
Kali Das

Alex jones is controlled opposition. His interview with stew peters opened me up to that, and later that week David icke said so as well due to his cozy relationship with Elon musk, Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan.

Now it’s obvious.

Anyway, he has an obnoxious style, is difficult to listen to and is massively self centered just anyway.

I unsubscribed from info wars after that stew peters interview.

And with Owen shroyer saying on his show that Buddhism and Hinduism are fake satanic religions (not in so many words) I realized that organization doesn’t represent my values.

And now I know how Alex jones could pull off bohemian grove. They let him get away with it to give him street cred. Same as this current legal issue. It gives him street cred, like trumps legal issue, giving him votes. Or sandy hook. Sandy hook was all fake, and Alex switching sides last minute and then claiming it was real, was likely due to him being controlled opposition, serving to make the rest of us confused.

How could Alex Jones know about the 911 scam 6 months in advance. That Osama Bin Laden would be responsible. That planes would be flown into the two towers in order to justfy wars in Iraq, Syria and Libia. Well, the CIA told him!

Going back to Alex jones’ personal style, his whole shows’ presentation is cnn-like, bombastic, bright flashy colors, fear inducing sounds (air raid sounds, big sounding voices, and so on), and overall has always had a low vibrational frequency. That was a giveaway for me years ago, so after the stew peters interview and David icke response video, it just made sense to me.

I stay away from Alex jones. He’s on the take from the same Jews that control everybody else.

KundaliniAndCellTowers replied to your comment on The End of 'Info Wars?'.

During Roseanne Barr's last interview with Russell Brand she made a derogatory statement about the Green Agenda Climate Change Scam and he quickly changed the subject, indicating that he's on board with green fascism based on fraudulent science, or at least knows that he cannot criticize it without impacting his bottom line.

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Sharing and Caring replied to your comment on The End of 'Info Wars?'.

Is Putin also in this camp? It is really hard to believe all of these have sold out to the satan cult. Especially how Alex goes on and on about the evil and pedo's etc. The acting is beyond belief if true, and everything being a lie, it probably is so.

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