co, Al Jazeera, Glencore,..), jesuit Mohammed al-Thani, Nasser Al-Khelaifi (Paris St Germain, FIFA, WHO agenda).
- Saudi Arabia: Ibn Saud under control of the British (MI6 agent St John Philby), jesuit Turki Bin Faisal, jesuit Adel al-Jubeir (Foreign Affairs), Al Waleed bin Talal (Citigroup, 20th Century Fox, gave 20 million to jesuit Georgetown University), Bin Laden connected to Bush family, Golden Crescent drug trade, Kashoggi family (related to Dodi Fayed, James Cox), Mohammed bin Salman.
- Syria: Bashar al-Assad
- Turkey: Sabanci family (UN), Koç family, Recep Erdogan,..
- United Arab Emirates: Al Maktoum family, Al Nahyan family (Manchester City), jesuit Mohamed Alabbar (Emaar Properties -Burj Kalifa in Dubai, Eagle Hills Properties, Dubai Mall), Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber (Masdar, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company ADNOC, UN climate scam),..
gradually under jesuit control during the Ming and Qing dynasties, completely under control of the jesuits and British Empire since the opium wars (Golden Triangle, Chinese Triads 14K, Sun Yee On), through universities and Fabian Society.
- Bhutan: jesuit William Mackey
- China: Chinese Communist Party (part of the Saturn cult, logo with Saturnian sickle), C9 universities (Fudan founded by jesuit Ma Xiangbo), Xi Jinping, Jack Ma (Alibaba Group with Joe Tsai -Yale, chairman of Barclays Center), Wang Jianglin (Wanda Group), Ma Huateng (Tencent), Kwok brothers, Nout Wellink (Bank of China, TC), Eric X Li (newssite Guancha, Berggruen Institute), Zheng Bijian (Berggruen Institute),..
- India: richest person jesuit Mukesh Ambani, net worth 76 billion and his Relilance Foundation that works together with the London School of Economics (Fabian Society), jesuit Lakshmi Mittal (steel), KR Narayanan (LSE), Gandhi Nehru family (LSE, Fabian Society), Manmohan Singh (Le Cercle), Nandan Nilkani (Infosys, Berggruen Institute), Rajeev Chandrasekhar (Hudson Institute).
- Indonesia: jesuit Mohamad Chatib, jesuit Anthony Winza, Erick Thohir,..
- Japan: controlled through the CFR and TC, Yakuza maffia (Yoshio Kodoma WACL) and jesuit trained politicians (Koichiro Genba, Morihiro Hosaka, Taro Kono), billionaire Li Ka-Shing, Tadashi Yanai (Berggruen Institute).
- Korea: jesuit president Park Geun-hye, jesuit Park Young-sun, jesuit Kwon Hyuk-bin (Smilegate online games), jesuit Kim Suk-won (Ssangyong), Lee Jae-yong (Samsung), Kim Jung-Ju (Nexon online gaming), Chung Mong-joon (Hyundai), Unification Church (ties to JBS, WACL, THF), K-pop industry of SM Entertainment, YG Entertainment, using Disney mind control. North-Korea: mason Kim Jong-Un.
- Nepal: Sher Bahadur Deuba (LSE)
- Philipines: Ferdinand Marcos (WACL), jesuit Gloria Macapal
- Singapore: George Yeo (Berggruen Institute)
- Taiwan: jesuit Lin Chuan, jesuit Jolin Tsai, Jerry Yang (Yahoo, Berggruen Institute), Tsai Ing-Wen (LSE)
- Thailand: Chakri dynasty, Chearavanont family, Tanom Kittikachon (WACL), Thaksin Shinawatra (pm, Shin Corporation)
- Tibet: 14th Dalai Lama
- Vietnam: WACL (heroin and meth trade)
- Australia: Packer family, Pratt family, Blair Parry-Odeken (Cox Enterprises), Harry Triguboff (Meritron), Scott Morrison (Hillsong Church), Michael Hintze (Goldman Sachs), Malcolm Turnbull (Goldman Sachs), jesuit Tony Abbot, Frank Lowy (Lowy Institute), Kevin Rudd (Berggruen Institute, Chatham House, Atlantic Council, CSIS), Alexander Downer (ICG),..
- New Zealand: Richard Chandler (Gates and Rockefeller Foundation), Peter Thiel, Julian Robertson, John Key (Federal Reserve),..
- Angola: Isabel Dos Santos, Holden Roberto (WACL)
- Algeria: Isaad Rebrab
- Botswana: Festus Mogae (Berggruen Institute)
- Congo: enslaved by the Belgian Saxe-Coburgs, Félix Tshisekedi (African Union, son of jesuit Etienne Tshisekedi), jesuit Sylvestre Ilunga, jesuit Ilingu Kalenga, mining companies with Saxe-Coburg connection. Corporate Council on Africa, Maurice Tempelsman (CFR), De Beers, Oppenheimer/Lazar.
- Ethiopia: Sahle-Work Zewde (UN Office of African Union), Tedros Adhanom (WHO), Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi
- Ghana: Hilla Liman (LSE), Kwame Nkrumah (Phi Beta Sigma)
- Kenya: Bhimji Depar Shah and Vimal Shah (Bidco Africa), Kenyatta family (LSE)
- Liberia: William Tolbert (Phi Beta Sigma), William Tubman (Phi Beta Sigma)
- Lybia: Saif Al-Islam Gadaffi (LSE, son of Muammar Gadaffi)
- Morocco: Alawi dynasty
- Namibia: jesuit Hage Geingob (The New School).
- Nigeria: Aliko Dangote (Gates Foundation), jesuit Aubrey Hruby (CFR), Akinwumi Adesina (Rockefeller Foundation, African Development Bank, UN), Mohammed Indimi (Jaiz Bank), Yemi Osinbajo (LSE, vice president), Benjamin Nnamdi Azikiwe (Phi Beta Sigma), Femi Otedola, Mike Adenuga, Folurunsho Alakija, Abdul Samud Rabiu.
- Senegal: jesuit Léopold Sédar Sénghor.
- South Africa: in the 70's John Vorster (Le Cercle), Nicky Oppenheimer (De Beers, related to Rothschild), Jonathan Oppenheimer (NM Rothschild, Brenthurst Foundation), Johan Rupert (father was member of Le Cercle, founded WWF with Bernhard Lippe), Patrick Soon-Shiong (Berggruen Institute, LA Times), Cyril Ramaphosa (Lonmin, married to Motsepe family of African Rainbow Minerals), Knights of Malta Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu, jesuit Farid Esack, Rodney Sacks (Monster Beverage, sister married to Zionist Le'ev Bielski), Tito Mboweni (Goldman Sachs), ..
- Sudan: Mo Ibrahim
- Zimbabwe: Emmerson Mnangagwa (vice-president of jesuit Robert Mugabe), Strive Masiyiwa (CFR)
I am going to have to #factcheck you.....for the good of mankind!!
Jk, thanks for putting it all in one snug article!!!