You are Surrounded by Paid Liars!
Any Blog talking about geopolitics which does not talk about Satanism is part of the Satanic complex, has been co-opted, bought, blackmailed or is Satanic Phoenician.
Any Blog talking about geopolitics which does not talk about Satanism is part of the Satanic complex, has been co-opted, bought, blackmailed or is Satanic Phoenician.
Please understand.
You are surrounded by paid liars!
All these blogs and mainstream media are all lying by omission. These Blogs never tell the real reason why.
These Blogs blame the UN, Agenda 2030, the World Economic Forum, Soros, the Neocons, Satanic Strauss, Boomers, climate change, DEI, Feminism, Race, Tavistock, but never mention that the cause of all these things is Satanism because these Blogs, these people are Satanists, all complicit with the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires like the Rothschilds or Rockefellers.
Their funding as propagandists comes from the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires like the Rothschilds or Rockefellers.
These Blogs, these people are not telling you the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth therefore they lie.
Lies in. Garbage in, Garbage out!
People who are permanently deceived are under information mind control to keep society under control.
Each generation are fed different lies therefore the cultural differences between generations leads to more splits to keep society under control.
Gatekeepers reach further into the intellectual complex as the Blog IQ rises but all these people essentially are there to deflect from the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires like the Rothschilds or Rockefellers.
We go all the way from the Mind Control Mainstream Media to Alex Jones but for 10,000 years Satanists have been in control of the World and the control is maintained by fooling the people getting them to attack windmills.
We have Sancho Panza, panza meaning belly, a low IQ person led by bread and circuses, football, tats, rap, sex and food.
Then we have the high caste Don Quixote, the man of la Mancha. Mancha meaning spot or dirt. A person who is psychologically damaged is easy to mind control to attack windmills and most people are traumatised from birth to produce such psychologically damaged people.
Here is Steven Fry, sodomically raped at Public School as per the 1438AD Eton "Whipping and Fagging" template - damaged, his whole life fucked up!
Then we have various grades of midwittery, but no matter what the IQ of the person from low temperature to average to 130, 150 and above, each intellectual strata of society is managed by a Gatekeeper there to confirm each managed bias and to deflect from Satanism.
And 90% of what they talk about is the Truth, just not the whole truth, lying by omission.
In these blogs, every commenter, every Bot, every AI Chatbot is as paid an actor as the blog progenitor.
They say that the CIA blog managers, society managers now have 30 millions of workers just as they did in East Germany.
In your city, a quarter of the people are now informers managing society.
They all say that it's this cause, climate change, that cause, cutting back on fossil fuels and thus fertiliser, the other cause, Stupid Elites, Agenda 2030 for the fall of the Anglo American Empire…
But in reality its Satanic Policy to create the Fall of the Anglo-American Empire and the rise of the Chinese Century because the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires run Russia and China too..
At the top of the Gatekeepers we have Larouche, Cynthia Chung, Max Erhart, Chomsky, - All gatekeepers telling 90% truth except it is not the whole truth!
Below that we have Blogs filled with erudite talking points blaming this section of society, that section of society this cause, that cause, every cause except the real cause - Satanism!
Alex Jones exposed Bohemian Grove 1000 Acres of California Redwoods near San Francisco and it's Satanic ceremony the Creation of Care where the image of a child is Molochianly burnt on a Satanic Altar under the 40ft stone statue of an Owl. The purpose of this Ritual is to destroy the Heart to become even more psychopathic.
Lawrence Berkeley reporting on the Manhattan Project to create the Atomic bomb, lunching with future president Eisenhower and past president Hoover at Bohemian Grove, July 23, 1950.
Bohemian Grove exposed the politicians like Nixon and Reagan attending. Also the Captains of Corporate America, Hollywood Moguls all Sodomites and Satanists.
Further, Alex Jones reported on attempts to get him to join the Satanists from when he was young and dating beauty queens who then took him to Eyes Wide Shut parties, revealed they were brought up in rich millionaire families and were incested by their fathers and again, invited Alex to join with them.
Henry Kissinger, Rothcop and Roger Ailes tried to recruit Alex Jones but to all this, Alex rejected their sorry asses.
Recently, Voxday mentioned that the Media were Satanic and Drew Hernandez is always bringing out Satanism...
But although many people mention the Satanists, no-one except Satchidanand has written eleven volumes on all aspects of how Satanism runs the World and has run the World for 10,000 years! How Ritual Sodomy is a part of every Satanic organisation since the Dog-priests of Ancient Egypt.
Download all these 53 books for Free!! by signing up at
See videos on How the World Economic Forum's Great Reset and the United Nation's Agenda 2030 are taking over the World at
Jesuit Adam Wieshaupt's Illuminati are Sodomites stating that the injection of Sodomy kundalini energy into the Anus rises up the Spine to Illuminate the head which is the Satanic Left-Hand Path. The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds paid Adam Wieshaupt to run the Illuminati and Jacob Frank to run the Sodomy, incest Sabbatean Frankists whilst they consolidated the Banking Industry, the Central Banks through Sodomy Ritual 33rd Degree Masonry and Sodomy Organisations like the Skull and Bones Society of Drug running Russells founded Yale University.
The hidden elite, satanic sabbatean frankist rothschilds, vatican bank, czar, russia, stalin, marx, hitler, mao, gallipoli, attaturk the consciously created satanic cults which manage the world through the ten thousand year mind control technology of hypnotism, drugs, and torture..
It was the Satanic Kabbalistic leadership that handpicked Jacob Frank to develop the teaching begun by Sabbatai Zevi and to indoctrinate Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Adam Weishaupt. This alliance of Frank-Rothschild-Weishaupt formed an unholy trinity.
1. THEOLOGY: Jacob Frank was in charge of creating a Satanic theology that would be the foundation for revolutions.
2. BANKING: Mayer Amschel Rothschild was in charge of world banking.
3. REVOLUTION: Illuminati Jesuit Adam Weishaupt was in charge of the Satanic revolutionary political development in the world.
Luciferian Satanic Illuminati Sabbatean/Frankists have infil-traited the upper levels of Judaism, Cathoicism, and Islam worldwide. This same Satanic Frankist hetero or Sodomic hierogamy or Ritual Sex, existed in Pagan fertility worship and was also popular in the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, which led to their downfall and eventual captivity.
Read about how the 2500 years ago the Greek Gay Army of the Band of Thebes who were a troop of 150 pairs of male pedophile lovers formed the elite force of the Theban army in the 4th century BC, ending Spartan domination.
The Greek Gay Army of the Band of Thebes so influenced every army in the World, - NATO, British and American Armies - to promote Double Plus Alpha Homosexual penetrator Masters to rule the Slave, "Bottoms" How in 1438AD Whipping and Fagging Eton was created to populate the Gay armies and also to provide Satanic recruits for the Priests, Politicians, Policemen and Professors to Gayly, Pedophilicly run society.
So, understand that you are surrounded by a totally bought media.
So, what is the solution?
In the past, the only solution was to open your eyes to see the Truth, commonly know as Enlightenment.
When all your psychic wounds from this lifetime and all your previous lifetimes - All your Energy Blockages have been transmuted, healed -
Only then can you open your eyes to see the Truth.
Only then, "Those who have ears to hear, let them hear!"
Only the Energy Enhancement Video Meditation Course can successfully Open Your Eyes to the Truth to become able to successfully Oppose Satanism...
Energy Enhancement Meditation and Alchemy
All Alchemy contains the doctrine of three elements — Salt - the Center of the Earth, Sulphur the Sun of the Chakras above the head and Mercury - the energy which flows between them. The Secret of the Transmutation of Energy Blockages through Alchemical VITRIOL!
The Energy Blockages go Deeper!
Not one Spiritual Master talks of Energy Blockages and Removing Energy Blockages using Energy Enhancement Meditation and the Seven Step Process.
Alex Jones is part of the club, same with carlson, same with rogan.
Alex and Carson have been caught many times on cameras giving the secret hand shakes, Jones is a patsy, you're absoulutly right he gives about 90%, just enough to outrage us, but not be able to connect the dots.