Trump Takes His War Against The Satanic Luciferian Globalist Death Cult To The Next Level

Elon Musk Has Warned The World That Satanic Luciferian Globalism Is “Civilizational Suicide”







Spiritual Experience is a million times better than listening about it or reading the books.


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He remembered lying on the bed in the hotel room just outside the amazing waterfalls of Iguazu on the Argentine/Brazil border - Big Water as it means in the Guarani!! And he had been bathed in the purifying energies of the waterfalls that day. And when he returned to the Hotel that night he felt the energies in all the meridians of his body and they were raging and they were coalescing in his abdomen and they traveled up the meridian of the right side of his nose.

And the next moment he was out of his Body!! It was the first time this had happened to him although he had read about it many times happening to other people. But now it was happening to him and he could see his body lying down on the bed below him and he could see the silver cord connecting him with his body and it was beginning to feel alright.

So he wondered if he could travel further and tried to get through the wall to visit Satchi next door but the walls resisted and threw him back and he fell back into his body and the next thing he knew he was waking up but he remembered being out of his body but nothing had happened and he had been consciously outside his body for the very first time!!

In Energy Enhancement we teach and give real experience of ascending, projection, through the Astral and Buddhic Planes, escaping beyond the reach of Death and reaching towards Immortality.

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See Use the Perfect Enemy to Become a White Knight Spiritual Warrior


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All 16 Energy Enhancement Meditation Books - “The Only Solution to Satanism” in an easily downloadable file from our own website.

Historic LIVE Coverage Of Trump’s 5th Day In Office As DJT Takes His War Against The Globalist Death Cult To The Next Level!

Plus, Elon Musk Has Warned The World That Globalism Is “Civilizational Suicide” And Has Rightly Spotlighted OpenAI’s Psychopathic Sexual Abuse of his Sister Sam Altman 500 Billion Dollar Investment in Total Surveillance 1984 BIG BROTHER Demon Infested Artificial Intelligence Locked Down Bug Eating Prison Planet As A Dem Party/Deep State Operative! Must-Watch/Share Broadcast! – FULL SHOW 1/24/25

The purpose in writing these articles about the Satanic Luciferian Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds and their Worldwide Phoenician Empire is to influence Trump and his Administration to remove the Federal Reserve, To Remove all the 100% Rothschild Central Banks Worldwide, to remove the Rothschilds Worldwide!

Prosecute them for their crimes.

Send them all to jail!

Understand our need for the happiness of privacy

Please ban all Surveillance and Digital Passports

Please ban all AI video cameras watching us constantly.

Please ban Smart Cities and 15 Minute Cities.

Ban all the Surveillance information storing from Internet and Smart Phones creating Demon Possessed Artificial Intelligence.




Jan 10



Read full story

But, Just look at what Trump has done in his first five days!

Banned the World Health Organisation and it’s Deathvaxx Mandates

Banned CBDC’s - Central Bank Digital Currencies

Instituted Free Speech

Banned FEMA

Banned the Migrant Invasion

Banned the Drug Lord, Child Kidnapping, Pedophile, Organ Traffiking Cartels who Traffiked One Million Babies and Kids over the border into sex slavery and murder during the Pedo Biden Administration.

Banned DEI or DIE!

Banned LGBTPS - Lesbian, Gay, Bi, T?, Pedophile, Satanic

Only two Genetic states, Male and Female

Banned Males in Female sports

And 200 Executive orders more!

But the changes to the laws above mean nothing to The Satanic Luciferian Phoenician Empire Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds who say, “Give me control over a nations currency and I care not who make the laws” - Baron M. A. Rothschild about his Central Banks

End Rothschild

Warning of Authoritarianism and Control Systems

We have the ADL that is openly the arbiter with big tech and the censors on who can be online, who can basically in the future with a social credit score even have a job. You're going to be put into ghettos and then into camps under their admitted plans. Whether our children will be arrested and conceivably killed, we're on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system and it could be a week away. The head of the ADL put out a letter attacking Elon Musk and saying, you will not reinstate President Trump. He is a danger and a terrorist. And they went on to say, Alex Jones is the other big enemy, and he must not be allowed back on Twitter. Now, a lot of people are saying, well, when are we going to see you back on Twitter? Oh. I'm not worried about trying to get back on Twitter. I am worried about the social credit score, the debanking that's coming for everybody in the next phase of this real tyranny. You talk about clear and present danger. We're talking about the ability to track and trace and surveil upon subjects from the cradle to the grave, effectively.

Trump's Stand Against Central Bank Digital Currencies

And what I see in everything Trump's doing, and it's very beautiful, is that he's being honest about piece by piece the power we've got through him and through this network. We're taking over. And he's also going into the centralized, dangerous arms of it and saying, I ban central bank digital currencies. We won't do one. Any other government tries to do one. We won't work with them. We still have the dominant currency in the world. And by doing that, it makes our currency even stronger and ensures that that another one doesn't rise up, and then it promotes decentralization and Bitcoin and everything else

The Controversial Stargate Project

It seems reasonably likely to me that Trump would still be in office without his efforts. Thank you, Reid. Yeah, so you could get your monopoly from the CIA. Stargate stunner. Sam Altman is a wraith in sheep's clothing. Go read this article. A whole bunch of examples of him saying he's for surveillance, tyranny, forced injection, running Axios, attacks on Trump, attacks on Musk. He's a deep state creepazoid. And he's behind the Stargate. The new collaboration dubbed Stargate would massively scale up AI data centers over the next four years and speed the development of godlike AI systems that Ellison promised could do things like develop cancer vaccines. Personalized medicine where you never run into a problem like COVID. Oh, the deep state cooked up. Said Larry Ellison, we are doing, we are still doing COVID? I guess so. And he wants everyone to have a vaccine. Oh, I thought the last mRNA would fix it. Oh, it didn't. Oh, but they got another one.

EU Commission Power and Concerns for Trump's Safety

And he goes on and on and on. Yeah. European court rejects Romanian far-right presidential candidate election appeal, which he won. And then the EU commission said, yeah, you bet we canceled it. And because Elon Musk exposing us, we'll cancel the German election that's upcoming if AFD wins. Wow. And now the big debate is, wait, the EU commission's unelected, but it controls the countries? Yeah, get out of it. Wait, the Federal Reserve's private and says they won't do what Trump says? We got to repeal the Federal Reserve Act. So this is the greatest time of exposure ever of these people. And Trump's executive actions are removing their power, reversing the policies, and taking us in the right direction. And that's why I'm so concerned about them killing Trump, because even though that would hurt the globalists down the road even worse, they are so desperate that even though they can think second, third order, they're not. And I said, I'm looking for lone nuts that might even do it because of all the demonization of Trump or Musk to kill him.

Reverting to Traditional Policies

Because we're following the American plan, people. All he's doing is bringing back the standard American plan that until the 1950s we followed. And then we got away from it and you see where we are. Standard tariffs to raise taxes made us the richest country in the world.

The Noose of Globalism: A Powerful Meme

The chair of Peter is not a pope, but an embassy of the globalist elite. His mission is to destroy the Catholic Church, because the 150 year plan of the Satanic Luciferian Phoenician Empire Rothschild Black Nobility and almost all Western leaders now intend to destroy the nations they govern. Globalism is civilizational suicide. Elon Musk, today, let's show his tweet with an image of the West basically enslaved to water the tree of globalism. I want to put that on screen. I want to show that. I gave it to you. I posted it on X. It's on Elon Musk. X account. There it is. Western nations have a noose around their neck for radio listeners. Shows a man with a watering pail watering a sprouting green three-foot-tall tree that is globalism. And one end of the rope is tied to the tree, and the other end of the rope is tied around the man's neck, the noose, meaning that when the tree grows up, it will hang the man, meaning you are servicing your own destruction.

The Origin of EU and Future Nanotech Predictions

John Birchers back in the day, oh, they're going to create a North American union. They're going to create all these other continental unions. Well, that was correct. They created the European Union. It's the same people, the OSS and the CIA is who created the European Union. And there's a giant 500 page book that I lectured through from Johan Ratiu on the creation of the EU by the OSS and the CIA and European steel coal community. That was all set up by the Europe project, which was an OSS CIA operation on record. Now, if you continue on, In the book, Otali says that in the future, we're going to have nanotech that will be able to go into your body and heal you from all the ailments that you have. And isn't this great? Because like Larry Ellison said, you'll have you have cancer floating around your blood before you actually have late stage developed cancer.



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InfoWars, tomorrow's news today.


All right, President Trump just landed about 15 minutes ago in Asheville, North Carolina.


And he gave a foreshadowing of what I was told by my sources in the new White House,


that Trump is going to sign executive orders overhauling FEMA and other federal


agencies that deal with disaster mitigation.


He's also going to sign an order dealing with the fires in California and call for


a real investigation.


federally into Gavin Newsom and what I have coined the term administrative


terrorism or bureaucratic sabotage.


So that's what I was told.


I told you that yesterday.


We did a report on it,


and unless they change their mind,


you're about to see it,


and that's an exclusive.




I did a really good job,


I think,


of getting to about 80% of what I planned to,


but so much broke while we were on that I didn't get to about 20%.


Things are moving so fast.


Here's the big takeaway.


It's common sense, but I mean, I said this about 500 times the last few years.


When Trump gets in and he doesn't go on total offense day one and just devastate


the deep state,


dismantle all their operations,


pull out of all the UN treaties,


shut down all the DEI operations immediately,


and just start declassifying everything to expose the deep state.


And we didn't purge all their operatives out of the key positions down many levels.


openly, legally, lawfully in the agencies.


The media is calling it spying.


No, it's just report sabotage.


If he didn't do that, we get a replay of eight years ago.


And he would just be a speed bump to the globalist.


And then they would destroy him and put him in prison and enslave all of us.


I said he must devastate them day one.


We're into day five right now.


And if I had to give him a scale of one to 100, I would give him about 150 right now.


If he didn't have Sam Altman,


who is a definite Bill Gates 2.0,


total Democratic Party operative,


creeping around the White House,


I'd give him a 200.


I mean, so this is unbelievably fabulous.


I can't even sleep.


I slept three hours last night, and I am not tired.


I am bouncing off the walls.


I've had two cups of coffee, but I've been up since 3 a.m., went to bed at midnight.


I woke up at like 3.05.


And history is just happening.


So also at Davos, a bunch of other anti-globalists like Milley said, you're done.


Everybody hates you.


Your new world order, your global government, your depopulation plan's over.


Repeating what Trump said, what Musk is saying.


Musk came out and said globalism equals civilization collapse.


I've always said that's the definition of it.


That's its goal.


And you're like, okay, we already know that.


Yeah, it's Elon Musk just told billions of people that.


So this is irrevocable destruction of the enemy.


Their plan was so evil,


so horrible that if we would just admit it was going on and they admit they're


doing it,


but they would like talk like adults at Thanksgiving at the adult table.


And we're supposedly a bunch of five-year-olds over here at the little card table


eating our boogers.


And I'm like, hey, let's not act like kids.


Let's go listen.


Do you want to live under this?


I mean, do you see what they're already done?


They're going to take us somewhere even worse that we would reject it.


I mean, to me, that has always been a no-brainer.


I say that every day for at least 25 years.


Been on air 31 in April,


but I really figured stuff out and really started hitting all cylinders five years


into broadcasting.


So we're going to chronicle it all.


Trump in North Carolina, Trump to California to literally destroy and just everything.


This is cathartic.


This is wild.


This is biblical.


Thank you, Jesus.


We'll be right back on the other side.


I'm Alex Jones.


Share the live links now at Real Alex Jones.


All right, ladies and gentlemen.


It is Friday, January 24th, 2025, 1106 Central Standard Time.


President Trump is live in Asheville,


North Carolina,


absolutely devastating the new world order.


All right.


Trump had to go on total offense or the deep state would reconstitute and block him


and us and destroy him.


And I have harped on this to Trump and to his top people and to his family and to his ex-wife.


I mean, everybody behind the scenes.


And of course, they understood that.


They didn't mean to tell him, but they need to be reminded that it's not the number one issue.


It's everything.


You must go on total offense and


and just disrupt the bad guys so much and hit them with so much up front that their


propaganda commanders will just pick an issue or two,


always something mindless like Elon's hailing Hitler,


you know,


silly stuff like that,


or that Trump's going to kill the migrants,


made up stuff like that.


And then meanwhile, he's hit them with, let's not exaggerate, 200 serious,


Uppercuts, right hooks, and powerhouse slams, and spinning back kicks, and pile drivers.


We did the best job of anybody in the last four days trying to cover it all,


and I didn't hit half of it.


So last night and this morning,


on top of looking at all the new stuff,


I tried to get it all together here.


And it is dizzying.


It took me, since I was up at 3 a.m.


this morning, five hours of research just to get that together.


And then since I got in the office a few hours ago, 30, 40 other big developments.


And my job, in my mind, is to try to...


Do I just skim over each one and at least get to all of it,


or do I pick a few things and deep dive?


I try to do a mix.


But first, the 35,000-foot view.


If I was giving Trump a report card on how he's doing on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give him a 20.


There's a few things I'm concerned about.


We're going to spotlight those.


Sam Altman's Central report.


You talk about Bill Gates 2.0, he's hit.


Uber bad.


Not just all the evidence on him,


which is overwhelming,


but just the final,


most important factor,


the vibe.


My sixth sense, what the gut tells me.


Ooh, boy.




Danger, danger, danger, Will Robinson.


There is an enemy approaching from the east.


So we've got his penetration in the White House.


And I did a deep dive on him.


I mean, I already knew almost all of it, but learned a bunch.


I didn't.


And it's just he's so horrible.


And behind the scenes, he's a top general against Trump the last eight years.


That long.


And he is currently captaining a lot of the propaganda operations that he runs and


basically owns Axios and a bunch of others.


Key propaganda arms that create the propaganda and the hoaxes against Trump and


Musk and then disseminate them.


So it's not like...


He's Mark Zuckerberg, who's just a tool and has always done what he's told by Bill Gates.


We've done the deep dive on him for years.


And who saw the writing on the wall the last eight months and rolled over and has


actually run up the white flag and been a good little puppy dog.


We still don't trust him.


But he's diminished and knows it and was never a leader.


Altman is a general in the deep state, a field marshal.


And needs to be absolutely kept away from the president and the administration.


And he needs to be shut down.


He's the one that Biden and the deep state knighted to have control of AI.


They only want one system.


That's their project.


They're trying to trick Trump to continue the project.




of course,


sticking that,


the mRNA that's only known to cause cancer,


that's its big problem.


You think blood clots are a problem or heart attacks, that's just one little aspect to it.


That was just the spike protein payload that was creating.


I mean,


you notice the first thing they did,


it was a big old shark fin coming up going around Trump.


So, if I did a deep dive, it'd take three hours.


But I'm going to do a quick gestalt scan of him coming up at the start of the next hour.


It'll probably take 30 minutes.


because I want to focus on all the positive stuff,


and we will,


and now the enemy's striking back in other areas,


but this guy is a big problem.


Now, as I told you yesterday,


My sources said, you're really going to like what happens tomorrow.


Trump's going to take FEMA to the woodshed with executive orders and the BLM and


the national forest groups and the state of California with a bunch of executive


orders dealing with fire mitigation and other disaster mitigation like hurricanes


and the DEI response in North Carolina and other areas.


He's already done that already just now.


So that part came true.


My sources were accurate.


Just like I have other sources that told me before anybody else, four days before, that RFK Jr.


was going to endorse him, and they would do it at a rally on Friday, and they did it.


It was going to be L.A., but they moved it to Tucson.


The only part I got wrong was that, because it changed.


So I didn't get it wrong, but they just changed something.


So I would expect,


because it's already happening,


the first part is happening,


and he hasn't unveiled the details of what he's going to do to FEMA,


but I was basically already told...


So he's going to expose the bureaucrats,


clean up FEMA,


clean up the National Forest Service,


and go after the state of California,


spotlight what they did,


announce a bunch of federal mitigation with an emergency to override Newsom,


blocking water that's in the state and federal lands in those big mountain reservoirs,




call for an investigation by the federal government of what went on because Newsom


can't be trusted to run his own investigation that he's launched.


And I was told more.


I mean, I wasn't told more.


There's more too, but just let people know.


So we'll be watching that.


We've got some clips already of that.


And then we've got really the biggest news here,


but people are kind of normalcy biased being in World War III that could go nuclear


after almost three years of this.


But Putin has come out and said he's ready to meet immediately in the war.


Zelensky suddenly says he's ready to meet with Trump and immediately in the war.


Trump says he has a plan to immediately in the war.


And so...


I am told Trump's going to start focusing on that next week.


But first,


he's devastating the deep state,


shutting down their operations,


exposing the crimes they've committed,


surveying the damage from the disasters where the response was the biggest part of it.


He's also focused on getting confirmation for his people in.


There's a lot of movement on that.


And then,


of course,


he signed an executive order banning central bank digital currencies,


a major blow to the private federal reserve.


I'll explain more on that.


I shot a quick report on that last night.


I'm glad people thought it was important because it is.


As of this morning, I just glanced.


There was 60 million views on X of that report,


which tells me you think it's important because it is.


So I'll give you a little more on that.


Trump pardons 23 pro-life activists that just peacefully prayed outside of mortuaries.


Trump's also set to sign a federal ban on funding to any scientist or institution


or university or company that's doing gain-of-function research.


He's also got orders already out, but more orders coming.


Kicking transgender men out of women's prisons.


We've got the bad guys counter-striking with their global ID,


digital internet ID that will be used for the global central bank digital currency.


That's why the attack on that by Trump is so critical, and it's devastating.


I'll explain why.


And then you've got the Davos group saying,


we need the global ID for the global internet control.


We've got to censor everybody now.


We've got to put everybody in prison now, including Elon Musk.


And the German government's threatening that under the law.


that was set to go into effect, but they're accelerating it.


European Commission expands censorship law enforcement,


mandates 24-hour removal of,




hate speech,


anything they define.


You saw the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, a few days ago on, what, on Monday?


Tuesday, we played the clip.


He said, oh, we've got free speech in Germany unless it's right wing.


And they define that as anything they don't like.


Of course, the horrible man-made global warming and climate change is so horrible.


Life-threatening cold weather expands southward across the nation, impacting 235 million people.


Record cold.


The ice caps are bigger than ever.


It's the absolute lies.


And we've got interesting little things here that just illustrate how the old...


kleptocratic, arrogant deep states in trouble.


Washington insider Meghan McCain says her reputable sources confirm Obama divorce


rumors and that that's happening.


Tom Homan offers epic response to defiant illegal immigrant who said he's not going


back to Haiti.


The one saying F Trump, we love you Obama, we love you Biden.


And a big stack of developments there.


immigration raids rocking sanctuary strongholds across the nation.


So now illegal aliens that just flew here in the last month and were waiting in


Democrat Party facilities,




they pay for it,


the NGOs,


with your tax money they get from the State Department to have their baby and then


get it all paid for and sign them up for welfare so they can stay and then they can


bring their family here with chain migration.


They're having C-sections en masse.


The hospitals in the blue cities want to bankrupt everything, so they love it too.


And so that's happening.


And just a bunch of wild developments.


Also, everybody's asking me, well, what's going to happen with the JFK files?


Trump signed the order yesterday to release.




the federal law that he has to comport with the documents that gives the agencies


that have it 15 days to release it.


So we've got the law here and the executive order on all of that.


And just so much more here today.




the first thing I want to get to with tomorrow's news today is what Trump is


already announced and what he's going to be announcing in North Carolina and then


off to the West Coast and Los Angeles,


devastated by administrative terrorism,


bureaucratic siege.


And then I'm going to get into the war news and those developments in more details.


And then I'm going to get into the globalist counter-striking with the censorship


and regulatory laws they're going to try to enforce against the U.S.


and U.S.


companies and what Trump obviously will then respond with because he's got all the


leverage and is actually using it.


And I'm going to explain why.


For people that don't understand why Trump's so powerful,


It's not just that he has the people behind him during a global awakening.


It's not just that he's smart and been through hell for nine years.


It's that the United States,


with the British Empire,


set up the UN,


set up the global government,


and that it was designed to collapse us slowly and absorb us into it and get rid of


all the nation states.


But if we get a patriot in there at the 11th hour, which we've done,


We tried.


It built the runway eight years ago to springboard now.


And it worked out with the enemy exposing themselves and fighting us and


brutalizing people to really reveal themselves the last four years to now just wake


the public up so they were ready for the change and wake up Trump to a higher degree.


And Elon Musk, everybody else, it was all part of that process.


We were just there way before.


and foresaw all of this, that because the U.S.


still had control of the corporate global government systems,






European Union,


robber barons,


the Rothschilds own the most stock in the private Federal Reserve and its subsidiaries,


but the command and control muscle is through


the federal government and its agencies and the interlocking think tanks and NGOs


and foundations that create the policy that's then implemented by the agencies.


But if you cut off the Rockefeller Foundations and the Carnegie Foundation and the


Ford Foundation and the Tabistock Institute and the other groups that are creating


the policy for the OECD corporate global government system,


that collapses nations one at a time,


is done with the third world,


now moving on to the first world.


If the public becomes aware of that operation and then simply cuts the command and


control off from the unlawful corporate governmental bureaucracy,


then you can use that command and control system,


I hope not to create an imperial American empire.


Instead of being a globalist empire, it becomes an American empire.


It doesn't mean the U.S.


won't be dominant.


It doesn't mean that we won't then culturally,


1776 worldwide that I talked about for 20 years,


of soft power and intellectual dominance to help the world and again be the example


of what to be,


not what not to be.


America lost its soul for a while,


but it's pretty much gaining it back to a great extent right now.


It's quite the journey and quite the event.


And the destination is the journey.


Isn't that what life's all about?


So that's why they're so scared of Trump.


He didn't understand all this eight years ago.


And he thought he was there to get the government on board,


have prosperity and fix the problems.


They were just dumb and they didn't understand.


Why were they making all these mistakes?


And why were they stifling innovation?


And why they want to make people poor?


Now Trump...


95% gets it.


Musk is 100, but he just hasn't gone the last point there publicly.


Pretty much has, though, that it's intentional.


He's starting to say that, because it is.


It's on record.


So that's why when you look at the deep state minions in the Democrat bloc,


and some of the Republicans are still on board with the globalists,


they were just looking at Trump with total jealousy,




and marvel,


and Bill Clinton was looking at him like he was Elvis Presley.


I mean,


Bill Clinton was just actually fawning at Trump and just groveling because he


worships power.


And see, some of them just worship the dark side and evil and hurting people.


And Bill Clinton's into that some, but he's not like a super dark black.


More of a gray mist.


And we looked at his aura.


I use that as an analogy.


And they see Trump a big golden flamethrower.


And they're just extremely envious of Trump and Elon Musk's


And people that have got the life force shooting out of them.


Because these are the minions of evil.


And they thought they'd bet on evil because they would have power,


but deep down the rabbit hole,


they realized they're just husks that have been sucked dry and were used and never


really had the power by exercising the birthright we were given as humans to be godlike.


And I don't mean like God-like big G, but I mean we're made in the image of God.


It's in the first book of the Bible.


The devil says in the garden, he'd know you not, you are gods.


And God says we're made in the image of God to experience God,


to be able to understand God to a certain extent.


and to be able to have free will.


The devil goes, no, no, you're your own God with your own complete system.


You don't need to be with this God when you're really just an extension of God's


consciousness with free will.


You are not God,


but you are part of God,


and you can choose with your free will to say,


I don't want to be with you.


You can release yourself, but the only way is down.


In your resonance.


So Trump is in command of the globalist infrastructure.


And now he understands that if he just gets control and he's in the first five days


doing it and rolling them back and not being intimidated,


not caring what they say,


and just with confidence marching in there with loyal people who aren't going to


put up with anybody's BS inside the government.


He has a mandate.


And all they got is we're Hitler.


They're out of bullets.


None of it works.


It's all crap.


So I've done the 35,000 foot view.


And I'm going to get into it more later.


But nobody else is explaining this.


Nobody else is stating this.


And I don't want to be the person that has the most advanced 360 analysis.


I know there are people that understand this.


a lot of them on the bad guy side,


and quite a few now in the Trump orbit are actually transcending the false


political paradigms that have been put out there as a smoke screen.


We're not in the fog of the mainline political distraction.


That's all just there to confuse you and distract you.


We are operating with historical


current real time, and spiritual radar, sonar, infrared.


It doesn't matter the enemy tries to shroud things in darkness.


We see all.


But whereas I only have a limited power,


but a shard of God's consciousness,


what I focus on,


I can know all,


but only on that.


God knows all 360, all time, all dimensions, all answers, total perfection.


But you,


by tapping into God's consciousness,


can also advance your most important sense,


the sixth sense,


which is a lot bigger than knowing when somebody's looking at you,


turn around and somebody's looking at you.


That's just the tip of the iceberg.


Go to the


Get the very best supplements,


the highest quality,


like Ultimate Turmeric,


Ultimate CMOS,


and so many other game-changing formulas that you will love and that will blow you away.


Then the widest selection of Patriot t-shirts,


and hoodies and sweaters and ball caps.


And we're just adding more and more.


It is the biggest election.


Over 400 different designs.


We are winning, ladies and gentlemen.


But InfoWars is recognized as the tip of the spear in the fight against the globalists.


Elon's kicking their ass.


Trump's kicking their ass because you've supported them.


But please don't forget about Infowars.


Because in this fight,


Elon and Trump,


what they're doing is way larger and just incredible and amazing.




You look then below that and we are the most effective.


We are now reaching the most people of any of the shows out there.


And not just the Patriot broadcast.


We're reaching over 100 million people a day conservatively.


And that's because you stood with us and you supported us.


But these new viewers, these new listeners.


They're not going to the and they're not getting product.


It is the hardcore viewers and listeners like you,


the patriots that help launch this whole thing that are keeping us on the air.


You're not the Johnny-come-latelys.


You're the people that understand how important it is to support independent,








media that are enemies of humanity.


So get great products.


At the same time, keep us on air at


I want to thank you all for your past support, and I want to encourage you now to take action.


Become a VIP.


It's $30 a month.


Cancel any time.


Get $40 to spend in the store each month.


Special deals, special sales, special offers.


Become a VIP if you're going to buy anything because you make money on your first


purchase when you do it.


Again, thank you so much.


Check out today, and I thank you for keeping us on the air.


All right,


if you just joined us,


I laid out information in the last 30 minutes that we'll clip out in the next 30


minutes and post to X,


and I revealed the public secret of how the world really works and the fact that Trump...


in the last few years,


finally understood that the people giving him the advice that I just gave you are


dead on.


And that the only way to stop our enemies is to admit there's this private


corporate global government,


admit the government,


the United States of America has been running it,


Admit that the big globalist NGOs under the direction of the think tanks that are


funded and controlled by the big tax-free foundations that set up this plan at the


turn of the century,


125 years ago,


to counter the Sherman Antitrust Act and to establish a global corporate government.


And so you get the Federal Reserve Act in 1913,


the National Security Act in 47,


the completion of the coup in 63 with the killing of Kennedy.


And then we move into where we are today as they try to consolidate and cement


their power,


suck America dry while they leverage it out to control the world.


But America was supposed to fade away and be part of this global system and be a


third world district.


But if we could get a populist in that understood that before they did it,


you then get full control over that whole system.


The Anglo-American empire.


That's what it's called in their own documents.


That's why when Putin addresses the West,


he says,


the Anglo-Americans are doing this and they're doing that and they want to get us


out of the way because we're in the way of their world government and their empire.


I mean, all the real leaders and academics, this is just a fact.


And that's why they're so scared of Trump.


This isn't just some new Republican from the establishment that got into power.


And he's just a functionary like the presidents we've had for a long time.


You know, Reagan knew a lot of what was going on, but not totally.


And when he got out of line, they shot him.


He wasn't a bad guy.


And then Herbert Walker was the guy behind it.


He was total globalist.


And then you get Clinton and Bush and they're all this Obama guy.


And then Trump comes in as a speed hump, but didn't fully understand it.


And then they steal the election,


put their puppet in,


tried to squeeze everybody and stop the awakening that was happening.


And that only supercharged it.


When you put explosives in a contained metal container that just make the explosion


less powerful or more powerful,


more powerful.


So I've got so much news and so much critical stuff,


but you must understand the 35,000 foot view.


So he is successfully devastating their operations,


taking over all their systems,


kicking all their people out,


bringing all his people in,


and he's talking about their global government,


their corporatist middleman system wanting to impoverish us,


and how the policies to make us all poor and dumb and sick is over.


And if he continues at his current accelerated trajectory,


you see,


I've said this hundreds of times last year,


He's got to break their neck politically instantly when he comes in,


or it'll be long and protracted and dangerous.


And he is doing the exact blitzkrieg move better than I thought he would.


And there's a few potholes there, but a few blemishes.


But man, it's bigger and better than I thought it would be.


And he's got people in there that are executing...


like Tom Brady at his height.


I mean, this is unbelievable.




and some people will spit when I said and say,




Trump's in charge of the New World Order now.


Trump's in charge of globalism.


No, it's a control system.


So you can't just take over and act like the federal government doesn't run that too.


Trump is understanding he is not just the king of America.


The return of the king, Musk, posted on X. No, he's the king of the world.


If he continues down the line he's on.


And I don't mean that in a totalitarian or dictatorial way.


The globalists are an unelected tyrannical imperial royal system.


I mean, if you look at who the EU commission has been headed up by, they're all royalty.


Herman von Rumpi, look into him.


Closely related to the Saxe-Coburg Gothas.


That name scares the British,


so they changed their name a few hundred years ago to the House of Windsor.


That sounds English, huh?


Or Marlboro.


They're about as English as a Japanese samurai sword.




That's where we are.


And we have to complete the takeover and have to be aware of what the bad guy's going to do.


But if you just take out their command and control and don't do what the big


tax-free foundations say and the think tanks say and their NGOs say and their law


firms say,


That's how it works.


And their corporate media says they have no power.


Well, the corporate media is beyond discredited.


There were a bunch of raids on NGO law firms around the country last night that are


smuggling humans and committed a lot of crimes by the FBI.


It goes on and on.


Trump's pulling out of the treaties.


Trump's firing all of the political brainwashing officers that are there to create


division and let this control in the different agencies.


I mean, you know what he's doing.


turning the energy back on, turning the food back on, moving to stop the wars.


I mean,


he's doing it all so that now all the resources are going to be based on


productivity and competition,


not on centralization and huge trillion-dollar environmentalist boondoggles that


are designed to bankrupt the country and make sure no infrastructure is built.


That's why they do, you know, $90 billion now to give...


fiber optic internet to rural areas and not one person's given internet it's


designed to transfer wealth bankrupt the country and build no infrastructure so


this is a real revolution and the very


shadow corporate global government infrastructure that we paid for but was designed


to transfer our power to the corporations and totalitarian dictatorships is now


In Trump's hand.


If it was a sword,


he's got his hand around the hilt and is tightening his hand on it right now very quickly.


At current acceleration mode,


within about a month,


he'll have the sword fully gripped in his hand.


But it's in his hand right now.


He's closing his fingers.


Got it.


Get it.


Close them quickly.




Get it.


Do it now.




Then we have to make sure that the old instincts of insider trading and political


centralization and corruption are not allowed to operate.


We then need what Musk is doing to not interfere in these countries,


but use the dominant independent media by empowering those populations and citizen


journalists who overnight aren't just bigger than the corporate dinosaur media,


but thousands of times bigger,


many of them individually.


to then allow them to choose the type of society they want.


And some countries are going to become so free and so vibrant very quickly that


they will be real competition to us.


And at that point,


we just need to trade with them and innovate with them and compete with them and


not do what the globals were doing in the past,


go in and sabotage because they didn't want competition.


No, this is the taking the handcuffs off.


This is freeing the captives.


And so I'm going to be here supporting the finalization of the takeover of the control grid.


And then we can oversee its dismantling.


And what I see in everything Trump's doing,


and it's very beautiful,


is that he's being honest about piece by piece the power we've got through him and


through this network.


we're taking over.


And he's also going into the centralized,


dangerous arms of it and saying,


I ban central bank digital currencies.


We won't do one.


Any other government tries to do one.


We won't work with them.


We still have the dominant currency in the world.


And by doing that, it makes our currency even stronger and ensures that


that another one doesn't rise up,


and then it promotes decentralization and Bitcoin and everything else.


And the private Federal Reserve had its new central bank digital currency ready.


The big banks were preparing its rollout.


Bill Gates was standardizing it all and finishing up the touches at the UN.


And I've got the Davos Group's agenda, desperate to get that done.


And Trump just...


Blew it up.


And I love how they go, oh, he goes, what's this?


They go,




it's the thing saying we have a working group on crypto and we're going to promote it.




of course,


the executive order devastates all these globalist government surveillance coins,


slave coins,


mark of the beast coins.


And that's exactly what you do.


You take control of the system and then you keep the communication network open.


You put your people in the positions,


and then you strategically blow up the anti-human,




centralized systems.


And that's why I got really upset about Sam Altman,


I'll get into next hour,


and Larry Ellison and the rest of them,


who've gone and convinced SoftBank of the Japanese to try to sell Trump on this


$5,500 billion market.


AI project to get him to bite on OpenAI that it's come out in the last few years


was a secret project with the deep state posing as a non-profit with NQTEL and the


CIA like they always do to go out and crowdsource all the best scientists and


coders to bring them in


and build it,


and then behind the scenes,


they were going around with all the big tech leaders saying,


you're not allowed to have a powerful AI.


You just need to come into this.


We'll make it look like there's a bunch of AIs,


but it'll really all be this AI,


and this is gonna have government backing,


and this is gonna be the one the government adopts.


And so that's the Trojan horse being presented to Trump of ChatGPT, OpenAI,


that it was produced by.


And so Sam Altman is Bill Gates 2.0, literally.


I mean, he might as well be a Bill Gates clone.


And of course,


one of the four engineers that actually wrote the code for ChatGPT was speaking out,


was whistleblowing,


saying they're hooked into the NSA and what they're doing is illegal and told his


parents that


And then, oh, he got found dead in his apartment.


So what's the UN want?


What's Davos want?


What's the CIA want?


What's Schmidt want?




They want one AI.


Because you're going to get AI.


But they want to be able to ban individuals even developing their own systems or


small companies.


So it is uber bad.


And I said I'd get to that next hour.


I got a lot to get to before then.


So now I'm going to have to push the Sam Altman expose to the bottom of the next


hour because I need to get going here.


But I'm not going to apologize for spending the last 48 minutes on


On the big picture.


Because if you don't get that.


None of this makes sense.


And I've done deep research.




So many angles.


And that's how we're tomorrow's news today.


And I understand the theoreticals of all this.


That's where I have the real knowledge.


Is in the futuristic.


Top projections.


And then I apply my knowledge of other systems.


And my own.


unified field theory analysis with a complex electrochemical Hegelian equation to


be able to predict future events.


And of course you go, well, what's the computer?


What's the right here?


What you call intuition or knowledge or wisdom is the sum of all the data you have


and your instincts from your ancestors that you consciously,


the cerebral cortex,


cannot quantify but the brain knows in its fullness.


And then the job is to be able to articulate that.


And the best way is to prove you know the future by predicting it over and over and over again.


So that at one point,


enough people listen to you so that you can change the future instead of being in a river,


rapids being drawn along and being dashed against the rocks.




when enough people get informed and understand the major issues and the choices,










that they need to make and affect their environment together,




but together through collective action,


you expand human consciousness to the next level and become an interplanetary species.


the first major fork in the road past that Elon talks about so much.


The globalists don't want that big debate.


They want to be able to make all the decisions and just get rid of most of us.


It's very selfish.


They also think with robots and the rest of it,


they don't need a large population to continue building,


which is...


Foolish because they don't even add into it properly.


They add a little bit into their equation, but not enough.


Of the disruption getting rid of most people will cause and the fact that people


will figure it out as things get worse and worse.


By the sheer nature of a mass of people this big,


there are always going to be people that are immune or heavily resistant to it.


And the pressure will force that, and it will be spectacularly destructive.


And we don't want to be destructive like the globalists do because it makes them feel powerful.


Because that's all they know how to do, because they're losers.


It's much harder to build order than disorder.


And they sit around and go, oh, we're got destructive creation, creative destruction.


And they lie to themselves because they don't have what it takes.


All right, we're going to break.


I'm going to come back and get to Trump and what he's doing and some of the big developments.


And it's just all wild, all insanely wild.


But everybody's been wanting me to give them an update on the future of InfoWars.


And I will do it at the start of the fourth hour.


I have to get through all this and the other news,


and then the war room today will be covering Trump when he's out in California.


That's going to be wild.


I'll spend 15 minutes or 20 minutes at the start of the fourth hour.


And it is important.


And it's a microcosm into what we face.


And I've learned a lot.


There's a lot I probably shouldn't get out.


So I don't want the bad guys to know we know what they're doing.


But there's enough in the news now that's wrong and right that I'm going to go


ahead and give you an update on that.


But let me just say this now.


You are the variable.


And you are the deciding factor.


on whether or not this operation in its current formation and incarnation continues on.


And it would be very good if it did because I wouldn't be distracted by the things


that would go into reconstituting and actually expanding that we need to do at this


critical time.


So if I gave you a report card on our information's


stratospheric, parabolic, exponential, meteoric ascension, I would say that it's biblical.


I mean, it's gargantuan.


It's fabulous.


In the department of money, it is getting about a 70%.


And if you drop below that,


you get an F.




and there's a lot that goes into that and the position we're in and the fact that


I've always done everything myself,


that I haven't brought in other people and things.


At this juncture, I'm relying upon you.


And I think that's really what this broadcast is all about in its purest form,


is that it's the fact that I won't sell out,


that I love the truth,


and that I work hard,


and my crew does a great job,


and our guests,


and everybody,


and our callers.


And then we're in the search for truth, and the promotion of truth, when we find it.


I've got a few sponsors I could get more.


In the past,


they get targeted and messed with,


and you lose them,


or they try to put pressure on you for political stuff,


and I just,


I don't,




just any pressure about what I say or do,


you're gone.


Sponsor's been on here for years,


calls up,




I didn't like what you said on the air the other day.


Oh, are you trying to influence me?


Well, yeah, I don't know if I can advertise with you if you say that.


Well, great, I'm not taking your money.


Oh, no, no, no, no.


Hey, don't ever call me again.


Shut up.


I'm a little aggressive about it.


So it's real simple.


You want me to say and do what you want, or you're going to take money away from me?


Well, what did Elon Musk say?


Go fuck yourself.


So my boss is the viewers and listeners that if they want this to continue on,


and they want me to spend all my time fighting the tyrants...


and not spending a lot of my time trying to cut corners here and there to fund


things and really stressing out,


then just bet on me.


I bet on you.


Look at our incredible success.


It's a no-brainer.


Commit now to become a VIP member at


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But everybody just commit and become a VIP member today and get in there and try the products.


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I want a relationship with you.


I need your help.


Please go there.


And it helps you.


And we fight for freedom together.


Take action now.


I'm counting on you.




Donald John Trump,


do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the


United States and will,


to the best of my ability,


and will to the best of my ability.


Preserve, protect, and defend.


Preserve, protect, and defend.


The Constitution of the United States.


The Constitution of the United States.


So help me God.


So help me God.


Congratulations, Mr. President.


Ladies and gentlemen,


we have just witnessed one of the greatest victories for humanity we've ever witnessed.


We have seen the evil, corrupt bureaucracy that has been ruling America for at least 50 years


unseated by trump and the american people and this is getting attention all over


the world america is now back to being an example of freedom and populism instead


of being seen as a giant engine of evil and all over the world populist and


anti-globalist are winning almost every election as well and and i i know most of


you understand that but we cannot stress this enough


And yes, we've got a major beachhead with Trump.


And yes, the public is getting more and more awake every day.


But the forces of the globalists are not completely defeated, though that is in sight.


And it is so critical that everyone understand that Infowars,


that the deep state's been trying to shut down for many years with their lawfare


and all the same stuff they targeted Trump with,


is very close to being defeated in our legal proceedings against them as well.


But they are still after us.


So when you support us in our fundraising efforts at,


you're not just keeping the broadcast on air and the reporters and crew employed,


that's very important.


You are allowing us into the future to literally survive.


And we are thriving when it comes to the numbers of people we are reaching.


So our most important work is happening now.


The world is ready to really go to the bottom of the rabbit hole concerning the


globalists and defeat them.


There are a lot of great products at


The widest selection of Patriot apparel,


a lot of just really high quality,


cutting edge supplements that will empower you,


that really do work.


And a lot of other limited edition items like this Save the Frogs mug that's very,


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Other great mementos like these campaign coins or you call them challenge coins.


Trump's got a bunch of those in the Oval Office with him.


They're very, very popular.


There's more than eight designs of these.


They're as low as $9.95 a piece up to $15.


They're nice.


They're heavy.


They're pewter with enamel paint.


on them commemorating different victories over the globalists and different maxims of freedom.


Now, we sold out a limited edition Trump inauguration coin, and that's limited edition.


No more of those.


And these are limited edition as well.


So support the broadcast and get your limited edition campaign slash challenge


coins at


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the very best supplements like the ultimate CMOS gummies and powdered capsules.


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Check out the incredible products at the Alex Jones and understand you're


the reason we're able to stay on air.


You're the reason we're having these victories.


Thank you so much.


Please visit the Alex Jones today.


And I thank you for your support.


All right.


Trump is so on fire in North Carolina,


talking to the press,


doing press conferences,


giving speeches that we could just easily just turn the show over to him.


But we're here providing the next level of information.


So I really need to now just start going through the news here and what I've


promised to get to and everything that's happening.


But during the break, I was brought this article that just went up on


And we have the video clip and I'll get to it at six after because 450 stations


join us and I want everybody to hear this.


Not just our great audience on X and and our streams.


Trump says he wouldn't feel responsible if anything happened to Fauci.


That's what Mel Gibson said a few weeks ago on Rogan.


Why is that guy still walking around?


Trump says he wouldn't feel responsible if anything happened to Fauci,


Bolton or Pompeo after stripping through security details.




Actions speak louder than words.


And Trump now knows, has known, that Pompeo was one of the big leakers.


And is a monster.


And he knows what Fauci did setting him up.


And Bolton, another big leaker.


And why should we pay him for those scumbags?


I mean, Fauci had 15...


Federal marshals, 24 hours a day.




I haven't seen the numbers on Bolton and Pompeo.


I mean, wow.


So that's coming up.


And then, as I told you yesterday during the show, Trump's going to go after FEMA.


Newsom, all of it, declare his own emergencies, call for criminal investigation.


That's already started now.


I've got a bunch of those clips,


but I'm going to stop right here because before I went live today,


I said to myself,


you got a plug for support more than a minute or two,


an hour,


because you keep saying you need support.


You're the problem.


I'm saying to myself,


you need to explain to people why you need support,


and you also need to explain how great the products are.


So I'm going to say it again.


We've survived three public and five attempts to shut us down the last eight months.


I've had to fight like hell legally.


And my crews had to put up with hell.


And so much stuff that I'm not even going to get into of the harassment.


And it just goes on and on.


And now the new stuff they're doing.


And it doesn't make me feel sorry for myself.


It makes me get even more focused and more dedicated.


And then I'm constantly working.


I mean, I worked 20 hours yesterday.


And I love my seven-year-old daughter and my other kids.


And most, I mean, I played like a card game with her for 45 minutes right after dinner.


I ate real quick.


She wanted to play, and I just said, I'm sorry, sweetheart.


Because if I don't beat these people, she has no future.


And my middle daughter was calling and wanted me to come over and see her.


She's moved out and wanted to come over.


And I said, sorry, I got to go.


And I just hung up on her.


And I think back on that, I'm guilty.


But I'm really not.


I just said, I'm sorry, I'm in an emergency.


I mean, this is an emergency.


And when I sit back and look at how much time I'm spending trying to scrabble


around and get money,


I know there are a lot of people out there that are middle class,


middle class wealthy.


And we have the best supplements, the best T-shirts, the best stuff at the




freeze-dried, storable beef that tastes amazing, top-rated.


That just got added.


Go there and buy a bunch of stuff.


And I know there's all these working-class people that, you know, support us as well.


And quite frankly, if you don't have the money, just share the article, share the videos.


You're doing a great job.


We're reaching a lot of people.


I'm talking about the middle class and nouveau riche and wealthy people and old money.


What are you doing?


I mean, you got off the bench and supported Trump, so we're having all these victories.


This broadcast is the most accurate and hardcore out there,


and we're reaching hundreds of millions of views a day,


tens of millions of people listening to the show.


I mean, we're devastating the enemy.


We're important.


So go now to and keep me in the fight.


All right,


I have said that if President Trump wants to crush the deep state,


save America and the world,


stop nuclear war,


has stopped the engineered economic collapse we're already well into.


He's got to savagely go on offense,


purge all these criminals out of the government,


cut all the federal funding to the leftist systems,


and he's moving faster and doing a better job than I even thought he could.


And he's getting ready and already started,


as I told you,




going after FEMA,


going after the Democrats,


going after their...


Bureaucratic sabotage in California with orders on that and real investigations and


declaring an emergency out in California that I believe is incoming to override


Newsom's emergency where he can direct it all and screw everybody over.


But he's been criminally negligent, bare minimum.


And if you talk about screw you to the new world order, what people want to see,


Corporate media, how dare you pardon these people?


Oh, you're a bunch of crooks.


The Fed staged January 6th.


You're all a bunch of liars.


The Democrats are the ones that pardon child molesters and murderers and Kamala


bails people out that burn federal courthouses down.


Just shut up.


Everybody hates you.




just have the corporate media there to,


when they ask a question,


just say,


you're idiots,


you're scum,


you're liars.


SpongeBob reruns have way more viewers than you.


And it's not just Trump doing it.


It's all these senators and House members and






it was MTG years ago and people like me years and years ago,


but now that's the attitude.


They don't have any power.


Stop acting like they do.


Stop worrying about what they say.


Just repudiate them and laugh at them and nonviolently run over them.


Well, the video's up on


We're going to play it right now, but if you want to share it, there it is.


Trump says he wouldn't feel responsible if anything happened to Fauci,




or Pompeo after stripping their security details.


These crooks,


these globalist operatives that leaked on Trump,


lied to Trump,


set Trump up,


undermined America,


created the bio weapon,


released it,


manipulated Trump into warp speed.


I mean, they're a pack of crooks.


And why should they have security clearances in the case of Pompeo and Bolton?


Why should they have huge security details?


You know, with Fauci, it came out two years ago that it was illegal.


It wasn't even on the books.


But federal agencies just provided it.


Up to 15 federal marshals at any one time.


Oh, sorry, they're being repurposed to go help arrest illegal aliens.


Trump just did that with an executive order last night.


ATF, FBI, federal marshals.


Oh, you're going to help get the illegal aliens too.


The drug dealers, the human traffickers, the smugglers.


He's taking command.


And it is amazing.


And they're already raiding the big NGO law firms in New York and California and Rhode Island.


Last night, more coming.


And they've been human trafficking and smuggling and getting the money and bragging


how they do illegal stuff.


How's that working out for you?


and then you get the law firms and NGOs,


the nonprofits,


and then you've got their computers,


and you've got who's giving them their orders,


and we already know who is,




and above that,


the State Department,


and Mayorkas,


just like Tom Homan said they were going to do.


Oh, it's not just Trump and Tom Homan in the last week saying...


If you block federal agents executing legal lawful orders,


court orders,


you'll be indicted for obstruction of justice.


No, no, no, no, no, no.


We're coming after you for past immigration crimes.


Just because you own the Justice Department and could human traffic all these kids


putting sex slavery and slave labor,


and you just thought nobody would ever be in charge that would come after you,


Well, guess what?


You're not immune, and we're going to indict you.


Gloves are off.


In fact, Trump just hasn't taken the gloves off.


He put brass knuckles on.


Metaphysically, nonviolently.


He's got a fire axe, actually.


Here's Johnny.




This is wild.


And there's just so much more.


Let's go to the clip of Trump.


Okay, yeah.






the security detail for Anthony Fauci was terminated last night,


and I'm wondering if you have any comment on that.


About what?


The security detail for Anthony Fauci was terminated last night, sir.


Do you have a comment?


No, I think when you work for government, at some point your security detail comes off.


And you can't have them forever.


So I think it's very standard.


If it would be for somebody else, you wouldn't be asking the question.


The question is very fair.


But you work for government.


We took some off other people too.


But you can't have a security detail for the rest of your life because you work for government.


And they're gonna say Trump threatens Fauci, Bolton and Pompeo.


Of course, he didn't, but he's trolling him because they'll misrepresent that.


And what do you think the public is going to think when they hear that?


I mean,


you saw on polls 80-some percent of people were glad that that insurance company


had got shot in New York.


Now, we don't want that.


And he's not even up there near the top with bad guys.


But people still see him as bad because of the way they ration care,


the terrible things they do.


But Fauci is hated about 99% of people.


So now everybody's going to hear, oh, Trump doesn't care if anything happens to Fauci.


Well, you heard what Mel Gibson a few weeks ago again said on Joe Rogan's podcast.


He said, Fauci, how's that guy still walking around?


We're not calling for any violence.


We're just saying, why didn't his ass in prison?


So this is the right way to behave.


It's the right thing to do.


All right,


as I predicted yesterday during the show,


and then he went on last night and started saying it on Hannity,


and then he today said it in North Carolina a couple times.


Oh, he's going to sign some orders.


He's going to reorganize FEMA and other groups, and they do a terrible job.


And wait till you see what happens when he goes to California later today.


So here's Trump.


We are very disappointed in FEMA.


Trump announces executive order.


And Trump disappointed in FEMA response.


Here it is.


What we thought we'd do is take a quick look around.


First, we wanted to do this.


I wanna say that we're very disappointed in FEMA.


Your new governor, it's not his fault.


He's brand new to the whole situation.


We're going to work together with the governor.


We're going to work together with the senators.


But really,


we're going to work a lot with your congressmen,


especially the three that are in the area and Michael Watley.


And I'd like to put Michael in charge of making sure everything goes well.


I'll also be signed an executive order to begin the process of fundamentally


reforming and overhauling FEMA or maybe getting rid of FEMA.


I think, frankly, FEMA is not good.


I think when you have a problem like this,


I think you want to go and whether it's a Democrat or Republican governor,


you want to use your state to fix it and not waste time calling FEMA.


And then FEMA gets here and they don't know the area.


They've never been to the area and they want to give you rules that you've never heard about.


They want to bring people that aren't as good as the people you already have.


And FEMA's turned out to be a disaster.


And you could go back a long way.


You could go back to Louisiana.


You could go back to some of the things that took place in Texas.


It turns out to be the state that ends up doing the work.


It just complicates it.


I think we're going to recommend that FEMA go away.


And we pay directly.


We pay a percentage to the state.


But the state should fix this.


If the state did this from the beginning, it would have been a lot better situation.


I think you guys agree with that, right?


Thank you very much.


Everybody thought I was going to California.


I said,






I'm stopping in North Carolina first because they've been abused by what's happened.


All right,


I want to get to more about what he said about FEMA and then a little prelude to


what he's going to be saying out in California.


This is really important.


But there's a longer clip of Trump talking about Fauci and pulling his security.


Fauci's reportedly made hundreds of millions of dollars just off COVID.


He tries to keep it secret, but it's come out.


So again, why are we paying for a guy worth hundreds of millions of dollars?


He's been making that for 50 years in the federal government.


It's now 50 years.


You know,


he owns a piece,




of all the so-called vaccines you've been taking for decades.


Talk about insider trading.


That's beyond it.


Talk about conflict of interest.


That's next level.


So let's play the full clip.


Then I'll get back into Trump on FEMA.


Fauci made a lot of money.


He can afford security.


Here it is.


I think they keep in order to get rid of FEMA.


FEMA has been a very big disappointment.


They cost a tremendous amount of money.


It's very bureaucratic, and it's very slow.


Other than that, we're very happy with them, okay?


Here, let's just stop.


It's not a prob.


Not a prob.


Let's just stop right here.


I love the crew.


They're awesome.


People you know, this is a live show, teleprompter free.


So they popped in my ear during the last clip and they said,


we've got the full clip of him explaining that Fauci's got plenty of money.


And I'd already told them that I was going to go to the clips about the fires and


his investigation of that.


And a really good thing he said about,


we're going to give FEMA back to the states,


which again is a federalist system,


but we'll then have federal assistance to them.


which is how it's supposed to work.


So again, that de-evolution of power back to the states, that's great.


But I wanted to play clip J first.


So we're gonna play clip J,


his full statement on Fauci and the security being pulled here at us.


Detail for Anthony Fauci was terminated last night, sir.


Do you have a comment?


No, I think when you work for government, at some point your security detail comes off.


And, you know, you can't have them forever.


So I think it's very standard.


If it would be for somebody else, you wouldn't be asking the question.


The question is very fair.


But, you know, you work for government.


We took some off other people, too.


But you can't have a security detail for the rest of your life because you work for government.


Yeah, we'll see what happens.


No, no.


You know, they all made a lot of money.


They can hire their own security to all the people you're talking about.


They can go out.


I can give them some good numbers of very good security people.


They can hire their own security.


They all made a lot of money.


Fauci made a lot of money.


They all did.


So if they felt that strongly, I think that certainly I would not take responsibility.




when I just earlier mentioned Trump sending power back to the states on every front,


which is what you do when you're decentralizing and aren't a tyrant,


but he says,


but we'll still send the money FEMA has,


and we'll still send the Army Corps of Engineers...


More quickly and better than, obviously, Biden did.


And they got caught.


What the locals said was true.


Don't help white people.


Don't help Trump supporters.


Don't help Christians.


We only help LGBT and minorities.


Not just the documents.


On video, the manager is telling them in Zoom meetings.


So remember all that.


The corporate media is saying it wasn't true.


Here's those clips.


I think people wanted to get rid of.


FEMA has been a very big disappointment.


They cost a tremendous amount of money.


It's very bureaucratic and it's very slow.


Other than that, we're very happy with them.


okay and i think it's i think when there's a uh when there's a problem with the


state i think that that problem should be taken care of by the state that's what we


have states for they take care of problems and a governor can handle something very


quickly you know uh one of the things i've noticed because i've been doing this for


a while and we had a pretty good fema but i also noticed that when they come


They end up in arguments of the fighting all the time over who does what.


It's just it's just not a good system.


This system is so beautifully designed over 250 years,




you know,


and we'll soon be celebrating the 250th year.


It's going to be a very big celebration.


But it's been designed very well, and we're going to leave it that way.


When North Carolina,


South Carolina,






when everybody knows the governor of Tennessee,


I think,




Do you know everybody here pretty much?


I never thought of it, but you're right over the ridge.


So you're here to help.


The people in this region,


including Tennessee,


the people of Appalachia are grateful that you are here and that you haven't


forgotten it.


There are other disasters, but this one was enormous for both North Carolina and Tennessee.


North Carolina is going to come back bigger, better, stronger than ever before.


And you're going to be very thankful.


And you've already seen,


I know that it really began four days ago,


but you've already seen more action than you have in the last three months.


And we're going to get it together.


We're informing the Army Corps of Engineers to get going because you have a lot of


river breaks and a lot of areas that you're going to need some pretty big work.


And they're on their way.


They're going to be working very much harder than they've been working.


in the past, and we're gonna take care of it.


Any questions from the press?


Of any of the congressmen, governor, anybody?


All right, that's good.


Now, he was doing this press conference right when I went on air.


So I hadn't watched these clips, they just gave me little one line summations.


But you notice what I just said before I played that clip,


because the clips just say Trump to deploy Army Corps of Engineers to rebuild North Carolina.


That's clip F, clip G. Trump FEMA response should be given back to states.


Now, that's all I had.


But I know Trump so well, and I'm not trying to impress you.


I'm not bragging.


I'm trying to get you to understand my mind that I know Trump's mind.


When I say these things, I'm not just saying them.


I mean, five minutes ago, before I went to those clips, I said, it's a federalist system.


It's how America's built.


Trump believes in that and is devolving power.


That's the opposite of what a tyrant does.


And putting the states in charge.


They know it.


They run it.


They understand it.


Federal government's still there.


It still helps.


But it's directed by the states so somebody's in charge.


And the state's supposed to be in charge of their own state.


The feds are supposed to help.


And then the feds control the border and stuff like that.


So you're just getting Americana with Trump.


And then we play the clip and he says exactly what I said.


And you say, well, how did you know he'd say that?


Because we're following the American plan, people.


All he's doing is bringing back the standard American plan that until the 1950s we followed.


And then we got away from it and you see where we are.


Standard tariffs to raise taxes made us the richest country in the world.


We have the winning model.


We have the recipe.


And I can finish Trump's sentences and he can finish mine and so can Elon Musk.


And I know you're patriots.


You know this too.


So the reason I say that is we're the smart people.


We're the competent people.


We have our heads screwed on straight.


We support the best system in the world.


the openest, freest, that we've not been living under for a while.


And Trump said last night,


he said,


under Biden,


we haven't really been in a free country with all this censorship and control,


but now America is a free country again.


He said that actually yesterday morning to Davos.


And I said,




what a revolutionary statement,


because it's so true,


and we need to point the elephant out in the room.


The EU Commission's unelected is totally tyrannical.


The Democratic Party is a psychotic globalist death cult that hates everyone and


sees us as slaves.


Total predators.


The corporate media is a pack of lying criminals on the payroll of the New World Order.


The tax-free foundations are at war with us.


Bill Gates, chief amongst them.


Most of medicine in its administrative systems has been weaponized.


That's not negative.


An amateur...


A novice,


someone who's not culturally,




politically wise,


not street smart,


but life smart,


reality smart,


beyond street smart,


already understands all of this.


And so most of what I do is just state the bedrock principles.


But you've got to stop saying globalists are mismanaging things.


At the top, they're very competent and know exactly what they are doing.


And the final piece is they're premeditated,


they're evil,


they want a big mass of idiots they can easily control.


And that's the feudalist model of tyrannical countries and societies in history.


It's the most common.


America was the flower,


the greatest extension of the Renaissance that started 275 years or so before we


came along.


And then it became the model of the world through America.


So we got all the power because it was so successful.


Then we got decadent, forgot what made us great.


Because good times make weak men, weak men make bad times.


Bad times make strong men, strong men make good times, and you've got the cycle.


And so all I'm trying to do is to get people to recognize the cycle.


And as I told you yesterday,


in the third hour,


put the article out,


put the video out,


you can go watch what I said,


word for word.


I said he's going to go after FEMA, he's going to put the power back to the states.


He's going to


do that in that case.


But in the case of California,


he's going to go in and use executive power to override Newsom blocking fire


mitigation and blocking the state parks and blocking the reservoirs and declare his


own emergency to override Newsom's emergency that he's going to use to keep


California enslaved and collapsing with her kleptocratic creative destruction and


and their bureaucratic terrorism and sabotage, and he's gonna call for an investigation.


Well, that's what he said this morning when I was already on air.


Trump is going to find out why they won't release water in Los Angeles.


And he goes on to say Trump wants voter ID registration


For California to receive aid, he's going to put the pressure on them.


Let's play clip E and H, please.


All right, we've had some clip problems today.


So I'm not going to get mad.


Just going to relax like Fonzie, and I'm going to figure out what's going on with the clips.


We don't make a lot of mistakes, but what I've noticed is once they start, it's like gremlins.


We'll probably have 15 more today, which is fine.


It's the fun of a live, real broadcast.


But it breaks my train of thought,


and it just gives me a moment to get back on track because this is really important.


I guess you already heard me say it all yesterday, so why do you need to see it happen today?


Who needs it?


I'm going to move on to all the other news.


When we come back, I'm Alex Jones, your host.


Please share the live links on X. Edward Alex Jones, stay with us.


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But there's over 2 billion people with cognitive disabilities and serious problems,


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we're adults here people make jokes out of it but i mean raging hard on us


All right,


I'm going to move quick now through some of the most important information that


we're going to be covering here today,


and obviously it's all extremely important.


And then I'm going to rapid fire through a whole bunch of the great things Trump's


doing and how that all ties together.


There's a lot here, but we're going to start accelerating through it.




I want to hit two pieces that go with this first,


then I'm going to get into the big enchilada on a threat to America and to the


world and to President Trump and his agenda.


And the reason they're doing that is because he really is anti-war.


He doesn't want a war economy.


He doesn't want a centralized global government,


as evidence of everything you've seen him doing.


And imagine their horror as the American system is back...


taking over the whole globalist network and then dismantling it.


But using it where it's been parlaying American power and ideas and money and


setting up one-sided deals with those countries and companies and using its power


to make fair deals with those institutions,




and peoples to empower America


and rebuild our country, and make us the dominant nation in the world again.


And we already were, but it was declining.


So it's really beautifully being executed.


It's exactly what I would do, and I really cannot get positive enough about it.


And then you see, I mean, it's exhausting to even watch Trump in his face.


And by that, it's a good exhaustion.


But, I mean, I'm up here with Rob Dew till 7, 8 o'clock at night, every night.


And then I go home and barely see, I'm not complaining, I'm just, I can't help it.


I go home and see my family for like an hour, and then I go in my office.


I mean,


it's a full-time job just keeping track of Elon Musk kicking the shit out of the globalist.


And then I get frustrated because I don't have time to do that anymore.


And I've gotten,


I talk about Musk constantly because,


I mean,


I've gotten the last few years,


particularly last year,




you know,


constantly watching what he's doing.


And like, that's good.


That's exactly what I do.


Oh, that's even better.


Oh, he did what I thought he did.


I mean, you bet I'm giddy.


Imagine I'm like a hundred foot sentinel out there battling the Gloveless for decades,


pretty much by myself.


Ron Paul and a few others, you know, huge grassroots with me.


having huge effects.


I'm like 100 feet tall,


and our enemies are like 5 feet tall,


but there's thousands of them,


and I'm out there by myself just battling them with a huge,


huge club.


And then all of a sudden,


Trump comes along,


and he's like 1,000 feet tall,


and then he gets diminished and shut down and pushed off for a while,


and then Musk comes along and


Over the last four years,


it goes from like 100 feet tall to 10,000 feet tall and is just vaporizing him with


like laser beams out of his eyes,


I'm going to use an analogy.


And I said, I bet when Trump gets in, it'll even get bigger than that.


And he did.




He's 100,000 feet tall against the enemy.


And they're just, they're whole systems.


Like when you see the simulations of a hydrogen bomb hitting New York and it all


just turns to ash in seconds and just,


I mean,


we're in live time right now.


I have trouble not just sitting here drooling with my mouth open, but I'm not doing that.


I'm trying to keep track of it all.


I'm trying to watch it all.


Then I'm trying to report on it all.


Then I'm flogging the crews doing a great job to get as much of it out as we can.


Then I'm asking you to boost everything from and Bandai video and Real


Alex Jones on X.


And you are.


I mean, I couldn't even count it this morning.


I stopped at like 250 million views of the videos yesterday.


I stopped.


I just said, I don't have time for this.


I couldn't imagine everybody else copying it.


I can't even keep track of it.


And the numbers are exploding everywhere.


I mean, this is it.


This is the big awakening.


And I said it months ago.


I said,


if you think the awakening is big now,


if Trump survives,


gets in,


and delivers on what he's saying,


even 80%,


it's going to be explosively fast how fast the new order goes down.


And so we're in the middle of this explosion right now.


And I'm trying to research executive orders and check them for myself.


And, oh, that's too good to be true.


Is it really banning central waiters of currency?


And I go read it.


Oh, God, it is.


Oh, it's perfectly written.


And then, oh, must you sit this?


Oh, yeah, oh, that.


And then I got whistleblowers and congresspeople in the White House calling me.


Okay, thanks for that information.


Oh, yeah.


And so when I say exhausting, it's exhausting because I'm so energized.


And I'm just like,


I just want to go drive to the mountains and camp out for a week and look at the


stars and kind of process what's happening.


But Trump's 78 and working, I know, 20 hours a day, and I'm 51 next month.


And I'm just like, no, I've got to just give in to this and just totally work 20 hours a day.


And then I'm so alive.


That it intensifies all of my emotions.


And so I have to really be careful not to blow up.


So imagine the poor crew having to be around a political Tyrannosaurus Rex with acid,


hydrofluistic acid.


Well, that's not the most deadly.


Well, that's the second most deadly thing.


What's the most deadly acid?


It's hydrochloric acid for saliva.


T-Rex foaming at the mouth with hydrochloric acid.


That's how the globalists see me.


But that's pretty much what I am, actually.


I really don't like them, and they've got me wound up.


That which does not kill you only makes you stronger.


So I'm going to stop here and


I mean, it is exhausting.


It's kind of like when you go to the gym,


you're about to work out from,


you know,


80-minute hard workout,


call it a dick dragger.


You know, I'll do those a few days a week where I go 80 minutes, usually about an hour.


They're all hard.


Like, okay, I'm going to hurt today.


I'm going to really push myself.


By the end of it, I'm loving it.


I'm wanting to go longer.


Oh, the 80 minutes is over.


But right before you start hitting the weights,


or doing hundreds and hundreds of push-ups and sit-ups and burpees and mountain


climbers and pull-ups and deadlifts,


you're just like,




you kind of hesitate.


Let me get another cup of coffee here.


Let's start five minutes late.


And you finally get into it, and that's what's happening here.


I mean, I'm looking at this Sam Altman thing, and I'm like, God, this guy's so bad.


How do I even properly describe this?


But I'm going to do it.


But first, let me just set the table for this.


I'm very worried they're going to try to kill Trump again.


But I know that if they're smart,


they can see that it'll go much worse for them if they do that.


But they've still got some crazy groups and subgroups and operatives within the


system that could act on their own.


And Trump killing the central bank digital currency,


which will kill it worldwide,


by the way,


and I'll describe that report last night.


They got 60 million viewers, but I probably didn't get back into it.


That's so important.


They'll send a real team,


not some wind-up toy that they thought they could have plausible liability,


like the two they sent.


I mean, just that alone is what really got Kennedy killed.


I mean, he pissed people off on a lot of fronts.


And LBJ gave the final order, but he wasn't the guy that gave the order above that to do it.


But he gave the order to the government.


He's pulling troops out of Vietnam,


but he was moving to abolish the Federal Reserve,


nationalize it.


He issued billions in U.S.


$5 bills.


The 20s and 100s were coming out the next month.


They actually made them, but they canceled those and destroyed them.


You can find one.


They're super valuable.


The $5 bills aren't that valuable.


But it doesn't say Federal Reserve.


It says U.S.




Show a Lincoln, not Lincoln, they killed him too, over the banks.


And they tried to kill Jackson too over that, famously.


Pull up, just go to Google and click the images.


They probably haven't blocked that yet.


Kennedy, JFK, $5 bills.


And you'll notice they got a red seal on them, but nowhere does it say Federal Reserve.




Just that move alone goes right at the heart of their power when the Federal


Reserve says,


we're private,


we can do whatever we want,


screw you,


you can't fire us.


And he did that.


I mean...


In the old days,


if we had a president just did that one thing,


we would be ecstatic and it would be a game changer and it is.


And it's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of things that all in


concert are just blowing them up in lifetime.


So, this is a new Trump.


And he's powerful in his understanding


Of how the world works now.


And he's been doing a lot of study.


And a lot of planning the last 80 days.


Before he got into office.


77 or whatever it was.


When he was president elect.






It's just.


It's history.


So I'm having to fight down.


The normal response that's happening now.


Just to sit back.


But we've got work to do.


Just like he does.


So all I say is thank you, God, for this.


This is amazing.


But then I think,


and this happened last night when I saw this clip when I went to bed about midnight,


and when I woke up at 3 a.m.,


I said,


you've got to start the show with this.


And then once I got to the show, I went, why didn't I start the show with this?


But I've seen a lot of this garbage.


I know you have too.


So this is just emblematic of it.


This is a snapshot, a sample of leftists all over the Internet,


saying we got to kill Trump,


somebody go to the White House,


I'm not saying this,


they're saying this,


and kill him,


which is illegal.


It's one thing to say I hope he dies or he deserves to be tried for treason and


convicted and executed.


You can say that hypothetically,


I'm not saying that,


but I'm saying you can say that about Biden,




any of those people,




But you cannot say, I want you to go to the White House and kill him.


Somebody, people, go kill him.


I mean, that's how you get lunatics to feel validation and go do that.


That is not free speech.


That is a call to directed, premeditated violence.


And so last night when I was going to bed, I almost got up and shot a video.


You know, they're in the bedroom like I do sometimes.


But I didn't.


I said, I'll cover it tomorrow.


Because that's the real wild card.


All this demonization of Trump and his supporters and all the calls to violence and


major leftist Hispanic groups saying,




you're going to kick us out of the country?


We're going to kill white people.


Let's start killing white people.


I've got those clips too.


I mean, there's just so many.


And they're all NGO upstream funded.


And all the calls to kill Trump by corporate media and comedians and the New York


Times saying,


you know,


he needs to be assassinated.


I mean, you saw all that.


And Phil Mudd of the CIA saying the government's going to kill this guy.


The CIA's going to kill this guy.


I remember Trump called me once and I said,




Phil Mudd just called for your death yesterday on CNN.


He goes, really?


Oh, come on.


That's not true.


I said, yeah.


The Secret Service hadn't told you?


He goes, hold on.


Hour later, Secret Service calls.


Yeah, you know who told us to call?




I said, you don't know about Phil Mudd?


He goes, really?


Yeah, the president says you told him a bunch of people are.


I said, yeah.


You want to get to a computer?


You want me to email you this?


He goes, no, no, I'll just write it down.


I don't know how to find stuff.


So I sat there and he goes, you said there were 10.


I said, I remember eight.


There's others.


And I went, hold on a minute.


And I found it for him.


But the point I'm getting at here is that they've created the climate for this.


And even though if he gets killed, it'll make it way worse for them.


I mean, that would take hours to describe it.


I'm sure you can figure out a few reasons.


I mean, that's definitely bad.


For anybody that's been in the establishment that doesn't want to end up hanging


from the other rope,


I mean,


that is dangerous.


But what about all the crazy lunatics?


There are actually real lunatics.


Somebody working in a hotel,


somebody working in a golf course,


somebody working in a White House,


it's got a good history.


I think they can trust them.


What about some sleeper mind control operative in the Secret Service?


I mean, there's a...


Or some idiot member of the press gets on Air Force One with plastic explosives


sewn into their purse.


They don't even know it's there.


I mean, this is dangerous.


And the good news is Trump's new Secret Service head is targeting senior officials


within the agency over failings.


You mean over trying to get Trump killed and covering it up?


Yeah, he's got to purge the snot out of that.


So that's a big area.


So I have one example of this I'm going to play.


This is unhinged leftist who is going to get prison time calling for advocating for


someone to assassinate Trump.


Here it is.


y-ins all you your glocks and your switches and your shies we need you right now at


the white house we're not doing that grazing his skin his ears okay we're going


full blown lincoln full-blown kennedy right now like


Off with that mother head.


I'm sorry.


I know we're not supposed to wish death upon people and it doesn't matter which


side they're on,








No, no, no, no, no, no, no.


I don't give a anymore.


I don't give up anymore.


And you obviously know that because I'm posting this.


Off with it.


Someone get up there.


I need someone with precision that knows what they're doing.


I'm gonna call up the Y ins in Beaumont, Texas, because what's going on?


And I don't know.


I mean,


maybe if you shoot him,


maybe the next president will give you a pardon for it and you'll be released out


of jail.


So, you know.


I guarantee you that idiot probably can't even cook a meal for herself.


Probably on a bunch of SSRIs, totally lazy, on welfare.


Probably got a $1,000 smartphone, though.


And just wants to play war.


Wants to call for people to go kill a super popular populist president.


I mean,


does she have any idea what would happen if he got killed and somebody was


connected to her?


She'd be in a supermax prison for the rest of her life.


You're in a war, little lady.


It took a lot of work and a lot of death to build this civilization so you could


sit around on your pink pillow and play soldier.


Your problem is you probably didn't even have parents.


And your problem was nobody ever beats your ass because you don't have the idea of


any consequences.


The globalists and the left better pray nobody kills Trump.


You better pray.


I don't have time to explain to you what's going to happen if that happens.


But I'm telling you,


I am scared of what the people are going to do to you.


You idiots think you want death.


You don't know anything about death.


You think death's powerful because you don't know anything about it.


You think it's something that's cool.


Killing people is easier than brushing your teeth, sweetheart.


There are a lot of people that could break your neck like a toothpick.


You talk about precision killing, witch.


You know nothing about it.


All right.


I'm going to get to the Altman deep dive coming up.




I want to air a report on who's really behind a lot of the key censorship in the


war against Trump and Elon Musk,


though they're trying to get their head down now,


the ADL.


And then it's six after I'm doing the deep dive on one of the real problems we face.


It's all coming up.


But at the start of the fourth hour,


I'm going to get into what's going on in M4s and what the bad guys are doing behind


the scenes.


And I had to be careful about what I say because we don't want them to know everything we know.


But I'll just tell you this.


I'm up against the main Democratic Party law firms.


They're watching right now.


They spent $326 million trying to shut us down.


That's in federal court filings two months ago.


Our $18 million fighting them has held them off,


and now they're getting beaten,


and now they're really desperate and are really pulling shenanigans.




We've been suing them and getting discovery.


And then the reason there wasn't a hearing in federal court yesterday was because


they dumped 5,000 pages of their secret correspondences on us the night before,


Wednesday night.


And it just goes, and you can imagine what's in there.


And we already had really bad stuff.






If you thought the shenanigans you saw publicly were bad, this is... 20 times worse?


I mean, I'm talking illegal on its face.


And... I'm just gonna stop right there.


But I'll give you an update on the stuff I can't talk about that's public.




I've got three lawyers that are really good working on this full time,


fighting dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of their lawyers and trying to


read through all this.


And I mean, and I'm in there reading through it.




you know,


we've conscripted Rob New before to try to read all because,


I mean,


it's discovery.


And I don't even get into the suits and all the things I'm doing and all of it.


You want somebody to go to war with the deep state, baby?


Yeah, the FBI, the CIA involved.


That's all coming out.


There's going to be lawsuits over it.


It takes money to do that.


I don't have enough money right now to continue the fight at the level I need to,


to win,


much less launch more offensives against them.


You like seeing them crumble under Trump right now?


It's because he got...


Tens of billions of dollars from you donating.


And your time, your vote, your energy, your will speaking out.


You're going to spend hundreds of millions to put lawyers and researchers in all


the battleground counties to mitigate the fraud.


So it takes money and energy and time to win wars.


No one's going to deny that this broadcast is reaching hundreds of millions of


people every day around the world,


not just here.


Hundreds of millions of views alone, like...


On X yesterday, it was almost 300 million.


And I stopped looking.


It was everywhere.


50 million here,


60 million there,


20 million here,


70 million here,


30 million here,


10 million,


10 million,


5 million,


8 million,


6 million,


4 million.


Just 8 million, million, 5 million, 3 million, 4 million, 20 million.


Oh, there's another one, 40 million.


I mean, it's, I mean, we're just hot knife through butter, just.


Like in Braveheart, we've got that big sword and cuts that general right in half.


That's the political level of this.


So we are savaging them.


But they're burrowing through.


It's kind of like Neo and the Matrix is up there beating Agent Smith on the surface.


But the machines have got the drills going into Zion where he's jacked in to get


him the physical body.


So we're up around the surface winning.


And meanwhile, big drillers coming through the door.


And the legal is the ground troops I've got physical in here,


this is an analogy,


when they're coming through.


That machine's coming in right now,


and I'm up here at the top of the matrix,


in the matrix,


battling and winning.


And meanwhile, down here, I'm jacked in, and there's frickin' robots flying around.


I mean, so...


I need cavalry, people.


Go to the


Become a VIP member.


Get big discounts.


Get the products.


Get the supplements.


Get the Patriot gear.


Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.


I want to be covering news.


And people say, well, go to Trump or go to some big thing.


It's all in a bankruptcy.


It's all held up in court.


This fight has to go through.


If they're able to shut it down and get it and get in here,


We've already got stuff fired up and all that,


but it's a hiccup that they want to use getting in here for a bunch of stuff you


can imagine.


So the point is, is that we are not on our biggest winning streak against evil ever.


It's at a whole other level.


And so that's the coordinates of victory.


The war continues.



Go there now and be part of the second American revolution.


When I try to think about the words to come up with of how epic and historic and


amazing the last year has been,


it's insane.


2024 was so historic on every front.


President Trump in Butler and then


and then again in Florida with assassins trying to kill him and the indictments and


the lawfare and the whole corporate media throwing everything they had at him and


the American people trying to intimidate us and bully us and the attacks on myself


and Owen going to prison for absolutely no reason for just being there with me on


J6 trying to keep people from going to the building.


It's been crazy.


But the globalists further discredited themselves and didn't just turn the American


people but the people of the world against them in the process.


so we've previously put out over the years five limited edition info wars


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it's Trump raising his fist from Butler,








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This is a historic


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So it is a total win-win because we won the battle getting Trump elected.


Now we've got to win the war,


dismantling the globalist system,


taking the poison out of the food and water,


like the red dye number three that causes cancer.


They knew that forever.


That just got taken out.


They're admitting fluoride is deadly and causing cancer and low IQ and infertility.


They're getting ready to pull that out.


So much is happening.


We're having so many victories,


but you've got to press the attack and fight through the objective.


And I can't do that without the American people backing our operation.


We're winning major legal battles against the deep statements for trying to shut us down.


We're now on the offense.


But if we don't have the funds for that, we will shut down.


And we're very close to not having enough funds.


So please visit today.


Get this piece of history,


a memento of your support of the Republic and President Trump and our operation.


If you've been a critical part of that,


it's a great keepsake,


a great memento,


a great gift to also pass down throughout the ages to your progeny.


Because this is the second American revolution.


We are winning.


We are so close.


But if key operations like InfoWars are taken off the air,


the globalists are going to have a major victory.


We're reaching up to 100 million people a day right now.


It is insane.


I am so blessed for your support.


We couldn't have done it without you.


But again, we have not won the war.


We're winning the biggest battles.


It's ours to lose if in the last quarter we're ahead and we just walk off the field.


The enemy will win.


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Apple was the first company to remove Alex Jones' hateful,




conspiratorial rants from their platform.


And other tech companies, as we know, followed their lead.


We have the ADL that is openly the arbiter with big tech and the censors on who can


be online,


who can basically in the future with a social credit score even have a job.


You're going to be put into ghettos and then into camps under their admitted plans.


Whether our children will be arrested and conceivably killed,


we're on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system and it could be a week away.


The head of the ADL put out a letter attacking Elon Musk and saying,


you will not reinstate President Trump.


He is a danger and a terrorist.


And they went on to say,


Alex Jones is the other big enemy,


and he must not be allowed back on Twitter.


Now, a lot of people are saying, well, when are we going to see you back on Twitter?




I'm not worried about trying to get back on Twitter.


I am worried about the social credit score,


the debanking that's coming for everybody in the next phase of this real tyranny.


You talk about clear and present danger.


We're talking about the ability to track and trace and surveil upon subjects from


the cradle to the grave,




From the beginning of your life or your children's lives or your grandchildren's lives,


they'll have biometric


identity markers placed on you and connected with this digital ID and then all


records about all activity will be associated with it.


This is not simply some identification.


This is a database that is kept in a centralized place by the state and then is a


collection of all activities from the beginning of your life onward.


But what you're doing going after President Trump and Tucker Carlson and others


that are good people


is discrediting the ADL and discrediting groups that are against anti-Semitism, and it's a lie.


Tucker Carlson has a history of sanitizing stereotypes and of spreading this kind of poison.


The great replacement theory,


as it's known,


is this toxic idea that there are a cabal of Jews plotting to overrun the country


with immigrants,




black people,


et cetera,


and commit what they call white genocide.


It is literally a staple of white supremacist and extremist ideology.


This is the Coalition of Jewish Values,


rabbinic group,


largest in the country,


calls for CEO Greenblatt's resignation.


after ADL tweets minimizes the Holocaust.


Because he said Tucker Carlson is a Nazi and is as bad as Hitler.


This is a time for science and solidarity.


Yet the global misinfodemic is spreading.


Harmful health advice and snake oil solutions are proliferating.


Falsehoods are filling the airwaves.


Wild conspiracy theories are infecting the internet.


Hatred is going viral, stigmatizing and vilifying people and groups.


The world must unite against this disease too.


And the vaccine is trust.


I am in the hospital right now with heart complications from the COVID-19 vaccine.


And I want to inform as many people as I can about the risks from taking the


vaccine that I wish someone would have told me.


And the doctor at the hospital said the shot caused it, the Pfizer shot caused it.


And they censored him and took him off Instagram when his video had 5 million views.


And then the UN was quoted in Yahoo News.


And they said, well, we're the UN.


We're an advisory panel.


And we told them,


take his channel down,


even though what the young man said is true and his doctor told the truth.


So the UN is in control.


Biden's Health and Human Services,


the CDC paid screenwriters and comedians to mock unvaccinated and to call for


violence against them.


Remember all that?


How we're murderers, how we're killers, how we should be denied medical care.


Now we should be put in jail.


Now we should be put in camps.


This was their big authoritarian rollout, their big attempt to take over.


And people woke up and backed them off.


Now they hope you just forget and go away and don't call for their prosecution and


don't sue them.


But for most Americans, one COVID shot each year will be all they need.


And if you get it, you're protected.


And if you don't, you're putting yourself and other people on necessary risk.


Get the shot.


dollars off your drugstore grocery purchase next or grocery purchase next time at


the same time you get the shot.


Because the closest thing I've seen to Nazis in America is the left and the ADL and


the Southern Poverty Law Center and their vaccine passports and their lockdowns and


their bullying that violates the Nuremberg Code trying to make us take experimental shots.


All right, the globalist empire is falling in real time.


If America had already been absorbed,


which was planned the next few years,


it would have no longer been in control of the globalist system.


But the U.S.


was built out at the end of World War II to be the command and control system of it


for the period we've been in for the last 80 years.


Then the American century was supposed to end,


according to the Trilateral Commission,


the CFR,


the Club of Rome,


the WF,


the UN,


the Royal Institute of International Affairs.


And the power was to be shifted to the UN,




and Brussels in an alliance with communist China,


with Russia as a subservient group like the United States.


But if we were able to get populist in and educate the public about the globalist


corporate spiderweb,


we could not just save America,




that's been sucked dry to build this,


but re-energize America,


do better deals,


cutting the globalist out,


the middleman Trump talks about,


and energize the entire planet,


stop the wars,




And have a new golden era of innovation and exploration and real optimism.


But you have to admit the bad that's going on and admit the premeditated


post-industrial death cult


This exterminist system is real and people go, oh, that's negative.


No, it's what's happening.


You have to admit it.


That's extremely positive to admit the problem so you can then fix it.


So a lot of good is happening.


It was a lot of breaking news.


And Trump's going to California to politically torch the Democrats for what they did.


We'll be covering it all.


But I was horrified.


On Friday,


when Bill Gates said about his meeting a month ago with Trump,


Trump was really happy to hear about mRNA for polio and HIV and all the rest of it


when all the mRNA ever seems to do is give you cancer or a heart attack.


And I said, I'm going to wait and see what Trump actually does on that.


Just because he had Pompeo at a rally a few months ago.


Now you notice he's pulled his government-funded protection and taken his security clearance.


Just because Trump has dinner with Romney and then goes after him the next week or


a month later,


you got to give him a chance.


Because on everything else, he's doing such a good job.


Got to keep your friends close, your enemies closer.


But then his second day in,




he meets with Larry Ellison,


the head of SoftBank,


and then Sam Altman,


who we know is a really bad deep state anointed one,


Bill Gates 2.0.


And I'm going to go into some of that in a moment.


And I'm just going to scratch the surface.


It'll still take probably 20 minutes because he is so bad.


And the mysterious death of one of the four inventors of chat GPT was about to blow


the whistle on Altman.


That was confirmed.


And the family has the documents in their law firm.


He was so excited about life and was going to expose them and how they were doing


really illegal stuff,


jacking in a government partnership to the NSA so that chat GPT would get the most


data and secret data.


And all that was coming out.


And so, boom, hey, everybody keep your mouth shut.


You saw what happened to this guy.


And his mother's gone public on Tucker Carlson last week and Elon's boosted it.


But, but, but.


That's only one level.


And people got so alarmed about Altman and others up there.


Oh, it'll cure cancer.


And it's so wonderful.


And we'll cure cancer in 48 hours with this mRNA and AI together.


And of course, that's all been looked at and studied for 30 years.


And it's not like a computer program where it's zeros and ones.


Sometimes it's miraculous.


A lot of times it makes you really sick or kills you.


And so all this talk about,




a quick blood test,


and then we create this special tailored mRNA thing real quick,


and it goes in and takes out the cancer.


There's thousands of companies and trillions spent on that,


and they can't ever roll it out because it has such disastrous effects.


As the inventor sat on this show and has been saying in interviews, Robert Malone...


This has all been tried, and the only thing it consistently does is cause cancer.


No matter how you deploy it, what type of mRNA, what area you hit.


And he said,




why did they roll out the first big general use of it,


not just small tests that had so many problems on the public with a spike protein


that's known to be super toxic and attack your DNA and attack your heart and


fertility and accelerate cancer?


Why did they roll it out as something really bad up front?


What were they planning there?


That's a whole other subject.




The bigger issue is the government in a corporatist system coming in,


if Trump goes along with this,


and backing and knighting and certifying open AI as the one that partners with the government.


Well, see, it was already secretly partnered.


in the last four years with the O'Biden administration.


And we know that from Marc Andreessen and others that were in the meetings and


other big tech people that are good and have come over to our side very energetically.


and saying the last straw was these meetings and saying,




you're not allowed to do your own AI.


Other companies aren't allowed to do it, even big ones.


Don't even try to get venture capital.


Don't even try to launch your own thing.


In fact, shut yours down.


Come in with us.


We're only going to allow one,


but the government will allow different companies to use the system and brand it to them,


but we want one,


and we're going to basically restrict and ban everybody else having it.


So it's the fact that Sam Altman has been chosen to


by Obama and the globalists and the CIA and In-Q-Tel from his earliest days a decade ago,


to be put into the companies and put into the startups that they are going to push,


they're going to invest in,


they're going to support.


And it's so many of the big companies you see today.


And then,




my open AI,


it's nonprofit,


it's open,


and we'll let you know how it works,


and it's for everybody,








we're not for a monopoly,


and Elon Musk,


the biggest investor.


And then Altman starts saying,




I'm not going to let you know what's going on,


and we're going to be a...


poor profit company and all the rest of it.


And then Musk starts learning about all the bad stuff he's doing and how they're


saying only one AI and how they're getting illegal data somewhere,


but they wouldn't say.


And the whistleblower had the documents.


We know because he was led into the NSA,


into the big telecoms,


into the main feeds because everything goes through it.


Doesn't matter.


You have encryption because it goes through their system.


And that's why it's dominant,


is it's been given that illegal access to stuff that is illegal,


but they've just set up and done.


So that's the main issue, the lie of mRNA being this cornucopia and always working and so good.


That's what got people's attention, and I'm glad it did.


But the bigger issue is that Sam Altman is a deep state swamp rat person.


Air apparent to Bill Gates,


greenlit by NQTEL,


which is the admitted CIA DARPA funding group that created Google and Facebook and


directed IBM to set up Microsoft to get around any trust laws and act like they


were competitors.


And boy, IBM made a mistake just giving Bill Gates the software control.


They thought they just wanted to sell machines.


Yeah, right.


That's all come out.


And why did they do that?


Because Bill Gates' dad was on the board of the big IBM depopulation foundation.


And he brought his son in and they made the deal.


And IBM was founded to stop race mixing and create the first computers for race


mixing studies and then adopted by the Nazis with their Hollerith machines.


And then you go, you go, you go, you go.


So if you're directly out of that group,


And then you look at Altman,


who is not a one-star general,


not a two-star general,


not a three-star general,


but a commanding field marshal in dozens of the top progenitors or fountainheads of


who create the propaganda and the hoaxes against Elon Musk and against Trump and


against me and against Tucker Carlson,


which we know the PR firms,


$300 million given by the Biden administration to Reuters.


That's MI6.


Look it up.


To then go out to PR firms,




other news to make it look like it's everybody reporting,


but it's all published the same minute,


the same day,


the same lie.


hundreds of thousands of fake stories,


reports about his companies,


harassing him,


his family,


dirty tricks,


which you notice just woke him up and pissed him off,


just like it did me.


I was just getting the treatment earlier and not even that level, but it was second to Trump.


As you've noticed the last eight, nine years, I've gotten the main, I mean, why am I everywhere?


Why am I being lied about?


Why am I being attacked?


Because I got their number.


And I was reaching 40, 50 million people a day back then.


Thanks to Elon Musk and all of you boosting me.


250 million a day.


Views just on X, just on my channel.


Can't even look at it all.


So how'd that work out for him?


That's why they're being rounded.


All of you, what you're doing, everybody else.


I see all these new great journalists and all these great people and all these


people getting how it works,


exposing the globalists,


and I just go,




more competition,




Oh, more great brains, wonderful.


Oh, God, look at that person.


Oh, they're so good.


Oh, so wonderful.


Because I'm in competition with an idea of the New World Order,


their death cult,


their destructive system.


I'm not in competition to be the top dog.


I want to become obsolete.


Because everybody gets it, and we beat them.


And then I can spend my time just enjoying my life.


But that goal is lofty, and I'm obviously out in the future.


And they'll always be able to deal with it,


but I can certainly take my foot off the accelerator and not have the balls all the


way to the walls.


But let me finish up and go to the documents and clips.


Because I'll tell you stuff, then I'm going to show it to you.


And when I show you this, you're going to send me a lot of other stuff.


Oh, this is just the surface.


But Altman at Axios, he's the main funder of that.


It goes on and on with his nonprofit that the big globalists pump money through.


Can be tracked back to the nastiest attacks on Trump, the nastiest attacks on Elon Musk.




Now he's in the White House with Trump pitching their cancer cure crap.


And so when I first saw this break a few days ago,




Musk didn't respond for six,


seven hours that I saw.


I responded immediately.


Well, it broke at night.


Actually, I did cover it that night.


That's right.


Then I came back.


But the point is, is that I knew Musk was going to come out against it.


And it's not because he's in competition with Sam Altman.


He knows Sam Altman is bad and has now figured out he's been behind a lot of the stuff.


So, again, I'm aligned with Elon Musk because I'm aligned with the truth.


So let me show you a few of these articles that you need to read.


OpenAI spars with Musk over 500 billion Stargate project.


And that's what the New York Times and all of them are saying.


Well, he's not sparring with them.


Open AI is a tyranny.


And then here's a good place to start, Cernovich.


And Elon said true.


Retweeted it,


reposted it on X.


Epstein Island attendees,


Reid Hoffman,


funded the lawyers against Trump,


said he wanted Trump to have been killed.


This was a few days before the assassination attempt, and Sam Altman is a big fan.


Here he is, Sam Altman, worshiping him.


Very few people realize just how Reid Hoffman did and spent to stop Trump from


getting reelected.


It seems reasonably likely to me that Trump would still be in office without his efforts.


Thank you, Reid.


Yeah, so you could get your monopoly from the CIA.


Stargate stunner.


Sam Altman is a wraith in sheep's clothing.


Go read this article.


A whole bunch of examples of him saying he's for surveillance,




forced injection,


running Axios,


attacks on Trump,


attacks on Musk.


He's a deep state creepazoid.


And he's behind the Stargate.


The new collaboration dubbed Stargate would massively scale up AI data centers over


the next four years and speed the development of godlike AI systems that


Ellison promised could do things like develop cancer vaccines.


Personalized medicine where you never run into a problem like COVID.


Oh, the deep state cooked up.


Said Larry Ellison, we are doing, we are still doing COVID?


I guess so.


And he wants everyone to have a vaccine.


Oh, I thought the last mRNA would fix it.


Oh, it didn't.


Oh, but they got another one.


I don't see evil in this video.


If you don't see evil in this video, you're blind.


The collaboration drew harsh and immediate rebukes from Elon Musk.


saying, they don't even have the money, it's a fraud.


Which is true, too.


They're about to get it from taxpayers.


He directed particular vitriol at Altman to OpenAI he co-founded and is currently suing.


He reposted an image of a crack pipe with a joking allegation that Altman and his


associates were smoking it.


After hours of this, Altman finally stepped, slapped back, saying, I realize...


What is great for the country isn't always what's optimal for your companies.


But in your new role, I hope you'll mostly put us first.




Musk did not lobby Trump to keep the electric car mandate.


And that was a big blow.


But he did it because he thought it was right for the country.


Altman's full of crap.


And while Altman slapped back against his open AI co-founder,




both Project Stargate and Altman cozying up the Trump administration 2.0 has come


under attack by everybody,


including Robert Malone and others.


Altman comes under fire.


And then he is caught being the main funder of Axios,


attacking Trump,


working with Bill Gates against Trump.


Axios has been, again, the progenitor of a lot of the talking points.


It's total deep state CIA.


There's a lot more in that article.


Here's another one.


Mario Nafal does boil down.


OpenAI plans to remove non-profit control from its grant exclusive equity,


which he swore he'd never do.


Sam Altman, OpenAI is restructuring to become a for-profit organization.


benefit corporation removing non-profit board control and giving CEO Shem Altman


equity sources report.


The shift alongside removing investor return caps could value open AI at $150 million.


Altman previous equity free aim is aligned governance with rivals like Anthropic.


While this move attracts investors, concerns arise over AI accountability and the


This illusion of its team.


With chat GPT's global success,


Obadiah faces balancing growth and governance and AI safety,


says Reuters.


You got Altman here as the devil and Musk over here on Trump's shoulder as the angel.


OpenAI's 500 billion strategic dream is running on hopes and hot air.


Sam Altman's grand plan to build Stargate with 500 billion in infrastructure


exclusively for OpenAI is already falling apart before it starts.








No, sir.


One source blatantly admitted they haven't figured out the structure.


They haven't figured out the financing.


They don't have the money committed.


Altman's pitch,


SoftBank and OpenAI toss in $15 billion each and then just hope the rest magically


appears from investors in debt.


From someone obsessed with making AI smarter than humans,


maybe he should try getting the basics right first,


like not creating something that could destroy all of humanity,


says the Financial Times.


Stargate Artificial Intelligence Project to exclusively serve open AI.


Now, Altman also is a big funder of DEI and open borders and globalism.


I mean, that's who he is.


And he's the little Lord Fauntleroy.


that's been picked, like Bill Gates and Zuckerberg, to be the new royalty.


Well, we don't want that, and we don't like you, and we don't trust you, and we can't stand you.


He needs to be as reviled and mistrusted and ostracized as Bill Gates,


because I'm telling you he's just as bad,


and he's already hooked into everything.


And is opposing the Trump agenda and Trump shouldn't get anywhere near him.


Here's why they don't like Musk.


Clip 25.


Elon Musk won't be bribed or bought.


Offer me money.


Offer me power.


I don't care.


I'll say what I want to say.


And the consequences is losing money.


So be it.


He also goes on to say Europeans are being targeted for extermination.


Yeah, that's clip 25.


Play the one on cultural identity first.


Play that.


It's 25.


25 is what we're going to play now.


I think there is value to a culture.


And we don't want Japan to disappear.


We don't want Italy as a culture to disappear.


We don't want France as a culture to disappear.


I think we have to maintain the sort of reasonable cultural identity of the various countries.


Or they simply will not be those countries.


You know, Italy is the people of Italy.


The buildings are there, but really, what is Italy?


Italy is the people of Italy.


All right, let's play another Elon Musk clip while I don't like him.


Elon Musk calls out Sam Altman on OpenAI six months ago.


Here it is.


How concerned is Sam Altman about annihilation, do you think?


I think, in reality, he's not concerned about it.


I don't trust OpenAI.


I started that company as a non-profit open source.


The open and OpenAI, I named the company.




OpenAI as an open source, and it is now extremely closed source and maximizing profit.


I don't understand how you actually go from being an open source non-profit to a


closed source for maximum profit organization.


Well, but Sam Altman got rich, though, didn't he?


At various points,


he's claimed not to be getting rich,


but he's claimed many things that were false.


And now, apparently, he's going to get $10 billion in stock or something like that.


I don't trust Sam Altman,


and I don't think we want to have the most powerful AI in the world controlled by


someone who is not trustworthy.


That seems like a fair concern.




But you don't think,


as someone who knows him and has dealt with him,


that he is worried about the possibility that he could get out of control and hurt people?


He will say those words, but no.


And here is Elon Musk on It's Not About Money.


I'm reminded of a scene in The Princess Bride, great movie.


Great movie.


Where he confronts the person who killed his father.


He says,


Offer me money.


Offer me power.


I don't care.


See, you just don't care.


You want to share what you have to say?


I'll say what I want to say.


And if the consequence of that is losing money, so be it.


Ladies and gentlemen,


we have something very special,


a limited edition coin that celebrates and commemorates the people and Trump's


victory over the deep state with Trump defiantly and Butler fight,




fight on one side of the coin and the other side commemorates the inauguration of


President Trump.


This is a limited edition, historic coin.


to celebrate our incredible victory against the globalists and winning this major


strategic battle.


It also then funds my operation at Infowars,


taking it to the globalists into the new year and defending the Trump


administration against further deep state attacks to secure our historic victory of


2024 into the future.


History just happened.


The greatest comeback story ever.


In the last couple hundred years,




in the last couple thousand,


what President Trump did with the backing of the American people against the deep state,


against the lying corporate media was wild.


They tried to kill him twice that we even know of.




ladies and gentlemen,


we've had five or six commemorative coins over the years,


and they've been great.


But this new coin is hands down the most important,


commemorating the incredible victory and winning that key battle in 2024 against


the entire system,


breaking their will,


and then President Trump being inaugurated,


and the ongoing war against the globalists that continues on.


So this limited edition battle for the republic, 2024 on one side,


And inauguration, commemoration on the other is powerful.


It's made and minted right here in America.


And it funds our operation against the globalists, a total 360 win.


So thank you so much for all your past support.


I know this coin is going to sell out fast.


Other coins have sold out in just a few weeks.


Go now to the to get this historic coin and help keep this


operation on the air.


So, I'm finishing up on Sam Altman, the weasel in the hen house, the fox in the hen house.


And Trump really listens to Musk.


And he listens to his constituents.


And even big Republican strategists and guys high up the Republican Party like Scott Jennings.


not just Dr.




not just RFK Jr.,


not just basically everybody,


even most of big tech says,






Sam Altman's really bad,


and he's hooked in with the government.


And they had meetings with him the last four years saying, you're not allowed to do stuff.


The government's going to come and come after you with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


No one's going to be allowed to be involved in AI but Sam Altman.


Remember just a few months ago, Andresen went on Rogan.


He was in those meetings and came.


A bunch of others have come out.


They said that was finally it a few years ago when they got told this at these meetings.


They're like, what?


Yeah, the government's not going to let you do this.


Only little Sam Altman gets to do anything.


And now you know why Musk has been so concerned about him.


Because he put in the most money and then Altman just ran off with it.


And you know what happened to one of the main engineers of the four on ChatGPT?


He said, oh yeah, they're feeding the AI with illegal data.


And he had the information about to give it to the media.


He made a big mistake.


He was talking to the New York Times.


You know what they did?


You got a problem?


We'll take care of that.


Thank you so much.


If you've got...


really hardcore stuff with the deep state committing major crimes,


you don't give it to the New York Times.


In fact,


I've had reporters on just recently,


I had that former member of parliament on from the UK last week,


where just recently they found Ukrainian kids getting flown in,




and then killed for their organs.


And they gave the data...


to MI6 and MI5,


and then the company that was being used out of Ukraine as the front group,


instantly within a day started visiting their LinkedIn and their sites,


and they could even see it on the IP address.


They even try to hide it.


Hey, we're watching you.


You don't get in the way of us raping and murdering children.


We're the anointed globalists.


These are just animals to us.


Oh, hey, New York Times.


I've got all the data of them stealing all this illegal information,


and they're working with the government.


Oh, wow.


Well, you want to meet next week?








I thought you might want to know this.


Good job.


Activate the team.




That's who Trump has running around the White House.


Now, I just spent 30 minutes plus on that.


And I'm going to stop now.


I didn't even scratch the surface, as bad as all that was.


You go out and investigate him for yourselves.


I see it all over the place now.


And that's great.


And the more people find out, the more they go, my God, Elon Musk isn't joking.


This guy's really villainous.


Alex isn't kidding around here.


What the hell is this guy doing?


He funded the managers in the PR campaigns and lawsuits against Trump and Musk covertly,


and it's come out.


A big part of it.


He's not Zuckerberg taking orders.


That's all come out.


He's not lying.


It's true.


He just followed orders.


He's a weak person.


He's a puppet.


Altman's not that.


He's a ringwraith.


And that's why Zero Hedge, who's dialed in, said that.


Why, it's almost like Zero Hedge knows what Elon Musk is thinking.


Wonder if that's Elon Musk's nickname for him.


The Wraith.


Wonder how you get a name like that.


Back to work tomorrow on a new project to stop Trump.


20, he says that about people saying they want to kill Trump.


And then that's back eight years ago.


He's been a busy little beaver.


That's an evil-looking son of a bitch right there, too.


I mean, does that guy not make your skin crawl looking at those eyes and that look on his mouth?


Oh, I don't like money.


I'm doing all this for free.


I'm so liberal.


Driving a $4 million car and then hiding when he gets caught in it.


I mean, just a piece of garbage, folks.


Oh, your nonprofit got you a $4 million car and you live in a $40 million penthouse.




I think Trump's terrible.


And a few things that make me happier than him not being president.


All right, here is Scott Jennings on CNN nailing him on this.


Here you go.


The impact of Elon Musk on the Trump orbit has been really good and his impact on


the country is really good.


So I don't know how this is going to turn out.


I know these kinds of announcements are important to presidents.


These kinds of investments are important to new administrations.


But, you know, I would listen to Elon.


I mean, he's obviously got some information and some opinions about this.


And I don't know how much of this is going to be aired in front of and behind the scenes.


But Elon Musk.


John Musk keeps on overshadowing Donald Trump.


I mean,


you had in the inauguration that it was the hand gesture,


quote unquote,


that is the subject of great mystery and debate.


Yeah, the subject of great mystery and debate.


Are you talking about, you're not one of these salute truthers, are you?


No, what I'm, oh, is that what we're calling it now?


All I'm saying is, no, but what I'm saying is it engendered a great.


Oh, boy.


All right.


Now, all of this dovetails.


into what the EU is doing.


And see, Elon Musk now gets a position that no one else has ever had but me.


And so I know all about it.


When Trump got in eight years ago and changed,


He had good ideas,


was 80% there,


but really didn't know what he was up against and just how bad the swamp was.


And they said, well, we're trying to demonize Trump.


Let's build Alex Jones up really big in the corporate media,


back when they still thought they had power.


Let's build a straw man about how crazy and bad he is and make up all the stuff he


supposedly did and run thousands of articles a week sometimes,


always hundreds and hundreds a week,


every cable show,


nightly news shows,


late night comedy shows,




just books,


just everything.


PBS almost every week attacking me, documentaries, front line, date line.


I mean, you name it, I've been attacked by it.






TV shows,




And I had a good idea what was going on back at the time,


but I was...




they even bragged about it,


so we know.


They said, we'll say Alex Jones is Trump's brain.


He's already a populist.


He knows what we're doing, and he's popular, so we want to get rid of him.


But we'll really use it to just demonize him and then say he's with Trump to demonize Trump.


That was at one level.


But then, and I even had like a New York Times reporter admit this to me.


He was writing an article for the New York Times, John Ronson.


What a snake.


But I'd known him for decades from Bohemian Grove coverage, so I talked to him.


One of the last times I talked to corporate media, this was like seven years ago or so.


Trump had been about a year.


I'm on the phone driving home, talking for about 20 minutes.




He said,


I'm doing this big New York Times piece and I'm making this documentary and I'm


doing a thing for NPR and you ought to talk to me.


And I said, you know, all these lies and demonization is meant to just hurt Trump.


And I know I'm just being built up to,


you know,


supposedly be his right hand man,


which I'm not.


He goes, well, yeah, that's pretty much true, Alex.


That's why you need to tell your side and work with us.


And I said, you know, I know I'm just low hanging fruit because you can't get Trump too.


And so I'm kind of the symbol of his supporters.


So you think by making me bad, it makes his supporters look bad too.


He goes, that's exactly, he goes, that's funny.


That's what we were just talking about here at the New York Times.


And he goes, I know I'm here right now.


I'm like, oh, so impressive.


And I said, nope, I'm not being interviewed by him.


I told him, don't call me anymore.


I blocked his number.


And so he went out and created all these fabricated,


completely fake origin stories and all the rest of it because they were so scared


of me as this populist champion that could inspire other people to rise up against


the globalist system and reject it.


Because what I was predicting was that if we just keep warning people,


and once it goes operational with Agenda 2030 and 2020,


because we know they're following the exact plan of their previous operations,


Agenda 21 and others before that,


Limits to Growth, 1972, and other mile markers in their strategic plan that's public.


I said, I believe people are going to really wake up and reject this when that happens.


When things really get bad, they'll finally face the facts.


And I predicted the populist uprisings and taking back the system and advising how the U.S.


government system actually controls the global order and how you could actually use


that to empower the planet and then disconnect from it.


And so I just put a blueprint out and I was also telling Trump this stuff and


telling his advisors this.


And this was next level.


And the deep state's listening to this on the telephone.


And they're just like, holy hell, this guy's got the blueprints of the Death Star.


So we don't know the total number they spent attacking me,


but that was paid propaganda with a thousand articles a day sometimes.


A thousand a week routinely, always hundreds.


And all the, I mean, local news all over the country, just constant.


I mean, I am Satan.


Alex Jones is the devil.


And when they thought they had me neutralized for a while,


they kind of focused on Tucker Carlson.


And he was already great and smart and wonderful and such a beautiful person.


And he was already number one with the Patriots then.


It only made him bigger.


And then they thought, hey, let's harass an attack with $300 million in just one payment.


There's billions you can tell that it's spent.


Because they admit, suing me, they spent $326 million.


So imagine Elon.


It's not just $300 million with Reuters, which is the MI6, directing attacks on Musk.


And I don't mean just PR and fake stories.


I mean harassment of your family,


harassment of everyone you know,


trying to make up dirt,


trying to pay a woman to lie about you.


I mean, it happened to me.


And then the magnitude against Musk the last really five years,


but it started exponentially and got much worse,


enraged him and pissed him off and made him do a crash course in all this.


And now that Trump's in,


they've got different strategies to try to go after Musk and drive him and Trump


apart and go,




Musk is really the president.


And Musk gets all the attention trying to manipulate Trump's ego.


That's not working.


So they try to sit in their operatives like Altman and others with somebody Trump trusts,


like the owner of Salt Bank,


who is a good guy.


And why doesn't he want to invest in AI and invest in the one that has government


partnership before?


And, you know, Ellison and the rest of it


So now they're in full attack mode on Musk through what's left of the agencies,


through the EU,


through communist China.


And they've got gleeful leftist articles.


Oh, yeah.


MAGA is coming for you, Musk.


And so is communist China cutting off your stuff because you're with Trump.


And everybody else is going to get you.


And the EU is going to get you.


And the UK is going to get you.


And Canada is going to get you.


And Brazil is going to get you.


And Australia is going to get you, get you, get you, get you.


Oh, the SEC is getting you.


And I say they've openly declared war on Musk last week, and I get community noted.


They have not officially declared war.


Oh, they just arrested a man for trespassing at Trump's Mar-a-Lago.


Sucked a hillside strangler.


He was arrested.


B. John R.






was arrested after allegedly scaling the outer wall at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in


Palm Beach.


Secret Service detained him after he was entered through a service gate despite no


trespassing signs on the gates.


Authorities say the incident did not impact security operations,


but he is now being held in a $20,000 bond.


Fox News.


Like I said an hour ago, lunatics, they've wound him up.


So, yeah, I defend Musk because it's the battle.


And in his actions,


he is battling every one of the globalist deep state operations against humanity


because he's also defending himself.


And that's why Trump's so good.


They want him dead.


They want him discredited.


They've tried to destroy him for nine years.


He understands it's all or nothing.


And so now this,




European Commission expands censorship law,


enforcement mandates,


24 hours,


removal of hate speech,


which is anything they deem as hate.


After years of relentless online censorship carried out by the U.S.


tech giants,


often now appears via third parties to pass the governments,


it doesn't appear,


including their own,


things are starting to look up a little.


But over in Europe, the EU is involved in something, frenzied attempts,


to at least maintain the status quo regarding suppression of free speech,


and is now preparing to ramp up the use of legal tools it has prepared over the


previous years.


Above all, the Digital Services Act, rejected by critics as the block censorship law.


Well, that's what it is.




of course,


even alternative media that covers this,


everybody still wants to look non-political.


so we just kind of even show their side that's a lie.


No, it's total outright tyranny.


Here's another one.


World Economic Forum,


white paper,


pushes public-private collaboration to accelerate digital ID and censorship initiatives.


All over the world,


the U.N.,


Bill Gates,


Chinese Communist Consortium is pushing governments,










churches to put in these systems that will then be tied into this global database


or global ID.


It'll still look regional, but it's global.


And two,


that is a social credit score and the central bank digital currencies that Trump


just outlawed here in the U.S.


yesterday that's so key to bringing them down.


But they're admitting in this white paper,


and other statements I'll show you in a moment,


that they've got to get it done now because they want to use it to censor.


And you've seen the head of the UN.


You've seen the head of the unelected EU commission all the last few years,


including the last few weeks,


say we got to hurry up,


get the digital ID in so we can take away Internet anonymity,


track everybody,


use it as a world ID and control them and censor them and debank them if they don't


do what we say.


So they're going to try to bring this regime in despite the global awakening to it


because they're desperate.


So we're not out of the woods yet on this.


And people like Sam Altman are all for it.


Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez calls for ending online anonymity,


linking social media to digital ID.


Oh, he's calling for it?


They have the whole package and plan ready.


And Trump says he's going to kill it.


Then we've got a couple clips.


Global hegemony has begun to crumble.


The global government, global hegemony.


Millet blasts globalists at Davos in multiple videos.


Here's the one that's one minute, 13 seconds.


I'm going to play in a second.


Argentina's Millet confronts the WF globalists to their faces on their policies


that are forcing the UK to sacrifice its young girls to Pakistani rape gangs and


overturning Democrat elections in Romania.


We need more leaders like him, says the poster.


And then Archbishop Villano says,


The chair of Peter is not a pope, but an embassy of the globalist elite.


His mission is to destroy the Catholic Church,


because almost all Western leaders now intend to destroy the nations they govern.


Globalism is civilizational suicide.


Elon Musk, today, let's show his tweet with an image of


of the West basically enslaved to water the tree of globalism.


I want to put that on screen.


I want to show that.


I gave it to you.


I posted it on X. It's on Elon Musk.


X account.


There it is.


Western nations have a noose around their neck for radio listeners.


Shows a man with a watering pail


watering a sprouting green three-foot-tall tree that is globalism.


And one end of the rope is tied to the tree,


and the other end of the rope is tied around the man's neck,


the noose,


meaning that when the tree grows up,


it will hang the man,


meaning you are servicing your own destruction.


I've seen a lot of powerful memes describing globalism,


but I was already thinking this morning when I saw it,


and then I saw everybody saying,


this is the ultimate image.


This is powerful.


This is perfect.


So, I said soon we'd have a new limited edition poster.


I haven't even announced this yet to our sponsor at




We're going to put that out as a limited edition fundraiser poster or our own


variant of it ASAP.


I want to get it up tomorrow at the Alex Jones


So I'll get to the melee clip in a moment.


And then I'm going to hit a bunch of other news and a bunch of other big developments.


There's just too many of world war three deescalation developments of the biggest


yet and then insane into the world.


potential of the craziness we've seen.


That's coming up.


Really good news on that front with the Trump effect.


And then I said I'll give you an update on the future of InfoWars and where we're


at and what's happening.


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It's the greatest hits.


It's got all the super nutrients concentrated.


It's just not as strong as we can individually in each bottle.


It's there,, and we need the support to continue the fight.


We've delivered major results.


I need you to deliver by getting great products and keeping us on air.


A lot of people have been talking about the fact that I've lost 56 pounds in the


last four and a half months or so.


And it's trended on X. It's trended all over the place.


Joe Rogan talked about it quite a bit on his podcast yesterday.


And he put to rest a lot of the disinfo.


Well, I saw Alex Jones, and he looks really good, doesn't he?


Yeah, he's losing all weight.


He looks like he has to go to court for something.


No, our friend Sean is helping him.


Oh, really?


He's working out with him every day.




Bro, I noticed it like in a month.


I just saw it and I was like, oh my God.


Yeah, he's really committed.


He's going to do a documentary on it.


He's going to do a documentary on taking back my health.


I mean, he looks totally different now.


He looks like Randy Orton.


Now, but imagine if this was no internet.


Imagine there's no internet.


So we don't know.


You believe in a heartbeat it wasn't a rogue guy.




There's no way that's the same guy.


This guy on the left looks 15 years younger.


There's theories that they replaced him with a different guy.




Who did, though?


That's always the thing.


That's the thing.


But here's the thing.


I know that's not true.


I know the guy who's training him.


I know him.


I text Alex all the time.


I know him.


He's just losing weight.


But if you go online, there's a lot of people that believe that this is a different person.


No, I'm not on those end picks.


No, I'm not a clone, any of that.


Joe encouraged me a lot in the last few years to get in shape.


One of his friends that he trains with, Sean Johnson's a former Navy SEAL.


I've known Sean for over four years.


We've become really good friends.


And Mickey Willis wanted to make a film about me getting in shape.


Great filmmaker, good friend of mine.


And so we decided, I started working out on September 1st intensely.


I've still worked out some before that.


and got my diet straight,


stopped drinking,


religiously have been taking all the supplements,


and it has been amazing.


And it's an example to others of what you can do.




ladies and gentlemen,


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All four of these products are incredible.


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baseball cap free.


Take action now.


All right,


I just spent most of the last hour explaining the internal battle inside the Trump


administration between the deep state,


Sam Altman,




Elon Musk on AI and so much more.


But I started describing this and didn't get to the final piece.


So I'm live right now,


but we'll take this and put it on the front of the last 30 minutes,


at least,


where I explain this,


that they picked me to demonize Trump and the populist movement to create a straw


man that's a devil and then saying this guy's with Trump,


but also to practice their PR destruction campaigns.


And we know now no one else other than Elon Musk


has been targeted like that,


and I would say the targeting on him now has been about 20 times bigger than the


targeting of me,


which is incredible.


So Trump's been targeted the most,


and then Elon Musk and then me,


and the exact same tactics,


exact same groups,


exact same law firms,


same ones suing him,


the ones that sued me,




That is quite the position to be in.






I mean,


I defend Musk not because he brought me back on X.


I defend him because he's got the same enemies I got and he's kicking their ass.


And I'm proud to enthusiastically support Musk.


And if he does stuff I don't like, I'll say it.


Same thing with Trump.


But I mean, I mean, Musk has been the game changer here and he is under serious attack.


And I just went through all the EU stuff.


I mean, it's insane.


And he's boosting and supercharging the leader in El Salvador and good leaders all


over the place.


And he understands the great awakenings here.


And it's very exciting.


Here is the clip I was talking about with Milley when he was talking about


globalisms being repudiated and collapsing in front of us from Davos yesterday.


Is it not true that right now as we speak in the UK,


citizens are being imprisoned for exposing horrifying crimes committed by Muslim migrants,


crimes that the government seeks to conceal?


Or didn't the bureaucrats in Brussels suspend Romania's elections simply because


they didn't like the party that had won?


Faced with each of these discussions,


wokeism's first strategy is to discredit those of us who challenge these things.


First by labeling us and then by silencing us.


If you're white, you must be racist.


If you're a man, you must be a misogynist or part of the patriarchy.


If you're rich, you must be a cruel capitalist.


If you're heterosexual, you must be heteronormative, homophobic or transphobic.


For every challenge, they have a label.


And then they try to suppress you by force or through legal means.


Because beneath the rhetoric of diversity,


democracy and tolerance that they so often preach,


what truly lies is their blatant desire to eliminate dissent,


criticism and ultimately freedom so they can continue to uphold a model in which


they are the main beneficiaries.


All right.


And he goes on and on and on.




European court rejects Romanian far-right presidential candidate election appeal, which he won.


And then the EU commission said, yeah, you bet we canceled it.


And because Elon Musk exposing us, we'll cancel the German election that's upcoming if AFD wins.




And now the big debate is, wait, the EU commission's unelected, but it controls the countries?


Yeah, get out of it.


Wait, the Federal Reserve's private and says they won't do what Trump says?


We got to repeal the Federal Reserve Act.


So this is the greatest time of exposure ever of these people.


And Trump's executive actions are removing their power,


reversing the policies,


and taking us in the right direction.


And that's why I'm so concerned about them killing Trump,


because even though that would hurt the globalists down the road even worse,


they are so desperate that even though they can think second,


third order,


they're not.


And I said,


I'm looking for lone nuts that might even do it because of all the demonization of


Trump or Musk to kill him.


And they just caught some guy climbing over the wall.


It looks like a total loony.


All right,


I got huge World War III positive news when we join our radio stations in 60


seconds after this break.


Remember, we're doing a fundraiser to stay on air for our legal costs.


We need your help.


Great products,


CMOS gummies back in stock.


CMOS gummies back.


All right, let's plow through more critical news and information.


The Trump effect is in a full effect right now.


with Trump putting out that public letter to Putin saying,


I know Russia did a great job in World War II.


I know that, you know, you're good people.


He said before,


I know NATO went and basically started this by coming up to your borders,


but you got to end it right now or I'm going to hit you with massive sanctions.


And he's already cutting the money off to Zelensky.


And then Putin responded back saying,


in statements,


both interviews and print,






I'll play a clip in a moment,






this war wouldn't have happened,


you're right,


if you'd have been in there,


they hadn't stolen the victory,


and we're ready to come to the table,


and now suddenly Zelensky is saying he will come to the table,


he's always out of conditions,


but not as many now.


So we're moving the needle towards stopping this potentially world-ending war very quickly.


Putin says war in Ukraine might not have happened had Trump been president.




Trump ready to meet Putin immediately.


Says Zelensky ready to make a deal to end war.




Criminal announces Putin ready to speak with Trump about Ukraine war.


Here's Vladimir Putin on what he had to say this morning.


I'd like to say that Russia never refused to...


come to contact with the United States administration.


And it is through no fault of ours that the previous administration refused to communicate.


I always had business-like relations with the previous US president that were very


business-like and pragmatic.


But there was trust as well.


If he had been the president,


if the victory wasn't stolen from him in 2020,


maybe the Ukrainian crisis that arose in 2022 would have never appeared.


Notice the key word there, trust.


Even though Trump is not getting pushed around, he does the opposite.


He at least says what he's doing and says what the goals are so people can actually


have a discussion.


In an interview,


Putin echoes Trump claim that conflict in Ukraine could have been avoided had he


been in office.


Well, no kidding.


Because Trump wasn't supporting NATO membership for Ukraine.


And Russia, going back to 1991, had a deal to not do that.


And instead, NATO has encircled them.


So Trump's back in the Oval Office.


The deep state's in full panic mode.


He already, before he got into office, was president-elect, got $24 billion cut.


The U.S.


is paying around 85% of the war bill.


We have all the strings.


Our Pentagon directs the missiles that rained down in Russia.


Notice that's not happening now.


So I don't want to say we've dodged a thermonuclear bomb.


bullet yet but it's getting close.


So praise God for that and thank you for President Trump.


I sure don't want to see him get JFK'd by another lone gunman.


And I've said and I believe and I know that it would go really bad for the New


World Order if they did this but they're crazy enough to do it.


So Trump


is releasing all the documents exposed in the deep state,


firing all their political operatives and brainwashers and demoralizers and DEI and


the transgender cults being removed.


And he's stating two plus two equals four.


There's only men and women.


And we're not paying lip service to you and you're not dictating to us anymore.


We don't care if you call us Nazis.


None of it works.


And he's exposing the bureaucratic terrorism with the wildfires and the


under the UN treaties to not have fire mitigation.


He's exposing FEMA being a political weapon system and reorganizing and saying


power back to the states.


He is releasing a whole bunch of pro-libers that peacefully protested and were


thrown in jail,


prison for decades of sentences.


He's freeing the captives.


Executive order,




targets trans and non-binary people,




from being able to run around and harass and attack


And I've got a lot more on that.


And then he's energizing all these good people that have been fired and removed


from the old dinosaur media because they would tell the truth and they would expose


the system.


I want to play this in a moment.


Chris Hansen arrested one of the top shows on television, 30, 40 million viewers.


And he got fired.


Not for any impropriety, not for doing anything wrong, not for pedophilia.


Oh, because he had a girlfriend.


And that's because the pedophiles don't like adult heterosexual sex.


They have the Gillette commercials where the guy goes to ask a girl out and the


other guy goes,


you don't do that.


You don't even talk to a woman.


That's rape.


But we have convicted pedophile drag queen story time come and doctrinate your kids.


And secret programs to put them in the transgender cult.


So now...


Trump is just mobilizing all of these heavy hitters that had been sent into exile,


and he's bringing them back,




Chris Hansen is now working for Trump, catching Mexican child molesters at the border.


Here's a short clip.


You gave her $50?


What was that for?


The $50 was for sexo con chica quince años.


Her niece was 15, and you said you wanted a from her and were going to pay her $50.


Are you here in this country legally?


Do you have US citizenship?


But you came here, Marvin,


For sexo con chico quince años.


No, no, no.


You could go back to Honduras.


No, por favor.


Chris Hansen's the host of Takedown with Chris Hansen and the Predators I've Caught


with Chris Hansen podcast.


I mean, first of all, great Spanish.


Editing is my friend, Jesse.


Editing is my friend.


So these people, they show up just like Americans, ready for action.


A week ago tonight in Genesee County,




Sheriff Chris Swanson's ghost team and I did an investigation.


Two illegal Hondurans showed up in the same night among the other predators.


Both had been in this country before, gotten kicked out, sneaked back in.


and got arrested in this sting trying to have sex with a child.


And I can tell you,


in the week that's passed,


they've already been picked up by ICE on a detainer,


and it's the quickest they've ever seen this happen in the history of Genesee County.


Well, from all Americans, thank you.


You've done more than Biden's ICE did in four years already.


Tell me about this guy.


He was naked?


Blount County, Alabama.


Sheriff Mark Moon and his team, we had five guys show up in four days.


Take a look.


You have the money?




You don't take something off.


Well, you know how to make yourself right at home, don't you?


Have a seat on that stool right over there.


And what was your plan here tonight?


I don't really know.


You don't really know.


Well, it looks like you knew because you got naked in the kitchen of this house.


Can you imagine?


This has happened only three times in 20 years of doing predator investigations, Jesse.


And the decoy online with the Blount County Sheriff's Office,


you know,


was a little cheeky and playful for what you'd expect from a 15-year-old.


But this guy walked right in, took a look at her.


She said, well, stripped naked.


And then I walked out to confront him.


And he put his clothes back on, thankfully, before I could have a discussion with him.


You're a brave man.


I see a lot of stuff.


Take that with Chris Hansen.


Take off.


Take down.


Now, there's only a couple problems with this.


You notice that the Fox has said


Oh, you've done more than Biden did in four years.


Biden told them to come here, help the NGOs.


Little babies give them to real pedophile rings.


So they're getting low-hanging fruit with just the lone wolves out there, and that's good.


But I told,


and remember,


Flynn and I,


a couple months ago,


right before the election,


talked about this,


that when they get in,


they've got to energize their own media systems to go find the kids and


and expose the Democrats, and that will further destroy them super fast and will save the kids.


And they've got to prosecute the higher-ups in the NGOs,


the UN,


the State Department,


and Mayorkas,


which they said they're going to do.


So they're moving quick, day five.


A few days in, this is already happening.


And I said,


get media groups in there,


have the government create its own media groups or go find the top reporters and


already the predator people and draft them in.


Boom, they've done it.


And I'm not saying they listened to me on that.


But I mean, I said it on air and some of those clips where I said got 30, 40 million views.


And I know I've talked to the administration, but we are simpatico.


I mean, I am watching in live time everything I would do, everything I've said I would do.


You've heard it.


And it's just unbelievable.


So if they thought they had a problem with Alex Jones and tried to demonize and


destroy me in the last eight,


nine years,


and then now they're going after Elon Musk,


who's exponentially more powerful,


that just shows you how screwed they are.


And it's very, very exciting.






I got 11 minutes to break.


Let me give you an update.


It's so big and so much.


It's hard to condense it all.


And also,


I don't want to tell you the really bad stuff because we don't want them to know


exactly what we know or what we're planning to do.


But you've had the Democratic Party law firms,


the top ones,


the same ones going after Trump and Musk,


literally the same ones,


Akin Gump,


all of them.


And you've had them file in court with the different law firms they've got involved,


all Democrat Party operatives,


Senator Blumenthal's law firm,


all of them.


$326 million they filed in court they've spent in the last seven years attacking me.


And they tried to close the doors without a court order,


May 31st,


and then they tried to close them and kick us out again,


and then they tried to do it again,


and they had a fake auction,


and that got proven to be fake.


And the judges removed one U.S.


trustee and two CROs.


He didn't remove the U.S.


trustee this time.


He just said,




I want to get this all cleaned up,


and I want to have real offers,


and I'll choose the biggest one.


So the group that I've been working with said, OK, eight million bucks.


And this is a month ago.


And the judge gave a date when he wanted it.


We were way before it.


Then January 9th passes where he said he wanted it all on his desk.


And they go, oh, no, we don't have any other offers, but we need to wait and all the rest of it.


Now they filed in court saying that Chris Murray, the U.S.


trustee, is over my personal bankruptcy, owns my appeal.


To be able to appeal the fake Texas judgment and rigged stuff and in Connecticut,


which will get overturned,


it's completely just bonkers level kangaroo court.


Literal HBO productions, both of them run with the same people.


Scripts, all of it.


And I knew stuff was fake,


but until the second trial and I saw them with the same scripts,


I was like,


oh my God,


this is totally scripted.


But the public saw it and really turned against them.


And so now they will not talk about the offer and won't discuss it.


And they're going to try to come back with their


Distributed proceeds,




Bernie Madoff,


voodoo economic money off of future earnings I've got that they suppose they're


going to get.


They're going to use that money in the future as funny money to themselves to then


buy this company to try to silence me and shut me down and say they own my name and


go out and try to pull the catalog of all my reports out there that get stronger


over time,


not weaker.


Infinity green, not evergreen.


And so they're openly saying,


we're going to get your appeals removed,


saying we own you and that those are assets,


not your constitutional rights.


Because they also have to say there's no appeal so they can say the judgment's


final so they can say this new,


never before been done,


the judge already said they couldn't do because the appeals were still there.


So they're going to try to kill my appeals.


That's filed right now.


There's a hearing on the 5th.


And there was going to be a hearing on it yesterday,


but the night before,


they send 5,000-plus pages,


because we're suing them,


late of discovery.


So then that gets postponed to the 5th of February, and we're crawling through all that.


Can you imagine how expensive it is flying all over the country to posing people?


Can you imagine how expensive it is reading through all these documents?


And we're winning now.


And we've gotten a lot of interesting documents, I'll stop right there, that are sensational.


And now we're going through all these other ones,


and my lawyers are battling giant Democrat Party law firms and winning,


but I need money to beat them.


And I can do a lot more about even more money.


So it is critical that


We've totally delivered to you.


We are dominating.


We are getting hundreds of millions of views a day.


It is insane.


Thank you all for sharing the link, sharing the articles.


But we've got all these new listeners of viewers,


and they get the information,


and they think,




that's okay,





You know when you buy stuff from the globalists and you support them, they use it against you.


When you support independent free media that's fighting for you,


that's got their hands around the neck of the New World Order narrative,


and it's crushing it.


And literally,


Trump's listening,


Musk listening,




they all,


Rogan says,




I listen to Jones.


He's the most accurate guy.


They don't just listen.


I talk to a lot of these folks.


I talk to their lawyers.


I talk to them all.


I talk to the key people in the administration.


And if they shut down this operation,


we've got the Alex Jones network back up,


but it's not fully constructed yet.


Super expensive.


I'm going to go into all that satellite uplink servers from, you know, crew, all this stuff.


And it's a distraction for me to have to run around and get ready for that.


But it's something that had to be done.


So I'm fighting on a lot of fronts here,


and the game changer,


just like Musk was the game changer in the election,


and you taking action was the game changer,


and you voting for Trump and donating and getting involved and getting pissed.


We're winning now because you got pissed, and because you backed up Trump.


Without you, he'd be in prison right now, and we'd be probably in martial law.


And they got a lot of dirty tricks up their sleeves.


I need to be engaged 18 hours a day fighting for you,


fighting for myself,


fighting for humanity.


And so we have incredible products at the




you know,


Chris Murray and the rest of them have it set up in the court where I'm not even


able here to fundraise directly and say,




for my legal defense.


It has to go through the sponsor, their sales, and then that goes into InfoWars.


And then there's not a lot of extra money there.


And then I get a little bit in the deal I struck.


So I have to sell a whole bunch of stuff so that whatever I get, I can keep fighting.


So if they thought taking 127 acres, I had never had time to go there.


Beautiful backup place if things collapsed.


Didn't care where they took that.


I don't care about, oh, took my Tahoe.


or took my Ford truck.


I don't care about that.


I care about fighting and I care about winning.


I care about liberty and justice.


I am one of the richest men in the world when it comes to fighting tyranny and


being satisfied and proud that I've been true blue.


So I'm totally happy.


My family's happy.


We're energized.


The same law firm sued the living snot out of my parents,


called them criminals,


did all this stuff,


found no money,


nothing hidden.


Everything we said was true.


Heard my parents made less money than they'd even thought, than my parents had even thought.


But the way the court works, they're just over there with nothing now.


I mean, nothing.


Mortgage the house, can't pay the bills.


I mean, that's where I'm at.


And the enemy can laugh.


Listen, you just keep laughing.


You're going to get, you just wait with the Justice Department.


And I hope you're dumb enough to keep doing what you're doing.


And doing all this,


and then you sit there and think you've shut us down,


and that'll guarantee that you're getting a little visit from the FBI and the


federal marshals.


So God works in mysterious ways.


You've already seen all the stuff they've done.


If you think stuff was rigged on the surface, imagine what we know now that I can't tell you.


And these people just think it's Alex Jones.


We do whatever we want.




we're not in your new world order anymore where the left can cut little boys


penises off and not tell their parents and start World War Three.


I mean, people are sick of you.


But I have been fighting so hard.


My crew has put up with so much.


They've had a raise in two years, a bonus, any of it.


But they've stayed with me.


And I told them it's a lie.


We're going to get back in.


They don't have a court order over and over again.


But imagine in the building, out of the building, in the building, out of the building.


And all the crazy stuff and the behind the scenes infiltration and the offers


behind the scenes to crew to lie about us and stuff.


And nobody betrayed us because they didn't betray themselves.


But it has been a James Bond movie for real.


To be here telling the truth, warning the people, energizing humanity.


And we have had such monumental success thanks to your previous support and your


word of mouth and our will to keep fighting.


So our greatest days are ahead of us.


You can see it.


It's amazing.


But in this war, we've won this giant group of battles, and we're close to winning the war.


And out in the future, we will.


It's done, depending on how long it takes and how bad it's going to be, though.


And if Trump goes on total offense, we can finish him quick, and it's happening.


But in this battle, I'm shot up.


We're shot up.


It's like one of the Star Trek movies 10 years ago or whatever.


It ends with the Enterprise all shot up and destroyed,


and it comes back five years later when it's been fixed and it's about to relaunch.


Well, we're not there where the Enterprise got fixed.


If we were the Enterprise, we got...


Blast holes all over us, and the fires aren't even put out, and we're still attacking.


We're still attacking and having a bigger effect ever,


and I'm on the bridge with flames coming out right here.


And you know what?


It might be spectacular we blow up in a month.


Machiavelli and Hegelian dialectic, second, third order, it'll just make us bigger.


But I can't give up.


I can't not go 110%.


I can't sit here and give up this hill.


This is the hill to die on.


I must fight 110% up to the end, and then I'll feel good no matter what happens.


Just like if they killed Trump, it makes it worse for him, but we still don't want that.


We don't think like they do, though.


We think better than they do about that.


We can look at that, how they operate, but we don't do that stuff because we're not evil.


So I need your help.


I've asked for your help.


I want you to ask everybody else you know for help.


Go to the and get great t-shirts and great supplements and great products.


And you see on the front page, save InfoWars products.


The InfoWars t-shirt, the InfoWars hoodie, a few other items that have big markups.


Because there's not a lot of markup on the other t-shirts and hoodies and supplements.


I mean,


I think the cut I'm getting on something after it's all done with the sponsors and


all of it is less than 10%.


That's okay.


You get great supplements, great t-shirts, great all that.


I need a bunch of money.


If I had money, it'd be easy.


Give me what I need and I pledge to you.


I will fight to the death and never surrender.


Hell, you know I can't stop anyways.


I'm like a racehorse that will run until its heart blows up.


It's not what I'm like.


That's what I am.


But I need you now.


You need me.


Take action now.


The Alex Jones


And I thank you.


I have been so hot and heavy on the news the last few weeks that I have not come up.


Most of me yesterday,


I didn't plug one time the whole show because I was just so focused and pissed off


about what's going on because we're winning,


but the fight is so dangerous.


Things are, this is the most intense part right now.


And so please go to the Alex Jones


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air welcome back to the fourth hour of the alex jones so i'm your guest host jay


dyer of day's analysis you know alex in the


earlier segments talked about the rise of the technocratic state,


the rise of AI tracking,




and control.


And we have to understand that that's really what this is all about.


The idea that


We're automatically in the green.


We're all free now because we got Trump is going to be a very dangerous temptation.


We have to understand that the elite Davos,


all the people connected to that entity,


they've been planning what they've been planning for over 100 years.


And so the technocracy has not gone away.


It's rebranding.


It's going to try to sneak in.


It's going to try to figure out ways to rebrand itself as something freedom based.


And so I think not everybody is a bad person.


I think it's good to see the moves that Elon's doing.


People are moving in the right direction.


We have to be careful with these figures,


especially people like Altman,


Larry Ellison and others.


And that's because these are the people who have for so long been pushing the idea


of a CBDC as a solution.


Now, it's great that Trump signed the executive order.


That's a great sign.


This is momentous.


You know, in this fourth hour, going back almost five years now, we've been covering the CBDC.


We've lectured through so many of the texts of the elite,


Klaus's books,


Zbigniew Brzezinski's books,


Jacques Attali,




Wells, Bertrand Russell, Noe Yuval Harari, Kissinger.


We've gone through so many of these texts that demonstrates that they were planning


this for so long.


Going back again, you


Let's take a look, just a little bit of a refresher.


I forgot that Bertrand Russell described the Cummings technocracy as a satanic dictatorship.




he probably didn't actually believe in Satan,


but what he says is,


this is on page 198 of the Scientific Outlook,


and this is one of the persons,






along with Wells and the other Fabians,


for planning out what type of a control system we would be under.


He says that when the scientific dictatorship comes,


it will have to eliminate all forms of human love.


And in order to eliminate,


for example,


the family or eliminate fatherhood or motherhood,


you would have to eliminate the impulse,


he says,


of love.


And so the scientific technocratic tyrants, he admits they're tyrants.


Every now and then he'll sprinkle his writings with these sort of caveats of like,


you know,


this could be bad.




of course,


he was all for this,


and so I think that's just for PR when he kind of sprinkles it about with these


so-called warnings because he was a mass depopulation advocate,


as we'll see.


He says that we'll have to banish the notion of love because really the only way to


get rid of the family would be to get rid of that.


And he seems to be discussing it in the context of chemical engineering,


perhaps genetic engineering,


to target the areas of the brain,


to target the areas of man's genetic makeup that might be associated with emotions


or with the ideas of love.


And then perhaps even changing man's DNA and RNA.


Russell even discussed that.


He says the fact that children would be lab rats in terms of experimentation in the


future technocratic dictatorship


to really and it's justified by the ends you know justify the means ideology he


says a man will be reduced to something sadistic something cruel and bestial when


this is achieved science will no longer be about discovering truth he says even in


his day


There was this notion that science is after some capital T truth, some end goal.


And it's not.


It's only about discovering the means of power and pragmatic control, he says.


He says once science sheds metaphysical questions about God,


the soul,




then it can become a system of mastering power.


Reality for total and pure dominance.


And if you read 1984,


that's exactly the way that Orwell describes O'Brien as a figure who's really just


utilizing scientific means and the technocratic dictatorship for the stomping out


of humanity and the crushing of the human spirit.


And it was exactly what Russell said.


Russell is the character who says,


we'll have to stamp out your free will,


even though he doesn't supposedly believe in free will.


And you fast forward 100 years later and you find the technocrats like,




Yuval Harari saying the exact same thing.


You don't have free will.


By the way, we're going to get rid of free will.


There's no consciousness.


But by the way, we're going to upload your consciousness to the cloud.


Well, how are you going to do that when there's no consciousness?


So these people really just contradict and they're not worried about what's true


because there is no truth.


The only truth, as O'Brien says, is what the party says.


And so they are essentially the priests of power,


and they are the gods on earth in their own mindset,


in their own view.


Thus, they get off on killing people.


They get off on the power to dupe people and the hatred that they have for humanity,


which they believe is a satanic force that energizes them.


And isn't it interesting that Bertrand Russell,


who was a lifelong famed global atheist,


he was the sort of atheist Reddit soy man of his day,


says that when science has discarded the truth of God and metaphysics and all of this,


it can be pure science,


which is pure bestiality,


something akin to reducing man to bestiality.


I don't mean in a sexual sense, just reducing man to a bestial state.


And he says pure science will be analogous to the worship of Satan and the


renunciation of all forms of love.


And why is that?


Well, because it's just pure power dominance.


That's all that exists.


And so when there's babies in incubators being born as lab rats out of test tubes,


when there's experimentation on large swaths of people unbeknownst to them,


when you have basically the world being an island of Dr.




all of which,


by the way,


is described on page 126,


where he says all these things,


clear as day.


lab rat babies,


babies in incubators,


emerging as goblin creatures gulping at the side of the tanks,


like Alex talks about.


When that occurs, when we have Island of Dr. Moreau, why?


Then we'll have the true scientific dictatorship.


And the priest class,


he says,


that rules over the scientific dictatorship,


they'll be kind of like the Jesuits.


I'm not saying that they're actual Jesuits.


He says that they're just going to have this kind of


control on the model of the way that Ignatius Loyola and the Jesuit order has a


structure and tier of control.


He says that it will all be dominated by Malthusianism and the notion of social Darwinism,


which Alex talked about a couple days ago.


There's an entire chapter on technique in society that is about social Darwinism and Malthus.


And another interesting point is that he posited a long time ago that there would be a


technocratic transhumanist order that would rule that would dole out credits.


That's a CBDC.


Now he wrote his other book when he talks about the CBDC and all that social credit


stuff much earlier,


excuse me,


that's the early book.


And then he wrote a later book in 1951, the impact of science on society.


And my copy is completely demolished.


And he talks about vaccinations,






injunction and all that will be used to sterilize and to experiment on man.


He says that dysgenics and Plato's Republic are the model.


Just reminding you that this is a long term plan.


That's why we're talking about this.


I know we've covered this a million times.


He says it will mind control people to where they'll think that snow is black.


And you think, well, that's crazy.


How could that ever happen?


I mean,


you already see large swaths of population mind control to believe that men are women,


that women are men or that men can become women and you can identify as these things.


That's the literal equivalent of version Russell's statement that we will make


people think that snow is black and it won't matter if you try to reason with them


because they will have lost and surrendered their reasoning faculties.


They will be so chemically lobotomized and mind controlled.


that they will be the perfect cogs in the scientific dictatorship machine.


And that is there's an entire page or excuse me,


section 58,


59 talking about the scientific dictatorship of the human cogs.


Like Cogswell space cogs.


And how humans will be essentially cogs in the system.


The state will be a giant corporation.


There will be one corporation in the future,


and there will be the shutting down of all commerce,




all forms of free market enterprise,




all that obviously has to go away.


And that's because,


I lost my note,


but I had another note that talked about all the things that they want to bring in,


that they're bringing in,


precisely here it is.


precisely what Russell talked about 100 years ago, as did H.G.




as did Lord Birkenhead,


as did all the other members of this society,


which have the exact same plan 70,


100 years later.


CBDC has the solution.


When there's some form of economic problem,


we need a totally trackable,




controllable wallet that the guy from the BIS with 14 chen said,


you'll be shut off when you buy something or say something that we don't like.


In fact,


Larry Ellison just repeated that by saying that you're going to be a really good


global citizen when the AI is running the social engineering,


social credit system.




guess who talked about the social engineering,


social credit system and a global brain,




almost 20 years ago in the famous book,


Brief History of the Future by Jacques Attali,


the Kissinger France.


Well, he writes a whole section about on transhumanism.


He says that when we get the technocratic global brain in place,


he says there will be,


he calls it a hyper democracy.


Now it has nothing to do with democracy, but they're calling a literal AI controlled society.


a hyper democracy.


He says the transhumanists are the tip of the spear of the vanguard of the hyper democracy.


He says by 2100,


our goal is to have mega cities fitted into and they'll be the capitals of the


continental unions.


So the old school conspiracies that you heard of,


you know,


John Birchers back in the day,




they're going to create a North American union.


They're going to create all these other continental unions.


Well, that was correct.


They created the European Union.


It's the same people, the OSS and the CIA is who created the European Union.


And there's a giant 500 page book that I lectured through from Johan Ratiu on the


creation of the EU by the OSS and the CIA and European steel coal community.


That was all set up by the Europe project, which was an OSS CIA operation on record.


Now, if you continue on,


In the book,


Otali says that in the future,


we're going to have nanotech that will be able to go into your body and heal you


from all the ailments that you have.


And isn't this great?


Because like Larry Ellison said,


you'll have you have cancer floating around your blood before you actually have


late stage developed cancer.


And so the AI nanotech will be able to go into your blood,


nano blood,


and will be able to fix you.


Well, that's nothing new.


In fact, Otali has a whole section where he talks about this 20 years ago.


And he says that when the giant global brain is created,


you will begin to lose your individuality.


And that's a good thing because when you're all LinkedIn,


you will no longer have those individual thoughts or those firewalls of being a


member of a family or a nation state or a people group.


That will all melt away because you will be merged into the hive mind of the Borg.


And he calls it the global brain and compares it to the collective Gollum.


It was not me.


That's his own terminology right here.


This is the Kissinger France.


The development will form an eventual global brain and a collective Gollum and


you'll all be part of a quote universal intelligence.


So that's why this is so important to these people to control.


And if you remember when Kissinger passed away,


his final book,


I think it was called something like World Order.


The last chapter of Kissinger's last book was about whoever controls the AI and the


technocracy will rule the future.


But it goes further than that because Ottilie says that the AI will not just run


the global brain, it will actually police everyone and determine what the common good is.


That's how delusional these technocrats are in terms of their utilitarian notion of


economic theory that you can find a moral calculus that will just tell you what the


good is for everyone,


which is complete nonsense.


There's no math formula that can tell you the good.


All of that's premised on the fallacy of thinking that you can get an aught from an is.


You need an actual worldview with metaphysics and with values to determine values,


objective truth,


right and wrong,


better or worse.


If everything is just determined by algorithms,


there's nothing that can tell you that without assuming the very thing in question.


And that's going to be the good of the technocrats.


So the technocrats are going to determine that,




what's good is what benefits the technocracy and benefits global depopulation,


et cetera,


et cetera,


et cetera.


Now, he goes on to say that, yeah, it's an absolute Borg system.


Individuals will be supplanted by being merged into the hive mind of the global brain,


the collective golem.


That is the golem of Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism out of the Middle Ages of the


creation of a mudman through magic and sorcery who has no nefesh or soul.


He's just really controlled by the magus or the magician.


That myth has come to fruition,


you could say,


with the rise of these kinds of technologies that are heavily invasive.


I'm not saying that they can't do some good.


I have family members that have issues with Parkinson's and that has helped them.


The problem isn't whether there are good uses of these,


but rather whether these can be used as a massive social engineering control system.


And that's exactly what Ellison admitted when he gave his presentation the other day.


And we also know that he's interested,


I think,




as Alex and others have talked about,


the data centers that he wants to set up.


They want to have these vast data harvesting centers set up.


They want the contracts for that so that they can feed into the AI because AI


requires these vast amounts of data.




I'm not any kind of a tech expert,


but I've read all these global elites who talk often a lot or often and frequently




what's required and how the systems are intended to work and what they need to function.


And it's almost kind of like,


if you think about something like Carl Jung,


I'm getting a little out here there,


but I've been reading Carl Jung's archetypes of the collective unconscious recently.


And I speculate,


I wrote about this many years ago,


that it's almost like maybe AI needs,


if it's going to mimic human intelligence,


it kind of needs like a deep subconscious from which to pull from in order to have


the kind of the


conscious awareness that it spits out as its answer to various questions.


And so the more data,


the better,


the more people are feeding into everything online that harvest this data.


And that would be my guess as to why they need all these things is to further the


deep subconscious element of the AI,


which is just sort of the vast pools of data that it can then pull from.


And this was really the plot, if you're a member of the excellent film,


I'm trying to remember the director's name,


I just went blank,


but Ex Machina,


if you remember,


in Ex Machina,


you had the experimentation that was done on a Silicon Valley coder employee who


was chosen as part of an experiment to kind of be flown out to this secluded


compound where you have this AI,


or this way,


it's all about AI and kind of human control.


And you have the sort of Zuckerberg tech guy out there at his compound who,


dupes this nerdy guy into being himself the experiment.


You think the whole time that the experiment is whether the AI can pass the Turing


test and all this stuff.


But actually in Ex Machina,


it's the coder nerd guy as the everyman,


as the normie,


who himself is the experiment to see what are the ways that AI can control individuals.


Beyond that, you also have the notion of what's called a schvitzgabel machine.


I've covered this for a long time because I found an old essay talking about how in


the future there would be individualized tracking and tracing systems that would be


not just concerned with information and text and surveilling your calls or whatever,


but also your body and controlling and surveilling and figuring out what you're


eating and the makeup of your urine and all this stuff.


And I'm not joking.


You actually see that in a lot of science fiction movies because that's part of the


information and the data that they want.


They want to know everything about you.


They want to know your thoughts.


They want to know your heart rate.


They want to know where your eyes go on a screen when you see naked women.


They want to know everything about your proclivities, your mind.


You're a lab rat.


We are all lab rats in a giant world as laboratory system.


And so the development of the switch cables machine started with prisoners.


So they began by experimenting on prisoners and giving them anklets or ankle


bracelets that would allow them to walk around and do stuff.


But they found that eventually the prisoners would self-police and not trying to


run away because they knew that there was no point.


So it also kept up with their heart rate.


So if they tried to run or they tried to fight the beep beep beep,


it would go off because their heart rate is raised.


These kind of self monitors became a model for the kind of self monitoring that we


are embracing through all the technology.


that will ultimately kind of control us.


And ultimately,


if you remember,


said that the purpose of having iPhones and everyone being given iPhones is not


ultimately about the free market.


That's an element to it.


There's a part of the free market that's there for that to be built up and given out.


But ultimately, he says these are what he calls nomadic devices.


And when we lectured through his old book from the 1990s a while back,


He had said the exact same thing then.


He said that eventually you're going to have cell phones that allow you to be not


attached to any location or place.


And again, it's not that that's inherently wrong.


It's that everyone can be socially engineered to divorce themselves from time and


space and reality.


from the here and the now,


from matter,


which is not bad,


but all of this is based on Gnostic notions of transhumanism,


that we can somehow transcend the physical and the time and the temporal and


spatial domain to kind of apotheosize ourselves into becoming little gods.


And what that means is that man uses tech or uses magic and sorcery to become his own god.


If you think back to Genesis, when the devil offered Adam and Eve a path


outside of God's ordained path, he lied to them and says, he says, you can become God.


You will determine good and evil.


You'll determine right and wrong.


God's trying to keep you down from that.


So if you just do what you want, become your own God, apotheosis, man becomes his own God.


There's no better example of that temptation than today's tech offerings.


And I'm all about things like Bitcoin.


I recommend everybody get this excellent book,


Thank God for Bitcoin,


by my friend Julia and others.


That book will give you kind of a basis in how it's not the tech that's bad.


It's not electronic money necessarily that's bad.


In fact,


that's the answer to the Federal Reserve System because it can't be inflated and we


can't be stolen from on a basis that's a hard asset like Bitcoin.


But that's not what a CBDC is.


A CBDC is the opposite of that.


So it's great to see Trump moving against the things that we've been talking about


for so long here on this fourth hour and Alex has been talking about for decades.




you know,




I think we got to have somebody,


you know,


coming after and dealing with this,


the Federal Reserve model.


That's the heart of the system,


the Viper Gollum system that's really sucking away the wealth of the nations,


especially America itself.


If you think about past instances of attempts to bring this in,


for example,


during the COVID nonsense,


they were pushing for complete control,


tracking and tracing,


vaccine passports,


all this kind of stuff,


all of which was completely criminal,


which was completely fraudulent.


It was completely tyrannical.


And it's all based on the same type of anti-human,




this viperous control system that has such an intense hatred of humanity.


that only when you understand that all of this is geared towards getting rid of humanity,


as these very writers themselves admit,


as Bertrand Russell says in today's example,


and I have hundreds of these examples from countless texts from these people who


created the modern world in many ways,




I hate humans,


I want to get rid of them all,


and as soon as we have silicon-based life forms,


the better.


And so that's what we're really dealing with.


And there's a coordinated,


consistent plan through all of these same people and the same power structure,


what Quigley calls the Anglo-American establishment.


It's the same thing that got Brzezinski recruited into that system when he wrote


Between Two Ages,


when he says,


in the future,


when we get the technocracy,


we'll mutate man,


we'll mutate him,


like with large-scale genetic experimentation.


And he says that we'll attach man to Skynet.


Skynet will be able to mind control man.


He says we'll have vast weather weapons technology.


You thought that's a crazy conspiracy theory.


Here's one of the top elite strategists with an entire footnote on the future of


weather weapons technology and geoengineering.


oh it's a crazy conspiracy theory even though the top elite writers were writing


about this back in the 1970s and earlier bertrand russell talks about weather


modification as well and all of that is about again the control system that they


want to set up utilizing the


normal human energies for reproduction,


for commerce,


for the arts,


for education,


for civilization building,


retooling all of those energies into man destroying himself so that out of the ashes,


these absolutely wicked degenerate people could build their own technocratic


breakaway civilization.


That's their plan.


And it's a long-term plan, and they've written countless books on it.


In fact, I'm actually kind of


tired of going.


I mean, they admit it so many times.


I think that at this point, if you're not aware of it, it's a you problem.


That's not my fault.


I didn't fail to accurately cite or show proof of work.


That's a problem that you have.


This is the Alex Jones.


You'll be sure and head over to the Infowars store and buy those products to


support the tip of the spear,


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Helping to maintain and resuscitate the remnants of Western civilization,




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Donald John Trump,


do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the


United States and will,


to the best of my ability,


And will do the best of my ability.


Preserve, protect, and defend.


Preserve, protect, and defend.


The Constitution of the United States.


The Constitution of the United States.


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So help me God.


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you understand that but we cannot stress this enough


And yes, we've got a major beachhead with Trump.


And yes, the public is getting more and more awake every day.


But the forces of the globalists are not completely defeated, though that is in sight.


And it is so critical that everyone understand that Infowars,


that the deep states have been trying to shut down for many years with their


lawfare and all the same stuff they targeted Trump with,


is very close to being defeated in our legal proceedings against them as well.


But they are still after us.


So when you support us in our fundraising efforts at,


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