Yuko Sato - The Moonlight filled with Compassion
“The Satan arrived in front of the black snake. It was the same man as the picture you often use in your substack. He was glaring at me, but I sat before him and let the moon shine more and more.”
Yuko Sato - The Moonlight filled with Compassion
Yuko Sato Oct 7, 2023, 2:52 AM
“The Satan arrived in front of the black snake. It was the same man as the picture you often use in your substack. He was glaring at me, but I sat before him and let the moon shine more and more.”
The Energy Enhancement Meditation Video Course for Individual Enlightenment
https ://energyenhancement.org/
The Against Satanism Satanic History of the World - Essential Intel to Achieve Planetary Freedom
Dearest Satchi,
Thank you for such a nice message. I read all. It was really good to know your path. I admire your strong determination.
I made a Japanese version of the part one.
Soon, I will create the part two. I meditated a lot to dissolve the pacts. And as you said below,
"I have to help the man. I'm scared if they reject me. I have to be liked by men. Men are society. I'm afraid of being rejected by society. I'm afraid of being thought crazy. I'm afraid of being thought of as just an ordinary woman. I have to be special as well as being nice and kind. I have to be accepted.
Very good to seven step every one of these sentences. A Very great vision!
I applied the seven step every one of these sentences. Please read my review. I didn’t write it yet, next day, I had a fantastic meditation experience. I will write in the next review.
This weekend I will joined a Kendo practice with my daughter. A 8 dan Sensei will come to Prague from Japan.
Lots of gratitude to you, Devi and another EE students. We are cleaning and purifying the earth and the universe.
On Sunday morning, I woke up in the small cottage on the cliff looking down the beautiful river called Ohře. I had stayed since Wednesday, so today was the fourth day and the last day.
Just before, I had received a message in my dream in a distinguished way. Yes, a dream again! I knew you said so. It showed “Wisdom” in black ink on a broad and bright white screen flashing backlight for a quite long time. When I woke up, reflecting bright light inside my eyes, I knew that I had enough wisdom from my experience and I was determined to trust it as well as myself.
Following your curiosity, I'd been meditating upon the negative feelings against men which I received from ripples on the surface of my subconscious spring for a couple of days. These are,
"I have to help the man. I'm scared if they reject me. I have to be liked by men. Men are society. I'm afraid of being rejected by society. I'm afraid of being thought crazy. I'm afraid of being thought of as just an ordinary woman. I have to be special as well as being nice and kind. I have to be accepted.
You wrote, that
Very good to seven step every one of these sentences. A Very great vision!
I asked my mind computer about each of the 9 feelings and it showed the place in my timeline. I dived into my particular past life and I revealed a past life.
I was forced to marry someone for political reasons by my father in 1873. I had a man I love secretly and I was afraid of my father to know him. Finally, my father knew everything and locked me in the room. The Raven came at the window. I talked to the raven as if I were talking to the man I love. I expected one day he would come to save me. But it didn’t happen. I cried a lot and gave up hope.
Eventually, the well-dressed man appeared in my room after midnight. He said that if I could sign this, then it would protect me from getting married. It was like the 42. VOWS AGAINST MARRIAGE (Can Keep You From Getting Married) in your list, Satchi.
And he passed me an old book. He said that I could revenge on my father and the man who didn’t save me using this book. I opened its cover. I saw the “MALLEUS MALEFICARUM”. I didn’t know what it meant. But, I was familiar with this book. Last year, one of my friends sent me a picture of this book. He worked in the museum in England and organized an exhibition of witches. This well-dressed man passed me another pact to sign. It was like the 21. VOWS TO REVENGE. WOW!!!! This was the moment.
Suddenly, the Raven appeared at the window and started tap dancing. This well-dressed man transformed the ugly creature. I applied the 7-step process to him, the pact and the book. When I completed the 7-step process, a lot of shining creatures - Angels - were released. I enjoyed dancing with them. I felt so free again. These pacts must be binding me so long and tight. But somehow, I felt not enough in my guts, and I could not make any progress after.
So, it was the purpose of this four-day trip to stay in the cottage with my best friend who wanted to meditate with me. Her name was Moth. The very first night, we sat on the sofa together drinking tea. She talked about her dream, where she was about to die. She was surrounded by her parents and friends. They showed their love with a relaxing soft warm feeling. But she felt guilt.
When she was expressing the feelings of guilt to me, I was in sync and I saw the vision.
This was the first time I saw somebody’s vision and my crown chakra behind my third eye so actively vibrating.
In my psychic vision, she was terribly wounded in the left side of her solar plexus. It was after the duel. There was a lot of blood in her hand. She was lying in the middle of a deep forest with her people. I told my vision and she jumped up shortly by surprise. She felt a strong heaviness in the left side of her solar plexus since she was small. We talked about this for a while. This was a beautiful but a bit spooky experience.
I thought it was high time to tell my experience with the Raven during my meditation. I didn’t tell anybody except you, Satchi. I told her I heard the negative feelings against men from my subconscious spring in the bottom of my heart.
Surprisingly, she confessed that she had the same feelings since she was small. She added that it might be a collective feeling of women through long history. It surprised me a lot. Because she has a completely different experience. She comes from a good family who support each other. She has a good lovely relationship with her father. She doesn’t have any negative experiences against men, unlike me. So, It might be the feeling all women have in their subconscious mind. It gave me another perspective to meditate on these feelings.
The next day, we meditated together and we talked about our meditation, just like the EE meditation course. She had difficulty seeing blockages while I had no progress with these fears against men. Even though she said that she didn’t have any blockages, I started to believe I grounded all of my fear against men, so there was nothing more to meditate on. I was too optimistic, Satchi. Of course, no, right?
After the meditation, I finished reading a book. It is called, “Women Who Run With the Wolves.” I found some interesting information. It was written that a woman’s life is divided into phases of seven years each. Every seven-year period stands for a certain set of experiences and learnings.” It rang a bell in my head. You mentioned something like that in your email.
Satchi wrote,
“I think because my Sun is conjunct with Saturn, every seven years of my life I have had psychic experiences of initiation. Every Master of Meditation in India, Hogen, Satchidananda, Sathya Sai Baba, Sri Yogendra, and Father Bede Griffiths gave me energy and psychic experiences.
At 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56 years of age.”
I was not familiar with Astrology, so I decided to check my sign. Whilst my Sun sign is Aquarius, my Moon is conjunct with Saturn at Gemini in the first house which represents myself. It showed that I was born with two almost opposite natures. My moon and Saturn never cooperate together, they were fighting each other. I felt that my Saturn was dominant over the moon power in my life. It is interesting. It might be a trigger. Another conjunction in my horoscope is that the Sun and Venus are in the 10th house. Let’s leave this aside. I have more serious business to meditate upon.
Then, after this discovery, I had a strange funny dream. It made me laugh still. There were Ms Moon and Mr Saturn in my dream. I was standing in the middle. Mr Saturn was really strict and strong like my mother. I had a very strict and dominant mother. It was funny, right? But Ms Moon was very quiet. It was obvious that she couldn’t shine enough because she was frightened by Mr Saturn. I sincerely asked Mr Saturn to leave my life. I would like to be with Ms Moon. I would like to be confident to be a woman and naturally enjoy being a woman.
Mr Saturn answered “Nope!” Because if he left me, I would lose my strength which is courage and strong willpower. OK. I understand that. My strength comes from Mr Saturn, thank you very much. I started to use my communication skills with Mr Saturn. I knew if I used straightforward negotiation, he would say “Nope!” again, just like my mother. So, I tried more subliminal negotiation using Ms Moon’s power of sensitivity. I appraised our interpersonal relationships with Mr Saturn and Ms Moon.
Now, if we use that lunar energy, sensitivity and intuition in the front line, moreover, Mr Saturn supports us at the bottom like a strong base, I would really convey this kind of emotional transparency like compassion, and good vibration along with my strength from Mr Saturn. It would be a new strength, our new unique strength. Then, I woke up.
As part of the Energy Enhancement Course Level 5 I have found these very helpful systems Initiations that further disinfect the purity of the soul. These systems can be seen as maps that indicate the condition of the body and the experiences of the Individual.
The basis of Energy Enhancement is to remove blockages using effective techniques like no other system of meditation. This Level 5 includes knowledge that is ancient and it helps anyone who is wanting to become all they were meant to be.
As we access the knowledge of Energy Enhancement Level 5 we access deep spiritual knowledge that we can attach to and augment our spiritual bodies. As an additional support to the already well equipped Levels 0 – 4 of Mastery...
Here below my reports where I tried and tested Level 5 Initiations in Astrology, Iridology, The Major Arcana Archetypes of the Tarot, Removing All the Demons of Demonology, plus Runes, the I Ching, and videos of Devi Dhyani Mudras and Devi Dhyani Liberation of Blockages.
If you are serious about self-improvement, growth, change, enlightenment! Then the Energy Enhancement Course is for you.
Energy Enhancement Meditation is the only therapy in the World which can remove Energy Blockages like Sub-Personalities!
With the help of Swami Satchidanand I’m experiencing the most accelerated integration period in my life.
Satchidanand has an intuitive ability to sense were there might be a Sub-Personality at work. He then encourages self-inquiry to find the root of what might be anchoring the blockage. Because his aura is so warm and caring he emanates an energy you can trust and be open with. Without judging you, he takes the logical approach in finding key words or images that you can then use to Ground and Heal the sub-personality.
As at the end of it I can then use Energy Enhancement – Samyama techniques to psychically transform the Sub-Personality or blockage, Ground all the trauma and Negative Karmic Mass.
I know that ordinarily some therapies slowly get you to unfold, open up, and talk about things. This is great. However it’s not enough. Not if you want to be well. To be able to have such an effective Key, such as Energy Enhancement, to turn that all around and actually remove the blockage on a spiritual level is unheard of.
Satchidanand is so happy to help anyone that wants to be well, whole and connected to God.
This is an incredibly productive therapy session with Satchidanand here in the Ashram at Iguazu because although all other therapies like Jungian Analysis, Psychotherapy or Transactional Analysis can describe the energy blockage, sub-personality with traditional scripts and Archetypes like the Poor Me, Addict, Kick Me, Violator, Revenge, Fuck You!! or the Black Star, none of these therapies except Energy Enhancement can remove the script, sub-personality or Energy Blockage.
As I progress along the path of purification my meditative practices have improved, no actually it’s more accurate to say they have been corrected with Energy Enhancement techniques. Because now I’m tapping into the process whereby I can affect my present experience. Healing my past and clearing my future with the energy of the Higher – Powered Present.
Because I activated my Soul energy through the practices of Energy Enhancement, my Soul now sends me information, vision downloads, about the things which need to be healed, grounded and integrated next. My Soul is in charge of my Integration, Enlightenment Process!!
I have noticed with all this grounding that I’ve been doing here at Iguazu, that I can now sit in meditation and feel that peaceful bliss for a long time. Now, out of Any forty Minute Session, for at least twenty minutes I Am In Complete Bliss Samadhi!!
Before I could not because of the blockages.
When I practice Pranayama, Yoga, or Nauli Kriya I get shown by my Soul through my psychic vision what needs to be healed.
When this happens, I’ve needed to stop in mid practice. This is because something comes up, a blockage is revealed by means of a vision. So I then get myself in an upright sitting position to ground and heal the blockages.
Also, the intense Prana created by these Energy Enhancement Course practices can be used to transmute blockages using Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process Techniques.
With the 12 Initiation Practises of the Energy Enhancement Course Level 0 – designed to parallel the other Energy Enhancement Course Levels – including Agnisar Kriya, Nauli Kriya and Pranayama, I’m learning to channel the intensified Prana and use it to clear my psychic body further.
What I’ve realized is that I must go at these Subs and blocks a few times before they completely go. It is like the layers of an onion. I get tested I notice, a test to see if they are still there by circumstances and if I react in the same way or otherwise, then I know it is still there.
Sub – Personalities are the biggest problems they need a lot of energy to heal. That’s why Satchidanand’s Buddhfield energy is powerful energy which pervades the whole Ashram at Iguazu and augments my energy to remove Energy Blockages. Because his purpose in being here to help others and improve life on this planet, he has been radiating the energy necessary to help me evolve.
Evolution is matter of energy, the more energy from God you can channel the more evolved you become. So this path of removing blockages and Sub-personalities has been the High Way of my life.
I feel really blessed to have this opportunity here in Iguazu!! – Thank you Satchi and Devi.
That day, we had a great long meditation together with my best friend, Moth. She finally succeeded in transforming the blockage into an angel!!! I did Shikantaza to feel Ms Moon’s energy from the top and Mr Saturn’s energy from the bottom. I enjoyed keeping a balance between the two and swimming in the harmonized energy. After the meditation, I created a Haiku which is Japanese short poems.
Then, it was the last day.
I boiled water and made Chinese tea called Liupao. A caramel-coloured liquid was poured into the dark brown teacup made by my friend Moth’s creative hands. It’s the colour of amber and the shape of almost a circle which is made by hand. It was shining like the full moon which I saw last night. I sat crossed my legs and sipped the moon. The energy of the earth from tea leaves and the clay of the teacup was flowing into my throat. The hidden passion beneath its burnish was there and life force energy flowed beneath its transparent brown colour. I closed my eyes and smelled the scent of the shining life force energy while listening to the Gyuto Monks. I breathed slowly and counted to 111.
I asked my mind computer to show where those feelings came from in my timeline. It showed those by lighting up in my timeline. It looked like a long line of light on it. And surprisingly, there was a giant black snake on the line of light. It was looking at me and brought the head up like a cobra.
It was very tall and frightened me. But I knew this black snake. Because it was in my dream last night, just before I received the message of "Wisdom". It was with my ex-husband. My ex-husband looked like a pet of this giant black snake. This snake was black like charcoal. I was really afraid of it, but it stayed somewhere in the flat where he and my daughter live. I wanted to get rid of this snake. It disappeared before my eyes, but I felt this existence.
Now, this black snake was about to attack me in my meditation. I thought to fight back with my spiritual sword as usual with Saturn energy. At that time, the message of "Wisdom" stopped me. A thought came to my head that if I kept fighting blockages with Saturn, it never end. I dropped my spiritual sword and breathed deeply and slowly, then I sat and crossed my legs before the giant black snake. Wisdom taught me that meditation was mightier than a sword. I trusted myself. I meditated over the meditation. I closed my eyes, but my third eye was projecting the black snake. It didn’t disappear.
I brought Ms Moon on top of me connecting to gain lunar power. I saw the beautiful bright full moon in the woods last night after enjoying the fire. It shined like the silver sun without heat. It was stunningly beautiful. I felt compassion under the moonlight. It was similar to the feeling which was a mixture of sadness, acceptance and forgiveness as listening to the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven.
I allowed the moon to shine more. Probably, I didn't allow it before unconsciously, because of Saturn. But now, Saturn was supporting us at the bottom as he spread his power bottom of the black snake secretly and patiently. I felt protected. So, I decided to sip a cup of tea.
I carefully pour that hidden passion into my mouth. The liquid of that passion revealed its presence on my tongue and slowly stretched its limbs. Its presence manifested my body and unified my five senses, as well as the sixth sense. I looked up. The caramel-coloured liquid made it so. There was a beautiful full moon shining at the top of my Antahkarana. The taste of tea and the moon were integrated. The moon shone double. I let the soft shining light fall on the black snake. It started to run away, but there was no way out. Because Mr Saturn perfectly created a strong container. The black snake could not run away. The soft light completely covered the black snake. Then, the shining moon angels appeared. The moon shone tripled and the black snake shrunk. I completed the first step.
The next is minions. I let the moon shine more and lights were falling on all minions. I created the field of moonlight. I sandwiched minions with lights and a flat container of Saturn. I squeezed, kneaded and rolled it. Then, I threw it in the centre of the earth. A shining ball was born. It was just like the moon. I sent it to the moon. The moon shined more and the black snake shrank.
The Satan arrived in front of the black snake. It was the same man as the picture you often use in your substack. He was glaring at me, but I sat before him and let the moon shine more and more. I was breathing this light and I felt compassion. Satan was covered with shining silver light and he fell into the centre of the earth by himself. He transformed a beautiful silver shining angel. She passed me the silver key. Then she flew up to the moon. The moon shined more and more. It was absolutely bright.
I was not sure where the controller was. I asked my mind computer where it was. It answered that it was in my Womb. Wow! In my womb? It might be. Why not? It is located in my second chakra. I breathed shining lights and conveyed them into my womb. My womb was covered with shining lights.
The wind touched my cheeks and I sniffed the scent of apples. There were apple trees around this cottage. The scent of the wind blew up a layer of my womb. Wow, it was like a Matryoshka doll. I breathed shining lights and conveyed them into the new layer of my womb. It was covered with shining lights.
The wind touched my forehead and I felt warm. The temperature of the wind blew up a new layer of my womb. A new layer of my womb appeared. I kept breathing lights. It was covered with lights. I felt the glare of the sun on my shoulder. The glare of the sun burnt the layer of my womb. Now my womb was filled with moon and sun lights. I saw a purified womb which was shining and vibrating.
There was a keyhole. Wow! I was excited because I had a shining silver key in my hand. The shining silver angel gave me. I put it into the keyhole. Bingo!!!!! It was opened. I found the controller. Wow! Can you guess what it was? It was a small black computer chip. I conveyed the silver lights on it. I let the moon shine more and more. When it was covered, I put my hand on it and picked it up gently without touching it. The black computer chip had many small black strings which went into my cells. I took them out from my womb and I pushed out all strings out from my cells. It worked. I made a small ball with lights and dropped it into the centre of the earth.
It became a silver shining snake.
I focus on the ten chakras above the head. I filled it with the moonlight. But I could see some black spots. I pushed them out and sent gratitude to those black spots. I said, “You no longer need to serve me, but thank you for protecting me.” They were out from my Antahkarana and I dropped them into the center of the earth. At that very moment, I saw a small bright star through my Antahkarana. It was calling me to come over. Wow, it was so beautiful and so bright.
I heard the voice of Mr Saturn. “Two more steps to go.” Mr Saturn reminded me, “You must complete the 7-step!” Then, a shining silver snake came to me. I tapped its head. It allowed me to ride on. So, I went up to millions of chakras above my head.
I filled the millions of chakras above my head with shining moonlight with compassion. I was overwhelmed with gratitude. I stirred the moonlight and washed the millions of chakras. Then I drained the moonlight with things no longer served me into the centre of the earth. The thousands of lights appeared and shot to the shining star far above. Now, all were aligned.
I flew up to infinity following the light. I reached the infinity. There was the mark of infinity. I found the flat stone below the infinity mark. There was a list of pacts. I put my palm on the stone. I scanned all pacts with my palm and I dropped all pacts into the center of the earth. I wiped the surface of the stone with the moonlight. It became clean and shiny.
Now, I looked down my timeline. The black snake disappeared. I opened my arms widely and asked Mr Saturn who lies under the time line to help me. I am holding my timeline with my arms, my past on the left arm and my future on the right arm. I dissolved all pacts and related Karmas. I could join the past and the future. I slowly moved my arms up to the vertical like an asana called Tadasana. Yes!! I did. I united my past and future. I looked up. Yes!! I saw the shining bright star and I perfectly aligned my palms to it. Everything was inside my Antahkarana. All were dissolved. Now I had only a present and I was going toward the shining star.
This was my new strength which came from harmoning my Moon and Saturn.
I sipped a cup of tea in my hands. It was cold.
I opened my eyes. The blue sky was stretched over before me and the moon was still there.
Love and Light