"You Are Under Attack!": Learn How The Democrat, Deep State, Fauci, Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires Intentionally Burned Los Angeles To The Ground and What's Coming Next
They do this over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, cutting the budget by 100 million, not removing 20 years of brushwood from the forests, not cutting back the forest from roads and electricity cables, not creating firebreaks, not testing the fire hydrants, blocking the water, draining the reservoir there just to fight fire right before the main fire season and high wind. Sending out minions to start fires. Arson! Who drains the firefighting reservoir with 177 million gallons of water in it, or 117 million gallons, a month before the fire season. Who doesn't, who cancels testing the fire hydrants a month before fire season? Who blocks the other reservoirs from delivering water? Who cancels all the Insurance?
Click Below..
Satanism is gradually being instituted as the New World Religion defined by Satanic Ritual.
72 Empires have been recorded and every one of them has failed in the same way. The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and satanic elite infil-traitored and took over all these Empires and that 72 once free, flourishing and rich republics were destroyed from within by Satanic Ritual - read Toynbee.
Infil-traition of Satanism is the methodology as slowly every Government Ministry and Societal function is taken over. Eventually a Satanist becomes King Emperor President. LGBTPS - Pedophile, Satanic…
The Satanist Ritual Pillars of Homosexuality, Pederasty, Drugs and Ritual Sex - both Hetero and Homosexual - are introduced overtly as a prelude to Ritual Human Sacrifice. Christianity and Judaism - the bulwarks Against Satanism - are destroyed and then society destroyed through the fear of mandatory Ritual Human Sacrifice.
The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Satanic Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Left and Right Politics, Dynastic Families, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, Facebook, Twitter, International Companies, Vatican, Transhumanism, CRISPR Androids, Eugenics..
They have a Satanic Army of adherents in every institution.
The Satanic Professors dress up in black garb, take petrol, take matches and when the winds are high they torch Hollywood, they torch Lahaina in Maui
The key is that the Satanic Religion and is current recruiting cults of Freemasonry and the Crowlean Sexual Ritual OTO - Ordo Templi Orientis - are Fake Gangs, created by men as a 10,000 years old technique by using Satanic Rituals of Human Sacrifice to create psychopathic leaders and their minions, and thus conquer the world.
All Rituals, Religions, Education, Secret Services and Political Movements have been scientifically Engineered to create Fake Gangs for 10,000 years. It's what the old Roman Empire, The Babylonian Empire of Satanic Nimrod, and the Cult of Appollo and the Byzantine Empire did before.
As you know, every Gang has Blackmail Rituals before you can join. Making your Bones with the Mafia means you must murder someone before you can join. Drug Cartels like MS13, secret groups within the Masons, the Hellfire Club, all have their Rituals before you can progress.
Epstein did not kill himself. He videoed Scientists from MIT and Harvard, Oligarchs, Politicians etc, Pedophiling, murdering, human sacrificing young girls then Blackmailed them into doing the work of his Trillionaire Rothschild, Rockefeller, Eyes Wide Shut sponsors - MKULTRA, Transhumanism, CRISPR Androids.
As their willing psychopathic, minion victims are given access to stealing higher quantities of money, so they must go to the next level of Ritual. First it is 15 year old girls who look 25. Then it's 12 year olds, 5 year olds, and then its the Human Sacrifice murder of children, babies!
All to create a Satanic Society of Total Control through Human Sacrifice, poverty, lack of education, poison in the air, water and food. Lack of infrastructure, education and Total Control of the Media.
To destroy Civilisation.
To move to a Chinese Totalitarian Communist World Government Worldwide.
The Destruction of Western Civilisation - Europe, UK, USA.
The Start of the Chinese Century.
All of them Censoring Worldwide, Advanced Meditation techniques - Alchemical VITRIOL, the Kundalini Key and Energy Blockage Removal from every Meditation Program.. EXCEPT ENERGY ENHANCEMENT Quantum Meditation!! http://www.energyenhancement.org
The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society JFK (27 April 1961)
“The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.”
JFK (27 April 1961)
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The wicked foundations of Clown World
Clown World is built upon a series of intellectual pillars that range from Darwin, Diderot, and Freud to Einstein, Keynes, and Foucault. The first thing that rapidly becomes apparent when one regards them as a set is first, that they are all frauds. The second thing one realizes is what a collection of seriously evil sexual deviants they tend to be:
A French-American professor has accused fellow intellectual Michel Foucault of being a "paedophile rapist", a report by The Sunday Times said.
In an interview, Guy Sorman said he found out about Foucault's behaviour after visiting the late philosopher in Tunisia where he was living in 1969.
"Young children were running after Foucault saying 'what about me? take me, take me'," he said to The Sunday Times. "They were eight, nine, ten years old. He was throwing money at them and would say 'let’s meet at 10pm at the usual place'. He would make love there on the gravestones with young boys. The question of consent wasn’t even raised."
Sorman argued that Foucault was able to get away with this because of the racial element of his affairs.
"Foucault would not have dared to do it in France… There is a colonial dimension to this. A white imperialism," Sorman said.
In the interview Sorman said he "regrets" not reporting this "extremely morally ugly" behaviour to the police. He added that the press had been aware of Foucault’s conduct but were reluctant to publish stories due to his status as France’s "philosopher king" alike to that of a "god".
The philosopher who died in 1984 signed a petition in 1977, which sought to legalise sexual relations with children aged 13 or above.
Don't be misled. Whatever aspect of Clown World rhetoric happens appeals to you, be it free trade, freedom of expression, libertarianism, judeo-christianity, equality, tolerance, or respect, it's really all about pedos and human sacrifice. It's literally all designed to lead there in the end.
AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 4 - SATANIC HOMO-OCCULTISM SATANIC HITLER - THE HOMOSEXUAL ROOTS OF FASCISM - Black Magician Homosexual Hitler created homosexual Cults based upon Black Magic - taught to him by Guido von List and the Armanen Order, Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels and Ariosophy, The Thule Society, Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society, and Friedrich Nietzsche by Swami Satchidanand
Tantra And Homosexuality In Satanic Ritual Homo-Occultism, Forced Pederasty, Tantra, Sodomy, Anal Sex 10 Ex-Banker Claims He Was Invited To Take Part In Child Sacrifice Rituals 26 The Alchemical Homunculus And The Jewish Golem And The Creation Of Evil Energy Blockage Implants - The Nature Of Good And Evil 49 Homosexual Ritual And The Cult Of Cybele And The Cult Of Moloch 78 Tantra And Homosexuality In Satanic Ritual - The Satanic Left And Spiritual Right Hand Paths Of Awakening The Kundalini 144 In The House Of The Strong Man, Satanic Sodomy Is The Key - The Sodomic Ritual Implantation Of Energy Blockages As Part Of The 10,000 Years Satanic Science Of Mind Control Through Sub-Personalities Created Through Hypnotism, Drugs And Tantric Sex 152 The Role Of Pagan Satanic Ritual Homo-Occultism In Leading The Fall Of The Roman Empire And The Degeneration Of Hitlers Germany 22
The Nazis 224 The Nazi Hatred Of Judeo-Christian Anti-Homosexual Morality - "Homosexuality Is The Backdoor To Satanic Ritual" 258 Homosexuality And Islamist Terrorism 289 American Homo Fascism 298 Theosophy 316 Jorg Lanz Von Liebenfels And Ariosophy 323 These Rituals Define Satanism.. Loveless Ritual Sex, Sodomy, Pedophilia, Ritual Drugs, Ritual Blood Sacrifice, Ritual Human Sacrifice, Ritual Torture, Ritual Burning Alive, Ritual Cannibalism, Ritual Castration Ritual Sex, Masonic Palladian Rite, Oto Rituals 345 Energy Enhancement And Tantra By Satchidanand - What Is Tantra? 443 Satanists Pizzagate, Spirit Cooking, Marina Abramovic, Satanism Worldwide For 10,000 Years 467
This means Pedophilia Sex Rituals and a means of Totalitarian Fear Control of Human Sacrifice.
As presently occurs in Totalitarian No-Soul Communist China. Christians, Buddhists and Falun Gong are executed in special organ harvesting vans - Human Sacrifice.
They have ten of these vans in every city and they work all day long taking fresh organs to the airport for implantation in Japan. The organs harvested and sold to Rich Oligarchs Worldwide
SATANIC HOMO-OCCULTISM AND THE HOMOSEXUAL ROOTS OF FASCISM - Black Magician Homosexual Hitler created homosexual Cults based upon Black Magic - taught to him by Guido von List and the Armanen Order, Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels and Ariosophy, The Thule Society, Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society, and Friedrich Nietzsche.
Because the Torah and the Bible prohibit Homosexuality, in order to introduce Satanism and its Satanic Rituals, Hitler decided to destroy Judaism and Also he changed Christianity - Jesus - into a Sun God associated with Odin by sending all clerics to the death camps along with all the Ritual burning holocaust six million Jews.
After that he allied with Islam because Islam promotes a warrior Spartan Pedophilia and Sex Slavery of Women - "Women for breeding, boys for love" See, Thousands of child prostitutes in every city of Britain - Rochdale child sex abuse ring https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rochdale_child_sex_abuse_ring
Hitler's NAZI is National Socialism, an offshoot of No-God Communism - You can see this plan occurring in Western Civilisation everywhere, NOW!!
Click Below..
Only Satanists could create a system which is against the evolution of Humanity to the Stars.
Instead, the Satanic Banksters promote the Principle of Poverty, barefoot, back on the reservation, in debt to the company store.
20a. Companion Volume to Volume 5 - Satanic Economics and the Satanic Principle of Poverty - The Babylonian Woe - the History of Money and the Phoenicians who created it.
Meyer Amschel Rothschild, who founded the great Satanic international banking house of Rothschild which, through its affiliation with the European Central Banks, still dominates the financial policies of practically every country in the world, said: 'Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.'
In this time, as today, the people were almost entirely at the mercy of the Satanic private persons controlling their money, who then controlled the inflow of precious metals, silver and gold, the foundation of the people's money. The Satanic policies of these controllers from their standpoint as internationalists, with Banks and secret agents in both countries, were necessarily directed towards the creation of war against the well-being of mankind. Frequent wars were above all the prime essential..
1. Arms sales - The selling of weapons and war materiel to both sides of the war.
2. Chaos towards the destruction of the natural system of rule previously defined, which had been the protection of the people, to create the Satanic recruiting process of despair, nihilism, and then Satanism in the people.
3. War booty towards the reinjection into the system of hoarded coin and bullion, and consequent reinflation of the money supply;
4. The Torching and buying of property, farms and businesses in the defeated country for cents on the dollar.
5. Not the least important, the enslavement of the defeated populace and prisoners of war - gathering of a new crop of slaves for working the poisonous heavy metal mines to replace those stocks of silver and gold, so necessary to the foundation of their money power, and the maintenance of their international hegemony in consequence...
AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 6 -The Satanic History of the World Part 2 Published May 2019
Dark Forces have used Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician/Jewish aristocratic Families which have existed for over 5000 years before the Birth of Christ. Using emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control humanity, they themselves worship all the Pagan Gods, including Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Bel, Molech, Ashtoreth, Cybele and Attis.
In this book we find that over thousands of years, spook, Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, taking over or infiltrating, marrying in to, every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family, in Europe, Britain, America, Israel, India, China and in every other country in the World.
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Against Satanism by Satchidanand Volumes 1 to 12 - “The Occulted Satanic History of the World” - Your Worldview Will Never Be the Same! - in an easily downloadable file from our own website.
Mind Control Black Assassins by Satchidanand Volumes 1 to 11 in an easily downloadable file from our own website.
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While other networks lie to you about what's happening now,
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Visit Infowars.com forward slash show and support the Infowars.
InfoWars, tomorrow's news today.
It is Friday, January 10th, 2025.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're nine days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, zero seconds for the inauguration of President Trump.
All right.
I absolutely have got to be completely focused today.
because this news is all over-the-top critical,
that the public know about it,
and that we also use the considerable power of this incredible audience of
activists to really restate some basic facts that if we're going to win this fight
against the globalist death cult,
we're going to have to engage in.
And before I plow into all this,
I just want to say we have to prosecute the entire global deep state,
They all have committed massive organized administrative war against civilization
to consolidate power and control and just wreck human civilization because human
civilization will be free and open and they can't rule over the technocracy they're
building if that's the case.
That's why they're doing it.
It's deliberate.
It's deliberate.
And I even see some of our best people who I admire and appreciate,
like Trump and Elon Musk and just everybody else,
the left are idiots.
They don't know what they're doing.
they're kicking our ass,
and they have almost all the money,
and in their own documents,
this is all a plan.
Joe Rogan's lately been saying it's all premeditated and they're killing us on purpose,
and Mel Gibson is,
and a lot of other people.
But I harp on this because I love Dr. Kirk Elliott, really smart guy.
And he would say, you know, this is horrible, stupid economic policy.
It's hurting everybody.
Well, it's warfare.
And I'm not, again, getting on him.
I'm just saying everybody does it.
And if you do not understand,
this is an admitted Agenda 2030 post-industrial collapse plan that is a global
treaty and is on the damn UN website.
The replacement migration, cutting off the food, the energy.
I mean, this is going to kill billions of people in their mainline actuaries.
If they get their carbon cut targets done by 2030, it's estimated to kill 4 billion people.
Now, do you understand the war and the crime and the conflict that's going to cause?
I know three people in the last week I've talked to in Austin that I know that got
mugged in broad daylight without even calling around to see if people I know are
being robbed.
They're just telling me about it.
Hit on the head, robbed, guns pulled on them, you name it.
And then you've got the government trying to suppress the crime statistics.
It's out of control.
All of it is an assault.
The defunding of the police, all of it is a plan.
And I've seen some people talk about it,
and it's trended top of X the last few days with the LA fires that are the worst in
history in that area.
That's confirmed.
The National Guard going on the streets.
But I really haven't seen people go get the documents and show folks where the Democrats,
and local,
have been blocking it for decades on purpose.
This is premeditated.
This has been a scandal for decades.
Newsom doesn't need to just resign, as Trump called for.
I want that piece of shit arrested.
He is a murderer.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
All over Los Angeles,
engulfed in flame,
tens of thousands of acres burned,
more thousands catching every few hours all over the place.
The police, aided by citizens who are catching them, are catching groups of men
running around leftists, they're almost always in Antifa outfits, all black, setting fires.
Now, this is not our first rodeo.
Right before the 2020 election,
all over the country,
but particularly Oregon,
Washington State,
and California,
they caught professors and leftists in Antifa in the cities,
in the towns,
in the national parks,
in the forest,
Hundreds of them catching fires on purpose.
And in a lot of cases, it ended up killing people.
you know,
if I caught somebody trying to catch my house on fire,
I mean,
I'm just telling you,
I'm going to kill you.
I'm going to break your neck.
This is attempted murder, and I want these people executed.
But that's why the left always gets rid of the death penalty,
as General Parton decades ago explained on my show,
is so that when they have their communist revolution,
even if they're in prison for a few years for arson and things,
they know they're going to get out.
But you get caught on video catching fires in a neighborhood.
It's attempted capital murder, mass murder.
I want you executed.
Quick trial, quick appeals.
I want you dead within a year of being convicted.
You get your due process, but we hang your ass in the public square.
It's time to bring it back.
I want these people dead.
And I told you when this all started three,
four days ago,
I said this is arson 100% because we know.
And you've got the zombie army of crazies and leftists that go around starting
fires when the hot winds come in.
It's a dinner bell for them.
But that's a whole other issue we'll go through today.
There's so much to unpack here,
but my big frustration is,
and the first thing I really want to drill into is we can cover it here live,
but cut it out and put it on X so it'll get 50 million views and move the needle
against the bad guys.
That's what's been happening.
The listeners are doing a great job,
not just on X,
but everywhere,
taking the show and cutting it up.
I mean,
we probably got,
just on my X account yesterday,
thanks to the listeners and viewers and Elon and all of us together,
Let's not exaggerate.
150 million views.
That's good.
We're moving the needle.
That's great.
Because it's going to be the truth coming out that is going to expose this and stop this.
So here's the deal.
And I'm pulling it all,
and I've got stacks of it right here,
and they're printing more of it right now.
But if you go to the rewilding project of the UN in the 70s that got put into
treaties in 1992,
the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit,
limits to growth.
You can go read the damn treaty on the UN website.
We showed it yesterday.
It's got a whole list of things they're going to do.
Cut farming.
Cut fertilizer.
Get rid of all the coal power plants.
Get rid of eating beef.
Anything that puts off methane is bad.
Well, now they're saying humans put off methane, so we're bad.
I mean, it's a way to list you as evil.
But also in there,
they say they're going to destroy the dams,
which they've destroyed over half the dams in Europe and over half the dams here
that are producing electricity,
And that the dams they don't destroy, they use to block rivers.
And then they pass state and federal regulations,
particularly in places like California,
where the public cannot get access,
the farmers can't get access.
And that's an ongoing giant scandal,
just destroying the farmers all over the West,
And yeah, Bill Gates came out in the UN five years ago and said, we need to cut trees down.
They're bad because they put off carbon.
Carbon's the key to the life cycle.
There's four things.
The sun, water, oxygen, carbon dioxide.
Got to have the heat for life, for the photosynthesis with the plants, and the whole life cycle.
So you got to have sunlight.
That drives 99% of climate.
We'd be way below zero and all dead in just a few hours if the sun went away.
And then you've got...
Water, carbon dioxide and oxygen.
Well, people know oxygen is good, but the carbon dioxide sounds like monoxide.
So in surveys, people say ban it.
You can also, we've gone out and done this.
Many others have done it.
We've done it many times.
25 years ago, 20 years ago, 15 years ago, 10 years ago, five years ago.
I haven't done it since.
We need to go out on the streets of Austin.
You can go to UT.
You can go to the hike and bike trail.
and just say we have a petition to ban dihydrogen monoxide, it needs to be restricted.
And the majority of people will ban dihydrogen monoxide.
And of course, that sounds scary, dihydrogen monoxide, right?
That's water, H2O.
So the level of ignorance of the public is what allows this crap.
But specifically, the U.S.
Forest Service, since the U.N.
treaty that we didn't sign on to, the Senate didn't ratify, but we went under it in 1992.
Herbert Walker Bush put us on it and said, we'll follow all U.N.
UNESCO directives.
And he signed executive orders.
And UNESCO has the policies of the transgenderism and the DEI, and then BlackRock enforces it.
I mean, this is public.
So this is global government already here.
The UN doesn't come with troops.
The UN comes with poison shots and pandemic lockdowns and quarantine centers and
cutting off your electricity and your fertilizer and your food and your dams.
Your water.
The UN came out three years ago and said our main target will now be water.
We're going to cut the water off the planet because if we cut that off,
that will stop all the industry and farming that's producing carbon.
John Kerry last year, we got to cut half the farms or people will starve.
that is the most oxymoronic statement on Earth,
but that's them normalizing this murder of logic and murder of the carbon cycle on
this planet.
rightfully for years,
has said we need to do fire mitigation and cut fire breaks and do all of this in
the areas that are in danger.
That was always standard procedure until the early 90s.
And then the insurance companies and the government regulators,
and local come in and they say no money for fire mitigation.
Everybody's talking about this, but then the Democrats deny it, hoping you're ignorant.
So I thought we'd just pull up some articles,
and local,
just different parts of the country to show you L.A.,
San Diego,
particularly San Francisco.
But if you're in L.A.
and you drive around anywhere and you see just brush and dead trees and crap,
uglier than hell,
nothing manicured,
right up to the streets, right up to the neighborhoods, right up to the roads.
And they specifically say no funding for that.
And then if you try to cut the trees or brush around your house,
it's even on your property,
they'll come arrest you.
They got plenty of money for funding for the police to do that.
So in any normal county or city,
Or that on state land,
in any state that's not run by the Democrats,
and under this whole UN regulatory administration system,
you don't see wildfires get out of hand.
Because it's very inexpensive to...
to build the fire breaks that are also access roads for people to use state, county, land.
And then they have regulations and they come to landowners and they tell you,
and they'll mitigate it if you say you don't want to kill that big oak tree or you
don't want to get,
but they'll tell you,
And then a lot of times they'll pay you.
I mean,
I know in East Texas,
our family's got quite a bit of land and routinely they get money from the state,
the county,
you name it,
comes through in different areas that border roads.
And they say,
we're going to cut back 50,
70 feet onto your property for fire break and access.
And by the way, here's the bids of the groups that are coming in.
We need access.
We're going to give you an estimate on what you're going to get paid also from the
lumber that's going to be extracted.
And then you say yes,
and then you look and you can go through it with them and say you actually want
this group to come get the lumber.
You can come tell them another group's going to come in.
They say fine,
have that group,
fill out some paperwork,
and then you get a $40,000 check like my dad got a few years ago when they did it.
And they'd done it decades before, but those fire breaks start growing up.
So this is how it works, ladies and gentlemen.
This is how it's done.
And you drive around Los Angeles or any of these areas,
particularly where it's dry in Southern California,
and it is a deliberate program to set it up for total destruction.
And then you've got the leftist zombies and leftist operatives in Antifa.
That's the main group when they arrest them around the country and also in Canada
and Europe that set fires.
I mean,
you think Extinction Rebellion,
funded by the UN and others and Bill Gates,
just goes and blocks trains and blocks roads and blocks factory entrances and goes
and throws paint on Van Gogh paintings?
They then go out and derail trains and burn down factories and engage in
environmental terrorism.
Remember Earth First that would go drive big spikes into trees in Oregon and Washington,
And then when the lumberjack came in with the chainsaw and it killed some of them,
and you got a high-powered giant chainsaw,
you know,
10-foot chainsaw,
And you hit that at that speed,
and people got killed where it shoots the chain back into the throat.
Other people got their eyes knocked out.
They would sabotage the bulldozers, all of it.
Well, that's what this is.
They just don't call it Earth First.
And the Earth Firsters are in control of the Forest Service.
They're in control of the BLM.
They go around and they harass the farmers and ranchers that border government land.
And under old regulations, you can run your cows on government land.
And so they try to curtail that.
Congress didn't pass laws saying you couldn't,
but they regulatorily try to harass everybody off of the land,
like the Bundys.
And then they send paramilitary FBI out to just randomly shoot and kill people.
Like you saw a few years ago in Oregon.
Or you try to hide out in Idaho like Randy Weber and they come and blow your wife's
head off while she's nursing a baby.
So that's where they put the communist activist is in the Forest Service, the BLM.
And then those people rotate out and they're over the management in the cities and counties.
And it's a bunch of sickos.
We've got the deputy fire chief in L.A.
making a joke like,
these women you're hiring can't pick up even a small woman or a baby,
a child,
a medium-sized child.
They said,
you know,
you shouldn't be in a house that's burning if you need to be picked up.
Well, what if it fell on you?
What if you've passed out?
I mean, it's just arrogance, folks.
So it's a joke.
And we actually had the video that we're showing on the screen.
Yeah, well, you know, sorry, I can't care anybody.
I'm a fat slob.
But that's your problem.
Remember the FEMA videos that came out a few months ago in North Carolina where
what the conservatives and the locals said was if you're white or you've got an
American flag or you've got a Trump sign,
you don't get help.
And then we got their internal video saying, yeah, we don't help white people.
And it's a fat lesbian white woman saying, and of course, they're the gods.
You're fat, got a short haircut, you're a lesbian, you get to kill us.
You get to steal our money and then not give us services.
Because they're creating the collapse of society.
This is how you wreck a society.
So you just have to let that burn into your brain that we're dealing with psychotics here.
Now, Klaus Schwab said a few years ago that by 2030, we have the video,
We'll play it.
That there won't be any cars in LA.
Because LA is going to collapse from climate change and going to be destroyed by fires.
That's in the actual reports they put out.
That's what he's alluding to.
And that they'll rebuild it after it collapses.
Well, I mean, it's real simple.
You're in a tinderbox of woods and brush,
and you don't clear it out when dead debris falls for decades,
and you don't cut it back from neighborhoods when there's a lightning strike or
when the leftists run around setting fires when they get their go order.
It all burns down in the worst inferno in California history of the last four days.
And now the National Guard on the streets.
And now crime's totally exploded.
And all these opportunists that think movies like The Joker are cool are just joining in on it.
Raping, robbing, burning, killing.
Because they're lost, godless people.
Because Los Angeles is an evil city.
I can't even be there.
I mean, I feel it when I'm there.
Very oppressive.
You know, you're in places like the Coliseum that had a lot of evil in it.
You feel the evil.
Other places, you feel it.
Felt different energy at Stonehenge.
The energy there almost possessed me.
I felt murderous when I was there first time.
It was a park ranger stand.
And he goes, yeah, about a third of the people have it.
He goes, I sit there and watch it.
When you walk across that line, it's like Bugs Bunny.
And he said, yeah, he goes, I don't have it.
But he said, we think it's, you know, those magnetic cone cells.
that like geese have so they can navigate on the ley lines, which is a fact.
Everybody has them.
He says some people, the guy knew what he's talking about.
He said some people have more of the cones in the brain, but what it is, magnetic little cells.
And he said, I sit here all day and watch people walk across that line.
Go, I was like, that's why they built something.
They're like, whoa, something special is going on here.
And they know there's a big magnetic vortex coming out of the ground right there of
energy right out of the core of the earth.
But the point is, is that
Whatever's going on in L.A.,
I've never,
since I was visiting when I was a kid,
I was like,
I want to get out of here.
I feel weak there.
I feel the spirit of God being blocked to a great extent when I'm there.
It's a dominion of evil.
And the wages of sin or death, I mean, and people say, oh, God sent the fires.
No, no.
No, no, no.
when you're an evil people,
an evil country,
an evil nation,
read the Bible,
will then allow evil leaders to be over you.
That's how God punishes you.
With Gavin Newsom.
And their hardcore communist mayor, who's literally an agent of Cuba on record.
When we come back,
we still don't have a break for five minutes,
but when we come back,
I'm going to go over just quite a few examples,
but there's literally thousands of the scandal and the ongoing fights for 30 plus
years as the federal government and the state government and the whole leftist
movement removes
All basic fire mitigation that stops this happening.
I mean, it's the most basic form of zoning.
that when you're in a tinderbox area, you do this.
And even in areas that have a lot of rainfall,
in Washington State and Oregon before all this,
they would build the fire breaks.
They don't do it now.
The last four years,
Biden's been blocking controlled burns that are the stopgap if you don't have fire breaks.
then you build them when the fire's already coming by a controlled burn so that you
can control that fire and burn out the fuel that when the big fire gets there,
it can't jump across.
They've stopped that.
I've got those articles.
So what I'm getting at here is I know this audience already knows all this.
You've seen it.
You already know.
But remember, we have a huge new audience every day.
I'm trying to get people to have it sink into their brains that this is 100%
deliberate on record.
And then you ask, well, why?
notice most of these fires are in the most expensive real estate in the world,
but there's a lot of poor people that have lived there and working class for 60,
80 years or 100 past the houses on that they bought for a few thousand dollars 80
years ago that are now,
you know,
a tiny three bedrooms worth three or four million in the Palisades.
There's $80 million houses there,
but there's a lot of working class stuff and people living right next to that.
That's all destroyed now.
And now they can do an economic development zone,
a smart city,
which exactly they have slated for the Palisades,
like Klaus Schwab was talking about.
And the people wouldn't sell.
They wouldn't get on board to have their houses knocked down like Lahaina, Maui.
And one year after they voted no in Maui, you saw what happened.
And they used the exact same thing.
Wouldn't cut the brush back.
Wouldn't do fire mitigation.
And administratively,
Ordered the police to block everybody fleeing out of the two roads out,
causing most of the death.
And the cops weren't even bad.
They followed the orders they were given.
And I'm not saying that they weren't inept for following the orders.
And some have come out and apologized.
But this is how compartmentalization works.
People are following their orders.
They don't see the big picture.
And this happens.
And you have to understand...
They've got regulations over the food,
the water,
the medicine,
the curriculum,
the culture,
and they're defunding the police all over the Western world.
While they up the taxes, they're removing services that stabilize civilization.
Because they want a post-industrial world.
That is the treaty in 1992, the UN Sustainability Treaty.
Agenda 21.
And they say in the year 2020,
we will then go operational and collapse industrial society by 2030.
You don't get energy.
You don't get running water.
You don't get a job that you can live with and have a decent life.
But if you're the globalist, if you're big tech, you get unlimited energy.
You get unlimited power because you're critical.
Just like we were all told, you're not essential workers during COVID.
You have to stay in your house.
That's a new class system.
So we think of being discriminated against for being black or being this or that,
and that's what they teach you,
or being a woman or being,
you know,
Everybody obsesses on that.
we got to deny,
you know,
helped all the people in the South because,
you know,
if they're white,
you know...
Our directive is under the ESG to only help LGBT and black people.
They're not actually trying to help LGBT or black people.
They're setting the precedent to discriminate when and how they want through the
social credit score system that's deployed already through governments and corporations.
But now they're going to get it down to the individual level.
So this is beyond diabolical.
The social contract is broken.
The infrastructure is being turned off.
And they've not only broken the social contract.
It's not that they don't care.
They're just stealing everything.
That's just part of it.
That's the low level.
That's the minion foot soldier level.
They just care about the money.
Up high,
it's an admitted administrative shutdown of civilization to trigger collapse of the population.
And Elon Musk has told them to their face, you're not going to get away with this.
This will end up causing a world war.
And that's what we're trying to stop right now.
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All right,
we are in absolute information overload here,
but I'm going to do my best now to just go through all these developments and articles.
I'm going to,
at the start of the next hour,
actually do the deep dive with all the proof of deliberately cutting off any type
of fire mitigation at the federal,
and local level under the Democrat Party leadership and the UN treaties.
I'm going to do that at the start of the next hour because what I need to hit right
now is the fact that the National Guard has been deployed on the streets of Los Angeles.
That's starting right now.
There are people being arrested,
caught in the act all over the place by citizens on camera who then restrain them.
And the police come and arrest them.
And in the videos,
they're almost always wearing all black and they have the skinny jeans,
you know,
Antifa types.
And I bet you money they're going to be Democrat Party NGO operatives.
So it's just always the same.
And again,
when this was going on in 2020 before the election,
hundreds of leftist professors,
always the same scum,
devil worshiper types.
were arrested and we would post it and do an article on it,
or others would,
and Facebook and Twitter at the time would block it and take it down because they
didn't want you to know what they were doing.
they don't just cut the police and the fire department,
not do the fire mitigation,
and then block the water being released from the reservoirs to put out the fires,
which they have plenty of,
also that have their minions running around torching society.
It's a cult.
And here's an example.
Take public schools here and private schools to get grant money from NGOs and government.
It's the same in Europe, same in Australia.
It's all global.
It's the exact same policies.
I told you about this.
We learned about this like 15 years ago, but it's intense now.
With elementary students and even preschool,
they don't tell you that they start telling your son or daughter that they're
really another sex.
Don't tell your parents.
If the kid agrees and says,
I think I'm another sex,
because they think they're just playing along like they're a superhero or something,
you can tell a kid to pretend you're an elephant.
They'll say, yeah, I'm an elephant.
I'm a shark, whatever, you know, in the pool.
And then they create a file,
put them in a database,
trigger social services to create a covert relationship with lawyers and managers
over your child as young as five.
They start the brainwashing earlier.
And then you hear about it constantly,
you know,
parents suing it coming out and the schools forming these relationships constantly.
to destroy your child's mind and groom them into this pedophile cult that doesn't
just want to have sex with your children.
Like Clinton's Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders said that we need to masturbate the babies.
We need to train the preschool and the services to begin to masturbate the babies.
Remember that?
That's how she talked.
We need to reach down and masturbate them.
you know that's wrong,
but if it's a whole new thing about,
we're going to put them on chemicals and sterilize them,
we're doctors.
It's like, oh, okay, I better... Your child will commit suicide if we don't do this.
But really,
they're going to commit suicide because they've been jacked into a cult of
brainwashing that's designed to take control of them.
That's why they have the highest rate of suicide.
This is a confused, lost system run by behavioral psychologists.
And now they're reporting the National Guard.
Arson fires exploding everywhere.
We'll put up some of the latest fire maps just spreading everywhere.
As more copycats go out and set more fires.
And then just...
30 minutes ago, L.A.
County just admitted they've lost control of their emergency alert system.
You can't even...
You can even hear one going off in the room as the emergency management director speaks.
Millions of people getting erroneous alerts telling them to evacuate even if
they're 10 miles from any fire or evacuation zone.
Do you really think the emergency alert system just magically told everybody to panic and run?
they've got inept people down there at the grassroots,
so they don't know what's going on administratively.
But who set all this up the exact same way in every country and every place that
globalists are in control?
And then look at the clown show.
We'll put the video back on screen.
I mean, look at this clown show.
And then what did the communist mayor,
literal communist,
literally a Cuban communist agent on record.
She's proud of it.
She said, and if you need information, go to URL.
No URL on screen.
No nothing.
She just says URL.
And there's the communist mayor right there.
Oh, but don't worry.
They got the sign language guy up there.
And it's going to get worse and worse and worse.
then if Newsom doesn't go to prison for blocking the water being released in the
last many years and currently,
if these people don't get removed,
they're just going to keep doing it.
And you ask, well, why would they do that?
Not just to break down society.
Well, then, as I said days ago, Biden then announces hundreds of billions of dollars
to rebuild Los Angeles for free.
But is it for free?
No, you pay for it, and it further collapses.
The treasury were already bankrupt.
And what's that called?
What's that strategy called?
in ancient terms,
economic warfare,
undermining the industrial system,
which is their goal,
but it's called Cloward and Piven strategy.
And so we've got a clip of Biden saying the federal government.
Oh, that magic thing.
Remember that congressman said the government can spend any amount of money unlimited.
They have unlimited money.
Yeah, they can create unlimited inflation.
Biden says the federal government will cover 100 percent of costs on disaster
assistance for Los Angeles fires.
So California is a microcosm.
snapshot of where we're going to be everywhere else very soon if these people
aren't removed from power and put in prison.
Because they're never going to stop attacking.
They took over all the institutions.
They know exactly what they're doing.
And they love it.
I mean, they created a virus on record, released it, and it was real.
hyped up how bad it was,
blocked people getting medical care for regular illnesses,
killed a bunch of people,
then rolled out a shot that killed dozens of times what the virus did that
literally erases your immune system.
That's how you sabotage humanity,
slowly killing them,
destroying the families who have these medical bills of the slowly dying family members.
They'll tell you in the military since the 60s the doctrine of
Wounding somebody is better than killing them because then it takes so many people
to take care of the disabled person.
So if we don't understand that we're under attack and it's on record and it's the
Great Reset,
Agenda 21,
Agenda 2030,
and there's KQED three months ago,
October 24th,
Forest service halts prescribed burns in California.
Is it worth the risk?
And they say... And in the last three-plus years, Biden blocked it all over the country.
I'll show you those articles.
But people made such a fuss in the local communities that the forest,
federal and state land borders...
They started doing a little here and a little there.
What did they do with the border?
Same thing.
If I win the election, Biden said, immediately surge the border.
Then they had the NGOs there, and you saw 25 million people brought in.
Many of them children.
Sex traffic, slave trade, slave labor.
All over.
San Diego's fire as soars as brush inspections lag.
And they go on to say, well,
We're going to spend the money on,
on DEI and on complying with carbon regulations and the rest of it,
and we're not going to cut the brush in San Diego.
It's the same anywhere they're in control.
And if you're a radio listener,
while I'm talking about this,
we're putting the articles on screen.
But like I said, I'm going to get to that next hour.
The issue here is that the Palisades and other areas are slated in 2028 to be this
model smart city.
Klaus Schwab is involved.
And they want to tear down all this stuff and kick people out of their houses and
build all these new examples of smart cities,
15-minute cities.
and block cars coming into the area.
And boy, isn't it convenient now.
People had property rights and stuff that wouldn't do it.
So it's basically all burned down now.
None of that is done by accident.
And I know listeners are going, you just said that 15 times the last 30 minutes.
I'll probably say it 15 more times.
Because I'm not drilling it into the heads of those of you that know this.
Our job is to get the general public to understand no matter where they live in the world,
where the globalists are in control or trying to get control,
you are under attack.
Your currency,
your industry,
your food,
your water,
your medicine,
your mind,
your children's future.
These people...
are saboteurs.
They are the extinction rebellion.
They don't want humans.
You know,
the public numbers are 80,
90% reduction in the world population that Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and Navalno
Harari all push.
But when you get into their deeper reports, they say humans are bad.
We're going to be a new species soon.
No more humans.
The future is not humans.
No humans by 2047 that aren't cyborgs.
NBC News, New York Times, Washington Post.
This isn't a Star Trek episode,
you know,
from the early 90s where the Borg show up in their cube and say,
we are the Borg.
You will be assimilated.
Resistance is futile.
This is actually happening.
And they do it by increment,
and people are lazy and don't want to know about this or just think,
that's politics.
I got a football game to see.
Well, you're going to lose everything you've got, including your life when they're done.
The 30-plus percent cut in the last few years of through regulations,
through ESG corporate governance,
where they pay big international companies not to produce fertilizer,
they're even trying to outlaw the process invented by the Germans a hundred and
something years ago to turn hydrogen into fertilizer,
is going to kill hundreds of millions of people and billions of
It continues,
and then again,
that will cause those countries to collapse into their neighbor,
and then they're going to collapse,
and it's a domino effect.
So we're already well into this.
And if we don't jack up the hydroelectric, the fossil fuel industry,
the nuclear,
the solar,
all of it,
and get energy prices down ultra low,
this collapse is not going to be reversible.
And Elon Musk has put out the scientific reports.
All the major groups have Japan in total collapse, South Korea, France, Germany, Italy.
It's everywhere.
You already can't reverse the demographic collapses there unless people started
having 10 children.
And then you've got giant populations from third world countries with no education,
no understanding of anything,
no skills,
and they are being collapsed by the globalist policies,
and they're now flooding us.
And then when everything falls apart, they go, see, climate change.
And they're all over the news.
See, Newsom's like, I told you, if we didn't start, you know, cutting carbon...
It would get hot, which it hasn't.
It's fires.
Because that happens,
especially when arsonists do it,
and especially when they don't let you have any fire mitigation and send the fire
department budget to Ukraine.
But they just go, see, look.
Like we're superstitious, you know, pygmies or something.
Look, you were bad.
That's why everything burned down.
And then when society collapses, they go, see?
It's global warming.
It's man-made climate change.
And they say that on every issue.
10 years ago,
global warming and climate change is going to make viruses get worse because the
jungle gets hotter.
And then the new disease will come kill you.
Oh, inflation is bad because of climate change.
And then these headlines,
black people and gay people are twice as bad affected by climate change.
Now, what you have is economic and cultural warfare.
So somebody sitting there goes, yeah, my life's getting a lot worse.
It's climate change.
No, it's not climate change.
It was the three years of lockdowns in the third world.
We only got a couple here that literally collapsed them.
That's what's causing all the collapse.
Yeah, there it is.
fires show limits of America's efforts to cope with climate change.
So on record,
they administratively don't release the water,
don't trim the brush,
don't have the fire breaks,
don't do the controlled burns,
block it all,
and then have arsonists run around and start fires everywhere,
and it'll come out their leftist.
It always does.
I said days ago it'll be people in black leftist, and of course it is.
Always the same.
And they'll be communists for sure, just like the mayor.
And of course, that's what it is.
And now they're arresting them.
But it'll be back in the newspaper.
And then they'll sit there.
They're doing it right now in public schools all over the world going,
look at the fires in California.
They got first graders and third graders,
you know,
and then they wheel in TVs and they've got special newscasts just for them.
And they scare them and say,
and they show them all this scary environmental footage and say,
you're doing that.
You're bad.
Humans are bad.
Carbon is bad.
The cows are bad.
Your mommy and daddy are bad.
And Greta Thunberg says, how dare you?
The world will be gone in 2030.
I'm going to die.
Everything's going to be horrible.
Fires and death and destruction and salvation because of you.
How dare you destroy our future?
And our answer is give total control to the UN,
the WF,
King Charles,
the New World Order,
to cut off the resources that will cause the collapse.
And then they point at the collapse and say,
you caused it because you didn't give us full control.
They're holding industrial society hostage.
They're holding a gun to our head as they turn off industrial society and then tell
the ignorant public that it's completely...
illiterate when it comes to industrial society as they turn off the industrial
society and they go look everyone everything's falling apart because cows farted
and because you have a space eater and because you have a range stove and because
you have a car bs they know that it's a guilt trip they're destroying society
they're destroying civilization they're turning off the lights
And then they point at you and say, this is all happening because you live too good.
And then as the resources get less and less and less,
you'll have all these big ignorant masses of people with the inflation and all of it,
their welfare check can't get them enough to eat.
And then what are they going to do?
They're going to start robbing and stealing.
And the Democrats pass laws everywhere saying you're allowed to steal $2,000.
Remember in California passed the law.
And then San Francisco said, that's not enough.
You can steal $3,000 in San Francisco.
Now, they've passed a law to cut back on that now.
But this is the model.
And if you want to know how you're going to live, look at England.
Look at Germany.
Look at Australia.
Look at Blue Cities.
Look at L.A.
Look at San Francisco.
It's funny as they spend more and more and more and more,
exponentially more,
hundreds of billions on the homeless and the illegal aliens and all of it a year.
It just gets worse.
Funny, because it's designed to bring them here.
They give the homeless thousands and thousands of dollars a month in these blue
cities and blue states,
and then they let the drug dealers pull right up in their Escalades and sell them
the drugs.
I've been there.
I've shown you in Skid Row in L.A.
and other places.
In Seattle, and they drive right up and sell the drugs right next to the police station.
And the drug dealers are so arrogant, they sit there.
I had off-duty cops with us as our escort.
They guys are staring down the cops.
And then you see new arrivals.
It's like 18-year-old girls bombed out of their brain, being pimped out.
And there's just rotting feces and rats and just stinking and stuff I can't even
describe to you,
I mean, I saw stuff that just is so... It's worse than any zombie movie.
I was filming...
handicapped people and getting in garbage and a drugged out guy slumped over a
couch and then i turned and there were two trans creatures that had just come out
of a tent and they had fluids all over them you could see it um and they were
excited by us and
One of them was wearing like a negligee, and we didn't get it on camera because we ran.
I started throwing up.
We finally just ran.
I mean, I actually had been there about two hours.
I couldn't handle it, and we just ran.
The cops were like, let's just get out of here.
Because, I mean, it's PTSD being in there.
And I turned,
and there was this big fat tranny with underwear pulled aside,
his genitals hanging down.
and drool all over him, and obviously semen all over his face.
And they were coming over until they came out of this tent right here,
and I turn,
and there's this black,
emaciated trans person with knotted hair,
and you can just literally see the,
it was only looking like three seconds,
see the mites.
And I look down,
and they were wearing an open negligee and crotchless panties with this
diseased-looking penis,
And I looked at the skin on the person's stomach,
and you could see their spinal cord through the front of their stomach.
The skinniest person I ever saw.
You've seen like death camp stuff,
Nazi Germany,
and you see the dead bodies of people that are barely alive,
and they were like 70 pounds.
This person looked like that, and their black skin looked like gray candle wax.
Because I looked them up.
It was coming towards me like six, seven feet.
I look head down at the head, the eyes, and the mouth with like a sexual look.
A lot of movies were like a sexual zombie.
It made even grosser.
Actual zombie, but still alive, barely.
That person probably died a day later.
Hopped up on God knows what.
And as it gets closer, I look down at the spindly legs and the constant corpse in high heels.
And then I look and the fat one had gotten right here and I went, literally, I mean.
And this was 100 yards from the main police station.
All right, I'm sorry.
I just see that's the problem.
I've got hundreds of articles, hundreds of videos, hundreds of just all the insanity.
I'm just going to robotically read the articles and just cover it.
The point is,
is that they have NGOs that manage this and big NGO buildings where they sign them
up for welfare and all these grants and things and say they're disabled.
And then the NGOs get a big cut of the money and they farm them.
So they bring them the drugs, everything.
And then the young kids get put on drugs around the city.
And so when they learn they can't get any more drugs from their dealer or from
robbing their parents or,
you know,
wedding ring or whatever,
they then go and you see people getting off buses.
And it goes on for miles and miles and miles, just shantytowns, but it's all over.
But the Skid Row is now, you know,
20 blocks in all directions,
and you see,
young girls who are all drugged out but still have their bag and are still somewhat
clean getting off the bus,
and you see the pimps going,
get over here,
And you're just like, oh, my God, this is hell on earth.
I mean, it is hell.
And it's a weapon system.
It's all done by design.
We'll be right back.
A lot of people have been talking about the fact that I've lost 56 pounds in the
last four and a half months or so.
And it's trended on X. It's trended all over the place.
Joe Rogan talked about it quite a bit on his podcast yesterday.
And he put to rest a lot of the disinfo.
Well, I saw Alex Jones and he looks really good, doesn't he?
Yeah, he's losing all weight.
He looks like he has to go to court for something.
No, Sean, our friend Sean is helping him.
Oh, really?
He's working out with him every day.
Bro, I noticed it, like, in a month.
I just saw, like, and I was like, oh, my God.
Yeah, he's really committed.
He's going to do a documentary on it.
He's going to do a documentary on taking back my health.
I mean, he looks totally different now.
He looks like...
Randy Orton.
Now, but imagine if this was no internet.
Imagine there's no internet.
You believe in a heartbeat it wasn't a rogue guy.
There's no way that's the same guy.
This guy on the left looks 15 years younger.
There's theories that they replaced him with a different guy.
Who did, though?
That's always the thing.
That's the thing.
But here's the thing.
I know that's not true.
Like, I know the guy who's training him.
I know him.
Like, I text Alex all the time.
I know him.
He's just losing weight.
But if you go online,
there's a lot of people that believe that this is,
a different person.
No, I'm not on those Zampik.
No, I'm not a clone, any of that.
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All right, so this is the administrative demolishing of the United States of America.
And the same thing's going on everywhere in the West.
And I'll just be completely honest with the listeners today.
I over-prepared for this show.
And this doesn't happen very often,
but it happens more and more often because it's happening to everybody.
I mean, this is a full-on war.
And I've got so much insanity.
that I guess the only way I can do this is just start at one spot and just go through it all.
So 400 and something stations rejoin us at six after.
I'll start doing that there.
The problem is if we just address pieces of it, it won't stop it.
But we also have to address the pieces of it so people understand what's happening.
But I just go back to this.
We must take control of all the governments legally and lawfully.
We must prosecute the leadership.
We must educate the public how this was done or they're never going to stop.
And they've still got a good chance of collapsing everything.
I mean, Trump's economic plan.
I've talked to a lot of really smart economists.
I've studied it.
It's the only way to save the country.
That's why I'm totally behind Trump.
And then Elon Musk is defending him and supporting him and doing a great job.
And I see a lot of so-called patriots spending all their time bitching about Elon
Musk where he does something they don't like instead of fully getting behind him.
And then I see these statements, which don't bother me about me being attacked.
So I understand how the Internet works.
That just gives us more listeners.
So at the end of the day, people want to hear what all this hubbub is about.
They tune in.
But, you know, oh, you're kissing Elon's ass again.
You're simping.
And, of course, I'm here cheerleading all the great stuff he's doing.
I mean, thank God.
I mean, we're on the verge of losing civilization here, people.
So I just don't even know what to say at this point.
I just, I 100% come from a place of truth and honor.
And my track record is the best out there of anybody long term.
That's just a fact.
I'm not patting myself on the back.
I'm saying I'm the best we got.
And our audience of activists are the best we got.
A lot of people out there need to grow up and stop the infighting.
Because we are barely winning right now.
Now, we're winning big time in the awakening.
But the bad guys are still in control of most of the governments.
They're close to being removed.
They're being removed.
But in the aggregate, we're just getting started.
And they are sabotaging the living hell out of everything.
And I'll also speak to liberals and Democrats and people who go get all your
worthless degrees and you invest in the system and you believe you're the moral
good people.
And there's a percentage of you that actually still think you're the good guys.
Come on.
Come on.
These definitions of liberal and conservative don't even apply to what's happening.
This is a globalist corporate debate.
sabotage of civilization, and we're deep into it now, and they openly admit they're doing this.
We are all basically dead if we don't wake up.
All right,
so I basically laid out the big picture last hour,
and I understand for most of the audience of really informed people,
you're like,
we understand this,
we know this.
But again, when we're reaching...
20 million new people today conservatively, we have a responsibility to just try to warn them.
Because that's really what this show is, is the people's emergency alert system.
And now I'm going to just drill through and show you the clips and the documents
and the videos of a lot of what I covered last hour and actually put it on record.
And then I'll get into all the other facets of this.
But I am beyond angry at the functionaries of the globalists like this communist mayor.
And when I say communist, I mean, I don't mean she supports communist policies.
I mean,
she is a Marxist-Leninist,
worked for the Cuban government in their main spy agency since the 70s.
We got news reports on that.
This is what communists do.
This is how they take down free societies is they sabotage everything.
They put their people in place and they burn it down.
In fact,
in all the old analysis and documents that when our government wasn't fully
controlled with the globalists 30,
40 years ago,
50 years ago,
they would get in the meetings of the communists and they'd say,
how are we going to overthrow America?
we'll get into education and get into medicine and get into all the systems and government.
And then we'll just bankrupt everybody by overspending.
And then at a certain point, we'll just burn everything down.
And then when society collapses, the public will have to accept communism as a solution.
As if communism could dig you out of a collapsed system collapsed by communist saboteurs.
But the communists themselves are just the low-level NPC zombie bots that
that are super low IQ and actually think they're building some utopia.
And in the documents that came out in federal court cases with the Weathermen and
all of it,
we played the clips here,
had guests on that infiltrated it.
People went to prison and they were convicted.
They'd be in these meetings at Cornell,
with Obama's bosses,
the people he was training under.
And then the...
informants who were academics themselves would say,
what do we do once we collapse everything and everybody's starving to death?
And they go,
I mean,
if they're conservatives or Christians,
we just let them die or we kill them.
And that was back in the 70s.
They wanted to kill 50 million of us.
Well, our populations...
Almost doubled since then, so I guess now they want to kill 100 million of us?
I mean,
and they're sitting around in these boardrooms,
completely calm,
talking about how they're going to kill you.
I mean, line your ass up and blow your head off.
And you're like, well, they'll never be able to do that.
because we're going to put our people in government and stop this,
but we can't if they burn everything down.
And they're arresting people in black all over California, not just L.A.
now, setting fires.
That's what they teach them,
that when they have their antifa uprising,
that's what they're going to do.
So you walk outside your house and a guy's up against your house with a blowtorch
lighting on fire.
Or you're driving down the road and you see young trendies,
you know,
throwing gasoline into the fire.
Or you pull outside your apartment,
you see a group of men,
like the footage we showed yesterday,
all in black,
burning the apartment down.
Who do you think they are?
Who do you think's telling them to do that?
So I said days ago, I said, you'll find a bunch of people running around in black doing it.
That's their uniform, folks.
And when things really collapse,
if they're able to get the state to collapse,
then they've got their list of whose houses they're going to go to and try to kill you.
Obviously, that affects me because I'm right up at the top of the list.
And that's why they're so pissed that this isn't some Eastern European country or
something that never had a history of a Second Amendment.
The only thing holding back total collapse right now,
as the sheriffs have told you,
in Florida and Georgia and all over is,
we've got citizens we've seen when they catch somebody robbing a house or whatever,
killing the suspect.
You don't have to run when you do that.
Not in our county.
We want to give you an award.
In fact, if you want to get more firearms training with us, a clip of that came out.
What was it?
Monday or Tuesday, another sheriff.
that's the only thing keeping the psychotic criminals that this system is just
growing from just going completely out of control.
And I also saw footage out of Florida and other states where
People don't even rent their house out on Airbnb.
They just come home from vacation, and there's a bunch of fat slobs in your house.
You do that in San Francisco or other areas, they get to stay in there for years.
But in Florida and Texas,
a SWAT team comes and sticks a gun in your face and says,
your ass is going to jail for home invasion.
Yeah, I sent that to you the same day.
I think it was Monday.
Yeah, there's the sheriff.
And then see me get the clip of how Florida deals with squatters.
I mean,
I don't know what I'd do if I was out of town for a week and I showed my house and
there were a bunch of fat slobs,
always wearing black,
in my house.
But this is, again, a microcosm of what the left is.
So, yeah, let's just start there.
Because I got so much, I got like 50-something, hell, 100 clips I want to play today.
just start with Florida with the audio of this and then cut to another Florida sheriff,
you know,
talking about shooting at home invaders.
Go ahead and roll those clips.
Come on out.
Come with your hands up.
Come out now.
Everybody out.
Step out now.
Let's go.
Step out.
Who else is inside?
Keep walking.
Orlando police come to the front now.
All right, let's see your hands.
Yeah, put your hands up.
Keep walking.
Anybody else in there?
Step out.
Hands in the air.
Walk this way.
Is anybody else in there?
Step out.
Step out.
Come on.
Everything will be explained later.
I'll move, okay?
Who's got an extra set of cuffs?
Person, we don't know what homeowner, which homeowner shot at him.
I guess they think that they did something wrong, which they did not.
If somebody's breaking into your house,
you're more than welcome to shoot them in Santa Rosa County.
We prefer that you do, actually.
So whoever that was, you're not in trouble.
Come see us.
We have a gun safety class we put on every other Saturday.
And if you take that, you'll shoot a lot better, and hopefully you'll save the taxpayers money.
Now, the left is attacking these videos.
Oh, look how mean.
No, it's normal to act like that.
That sheriff isn't extraordinary.
We're just in an extraordinarily sick time,
so someone doing their job and sounding normal sounds weird.
And so it's hard to have a good civilization.
You got to be committed.
You got to be moral.
You got to be engaged.
You got to be steadfast.
You got to be vigilant.
And the social engineers know if they go down the list of all the things they're doing,
teaching people to be lazy,
teaching people crime's okay,
promoting all this pedophilia and garbage and drugs,
and telling everybody you deserve a free lunch.
And then people just go in your house and move in, and they're like, hey, what's the big deal?
You know, we just, you know, from where from, California, we just move into people's houses.
And then the police in California,
I can show you the newscast on that,
it's all over,
lettuce areas,
New York,
you name it.
Seattle, Washington State, Oregon.
The cops come,
and the government comes and says,
oh yeah,
you have these squatters that maybe you rented an Airbnb out for a week and they
won't leave,
or somebody says,
just come in your house.
Once they're there,
they make you keep the power on and the electricity and the water because that's
not civilized to not pay for the squatters.
And then they will fine you,
and there have been a bunch of cases,
I saw them in the news this week,
where they will arrest you when you don't pay the fines.
The governments in leftist areas will arrest
fine you when someone's stolen your house,
they let them stay there,
wrote the laws now so they can file paperwork and stay,
and then you got to pay for them to sleep in your bed and eat the food out of your
refrigerator and take showers in your shower and take dumps in your toilet while
you pay the mortgage and the electricity and the water bill and the maintenance bills.
Now, we sit here and don't say, wow, the government's at war with us in these areas.
And they're teaching people at colleges all over the United States that that's normal,
that you deserve somebody's house.
You deserve to go in Walgreens and steal $2,000 of stuff and the police by law
can't arrest you and the stores can't stop you.
You see the footage where they go in a mom and pop store and start getting all the
cigarettes and all the lottery tickets and they're like,
you'll bankrupt me.
You can't do that.
Stop, stop, stop.
And then the citizens start beating them up and the police come and arrest them.
Daniel Penny's a good example of that.
Everybody's trying to restrain a guy,
threatening to kill him out of control,
arrested over 100 times,
totally psychotic.
And then the media and Black Lives Matter turns it into a racial issue.
No, they're psycho white people, brown, black, you name it, out running around like zombies.
And the point is, we all have a right to protect ourselves.
the In-N-Out heiress says she closed the original Oakland location because it was
absolutely dangerous.
And they're closing the LA ones, and everything's closing.
And then Trump comes out.
Eight years ago,
seven years ago,
six years ago,
five years ago,
even when he was out of office,
he's like,
all these fires,
they're not mitigating it.
They're not doing the fire breaks.
And Newsom comes out and says, how dare you?
While our hero firefighters fight and our citizens deal with all this,
he puts it on them like he's with them,
like Trump's attacking the firefighters.
No, you're the one that cut their funding.
You're the one that cut the water.
You're the one...
And then he turns it around that Trump's attacking the people being destroyed.
And then I love the community notes.
I mean, it's fine because it's better than the fact checker systems.
And usually it works pretty well.
But I got fact checked here today.
It's like, well, Jones is showing you this local news video in L.A.
where the police are using women's handbags.
to use buckets of water.
Well, really, those are satchels they use.
And I went and looked it up.
No, it's not.
Then we got footage of them using traffic cones.
But that's not even the issue.
Why doesn't the fire engine able to hook up to a water main and have a fire hose to
put out the blazes?
Why are they doing it with bags and cones?
Why do they have the police,
the firefighters have said they're going to people's swimming pools and then
putting a hose in it and then hand pumping and the citizens are helping them and
then they run down the street and try to put out the fires and you see it'll be
like a dumpster or be a side of a house.
There's nothing even burning around.
It's arson.
They're running around putting arson out everywhere and they don't even have pressurized water.
And in most cases, they don't have the nozzles or the hoses because those were given to Ukraine.
Already covered all that yesterday with the newscast.
So see,
even at the community notes level,
the issue isn't even why are they using women's handbags or cones,
which of course they're doing.
Then the left goes in and finds some article trying to cover it up and goes, no, Jones is wrong.
They're not really using handbags.
The hell they aren't.
That's not even the issue though.
There's no pressure.
They are filling up limited tanks on the engine and hand pumping it into traffic
cones and bags.
So that's the United States of America under Blue City control in 2025.
And the left is everywhere defending that, saying that's state of the art.
They have everything they need right there, don't they?
Listen, the globalists are arrogant.
They think they're invincible because they never get indicted.
They never get in prison.
We have to put Hillary Clinton in prison.
We have to put Barack Obama in prison.
We have to put Governor Newsom in prison.
We have to put Joe Biden in prison.
We have to put Hunter Biden in prison.
We have to put Klaus Schwab in prison.
We have to put Bill Gates in prison.
We have to put the mayor of Los Angeles in prison.
They have assaulted us administratively.
They've done this by design.
There's all sorts of laws just on criminal negligence alone,
but we can prove they did it on purpose.
They've been assaulting us and attacking us and they aren't going to quit until
they are in prison.
And then we have to get all the documents and all the internal stuff right down to
the university professors that are.
You think your local professor just brainwashes people all day at the college and
there's no science or anything being taught no matter what class it is at almost
every college now?
By night,
they go to communist and Antifa meetings and they go and they derail trains and
they burn buildings down and they blow up food production and they burn down small farms.
And they've got a list of people they're going to kill.
I'm serious.
Your local professors think they're Batman and we're the bad guys.
They're really the Joker.
And they're everywhere.
And when they get the order, they're going to burn this whole country down.
And they're going to be waiting down the street from your house at the stop sign.
And they've got their other little minions in a car watching when you leave.
And then the professor,
because he's the boss,
and they've got police officers,
they've got people everywhere.
is going to walk up with a shotgun when you stop at that stop sign because you're
the good police chief,
you're the good fire chief,
you're the talk show host,
you're the state rep,
and they're going to shoot you and kill you when they give the order.
They've all got a list of who they're going to kill.
They've already cased your house.
You're Tucker Carlson or other people.
They've already been to your house a bunch.
And you just need to know that.
And I'm telling you, if they're able to kill Trump, that's the green line.
They're going to do a bunch of false flags and kill a bunch of minorities and say
Trump supporters did it.
They're going to activate their hordes to burn down the cities.
And then during all that chaos...
Because I've studied this.
Who would think it'd be professors?
Well, that's the revolutionary communists.
And then they're the ones that have got their list of police they've got.
It's still a small number, but they're getting more of them in.
That's what the DEI is about, getting the good cops to quit.
They've got people in the administration.
They've got people in the health department.
They've got their people in the public schools, the private schools, everywhere.
And then they bring more of their people in as they get more power and more funding.
And then they kick you out.
Because they want to be able to passively,
aggressively attack you and have you never know what happened.
But when they go to their full communist New World Order environmental operation,
you see all these power stations getting blown up?
When they do that, they're going to blame white supremacists, but it's the left.
So this is war.
And Trump must get in, and he must immediately go after the kingpins.
They must immediately indict Mayorkas for the human trafficking and sex slavery and pedophilia.
If Kash Patel,
with the good men he's got around him,
don't understand they're walking into a war zone with spies all around them,
they don't immediately remove all the globalists,
remove all the leftists who've been sloppy and don't hide who they are very well.
If they're not immediately removed from any levers of power,
they're going to make their move.
So it is offense or death.
We either take them out legally,
or they're going to take us out violently.
And it's that simple.
All right,
when we come back,
the emergency alert systems,
of course,
told everyone to evacuate basically all of L.A.,
even though fire is 10,
30 miles away.
That is caused to, again, to destroy emergency services, create total gridlock and panic.
Told you that.
Told you they use emergency alert systems to cause panic.
That's what it's about.
And of course, the cops and the communist mayor, they're all compartmentalized.
They just put leftists in all positions of power because they are idiots.
But the administrators that are in there,
100% went in there today and went,
let's turn this chaos up.
As Los Angeles burns,
California Democrat lawmakers are in the assembly into special session to give
Newsom $25 million to fight Trump to keep violent human traffickers and drug dealer
illegal aliens in the state.
Remember, Newsom said he's going to fight Trump.
And you got all these other mayors saying,
we're going to go out and protest and block ICE from coming in and arresting these criminals.
The Venezuelan gangs.
Oh, remember the Venezuelan gangs didn't exist?
They weren't human trafficking.
They weren't murder for hire.
They weren't kicking people out of their apartments, and now they are.
The Democrats go, well, it's not that big a deal.
Why would you tell the police in Denver and Aurora and other areas, don't help people?
When people come to their door and say,
give me all your money or I'm going to kill you,
and they don't,
they beat them up on surveillance camera,
and the police are told,
do not respond.
They're at war with us.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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The National Guard is pouring into the collapsed,
failed city,
administratively sabotaged by the WEF globalist post-industrial operation.
And I want to start getting into that for you right now.
I'm going to show you a lot of shocking information, even for those of us that are informed.
This is so naked and insane.
They didn't just refuse to let the reservoirs over the last few decades,
anytime there's a fire...
give water to the people.
They didn't just block it in California and other areas under their control from the farmers.
They didn't just end brush mitigation and fire breaks publicly and accelerate it in
these carriers in California the last few years to no brush mitigation.
They even ended in California and in LA, LA, I have the,
city and county documents here, they ended fire hydrant testing last year.
The most basic thing,
you see it all the time,
you're driving down the street,
out in the middle of nowhere,
near critical infrastructure,
in the middle of the town,
the city,
by the school,
you drive by and you see a fire truck or a fire marshal and you see a fire hydrant
spraying a bunch of water out.
And when you're a kid, you say, hey, dad, what are they doing?
They're testing the fire hydrant.
They ended fire hydrant testing last year.
And it gets worse.
County administrators over the Palisades ordered the main firefighting reservoir
that was built decades before they put the saboteurs in.
And they had it drained a few months ago.
I'll show you that.
of course,
we have the EAS system went bonkers today and started telling people all over Los
Angeles that weren't even near a fire to escape,
which magically is creating total gridlock so that emergency services can't go
fight all the arson fires being set.
And imagine the cowardly Antifa communists led by the mayor are just sitting back,
punching buttons,
to make it as bad as they can.
Again, it's on record that Newsom, for at least eight years, has been chewed out by Trump.
All sorts of organizations and firefighter associations and President Trump and me
and you and farmer groups and endless lawsuits saying give us the water from the reservoirs.
No, we divert to the ocean.
Stop cutting the funds for fire mitigation.
Nope, we're not doing it.
And now they've done all of this.
And now they're going to get, I bet it's, with deflation, I bet it's $50, $100 billion.
They're talking about $50-something billion.
I bet it'll be double that.
And it'll all go right through their coffers, right to them.
they administratively sabotage society and then rebuild it the way they want while
they get even richer.
They create crises, crisis management.
That's come out from top-level bets, the UN, NATO.
They've gone public.
We've got the Romanian man, former U.N.
diplomat that actually won the election.
They just stole this huge protest over it.
NATO staged a coup.
He's on next week.
But he's talked about the human trafficking and how they use sex slavery for
control and how he found out about it at the U.N.
high level.
High level diplomat.
how they administratively create crises to destroy the regular civilization for us
and transfer all the wealth to them.
Oh, you know around government districts and the elite areas, they trim all the brush.
In fact,
when they turned the power off under federal orders a few years ago during that
snowstorm in Texas,
told Texas,
you can't up your power under the federal regulations Biden put in.
Everybody noticed,
why are all the rich neighborhoods still have power in the key government district
of Tarrytown?
And why does the university have it?
Why do the government buildings have it?
Well, they're essential.
And by the way, they have their own backup generator systems.
They never...
When they're in a COVID lockdown,
they can go anywhere they want,
whether you're in other countries or not.
It's the same policies.
Same global policy,
whether you were in Europe or the United States or as far away as New Zealand.
It was all the exact same policies,
the exact same QR codes,
the exact same garbage,
the exact same six feet,
the exact same mask,
the exact same poison shots.
And I know you know that, folks, but I'm just explaining...
That every country battling this and every country we can dislodge from it is a huge victory.
I'm as excited about Germany about to get loose from the new world order as I am as
us getting loose of it with Trump.
Because it's all the same enemy.
And every place we can free, plus the people deserve that, don't you want to liberate them?
And all you got to do is expose the criminals and how they're doing it.
And people have to get the full horror of it and understand that this is deliberate.
And then nothing they do will work anymore because people will understand they're
the ones doing it.
And we're getting to that point.
That's why we're starting to win and win big.
It's about the philosophy of how we engage these people.
And we have to show them no mercy.
They will show us none.
They have to pay for their crimes or those that they've hurt and so they can't do it again.
And that's more important.
And I don't have a vengeful feeling towards them because I hate them, which I do hate them.
But that doesn't even enter my mental equation.
I love my family and I love the society they live in, that you live in.
That means I love you.
And we're in this together.
We have solidarity.
And I want them off our backs.
You ever been in like junior high or whatever in the big bully?
You know, it's plunk three grades, weighs 260 pounds or whatever.
Grabs you and throws you on the ground and puts you in a wrestling hold and gets on top of you.
And you can't breathe and you're in the grass, fire ants are biting you and he's laughing.
I had that happen a few times.
Of course,
I would just explode in total berserker anger and throw him off and then bash the
brains out.
But the point is, and they'd be like, why'd you put that kid in the hospital?
I can't help it.
You pushed me to the edge.
I didn't mean to do that.
But once you flip the trigger, man, I'm a killer.
I put people in the hospital, I mean, in comas when I was 11 years old.
They'd be like, what the hell?
This kid weighs like 130 pounds, and he just literally beat this person half to death.
Well, because they were hurting me.
And I'm calling for the opposite of physical violence,
but you need to have that desperateness to get them off of our packs.
Or we can sit here,
with them sitting on top of us in a fire ant bed.
And that's where I'm at.
No more games.
No more trying to appease the left.
I know we don't do that.
I'm just saying, in general, they're the enemy.
They're scum.
Do not associate with them.
Do not support them.
Do not even talk to them, in my opinion.
Now, they got their minions that are half brain dead.
But still, you can't trust them.
And you need to let them know that you know they're bad.
And stop letting them have the moral authority,
where we all go around and grovel to them and talk the way they want us to talk and
use the words the way and do the things they say and bow down to them or they'll
call us some name.
Well, good.
Call me whatever damn name you want.
But I am not your slave,
and I'm going to get my country back,
and I am going to bring your bosses to justice so they can't ever do it again.
All right, let's start getting to the cliffs.
Those having plugged, easy plug once an hour to support the broadcast.
I'm so...
I can't just sit here and watch how it's not even obvious.
It's admitted they're doing all this on purpose.
They brag about it.
And they're sabotaging everything in front of us.
And Trump's like, Newsom needs to resign.
That's good, Trump.
No, you need to call for his arrest.
And Trump's advisers will be, sir, that sounds extreme.
They're calling you a dictator.
They're calling you totalitarian.
They know the only move that's going to stop them.
It's not dictator.
It's not totalitarian to arrest people that are supervillains.
That have attacked us,
that have declared war on us,
that have carried out war covertly and overtly on every damn level they can.
This is about self-preservation.
The globalists want to destroy civilization and they hate humanity.
How many times has Elon Musk posted on X that the left hates humanity and wants to
destroy civilization?
How many times has he said George Soros hates humanity?
That's why I like Musk, because he directly identifies it and says what it is.
They're collapsing civilization.
It may not even be reversible now.
The collapse will be totally destructive.
It will kill the establishment as well.
That's what we need to be talking about.
That's where we are administratively.
We are on the edge of the abyss.
Our literal futures hang in the balance.
This is existential!
And you don't address an enemy like that by saying they're a bunch of dumb,
bad managers.
No, they're not.
Yeah, the idiots they put in place are, but not the real administrators.
Gavin Newsom...
is an enemy of humanity.
And yeah, I like Trump saying it's his fault.
Yes, it's his fault.
I want him in prison.
That smart-ass, demonic, Patrick Bateman 2.0, I want him in prison.
That is the bare minimum.
This is war.
These people are at war with you.
It's a frickin' Nancy Pelosi's nephew.
These are the most evil people the planet has ever produced.
And a lot of viewers are probably saying, man, this Jones is hardcore.
No, I'm not.
They're destroying us.
They're starting nuclear war.
They're literally saying the main hallmark of society will be sterilizing little boys and girls.
It's a freaking nightmare.
We have to totally reject everything about these people and block them from their operations.
Now, this is the worst fire in L.A.
It's all by design.
The left's made their move.
They're setting fires everywhere.
They've caught them.
I put on X two days ago.
I said, I guarantee almost all this is arson.
And I said,
and even if some of it isn't,
not cutting the brush,
not delivering the water,
blocking the water is aiding and abetting if these fires were natural,
but there weren't lightning strikes.
And it turns out it's arson.
Of course it is.
And I saw people in the comments going, oh, you don't know it's arson.
The hell I don't.
And now it's confirmed.
I love how they train the public not to be able to think for themselves unless the
corporate media says it.
A few months ago when I said,
within a week,
world leaders will say we're in World War III,
and when they did it a few days later,
people go,
how did Jones know?
Who told him to say that?
I'm the one that says things first.
You're the ones that say things first.
You have your own brain to make your own assessment.
Yeah, that was days ago they had no water.
And notice, no water's been diverted, no water's been given.
They're still just driving around,
taking water out of swimming pools to put limited amounts in the truck and then
with traffic cones put the water out.
And then where's the drumbeat to release the water from the reservoirs?
Where's the call for that?
Again, we're like deer in the headlights with these people.
This is all part of sabotaging the country to hand Trump a disaster before he gets in.
So this stuff's so screwed up, he can't fix it.
Trump's telling the world we're open for business to get money to come in desperately.
And they're running around making it look as horrible and as bad as they can so
that people don't invest here.
They want America to fail because that's how they conquer it.
It's that simple.
How did the United States defeat the old Soviet Union?
By a arms race designed to bankrupt them.
And it worked.
So, the investigators investigating themselves will never tell you why.
It's obviously been done.
If it comes out, they'll call it a hack.
But they can't get control of the emergency alert system since this morning.
And it's just sending out alerts everywhere.
saying evacuate no matter where you are to create total bedlam.
That's what I've always explained to people.
When you have these emergency systems,
they can be used to panic everybody off the edge of a cliff.
You know,
I knew,
because I'd read about it,
that they have giant loudspeakers around the Capitol that go for blocks.
And on the day of January 6, I got there an hour into it,
before Ashley Babbitt and all that got killed.
And I say this is a Kent State.
We're being set up.
It's obvious feds of provocateur.
It broke through.
They've opened the doors.
Don't go in.
It's a setup.
Get out of there.
But only thousands could hear me,
the hundreds of thousands that were there,
and they did turn back.
I said, tell everybody in front of you, turn back.
Don't go in.
It's a trap.
And then I went to police, and I said, hey, listen, I know you've got emergency speakers.
There's a stand down here.
If you get on the speakers and tell everybody,
because people back don't know what's happened,
to leave,
they will.
And they said, we'll go talk to our commander.
They came back later and said, nope, not going to do it.
And I said, well, I said, let me get on the speakers.
I'll tell them to go.
They came back, nope, we've got this on body cam.
I think we put it out before.
But the point is, is that, then I say, you got to tell your commanders,
to get on the internal and external loudspeakers.
they didn't turn them on to like five,
six hours later,
four or five hours later,
like at seven o'clock at night.
And then we'd be two,
three blocks away that night because we had a rented rooftop to be able to do
interviews and stuff where the press was at.
We had a space there.
I mean, it's like four or five blocks from the Capitol.
The Capitol's in the distance, but you can see it good.
It's a good perfect shot.
I mean, I was on the rooftop hearing them say, this is an emergency zone.
Anyone caught in the area, blah, blah, blah, will be arrested.
they turned on the blaring loudspeakers that are all over the streets everywhere
for air raid sirens,
nuclear war.
It's like a PA system in a high school or college.
Now, where's the real congressional hearing?
You call in the head of the Capitol Police.
You say, why didn't you get on the loudspeakers?
Because it came out there was a stand down.
It's a setup.
But see, I was there.
And it's not about how smart I am.
I'm saying this is default stuff.
I'm not a Capitol policeman.
I'm not an emergency manager.
But I study how everything works because it's interesting.
And the more I learn, the more I want to know.
And I'm there saying, get on the emergency speakers and tell people, get out of here.
The cops weren't telling anybody to get out of there.
Up front where they started to fight,
the provocateurs did,
but that's hundreds of yards away behind hundreds of thousands of people.
These people have no idea what's even going on.
I could just guess what was going on.
Which was what was happening because I know enemy tactics.
And again, they use compartmentalization.
The cops didn't know what was going on with their bosses.
The citizens didn't know what was going on.
And then later,
no one really knew what happened because the corporate media lied about it and said
it was one thing when it was really another.
That's all perception.
But we know what they've done turning all this off.
We know what they did refusing the water.
We know what they did for decades not cutting the brush.
And we predicted they'd start, hell, I said if Trump wins and is inaugurated,
Before the inauguration, they're going to try to start burning the country down.
You can find that probably 50 times the last few months.
And look, it's here.
You go, well, Alex, I mean, there's fires in LA a lot.
Really the worst ever?
With everything set up for it?
And the EAS system creating a total panic?
I'm telling you, they just got started.
So everybody just keeps celebrating.
Everything's fine.
And Trump's going to get in.
And boy, he'll turn it around.
Not if we're not vigilant.
And those bombings last week.
on New Year's Day,
and the truck attack,
and they both come from the same military base,
and the same spy group.
I mean, come on, folks.
There's some big stuff going down.
Here's the EAS clip.
Here it is.
Well, in coordination with our federal and state partners, how we can stop
messages that are going out right now that are not being initiated by human action
to stop that and then understand how that occurred so that the tool can still be
used for what was identified as like a critical fire weather that we're still
experiencing and will continue to experience.
And the mayor two days ago goes,
And you need help trapped in your burning home, go to URL.
No URL on screen.
Just go to URL.
And then you've got the obese deputy fire chief saying,
we don't need to be able to carry out of your house.
If you're in a house burning, that's your problem.
I'll play the clip next hour.
Look, I swear to you, I'll play 50 clips next hour.
I'm just going to play the clips.
Maybe I should just go off air and just play the clips and see it for yourself.
Yeah, there it is right there.
I mean, it's all a joke.
But see, they made morals about putting idiots in charge.
All right, we're going to go to break.
is in complete collapse.
On its ashes, they're going to build their new U.N.
Klaus Schwab, we've got that coming up for the Olympics and all the rest of it.
They're smart city, 15-minute cities.
I mean, this is it.
This is war.
It's critical this broadcast get out.
Always remember, share the live links at Real Alex Jones on X, Infowars.com forward slash show.
That's so important.
Take clips out of the show, share it.
Listeners do that all the time,
and you never know when one of your clips is going to get 10 million,
5 million,
a million views.
A lot of them, even the smaller accounts I see, you're going to get tens of thousands.
That all counts in the Infowars.
You are the people that magnify what we're doing here.
And I know, again, most of you already know all this.
Remember, we're the real emergency alert system.
We're just here telling people it's a setup.
They did it.
It's deliberate.
Here's how they did it.
Here's a larger plan.
It's a harbinger or more.
Trump needs to watch out.
We got to indict these people.
They'll never stop and put them in prison.
It's us or them.
And then we've got great products that will enrich your life and that fund our operation.
We have the very best supplements, the very best superfoods, the very best concentrates.
I mean, the sea moss is like 20-something grams per serving concentrate.
So you'd have to eat a huge bowl of it to get what the capsule gives you.
And if you ate a bowl of it, it'd be great.
Superfood, just full of the best diet, full of the best vitamins and minerals.
A bunch of trace elements and things that just supercharge the body.
Ultimate CMOS discount at the AlexJonesStore.com.
And then,
of course,
we've got the Ultimate Turmeric Formula,
the strongest concentrated turmeric with the strongest concentrate of ginger and
black pepper extract that all supercharge the immune system,
massively affect and lower inflammation and so good for your whole body and so much energy.
And we've got the gummies and we've got the powdered capsules.
There's so many other great products there.
There's a big sale going on right now.
You can get the elderberry.
uh concentrate that's so good right an antiviral this time everybody used to take
with vitamin c and zinc everybody should be fortifying with that right now that's
50 off well when you get three bottles of it uh so it's all there at the
alexjonesstore.com thanks for your support it's time to take action so for a lot of
you out there this is free and you can make supplemental money very easily i mean i
would imagine most people can make hundreds of bucks a month with their eyes closed
And if you really kick ass,
thousands of dollars,
even if you have a tiny,
you know,
X account or Facebook or whatever.
But if you're a talk show host,
I mean,
you can make a living and finance your show and maybe even,
you know,
hire reporters or whatever.
I mean, this is exciting.
So go now to thelshostore.com.
And one other thing.
There are five limited edition fundraiser posters.
And by fundraiser, everything raises funds there.
But the t-shirts cost like 16, 17 bucks a piece before you buy them.
And then the sponsor gets half or we get half.
And to run all this and build a new network as a backup, you know, we're squeaking by.
But when something says fundraiser on it,
like a t-shirt that's cost double or a poster,
the poster costs five,
six bucks.
I mean, the shipping, we ship it in the special packaging costs as much as the poster itself.
So, you know, $6, $7, $8, $9 for the poster cost with the packaging.
And then we're selling it for $25, $30.
That's because there's some real markup in there to fund it.
So you know you're buying something.
There's a memento that you really backed what we're doing.
The campaign coins, challenge coins, they're all there.
So the posters run from $19.95 to $29.95.
And we'll have new limited edition posters after that.
But the posters on January 6th will be no more.
They're limited edition.
So if you get your order in by then, you will get the poster because they're print on demand.
They're in Arkansas.
If you want one of these posters, there they are.
And again, you've got until January 6th to get your order in.
They look great hanging on the wall.
We got them hanging here in the...
And I designed all of these.
My favorite is the Trump graph that I showed the day before the election that
predicted the election.
I said, she's going to try to steal it, but it's going to fail.
So the blue line goes up and goes straight up,
but it's not enough fraud to overpower the landslide.
And that's actually the graph that actually happened.
The key battlegrounds.
So you talk about nailing it, baby.
That's my favorite.
I designed that one.
And then the 47 one I designed as well.
So I designed those.
I did not design the Darkest Hour one, but there it is.
Thank you for the support.
I'm done plugging.
I've just been looking at all the attacks and our victories in court.
And I realized how much money it takes to take these people on.
And they are so pissed we're still on air.
And I have hired high-powered lawyers.
That's why we're winning.
And they tell me that we're going to really continue to have victory.
But my lawyers are working hard.
seven days a week and it's I mean because I go and meet with them almost every day
I mean and they call me at midnight to come to the office I want you to read this
and sign it make sure it's accurate I mean we are if I told you all the suits we
followed on them and all the crap we're doing to these to bloom you know to the
whole deep state because I can't be on defense anymore I gotta go on offense it
would take an hour to go over it all but you want me to fight I'm fighting so
You're financing the current operation.
You're financing the backup balance shows network if we get shut down.
And that's still getting built and expanded, not a larger studio.
Almost done.
And you're financing the legal defense and offense.
I mean, this is a war.
You want somebody to fight for you?
I love it.
I mean, I'm begging for you to keep me in the game, keep me in the fight, Coach.
But I'm here, you're serving.
You commissioned me.
I won't stop regardless of what happens,
but I'm asking you to empower me,
and I will give you everything I got.
I'm so focused right now and so sick of this crap and the stuff that I've been
doing to my family behind the scenes,
just absolutely criminal.
And so all I'm asking for is the support to keep fighting.
And we make it easy with incredible products.
Okay, I'm done.
Why all of a sudden is the FBI suddenly on top of the notorious pipe bomb incident
that occurred on January 5th,
An incident intended on being blamed on the Patriots.
The overwhelming footage suppressed by J6 committee tyrant and recent Medal of
Treason recipient Liz Cheney.
because the investigation into the J6 committee and the FBI investigation is about
to become a sobering reality.
As Julie Kelly reported on her declassified with Julie Kelly substack,
news of the devices prompted the evacuation of nearby buildings and set off the
first wave of panic that afternoon.
Some top law enforcement officials, including former U.S.
Capitol Police Chief Stephen Sund, believed the devices were a diversionary tactic.
The explosive devices played a critical role in how the events of that day unfolded,
whether intended to or not.
Both pipe bombs acted as diversions,
forcing law enforcement to draw resources away from the Capitol,
the report stated.
Not only did the trail go cold,
either intentionally or organically,
the same political leaders and government officials who promised to expose the
truth about the events of January 6th oddly are uninterested in the pipe bomb
threat and not cooperating with Republicans in their separate attempts to find the bomber.
The report discloses extensive stonewalling by federal and local agencies,
including the FBI,
the ATF,
the U.S.
Secret Service,
and the Metropolitan Police Department,
related to House Republicans' requests for documents and interviews to help better
understand the failed pipe bomb investigation.
So we are in Southeast D.C.
and this is Ramsey Court.
This is where the surveillance video captured the suspected pipe bomber.
And what's clear once you're down here is that this is really off the beaten track.
You have to know Capitol Hill like the back of your hand or you have to have done
significant surveillance in advance.
Also think about the fact that the suspected pipe bomber went to a lot of trouble
to conceal their identity,
yet they wore
a very distinctive pair of sneakers and carried this distinctive backpack.
So was this an effort by the suspect to throw investigators off the trail?
And also think about the fact that the FBI now says they believe the two pipe bombs,
one at the RNC,
which is just right behind me,
I don't know if you can see it right there,
and then the other at the DNC,
were planted the night before on January 5th.
If they had exploded,
that would have created what one law enforcement official described to CBS News as
a ring of steel around the Capitol.
And that would have made it less likely that it would have been breached on the 6th.
Is it potentially the biggest setup in the history of this country?
one of the greatest crimes against the American people.
That's why it's so important to get the truth with us.
That's what we're working for.
And the cover-ups that happened after January 6 is what I'm really after as well.
What about the Republicans involved in those cover-ups?
I know it's hard for you to address those things.
This is your own party, but this is the reality.
I mean- We're gonna go where evidence leads.
No matter what.
No matter what.
I'm gonna hold you to that.
Representative Raskin, sir?
Are you going to do civil war conditions or what?
Here is surveillance footage of Sicknick walking in the Capitol after he was
supposedly murdered by the mob outside.
By all appearances, Sicknick is healthy and vigorous.
He's wearing a helmet, so it's hard to imagine he was killed by a head injury.
Whatever happened to Brian Sicknick was very obviously not the result of violence
he suffered at the entrance to the Capitol.
This tape overturns the single most powerful and politically useful lie the
Democrats have told us about January 6th.
And it was indeed a lie.
The January 6th committee knew perfectly well that Brian Sicknick was walking
normally through the Capitol after he was supposedly murdered by Trump supporters.
And they know that because they saw this tape.
We can be sure because the footage contains an electronic bookmark that is still
archived in the Capitol's computer system.
That means that investigators working for the Democratic Party reviewed this tape.
They saw it.
But they refused to release the tape to the public.
Because this tape would shatter the fraud they were perpetrating on the country.
Because hiding the truth served their political interest.
They lied about the police officer they claimed to revere.
If they were willing to do that, then their dishonesty knew no limits.
John Bowne reporting for InfoWars.
We'll be back on the total proof of the Democrats around the fires.
It is Friday, January 10th, 2025, 106 Central.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, coming to you from the embattled InfoWare studios in Austin, Texas.
All right,
I'm going to run through right now the absolute total proof that the federal,
and local Democrat Party
is 100% responsible for the worst fires in Los Angeles history that are ongoing,
only getting worse by the minute,
and that they were intentionally involved in this,
not just responsible.
It was done by design, and I'll explain why when I'm done showing you the evidence.
Let's go through it right now.
First off,
Trump posts on X.
One of the best and most beautiful parts of the United States of America is burning
down to the ground.
It's ashes.
And Gavin Newsom should resign.
This is his fault.
Yes, he should be indicted for intentional sabotage and negligence.
Trump said Governor Gavin Newsom should immediately resign.
Go to Northern California.
Governor Gavin Newsom should immediately go to Northern California and open up the water main.
It's all full.
I'll show you in a minute.
And let the water flow into its dry,
burning state instead of having it go on in the Pacific Ocean.
It ought to be done right now.
No more excuses, says in all caps, from this incompetent governor.
It's already far too late.
He said that yesterday.
Now, here's the problem with this.
I'm saying this up front, but I'm going to the evidence.
It is not incompetence.
That is the moral of this show last week, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
If you continue to say everything I'm about to show you is incompetence,
you have already lost half the battle.
It is intentional,
administrative war,
part of Agenda 21,
UN Treaty for Post-Industrial World,
where they set the policies that they said would destroy industrial society.
Cutting off the police,
cutting off the infrastructure,
bankrupting the countries,
cutting off the energy,
cutting off the water,
cutting off...
Emergency services,
disarming the people,
it's all an admitted plan of Cloward and Pivotal Collapse Society.
So for God's sakes, Trump, please stop saying it's incompetence.
Yes, the grassroots minions and bureaucrats are idiots, most of them.
And just lazy.
That's why they're put in there.
Because they're incompetent.
So the globalists can carry this exact policy out.
In every country they control.
From Australia to Germany.
To the United States.
And everywhere in between.
Now let's start going into it.
I said this when this all started.
Three, four days ago.
I showed you the footage.
every day of the fires coming in and the power lines on.
The first thing you do when the fire gets to the power lines is turn them off so
when they start falling,
they don't cause more fires.
All right, now here's the Washington Post today.
Oh, they are figuring it out now, just like Lahaina in Maui a few years ago.
Did power lines help start the LA fires?
What we know.
Yeah, what the arsonists didn't do, yeah, they helped.
All right.
What the F?
LA County just admitted they lost control of their emergency alert system.
We'll play it again in a moment.
You can even hear one going off in the room as the emergency management director speaks.
Millions of people are getting erroneous alerts telling them to evacuate even if
they're 10 miles from where the fire or the evacuation zone.
These people are wildly incompetent.
What did Nick Sordar say?
Everybody has to say it.
I love Nick.
But just, yeah, these people are incompetent.
They're compartmentalized.
Hell, some of them might not even be incompetent.
They're just at their level.
Not the right word.
These people are clueless pawns of industrial sabotage, administrative terrorism.
That's what you'd say.
Now, let me just, I have hundreds of these.
I'm gonna just move quickly here.
I said I'd play the clip.
Here's the EAS press conference if you missed it.
Well, in coordination with our federal and state partners, how we can
stop the messages that are going out right now that are not being initiated by a
human action to stop that and then understand how that occurred.
So that the that the tool can still be used for what was identified as like a
critical fire weather that we're still in experiencing and will continue to experience.
Okay, so let's look at this.
This is official notices by the Department of Public Works and the Fire Department
in Los Angeles.
This was put out just a few weeks ago on Tuesday, December 24th.
This is posted on X in direct link to the city site.
Official notices.
Temporary suspension of annual hydrant testing for fiscal year 2024-2025.
The most basic job of a fire department is to test the fire hydrants.
Non-incompetence, deliberate, administrative sabotage.
Los Angeles Times,
a reservoir in the Palisades that holds 117 million gallons of water,
was offline this month for previously scheduled maintenance.
It was empty when the Palisades fire exploded.
But you can say, oh, that's just bad luck.
No, they won't divert the water from a bunch of the other ones that are full.
And then Trump is saying, open it up.
There's maps to these things.
They're everywhere.
And I went and looked.
They're full.
But nope, just hiding in plain view.
And we'll get into the agenda again after I go through a bunch of these.
And here's the actual article I just mentioned.
Pacific Palisades Reservoir was offline and empty when firestorm exploded.
Then they tried to deny it a few days ago.
Now they admit the insurance companies basically pulled out in the entire area in
the last few months.
Very, very convenient.
But what did the insurance companies say?
They said, well, there's no fire mitigation, and they canceled cutting the brush.
And they give that reason in all these different cities like L.A.,
San Francisco,
and other parts of the country,
not just California.
They're pulling it everywhere because they're saying there's no fire mitigation and
fire departments' budgets have been cut.
See, the beginning of civilization collapsing.
So you're supposed to have insurance, but they won't even give you insurance.
Due to fire risk, California homeowners dropped by insurance companies.
And then you read the articles.
Because they didn't do fire mitigation.
That is literally pennies on the hundred dollars.
of what these fires will cost.
But that's okay,
because now Biden and the Democrats don't just have Ukraine to send hundreds of
billions to,
they can send tens and tens and tens of billions to this,
to their little administrators and Nancy Pelosi's nephew,
who will then get a large part of the money and decide who owns the property and
what gets built in the future for the new smart city slated for the Palisades,
but people wouldn't sell their houses.
And it's key areas they burn out.
If it's all rich people, there's never a problem.
But if it's ultra-rich next to a bunch of poor people that won't ever move out of
their houses,
and even two-bedroom houses worth $3 million,
you're getting burned out and you're not getting paid because you didn't have insurance.
Isn't that convenient?
Administrative sabotage.
And Catherine Austin Fitz was the deputy head of HUD,
and I've been interviewing her for 25 years.
She's been explaining this with precision.
This is, they got computers, they administrate it out, they know exactly what to do.
All right?
Let me get to a bunch of other ones for you.
Here's more.
It's not just the state doing it and the locals doing it.
Oh, there's no water for the fire hydrants.
Oh, we don't even test the fire hydrants anymore.
Oh, we don't cut brush anymore.
Forest Service's decision to halt prescribed burns in California is history repeating.
Yep, Forest Service has banned any of their people doing that.
Forest Service decision to halt prescribed burns,
which builds fire breaks in forests,
is history repeating.
California wildfires, unforeseen connections to the U.S.
Green Lobby and Ukraine.
Oh, yeah, the Green Lobby doesn't want you to cut brush.
They say it's bad for the earth.
Oh, it's better just to burn down the whole forest.
Just ongoing sabotage.
Read this article.
This could be the beginning of the end of fire insurance in California, Politico.
And then now,
in the future,
they just burn you out administratively,
buy the tender boxes and cutting the fire department and cutting the water,
and then you don't even get money for your house when they destroy it.
And then somebody comes and offers you pennies on the dollar for the smart city initiative,
and oh,
since it all got destroyed,
it's eminent domain,
they make you sell.
Californians face an insurance crisis.
Can they trust the man in charge of fixing it?
Forest Service halts prescribed burns in California.
fires renewed debate over prescribed burns and fire preparedness in California.
Good fire project protects...
capital's watershed from major fire oh the big environmental preserves though they
got private permits from the state and they were allowed to protect their big
preserves and you go to these key areas of california other places where there's
the big preserves you find out the globalist billionaires have special easements
and live in lavish mansions in the middle of nowhere but
right next to big cities.
you'll be in a big city,
but there's a big preserve,
100,000 acres,
and there's just a few families living there.
There's a big area north of San Francisco across the bridge,
for the name of you,
look it up,
that decades ago,
they kicked everybody out,
made everybody sell their property,
said it was an environmental preserve,
but they kept all the houses and infrastructure in beautiful areas,
and it turns out that all the rich Democrats go there
And it's owned by the state and other areas by the city.
And then they just use it as a free nature preserve for themselves.
Look it up.
So U.S.
Forest Service poised to start fall prescribed burning.
So now they're talking about bringing it back.
The California welfare has just revealed a grim truth.
All right, so there's a lot more of these, but let me show you a big one.
Breaking Newsweek.
Gavin Newsom cut $100 million from fire prevention budget before California fires.
And then in every local fire department,
they cut up to 20% of the budget and gave the money to Ukraine,
not just the equipment.
All done with precision.
101 million cut out.
Meanwhile, he says it's all Trump's fault.
Trump's the bad guy.
Let me show you more.
It's not just there.
It's the cities themselves.
Again, as we just showed you in L.A.
San Diego fire risk soars as brush inspections lag.
August of last year, six months ago.
You read the article.
Well, San Diego doesn't have it in their budget to do any fire breaks.
Now, when there's a fire, it'll just burn down all areas.
But don't worry.
The feds will come in and then give the money to the bureaucrats.
They'll steal it.
So they make fabulous amounts of money and get ultra rich while they burn everybody out.
A month before the fires, L.A.
Fire Chief warned budget cuts were hampering emergency response.
Think so?
Delayed wildfire season expected across California as brush clearance inspections
begin in Los Angeles.
Ha, ha, ha.
Performance audit of the city's brush management on city-owned land.
That's San Diego.
You can go read that on their site.
They just said, eh, we're not going to do it.
Brush clearing California, keeping your property lean and green to help protect your home.
So they'll have the policies that destroy it,
won't let you do it,
and the regulators come and won't let you.
But then they tell you, oh, but you might want to do it.
And here's the actual memo from the fire department explaining all this in L.A.
So, oh, they got billions and billions.
Look up how much California spends a year on illegal aliens.
I know...
In the United States,
just the welfare for illegal aliens and free goodies is up to $48 billion a year.
But that's not counting local hospitals and systems.
The estimates are more like $150 billion a year.
You can look this up, what I'm telling you.
It's usually worse, by the way.
My numbers are usually old because I can't keep track of everything.
Like I said a few days ago,
I said,
it was $45 billion for the telecommunications fiber optics for,
rural areas.
And then the crew goes, oh, sorry, boss.
That's a year old.
It's $90 billion now.
And we have the article.
Probably way worse, $150 billion.
you know,
we got $150 billion for the illegal aliens and their gourmet food and their free housing.
And way more than a citizen gets in welfare to entice them here.
But you, you pay your taxes, but none of it.
goes to stop fires.
Yeah, put that back up.
And again, that's just one little story out of California.
That's the feds, not the state.
FEMA spent $159 million on migrant services in California in just the last two years.
And it just adds up and adds up and adds up.
Okay, so.
What's it all about?
Get the Klaus Schwab clip ready.
And you can go to the full meeting and read their minutes.
They explain all this.
They explain, man-made climate change will soon burn all the cities down.
And you hear King Charles and Greta Thunberg and AOC and Beto O'Rourke and just all of them.
And the TV shows, everything's going to burn.
Everything's going to burn.
Global warming, global warming.
While we build a civilization that didn't have this problem in modern history,
You can look it up.
I mean, you didn't have cities and stuff burning like this.
It was very rare.
And they got put out quick because we had a professional system.
But now what?
And they go, oh, it's just climate change.
It's your fault.
The world's ending in 2030.
Remember what they say all officially?
They go because of climate change,
because you won't let them have global government and ban eating beef and all the
rest of it.
While they're the ones administratively cutting off the energy,
cutting off the fertilizer,
cutting off the food.
John Kerry gets up in all these speeches and says, we got to cut and get rid of half the farms.
That's the UN target goal.
In the next 10 years, or we'll starve.
It's a quote.
Or people are going to starve.
When they're the ones openly turning off the energy and the plant food.
It's a simple equation.
You do that, you get X amount of starvation.
In the third world, an economic collapse in the first.
And what?
Despair and the breakdown of society while you load it up with all these expenses
and perfect boondoggles like windmills and fiber optics and all this other crap,
and they didn't hook up one person with fiber optic internet.
7.4 billion,
or whatever the latest number was,
it's always growing,
to build electric charging stations.
Last time I checked, they'd build six or seven of them.
That's one charging station per billion dollars.
The most expensive charging station cost a few hundred thousand.
Starting to figure this out now, folks?
So what's it all really about?
Well, magically, they've got a smart grid they wanted to go in in Lahaina three years ago.
They voted down in Maui,
and a year after they refused to go along with it,
it got burned to the ground.
And now they're not letting people keep their homes.
They're coming and saying,
we're going to build all those high-rises and build Bill Gates' new Four Seasons.
You know, he owns Four Seasons.
Oh, yeah, they get what they want now in the oldest country.
Modern community in Hawaii.
By that, I mean, it's the first Western settlement there.
Beautiful place.
Best well watched in the world.
Been there a few times.
Love it.
It's not there anymore.
And they're not giving people really any money for their property now.
Just pushing them aside.
And then magically,
right where the smart LA 2028 with the tens and tens of billions,
they had to come in and tear everything down and build this new smart city and
block cars from coming in that Klaus Schwab called for.
Magically, the people wouldn't sell.
And so magically, they got your ass burnt out.
And the reservoir was drained.
And there was no water for the fire hydrants.
And they didn't cut the brush.
And magically, those fires started right when the winds came in, didn't they?
I guarantee you the bad guys deliberately set those in their little copycat minions,
went out and been caught everywhere setting more fires.
you know,
all these movies where the Joker's the good guy now,
they like to burn everything down.
That's the leftist culture.
Smart LA 2028 technology for a better Los Angeles.
Then you read what it is, shutting off the roads, setting up a 15-minute city.
They're building a 15-minute city there.
And right on time, here comes Biden.
Biden pledges 100% will be paid by the federal government, meaning the taxpayers.
Tying L.A.
fires of climate change, Biden pledges full federal aid.
We're not going anywhere.
Biden's federal government will cover 100% of disaster assistance.
And then where does it go?
Right into the key corporations in that development zone they just set up.
that'll now have eminent domain and force out the thousands and thousands and
thousands of homes that are two,
four bedroom,
that are 60,
80 years old,
where people fanned the homes down to make room for the new,
smart city.
And then all the other copycats just start burning everywhere as well.
And it's all class envy, the ultra elite directing it.
But then the leftists go out and try to burn down the other neighborhoods,
including middle class ones they're envious of.
in class warfare,
you hate somebody that's got $1 more than you or somebody that is better looking
than you or can sing better than you.
That's what happens to totalitarian systems.
They channel the energy of all the scum and all the lazy people and give them power
to then go sabotage and rule and take your wife or your daughter or your son from you.
It's about slavery.
We'll come back with more of the total proof.
Oh, you just saw absolute up one side down the other administrative mass murder.
Oh, there's a bunch of people dying.
And mass destruction of the infrastructure and taxpayer money of this country.
Kill people, break tanks.
That's war.
But we got a lot more when we come back.
But as negative as all this is, we were already in their clutches.
At least we're aware of it.
We're struggling out of it.
And there's so much other good news I haven't gotten to.
Mel Gibson did a superlative job on Rogan,
and he knew while he was here that his neighborhood was burning down.
And I guess he doesn't live in L.A.
most of the time, but he's got that house he's been in for decades.
And his whole house, everything, his whole neighborhood's completely gone.
We've got that coming up as well.
But he was exposed to something very important, so it was worth it.
We'll be right back.
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All right.
In the last 30 minutes, I laid out.
hardcore proof of premeditative, administrative, sabotage, siege, terrorism.
And I've given you the motives and the background and everything.
And I got a lot more.
And we're live right now.
Millions of people are watching.
Millions and millions.
But when we archive this in a few hours,
the real Alex Jones on X,
and it banned out video as a backup,
our site,
it's up to you
If you don't want to roll over to this assault,
to take this with all this proof and share it like your future depends on it,
because it does.
And I'm going to explain this again to you.
I am in your hands.
You are in my hands.
We're in this together.
As Benjamin Franklin said,
we'll all hang together or hang separate,
meaning at the end of a rope.
We don't have a choice.
We've got to make fighting these people our full-time job.
This is not ineptitude.
This is not incompetency.
Listen to the leader of AFD and Elon Musk yesterday.
She kept saying they're inept, and Elon was like, no, it's actually a global leftist system.
Yeah, more of that, please.
I harp on this because it's totally different if something's done through
negligence because then you could fix it.
They do this over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over
and over again,
cutting the budget,
not testing the fire hydrants,
blocking the water,
draining the reservoir there just to fight fire right before the main fire season
and high wind.
Who drains the firefighting reservoir
with 177 million gallons of water in it,
or 117 million gallons,
a month before the fire season.
Who doesn't, who cancels testing the fire hydrants a month before fire season?
Who blocks the other reservoirs from delivering water?
Who cuts the funding to cut the brush at the state, local, and federal level?
Hell, the feds gave orders not to across the state.
And they got land all over the place.
This is deliberate.
In fact, it's the opposite of incompetence.
They did a hell of a job making sure they could burn out some of the most expensive
real estate in the world that a bunch of working class people lived on.
So they can build their smart city.
And so now,
Biden can send,
they're talking about 50 plus billion dollars now to rebuild L.A.,
most of it to the Palisades,
the site of the new L.A.
15-minute city.
You're like,
how are they going to build 15-minute cities in the most,
you know,
populist and wealthiest areas?
They're going to burn your ass out.
How did Nero,
when he wanted to expand his palace and the Senate,
even though he was pretty much a dictator,
didn't pass the money for him to get because they controlled that,
he just burned it down.
It's on record.
You want to let me expand my palace?
You want to expand a new arena?
He just said burn that area down,
a particular area he didn't like,
a slum,
and it got out of control and burned almost all of Rome down.
And they got rid of him real quick, said he committed suicide.
Yeah, right.
See, that's not a movie like Gladiator that's fiction.
That really happened.
I don't think that movie's about the real stuff that went on.
Way more interesting.
Well, they don't want you thinking about your government burning down your neighborhood.
But governments do that a lot in history.
So... What'd they do when Napoleon went into Russia and he went into St.
The Russians burned their own capital city to the ground.
Cuz they didn't want Napoleon to be able to have any resources.
with this,
the globalists are burning us out cuz they don't want us to have resources.
It's called scorched earth.
In history and currently in warfare,
if you go to physical war,
scorched earth is the most successful form of war.
And if you look at what the administrative leftist state is doing in government and
education and energy and medicine and every facet of life,
our borders,
our infrastructure,
what are they doing?
Destroying it with incredible competence and precision.
I love to use the Star Wars analogy because everybody knows them.
Can't stand the new Star Wars.
I'm never even a huge Star Wars fan, but I'm a fan of the stories because they're archetypal.
And Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker know that the Empire's down there trying to
get the plans of the Death Star.
They're trying to return to the Rebels.
And they come along a big sand crawler, and all the Jawas are dead.
And there's bantha sticks and stuff from the local tribe supposedly killed him.
And Luke Skywalker goes, I've never heard of sand people hitting something this big.
But look, there's bantha sticks and there's stuff here.
And Obi-Wan Kenobi goes, look at these blast points.
Too precise.
And look, the feet side by side.
That's stormtroopers.
That's my point, people.
You can use a kid's movie to understand this.
But what is Trump and everybody saying?
Oh, sand people, incompetence.
It's not sand people.
It's frickin' stormtroopers.
We're under attack.
When you're in a war,
first recognizing you're under attack and who your enemy is and what their goals
are is the first thing you do to start winning.
is admit you're in a war.
You're in a war.
You're in sixth generational administrative asymmetrical war.
You've been hit with bioweapons.
You've been hit with inflation.
You've been hit with poison GMO food.
You've been hit with chemicals in the water.
Of course they knew when they put hydrofluorosilic acid in the water that it's a
super deadly form of fluoride that causes massive cancer,
and lower IQ.
They knew then.
They know now.
Now they go, okay, we did poison you with it.
Think that was ineptitude?
Oh, God, the government's so dumb.
They put a deadly poison in the water.
They couldn't manage us.
We were too smart.
So the first thing you do is you stun something.
You can't outright kill it, unless you kill all of us, we'll notice you killed a bunch of us.
But if you start slowly poisoning the living daylights out of us,
now we're so poisoned,
we can't really notice what's happening to us.
They like to stun you first, like a spider.
First bites what's ever in its web and puts a little of the poison in.
Just so it can wrap it up and get it nice and tender,
and then that poison slowly is an anticoagulant,
and over the next few days,
liquefies all of the juices.
It says they'll just want the blood out of whatever bugs caught.
It also starts liquefying the...
Other juices.
And then the spiders,
all species,
come up and they touch it with one of their feet,
like a doctor,
and they feel for the heartbeat.
And then right before the bug stops beating,
because that would hurt,
something might coagulate if the heart stops.
It's just... Right at death, the spider goes...
And that's us right now.
And I'm just sitting there with a spider attached going, oh, it's about to sink the fangs in.
We want to get this son of a bitch off of us.
And I don't know.
You people want to get eaten by this thing.
That's your deal.
I'm not going along with it.
You're in a spider web.
And to use the Lord of the Rings analogy, Trump's like Little Hobbit with the
Sting the sword trying to cut his buddies out.
Or the spider comes back to eat them.
And that's when I, I mean, we're just here trying to cut ourselves and you out of the damn web.
But, oh, that spider is incompetent.
It accidentally tied us up in this web.
Well, let's talk to it and ask it to maybe let us go.
It didn't tie you up on accident.
It didn't do all that because it's your buddy.
It's going to eat you.
Yeah, I'm sorry it's scary, people, but we're in this position.
You think it's fun to take them on individually?
it actually is because I'm not going to sit here and wait for a spider to die on me
and my family.
So... You get another...
Top real estate,
just like Lahaina was in the top two or three most expensive in the Western world.
This area of LA, the most expensive.
But it's not just the most expensive.
Because there's other areas that are up there, but it's all rich.
It's anywhere where you've got a bunch of poor people hanging on in an area that won't sell.
Well, what does the man do?
What did the Rockefellers do?
What did the Pinkertons do all over the United States in the last 150 years when
towns would build up at a mineral strike,
gold strike,
silver strike,
oil strike?
Let's see what happened in the 30s and 40s in places like Colorado.
Train would pull up.
500 Pinkerton men would get off on their horses.
And they'd come in there and they'd burn down that town and kill the women and
children and ride them down.
But because they controlled the governor then, they were allowed to murder them.
in the old days,
they just came and burned your ass out and shot you in the back of the 12-gauge.
Look up the Pinkerton.
Pinkerton attacks on
towns and settlements in America.
We know Pinkertons are today.
It's the CIA.
But they got Antifa on the left and they bail out all the Black Lives Matter and then,
gave them $20 million,
$50 million per city settlements because the police were mean to them when they
burned things down and arrested a few of them.
So they recapitalized Black Lives Matter.
So when they activate them again to burn down the country, they've been well paid.
They noticed they got out of jail and it's a job well done.
Because, you know, if the, oh, yeah, the Pinkertons would go into factories and kill everybody.
But that's just one group.
I don't want to pick on the Pinkertons.
They're still around today, but they don't do that anymore.
They just drive armored trucks around.
So that's what this is.
Here's Klaus Schwab talking about how soon nobody will be in cars in L.A.
Here it is.
For the 20th Governance Summit,
you will use the app like Uber,
but not anymore to call some driver.
automatically guided car,
a self-driven car,
will come to your hotel or wherever you are and will bring you to the airport.
Los Angeles is one of the cities with the heaviest traffic who told me in 2030 Los
Angeles will be private car driven free.
And this will allow to transform highways into
parks and other public spheres.
I showed you where Gavin Newsom cut 101 million out right before and had the
reservoir drain that was just for firefighting and blocked the water coming in and
didn't do the fire mitigation,
cutting the brush back.
I showed you all that, but let me actually show you the budget here.
This is the 2023-2024 budget, and we read over this, and my great researchers read
highlighted the key parts for me.
They went and looked up what I was saying,
because I'd seen it in the articles,
and they actually got the documents,
and they confirmed,
I'm going to show it to you,
that they have a bigger budget than ever,
and they have plenty of money that they give to themselves for junkets and flying
all over the world to these events,
and their huge salaries and pensions,
but they cut the money from the police and the fire,
and then told the public they didn't have the money.
So here's the 2023-2024 budget.
And overhead shot, you can see here the surplus that they have.
And then you can still see that they still cut $260 million out.
of the fire and of the police.
And then you can go deeper into it and see how in the reports,
it's on their city website,
they have a big surplus of over a billion dollars at the end.
Now, let's look at the 2024, 2025.
Well, it's going to be a lot bigger with all that federal money coming in.
Here's that budget.
And again, if you look, you read the news, they say that they don't have enough money.
That's why they cut it.
But then when you actually read the reports, you find out there is a huge surplus.
Something very interesting.
And, you know, Rob Agueros is the guy that actually read over all this.
He should go on The War Room today.
Or maybe I'll do a special report with him after the show.
We can put that out where we actually go over all this.
But in the interest of time, I'm going to move on.
Okay, so I just spent 40-something minutes on that.
That's only the surface of the proof.
There's just so much, it's dizzying.
I love Patrick Benday, but he's a great guy, super smart, love his show, friend of mine.
And I'm not going to criticize him.
I'm just giving advice here.
He had a report that went viral with one of his guests showing some of the same
stuff here about cutting the brush mitigation firefighter funding.
But it went off on a tangent about, well, don't blame the insurance companies.
What were they supposed to do?
They had to pull out because there was no firefighting mitigation.
Well, yeah, obviously.
But why does no one ever focus on why they cut the firefighting budget or ship it
to Ukraine or didn't do the fire mitigation?
There's this thing where people always catch on some side issue.
It's like arguing about,
those aren't women's handbags the fire department's using to put out fires.
and traffic cones, which it is, why don't they have water in the fire hydrants?
Why do they have to go fill their tankers wherever they can and then hand-fill
stuff to fight blazes with their hands?
Why hasn't Newsom released the water from the other reservoirs?
Why did they drain the other reservoir two months before
in the Palisades for fire.
That's what it's for.
See, they're like, oh, we have fire danger here.
As it built up, turns out they built that reservoir in the 70s.
117 million gallons for fires up on a hill with great pressure to feed that whole
area neighborhood with more than enough water to battle any blaze.
And they decided to drain it two months before the fire season.
And they decided to not test the fire hydrants.
And they decided to not cut the brush.
And they decided to not take the water from the other reservoirs.
I mean, this isn't proof that they did it on purpose.
It's absolute proof.
And then I get to see tweets from Trump about how incompetent Gavin Newsom is.
Gavin Newsom goes around and sexually harasses women and a bunch of them like it,
screws women all day long,
and guzzles alcohol and vomits all over the place.
I know women that, I mean, I'm going to leave it at that.
I mean, I know multiple women that work for Gavin Newsom.
I know,
I mean,
you know,
I mean,
these women can describe certain details of his body I know about.
I was first told about this by Roger Stone and then later confirmed it with women.
I'll leave it at that.
I mean, women, I know well.
But just like LBJ had jumbo.
Well, Gavin Newsom's got another name for his.
And the point is, is, yeah, he's an incompetent, demonic little rat demon.
Because I know behind the scenes, he doesn't give a damn.
He owns a bunch of wineries and restaurants.
During the COVID lockdowns, he kept his restaurants open.
I mean, he's an absolute crook, like Pelosi and her sons and all of them.
But the people up above them... By the way, I tell those little stories to freak Newsom out.
Bloomberg is psychotic, hates me, funds lawsuits against me.
He's behind it.
And so I learned years ago,
I never talked about it because I understand why he's so sad and hates everybody.
He has deformed feet.
Michael Bloomberg, that's why Trump calls him little shoes.
Oh, Michael Bloomberg has little shoes.
Go get your little shoes.
And so I was talking to folks.
I confirmed this from some other people.
I'll leave it at that.
that Bloomberg has deformed stub legs.
He has deformity.
He doesn't even have really feet.
He has like a stub and then kind of some deformed things that stick out that look
like baby toes.
So he's like a leprechaun.
And then he basically wears, he has like prosthetic shoes.
And sometimes he doesn't like the way the prosthetic shoes look.
So sometimes he wants to wear cool boots or stuff.
So he crams them full of,
newspapers, and then he sticks these stubs into those.
And I'm not trying to be mean about it.
I just want you to know, we know all about you, Bloomberg.
We know all about you, Newsom.
Nobody likes you.
It's like Fight Club.
Like I told Zuckerberg, he better roll over to us six months ago.
He started to.
Just here in Austin yesterday.
when I was out in Hawaii the last few times by your house,
because that's where I like to go,
it's the most beautiful place on earth I've seen,
hates your guts.
You stole tribal lands.
Society collapsed, you're in deep trouble.
It's not a threat, I'm saying.
You people are hated.
The people cooking your food,
changing your beds,
your security,
your children,
the women you have sex with,
they don't like you.
And you think you got your A out of control?
We got human intelligence.
And when I'm done exposing you people,
There won't be anywhere on earth for you to hide.
And we are basically all ready at that position.
And I know a lot more about you, Newsom.
You didn't know I've been in the room before when you call people up,
and they put you on so I can hear what you're saying.
People don't like you, Newsom.
People are sick of people like you.
And they're ready to move.
Now, we don't hurt them.
We don't blow them up.
We don't shoot them.
That would make them victims.
We destroy them with the truth.
But they just burned down large parts of L.A.
on purpose and
I want everybody to email the White House,
incoming White House,
Truth Social,
Trump Sex,
all of them.
I know I can get ahold of Trump if I need to,
but the best way is just have his sons watch the show,
his people,
his speech writers,
his folks.
Because I know Trump's one of the right in the tweets.
He does that all himself.
But the people write him speeches.
Can we get Trump explaining that this is not by design?
to get federal funds.
That's how California,
a parasitic collapsed state continues to survive,
is getting federal emergency funds.
And that's how they want to use California as the detonator to collapse the rest of the country.
The blue cities, the blue states are all bankrupt, sucking down the rest of the country.
That's the plan.
So we have to liberate those states or they'll bring us down.
Plus, there are fellow Americans.
A lot of people say, ah, screw California, let it fall off in the ocean.
it might do that,
but the point is,
that'd be best sometimes,
I think,
but that'd kill a lot of people.
But unless California just disappeared, it falling apart is like a giant tumor attached to us.
We can't just have it sit over there and just, you know, hope it goes away.
It's not.
So I'm going to come back, get into Mel Gibson.
And then I watched part of the final 15th funeral of Jimmy Carter there in D.C.
with the former presidents and Hillary there.
Man, it was wild to watch.
I almost started the show with that today and just played like 30 minutes.
I've made comments on the faces and Hillary.
I mean, she's the scariest demon woman I've ever seen.
I mean, if you want to have like a psychotic witch,
You know, they're like each children or something in like a movie.
No makeup needed, no nothing.
And then in reality, she is just that evil.
And then the body language of the former presidents.
And of course,
George Bush completely on just like five or six different antipsychotics completely
bombed out of his gourd as usual.
And you've got Bill Clinton over there.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
You got classy Melania over there.
I just can't make this up.
All right, hour number four.
All right, so we're all under attack.
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And I want to thank you for keeping us on the air and encourage you now to support
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All right, here's what I want to do.
I want to finish up on the California out-of-control wildfires,
arsonists being caught everywhere,
spreading out of control,
the people caught between a rock and a hard place,
the establishment,
the technocrats,
the administrative state waging war administratively on the people directly at
every level with precision.
They've done an excellent,
very professional job of sabotaging everything,
down to the finest details.
Panicking people with emergency alert systems that aren't affected by fires to
hamper emergency crews that don't have water.
And I know I've been beating a dead horse here, but it's not really a dead horse.
A dead horse, I guess, is something that you can't change.
But people just have to get their minds around this.
And it's the central issue.
I mean, you had just evil's real.
It's going on.
Here's how they did it.
And just look at this.
Gavin Newsom's terrible record of California management spotlight by the L.A.
The Democrats for decades,
wherever they're in control,
it's the same as any other leftist group around the world.
When they're undermining a country, once they take a country over, they don't do this.
But while they're taking it over, they sabotage it.
They keep all the money for themselves and then deliberately sabotage everything
because they're the saviors and get the emergency money from the federal government
to come in with eminent domain and take over.
It's simple.
And it pushes towards the final goal of bankrupting the country itself so their owners,
the big private central banks,
can come in and loan everybody money that they made up out of nothing and get full control.
So this has been going on forever.
Every time there's fires, everybody says Newsom's an idiot.
Or the other Democrat governors.
No, they know exactly what.
what they're doing, and my question is, how long do we put up with this?
Because until these arrogant monsters, I mean, they're so arrogant in California.
Two years ago,
or a year and a half ago,
they passed a law that you can have sex with kids down to the age of 12.
And the guy that sponsored it, got it all done, is a known pedo, promoter.
Look at this.
City of San Francisco fines family $53,367 for clearing brush in agent reserve
behind their home.
And I mentioned how they fine and arrest people all over the United States,
all over Canada,
all over Europe.
You have left us running the administration of your county,
or the federal administration of Fed lands up to you.
and you got federal property in your backyard right up to your fence,
and they won't cut the brush,
and there's not a firebreak there?
I mean,
if you go looking to buy a house,
and you're buying state or federal land or a preserve,
and you've got stuff right up to your house,
then you shouldn't get that house,
because they'll burn your ass out.
If there's a natural fire or a made-up one,
because this is their big business,
to drain the treasury and make themselves rich.
I mentioned the last hour a lot.
They'll fine you.
I forgot I had this in the stack.
I got a bunch of them.
If you cut the brush,
just like you defend yourself in a blue area,
a leftist area,
from a robber,
a killer,
they'll throw your ass under the jail.
if you criticize a guy that rapes you,
an Islamicist in Germany,
you go to prison for criticizing him raping you.
for a prison sentence three times longer than his.
Again, decades of mismanagement led to choked forest.
Now it's time to clear them out, fire experts say.
Even NBC News four years ago was reporting the truth,
but notice it didn't happen because it's not mismanagement.
They know exactly what they're doing.
All right, I'm going to talk about Mel Gibson when we come back.
Stay with us.
All right,
I want to talk about something really,
really positive here,
dealing with the Great Awakening.
One of the main ways the globalist technocrat WHO depopulation system attacks us,
one of the main ways is through the food,
through the medicine,
through the water.
It's a covert, passive-aggressive, soft-kill, cowardly way to do it.
And we were the first to expose.
It was man-made.
We were the first to expose.
The shot was poisoned.
Would erase your immune system and give you cardiovascular problems,
turbo cancers,
you name it.
And now that's all in the studies, 100% confirmed.
And I have simply said here on the air that all these prominent people I know,
and that some I don't know,
but I know people that know them and know that they're listeners and patriots,
Need to speak out.
And I specifically talked about George Strait.
I'm a big fan of and I know his band.
Because they play sometimes without him and their listeners ace in the hole.
And I didn't single out.
George Strait.
because he's a bad guy,
it's because I know he's a patriot,
I know he raises a lot of money for veterans,
and he's a good guy,
but he will not get into politics,
and that's been his decision the whole time.
politics is into you,
and we were very close to them being able to steal the election from Trump,
so I said,
here's an example.
Why doesn't George Strait go public and say things?
Why don't all these people that know what's going on like
Sylvester Stallone, who has been saying things over the years and is a really smart, great guy.
Why doesn't he do more?
And he started doing that.
And I'm not saying I spurred that.
I was just saying,
in general,
we need people that know what's going on and aren't idiot leftists,
but that a lot of folks will listen to who are also successful in business and life
to go public.
And a prime example is Mel Gibson.
I've known some of the Mel Gibson folks since his dad Hutton came to one of my
movie premieres in like 2002 and
I know some of the other folks there,
and I know Mel's a fan,
and I'm a fan of him,
and I know his son,
you know,
talked to him some.
Great folks.
And I missed out going to Tucker's event that he invited me to up in Tennessee they
were at,
and that was a bummer a few weeks ago,
but I had to stay here because they were trying to shut down InfoWars.
But the point is,
I knew when Mel was here in town a few days ago to do the Rogan deal,
I didn't get specific about it,
and I just pointed out that you were going to see some really powerful stuff from
Mel Gibson.
Because I know Mel Gibson knew about the New World Order before I was born.
Because I've seen the films he made.
I know some of his family.
I know his dad well.
Hutton, great guy.
And Mel's always spoken out against tyranny in the New World Order.
First time, when I was a little kid, I remember my dad talking about, I think, a
I was like 10 years old, like a Playboy interview or something with Mel Gibson.
My dad's like, see, New World Order, global government.
Even Mel Gibson knows about it.
And I'm simply saying, wow, imagine if the people like that started speaking out.
And it's simple.
It's just like Joe Rogan saw the research information and knew that ivermectin was good.
And it really helped him when he got COVID.
And he saw CNN lie about him and change the color of the video of his announcement
to make him look sick that Joe got really pissed.
And then Joe helped break the back of the COVID lie with RFK Jr.
and others because he doesn't just talk to a right-wing audience.
He talks to one of the biggest audiences,
not the biggest in the world,
to a general audience of people because he's seen as not political,
just as common sense and populist.
And Joe didn't want to admit things were as bad as they were six, seven, eight years ago.
But I told you, Joe's going to get hardcore, and you've seen him do that.
We're good friends.
We talk all the time.
And I knew from what I'd been hearing that Mel was going to get hardcore when he
went on that incredible podcast.
I've been so busy, I've only watched half of them.
I'm going to watch the rest tonight.
But he came to Austin while L.A.
was on fire to do that because it was so important.
And then his house he's lived in for 30 years burned down.
He's been on the news, you know, since then talking about that.
And it's great.
I remember a week before the election,
Mel got caught by TMZ,
asked who he was going to vote for.
He said, Trump, we want to save the country.
I said, that's great, Mel.
Let's hear some more.
We need you.
It's not his responsibility.
It's just that, you know, he's a smart guy and, you know, is a rebel.
And who cares what Hollywood and the collapsing system says or does?
They're done.
Now's the time for maximum effort.
And Mel Gibson at the critical time is delivering that effort.
Still coming to do Joe's show because he'd agreed to do it weeks before while his
neighborhood's on fire.
And it burned down, strangely enough, while he was on Joe's show, his house was burning.
But you know what he did?
He exposed the fact that there are three known drugs that are inexpensive and over-the-counter.
I mean, Ivermectin's prescription, but you can get it anywhere.
It's almost over-the-counter.
You can order online.
And I've got medical doctors that are friends of mine that years ago told me about
all three of these things.
And it works even in most stage four cancer events.
But why don't they want you to know about it?
Because they give you a shot to turn off your DNA area that blocks cancer in the
COVID injection.
And they want you to die.
And Pfizer's documents came out a few years ago.
They said our new business model will be the explosion of cancer.
And no one asked, well, why is it exploding?
Because it's their business model.
And so Mel talks about something I didn't know.
that he took the first COVID shot and almost killed him.
And then he couldn't walk for a long time.
Guy that's in great shape.
And that then when he heard RFK's book on tape,
it made him literally almost have a meltdown to learn,
they really did this.
Just like Elon Musk's brother almost died from the shot.
A bunch of his crew got sick.
And then they took his son away from him and sterilized him.
that sure pissed him off because you may not want to be in politics,
as Musk has said,
but it wants to be involved with you.
Musk just wanted to build industry and go to Mars and do all this.
Well, sorry, you can't.
They're not going to let you do that unless you stop them.
And so I hope Mel Gibson's courage...
and understanding of the time we're in is infectious to all the other people that I
know in industry and business and Hollywood that are really smart and really cool,
have a lot of life experience,
not just as actors,
but as big producers and businessmen and scientists.
A lot of scientists don't get political because, oh, that's not their lane.
Well, the new order is running us over.
They're in our lane.
So let's play these clips back to back.
Let's play 13 first, then 11 and 12.
And as you go through the progression here, these are people he knows personally.
And now they've got studies on all these.
And I remember my doctor just a year ago said,
you got to,
you know,
even if you don't have any cancer,
we test your blood,
there's no issues.
You should go ahead and do another cycle of all three of these.
And I ended up, I take some of the ivermectin and I took a little bit of the other stuff.
I haven't taken the blue.
But I was digging around the house last night after I saw the mail interview.
I was like, you know, it's time for us to do a cycle of this.
Because it's not just if you took the shots.
It sheds the spike protein.
that goes in and attacks the key strand of the DNA that is the repair function.
So this stuff's affecting everybody.
And there are things God gave us that will mitigate it.
But also iodine, quality iodine, ginger, anti-inflammatory.
All the stuff God gave us is zinc.
A lot of vitamin C. We are bombarded.
And it's a cocktail of the things that are known to help us that we need to be taking.
And I don't...
sell or promote the three things we're about to play,
though I probably should actually get sponsors for promoting it because that's what
we do.
I remember when David Hogg once said,
you notice Jones says there's atrazine in the water making frogs,
you know,
not want to have sex with females.
And that's a great thing.
We want gay frogs.
Yeah, because there's no more frogs after that.
But then notice he plugged a water filter right after that.
Like he caught me.
No, that's the whole point.
Here's the highest rated water filter.
You better filter your water no matter what, however you do it.
And by the way,
we've got one where you can get it from us at a great price and then help yourself
and your family and help us keep the show on to warn more people.
It's called direct straight shooting dummy, but he's so deceptive.
He thinks straight shooting is some complex deception.
My brain don't work like that, buddy.
That's why they say you can't con an honest man.
Because that's not how our brains work.
But you can't straight shoot a crook or a con artist because they just can't
imagine that exists.
I mean,
the most George Strait's done is he did the little Trump dance because somebody
else did it.
Oh, okay, great.
What solidarity?
And, you know, they burn the whole country down and we lose everything.
I hope George Strait's safe out on his ranch in South Texas.
out by San Antonio.
I'm not mad at George Strait.
I'm just saying,
I just use him as an example,
to sit around and watch the country and the world being destroyed and the verge of
nuclear war,
we're finding out who's who.
At least, at least George Strait isn't on the other side like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
If you don't like lockdowns and the shots, screw you.
Screw your freedom.
when you're raised by an SS officer,
you really can't blame Arnold for being a piece of crap.
So here's the Mel Gibson clips.
I'll tell you a good story.
I have three friends.
All three of them had stage four cancer.
All three of them don't have cancer right now at all.
And they had some serious stuff going on.
And what did they take?
They took some
What you've heard they've taken?
Yeah, I'm hearing that a lot.
They drank hydrochloride something or other.
There's studies on that now where people have proven that they've...
People drinking methylene blue and stuff like that.
Yeah, methylene blue, which was a fabric dye.
Yeah, it was a textile dye.
And now they find it has profound effects on your mitochondria.
This stuff works, man.
There's a lot of stuff that does work, which is very strange because, again, it's profit.
When you hear about things that are demonized and that turn out to be effective,
you always wonder,
what is going on here?
How has our medical institutions,
how have they failed us so that things that do cure you are not promoted because
they're not profitable?
I got COVID from my gardener.
And he had it first, and then I got it.
And I was like, ah, did I grab the hose or what, you know, what was, I don't know.
But it was, I knew the guy for 20 years.
And we both went to the same hospital.
And he died and I didn't.
I think we both got remdesivir.
Which is not good.
Not good.
Causes kidney failure.
I know.
I couldn't walk for three months after I had that stuff.
Because it kills you.
I found that afterwards.
It kills you.
And that's why I wonder about Fauci.
Oh, you should wonder about that guy.
When meanwhile, they were trying to stop people from getting monoclonal antibodies.
Yeah, yeah.
They've restricted monoclonal antibodies,
which is fucking insane because they wanted to promote that vaccine because they
wanted to profit off of it,
which brings us back again to evil.
Evil's real.
It's real.
Putting money over human lives is evil.
I agree.
It's a real thing, and there's a temptation to do it, too, which is even more crazy.
This is what we were talking about before, that there is good and evil.
And sometimes it manifests itself in a very clear and obvious way.
And I think that's what that was.
That was evil.
That was putting people's lives second and putting money first.
Well, I don't know why Fauci's still walking around.
How is that guy still walking around?
I don't get it.
If just people understand the history of the AIDS crisis and what that guy did back then.
Did you read that book?
Yeah, I read the book.
I listened to it.
Yeah, I did too.
I drove up to San Francisco, and I listened to it, and I had road rage.
Oh, yeah.
And it was like, whoa.
How is he still there?
First of all, people that don't believe it, how come RFK Jr.
didn't get sued?
How come there's no lawsuits?
If there was lies, there would be lawsuits.
No, but that's right.
You'd be publicly humiliated.
Instead, they kept that book off bestseller lists.
That book sold millions of copies.
I know.
They hid it.
That's when you find out that bestseller lists are actually curated.
It's not really bestseller.
Yeah, it's censored.
It's all censored.
Everything's censored, you know.
But that book is an accurate depiction of what Anthony Fauci did during the AIDS crisis,
which probably was an AZT crisis,
more than it was an AIDS crisis.
I mean, it's fairly incontrovertible now that he was fooling with gain of function.
And, you know, it's, you know...
Why is he still around?
Or at least free.
Right, right.
And no repercussions.
whatever happened to that story where,
you know,
the wombat and the weasel got together and they were horsing around and a bat
pissed on him with a golden shower,
you know,
and all of a sudden it was in a wet market,
very wet market,
you got,
you know...
Complete total horseshit and totally the scientists that we're supposed to trust.
Yeah pitching that horseshit It was like the AIDS thing some green monkey bit of
want to Stewart on the ass Then he went around the world and got everybody sick and
it was like,
you know Ridiculous if you want to go to the AIDS rabbit hole look up a guy named
Peter Dewsburg.
Oh, yes, I know.
Yeah, I read that book Yeah, that is crazy.
He's telling the truth.
This is the fucking kovat crisis times a thousand mm-hmm
All right,
and Mel Gibson was literally having his home burned down in that area of California
and L.A.
while he was on with Joe, but he still did it.
Great job, Mel Gibson.
We salute you for humanity.
And bringing up those things that have massive anti-cancer effects on record in
major studies that they've been suppressing for a long time,
it's another great thing.
So the truth gets out there.
Truth is the answer.
The people perish, for lack of knowledge.
But Joe and Mel...
went deeper into it on the show, and they basically, Joe went all the way, and so did Mel.
But it's not just they want to make money off of the poison shot,
then they make money off treating you and most of the time killing you from the
cancer it gives you,
which then they want to depopulate you.
So that's really, they just make money getting where they want to go.
So you've got to understand the methodology of the bad guys.
All right, Jay Dyer takes over with some critical reports for the rest of the hour.
Jay's analysis, best-selling author, great researcher.
So much happening in the world today.
And then Owen Schroyer in about 38 minutes with the War Room.
I intend to come back in.
I don't know what time yet tomorrow.
Let me pick a time.
I'll go live for two hours at noon tomorrow at Central.
There's too much news.
I have to come in.
It has to be done.
And then I'll be back Sunday, obviously, 4 p.m.
Lord willing, thank you all for your support.
The AlexShownStore.com is how the people fund this defense system to alert the
world to the globalists.
Thank you so much.
Jay Dyer takes over.
Welcome to the fourth hour of The Alex ShownStore.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer.
We have with us today a guest from the UK.
We've been wanting on my fourth hour for a couple weeks now to cover
all the madness in the UK with the rape gangs,
with the cover up that's been going on for decades now.
And it ties in directly to the history of the left in the UK.
We've covered this, as you guys know.
the Fabian Socialist history,
the history of HG Wells,
Bertrand Russell,
all those characters who actually talked about 100 plus years ago,
bringing in large scale Islamic believers.
It began with Sufism, then it progressed into more and more Wahhabi, Salafi strains of Islam.
And so today with me is the member of the Homeland Party,
That is Alec Cave.
You can find him on Twitter.
We're going to be talking about his analysis,
and he's been putting out a lot of good information lately,
especially tweets.
Catch us up more recently on what's been going on in the last few weeks, this cover-up.
And then maybe we'll go into some of the history and what you and your party stand
for there in the UK.
What's been going on with this cover-up?
Is it actually a cover-up?
What was Keir Starmer's role?
Can you give us some information on that, Alec?
so there's been this horrific phenomena in the UK where basically organized
paedophile gangs,
which are predominantly been operated by the Pakistani diaspora,
have been,
as I say,
forming paedophile gangs.
And they've been grooming young white British girls and women.
And the thing that's so horrific about it is it's not just gang rape.
It would often involve torture as well.
Some of the stories that you'll hear about these cases are truly just so sickening
to the pit of your stomach.
And they're just some of the most saddest things that you'll ever hear.
And it's been going on for decades and it's been known about by the authorities,
but not properly tackled for various reasons.
One of them being you'll hear is because of political correctness.
Obviously, we've had this movement of anti-racism for the past half century, which is bait.
And and so the left basically pointed every single institution and say,
they're all institutionally racist.
And so what happened was is that the police didn't want to tackle the issue for
fear that they would be considered racist because obviously if they start charging
a disproportionate amount of Pakistanis for paedophile rape,
then obviously they're gonna have the left wing establishment,
you know,
cry at them and crow and cause all of these issues.
So rather than save,
young girls from gang rape,
the police decided to overlook it so that they didn't have to endure the media and
left wing politicians and whatnot,
demonizing them.
So that's the gist of what's happened.
you know,
you've had campaigners for many years trying to raise the issue,
but it's been very taboo in this country.
It's something that particularly,
you know,
the middle class and the liberal elite don't want to touch because it makes them
feel uncomfortable,
you know,
when they have their dinner parties.
You know,
working class communities that have had to endure this,
you know,
this horrific phenomenon and just in the one town alone of Rotherham.
Over a thousand girls in one town were raped by organized pedophile gangs.
But this is flared up again.
It's come into the conversation at the start of this year.
Elon Musk, as we know, has been drawing attention to it, which, you know, is a fantastic thing.
You know,
it's a great thing to have the world's richest man and the owner of X speaking
about this.
And of course,
you've had many people in the British establishment horrified that he would draw
attention to it,
especially in the manner that he's doing so.
But that's basically what's happened.
So it's in the discourse again.
One of the frustrating things is that so many people that wouldn't touch this topic
are now openly talking about it as if they've always been talking about it when
they haven't.
It's only nationalists in Britain that have really drawn attention to this issue.
And that's quite sickening that these people will only talk about this horrific
phenomena that's going on when it's politically expedient and politically
acceptable for them to do so.
I don't know your position on this in terms of the big picture,
but from my reading and what I've seen,
it looks like
There were a lot of high-level people in the EU bureaucracy and in the UK as well
over the years who thought that they could really signal their virtue and that they
could really have this diversity,
this inclusive society.
But perhaps that there's actually a more insidious and more malicious approach
that's behind all this,
which is intentionally bringing in
cultures that are not amenable to the West,
people that do not have any interest in being amenable to the West or integrating
into the philosophy of our society.
And I think that perhaps it's on purpose.
I don't know what your view on that is,
but I see it as an intentional way to essentially re-engineer the existing
populations through demographic warfare.
Well, certainly there are ideologues that buy into this multiculturalist doctrine.
So that will be another reason why these rape gangs were covered up is because
you've got all of these progressives that want to create this racially and
ethnically diverse society because they think that is true human progress.
Alec, hold that thought right there.
We have a break.
We'll be right back with Alec Cade.
Folks, we're coming up to break.
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Welcome back to the fourth hour of The Alex Jones.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
You know,
one thing that we do on my channel and that I've done over the years is read the
actual writings of the global elite.
One of those characters was a guy named Count Krudenhof Kalergi,
who wrote a book called Practical Idealism,
in which he says that Europe as it exists would have to be essentially destroyed.
Carol Quigley says that the Royal Society,
the Royal Institute for International Affairs,
a lot of the other socialist elite of the UK decided to adopt that plan to help in
the process of destroying not just Europe but also the West.
And it's a well-known strategy.
It is called the weapon of mass migration, which even academics write about.
famous public texts about.
It has nothing to do with the conspiracy,
there it has to do with social engineering and warfare.
In fact,
warfare has for centuries,
for millennia,
utilized the importation of foreign populations to disrupt some other target
audience or some target nation.
Alec Cave joins me and we were just getting into the perhaps malicious intention on
the part of the elite,
particularly in the UK and across the West.
It's the same in the US as well.
We have many malicious, especially left minded elite.
My view is that you have a lot of
really powerful people who utilize this.
Sounds good.
Kumbaya, let's all get together, diversity, ideology.
But it's actually a weapon that's intended,
I think,
to destroy and re-engineer the existing populations.
And so Alec was just covering that.
I had to go to the break.
So finish your point on that.
So like I say,
there will be people that genuinely buy into this egalitarian progressive view of
creating a multicultural society.
But of course,
there are other interests and other nefarious people that want to promote mass
migration for their own reasons.
Of course, big business, they benefit from mass immigration because it suppresses wages.
But then the political class also benefit because when you have a diverse population,
you then have a divided population.
And of course, there's the old adage about divide and conquer.
But then there are other elements too.
I think people are starting to recognize that a lot of this migration is a weapon
against white populations,
against European peoples.
And I think it's fair and accurate for people to say there is an anti-white agenda.
Mass migration is absolutely used to undermine and disempower the majority native populations.
And yeah, it's completely sinister.
And that's why the Homeland Party exists.
We want to actually reverse this process.
We want to reverse globalism.
So we actually want to reverse mass migration with the policy platform of re-migration,
which is a term you might have heard floating around at the moment.
This is Europeans fighting back to reclaim their national sovereignty,
to reclaim their homelands,
because we don't want diversity.
We don't want multiculturalism.
We never asked for it.
And as we were speaking out,
speaking about just at the beginning of the show,
what's one of the horrible things
consequences of multiculturalism, Pakistani pedophile rape gangs.
Well, we certainly didn't ask for those.
And I'm afraid to say the only way you're going to stop that is if you encourage
these people,
this fifth column,
this community that hates us,
to go back home.
Because a lot of people want to say, well, it was political correctness.
Oh, it was a failing of law enforcement.
And of course, those things come into it.
If you don't actually sanction and punish pedophile rapists, then guess what?
They're going to be more emboldened to do the horrific crimes.
But then you have to ask yourself, well, why were they doing it in the first place?
It's not because of a lack of law and order.
It's because they hate the native population.
This was definitely ethnically and religiously motivated against us.
Yeah, it's really sad.
What's your view on why this has been so successful in the West?
You know,
the West used to be pretty solid in its own convictions about its philosophy,
its ideas,
its kind of,
at least in some sense,
biblical heritage,
loosely speaking.
But the left seems to have really played on the good-natured attitude that most
people in the West have towards foreigners,
towards our kindness,
our virtues.
And they've really played on that to put us in a mode of, I would say, faux guilt.
You know,
we're supposed to feel bad for,
there was once a British empire and there was,
you know,
colonies and colonialism and the French and the Portuguese.
And all of these empires were supposed to be paying for, you know, this horrible situation.
debt of the past.
And to me, that's all just a bunch of baloney and propaganda.
Do you think that it's mainly propaganda that has enabled them to be successful?
And is it a top down thing that really isn't from the bottom up of the working
class in the West?
there's obviously multiple reasons why we're seeing the things happening in the
modern world.
Part of it, I think, is liberalism.
I think we're reaching the end stage of the liberal worldview and ideology.
If you just utterly and ruthlessly promote individualism and egalitarianism,
that's why we've got the mass migration,
because who are we,
the indigenous Europeans,
to say,
And deny people's right to migration.
You know, we shouldn't have borders.
You know, borders are against human rights and things like this.
So it's,
you know,
it's in part an ideological and philosophical problem in the West,
which is why you're seeing so many people reject liberalism and turn against it.
But like I say,
you've got the special interest groups like big business,
you've got the political class that suits them,
and you've also got people that just don't like Western Europeans very much,
and so they want to attack and undermine us.
There's multiple reasons, really.
You can't just point to one thing,
but it's all of these things culminating,
which is why modern society is so miserable.
But like I say,
that's why we've got movements to kind of approach things differently and reject
these modes of thinking that have caused so much devastation.
I'm not in any way an expert on,
you know,
UK politics,
but in America,
we have this sort of duopoly where there's,
you know,
a controlled,
you know,
Republican in name only the sort of pseudo conservatives.
And then we have, you know, the very radical, almost, I would say, demonic Democratic Party.
And that duopoly,
that false,
that fake left,
is really what allowed so much degeneracy to make progress in so many,
you know,
For example, we just drove across the U.S.
a couple months ago to Vegas,
and I noticed something I'd never seen before,
which was mosques all over America.
I mean,
I've never seen – there was a mosque that had been set up on an Indian reservation,
which I've never seen before.
I've done a lot of traveling.
So Islam is growing in America as well.
And I see it as also – I'm not negating the Pakistani element,
but I'm saying Islam,
I think,
plays a role in this.
Would you agree with that?
And Islam also promotes the idea of child brides.
That's also,
I think,
why it's intentionally those kinds of people are brought in,
because they have that kind of a demoralizing pro-rape philosophy.
the globalists have made an effort to import people from the third world,
so Africa and the Middle East.
In Great Britain, we don't have many people from East Asia, for example.
Why is it only people from the third world?
And I think that's very much deliberate.
I think they don't want the Western world to be as hegemonic as it has been for centuries.
They definitely want to disempower us.
And so obviously,
if you promote third world migration,
then soon enough,
your own country is going to become third world.
Certainly the natives have been disempowered.
You know,
like I just said a moment ago about liberalism,
one of the one of the core pillars of liberalism is religious tolerance.
And that's why for many decades,
people have felt like they couldn't speak out against having this kind of barbaric
medieval religion coming into our homelands because,
you're being religiously intolerant.
And that's one of our values.
And that's why I say,
you know,
people are finally starting to find their confidence and say,
we don't want Islam here.
It's causing us problems.
Obviously, Islam is quite a political religion.
And you're starting to see Muslims politically organized and start to get elected
into our House of Commons.
And a lot of people are very, very much alarmed about that.
And again,
so if your MPs,
your representatives are all Muslims,
they're not going to be representing the indigenous population.
So, again, it's about disempowering ordinary people.
only the rich and political class get to remain on top and rule in a way that only
serves them.
And it completely demoralizes the rest of us.
And again,
it's specifically a philosophy,
a worldview that believes in child brides and doing these sorts of things.
And if you don't believe that,
of course,
we've covered that on my channel many times in the debates I've done with Sam
Shamoon against most of the top Muslims that are out there.
I would like to add to get your take on this.
I read a good bit about the history of the Fabian socialists in the UK,
and they had a philosophy very early on that
Classical Marxism didn't work and it was time to update it.
They call it reform Marxism early on in the days of Beatrice and Sidney Webb and
George Bernard Shaw.
And the idea was to join it with a very wealthy elite class in the West.
They recruited people like David Rockefeller,
people like Henry Ford even was very interested in Fabian socialism at one point.
Keir Starmer,
I noticed,
I read some interviews with him,
and he pointed out that he's very much a Fabian socialist,
a big fan of that agenda.
Is that a big part of this?
I read a book a couple years ago by a geopolitical analyst who said that, in his opinion, the
false conservatives in the UK were some of the biggest contributors to the problems
in the UK because they really had no grounding and they really just were,
you know,
jellyfish that kind of caved to whatever the left wanted every 10 or 15 years.
You know, they kind of moved the goalposts over to window.
Same thing happens with the Republicans in America.
What role do you think the Fabian Socialists play in Keir Starmer's ideology?
I think a pretty large role.
Keir Starmer is a continuation of Tony Blair's legacy of new Labour,
which is to abandon its more radical working,
you know,
pro-working class on the surface sentiments of the Labour Party,
you know,
abandon the kind of socialist label and present themselves as more moderate.
But actually, they hold very, very radical beliefs.
But because they present themselves as moderate, people then let their guard down.
And so they then bring in their radical reforms.
And that's why Great Britain has transformed so fundamentally under new labor
rather than old labor.
And Keir Starmer is very much a continuation of that.
you know,
he's not going to be trotting out these overt,
you know,
communist or Marxist statements.
No, he'll position himself as more moderate and more center.
And that's how they managed to subvert our society,
you know,
but actually implementing radical policy.
Fortunately enough.
You know,
society is declining so quickly that people are starting to abandon the Labour Party,
which is very good to see.
So hopefully we'll never get a Labour majority government ever again.
But for the time being,
we're stuck with them and they absolutely are going to implement radical policy,
which will accelerate the decline of our country until we turn it around.
Yeah, there's a great book on this that I recommend.
I've done a few lectures on.
It's called The Milner Fabian Conspiracy.
And really, this guy's a Romanian historian.
He really just chronicles and charts the statements of the Fabians themselves over
the last century plus.
And they were some of the earliest in the UK to say,
we have to replace the existing Christian population in the West,
which are predominantly white.
And we're going to do that by importing any other foreign groups that have
A contrary ideology.
It just so happened at the turn of the century,
last century,
they felt that Sufi Islam would be the first kind of easy way in because Sufism
tends to be more syncretist and more open.
And then later on, it took on more and more of a radical Islamic ideology.
philosophy with Sunni and Wahhabi and all that.
And I remember when I went to London in 2018, you know, it was it was very Islamic, I shall say.
So, I mean, I can't imagine.
I mean,
my wife,
she went to London in 2003 and she said she said she didn't recognize the country
in 2018-19 when we went because it was basically Londonistan.
So I don't know if you do you think what am I trying to say?
Do you think that the
that Islam is the perfect skeleton key,
for not just the UK,
but also the EU to bring in this ideology to essentially destroy it.
I don't know if you remember General Wesley Clark,
but when he was at NATO,
he said that it would be absolutely necessary for NATO to destroy the existing
European countries,
and opening the borders would be the key way to do that.
certainly one of the issues we're having is that because obviously the crimes that
are coming from the Islamic community in Western countries are like the terrorism,
like the gang rape and stuff like this,
that people –
can sometimes get so focused on Islam that they think,
if we just remove the Muslims,
then everything would be fine.
But the thing is that we're still importing non-Islamic people en masse into our countries,
and that's equally just as destabilizing.
So you get everybody up in arms about Islam,
but actually the problem is the fact that we're just being demographically replaced
by people that aren't us that aren't our own people it doesn't actually you know
islam is a huge concern of course islamism is a huge concern but i'm concerned
overall at the fact that uh say the english people are being made a minority in
england by people who aren't english regardless of their religion i am totally
opposed to that and that will cause nothing but trouble
What are some of the other groups besides Pakistani that have been large scale imported?
Well, of course, we've got third world migration.
So we've got migration from sub-Saharan Africa.
So you see this phenomena of knife crime and gang culture is a real issue in places like London.
So people are no longer safe.
They can't even walk the streets without potentially having their phone or watch stolen.
You know,
I was just speaking to one of my colleagues in the party and he was telling me
about how in his town just the other day,
you know,
a sub-Saharan migrant just went up to two people at a bus stop and just decided to
stab them in the neck.
It's not even like they were rival gang members.
These were just ordinary people just waiting at a bus stop and they got stabbed.
And these are the kinds of insane,
mindless criminality that we're importing into our country.
And for what reason?
Oh, because it makes progressive liberals feel good.
Yeah, I met with a bookstore owner, I think, in about 2019.
And I noticed that in Nashville, Tennessee, we had a massive importation of Somalians.
why would we have Somalians imported to Nashville, Tennessee?
And I met this liberal bookstore owner who had pointed out that,
he said,
I work for an NGO and that's what was the virtuous thing to do.
We had to help and bring all these Somalians here because we're a NGO that's helping people.
But it's not helping people to destroy your people and to destroy your society and
your community.
And since 2019,
Nashville has changed tremendously from being a kind of a small southern big town
to now growing into more like Austin,
with a much more diverse population,
which includes probably soon other African groups.
So, yeah, I understand.
It's funny you mention Somali because in Great Britain,
the majority of Somali immigrants are on welfare.
They don't work.
We're literally importing these people from third world countries to not work.
We're often told that we need these people to boost the GDP to contribute to the economy.
You've got certain diasporas that literally the majority of them don't contribute anything.
Yeah, it's exactly the same in the US.
In fact,
I have a friend in Ecuador,
and he was telling me last year that the Biden administration was putting up ads
throughout Latin South America for migrants to come to the US,
immediate job being a trucker or EBT cards,
which is welfare.
So they're even advertising in other countries to do this.
Biden said before he was elected, storm the border.
to those in Latin and South America.
So it's the same strategy in the UK, Europe, and the US.
And to back up your point about the Africans, we went to Italy last year and we went to
places like genoa and i didn't recognize any native italians not one in the entire
city of genoa italy there was no italians it was all pakistanis and it was africans
and you know you've had thousands of people from africa get off boats onto islands
off the coast of italy and i would imagine it's the same in the uk um and the ngos
play a big role in this that's what i wanted to get to next uh you know soros not
just soros other
countries and their NGOs play a key role in this as well,
which seems to be very international and organized.
Yeah, definitely.
In the UK,
we've had this problem of the small boats crisis where basically just unauthorized
immigrants have been crossing the English Channel and rocking up on our shores.
And then the government then puts these people in three, four and five star hotels.
And then basically, it's just rubber stamping them all for asylum.
And as you know, there's this problem where they just throw away their documents.
So we don't know who they are, but we just grant them asylum.
And then, of course, they're just going to live off welfare.
And it's literally national suicide.
And obviously, the NGOs have a part to play in that.
They obviously help these migrants with the dinghies and what have you.
And you get all of this fluff from the politicians about,
we've got to crack down on the criminal gangs.
It's all well and good saying that.
And even if you do arrest some of them, it's so lucrative.
And of course,
you've got these international billionaires like Soros will just keep funding and
founding new NGOs.
So that's that's not the way to deal with it.
The way to do it is to enforce your borders, to have zero tolerance.
If you come into our country, you are not being granted asylum.
We will send you back.
That's how you deal with it.
None of this nonsense about,
we'll prosecute the criminal gangs because more will just crop up.
and so many other countries that the people in the West who are leftists like to
point to,
like China or something like that,
they do not have open borders.
They have very restrictive borders,
even countries in North America,
Latin America,
very restrictive.
yet we're supposed to,
in the West,
because of being browbeaten with fake guilt,
just allow anybody,
all numbers of people,
and it's all paid for by the taxpayers.
And as you pointed out, it actually ties into criminal gangs and human trafficking.
I know in America,
we've seen the Roman Catholic Church in some sectors and certain archbishops
actually colluding with some of the NGOs to foster human trafficking.
And I'm assuming it's probably going on in the UK as well.
Most likely, yeah.
Elon Musk did a space yesterday with the leader of the AFD.
And one of the things he pointed out is you've not just got the problem of the NGOs,
but the fact that the law isn't enforced.
So people like Soros recognize this and exploit this.
They deliberately lobby so that our governments can't function and can't do their
basic role of governance.
And so
providing security and protection for the citizens.
We've got the laws.
The laws exist to stop the grooming gangs,
to stop the illegal immigration,
but they're not enforced.
And there's so many layers of bureaucracy that the politicians use as an excuse of,
we can't act on it.
Oh, we can't do this and we can't do that.
Well, you can,
But you just won't because you're corrupt and you want this to continue,
whether it's because you're serving special interests or you're ideologically invested.
And that's why we need a new elite,
a patriotic elite who don't want to destroy their own country.
What would your message be to people in the U.S.
who have the exact same problem as you?
What is the message?
What is the platform of the Homeland Party?
And maybe you would like to inspire people in the U.S.
to also perhaps start parties like that as well.
What's the platform and message that you guys have?
so one of the things that the United States and the United Kingdom share is that we
have first past the post electoral systems.
So we don't have proportional representation.
Obviously, in your country, you have states and what have you.
And in our country,
we have seats in Westminster where a representative wins that seat for the constituencies.
And this leads to this problem of basically having two main parties always dominate
and it's always very difficult for smaller parties to get a foothold.
What the Homeland Party is doing is we promote community politics and we work with
the system as it is.
You know, we promote candidates.
in these areas and they work their ward and they build up a reputation and they
build goodwill with their electorate so that they can then get a good vote and
hopefully win the seat so that they can actually make it into the House of Commons eventually.
Because you've got other parties like Reform UK, which you may be aware of,
You know, they want to win just by having millionaires donate to them.
They have flashy PR and then they hope to win just for sheer national popularity.
Whereas obviously we're genuine,
we're grassroots and we're actually radical and have the solution.
So we don't have that luxury.
Alec Cave of Homeland.
A lot of people have been talking about the fact that I've lost 56 pounds in the
last four and a half months or so.
And it's trended on X. It's trended all over the place.
Joe Rogan talked about it quite a bit on his podcast yesterday.
And he put to rest a lot of the disinfo.
Well, I saw Alex Jones and he looks really good, doesn't he?
Yeah, he's losing all weight.
He looks like he has to go to court for something.
Our friend Sean is helping him.
He's working out with him every day.
Bro, I noticed it like in a month.
I just saw it and I was like, oh my God.
Yeah, he's really committed.
He's going to do a documentary on it.
He's going to do a documentary on taking back my health.
I mean, he looks totally different now.
He looks like...
Randy Orton.
Now, but imagine if this was no internet.
Imagine there's no internet.
So we don't know.
You believe in a heartbeat it wasn't a rogue guy.
There's no way that's the same guy.
This guy on the left looks 15 years younger.
There's theories that they replaced him with a different guy.
Who did, though?
That's always the thing.
That's the thing.
But here's the thing.
I know that's not true.
I know the guy who's training him.
I know him.
I text Alex all the time.
I know him.
He's just losing weight.
But if you go online, there's a lot of people that believe that this is like a different person.
No, I'm not on those damn big.
No, I'm not a clone, any of that.
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