I truly believe that the work of bringing the importance of Satanism amongst the Satanic Phoenician mega trillionaire oligarch elite Rothschilds is important.
But my work on bringing the Ancient Accelerated Techniques of Energy Enhancement Quantum Meditation to the World is even more important...
Student report: 28th Dec 2024
In meditation I had a vision of the great mother descending from the sky to help me clear a throat blockage. The blockage was a pearl of wisdom inside my right tonsil.
It illuminated the internal chamber of my throat and down through the shushumna. I was struck by the peace and stillness this illumination allowed me to see. I was then lifted skywards by a hoist that cut my energetic field vertically and pulled me through waters allowing any negatively to be purged before I ascended into the sky.
I became aware of a higher heart chakra clearing in my physical body. This chakra sparkled clear white energy and filled my immediate energetic space. I placed a protective pyramid around this energy and settled into Siddhasana to work on my antahkarana. Protection was emphasised. I was being gently prepared.
RU a party of 1, or a research team of 500
Just little old me...
I truly believe that the work of bringing the importance of Satanism amongst the Satanic Phoenician mega trillionaire oligarch elite Rothschilds is important.
But my work on bringing the Ancient Accelerated Techniques of Energy Enhancement Quantum Meditation to the World is even more important...
Student report: 28th Dec 2024
In meditation I had a vision of the great mother descending from the sky to help me clear a throat blockage. The blockage was a pearl of wisdom inside my right tonsil.
It illuminated the internal chamber of my throat and down through the shushumna. I was struck by the peace and stillness this illumination allowed me to see. I was then lifted skywards by a hoist that cut my energetic field vertically and pulled me through waters allowing any negatively to be purged before I ascended into the sky.
I became aware of a higher heart chakra clearing in my physical body. This chakra sparkled clear white energy and filled my immediate energetic space. I placed a protective pyramid around this energy and settled into Siddhasana to work on my antahkarana. Protection was emphasised. I was being gently prepared.