Enlightenment with Zen Master Hogen, Satchidananda, and Gurdjieff
Then Satchidananda, Gurdjieff and Zen Master Hogen have techniques for you to enable you to overcome internal saboteurs and External Demons preventing you from accomplishing your task.
Enlightenment with Zen Master Hogen, Satchidananda, and Gurdjieff
If you want to change.
If you want to become stronger.
If you want to Evolve...
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Then Satchidananda, Gurdjieff and Zen Master Hogen have techniques for you to enable you to overcome internal saboteurs and External Demons preventing you from accomplishing your task.
"I am only a mid-wife or a guide and it is you who must walk every step of the way by yourself" - Zen Master Hogen
"Can you feel my breeze blowing, even from 10,000 miles?" - Zen Master Hogen Daido Yamahata
"When I was young I used to touch my students. I took away their cancer. I took away their heart problems. But after a few years, they all came back to me with the same problems. It was then I understood that their minds must change by their own strength, so I taught them Yoga. The healing came in on the side." - Swami Satchidananada
There is the story of an Enlightened Master who lived in a monastery on the top of a mountain in the Himalayas. He only allowed his disciples to see him. He said if normal people came to see him they would, "Blow Up!".
I do not think he meant physically blow up, but that the strong energies of the Buddhafield of energy which emanates from the psychic body of a Master would upset them unnecessarily.
I remember reading several books by Gurdjieff and books about Gurdjieff.
I remember being taught by an old disciple of Gurdjieff a guy named Jerome in Goa thirty years ago.
He taught me and Devi Dhyani the "Stop" exercise.
And then he taught us the Gurdjieff DLRT method of projecting energy towards food to purify it after we had eaten it. He took me to a Goan bar to practise the method on beer saying this is what Gurdjieff used to do in order to eat and drink what he drank and still live a long and happy life. The poison could be grounded, transmuted. The death of a thousand cuts could be stopped.
But why transmute for hours when just by looking with the Third Eye we could then see if the food was poisonous, and then not eat it? And why transmute just physical food? Energy Blockages or as Gurdjieff named them, Kundabuffer, are responsible for cancer and heart disease. Why not transmute them instead?
Gurdjieff taught Conscious Labour and Intentional Suffering.
Gurdjieff - Reciprocal Maintenance Meditation, the Solution to the Problem of War, Increase of Life leading to Immortality Part 2 of 2
Gurdjieff's Books
Reciprocal Maintenance Meditation, Buffers or Energy Blockages, Mechanical people, Sub – Personalities and the Soul Personality or Essence, through the work of Gurdjieff Part 1 of 2
Reciprocal Maintenance Meditation, the Solution to the Problem of War, Increase of Life leading to Immortality through the work of Gurdjieff Part 2 of 2
Tapas IS the Conscious Suffering of Gurdjieff
What did Gurdjieff say about Meditation, Orage, Egoism and the Enhancement of Energy? Pt 3 of 3 "The force and degree of a man's inner benevolence evokes in others a proportionate degree of...
What did Gurdjieff say about Meditation, Ouspensky, Egoism and the Enhancement of Energy? Pt 2 of 3 "The force and degree of a man's inner benevolence evokes in others a proportionate degree...
What Did Gurdjieff Say about Meditation, Frank Lloyd Wright, Ego + Enhancement of Energy? Pt1 of 3 "The force and degree of a man's inner benevolence evokes in others a proportionate...He also taught the unifying methodology, making sense of Conscious Labour and Intentional Suffering called Reciprocal Maintenance
Any Master has so purified his spiritual body by lifetimes of Conscious Labour and Intentional Suffering improved by, accelerated by Meditation, the Kundalini Kriyas, Alchemical VITRIOL, Reciprocal Maintenance The Gurdjieff DLRT method called by Patanjali, Samyama, or the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to completely transmute and remove Energy Blockages which stop the flow of the Energy of God from the Central Spiritual Sun.
High above your head. An infinity of Chakras above the Head. Is an infinite source of pure, perfect Energy sometimes called the Holy Spirit or the Blood of Christ. It "Droppeth as the gentle dew from heaven upon it's place beneath. It is twice blessed, first by he who gives, and then by he who receives..." - Shakespeare - The Quality of mercy is not constrained - Merchant of Venice.
Energy Enhancement Meditation Alchemical VITRIOL Opening the Third Eye Infinitely Increases Intelligence!
Here is a section from my book, Commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Satchidanand BOOK FOUR - Kaivalya Pada Portion on Absoluteness - Purity.
Sutra 23... "The mind-stuff, when colored by both Seer and Seen, understands everything."
Book - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Satchidanand.
Save your life with Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Meditation course.. Book One, Sutra One - Here are complete Instructions on Enlightenment...
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali talks about Illumination as being Nirbija Samadhi. This word is a teaching as to what exactly enlightenment is. Nir means no, and Bija means seed. The seeds of desires which have not yet come to fruition. These Seeds are Energy Blockages. This is the Karma which is yet to come. And as it says in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, "The Karma, the Pain, that is to come can be averted" - Book 2 Sutra 16. The removal of Energy Blockages, Grounding their Negative Karmic Mass, is an Energy Enhancement Process called, "Karma Cleaning" - The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 3 of Energy Enhancement.
Each desire seed when watered can addict us to the desire it contains.
In the Yoga Sutras they talk of the method of roasting the seeds - removing the addiction, the slavery to your desires (When you slaver your saliva over something the desire drips out of your mouth) - so that the life they contain is extinguished, they can not germinate even with all the correct conditions, ever again to bring us to Painful Karma. And what roasts the seeds?
This is the concentration of the Light of the Soul in Samadhi, the next highest energy to the mind and there are higher energies still we can contact on the path of Energy Enhancement, as light is concentrated through a lens, as it is focused through the Brow Chakra, Ajna Chakra or through any of the chakras of which the Brow chakra is the Master - this is called Samyama...
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Do you understand what is being said about the "Free Book - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Commentary by Satchidanand"?
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And how much more Knowledge is available In the Book!!
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Energy Enhancement Meditation Alchemical VITRIOL Opening the Third Eye Infinitely Increases Intelligence!
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Satchidanand BOOK FOUR - Kaivalya Pada Portion on Absoluteness - Purity.
Sutra 23... "The mind-stuff, when colored by both Seer and Seen, understands everything."
Energy Enhancement Meditation immediately starts to remove blockages and increase the IQ by connecting to an infinite stream of energy from the central spiritual sun which actually increases the speed of evolution of the DNA, and Opens the Third Eye of psychic Vision and eventually telepathy...
When we connect with infinite external sources of energy increasing telepathy and intuition by Opening the Third Eye in Samadhi then we start to understand everything.
The Seen is Prakriti or the chakras beneath the Base Chakra. This, "Inflow of nature" is that which creates evolution.
It is the inflow of infinite energy from external chakras of the Universe, the infinity of chakras above the head, ending in the Central Spiritual Sun of Gurdjieff, or God..., the infinity of chakras below the base including Kundalini Chakra in the center of the Earth...
Remember Alchemical VITRIOL - Visita Interiore Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultem Lapidem...
"Visit the center of the Earth, there you will find the Philosophers Stone which by rectification transmutes base metal, lead or Energy Blockages into Gold or pure perfect spiritual energy..."
This is VITRIOL, Visita Interiore Terrae Rectificando Invenies Ocultem Lapidem the source of infinite Kundalini Energy entering the base chakras from the source of Kundalini Energy center of the earth, opening the Third Eye, opening psychic vision, creating Psychic Powers!
Read about it here... Alchemical Process of VITRIOL and the Kundalini Kriyas of Energy Enhancement Meditation, Energy Enhancement Level 1, Initiation Three, The Grounding of Negative Energies.
The Seer or higher self is Purusha and exists in the chakras above the head. It rains down chit-shakti or intelligent energy into the mind along the length of the Antahkarana connecting with the Central Spiritual Sun which because the chakras above the head connect in to every human being on the planet, as well as to higher intelligences above the planet, this intuitive intelligent energy starts to inform the mind as in telepathy and vastly, exponentially, increases the intelligence of the Mind.
Any Master has so purified his spiritual body by lifetimes of Conscious Labour and Intentional Suffering that the cover of Energy Blockages has been removed and he stands beneath the Central Spiritual Sun without any shade taking the Blood of Christ into his body and radiating it out as the Buddhafield.
This Buddhafield radiates out as a field of energy which acts upon any Energy Blockage in any of his students. The Students who are close are the in patients, the students who are far away are the out patients and all of them are acted upon by the Buddhafield of the Master.
"Can you feel my breeze blowing, even from 10,000 miles?" Zen Master Hogen Daido Yamahata
Devi Dhyani developed as a Uranian Power and Saturnian Vessel from meditations in past lifetimes.
I, Swami Satchidananda developed as a Saturnian and Neptunian Power from meditations in past lifetimes.
Together, we radiate a lot of Power!
The Buddhafield is the Conscious Labour of the Master and the Intentional Suffering is the effect on the students in that the Buddhafield pushes the Energy Blockages out of the students body, and the Energy Blockages push back by telling the student to leave the presence of the Master. Energy Blockages do not want to go.
Just by looking back on your time with a Spiritual Master, you can see where you missed. How the Energy Blockages pushed you away so you left. So you did not remove the Energy Blockage cause of that leaving!
Any aware and awake student will use the Buddhafield the the Master to punctuate the Energy Blockages and when found, remove them by the use of the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process instead of just holding on to them in suffering, stupid suffering.
This is the meaning of Gurdjieff's Fourth Way superior to Meditation, Retreats, Yoga, Pranayama, Agnisar Kriya, Tapas which will bring out the blockages, but unless you have a method of removing the blockages, then you will suffer longer than you need to.
Intentional suffering is the use of the Gurdjieff DLRT process or Patanjali Samyama, or the Energy Enhancement Meditation Seven Step Process to remove the Energy Blockages so the suffering stops!
As an extra gift, the Master will increase the pressure on the student to bring out the blockages even faster, created by him giving an impossible task to one of his students like Gurdjieff did at the big country house outside Paris, Le Prieure.
Gurdjieff told one student to dig in the garden to find a spring of water. After months of effort digging and digging - he did not give up - the student found the spring. Gurdjieff blessed him by anointing him in a special ceremony in a lake.
Gurdjieff buried the Spring. The result was not the finding of the spring. The result was overcoming of the Denying Force which acts in every human being. The result was the illumination of the student who became a World teacher of Gurdjieffian techniques even after the Master died.
This is the purpose of Zen Retreats called Sesheins... Or just Meditating a little, Every Day!
One impossible task is called "Just Sitting", or in Japanese, Shikantaza, the methodology of Zen Meditation but it becomes stupid Conscious Labour and Intentional Suffering without Gurdjieff's Reciprocal Maintenance Without the Gurdjieff DLRT process or Patanjali Samyama, or the Energy Enhancement Meditation Seven Step Process to remove the Energy Blockages
One of the things we emphasize most strongly is to regularly attend retreats, where we have the opportunity to really settle into all aspects of practice more deeply. One crucial element of retreats is that they create an artificial environment—minimizing external distractions—so that we can look more deeply inward. Since we may feel both the physical discomfort from long days of sitting, as well as the emotional discomfort that comes when difficult energy blockage emotions arise, retreats can be, in part, an act of “intentional suffering.”
Conscious Labour and Intentional suffering, are terms from the Gurdjieff teachings, is where we consciously place ourselves in circumstances where we are forced to deal with difficulty—both physical and emotional. In other words, the retreat environment can help push us in ways that we would never push ourselves on our own.
Sitting with a living Buddha emanating the energy of the Buddhafield will attack all of the impurities inside us and force us to face the fact that we are impure. We can sit there stupidly with the discomfort or we can focus on it with a technique to remove that discomfort.
We can utilise to Buddhafield of the Master to find the impurity in our system. We can then remove the impurity utilising the Energy Enhancement Meditation Seven Step Process, Gurdjieff's Reciprocal Maintenance.
For example, one of the great benefits of retreats is sitting in silence. We intentionally place ourselves in this environment where there is no talking. It’s true that at times we might relish it—but usually not for too long. The feeling of restlessness might kick in. Or the desire for a little drama, a little entertainment. And often we follow the urge—even if we’re just talking to ourselves. Yet, sitting in silence allows us to see through how we continually try to distract ourselves. In other words, it forces us to look more deeply at ourselves but also to endure the discomfort stupidly whereas with Energy Enhancement Meditation we can consciously remove the discomfort.
Once removed by meditation, this purity extends into our normal life as peace and prosperity...
There are two very different types of suffering—intentional or conscious suffering, and, as Gurdjieff calls it, or stupid suffering.
The second kind of suffering or stupid suffering is our everyday suffering, which is self-imposed by our own mechanicalness and neurotic conditioning. For example, our angry or anxious reactions, our self-judgments, and our addictive behaviors that bring us no real or lasting satisfaction because without the ability to transmute our impurities once found by Conscious Suffering just staying with them when we can learn to transmute them quickly through the Energy Enhancement Meditation Seven Step Process is kind of stupid..
Energy Enhancement Meditation Speeeds UP! the Process...
My first Sesshein with Hogen which I fused with Alchemical VITRIOL increased my daily meditation from 30 minutes to one hour.
After a year of daily practise my second Sesshein with Hogen led to the experience every time I meditated in the Seshein of sitting outside of the body in the center of the universe so although the body was in pain, I did not feel it.
I remember Zen Master Hogen saying of me in Sessien, "Look how much he has grown!" This growth after only two sessiens was only possible by fusing Zen Meditation with the Kundalini Kriyas or Gurdjieff's Reciprocal Maintenance!
Hopefully, we have all found out that this kind of suffering is completely useless, and often avoidable; or, at the very least, workable. In fact, one of the primary purposes of our practice is to gradually liberate us from this pointless, self-inflicted misery.
Every time we make an effort to intentionally stay with our experience, especially when it’s difficult is stupid suffering.
Until we know how to remove the Energy Blockage saboteur - Only then this discomfort becomes food for our Being, only then can it nourish qualities like perseverance and equanimity. This is one of the prime ways our learning can go deeper.
In many ways, were afraid to look at—to really see—our many layers of self - our many energy blockages, our many demons, our many subpersonalities who, "when sworn to get out of bed at 4am to Meditate are not the same subpersonalities who throw the alarm clock out of the window" - Gurdjieff.
It is our Energy Blockages which degrade our perseverance, our willpower, our sticktoitness, our One Soul Infused Personality.
"If you want to be a good man, Be One!" - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations...
It takes some courage to face not only our beliefs and assumptions, but also our identification with them. We’re afraid that the story that we’ve been telling ourselves all along— about who we are, what our life has been, why things are the way they are—will be jarred and shaken. If we are not this story, this fabrication of a life created by our inner demons, who are we? And until we have a deeper sense of the Oneness of our Soul, the story of our competing subpersonalities is all we know.
So it’s good to look precisely at our many layers, particularly where we’re afraid.
These are our hidden corners—our edge. This is where we must go most deeply.
As we practise our Pranayama, Yama being the God of Death, so we breathe in for 10 seconds, hold the breath for 10, 20, 40 seconds, then breathe out for 20 seconds for 10 times in a row. The first round is easy. But the second?
Our consciousness says if you don't breathe you will die! And the fear of death, working with Lord Yama, forces us to oppose the fear inside. Forces us to overcome the internal sabotuers and defeat them, making pranayama, less than meditation, one of the premier methods of promoting that inner oneness we all aspire to. It is one of the paradoxes of spiritual practice that the more deeply we look into self, with conscious efforts, the more we become free of self.
Pranayama we teach in Energy Enhancement Meditation Level 0 together with Yoga, Agnisar Kriya, fasting and much more.
The Kundalini Kriyas, Alchemical VITRIOL, Opening the Third Eye, access to infinite amounts of Spiritual Energy we teach in Energy Enhancement Meditation Level 1.
The Energy Enhancement Meditation Seven Step Process, removing the blockages from the infinity of chakras above the Head, the creation of the Buddhafield we teach in Energy Enhancement Meditation Level 2.
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Losing our Energy Blockages, losing our Fear in Meditation we nourish qualities like perseverance and equanimity in our Daily Lives.
In this way, retreats are one technique among many which offer us the opportunity to take our learning to deeper levels, always grounded in our willingness to intentionally suffer, that is, to stay present with our own difficult experience and use that to remove the energy blockages with The Energy Enhancement Meditation Seven Step Process.
When we talk about learning, we’re not talking about acquiring conceptual knowledge or intellectual insights. In practice, the real learning process has to be experiential. Without the experiential component, especially without our inner struggles, our understanding remains merely conceptual. In other words, to be transformative we must move from growth in mere knowledge to growth in what we call Being, or Being- Awareness or as Gurdjieff said, Being Partkdolg Duty, your Dharma. That work you must do to fulfill your destiny.
This does not mean, however, that there is a bigger or better “me”—what it means is that we are removing the excess marble to create the pure godlike statue connecting more fully with who or what we really are and with what life is.
As an example of the learning process in retreats, a very common meditation instruction is to bring attention to the breath. At first, we usually understand this to mean we should focus on the breath in a very concentrated way. So when we go to retreats we will follow this practice, often with the idea that if we stay really focused on the breath, we will become more calm. This notion is what many people believe meditation is about in the Me-phase of practice.
After we’ve worked with this practice for a while, our understanding may begin to change. As we sit and struggle through the long hours of retreats—and this is what is meant by intentional suffering—there is often a shift from simply trying to become calm, toward viewing the breath as part of a wider container of awareness. The breath becomes the space within which we experience our thoughts and emotions. At this point we are moving from the Me-phase of practice into Being-Awareness, cultivating a larger sense of life.
The breath is not just air.
The breath is prana and you learn to use the breath as a tool to push and focus prana to remove suffering.
But over time, the awareness of the breath can take us even deeper. As we practice awareness of the breath through many retreats—intentionally undergoing difficult conditions—the breath can become a touchpoint or portal into reality. The breath touches lightly on the center of the chest, and puts us in touch with the warmth of our natural kindness.
Energy Enhancement Level 1 Initiation 5 is the projection of Prana with the breath through the heart center and the third eye increasing the power of the projection, Opening the Heart and Third Eye more and more.
Eventually, a very light, almost effortless awareness replaces the former disciplined focus on the breath. And perhaps, at some point, we become aware of the breath breathing itself, like a breeze that goes right through us, without real effort. God works through us. Paradoxically, this is both wonderful and also nothing special.
The key element is the quality of our efforts. The term Gurdjieff used was Conscious Labor. Conscious Labor is basically any intentional effort that moves to override our pervasive mode of waking sleep—where we act mechanically on autopilot. A Conscious Labor can be as simple as noticing something about ourselves that we don’t want to see, such as when we are impatient or judgmental.
Gurdjieff said just sitting was stupid form of suffering and advocated the Fourth Way of evolution. As he mentioned in Beelzebubs Tales to his Grandson he mentioned that every person's duty, Being Partkdolg Duty, was to transmute negative energy from energy blockages into energies which go down and then up towards God, thus maintaining the Universe and in the process, turning the Earth into a Sacred Planet.
Up to God, thus fulfilling your duty to transmute evil.
Further than Intentional Labour and Conscious Suffering the practise of Reciprocal Maintenance is that which completes the practises and Speeeds UP! the process of Evolution.
Here are quotes from Gurdjieff's book, Beelzebubs Tales to his Grandson..
Gurdjieff - "the Most High and Most Sacred Individuals to take the necessary measures to insure the formation in the Earth of what is called the sacred 'askokin,' so that this sacred cosmic substance, indispensable for the maintenance of the Universe, might issue continuously from your planet."
Energy Enhancement Alchemical VITRIOL - VISITA INTERIORE TERRAE RECTIFICANDO INVENIES OCCULEM LAPIDEM - Visit the center of the Earth, there you will find the Philosophers Stone and by rectification transmutes base metal, lead or Energy Blockages into Gold or pure perfect spiritual energy...
Gurdjieff - "His Conformity also explained that this cosmic substance, the sacred 'askokin,' exists throughout the Universe, generally blended with the sacred substances 'abrustdonis' and 'helkdonis,' and therefore, in order to have the degree of vivifyingness required for such maintenance, the sacred substance 'askokin' must first be freed from the other two substances."
Abrustdonis is the Energy which goes down into the center of the Earth when you project energy towards an energy blockage from your third eye or heart center.
Helkdonis is the energy which comes back up from the center of the Earth by rectification, it reflects from chakras beneath the base chakra and then ascends through the infinity of chakras above the head to the Central Spiritual Sun, or God for the Maintenance of the Universe.
It then "descends as the gentle dew from heaven upon it's place beneath. It is twice blessed, first by he who gives, and then by he who receives..." - Shakespeare - The Quality of mercy is not constrained - Merchant of Venice. Remember...
"Visit the center of the Earth, there you will find the Philosophers Stone and by rectification transmutes base metal, lead or Energy Blockages into Gold or pure perfect spiritual energy..."
As we release the Angels trapped in the center of every energy blockage so we can ask them to augment our energy body in any of our chakras or chakras above the head like the Soul which indeed is Gurdjieff's Kesdjan Body.
Gurdjieff - "To tell the truth, my boy, I did not understand at once all that he told me, it all became clear to me only later when, during my studies of the fundamental cosmic laws, I learned that these sacred substances 'abrustdonis' and 'helkdonis' are precisely those substances which enter into the formation and perfecting of the higher being-bodies of the three-brained beings—that is, the 'kesdjan body' and the 'body of the soul'—and that the separation of the sacred 'askokin' from the two other substances proceeds when beings, on whatever planet they may be, transmute these sacred substances in themselves for the forming and perfecting of their higher bodies, by means of conscious labor and intentional suffering. "
Conscious labor and intentional suffering is the Sacrifice of Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass - that dense substance which is formed when anything bad happens - that energy which coats energy blockages, traps Angels making them into energy blockage demons and which stops the passage of spiritual energy from God - it is the Sacrifice of that energy of Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass which is, which can be burnt up in the Center of the Earth by the sacred Alchemical Technique of VITRIOL.
The translation of VITRIOL is simple - Visit the Center of the Earth Chakra - there you will find the philosophers stone which transmutes base metal - Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass - into Spiritual Gold - pure perfect spiritual energy..
Pure perfect spiritual energy energises you with infinite energy!! This energy increases the span of your life and allows you to do more, creates the auric Buddhafield of the Enlightened Master.
Energy Blockages are transmuted into angels which then can augment and evolve your spiritual body, your Higher Being Body, your Body Kesjian - transforming you into an Enlightened Master when all your energy blockages are transmuted.
You want to Evolve?
You want to become Enlightened?
Then practise Energy Enhancement Meditation!!
Gurdjieff - "And when I became interested in these favorites of yours and began to observe and study their strange psyche, I finally understood why and to what ends Great Nature herself and the Most High and Most Saintly Individuals are always patiently adapting themselves to all things In this connection, the following personal opinion was formed in me.
Gurdjieff - "If only these favorites of yours would seriously ponder all this and serve Nature honestly in this respect, their being-self-perfecting might then proceed automatically, even without the participation of their consciousness, and in any case, the poor Nature of this ill-fated planet would not have to strain so hard to adapt herself to remain within the common-cosmic harmony.
Gurdjieff - "But to the misfortune of everything existing in the Megalocosmos, there is no honesty in your favorites in fulfilling their duties, not even toward that Nature to whom, in truth, they owe their very existence.
Gurdjieff - "As regards the absence of honesty in your favorites in the fulfillment of their duty toward Nature, I have just remembered a very wise saying of our incomparable teacher Mullah Nasr Eddin, the hidden meaning of which is borne out in the present case.
Gurdjieff - " 'Plague and cholera are in any event nobler than human honesty, for people with a conscience can at least live at peace with them. '
Gurdjieff - "And so, my dear Hassein, when it became clear that there had entirely disappeared from the psyche of your favorites the instinctive need for conscious labor and intentional suffering in order to take in and transmute in themselves the sacred substances abrustdonis and helkdonis—thus releasing the sacred askokin for the maintenance of the Universe—Great Nature was constrained to adapt herself and to extract this sacred substance by other means, one of them being precisely that periodic terrifying process of Reciprocal Destruction or War!"
Yes, Gurdjieff says that if sufficient people do not meditate and supply sufficient spiritual energy to God, then the universe will take that energy fromthe death of human beings, previously supplied by Human Sacrifice and now by Death, Disease and War..
Or it could be as pleasant as appreciating our surroundings as we walk around outside, rather than being caught in our daydreams. Or it can be as courageous as when we struggle to not succumb to one of our many addictions—for food, or distractions, or whatever your own addictions are.
Conscious labor is not about the external fruits of our labors, but about inner growth. The conscious struggle is between the Yes and the No—the Yes, I want to be awake, and the No, I want to resist—which leads to a kind of inner friction. Out of this friction can come an inner seeing, where our very solid sense of Me can be seen through.
In other words, as we bring awareness to our tightly woven sense of self, there are moments where our Me becomes less solid, less substantial. This is where we are no longer held captive by our thoughts or moods or emotions. Once our attachment to Me is seen through—and this almost always comes about as a result of our conscious efforts—a more spacious sense of reality is available to us.
After the Master has given his tasks to enlighten, to illuminate his students, the student can further enlighten himself by choosing his own tasks!
Gurdjieff chose the task of Prometheus - Conscious labor and Intentional Suffering is the Sacrifice of Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass - that dense substance which is formed when anything bad happens - that energy which coats energy blockages. Gurdjieff chose to release all the energy blockages in his students!
"I step on their corns consciously in order to bring out their energy blockages" and then I meditate on them!
Only the ego gets hurt!
Gurdjieff consciously provoked the ego of his students.
As Swami Satchidananda said, "The ego is just a mass of energy blockages!"
Gurdjieff laboured to create his ashram where his students lived for free, but when this failed he chose to spend years writing his three series of books, Beelzebubs tales to his Grandson, Meetings with Remarkable Men, and Life is Real Only Then when I AM!
Gurdjieff let loose the information that he remembered all of his previous incarnations on this planet in a way reminiscent of the Buddha. His major task had been the banning of animal and human sacrifice over the past 5000 years. Gurdjieff let it be known that his labours had been productive and that he had reached the 5th Dan! when he died.
If you want to change.
If you want to become stronger.
If you want to Evolve...
Sign Up!! Get the Energy Enhancement Video Meditation Course...
Here is an excerpt from Gurdjieff's Beelzebubs Tales to his Grandson about the results of Energy Enhancement Meditation... https://www.energyenhancement.org/Fifth-Level-Avatars/All-and-Everything---First-Series-Beelzebubs-Tales-to-His-Grandson-Print.pdf
Beelzebub intended to say more, but just then everything was suddenly lit up with a “pale blue something.” From that moment the falling of the shipKarnak began to diminish perceptibly in speed.
47.1173 All this meant that one of the great Cosmic Egolionopties was about to come alongside the space-ship Karnak.
47.1173 And indeed through the transparent outer parts of the ship Karnak the source of that “pale blue something” soon became visible, which lit up not only the whole of the inte- rior of the ship Karnak but also all the space of the Universe surrounding this great cosmic Egolionopty as far as the ordi- nary vision of beings could reach.
47.1173 Of these great Egolionopties there are only four in the Universe and each of them is under the jurisdiction of one of the four All-Quarters-Maintainers of the Universe.
47.1173 A hurried and anxious commotion began among all of the beings aboard, and in a short time all the passengers and the crew assembled in the main hall situated in the center of the ship.
47.1173 Each of them bore a branch of myrtle in one hand and a Devd’el Kascho in the other.
47.1173 When the great cosmic Egolionopty had come along- side the ship Karnak, certain parts of the latter were moved apart in a special way and there passed from the Egolionopty into the main hall of the ship a procession composed of several archangels and a multitude of angels, cherubim, and seraphim, and they all too bore branches in their hands, but of palm.
47.1173-4 At the head of this procession walked a venerable archangel and immediately after him two cherubim followed solemnly, bearing a casket from which something also radiated, but this time something orange.
47.1174 In front of everyone in the main hall of the ship Karnak stood Beelzebub and behind him were ranged his kinsmen and the captain of the ship, and all the others stood behind them at a respectful distance.
47.1174 When the said procession from the Egolionopty neared the beings of Beelzebub’s nature who were assem- bled in expectation, they halted and all of both forces, differ- ently natured three-brained beings, joined together in singing the “Hymn to our ENDLESSNESS,” which Hymn is always sung on such occasions everywhere in the Universe, by beings of all natures and all forms of exterior coating.
47.1174 This Hymn consists of the following words:
47.1174 Thou Long Patient CREATOR Of All That Breathes, Thou Abundantly LOVING CAUSE Of All That Exists,
Thou Unique VANQUISHER Of The Merciless Heropass, Now To The Sounds Of Our Glorifying
Only Rejoice And Abide In Beatitude.
By Thy Unprecedented Labors Thou Hast Given Us The Beginning Of Our Arisings,
By Thy Vanquishing Of The Heropass Have We Obtained The Possibility
Of Perfecting Ourselves To The Sacred Anklad. And Now Only Rest, As Merited,
And We, In Gratitude, Will Maintain All That Thou Hast Created
And Always And In All Things Will Extol Thee Forever, Extol Thee MAKER-CREATOR
Thou, The Beginning Of All Ends, Thou, Proceeding From Infinity,
Thou, Having The End Of All Things Within Thyself, Thou, Our ENDLESS ENDLESSNESS.
47.1175 When the Hymn had been sung, the venerable
archangel approached Beelzebub and solemnly proclaimed:
47.1175 “By the decree of his All-Quarters-Maintainer, the Arch-cherub Peshtvogner, and bearing his own sacred rod, we appear before you, your Right Reverence, in order to restore to you, in accord with the pardon granted you from Above and for certain of your merits, what you lost during your exile—your horns.”
47.1175 Having said this, the venerable archangel turned toward the casket borne by the cherubim and with profound reverence carefully took from it the sacred rod.
47.1175 Meanwhile all those present knelt down on one knee, while the angels and cherubim began to sing the appro- priate sacred canticles.
47.1175 Taking the sacred rod in his hand, the archangel turned again towards Beelzebub and spoke thus to the beings of Beelzebub’s nature:
47.1175 “Beings created by our same UNI-BEING ENDLESS- NESS Who has pardoned this once erring being Beelzebub, who by the infinite grace of our CREATOR will again exist among you, beings like Himself….
47.1175 “As the virility and degree of Reason of beings of your nature are defined and manifested by the horns on your head, we must with the permission of our All-Quarters- Maintainer, and with your help, restore the horns lost by Beelzebub.
47.1175 “Beings created by our ONE COMMON FATHER, your aid will consist in this, that each of you should consent to renounce for Beelzebub’s merited pardon certain particles of your own horns.
47.1175-6 “Whosoever therefore consents and wishes to do so, let him approach the sacred rod and touch its handle, and on the length of time the handle of the sacred rod is held will depend the amount of active elements passing from your own horns for the formation of the corresponding horns on this pardoned being of your nature.”
47.1176 Having said this, the venerable archangel, holding the chief end of the sacred rod, that is, the ball, over the kneeling Beelzebub, turned the handle towards those there assembled in such a way that whoever wished might touch it.
47.1176 As soon as the venerable archangel had finished speaking, a very great commotion began among the beings of Beelzebub’s nature, each desiring to approach nearer and to be the first to touch the sacred rod with their hands as long as possible.
47.1176 Order, however, was soon established and each then in turn approached and held the handle for as long as was indicated by the captain of the ship, who had taken upon himself the necessary direction.
47.1176 During the solemn, sacred action, horns little by little began to grow upon the head of Beelzebub.
47.1176 At first, while just the bare horns were being formed, only a concentrated quiet gravely prevailed among those assembled. But from the moment that forks began to appear upon the horns a tense interest and rapt attention began to be manifested among them. This latter state proceeded among them, because everybody was agitated by the wish to learn how many forks would make their appearance on Beelzebub, since by their number the gradation of Reason to which Beelzebub had attained according to the sacred measure of Reason would be defined.
47.1176 First one fork formed, then another, and then a third, and as each fork made its appearance a clearly perceptible thrill of joy and unconcealed satisfaction proceeded among all those present.
47.1176-7 As the fourth fork began to be formed on the horns, the tension among those assembled reached its height, since the formation of the fourth fork on the horns signified that the Reason of Beelzebub had already been perfected to the sacred Ternoonald and hence that there remained for Beelzebub only two gradations before attaining to the sacred Anklad.
47.1177 When the whole of this unusual ceremony neared its end and before all those assembled had had time to recover their self-possession from their earlier joyful agitation, there suddenly and unexpectedly appeared on the horns of Beelzebub quite independently a fifth fork of a special form known to them all.
47.1177 Thereupon all without exception, even the venerable archangel himself, fell prostrate before Beelzebub, who had now risen to his feet and stood transfigured with a majestic appearance, owing to the truly majestic horns which had arisen on his head.
47.1177 All fell prostrate before Beelzebub because by the fifth fork on his horns it was indicated that He had attained the Reason of the sacred Podkoolad, i.e., the last gradation before the Reason of the sacred Anklad.
47.1177 The Reason of the sacred Anklad is the highest to which in general any being can attain, being the third in degree from the Absolute Reason of HIS ENDLESSNESS HIMSELF.
47.1177 But the Reason of the sacred Podkoolad, to which Beelzebub had already perfected himself, is also very rare in the Universe, hence even the venerable archangel prostrated himself before Beelzebub because his own degree of Reason
was as yet only that of the sacred Degindad, i.e., wanting three degrees to the Reason of the sacred Anklad.
47.1177 When all had arisen to their feet, the venerable archangel, addressing this time all the assembled beings of various natures, proclaimed:
47.1177-8 “Beings created by One CREATOR, we have all just become worthy to be the first to behold the final formation of the appearance of that which is the dream both of all those present and of the beings in general of the whole of our great Megalocosmos.
47.1178 “And now let us all together exult and rejoice over such a worthiness, which is for us such a revivifying shock for our ability to struggle against our own denying source, which ability alone can lead us to that sacred Podkoolad attained by one of the sons of our COMMON FATHER, who although he first transgressed on account of his youth, yet afterwards was able by his conscious labors and intentional sufferings to become worthy with his essence to be one of the very rare Sacred Individuals of the whole of our Great Universe.”
47.1178 After this proclamation of the archangel all the beings without exception present on the space-ship Karnak then began to sing the prescribed sacred canticle entitled “I Rejoice.”
47.1178 And when this last sacred canticle also had been sung, all the angels and cherubim, with the venerable archangel at their head, returned to the cosmic Egolionopty which then left the ship Karnak and disappeared gradually into space, whereupon the passengers and crew began to disperse to their places and the Karnak resumed its falling toward its destination.
47.1178 After the termination of the Most Great Universal Solem- nity just described, Beelzebub with His grandson and His old servant Ahoon, deeply moved like all of the other passengers of the space-ship Karnak by this unexpected event, returned to that part of the ship where all their talks proceeded concerning the men-beings arising and existing on the Earth.
47.1178-9 When Beelzebub, now with a transfigured appear- ance corresponding to His merits and visible to all, had occupied His usual place, Ahoon, His old servant who had been close to Him during almost the whole of His existence, unexpectedly fell prostrate before Him and in a sincerely entreating voice began to speak:
47.1179 “Sacred Podkoolad of our Great Megalocosmos! Have mercy upon me and pardon me, an unfortunate ordinary three-centered being, for my past disrespectful manifesta- tions, voluntary and involuntary, towards Your Sacred Essence.
47.1179 “Have mercy and pardon me: just this three-centered being, who, though he has existed a very long time, yet to his misfortune—only because in his preparatory age nobody aided the crystallization in him of the data for the ability of intensively actualizing being-Partkdolg-duty—had until now been so shortsighted that he had been unable to sense the reality present beneath an exterior with which, according to the common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat, all those existing and newly arising units of the Megalocosmos are coated, who ought to have in their presence that sacred ‘something’ which is called Reason.”
47.1179 Having said this, Ahoon stood as if sunk in a stupor of silent expectancy.
47.1179 And Beelzebub, also in silence, gazed at him with a look which, though perceived externally from without was full of love and forgiveness, yet there could be felt in it also His Essence-grief and inevitable resignation....