In George Orwell’s book 1984, the state of Oceania is always in a state of war with Eurasia and Eastasia. The Party controls all of the media and continuously spreads stories of external and internal threats to create fear and hatred within the populace to keep them compliant. We are not far away from such a reality in the present, most especially in the US with the hold of the oligarchy over the state and media, practising what was termed as a “Strategy of Tension” within Italy in the post-WW2 decades. This will not change with a Trump administration (or a Starmer one as we have seen, or with any other Western nation); the only change will be that some of the “enemies” may be different.
British Empire Agent George Orwell whose father ran the Opium Production from Bengal in India to China.
British Empire Agent George Orwell who went to Sodomite Central Eton where he was tutored by Satanist Agent Aldous Huxley who ran MKUltra in Hollywood and the introduction of drugs into the USA with his, “Doors of Perception” with Mescaline and LSD in the 1960’s, who wrote with his Eugenic Brother, Head of the United Nations WHO, Julian Huxley, the blueprint for the future, “Brave New World”.
George Orwell, who tortured terrorists in Burma like with the rats in Room 101 in 1984.
George Orwell who was head of the Fabian Socialists who ran the Brutish Empire.
George Orwell who was Chief of British Empire Propaganda for WW2.
George Orwell who wrote 1984 to remove any hint of Satanism, the Satanic Religion and Demons from the Dictators of the world, to hide the Satanic Religion of Satanism which infuses the Brutish Empire…
Only Shakespeare talked of Satanism infusing bloody Dictator Macbeth using the Three Witches…
From the pricking of my thumbs
Something wicked this way comes…
Hubble Bubble Toil and Trouble
Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble
When shall we three meet again
In thunder, lightning or in Rain
Upon the Heath!
Shakespeare knew that the foundation of the Totalitarian State was Satanism!
I’ll Gild the faces of the Grooms withal
So it shall seem their Guilt!
Vaulting Ambition
Out! Out! Damned Spot! which Shall turn all the Seas Incarnadine!
Yet I have heard differently about Donald Trump being a real savior of the World.
I have heard that within Mar al Lago Trump is talking with the head of NATO about the ending of the Ukraine war.
As well as the head of NATO, Trump is talking with all the interested parties, Putin, Zelensky, et al and has been for several days hoping to end this corruption even before he becomes President.
With his ambitious plans to remove Satanic Globalism from the American State apparatus like Milei in Argentina using Elon Musk in his DOGE apparatus to shut down Departments, and fire troves of useless idiots and save Trillions of corruption which has cost America so far 36 Trillions of Dollars, the Satanic Global elite are using the escalation of the Ukrainian War to pressure Trump into not prosecuting them as they pretend to relinquish their hundreds of years plan to take over the World in a New World Order using the unelected United Nations – like the unelected controllers of the EU - to become the World Governors and Moving the controlling Empire, destroying the controlling Empire from within by Satanic Phoenician Infiltration, from the Anglo-American Empire to China for it’s Chinese Century.
Threatening them with Nuremberg 2, probably Trump will need to forgive them and create a New Marshall Plan to rebuild the remains of the Ukraine so that these corrupt Satanic Globalists can continue to feed off it’s corruption so as to confirm the deal.
We shall see if Trump is Only Talking……
Video by Greg Reese…
You know, the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires have a plan and have been writing about it in white papers and books for over two hundred years. They have been searching for a Political methodology for controlling more billions of people with minimum resources so as to vampirise more people for their Spiritual Energy so as to live, immortally for ever, and they seem to have found it.
Without this historical knowledge and the Higher Hypothesis it is impossible to predict the future…
From there they used Communism to take over Russia but it’s strict communistic philosophy failed.
They used it also to take over China and with the reforms of Deng Xiou Ping created a communist slave state which so far, has worked wonderfully by allowing the implementation of.. the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire’s, “The Chinese Century” as the Empire is moved by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires from the USA to China and the Chinese Communist politics is installed worldwide allowing..
The Communist Hell State of Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Biden and Harris based on the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire created United Nations Agenda 2030, 2045, 2075.
Based on the Vaccine Mandates of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire created United Nations World Health Organisation helmed by terrorist Tedros.
Based on Artificial Intelligence controlling the censorship Surveillance State.
Based on the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Communist Chinese Social Credit Score where if you do not agree with the Government you are de-banked, not allowed to use CBDC’s or credit cards in a cashless society, not allowed to use the Internet, not allowed to Travel, not allowed to receive Government Monetary benefits. But you are allowed a Government suicide pod!
The methodology of creating this movement, as always, is the Roman Empire, Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire, “Divide and Conquer” which is the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Deep State paying Terrorist Groups which they create to perform Terrorist acts to Scare, to Terrorise the public.
Since around the turn of the last century, the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Western oligarchic ruling classes have engaged in a new Roman Empire Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire, “Divide and Conquer”, “Strategy Of Tension” that is designed both to cow the general population into submission to their policies and to sow division within the general population to remove any focus from themselves.
The Roman Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire, “Divide and Conquer” is the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Deep State paying Terrorist Groups which they create to perform Terrorist acts the Scare the public.
This is a repeat of the policies that were carried out in post-war Europe to stop truly progressive parties from becoming part of the government; for example, the Communist Party in Italy and the 25 “years of lead”.
The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire vassal oligarchies and the security states that they dominated, working with the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire US security services, both sponsored, paid, funded, European terrorist groups and engaged in acts of terrorism against the general population in order to manage the politics of that country. This was called Operation Gladio.
While laying blame on left wing, and to a lesser extent right wing, groups (some of them security state front organizations). This is a history that we must understand if we are to understand the present.
The Roman Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire, “Divide and Conquer” is the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Deep State paying Terrorist Groups which they create to perform Terrorist acts the Scare the public.
The Roman Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire, “Divide and Conquer” is the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Deep State paying Al Qaida created by CIA asset Osama Bin Laden to destroy the Two Towers with CIA help, of course.
Later, of course the CIA funded ISIS as it’s proxy army to do the same thing in the Middle East.
Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires created False Flags like the Two Towers which scared America to approve the Patriot Act which allowed Iraq and Afghanistan and one Trillion Dollars of Opium to fund Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire CIA Black Ops.
But which was really designed to be used on the American public when creating the Communist Hell State of Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Biden and Harris based on the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire created United Nations Agenda 2030, 2045, 2075.
Based on the Vaccine Mandates of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire created United Nations World Health Organisation helmed by terrorist Tedros.
Based on the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Communist Chinese Social Credit Score where if you do not agree with the Government you are de-banked, not allowed to use the Internet, not allowed to Travel, not allowed to receive Government Monetary benefits. But you are allowed a Government suicide pod!
The Rise and Fall of the Surveillance State - Mike Benz
Americans will demand accountability for the Censorship Industrial Complex
This complex is an essential tool of what some describe as the Deep State, as well as the satanic construct that, for lack of any better term, we call Clown World. If President Trump is serious about fulfilling his duty to the American people, he will have to begin dismantling it as soon as he takes office rather than trying to work with it.
Breaking: POTUS Donaldos Magnus Trumpos aka 47 says all military (8,000 purged by Biden) who were discharged for not taking deadly Malone Bancel et al. mRNA vaccine will be re-instated full back pay
Thats what I am talking about & Trump must stand now & all heads of the health agencies & call for the immediate stop of mRNA technology vaccines, or say 'I will stop it in hour one JAN 20th 2025'
Dec 5
And that is what is happening now…
In this Video above…
Here are some clips..
The Nature of Evil and Controversial Health Policies
Because, again, it goes back to the nature of evil. And once you get in the minds of the Satanists, it makes perfect sense from their sick perspective.
I mean, you and I sit back and go, you want to inject kids with something that causes blood clots, heart attacks, infertility, and gives them cancer, and it's going to make them sick and reduce their lifespan and kill many of them right away?
What the hell are you...
How do you think you're going to get away with that?
That's how you do get away with it.
It's so evil that people can't admit it to themselves because they just can't wrap their mind around it. And then once the first big mass murder happens, people that were compartmentalized, who went along with it, have a tendency to cover it up, even though they weren't consciously involved.
Demanding Truth and Accountability
You want answers? Well, so do I. You want the truth? Well, so do I. You want to fight the tyrants? Well, so do I. Now, if you were a radio listener, you heard Bill Gates. You heard the FDA board five minutes before they voted. Because I played the whole hour-long hearing years ago.
The Satanic FDA said, we have no idea what this MRNA Deathvaxx will do to kids.
Let's just do it.
Rallying Against the System
And you are literally funding revolutionary work against the Satanic death cult. You are the energy, the force, the will behind what we are doing on air right now. And that just enrages the deep state, enrages the corrupt system. And I don't even care if they come after me. I don't even care if they lie about me and demonize me and do horrible things to me. I don't like it being done in my family. But I know it goes with the territory.
We're all going to be slaves and dead anyways if we don't fight, so I have nothing left to lose. But I do want to win. And so the variable in the fight is you. I'm not going to stop. The globalists of the Satanic Religion aren't going to stop until they're defeated. It's starting to happen really quick.
Anti-Human Policies and Environmental Concerns
And that's why all the big fast food places and the airports are getting rid of humans. You got to go have a robot. They're displacing humans with AI in their own admissions. It's all the ESGs. It's all BlackRock. It's all anti-human. It's all designed to shut down family farms and organic farming and natural beef. And now they've got FDA approval to feed this poison feed to cows that totally makes them unhealthy. The quote, stop methane as if methane is bad in the atmosphere. As if farts from cows are bad.
They're saying your body is bad.
They even say you breathing is bad because gases come out that way too.
Confession Through Projection: Political Accusations
The McConnell family has made a bunch of money cashing in on the US of power and doing it for their personal enrichment at the expense of the people they're supposed to represent. So it's got to be some big names, some Bill Gates, some George Soros, some people of that. And it's not just the right thing to do. We have to do it to keep them off balance. They keep saying, don't go on offense, because that's how we beat them. Well, exactly, it's confession through projection, but in reverse. Look at, what would they have done? They made clear what they were going to do. They were gonna use the US military politically. That's why they're scared about Trump doing it, because they were planning on doing it. I mean, Harris made that really clear with a lot of her statements, a lot of her confession through projection.
We're Anti-Human. How dare you be a Natalist? We're Anti-Natalist, Anti Baby, meaning Anti-Family.
So here's the latest new clip. of him hiding it in plain view, trying to normalize it, just like they're trying to normalize pedophilia because they know we're bringing down their networks.
They're racing to just make it okay, hoping they don't get in trouble.
Not going to work, backfired on you.
But to somebody already awake, you're like, why did Netanyahu say we're using the people of Israel as guinea pigs? Why does Bill Gates say it? Why does Fauci say it? Remember that clip? They had to fire three different FDA boards and put people on the boards that were all board members of Pfizer, Moderna, and others three years ago, three and a half years ago. So they still wouldn't authorize for children. They wouldn't authorize down to six-month-olds. In fact, guys, give me that clip too.
FDA board member, we have to give kids the COVID vaccine to see what it does.
Just type in FDA board member. We have to give kids the COVID vaccine to quote, see what it does. Because even when I start talking about this, you see, I remember all the other times.
And then I've got C-SPAN events from 2017, 18, 19, where Fauci and others with all the federal regulators would get up on C-SPAN and say, quote, we're going to blow up the old FDA system of having to approve things and test things and make sure they're safe with a new virus out of China soon. And then Fauci, right after Trump gets into office 2017, says, don't worry, there's video.
Trump will soon be hit. Don't worry, Trump will soon be hit by a new novel virus. And it's going to be something completely new and challenge everything. And society's going to change. So don't worry about all the groups against us and everybody waking up to us. Because we're about to take over.
Want to see it? Fauci, Trump will be challenged by a new virus. Because he had it on the shelf. That's all come out. It's in the Senate report now. Not just Alex Jones saying it off the documents. You know...
We learned almost four years ago from the vice president of the EcoHealth Alliance who came on the show, former army officer. And he basically found out the CIA was really running the EcoHealth Alliance and that Google was funding it.
Remember, the heads of Google have said to Elon Musk, we want to get rid of people. We're anti-human. How dare you be a natalist? We're anti-natalist, meaning anti-family.
Visible Oligarchs are merely Trustees, Fronts, for the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschild London Money Power
Fronts… The Rockefellers, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Bill Gates, George Soros, Larry Ellison, Warren Buffett, Eric Schmitt, Peter Thiel, Robert Mercer and many others are Only Fronts for the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds.
Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds Control Everything – Their Methods of Control
Meet Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Jacob “Jack” Rothschild ,- Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, OM, GBE, CVO - the "Protector- Owner," and his many minions and Fronts over centuries and nations...
Satanic Crowleyan OTO Witch Marina Abramović poses with Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire 10,000 years old Family Jacob Rothschild in front of 'Satan summoning his Legions', 1796-1797
The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Elite are all Demon Possessed!! Part 1...
The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Elite are all Demon Possessed!! Part One…
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ENERGY ENHANCEMENT QUANTUM MEDITATION IS THE SOLUTION To the Satanic Realities of our world backed up by Twelve Books on Satanism and the History of Satanism being the cause of all the misery on this Planet.
Against Satanism by Satchidanand Volumes 1-12 - “The Occulted Satanic History of the World” - Your Worldview Will Never Be the Same! - in an easily downloadable file from our own website.
The Dark Gods use the Satanic Rituals above to make the Satanic Psychopathic minion Politicians, Policemen, Professors, Bankers used to control every country in the World created from the 10,000 year Black Nobility Family Elite infiltrated into the Aristocracy of every Country in the World.
Vladimir Putin with his close friend Prince Albert II of Monaco Prince Albert II and the Russian Mafia have a major headquarters in Monte Carlo with the Sicilian Mafia. The royals of Monaco or House of Grimaldi originated in Genoa which ruled the Black Sea region including Khazaria which had major influence over trade in Russia. Genoa and Russia and the Grimaldis and Romanovs have worked together for centuries.
Frank Zac Goldsmith with Benjamin Goldsmith and their family co-founded various banks including Paribas and they finance shills, trolls, online terrorists, and hackers as well as London gangs and sex trafficking of underage girls in England. Their sister Gemima Goldsmith's ex husband is Imran Khan and he is the current Prime Minister of Pakistan. Pakistani gangs are heavily involved with trafficking underage girls in England like the Rochdale child sex abuse scandal.
Arnold Schwarzenegger the former Governor of California is a high level politician in the United States and he manages Nazis within the United States military, militant Nazi gang stalkers, and Satanic Faggot Bodybuilders like Hafthor Bjornsson, Eddie Hall, Craig Golias, and Kiki Vhyce. A Faggot is a person who loves to dominate and penetrate people through Sodomy. Arnold can be seen on the cover of Time Magazine with the 60 billion dollar billionaire Jew Michael Bloomberg wearing a Skull and Bones belt buckle. The Nazis used the Skull and Bones as a symbol for their Satanic Sodomite Ritual Faggot SS. Schwarzenegger also had a business meeting with Baron Jacob Rothschild and Warren Buffet. Schwarzenegger was married with the Kennedy family.
And More...
Download this!
Mind Control Black Assassins by Satchidanand Volumes 1-11 in an easily downloadable file from our own website.
Satanic Spiritual Movie Reviews by Satchidanand Volumes One - “Blacklisted” and Two “AI and Transhumanism” in an easily downloadable file from our own website.
Why? is the American wealthy, partisan, minion elite class working so hard to destroy civilisation, destroy America, destroy humanity?
The Satanic Tavistock Institute, Satanic Rothschild Kabbalah Sodomite Sabbatean Frankism, the Satanic Sodomite Rothschild Illuminati, The Satanic Frankfurt School, Satanic Sex Magic and Sodomite Sabattean Frankist Freud were all created and promoted by the Satanic Bloodline Phoenician Mega Trillionaires in order to stop human evolution and maintain control of Humanity, Worldwide.
You have to follow through this time, demanding that Trump and the rest deliver on their promises.
Bill Gates Confesses To Conducting Illegal Human Medical Experiments In India
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now,
Infowars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit forward slash show and support the Infowars.
It's Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024.
Start your engines.
This is the Infowars.
InfoWars, tomorrow's news today.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this live Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024 broadcast.
47 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 9 seconds for the inauguration of the 47th President of the United States.
We are 47 days out from the inauguration of 47.
Has quite the ring to it, doesn't it?
Okay, we've got another incredible transmission because the quickening is just accelerating.
Globalist operations, not just here but around the world, are burning down in front of our eyes.
Everything they touch is turning to absolute pure crap.
Populism is surging everywhere as humanity awakens and stops being so incredibly naive.
Thank you again for joining us.
All right.
I've absolutely got to cover all this and more is breaking as we speak.
My head's spinning.
But exposing the COVID tyranny for four plus years,
as time moves on,
we have the biggest news ever because more and more comes out.
So I've said probably 20 times the last four years,
this is the biggest COVID news yet because each time it is topped.
What has come out in the last, what has got chills.
Every time I'm over the target, I just get chills.
What's come out in the last 48 hours and in just the last few hours is insane.
Total chills.
Just maximum chills right now.
This is wild.
So this stack is mega insane.
And this is all in the same category as pedophilia.
See, the pedophiles want to hurt the innocence of children.
So the sex is the thing that you hear about the most because there's a big taboo on
that because there should be.
Like there's a taboo on blowing your head off with a shotgun or drinking cyanide or
lighting yourself on fire with gasoline.
We have taboos because they're bad, they're evil, they're sick.
But if they can torture children medically, if they can cut their members off,
They can give them poison shots that ruin their fertility and wreck their health
and make them die early.
Oh, that's what the new world really likes.
Destroying somebody's future.
And this stack is, look at this, baby.
This is just the last 48 hours.
Most of this is just today.
Look at this, your TV viewer, your radio listener.
We're talking probably 40 plus articles and videos just right here.
I mean, it is unbelievable.
Bill Gates comes out and confesses, brags that he does secret things.
illegal Nuremberg Code violating experiments on children, women, and men in India.
And then it trends the top of X.
We have the videos of him saying,
we just shoot it right in the veins of the kids.
Remember how he told his wife?
Well, that's old.
This is new.
Or he's like, yeah, we do experimentation to see what happens in India.
Then we roll it out worldwide.
Well, what do you think COVID was all over the world?
What did the COVID shot was?
That wasn't tested or approved.
It actually been secretly tested since 2013.
It came out in the news then.
They'd weaponized the COVID SARS virus and were giving it to mice and things.
It was given a myocarditis, blood clots, cancer, turbo cancer, sterilization.
So they actually had tested it.
They knew damn well what they were doing, but they told you it hadn't been tested.
Oh, we'll just see what this does.
Well, now he's confessed to that.
A whole bunch of state Supreme Courts have just ruled that the government can
secretly inject your children.
You have no parental rights.
You got the Senate report out confirming it was a giant power grab.
That's just on that subject and so much more straight ahead.
Oh, and Trump's doubling down going after the pedo rings.
It's all coming up.
It is Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024.
We are 47 days to the inauguration of Donald John Trump as the 47th President of
the United States of America.
I am your host Alex Jones, very honored and blessed to be here.
if you thought yesterday was a big news day,
one of the most important ever,
today is even bigger because we're in the quickening,
we're in the acceleration.
or in what the globalists claim will lead to some singularity.
Well, it won't be the singularity of their total takeover.
It'll be the singularity of them being totally defeated.
So let me tell you what we got first on the platey here.
And I'll be here live for four hours, taking your phone calls, breaking news, all of it.
We have ultra-massive COVID power grab, depopulation, New World Order news.
Definitely the most important news in this four-plus-year globalist power grab saga.
I mean, it is just the good, the bad, the ugly.
It is just out in the open.
It is insane.
The Vermont Supreme Court said that we can secretly inject your children with experimental shots.
There's not a damn thing you can do about it.
And a whole bunch of other state Supreme Courts have ruled the same recently.
That's horrible, tyrannical news, but at least they're out in the open.
Speaking about in the open,
Bill Gates just came out on an interview and said,
we use the Indians as guinea pigs to experiment on them,
and then we roll it out around the world.
And that's not completely true.
They do it everywhere as well.
But he's been criminally charged before in India and then swept it under the rug.
And the number one cause of polio in India,
in Africa,
in Pakistan,
and many other places,
Reuters AP headline,
the number one cause of polio is...
the UN's polio live vaccine program.
And then when you read the fine print of the article, it's the Bill Gates UN program.
And now they've changed the definition in the last four years from vaccine from
being an attenuated virus or microbe,
dead or damaged or altered to not be dangerous,
to teach your body how to defeat the wild version.
It works a lot of the time, has a lot of side effects.
The way the vaccines are made and grown in different tissues, you also...
become resistant and have an autoimmune response to anything else that's basically
in with the main pathogen.
They then add adjuvants to make your body overreact.
So if they grow like they've done for 40 years,
nobody had peanut allergies until about 40 years ago,
but by...
1985 or so,
right when they started growing the vaccine materials on peanut protein instead of
monkey kidneys,
which happened to have a bunch of cancer viruses that are communicable like SV40.
Anything I say, just write it down and look it up.
It's all true.
And then they admit in government reports the number one cause of cancer in the
Western world,
killing hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions,
over 100 million in the U.S.
in the 1990s report that since the 50s until the 90s,
over 100 million people killed by cancer from the polio vaccine that had SV40,
a highly virulent live virus.
that goes in and makes your body grow cancers.
And you're like, really?
Viruses do that?
Yeah, they've known that since the 20s.
What do you think a wart is?
A wart is a giant class of virus-caused growths that is benign,
meaning it only creates the one tumor and it doesn't spread too bad.
Still, warts spread.
Yes, warts are skin tumors, 100% admit it, if you didn't know that, by a class of viruses.
Well, there's a bunch of other viruses that don't grow warts.
They grow brain cancer,
lung cancer,
bone cancer,
colon cancer,
and a bunch of other really nasty cancers.
They're very liberal, though.
And they knew it and did it on purpose.
We have Sock,
the quote inventor,
and others who were eugenicists bragging in newspaper interviews and on PBS
documentaries how well there's too many people,
so so what?
Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Yeah, just type in...
It's Reuters AP.
Rogan got blown away a few years ago.
I was on the show.
He didn't know that.
He pulled it up.
I was like, whoa, AP Reuters.
Majority of polio cases worldwide caused by the vaccine.
That's the headline.
But I'm kind of digressing.
I'm just telling you what's coming up.
Sorry, there it is.
More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus.
So remember, if you're a new viewer or listening, you're like, how does this guy know all this?
How does he talk so fast?
It just sounds like he's just trying.
No, no, no.
This is all I do.
18 hours a day is research.
So anything I say, you just type it in.
And when I rarely speculate, I will tell you now, this is my speculation.
It will be emboldened.
It'll be highlighted.
It will be me telling you now, this is my opinion.
But if you don't hear me say that, it's what I believe.
And you know about 99% of the time I'm right.
Bill Gates has confessed that we already knew,
but he's bragging,
about all his illegal human experimentation,
Joseph Mingala-level stuff.
Well, it's actually much bigger and wider than that, so Joseph Mingala to infinity.
We have the Supreme Court's ruling,
we can forcibly inject your kids and not even tell you,
with experimental things that aren't even vaccines.
You have the Senate report that's 600 pages,
but I did read the boil down articles and check it for myself.
And it is 90% of the truth coming out that it's a man-made super virus chimera that
Peter Daszak and Bill Gates and the globalists funded it,
that they then use the fear of the virus to bring in social engineering,
try to create a new society for future lockdowns and to lock you in your home and
brainwash children and make hundreds of billions of dollars.
We've got that.
And you're like, well, we already know all this.
Yeah, but it's the Senate Judiciary Committee criminal investigation.
So total vindication of everything we've been saying,
like I told you for 30 years in all the different studies that were there.
They knew in 1945 when it started that the type of fluoride they were put in the
water is super deadly poison.
destroys your immune system, gives you cancer, annihilates fertility.
And then three months ago, FDA says you should take it out of the water.
It lowers IQ, gives you cancer, and destroys fertility.
Well, I mean, it's freaking bug poison.
But when they started putting it in the water,
they suddenly said,
we're not going to put it on store shelves anymore as rat and bug poison.
You have a rat or mouse walks through sodium fluoride on the ground and just gets a
little bit on its hands or feet,
And then licks the paws.
And that's just sodium fluoride.
They take sodium fluoride and concentrate it into an acid.
And it's called hydrofluorosilicic acid.
And it's the second most deadly acid on Earth.
And it takes every other poison in your body that's also in the water supply and
carries it across the blood-brain barrier.
I've interviewed the top chemists on the air like Dr. Conant, the top advisor to RFK Jr.
and others many, many times.
In fact, I want the Dr. Conant interviews here in studio from 15 years ago re-uploaded to X today.
I'm going to shoot an intro to it first.
So after the show, we'll do that.
Note to Rob Doon, Jeremy Breen.
We're on that after the show today.
We fight more.
We attack the enemy.
I'm digressing.
See, I said this is all coming up.
There's a bunch of other news here.
It's capital D devastating.
Look at this stack.
I will cover it.
It's unbelievably important.
And I will do that.
I will launch into this at the bottom of the hour in 15 minutes.
So prepare yourselves.
Now, let me tell you what else we've got here.
Borders are Tom Homan,
47 days from being into office,
is already running around like Speedy Gonzalez,
contacting thousands of counties,
hundreds of cities and towns,
and saying,
are you going to work with us?
Or are you going to try to frustrate us and block us and have uprisings?
We'd like to know.
And the majority of towns and cities,
she's calling her saying,
of course,
we're going to follow federal law that's cut and dry,
and we're going to help you.
And then we've got the reports of what he's having in in-person meetings and over
the video link meetings.
He and his crew reportedly he's doing Trump level work 18 hours a day.
Now he's doing interviews all over the place,
but also talking to the city and county officials and breaking them into subgroups
of the task force.
And one of the main focuses is they're going to go after not just the human
traffickers and the drug dealers,
but the
people that are putting folks in sex slavery and slave labor.
That's the top priority, which again, we've already been talking about and pushing and covering.
And now they've said that's where they're going with the task force.
They've been covering that the last three days,
but now we are getting all the,
not Intel,
it's all confirmed.
It's just admitted that he's making that a main focus.
So it's not just talk on the,
Fox News, which is great because he's not a guy that just talks.
I mean,
Holman's very respected,
almost 50 years in law enforcement and everything from a New York cop to the head
of the Border Patrol,
you name it.
And he's gone completely on the war path.
Trump has released him off the leash.
And I've got a big stack of what he's preparing and the main assault on this
globalist replacement migration.
And it is exactly what I would do and exactly what I proposed.
And I'm not saying he's following what I say.
I study this stuff.
That would be the most devastating move to the criminals,
the best move to save the children and the other slaves.
The best thing to shut it all down and to prosecute the criminals that did it because that's justice.
And then that brings down their whole system.
So this is deliciously good news.
And more good news.
Ninth Circuit rules in favor of federal deportation.
And of course, that Ninth Circuit is usually pretty leftist.
But the federal law is cut and dry.
And so the federal government has the authority to deport foreign nationals in the U.S.
illegally over the objection of local authorities.
A panel of three judges on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled.
The 29-page ruling was written by Judge Daniel Bress with Judge Michael Hawkins and
Richard Clinton concurring.
At issue is the April 2019 executive order issued by the King County Executive Dowell.
which directed county officials to prohibit fixed base operations on the county
airfield near Seattle from servicing U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement chartered flights to deport illegal foreign nationals.
So it was a blockade of that, and this just shoots down all the sanctuary obstructionist garbage.
So that is big news.
We'll get more into it.
Borders are Tom Homan vows mass deportations, warrants game on,
Trump borders our home and says he'll meet with New York City Mayor Adams to address migrant crisis.
Let's get this done.
Democrat mayor blasted by local paper for violent rhetoric about Trump deportations.
Governor Abbott,
incoming borders our home and serve Thanksgiving meals to Operation Lone Star
service members.
Trump borders our Tom Homan vows there's going to be a mass deportation.
And we'll get more of these articles where he says they're going to particularly
target the human traffickers that are engaged in sex trafficking.
So a lot happening.
Trump's borders are Tom Homan praises DHS pick.
Kristi Noem, she understands it.
California Attorney General prepares for legal battles with Trump administration.
He got a bunch of AGs that are Democrats, Soros-controlled, and governors.
They're going to openly obstruct basically a form of a secession.
Tom Homan vows to send twice as many officers to LA to deportation plan.
Trump's border czar Tom Homan threatens sanctuary city leaders seeking blocking mass deportations.
Don't test us.
We'll dig into the latest developments on that.
Open borders have created a terror attack time bomb.
That's all coming up as well.
Then we've got this news.
South Korean president declares emergency martial law.
because the other party's trying to remove him from power.
Like Netanyahu, you know, starting giant wars, clearly standing down on October 7th.
I'm not defending Hamas or Hezbollah either.
They're on the payroll.
Israel created Hamas.
The same kind of crap going on here.
You know, launch a war, declare martial law before you get taken out.
South Korean President Yoon declares martial law, slams domestic opponents.
South Korean president declares martial law and move against opposition party, Fox News.
Meanwhile, this just happened.
South Korean parliament votes 190 to 0 to lift President Yoon's martial law declaration.
Why is that important?
Well, because the Democrats have proposed in 2020 if Trump won, they were unable to steal it.
And now they're proposing a whole plan and have bills introduced to strip Trump.
Trump of the power over the military during domestic uprisings as the Democrats
prepare domestic uprisings.
And I saw a lot of comments when we posted the clips from me live on air talking
about this saying,
they'll never get away with that.
They're desperate.
I'm not saying they're going to get away with it.
I'm not even saying they're going to actually execute it.
But when you've got John Podesta and Carville and all of them running around saying
we're going to have armed uprisings and Trump's coming to kill the
that means they're getting ready to false flag the migrants and blame our entire
agenda of saving the country.
I mean, it's very easy to see what they're laying out here.
There's those articles.
Democrats' war game for an election includes West Coast secession, possible civil war.
That's four years ago.
But they're now pushing the same plan again.
How the media could get the election story wrong, New York Times.
August 2020, which they were able to steal and say they didn't go to this.
Well, now they're back.
NBC News,
Democrat senators urged Biden to try to limit Trump's ability to use the military
ahead of him getting in and support their martial law plan ahead of Trump getting in.
I mean, that's a big deal.
So we'll be getting into that.
Then we're going to
Get more into the Hunter Biden.
Close quote.
I had a lot of calls and a lot of text messages and people saying we want Jones to talk about this.
I've already talked about it.
And it kind of becomes sure it hurts the Democrats and makes Biden look bad.
His legacy is already ashes.
So why does this really matter?
it's a blanket pardon back to 2014 with Hunter as the bag man for all the different
big crimes that have been committed by his dad,
himself a bag man for the deep state,
and basically a fall guy.
And then when they give him immunity, well, now the fall guy's got immunity.
And it's like a sacrifice, basically, that nothing actually gets sacrificed.
So, yeah, it's important.
We know he's a crook.
We know it's about covering up the Ukrainian money laundering of the billions and
the Burisma energy companies and the bioweapon labs and all the rest of it.
And it's outraging and people see it.
But, I mean, we already know this.
We already knew he was going to give him a pardon.
When Biden guaranteed you he wouldn't give him a pardon, you knew he was.
I mean, it's like when you have certified liars...
who will lie even when the truth serves them better, then what do you expect?
I mean, it's just not news.
and then all the Democrats can come out like Jake Tapper and the comedians and,
you know,
score political points and act like they're with the people like Jon Stewart.
And we got some interesting, funny, disgusting compilations.
It's basically...
Not red meat.
It's like cotton candy.
Tastes good, but gives you a headache.
My broadcast is about red meat.
They're planning to trigger false flags on migrants and or other,
minority groups to blame the incoming Trump administration,
have national civil uprisings that they bill as a race war,
and then order the military to not...
follow Trump's orders,
and they're already having meetings at the Pentagon that are admitted the day after
he was elected on November 5th to not follow his orders to,
deport people.
it's in the Constitution that that's the military's main job before we even had to,
Border Patrol is that.
So they're gearing that up.
And now they're back in the news pushing it.
So that's their next move other than World War III.
And we need to be aware of it.
So every other talk show for weeks to talk about the Hunter Biden pardon,
just over and over and over again.
And I've said if Trump gets in and has the Justice Department spend all its time on
a special commission about that or something,
that's their plan.
You need to go after them on the human trafficking where the administration
officials committed serious federal crimes and crimes against humanity.
They do not have immunity from that.
And we have them.
We absolutely have their ass.
And so you find the children.
You show these cases of them in sex slavery and slave labor that are already confirmed.
We know where they are in many cases.
You burn down the New World Order.
I mean, this is not hard.
have you ever been out in your backyard or walking into a store or something and
you're in Texas where you're all the mockingbirds?
You're walking by some bushes and the mockingbird falls on the ground and starts
acting like its wing's broken.
And then you ignore it, but it jumps back in front of you.
And as soon as you go and move towards it, it flies away.
Its wing wasn't broken.
It's got a nest in that bush.
It thinks you're a predator that's getting too close.
It thinks you're a coyote or a weasel or a skunk that's going to eat the babies, eat the eggs.
And so this Hunter Biden thing is like a mockingbird.
And they think we're dumb enough.
We get the leadership of the globalists.
We'll get Hunter.
Don't worry, too.
But he's small potatoes, ladies and gentlemen.
Keep your eyes on the prize.
And I'm not lecturing anybody.
I just, this is going to go on and on and on and on and on.
We've got more coverage of Hunter Biden than everything else combined than all the
big World War III developments in Ukraine and more.
And I'm going to hit those as well.
Oh, man, it's a massive transmission.
I kept talking about this forever,
how China was strategically put in positions of power by the globalists when they
were playing along with the New World Order from the 70s until about 15 years ago,
14 years ago,
when they double-crossed the globalists,
and that China has over 95% of rare earth minerals that are needed for all the
computers and stuff and all the different components,
and they just cut them off to the U.S.,
So that was the Achilles heel right there.
But we'll talk about that coming up as well.
Paul Revere's,
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History is happening now.
I want to thank all the viewers and listeners for the incredible job you're doing spreading the word.
When you decide to take the live feeds from Real Alex Jones on X or
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it completes the chain reaction and we devastate the globalists and we are
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And you, my friends,
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And you know that's not hype.
It's happening.
You're doing it.
All right.
I've mentioned a lot of what's coming up.
I've already hit some of it,
but I'm going to drill into it,
play the video clips,
the backup info,
all of it.
Then I am going to open the phones up on these key subjects and cover other
breaking news as it unfolds today.
I'm about to hit what I mentioned earlier, the COVID developments.
The disease X UN globalists admitted plan to create a novel virus and then poison
shots for social control and depopulation.
Now, a lot of these things that are coming out here are going to sound horrible and they aren't.
But when I say this is good news,
The only way they get away with this,
and this was a big test to see if they could get away with really releasing deadly
viruses and really bringing out shots that'll make the COVID mRNA Franken
injections look like mother's milk.
So it is beyond critical to stop the UN pandemic treaty that takes over the whole
planet with world government and your body.
And you've got all these Supreme Courts
going off a federal law passed by Congress and interpreting it to say you don't own
your body and they can forcibly inject anybody they want.
Well, that's not constitutional.
That's not the will of the people.
That's not what the law even says.
But now people are pissed and we're going to see big reform out of this.
Bill Gates is out confessing.
We're going to hit it all.
Huge developments.
And Sean Penn saying, oh, the COVID lockdowns are great.
It teaches us to live under climate lockdowns in a new world where we can't leave our houses.
this is all about training you to be a prisoner,
and they wanted it to be permanent,
and they're trying to bring it back.
But the majority of people are awake and pissed now.
They jumped the shark.
They've got less than 4% uptake on their 10th booster right now.
So they try to mix it in with the so-called flu shot.
I mean,
they're doing emergency authorization for bird flu and monkeypox,
new experimental crap that isn't even vaccines.
But almost no one is buying it,
except for nursing homes where people don't have cognitive control of themselves
and they're being murdered.
So, yeah, you're like, how's this good news?
Well, it's already going on, so at least it's coming out.
So that's good.
I'm sad about the carnage,
but we're going to stop the future carnage and we're going to prosecute the people.
So I'm going to get to that in a moment.
But one thing callers,
I noticed without me even soliciting it,
and people on the street as well,
it happened again today,
come up to me and say,
thank you for exposing the COVID tyranny and the shots.
I was going to take it.
My wife was going to take it.
My child was going to take it.
My husband was going to take it.
Where I work tried to make me take it.
My boss died.
I'm so glad we didn't take it.
People say, man, your show really was at the forefront day one of exposing it.
Thank you.
Well, listen, we're in this together.
I care about you.
I have empathy.
But also, if we don't expose this, they're going to completely submit it under the U.N.
treaty and other federal laws and say they own our bodies.
And I mean, this is hard core.
If this criminal globalist bad scientist death cult
can get away with this, they're going to do it.
So this is a life and death existential urgency.
And so I want to thank everyone that has been supporting at, our great sponsor.
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And you are literally funding revolutionary work against the death cult.
You are the energy, the force, the will behind what we are doing on air right now.
And that just enrages the deep state, enrages the corrupt system.
And I don't even care if they come after me.
I don't even care if they lie about me and demonize me and do horrible things to me.
I don't like it being done in my family.
But I know it goes with the territory.
We're all going to be slaves and dead anyways.
We don't fight, so I have nothing left to lose.
But I do want to win.
And so the variable in the fight is you.
I'm not going to stop.
The globalists aren't going to stop until they're defeated.
It's starting to happen really quick.
They're in a collapse mode right now.
House of Cards is going down.
But the variable is you.
Like in Viva Vendetta,
the head inspector says to V,
he goes,
why didn't you come and expose all this before?
He goes,
because I was waiting for you,
waiting for you to finally wake up and waiting for other good people to help me.
I was waiting for you, inspector.
I was waiting for you.
So don't get this backwards.
All the big wins we're having is you.
You, you, you, you, you.
And it's not about kissing your ass.
I'm not patting you on the head here.
It's you.
Yeah, maybe we should play that clip.
Because it says it all.
Yeah, cue it up when you get audio.
Let me know.
I'll play it.
And then I'm going to get into the big news.
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Thank you for your support.
All right.
I'm going to really focus here.
And it may take me 15 minutes to the next hour to go over this properly.
And so I'm going to try to just hit what's currently came out and then tie it into
what that means and what the globalists are going to try next,
how we stop them and then how we stop them for good by prosecuting them.
And look, we've been under tyranny so long, people think, oh, well, they'll never be prosecuted.
They've already been prosecuted.
Bill Gates has been indicted in India and in the Netherlands.
He tries to hide this stuff in plain view on purpose as a defense mechanism.
And I said yesterday I was going to explain the knowledge of evil and why evil
operates this way,
because I haven't heard other people explain this.
In totality,
I've heard people explain pieces of it,
but I've experienced it for 30 plus years fighting these people.
And I really understand their dark logic now, what I call it.
And it's totally sick, but that's how I keep getting ahead of them is because I've got their number.
And so I'm going to write a note because I forgot to do this yesterday.
Knowledge of evil.
So after I go over all of this, I'm going to explain something about their philosophy.
And a lot of people say, I don't want to know the evil's philosophy.
I just know they're evil.
We're going to stop them.
I hear that from a lot of great people.
And that's one way of doing it.
I don't worry why a bad guy is breaking into my house at 2 a.m.
I just shoot him.
Well, that's if a bad guy is breaking into your house.
And, of course, I'm talking about Ted Nugent, really smart, amazing guy.
But he's always like, Alex, I don't care about their philosophy or why they're doing it.
They're the enemy.
We need to get rid of them.
But you need to understand their mindset so you know what they're going to do next
when you're talking about high-level psychos,
not just a guy breaking in your house.
And you've got to then explain to the public
why they're doing it because the public can't grasp why they're so evil and just
can't believe it because it doesn't make sense to them because you're not a megalomaniac.
But I have studied these megalomaniacs and understanding them.
Look, anybody that knows about war knows you put yourself in the boots of your enemy.
That's how you went.
You've got to put yourself in the boots of your soldiers and your people.
You've got to let them understand the mission.
You've got to sell them completely on it.
It's what needs to be a righteous war.
And then you've got to understand the enemy and what makes them tick and how they operate.
And you've got to get in their head more than you're in your own.
That's true leadership.
The other part of leadership is doing what you know is right and not just jumping
on bandwagons because it looks like that's what's currently going to win.
You do what's right,
believing in humanity and trusting in God and knowing that we're all just being tested.
So even if we lose, we win because God judges the heart.
And most of you are like, well, everybody knows that.
No, a lot of people don't know that.
They think winning is jumping on whoever the winning team is.
But what if you lose your humanity, lose your soul, and then your children are slaves?
That's not winning.
That's not second, third, fourth level thinking.
It's one-dimensional thinking.
And people that are into one-dimensional thinking that have gotten some power,
they think,
this works really great.
I'm invincible.
And I liken that in the analogy to cancer.
If cancer had a consciousness and it's taking over the body,
and it's like,
I can take over this,
I can take over that,
but then the body collapses because it's not working in unison as a colony of
organs and cells,
and the host of the cancer dies.
But see, cancer...
is a great parable or analogy or parallel to evil.
What does Yoda say about Darth Vader?
Luke Skywalker says, is the dark side stronger?
And he goes, no, quicker, easier, more seductive.
But it doesn't last.
You can have a cardboard building made out of,
you know,
crap that looks beautiful,
but it won't be there in five years.
First storm comes by, it's going to blow over.
It's like the three little pigs.
One built his house out of straw, and the big bad wolf came along and blew it down.
The other one built it out of sticks.
The big bad wolf just had to blow a little bit harder.
But the little pig that built it out of bricks...
Well, the wolf huffed and puffed, but couldn't blow it down.
And that's what we're talking about here.
Again, it's not that I'm making you wait until I get to this.
I have this issue that each article I look at has like 50 points I want to make
about it to understand the philosophy of evil and how they lie.
So if I just hit the surface, I don't do justice.
And I'm trying to line my mind up here with this giant hall of evil to try to
Because, again, it goes back to the nature of evil.
And once you get in their mind, it makes perfect sense from their sick perspective.
I mean,
you and I sit back and go,
you want to inject kids with something that causes blood clots,
heart attacks,
and gives them cancer,
and it's going to make them sick and reduce their lifespan and kill many of them
right away?
What the hell are you... How do you think you're going to get away with that?
That's how you do get away with it.
It's so evil...
that people can't admit it to themselves because they just can't wrap their mind around it.
And then once the first big mass murder happens,
people that were compartmentalized,
who went along with it,
have a tendency to cover it up,
even though they weren't consciously involved.
Instead of admitting they were wrong and fighting back against it,
they then join with the core of the evil to cover it up
And now they've been compromised.
Now they're under their control.
But that's only one little piece of the mind of evil.
And again,
why does Bill Gates openly brag about,
we just shoot it right in their arms,
having no idea what it's going to do in children's veins?
And you go, why would he make such an admit?
Because he's flaunting it.
Because if you hide something in plain view with most people and go, well, of course we're
You know, put cancer viruses in the polio shop.
There's too many people, like Sox said to newspapers.
They're like, wow, you've killed hundreds of millions of people.
Well, yeah, there's too many people.
He and his deputy, I can find him.
It's like 20 years old when I found it.
It was like 30 years on PBS in Boston.
They're interviewed.
They're both dead now,
and they're like,
it killed probably one of the biggest deaths on earth.
I probably killed more people than anybody in history.
But hey, there's too many people.
Yeah, guys, it's hard to find.
I probably haven't played it in five years.
I find, I forget the name of his deputy.
It's always easier to find.
WGBN or whatever.
It's PBS out of Boston.
It's WGBN.
See, my mind works.
Look at Boston's PBS, WGBN.
I think that's it.
But the point is, that's not... The point is, is that this is a sick club.
And Bill Gates is like, yeah, we use India to test it on people to see what works and what doesn't.
And you're like,
remember Netanyahu went on Jordan Peterson's like,
we have no idea what all these new drugs are going to do and all these new shots.
We just give them to the Israeli population and we see if it works or not.
And we're going to use all our people as guinea pigs and Israel will now be the
biggest medical experimentation place on the planet.
It's going to be great for business.
You're like, why the hell would he just admit that right out in the open like it was no big deal?
Because it's a formula.
These guys are put in these positions because they're read into the program.
Here's the clip from V for Vendetta, then I'm gonna come back and hit it all.
Came in the Arctic, gave me the collie bubbles.
Still does.
That's close enough, Inspector.
We're not wired.
I'm sorry, but a man in my position survives by taking every precaution.
You have information for us?
No, you already have the information.
All the names and dates are inside your head.
What you want, what you really need, is a story.
A story can be true or false.
I leave such judgements to you, Inspector.
Our story begins, as these stories often do, with a young up-and-coming politician.
He's a deeply religious man and a member of the Conservative Party.
He's completely single-minded and has no regard for political process.
The more power he attains, the more obvious his zealotry and the more aggressive his supporters become.
Eventually, his party launches a special project in the name of national security.
At first, it's believed to be a search for biological weapons and its pursuit without regard to its cost.
However, the true goal of this project is power, complete and total hegemonic domination.
The project, however, ends violently.
But the efforts of those involved are not in vain,
but a new ability to wage war is born from the blood of one of the victim.
Imagine a virus,
the most terrifying virus you can,
and then imagine that you and you alone have the cure.
But if your ultimate goal is power, how best to use such a weapon?
It's at this point in our story that along comes a spider.
He is a man seemingly without a conscience for whom the ends always justify the means,
and it is he who suggests that their target should not be an enemy of the country,
but rather the country itself.
Three targets are chosen to maximize the effect of the attack,
a school,
a tube station and a water treatment plant.
Several hundred die within the first few weeks.
But three waters has in fact been contaminated.
Authorities are attempting to control its deadly spread.
Sends a wave of destruction throughout the underground.
Fueled by the media,
fear and panic spread quickly,
fracturing and dividing the country until at last the true goal comes into view.
Before the St.
Mary's crisis, no one would have predicted the results of the election that year.
No one.
And then not long after the election, lo and behold, a miracle.
Some believed it was the work of God himself,
but it was a pharmaceutical company controlled by certain party members that made
them all obscenely rich.
A year later,
several extremists are tried,
found guilty,
and executed while a memorial is built to canonize their victims.
But the end result, the true genius of the plan, was the fear.
Fear became the ultimate tool of this government,
and through it,
our politician was ultimately appointed to the newly created position of High Chancellor.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Can you prove any of this?
Why do you think I'm still alive?
All right.
We'd like to take you into protective custody, Mr. Rookwood.
Oh, I'm sure you would.
But if you want that recording... We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
I've got a very simple but important, powerful, and completely truthful proposal for you.
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So keep praying for us and keep supporting.
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Whiskey bottle.
Brand new car.
Oak tree in my way.
All right, here's the deal.
As listeners know, we're on...
450 plus radio stations exploding, getting new ones every couple days.
Love all of our affiliates, but they all come in at six after.
So I have already covered a lot of news, hit a lot of topics, hit a lot of key philosophy of the enemy.
But I am going to do a focused laser beam report coming in at six after.
And I'm going to hit it all and play all the clips.
And it'll probably take me to the bottom of the hour.
Then I'm going to shift gears into Trump going on the total war path and new developments.
Confirming they are going to go after, with criminal charges, the Biden administration officials.
And that's massive.
They're also scrambling around with senators,
falsely claiming that they can stop the current FBI director from being removed,
Governor Ray.
Dumb Democrat Senator Durbin defends deep state ally, claims Trump can't fire FBI Director Ray.
That's just pure crap.
So they are really crapping their britches right now.
It's all coming up.
Be sure you tell everybody you know.
And those you don't know, tune in now.
There is a big sale going on right now.
Black Friday, Cyber Monday.
You can get three shirts or three hats for 40% off.
That's a huge deal.
Biggest sale yet.
Two hoodies for 35% off.
They're high quality ultimate supplement bundle for 30% off and VIP members will
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And that is here in just the next couple of days.
And then that ends.
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That's why the owner of the company was here last week.
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hundreds and hundreds of great designs of ball caps, t-shirts, hoodies.
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So proud of them with our great sponsor, the Alex Jones store, which again is not owned by me.
Even if the bad guys are able to get info wars, they have no claim on that.
It will continue on as our sponsor at the Alex Jones network.
So now is the
time to take action.
The Alex Jones gear, the Patriot gear, the 1776 gear.
I'd put it in Trump gear, Alex Jones M4s gear, and Patriot 1776 founding father type stuff.
That's my favorite gear.
And funny, the stuff I like the best is the best selling.
It goes Patriot gear, Alex Jones gear.
It's the same thing, but you know, with myself or M4s on it.
And then the Trump gear.
And these are,
it's great Trump gear,
but quite frankly,
the Trump,
that shirt's really popular right there.
Trump, better coverage than Verizon, now do you hear us.
But no, the Trump gear is the least popular category.
People like the anti-New World Order, pro-America stuff.
That's what I guess would be most popular.
That's what's most popular.
I would think Team Humanity would be very popular.
It's not.
That's what we are on.
So, and then as I said, also all those other specials and more.
So 25% off on top of everything at checkout.
It's just automatic.
40% off on the t-shirts and hats,
35% off on the hoodies,
30% off on the supplement bundle on top of the other specials.
And VIP members will be emailed a link where you'll either have 30,
or 50 bucks extra on top of the 40 bucks you get a month being a VIP to spend in
the store for $30 a month you spend.
Then you get all those other great specials, cancel anytime.
All at
All right, we are now into our number two.
I'm about to do the deep dive on the biggest,
most important COVID tyranny development since they rolled out the UN's Disease X
plan for their corporate cashless society,
death cult system.
Let me just make the big announcements here, and then we'll drill into each one.
Supreme courts are coming out saying that the government can secretly inject your
children or anybody else whenever they want with anything they call a vaccine.
Bill Gates has come out in a new interview and said,
we use Indians as guinea pigs to see what different,
vaccines will do.
Totally illegal, violates the Nuremberg Code, totally unethical.
He's been charged in the Netherlands with crimes.
He's been charged in India.
And he just keeps doubling down.
Then we have the Senate Judiciary Report on the entire origin of the COVID, the power grab after COVID.
And exposing that it's man-made and that it was all about taking control of society.
And these companies lied to Congress and lied to the public.
And all this stuff is, quote, untested and unapproved, which isn't even true.
They actually secretly tested it.
That's all come out and knew exactly what it would do.
But the report is 600 pages long and is devastating.
is coffin nails to the globalist and shows how the political wins and the awakening
is just so explosive in our direction against the bad guys.
And there's a bunch of other developments as well.
Let's go ahead and start drilling into it right now.
Schools can force vaccinate children against parents wishes state Supreme Court rules.
And then you read deeper,
and it reminded me when I was reading this last night,
this morning,
that a bunch of other states have ruled the same way,
using a congressional law that doesn't even really say that.
Them coming out in the open like this, this has been going on for a long time, all over the world.
They caught them in Australia.
They caught them in Europe.
They caught them in Canada.
They caught them in the UK.
They caught them in the US.
They caught you in Mexico, shooting your kids up and not telling you.
We'll get to that and the details and why it's so important.
But the first thing I want to drill into,
and we'll show you the clips,
Bill Gates calls India a laboratory to try things.
And we have a clip of Netanyahu saying Israel's a laboratory to try things.
So what's trying something?
You know, you see on the back of shampoo, not tested on animals.
Oh, it's like, oh, you didn't torture animals.
How nice of you,
like Fauci does with dogs,
removing their larynxes and tying them down and putting their head in a bag with
flesh-eating worms,
flesh-eating flies that lay worms,
eggs in their skin that eat them,
flesh-eating maggots,
very loving,
very liberal.
Why would you do that?
Well, I'll explain the nature of evil coming up, but it's basically to test the
The workers to see if they'll do horrible things and they graduate to higher levels
of sickness and evil.
It's the knowledge of evil.
It's the system of evil.
It's their program.
It's their dark logic.
And then, of course, we've got more coming out on Bill Gates.
And then CDC scrambles to cover up a sudden death of two teens shortly after the COVID shot email shows.
This is just some emails from a lawsuit where people sue, and then they find out what happened.
And the government's covering it up.
Of course they're covering it up.
Again, the globalists are already tested on mice and pigs and other things.
In the 2012, 13, 14, 15 under Obama, big national initiative, got exposed by whistleblowers.
They move it to China.
Then they blame China when they actually released it.
That's in the Senate report that it wasn't the Chinese.
It was Peter Daszak and Bill Gates.
See, it all ties together.
But the issue here is that then once the medical workers and the bureaucrats find out, what do they do?
They cover up because, oh, they don't want to get in trouble.
Well, see, now you're really going to get in trouble because now you've joined it consciously.
Now you know, and that's how the logic of evil works.
And again, here's the Senate report.
We're going to be getting more into that, the select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic.
Here's Sean Penn saying it was all just a test to train you to be locked in your house and be a slave.
We'll show you that video.
Pandemic brought significant increase in number of self-poisonings among young girls,
mass suicide,
and they knew exactly what they were doing.
That was the plan.
The people worried about separation of families during deportation made your
grandma die alone in the hospital during COVID.
They didn't just make her die alone.
They killed her.
And so much more in the stack.
But right now, let's go ahead and play an older clip of Gates.
Four years ago with his then wife,
Miss French,
the co-head of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
until she found out what he was doing with Jeffrey Epstein on that island.
But she's a eugenicist.
She's a death culter herself.
She's split off with her money now and is trying to brainwash girls and turn them
against men and DEI and transgender sterilize little boys.
I mean,
she's all in with their Bill and Melinda Gates depopulation,
human population control funds,
the real name of it.
We played those clips before of them 20 years ago,
10 years ago,
getting awards at their own ceremony for depopulation.
in their Bill and Melinda Gates Population Control Foundation.
It's not the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
It's the Bill and Melinda Gates Population Control Foundation.
Look it up in its original court documents when they created it in, what, 1999?
And who's his dad, the former head of Planned Parenthood, another famous eugenicist?
So here's Bill Gates saying, we don't even know what these shots do.
We just shoot it right in the vein of the kids.
Here it is.
Is there something to worry about with medicines?
That is, might some of them have side effects?
Do we need safety testing?
I mean,
and we're taking things that are,
you know,
genetically modified organisms and we're injecting them in little kids' arms.
We just shoot them right into the vein.
So we're taking things we don't know what they do,
like you do a lab rat,
a guinea pig,
and we're just shooting around their arms.
So then he just did a podcast
Two days ago, it hit mega viral last night, top of X, top of everywhere.
My phone blowing up.
I'm like, oh, yeah.
I have trouble doing his voice.
Yeah, I'm sure.
Nerd voice.
But he's like, well, sure.
I mean, we just use India as a place to test things and see what they do.
Now, India is, and Pakistan and areas of Africa is where they really go wild.
I mean, they'll go in and give a whole village live superpower polio.
And it'll be in the local news.
Like, you know, every child in the village became paralyzed.
Half of them died.
But it never hits our news.
I mean,
it'll be an AP and Reuters like,
the majority of polio deaths are caused by the shot of the Bill of Melinda Gates Foundation.
So this is a guy that's on record wanting to depopulate you and wanting to have
death panels to kill old ladies.
Got that clip, too.
Want to see it?
If you don't believe me, just type in Bill Gates on death panels.
Or Bill Gates talks about lowering human population, TED Talk.
I mean, I could spend all day just playing the old clips, but there's new ones.
And the good news is people are awake.
They're aware.
They're upset.
Because if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear it, did it make a sound?
Well, what's old news is now new news because people are pissed.
But he's still out bragging and talking about where he's been charged and where he's gotten in trouble.
And he's still operating in India through other groups.
Bill Gates calls India a laboratory to try things.
Well, I bet he wouldn't like it.
I mean,
I bet if you randomly were like a little kid in Vermont or other states and they
shoot you up with an mRNA gene therapy and how the parents found out in some of
these court cases is people got sick or died.
How would Bill Gates like it?
I'm not saying do this.
He was out walking his dog.
Not that he does that.
And you just pulled up in a white van and tasered him and threw him in the back and
started just trying things on him.
Here, let's just try this on you.
Here, let's just, that's called torture.
That's called sick.
But, oh, they're the establishment.
They have the authority.
So it's okay for them to do it.
So here's the latest new clip.
of him hiding it in plain view,
trying to normalize it,
just like they're trying to normalize pedophilia because they know we're bringing
down their networks.
They're racing to just make it okay, hoping they don't get in trouble.
Not going to work, backfired on you.
But to somebody already awake,
you're like,
why did Netanyahu say we're using the people of Israel as guinea pigs?
Why does Bill Gates say it?
Why does Fauci say it?
Remember that clip?
They had to fire three different FDA boards and put people on the boards that were
all board members of Pfizer,
and others three years ago,
three and a half years ago.
So they wouldn't authorize for children.
They wouldn't authorize down to six-month-olds.
In fact, guys, give me that clip too.
FDA board member, we have to give kids...
the COVID vaccine to see what it does.
Just type in FDA board member.
We have to give kids the COVID vaccine to quote, see what it does.
Because even when I start talking about this, you see, I remember all the other times.
And then I've got C-SPAN events from 2017,
where Fauci and others with all the federal regulators would get up on C-SPAN and say,
we're going to blow up the old FDA system of having to approve things and test
things and make sure they're safe with a new virus out of China soon.
And then Fauci, right after Trump gets into office 2017, says, don't worry, there's video.
Trump will soon be hit.
Don't worry, Trump will soon be hit by a new novel virus.
And it's going to be something completely new and challenge everything.
And society's going to change.
So don't worry about all the groups against us and everybody waking up to us.
Because we're about to take overs.
Want to see it?
Kevin Fauci, Trump will be challenged by a new virus.
Because he had it on the shelf.
That's all come out.
It's in the Senate report now.
Not just Alex Jones saying it off the documents.
You know...
We learned almost four years ago from the vice president of the EcoHealth Alliance
who came on the show,
former army officer.
And he basically found out the CIA was really running the EcoHealth Alliance and
that Google was funding it.
Remember, the heads of Google have said to Elon Musk, we want to get rid of people.
We're anti-human.
How dare you be a natalist?
We're anti-natalist, meaning anti-family.
And he came out and blew the whistle.
Dr. Hoff.
so we've already known all this,
but now it's in a major Senate report with all the receipts all put together in 600 pages,
real nice for you with a bow on it.
So here's the new Bill Gates club.
when India's an example of a country where,
there's plenty of things that are difficult there,
the health,
education is improving.
And they're stable enough and generating their own government revenue enough that –
it's very likely that 20 years from now, people will be dramatically better off.
And it's kind of a laboratory to try things that then,
once you prove them out in India,
you can take to other places.
And so our biggest non-U.S.
office for the foundation is in India.
And then most number of pilot rollout things we're doing anywhere in the world are with
partners in india you know if you go there and you've never been you might think
whoa this is a chaotic place uh and you know you're not used to so many levels of
income all being on the street at at the same time but you will get a sense of the
vibrancy oh it's so vibrant what he can do there
And his dad was obsessed on testing stuff and killing kids in India as well.
Look it up.
And the majority of polio, them again.
Killing people out in the open.
Hand delivering himself.
Hundreds of kids lined up as he squirts their mouth himself.
I want to play a short compilation clip 10 of Gates.
And then they did find the FDA board member saying, we don't know what it does.
We just got to give it to the kids and see.
Just to keep proving this for you.
But the big takeaway from Gates was,
is they're not just testing stuff in India.
They did it to everybody with the experimental COVID shots,
which they said were untested,
which was a lie because,
they tested it in rodents and knew exactly what it would do.
That's why the FDA and the CDC on October 22nd,
came out with a list of probable side effects,
which are not side effects,
they're the main effects.
Heart attacks, myocarditis, blood clots, strokes, infertility, turbo cancers.
narcolepsy, epilepsy.
Don't believe me?
Just type in FDA list of probable COVID vaccine adverse reactions is the actual headline.
And you're on their website and it says it.
And the response of the fact checkers is Jones is a conspiracy theorist.
I'm showing it all to you on screen now.
Before they roll the shots out,
FDA surveillance of COVID-19 vaccines,
working list of possible adverse event outcomes.
And then that's just page one.
You read the two pages.
Every damn thing happened.
And now there's thousands of procedure studies, including by Oxford and Harvard.
New ones came out last week confirming everyone getting the turbo cancers and the
blood clots and the myocarditis and the heart attacks,
including children,
had the shot in the government database,
just like the New Zealand database that came out earlier this year showing the same
damn thing.
The only reason we know is New Zealand's small enough that one man,
and they confirmed he did it,
he came on the show,
he's still facing years in prison,
deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for battling medical tyranny.
He was the only guy in the country that could see the hospital databases,
the government databases,
and the so-called vaccine database.
He integrated them together and published it, but blocked out the names, and...
Everyone having the strokes and heart attacks and turbo cancers was the people taking the shots.
And now you got Oxford and now you got Harvard last week.
And I'll show you those articles and studies again.
So, I mean, this is premeditated.
And I know most of you know that.
But let that sink in.
I shot a video yesterday because I was hiking in the early morning.
And I literally saw a woman with a nose ring and purple hair with her weird looking
husband and their weird dog.
The dogs all are neurotic like them.
And they see me walking down this path.
And the woman goes, oh, and they look at me when I walk by.
And then the guy I was hiking with, Sean said, man, we ought to get that on tape.
And I said, well, let's just reenact it.
Let me shoot a video walking by you and say,
what do you do when you're a purple-haired woman with a nose ring on your 12th
booster and you see Alex Jones?
It's got millions of views, people.
And then there's leftists in there.
Saying, I'd kick your ass.
I'd take my 15th booster.
I mean, they love it.
They enjoy it.
They literally think Bill Gates and Pfizer and Klaus Schwab and King Charles,
who literally want them dead,
is their daddy.
Because they've been inducted into the propaganda.
They can't admit they've been conned.
And they feel like they're part of the establishment.
And what they are is lost victims, losers.
And they think those of us that are trying to help them,
because they vote,
they want to enslave us under the power of their vote.
We have a moral responsibility,
but also it's the right thing to do for our own future to try to resuscitate their minds.
But their brains are completely blasted.
Absolutely out of their minds.
So here's clip 10.
Congratulations to the people of India.
Several Indian tribal girls used as guinea pigs.
We do more in India than any country in the world.
Untested vaccine was administered to thousands of tribal girls without proper study and paperwork.
One shot.
are pneumonia.
And the Gates Foundation denied that it had been clinical trial.
Today, we're announcing a commitment over this next decade, which we think of as a decade of vaccines.
India is an example of a country where, oh, there's plenty of things
that are open defecation across the country you know if you go there and you've
never been you might think whoa this is a chaotic place uh and it won't be normal
until we get a an amazing vaccine to the entire world well it's not the decade of
vaccines it's the decade of autism exploding cancer exploding live expectancy
dropping fertility dropping heart attacks
cardiovascular problems, just off the charts.
The only other graph that goes up straight up like that is the national debt.
Like a starship blasting off, except it's a bad one.
Here is the FDA board member,
Charles Rubin,
we got to go ahead and improve it for kids.
We got to see what it's going to do.
Here it is.
And I think what treats me here is that
It's a very sort of personal choice.
If I had a child who was a transplant recipient,
I would really want to be able to use a vaccine like this.
And there are certainly kids who probably should be vaccinated.
The question of how broadly we use it, though, I think is a substantial one.
And I know it's not our question.
And I know we're kind of punting that to ACIP.
But I do think that it's a relatively close call.
And as Dr.
Levy just said,
as Dr.
Gan said,
it really is going to be a question of what the prevailing conditions are.
But we're never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it.
That's just the way it goes.
That's how we found out about rare complications of other vaccines like the rotavirus vaccine.
And I do think that we are going to, I do think we should vote to approve it.
That's an official FDA board meeting where they voted to do it.
And now even after all the death and destruction,
now they want to give it to newborn babies and they give it down to babies at six months.
And then you heard him, oh, but it's up to parents.
Is that why six states,
Supreme Courts,
the latest Vermont yesterday,
we're not just going to inject your kids.
We're going to keep it secret from you, and you don't have a damn thing to say about it.
The same school system is run by the same CIA operations.
They just follow the policy.
of taking your 5,
8-year-old and telling them they're really a girl or they're a boy and confusing
them and saying,
they do identify as another sex,
putting them in a database,
keeping it secret from the parents,
sending them to special school programs to get her deeper in the cult,
and then by 7,
start the sterilization process.
And then pass state laws like Oregon has that if you find out they brainwash your 10-year-old,
they just take the kid away from you and go sterilize them.
Kidnapping cults.
And another CIA State Department program in Germany,
30-plus thousand children over 30-plus years given to convicted pedophiles to,
create a new family and a new society.
You're a new listener?
Sounds crazy?
Just type in what I said.
Der Spiegel.
New Yorker magazine,
London Guardian,
the experiment that gave 30,000 plus children to convicted pedophiles.
And they rape them and rape them and rape them at age two.
And by age seven or eight, they are then delivered into giant sex rings.
It's in the articles.
It's in the reports to go service the globalist.
And it describes the seven and eight year old boys being gang raped in the middle
of the night at a Catholic cathedral in a satanic ritual.
Well, of course, that's what they do.
I'm not saying Catholics.
I'm saying that's what the Satanists are in control of those things.
They go do that.
That's blasphemy.
That's what they, I mean, that's the worst place they could do it.
So you got gang raped,
30,000 plus kids starting at age two,
then handed over to the CIA for giant rape rooms.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
That's your government, psychotic devil worshiping murderers that want to kill you and your family.
I'm here to tell you, brother, Donald Trump's going to save this country and nothing's going to stop it.
I've only lost 30-something pounds, 33, 40 pounds.
I'm going down another 20 or 30, so I'll actually be in shape soon.
I'm still not in shape.
Alex, how are you doing that?
Don't tell me you're eating right.
I'm not going to buy that shit.
Well, I mean, I'm not taking Ozempic, if that's what you ask.
Oh, no.
Nick is a big Ozempic fan.
I did it all.
From the with Ultimate Seamoss, the ultimate seafood.
That's why, right here.
This is the Ozempic of vitamins, the superfood.
The Ozempic of the sea.
The Ozempic of the sea.
It's got the best iodine and all these weird minerals and vitamins that are only in the sea moss.
And I am doing a plug here because, you know, we could be shut down.
Info Wars is up for sale next Tuesday, forced by the court.
But we'll continue on in the year one way or another, working with great folks.
I'll tell you how the globalists see this broadcast.
I'll tell you how the New World Order sees you and I. They see us as what we are.
The Grim Reaper.
Sent by God to expose them and to prepare the foundation for their annihilation.
The foundation of the annihilation.
I am your chronicler, your herald.
God has...
sent you all here for a purpose.
Will you follow your destiny?
I said some pretty amazing things last segment, didn't I?
And I'm going to continue here.
And every damn thing I said is on record.
If you're a radio listener and you're hearing what I just said last segment,
and you're thinking,
my God,
that can't be true.
I didn't even talk to the crew about specifics of what I was going to cover before
I just went on in the last 30 minutes.
I sent him some clips I was going to play,
but I didn't tell him when I was saying those things to pull it up instantly.
You can do that too.
So if you're a radio listener and you're hearing all this thing and there's no way
this is true,
believe me,
I don't blame you.
It's hard to believe.
When you're done at work today, do yourself and your family and humanity a real big favor.
Go to RealAlexJones on X. Go to
Go to
Find the archive of today's show or find the clips from the particular segments posted.
You won't be able to miss them.
And watch it.
And then see the articles, the documents, the reports.
Write it down.
Search it.
And then research it for yourself because either I'm the biggest liar the planet's
ever seen or we're in a lot of trouble and we better admit what's going on to stop it.
And of course, I'm the opposite of a liar.
That's why they call me a liar all day long and say I'm a fraud because I'm the opposite.
And so are you.
You want truth.
You want freedom.
You want justice.
You want love.
You want freedom.
And so do I.
You want answers?
Well, so do I. You want the truth?
Well, so do I. You want to fight the tyrants?
Well, so do I. Now, if you were a radio listener, you heard Bill Gates.
You heard the FDA board five minutes before they voted.
Because I played the whole hour-long hearing years ago.
Say, we have no idea what this will do to kids.
Let's just do it.
But then you find out they're playing dumb and they knew exactly what they were doing.
you know,
I've probably done in the last four and a half years of this tyranny with the COVID rollout,
I don't know,
50 shows on it.
On TV.
the emails,
the documents,
the C-SPAN hearings,
the congressional hearings with Bill Gates and Peter Daszak and Fauci and all of
them up there bragging.
And we have the documents and the whistleblowers,
how they had COVID-19 on the shelf for years before and how they rolled it out.
And then they brought out the poison shot, knowing exactly what it would do to you.
And then I just showed you the FDA document admitting it before they rolled it out,
what it was going to do.
And I just want that to sink in real good.
That as all this comes out,
they didn't accidentally come up with a shot that makes your body replicate the
spike protein of HIV.
Yeah, that's what it is.
A self-replicating, massively carcinogenic ball of razor blades.
I mean, that's what it is.
It's the most destructive, nasty prion ever seen.
I'm sure they got stuff worse they've cooked up.
But that's what it is, a self-replicating nanotech prion crystal.
You know,
most viruses have like a little spike on them so it can kind of get into a cell,
like a mosquito.
The spike protein would make a rhinoceros blush.
I mean, literally, you see the virus and the spike protein is almost as big as the virus.
It's a giant spike, a huge horn, literally.
And so they mass produce it and they inject you with the mRNA or the virus vector
shots that the Pentagon and Obama project developed.
And then your body manufactures it.
And just in case it doesn't take hold, well, they got boosters for that.
Oh, that poison we gave you a drink.
These wives,
they catch giving their husbands antifreeze,
and sometimes it takes six months for them to kill them.
Oh, you need some more of that?
Here, have some more coffee.
I'll put some sugar in it for you.
That's why they like to use antifreeze as a poison because it tastes sweet.
That's why your dog will drink it off the pavement and then spot falls over and dies a week later.
Well, people are a lot tougher than dogs when it comes to antifreeze.
antifreeze is mother's milk compared to the spike protein that cuts DNA in half and
it attacks right at the point on the DNA that
that is for repair of the DNA.
And when the DNA stops repairing, what happens?
They got a name for it.
Oh, cancer.
Oh, oh, that.
Very loving people.
you try to get the average leftist to wake up to this,
who's invested in the system,
got all their fake degrees.
They keep thinking it's us that's in the way of this new wonderful world where
everything's free and they eat bugs all day.
Can you imagine the average leftist that loves Bill Gates,
loves Klaus Schwab,
loves the government,
loves big corporations?
Can you imagine them?
They tune into this and they think, man, this guy is a wacko.
And even when they sit there and watch me play them clip after clip after clip,
Bill Gates saying we use kids as guinea pigs.
We just shoot it right in the arm.
We have no idea what it's going to do.
Yeah, we do it in India.
Yeah, we don't know this is going to happen.
We just give it to kids.
It's like we love that.
That's liberal.
That's liberal.
I'm the villain.
You're the villain.
Not them.
Because there's no way they've supported something that evil.
And even as they get sick and die, they keep taking more and more of the shots until they finally die.
Because they can't admit they were wrong.
They've bought into the great delusion.
Oh, yeah, the crew found one of the clips I'm talking about.
They're just talking about blowing up the old regulatory system.
I confronted that guy at the airport.
Not Bill Gates, the other one.
I said, how do you like it?
People are waking up.
You're going to go to prison for crimes against humanity.
Francis Collins.
Hey, pull that up.
I forgot about that.
All right.
I'm digressing here.
I got a lot of other news to hit, but
I remember being on air 30 years ago,
and callers would call in,
and they'd say,
here in Austin,
they'd say,
my daughter goes to this middle school,
and they gave her a shot without telling me,
and she had a seizure,
and then they lied about it,
but I'm suing them,
and now they admit it,
and the court said it's okay.
I've seen thousands of articles from Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the U.S.
over the years where,
this school in Missouri,
this school in Louisiana,
this school in New York,
this school in Texas,
this school in California,
this school in Idaho,
this school in Nebraska,
this school in Illinois.
This school in Vermont just lined up all the kids and gave them shots,
and they didn't know there wasn't parental consent.
I mean, that's wicked witch flying around on a broom-level crime.
And it's illegal.
But they're getting paid money by the government and big foundations.
You know why most of the pediatricians will bully you to take a poison shot?
you know,
to make sure your kid's up to schedule,
you know,
by the time they're three years old with 60-something shots,
you know why?
It's federal money.
They get hundreds and hundreds of dollars,
on average about $400 per round of shots on top of the money you pay for the shot.
And by the time a kid's three years old has had more than 60 shots, they get more than $5,000.
Most of these pediatrician offices make most their money on it.
Now, do you think the government is doing that because they love children?
Well, let's just look at the children.
Sicker, fatter, more unhealthy, more diseases than ever.
We have the sickest kids in the world except for South Korea,
and it's the only other country that gives more shots than the United States of America.
You go to the mall,
you go to a movie theater with kids,
you go to a playground,
kids look like they got,
they look like hell.
So let's read the article.
School can force vaccine children against parents' wishes.
State Supreme Court rules in Vermont.
Parents appeal to the U.S.
Supreme Court over forced COVID vaccine.
The Federalist.
And you read the article,
a Vermont family whose six-year-old son was vaccinated,
it's not a vaccine,
with an experimental COVID-19 vaccine.
intervention against the family wishes has appealed a Vermont Supreme Court ruling.
The Vermont court had ruled that the public readiness and emergency preparedness
act prep prohibits such claims,
granting immunity to the school and government personnel when they mandate the shots.
So the experimental vaccine gets emergency authorization and
And then they're not just saying the shot has liability protection, just like Hunter Biden's pardon.
This immunity, these courts are saying, is unconditional.
Same word they use for Hunter Biden.
First time, you have a blank check for anything you ever did criminal.
And all the crimes you did for us.
And the bioweapon labs and the kickbacks and the bribes.
It's the same thing here.
They just go, it's blanket, unconditional, anything.
According to them,
they can beat your kids' brains out with a hammer on national television and say,
we're just saying it's a vaccine.
They can line your kids up and shoot them and say it's a vaccine and blow the smoke off the barrel.
Stunningly, the Vermont Supreme Court did not even pay lip service.
The constitutional liberties implicated ruling against traditional protections of parental rights.
Oh, traditional and informed consent.
That's the Nuremberg Code.
It's a death penalty, by the way, to violate that.
But the PREP Act is not above the Constitution's supremacy clause.
It's the other way around, which is true.
And then it goes on to all the other state rulings.
The common sense recognition of such fundamental rights has been absent from
Supreme Courts in Wyoming,
in addition to Vermont and several others,
as well as Kansas Court of Appeals and federal courts in Kentucky and Oklahoma,
North Carolina.
I'm sorry, that's seven states.
That's at six.
Where a football player was force injected by the school against his wishes and
Also making its way up the court system.
Congress never intended the PREP Act to abolish fundamental medical ethics.
It goes on.
Yeah, the courts are just saying that.
Oh, here's the FDA board members.
we don't know what it's going to do,
so we're just going to give it to kids because if we give it to kids,
it's an emergency authorization.
So they take special protections for kids and flip it and say,
it's an emergency,
so we don't test it.
We'll test it on them.
And then even if we do it without parental consent, we'll say we're protected there.
The whole world is a laboratory for Bill Gates to, quote, try things.
Look at this.
CDC scrambles to cover up sudden deaths in teens.
Goes into all the articles.
And again, the coronavirus pandemic, everything I've already said, it's here.
It was man-made.
They lied about it.
It wasn't the Chinese.
It was Eagle Health Alliance and Google and big tech funding it.
And it goes back to Obama developing the virus at Chapel Hill,
North Carolina,
and the University of Texas,
And it was made in a lab,
and the Eagle Alliance covered it up,
and it should be investigated,
it should never get any money.
And that they used false science messaging so nobody could question it,
and fired all these medical workers,
and made people force tank shots,
and it violates all these laws.
And the former New York governor,
participated in medical malpractice and publicly covered up the total number of
nursing home deaths,
which was all under UN regulations,
in addition to these notable bipartisan issues.
It goes on, the U.S.
National Institutes of Health funded gain-of-function research,
the Wuhan lab,
the Chinese government agencies,
and the U.S.
and some members of the international scientific community sought to cover up facts
concerning the origins of the pandemic.
Rampant fraud, waste, and abuse plunged the COVID-19 pandemic response, plagued it,
Pandemic-era school closures will have enduring impact on generations of American children,
and these closures were enabled by groups meant to serve those children.
Yeah, the child abusers.
Constitution cannot be suspended in times of crisis and restrictions of freedoms.
So dissent in the public, or the public's pissed off,
The prescriptions cannot be worse than the disease,
such as strict and overly broad lockdowns that led to the predictable anguish and
avoidable consequences.
They did it on purpose, and it goes on and on and on.
I'll get more into that.
But let's get that clip of me confronting one of the globalists at the airport a few months ago.
I was flying up to Detroit to be at a TPUSA event, got to meet Senator Rance and more.
It was fun.
We'll get to that, and then I wanna get to Sean Penn.
But here is running into one of Fauci's buddies.
20 people dead from those shots.
We just confronted the former head of the NIH, Francis Collins.
He's one of the villains with Fauci and the entire Wuhan operation and the cover of
the origin and the poison shot.
Now, he's since backpedaled some.
But that doesn't matter ladies and gentlemen, he needs to be held responsible.
So, Fauci and Bill Gates are the very worst.
He's down here, part of the way he started to come public and admit that this was wrong, but they did.
The lockdowns, the poison shots, all of it.
When I said to him, you're about to see it, 20 plus million dead, he nodded his head.
So maybe he has a soul, maybe he's going to go public.
Redeem yourself,
turn state's evidence,
like Redfield and others have started to do,
and come all the way out because
The globalist operation for depopulation and what these shots do turning off the
immune system is all public and it's not going away.
And it's destroying faith in the system and in the medical system and it's gonna bring the system down.
So those of you in the system need to join with the people and you need to come out
for Nuremberg too and be witnesses against those that will be held responsible.
And you know the punishment for crimes against humanity.
You know what that is from Nuremberg with the Nazis.
All right, here is this confrontation.
How you doing?
We're good.
20 plus million people dead from those shots.
Wow, truth's coming out about you and Fauci.
How's it feel to kill more people than Hitler?
You writing some folk songs about it?
You'll never get away with what you did, your bio weapon.
You're in a lot of trouble.
Nuremberg 2 is coming.
All right, that's good.
We'll be exposing that guy.
All of them are going to prison in Nuremberg too.
They can run, but they can't hide.
The truth will get them, mass murderers.
Former head of the NIH, came up with police and shots, everything right there.
Yeah, the lady taking the tickets was like, hi, Alex.
Collins didn't look too happy about that.
All right, let's stop right there.
We should repost that on X. That's important with all the stuff that's going on.
By the way, I seen a few days ago Bill Gates being chased down in the UK, people screaming mass murder.
We should probably play that.
But right now, here's Sean Penn calls COVID a mandatory rehearsal.
That's right out of Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates.
For things to come, plans to lockdown society are a rehearsal for the climate lockdowns.
They admit all of that.
And that's why all the big fast food places and the airports are getting rid of humans.
You got to go have a robot.
They're displacing humans in their own admissions.
It's all the ESGs.
It's all BlackRock.
It's all anti-human.
It's all designed to shut down family farms and organic farming and natural beef.
And now they've got FDA approval to feed this poison feed to cows that totally makes them unhealthy.
The quote, stop methane as if methane is bad in the atmosphere.
As if farts from cows are bad.
They're saying your body is bad.
They even say you breathing is bad because gases come out that way too.
Your burps are bad.
They're outlawing you.
You're the carbon the globalists want to reduce.
Bombshell study finds 1.7 million vaccinated kids that now have severe heart defects.
From 1970 to 2020, 50 years, there was 1,312 athletes suffered from cardiac arrest and died, period.
From 2021, 2022, one year alone, 1,598 athletes, and it's only getting worse.
Now it's over 4,000 suffered from cardiac arrest and died.
And we got Obama going around making sure all the kids take their shots.
How loving, how liberal.
Remember Biden saying, we're dumb being patient.
We're going to make you take the shots.
You're making everybody sick.
All right, we're going to go to break.
Shift gears, another big news.
Do the deep dive on that.
I'm going to get into the latest on the crackdown on the border,
going after the human trafficking,
new developments there.
I'm going to get into a bunch of political news and new appointments.
I'm going to get into economic news, military news, China news.
It's very important.
And so much more straight ahead.
Please remember, we're doing incredible work here that changes the world.
We are not just exposing the past crimes.
We're exposing their future operations to stop them dead in their tracks.
And we have the Black Friday specials going right now at, our amazing sponsor.
No matter what happens to InfoWars, the deep state's still trying to close us.
A hearing next Monday could happen.
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the winner,
Chris DiLaro,
is here in studio from New Jersey,
former F-16 Air Force fighter pilot and flew the big 777s.
What an amazing aircraft.
Chris, I got to say, man, we love you.
Thanks for the support.
I love you, Alex.
I love Bigley, Nate, Colin.
Thanks, Chris.
This is one of the pinnacles in my life,
and there have been a few good ones,
but this is right up there just being in this studio.
I never imagined I'd be here.
Well, we appreciate you, brother.
You're the reason we're here.
It's so cool how cool the listeners are.
It is.
Wow, thank you.
The listeners are amazing.
Like everyone that goes to the Alex Jones store, obviously you're in it to win this truck.
But this experience of coming on the show, how is this, Chris?
I mean, is this not, this is like a, it's a dream I would feel like for the winner, right?
I slept pretty good last night,
but it's been a very stressful because he said,
Colin said,
you're going on the show.
And I was like, I'm a little camera shy, but here I am.
And I've done well, Lord Vader.
I said I'll do whatever I need to do to help Alex and Bigley.
Well, I'm glad I got to meet you.
We're going to eat some barbecue from Terry Black's here in a minute.
I'm starting to mouthwater when you said that.
Oh, I'm starving.
Now, real quick, this is all done by a computer, by a professional company.
I was talking to you guys before.
Sometimes it's in the middle of it.
Sometimes it's at the end.
Sometimes it's at the start.
Have you seen where somebody who entered on the first day won?
You know,
we've done probably 30 of these giveaways and have never seen someone win on the
very first day.
But we have these multipliers that,
you know,
go into place,
you know,
maybe at the first week and the last week of the giveaway,
And during these multipliers, if you spend, you know, $10, you get 100 entries.
If you spend $100, you get 1,000 entries, right?
It's a 10x multiplier for when you enter during that time period.
You actually enter during the 10x time period, right?
And at the end of the giveaway, we run the 10x time period as well.
So it was one of the best times to enter to win.
And, I mean, you got, you know, more entries for how much you spent.
With the new contest, where are we right now?
It's a brand new Ford F-250 Super Duty trimmer.
It's sick.
It's all black, jacked up.
It's Alex Jones verified for sure.
He picked the wheels.
He picked the tires.
It looks good.
I don't know.
Yeah, we're showing it right here.
It also comes with $10,000 in cash as well.
Chris, do you have that on you?
Yeah, this is not a hoax, people.
He is the winner of all the thousands of folks that came to
and got product to be entered to win or just put your email in for free and you're
entered to win.
He bought two t-shirts, ladies and gentlemen, and he won this incredible super truck.
Somebody can be like Chris.
They can go to
They can order the great CMOS,
order any of the great supplements,
and you're entered to win a badass,
brand new F-250 trimmer,
fully loaded pickup truck,
and you get $10,000 in cash,
and we fly you down here.
You get to meet Alex.
You get to be on the show.
If you just enter your email, you're still entered to win.
Go to, enter your email, join the VIP club.
I promise you next week what you'll get for being in the VIP club.
You'll be very excited.
I knew folks would love the last truck, and I know you'll love this truck as well.
Another incredible pickup truck, super off-road package, this time from Ford.
It's a beautiful truck.
super high ratings and you get $10,000 in cash on top of it for the lucky winner.
A 2024 Ford F-250 Super Duty Diesel Tremor Edition,
6.7 liter high output power stroke diesel engine with 500 horsepower and 1,200
pound-feet per torque,
two-inch ready lift kit,
37-inch Toyo off-road tires,
20-inch black rhino wheels,
12-inch touchscreen with 360-degree cameras to see all around the truck.
Well, it's a kick-ass truck.
I'm sorry to see it go, but it's going to a great guy, Chris.
Chris, love you, brother.
Love you, man.
Thank you.
Somebody's about to get this sweetheart right here.
And listen, they said I could drive it while I was down here for the last month and a half.
Only drove it once.
These things are too nice.
The winners are going to get these pristine trucks.
So we'll see you at, and thanks for all your support.
How many fingers am I holding up, Vincent?
And if the party says there are not four, but five, then how many?
glorious chronicles to the human experience in all forms of culture is because we
acknowledge there are many different truths.
And so in the spirit of that,
I'm certain that the truth exists for you and probably for the person sitting next
to you.
But this may not be the same truth.
This is because the truth of the matter is very often for many people what happens
when we merge facts about the world with our beliefs about the world.
So we all have different truths.
They're based on things like where we come from, how we were raised, and how other people perceive us.
No, there are truths like water boils at a certain temperature, water freezes at a certain temperature.
there are certain truths that if you chop somebody's head off of the machete that
they're going to die or that if you chop a little boy's penis off because you
convinced him that he's a woman he still has male chromosomes he just doesn't have
part of his body so she's telling him you can still have your truth but we're going
to go out and create for the general public the deception and that's what wikipedia
is and that's why google is so obsessed with a lot of you probably say we don't go
to wikipedia we've known for decades it's crap
But they're using Wikipedia for Google's AI as its programming script.
It's distorted reality that then NPR and CNN and all the rest of them go to so they
can read off the same sheet of music in their little symphony of deception.
But Eric Blair explained this, that O'Brien torturing Winston in 1984
is the archetype of the Fabian Socialist.
And O'Brien is torturing him
And says, listen, Winston, we know you are following the party.
We know you aren't going to resist us.
We just want to torture a beautiful soul that could still see beauty and see
goodness and totally wreck your mind until when I show you five fingers or four fingers,
you don't see any fingers.
You only see a blur in what I tell you because there is no truth except I'm going
to trample you and I'm going to be trampled and tortured and destroyed as well.
Very soon,
because we serve dark forces that want to destroy humanity and stomp on a human
face forever.
A black boot stomping on the human face forever against God, Winston.
We are satanic.
We worship a dark force.
And you look at the wrinkles on my face and the black circles around my eyes.
And you look at how exhausted I am and how I work 20 hours a day torturing good people to death.
He said, you don't understand.
I enjoy it, and I love serving evil.
When we're done with you, we're going to put you out to pasture in the Chestnut Cafe.
You're going to drink crappy synthetic gin.
You're going to watch television and all the brainwashing and lies,
and you're going to believe it instead of being one of the chief propagandists
writing it.
And Winston Smith is the archetype of George Arwell at the Ministry of Truth,
which is the Ministry of Lies.
And he said, when we're done, you won't know what day it is.
You'll be let out of your house.
And when you're on your way to the Chestnut Cafe, we will shoot you in the back of the head.
You'll be given no dignity.
And we're going to put you in a furnace, Winston.
And we're going to shoot your ashes and gases into the atmosphere.
And we're going to erase you from every piece of history.
And you will never exist because this is about our cult of power,
the priest of power being God and suspending gravity.
and suspending the family and when we're done the iqs will drop and people won't be
able to talk and we're going to kill everyone kill every human on earth okay and
you read that you know wow this is the guy on the board of the fabian socialists i
think their board had like 20 members the brain trust running the british empire
the chief propagandist for oss in world war ii
So if you want to know who you're up against, that's who you're up against.
All right,
I just did the entire second hour on the latest incredibly historic important
developments about the nature of COVID,
its origins,
the poison shots,
the different federal courts ruling that they can secretly inject,
also state courts,
you with poison shots against your will,
inject your children against their will.
Bill Gates openly bragging that he does secret illegal drugs.
medical experiments on children around the world,
the FDA board admitting it all,
the mass death numbers and carnage caused by it.
And then you've also got Benjamin Netanyahu saying a few years ago now,
Israel's be the number one place in the world to develop new vaccines and drugs.
Again, the new definition of a vaccine is anything they put in your body.
And because we've got a national health care system, he says, and
We can track what these things do and discover if it's safe for other countries.
Now, again, why would he say that?
Why would Bill Gates say the exact same thing?
Why would Fauci say the same thing?
Why would the FDA board member, Dr. Charles Rubin, say that?
If you're a new listener, just tuned in.
I played it all last hour.
I didn't get to this Netanyahu clip.
And unlike corporate media,
if I talk about something,
I almost always play it if you have time because I want to get it on record.
Why are they doing this?
And I talked about the nature of evil, the knowledge of good and evil.
What is the knowledge of good and evil?
Well, it's not just like, oh, you have the knowledge of good or you have the knowledge of evil.
What does it mean to know evil?
It means you understand the systems of evil.
You understand how to set up paradigms of what I call dark logic where you build
these societal frauds and systems that dumb the people down,
that poison the people,
that enslave the people,
that use the people.
And then as those systems of corruption roll out and predatory activity,
you then manipulate the people into deeper and deeper stages of being divorced from reality,
being illogical,
being culturally,
physically dumbed down and poisoned until you become basically a soulless MPC.
And so there's thousands of elements to the nature of evil.
It's like what studying criminology basically is.
Criminology tends to focus on arsonists and rapists and murderers and serial
killers and the different types that are into those things.
But there's much bigger,
more complex societal level,
educational systems.
And as those systems roll out, there are people that are functionaries in it who work for it and push it.
And most of them are compartmentalized and push the different sectors of the lie
because they believe it's for the greater good,
they're told.
Well, yeah, the shots do hurt and kill some people, but it overall helps people.
So it's the end justifies the means.
And of course, that's a lie as well.
But Bill Gates admits you're a guinea pig.
Fauci admits you're a guinea pig.
Dr. Rubin of the FDA admits you're a guinea pig.
To hide it in plain view and just normalize the crime, the Nuremberg violation of informed consent.
meaning you know what it really is, and then you've agreed and you've not been coerced.
But remember when they first rolled out the mRNA shots and the virus vector shots from Pfizer, Moderna,
Johnson & Johnson,
whether you were in Germany or England or Australia or Canada or the U.S.,
the pharmacists,
when people had asked,
would open up the little package with the vial under law.
There's supposed to be a big sheet of thin paper,
that tells you the studies,
the history,
where it came from,
what's in it.
And instead, they opened up the paper, and there was nothing there.
Because the joke's on us.
So Gates is normalizing all of that.
And then again,
the average medical worker,
the average bureaucrat believed in the lie,
believed they were good guys.
They'd already cut a lot of corners.
They'd already followed orders.
And while there's $53,000 or the equivalent,
whether you're in the EU or whether you're in the US or whether you're in Australia,
it's all the same global system,
all standardized by the big corporations of government.
And it was the equivalent everywhere of $53,000.
When you got someone and said they had COVID with a fake PCR test,
denied them care for regular flu or whatever,
send them home.
They're unhealthy.
They've already got co-morbidities.
They got diabetes.
They've had cancer.
They've been on antibiotics their whole lives.
They die without them now.
They don't have an immune system.
And, oh, we can't see you.
We can't see heart attack patients.
We can't see cancer patients.
We can't see you.
We're not going to even test you.
The hospitals across the world got the same standardized program that was already
ready and prepared before they rolled out COVID.
So you'd go to the clinic.
It was closed because of COVID.
You're trying to go to the hospital.
Sorry, we can't see you.
Go home.
Then come back.
Oh, you're really sick.
You can't breathe here.
You're ripe now.
We'll bring you right in here.
Oh, yep, you got COVID.
Whatever it is you had.
They tested the PCR system, turned it up 30, 40 times what it's supposed to be at.
Oh, you've got it.
We're going to intubate you.
So for every patient they got, they got $14,000 that they said had COVID.
For every patient they stuck in a hospital bed, $14,000.
And then they got COVID.
An additional $53,000 when they put that tube down your throat,
knowing full well,
and then they give you Rendesivir,
which they knew would shut off your organs and your lungs and kill you.
And the, quote, drugs they give you to put you in a near coma state so you're comfortable.
You've seen the images of wives and people visiting their husbands or mothers or fathers,
and the whole body's tied up.
Straps all over them in a green or blue cocoon and a big mask over their face.
And they tie you up like a spider does in its web.
And the spider only stuns a bug when it first bites it.
Then it ties it up.
And then it's putting on the spider species.
It'll come over and put some more venom in to begin the liquefaction process of your organs.
And then it comes over right before you die.
And spider species, there's a lot of great documentaries on this.
They'll put an arm on you and they feel for a heartbeat of the bug,
the moth or whatever it is they've got,
the butterfly.
And right before the bug's going to die,
right when the heart's about to stop,
the spider keeps coming over every few minutes,
Okay, you're totally liquefied.
It's about to die.
And right then it just sinks in its fangs.
and gets every delicious esinguiated drop.
And remember,
even USA had added a fact check and said,
do they get $53,000 for putting some money on innovation?
And by the way,
my memory's served,
you have 14 grand for getting them in,
another 40-something,
so it's $53,000 plus.
Put it back on screen.
No matter what country you're in, all standardized just magically.
50 plus thousand cash.
And then they got an additional $19,000.
If you die.
So what's 53,000 and 19,000?
That's how much it costs for hospitals to murder people.
Hell, the average hitman's like only 15, 20 grand.
The cheap ones are like five.
That's a good hitman's salary.
So let's do the math.
Well, it's 53,000 and it was like 18 or 19,000.
I'm going for memory.
They can look it up.
That's a lot of money.
72K to kill somebody.
And now the hospitals are corrupted.
Now, man, you just murdered some people.
And literally,
you can look at the photos,
they literally would cocoon them,
strap them all in,
not even ever let them get up to go to the bathroom.
No, it's over.
You're dead.
You're murdered.
You're liberal.
It's so liberal.
And then when I'm walking down the street and literally see some weird
purple-haired woman with,
it looks like she's dying,
and they'll bug their eyes out and get up against the wall.
They don't even say anything.
I'm not the one killing people for 72 grand, sweetheart.
I'm not the bad man.
I've got a life force.
I've got a survival instinct.
I care about you.
But you're in a death cult.
And look what they've done to you.
And now you're going to get sterilized so Donald Trump doesn't take control of your body.
Nobody wants to have anything to do with your body.
Yeah, people hug their parents through plastic, all this, while they're going to kill the parents inside.
That was months and months and months into it.
And what's the Senate report say?
Cuomo filed the UN directives killed over 30,000 old people.
Now his brother's backtracking on it all.
Oh, we were wrong about COVID.
God, I'm on your side.
He needs to go to prison too.
He's another bully.
Another punk.
You know how much money Frodo?
You know how much money Fredo got?
from Pfizer and Moderna on CNN, the numbers are similar to Rachel Maddow.
He got paid like his murdering governor brother,
and now he knows it's coming out,
so now he's running around saying on Patrick McDavid's show and the rest of it,
he's on our side.
He's a punk and a thug, and he thinks we're stupid
We ought to put a compilation together of Obama visiting kids saying, take the shots.
And the mayor of New York saying, I get a burger and fries for doing this.
These are sickos.
These are predators.
These are your mortal enemies.
So what are we going to do about it?
Well, we're going to light their ass up with the light of truth.
Oh, and Fredo says he's sick now from the COVID shot and he takes ivermectin.
He's a good boy.
He's one of our pals.
He's a regular pal.
So that's where we are.
And that's the nature of evil is it gets it all out in the open,
does it right out in front of you to normalize it so it can creep up to you and get close.
And this country isn't going to be free until people like Governor Cuomo and Fauci
and all of them are under the prison.
I mean, what disingenuous, creepy ghouls.
I mean,
the serial killers that are famous for kidnapping women and children and killing
them are lightweights compared to these people.
I mean, these are the worst of the worst of the worst.
Here's Benjamin Netanyahu making it sound completely normal that we've got the best
medical system and everybody's got a national ID and a medical ID and we can test
all this stuff on the public and it'll make us really rich because we can use the
Israelis as guinea pigs.
And what does Bill Gates say about India?
Oh, we use them all as guinea pigs.
What do we do here?
We were all guinea pigs.
And it wasn't to find some great cure or help us.
It was to make us sick and erase our immune systems and totally fry our bodies and
lower fertility,
which has happened.
Because it's about their power to kill us and hurt us and do what they want to us.
So I want to open the phones up with your stories, your reports, what you've seen.
since the winter of 2020,
and where you see all this going,
and Trump and Tom Homan going after the child traffickers and saying they're going
to prosecute the administration,
and he's now,
I've got the articles I'll get to,
going around the country and getting the good mayors and good governors and good
state police and good local city officials and police ready to go after the human
traffickers first,
and that's the way to do it.
It's constitutional.
It's everybody on board.
We'll get to that.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
First-time callers.
I want to give first-time callers a chance to get on.
Huge amount of news.
Huge amount of things to cover.
The incoming Trump administration going after the deep state,
going after the human traffickers,
saying they're going after the administration officials,
that's bold.
That itself, just saying they will means they're going to do it because that's devastating.
And they know that's going to make the deep state come after them harder.
But that's how you go on the offense, get the deep state off balance and get them singing like canaries.
And that's how you empower the whistleblowers, 877-789-2539-877-789.
But since we talked about it, here's Benjamin Netanyahu.
We came out of COVID first.
I described that in my book, my conversations with Albert Bourla of Pfizer.
And I persuaded him to give tiny Israel the necessary vaccines to get us out first from the COVID.
And the reason I could do that is because we have a database.
98%, a medical database, 98% of our population has digitized medical records and little card.
And anywhere you go in any hospital in Israel, north, south, doesn't make any difference.
Boom, you punch it in and you know everything about this patient for the last 20 years.
I said, we'll use that.
to tell you whether these vaccines,
what do they do to people,
not individual people,
not with their individual identities,
but statistically.
What does it do to people with meningitis?
What does it do to people with high blood pressure?
You want to know that.
So Israel became, if you will, the lab for Pfizer, and that's how we did it.
We gave the information to the world, not only been published in medical magazines and so on.
database we have i intend to bring on that base database of medical personal
medical records for entire population a genetic database genomes okay give me a
saliva sample volunteer but i'm sure most people would do it maybe we'll pay them
now we have a genetic record on a medical record
of a robust population.
Scott, you have to have diversified populations.
We have people from 100 lands.
This is a very powerful engine.
Now let pharma companies, let medical companies, let them run algorithms on this database, okay?
I'm telling you right away that I'll give preference for a few years to Israeli firms,
but you can create,
and then to the world,
but you can create
a biotechnological industry that is unheard of right now, unheard of, unimagined even.
And these are just the examples.
We can stave off Iran, become allied onto the nations in
groundbreaking technologies that will benefit not only Israel,
but our neighbors in the Middle East and the entire world,
which is what is happening anyway,
but bring it to a higher scale.
So he just said what Bill Gates said, but said it a lot slicker.
Oh, we're little Israel.
Oh, we're fighting Iran.
Oh, we might pay people.
Oh, we've got a database.
Oh, give me your genome.
So they can make race-specific bioweapons.
And protect the genome they want or maybe target their genome.
Notice the communist Chinese never took the mRNA shots that erase your immune system.
So when the new virus gets released, their people don't die, our people die.
And there I am saying the Chinese are involved.
Yeah, with Bill Gates and the globalist as the bag men.
And we've broken all that down.
So this is beyond...
And the UN and the globalists and their UN treaty to take over our bodies that's failed,
but they're still trying to implement it by fiat,
extra legislatively.
They've said, don't worry, there'll be a new pandemic soon.
It's going to be much worse.
It's going to target kids, and you'll really accept the next lockdowns.
That's another clip from a year ago of Bill Gates.
He's telling you.
He's signaling.
We were finding the clip.
I mentioned it last hour where Fauci in February 2017 said Trump will be challenged
by a new pandemic,
a new virus.
And he's so evil when he's saying,
and then he's talking to all the globalists there,
and that's what they did.
And they had it on the shelf.
I'll find it.
I'll find it during the break.
It's simple.
You just type in,
Fauci predicted Trump would be challenged by a new virus and pandemic in 2017.
That's it.
That's it.
That's it.
I'll imagine you put that into X. I bet it's the top lane.
Fauci predicted.
I'll do it right now.
I just have to do it.
I have to do it.
I have to do it.
I have to do it.
Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun.
Oh, there it is.
There it is.
So you found it.
So we're going to come back and play that.
And then we're going to go to your phone calls and I'll intersperse with all the other news.
Look at this.
This is really important.
Strategically, I mean, I want to get into this too.
China bans export of key minerals.
The U.S.
's trade restrictions escalate Reuters.
Well, how did they get 97% of rare earth mineral control?
How the hell could one country,
because the West will sue and harass or indict any company that tries to,
that's not Chinese owned,
whether you're in Africa,
whether you're in Europe,
whether you're in Asia,
whether you're in Latin America,
whether you're in the US,
you try to go mine lithium or any of this stuff.
There's hundreds of them.
You cannot do it.
It was part of the old strategic plan that they admitted to.
It wasn't an open treaty.
that if China didn't project their military power outside of China,
they would be the dominant economic force of the world used to leverage out and
shut everybody else down.
Because Western governments would put regulations and controls and energy prices
would be too high on our countries where we couldn't operate.
And the globals would have deals with China and then sell everything back to us for control politically.
And then China would have control of rare earth minerals,
but the West would have control of the military,
but the chi-coms double-crossed them.
Now the Chinese have the military and the rare earth minerals.
We'll be right back on the other side.
We're going straight to your phone calls as well.
I'm Alex Schoen.
Stay with me.
the winner,
Chris DiLaro,
is here in studio from New Jersey,
former F-16 Air Force fighter pilot and flew the big 777s.
What an amazing aircraft.
This is one of the pinnacles in my life,
and there have been a few good ones,
but this is right up there just being in this studio.
I never imagined I'd be.
Well, we appreciate you, brother.
You're the reason we're here.
I can't wait.
to learn who the next winner is.
And even though they shut out InfoWars, the Alex Jones Network continues on.
(02:19:47): is not owned by me.
So we now know it's the Democratic Party and the biggest gun control group that was
behind all the fake lawsuits.
We already knew that.
But now they've bragged about it.
Whether these people are successful or not,
and I believe they won't be,
we're going to continue on to the Alex Jones Network.
And so this baby is a new promotion, and I will be...
delivering this bad boy and $10,000 cash to you from myself and the entire Infowars
family and the Alex Shows Network family.
You are our family.
God bless you all.
Now go to the and get entered to win this bad boy.
Please phone by for further details.
We return you now to your regularly scheduled program.
All right, we are now into the final segment of hour number three.
I'll continue on into the fourth hour.
We got loaded phone lines here.
And I also want to get into martial law in South Korea and why the president claims he declared that.
It's now been overridden by the parliament or by the Congress,
but he's saying he's battling a communist takeover.
Who the hell knows what's going on anymore?
But it did come out that NATO and Israel and the rest of the groups are behind the
destabilization of Syria,
the new civil war there.
That's really a Turkish-funded invasion.
And then we've got the situation in the uprising after an election that NATO admits
it's behind in Georgia.
This is how World War III escalates.
And then all these other countries say, hey, now it's time for us to go crazy.
It just gets in the air.
It's like a bar fight.
One guy punches one guy.
He punches him.
Guy falls over a table, falls on somebody.
They get up and punch him.
And pretty soon everybody just starts beating everybody up.
It's like a feeding frenzy of sharks or something.
What did Klaus Schwab call it?
He called it an angrier world.
We're going to your phone calls, but here is a clip.
Fauci in early 2017 is the incoming president's coming in.
He's like, don't worry.
Trump's going to face a new pandemic.
We got it on the shelf here.
A surprise outbreak for you, says the head leprechaun.
Got it nice and prepared for you on the shelf.
And if you like this virus, you're going to love the shots we give us.
Here it is.
as you heard from the introduction,
that I have been around for a while and have had the opportunity and the privilege
and the pleasure of serving in five administrations,
I thought I would bring that perspective to the topic today is the issue of
pandemic preparedness.
And if there's one message
that I want to leave with you today based on my experience,
and you'll see that in a moment,
is that there is no question that there will be a challenge,
the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases,
both chronic infectious diseases in the sense of already ongoing disease,
and we have certainly a large burden of that,
but also there will be a surprise outbreak.
And I hope by the end of my relatively short presentation, you will understand why history
The history of the last 32 years that I've been the director of NIAID will tell the
next administration that there's no doubt in anyone's mind that they will be faced
with the challenges that their predecessors were faced with.
You know, Stephen King's at the clown is scary.
And it's really just a tentacle off a giant underground spider space sailing that eats kids' souls.
And it puts its little tentacle up and says, look here, Billy.
Your little paper boat in the storm came into the drain.
I'm your friend.
Tell you what, just stick your arm in here.
I got a shot for you, Billy.
You're going to like it.
Of course, the 1980s TV show had a Fauci voice.
The new clown kind of talks like this.
Hi, you know you're really a girl.
You're transgender.
Don't tell your parents.
We're going to put you in an after-school grip and teach you all about it.
We're pedophiles.
And then if your parents won't let us sterilize you and get on board, we'll take you away.
And gang, we're going to destroy your future, Billy.
It's so much fun and so liberal.
Is it fun down there?
Oh, yeah.
There's clowns and there's elephants and popcorn.
Will I float down there where the water's at?
Oh, you'll float all right.
It's gonna be so much fun.
Drink your fluoride, drink your aspartame, drink your seed oils.
Stick your arm down in this hole.
Just stick your arm out for the shot.
Oh, you're gonna like this part.
Here, let's play the clip of Dr. Fauci.
Here it is.
Cotton candy, hot dogs, and... Popcorn?
Is that your favorite?
Mine too!
Because they pop.
Pop, pop, pop, pop.
Pop, pop, pop, pop.
Pop, pop, pop, pop.
Pop, pop, pop, pop.
I should get going now.
Without you, Beau.
You don't want to lose it, Georgie.
Bill's gonna kill you.
Take it.
Take the shot.
Take it, Georgie.
Take the shot, Georgie.
That's right.
Oh, take your tent booster.
Sterilize yourself.
It's okay.
There's too many of you anyways around.
Bill Gates loves you.
Oh, Georgie.
Good Georgie.
Mommy's not going to help you.
Mommy's going to sterilize you.
Mommy works for me now because mommy's a good mommy.
Oh, mommy got you.
Mommy got you.
Back to the nature of evil and your calls.
You see,
to the evil ones,
they must kill you and hurt you and lie to you and poison you because,
they're in charge,
and that's what you do when you're in charge.
You're over life and death.
And see, when they exercise the evil by increment and you accept it, now they've broken your will.
And now you're going to serve them and help them destroy society faster because
you're subconsciously so scared of the evil,
you go under Stockholm Syndrome and you decide to serve your captors,
your abusers.
And you're told freedom is doing what they say.
And as you follow what the abusers say, it's worse and worse.
And the abusers say, it's Alex Jones.
It's Tucker Carlson.
It's Elon Musk.
The reason everything isn't free,
the reason you're sterilized and got cancer when you're 25 is because you didn't
make them take the shot.
And if we can just make them all take the shots, we'll all be in a utopia like Rachel Maddow said.
And like Andrew Cuomo said.
They said, listen, it's the people won't take it's the reason we're getting sick.
If you take it, you can't get sick and you can't give it to anybody.
100%, Biden said.
He said, Mike, my patience is worn out with you.
You're killing people.
We're going to lock you in your house.
We're going to fire you.
And you know what?
We're going to pass laws and we're going to shoot you up whether you like it or not.
because we're the good guys.
And man,
there's that video of Fauci outside those black people's houses in Atlanta,
and he's got like that wolf-like,
I mean,
he's literally like stalking,
come on,
bring your kids out.
Have them come down here.
Give them a shot.
Come on, trust me.
No, no, we're going to protect your daughter, your son.
Come on.
Bring them down here.
I played that video a few weeks ago again.
Pull up the video.
It's like PBS.
Dr. Fauci visits neighborhood.
Yeah, here it is.
He's like, hello, come here.
Come down here by the sewage drain.
Come by the storm drain.
Oh, your son, your little boy.
Come here.
Come to me.
Come on.
Come down here.
It's not going to be too hot for you.
Now, I'll kill your kid right here in front of you.
You'll get me.
But your kid's going to die a few years from now.
But not before we suck every dime out of you.
And look, I got a black lady with me.
Well, hey, she's here.
Hey, black lady, tell them they're stupid.
She's like, yeah, you're stupid.
And the guy comes out and just destroys them.
They go, we're going to move on.
He goes, yeah, why don't you move on?
Yeah, we're going to move on and kill some other people right now.
All right, that's good.
Okay for you.
Yeah, we're good guys.
I'm ready.
Look at him,
and he's just like,
I mean,
literally like a wolf that's about to pounce on a sheep,
cut to me for a minute.
I mean,
if you look at him,
he's like,
just like it,
the clown,
sees the kid,
don't go,
Georgie, come.
You don't want to lose your butt.
It's delicious.
I'm about to eat you.
Georgie, don't go.
Good, Georgie.
Stick that arm right down in here.
Because I'm going to kill your kids.
I'm going to murder them.
He's literally like, kids are in there.
Black ones.
I really want to kill those.
Yeah, yeah.
And people are like, well, this can't really be that evil.
There's not an actual psychotic murderer that created HIV.
Here to inject my kids with a self-replicating HIV spike protein.
I mean, that's too freaking crazy.
And look at the black lady.
She's all mad staring at the black guy.
How dare you uppity black man run your mouth to me.
We don't give your kids a shot.
And they're like, just like gargoyles.
Look at his body language without audio.
Look at him.
Like a vampire creeping in your window at night.
Look at her.
She's like, you get down here.
You take that shot.
Go ahead and roll the audio that I'm going to calls.
Go ahead and roll the video.
Here it is.
Sound clear in the first place.
And then you all create a shot.
No, no, back it up.
Watch him come up like wolves.
Of course, most of them are just useful idiots, but he's literally makes Mingala look like a Boy Scout.
And look at the body language.
He is on the hunt like a lion stalking up on a gazelle.
Bring the kid.
Oh, it's a kid.
Bill Gates out there giving the kids the live polio.
You watch from the videos, he goes, oh, he does it.
Oh, kill another kid.
Oh, God, I love doing it.
Oh, my dad worked at MD Anderson Cancer Research Facility when he was 15.
He signed up to be in NASA.
Oh, he's an asshole, right?
I remember when I was a kid, he told me about why he got out of it.
He said he'd sit there in these cancer wars where people were signing agreements to
take lethal stuff as a test,
and he said he'd sit there with the head scientist while they were just killing
people all day.
He said they would go like,
my dad said they would inject somebody,
and while they were killing them,
the scientist would go like,
my dad's like an orgasm.
Literally, I got to make my dad come here and tell these stories, man.
And now you can see it for yourself.
My dad's like, I thought I was joining NASA.
Oh, you're joining NASA?
All right, buddy.
Imagine how many doctors that weren't like my dad that got out of it.
Imagine how many.
That's who they are.
They're a damn cult, people.
There he is like a wolf poised to strike or a cobra.
Bring me that kid.
I know we got a lot of phone lines.
See, this is what happens.
I said I've been doing basically one subject now for two hours and 46 minutes,
and I haven't even gotten started.
Roll the tape of this guy hunting black children.
Here it is.
Good at protecting you.
Just the Anacostia, so get up there.
All right.
See you later.
The people in America are not settled with the information that's been given to us right now.
So I'm not going to be lining up taking a shot on a vaccination for something that
wasn't clear in the first place.
And then you all create a shot.
and miraculous time.
It takes years to create vaccination.
Well, it used to take years.
You know how many years we're invested in this approach?
About 20 years of science to get us to be able to do it.
20 years is not enough.
Yeah, stop right there.
Yeah, in the full PBS deal, he comes up to the mother.
He's like, give me a child.
I guess they have a shorter clip.
You back it up.
I want to show that.
She's like, no.
He's like, we'll bring the man out.
And they try to bully him into it.
But notice, oh, they did test us for 20 years, and it killed so many humans.
They experimented with mRNA.
They couldn't do it and would never get authorized.
And they did a bunch of tests on lab rats and killed them.
So he's like, oh, it's been.
Well, wait, he said it had never been tested.
We have other clips.
Oh, never tested.
We tested now.
Oh, it's been tested.
All right.
It's been tested real good for you.
I've been doing this for 50 years, baby.
You're never going to know what hits you.
Sorry, go back to Fauci.
They're not doing it because they say they don't want to do it.
They're Republicans.
They don't like to be told what to do.
And we've got to break that, you know, unpack that.
How you guys doing with vaccine?
Oh, you should get it first.
Okay, that way you won't give it to them.
Oh, I thought I would give it to them if I get it.
No, no, not at all.
In fact, we got to get you vaccinated so that if you were to get infected, you could pass it on to them.
So you're actually protecting your family by getting them vaccinated.
Well, I heard that it doesn't cure it and it doesn't stop you from getting it.
On the very,
very rare chance that you do get it,
even if you're vaccinated,
it's a very,
you don't even feel sick.
It's like you don't even know you got infected.
It's very, very good at protecting you.
All the studies show it makes you get COVID.
All right, see you later.
Give us your baby.
People in America are not settled with the information that's been given to us right now.
So I'm not going to be lining up taking a shot on a vaccination for something that
wasn't clear in the first place.
And then you all create a shot.
And miraculous time.
It takes years to create vaccination.
Well, it used to take years.
You know how many years we're invested in this approach?
How many people killed in India to make this?
20 years is not enough.
And nine months is definitely not enough for nobody to be taking no vaccination
that you all came up with.
The only reason I'm talking to you right now, as close as we are, is that I've been vaccinated.
But if a lot of thousands of people like you don't get vaccinated,
you're going to let this virus continue to percolate in this country and in this world.
Something like the common flu then, right?
It's much more serious.
That's really smart.
They could never give a cold virus,
a coronavirus vaccine,
because if you give it while there's a pandemic,
it makes it 100 times worse,
makes it mutate.
That's on.
I mean, this is one on one stuff, folks.
Continue with the Fauci clip, please.
Much more serious than the flu.
Well, the flu kills a lot of people.
You know how many people died of the flu the last year?
I mean, not this year, virtually none, but the previous year.
Pause again.
because the 30,000 flu deaths every year,
they just didn't say no one died of the flu because they all wanted to call it COVID.
And they killed a bunch of people that had the flu with the ventilators.
You think that the clown kills people.
He just bites their arms off and drinks their blood.
We're going to torture you for a week on a respirator while you're conscious.
Oh, I'm powerful.
I'm Fauci, the Grim Reaper in Latin.
the previous year, about 20,000 to 30,000.
How many people have died from COVID-19 in the United States?
600,000 Americans.
Well, the number that you are giving that died, that's once again, that's you all's number.
You're gonna pay us.
Yeah, definitely.
All right.
Because when you start talking about paying people to get vaccinated,
when you start talking about- She's so pissed this guy's smart.
... things to get people vaccinated, there's something else going on with that.
Something else going on with that.
Something else going on with that.
You're right.
But I'm glad millions of people, like me and most everybody here, didn't get an incentive.
You know what their incentive was?
Protecting their health and protecting the city.
But I won't keep doing it anymore.
It's OK, because my campaign is about fear.
It's about inciting fear in people.
You all attack people with fear.
That's what this pandemic is.
It's a fear.
It's fear, this pandemic.
That's all it is.
And then he cleans his hands because he was around the black people.
I mean, they put that on PBS like that would make people like Fauci because they're all in the cult.
I guarantee you go find that black woman that was going around trying to bully those black folks.
Even after all the studies and all the admissions and all the deaths, she'll defend it.
She'll say she wasn't wrong because she's that type of person that'll never admit she was wrong.
She doesn't know Fauci's a mass murderer.
She'll never even look at this information.
She'll take her 15th booster and die of cancer.
And she'll have a little picture of Fauci by her bed.
Oh, Fauci, you love me so much.
Because she bought into she's the hero.
She's the good lady.
She knows.
She's part of the system.
She's got the college degree.
She has all the answers.
All right, Zach, Jason, Nick, Dan, Nick, Ian, David, Joe, Sam, I'm going to get to all of you.
Please remember,
the enemy doesn't want me on air exposing them because we are very effective at
getting the truth out and hurting these people and keeping them from hurting other people.
And I want to go on stopping them.
I want to go on attacking them with the truth viciously.
I need you to continue to commission me in this war.
I'm personally asking you for the future of my family that's tied to your family to
take action and go to
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Zach in Massachusetts, you're on the air.
What's up, Alex?
Yeah, I just want to thank you and your InfoWars crew about, you know, saving me from those COVID jabs.
Well, thank you, brother.
We're all in this together.
But I appreciate people keeping me on the air because they're trying it again,
and they can't stand the fact that I'm on the back porch of the dog barking when
the burglars come.
That's really all I am.
I don't understand these people either just sitting around.
What's $5, $10?
I've donated.
I've been listening since 2020.
I've been listening to you,
and for some God-gracious reason,
that's when you were talking about the COVID shots,
and I was just about to sign myself up to get one.
And, you know, I researched things that you were talking about.
I thought you were a little bit crazy back then.
You know, it can't be true.
I'm listening to my dad.
My dad's getting on.
He's saying they're fine.
And, yeah, I just researched a lot.
And I wanted to mention that the Remdesivir trial is something a lot of people
should look up that will really wake people up.
Oh, Fauci recommended that.
Liquifies your organs.
The last thing you want to take with COVID.
Bye-bye time.
And, yeah, I mean...
The charts are right there.
It even says that you can't get any scientific data from anything with over a 50% mortality rate.
But Fauci is the science, and he says take it.
Yeah, so it's right there in front of you guys.
Don't take ivermectin or quercetin, though.
Just take the rindezivir and go to your bye-bye hole.
You know what the bye-bye hole is?
It's the graveyard.
It's the graveyard.
That's where I'm scared my dad's going.
He won't listen to me.
My mom thankfully listens to me,
but my dad's got about maybe seven or eight boosters in them,
and he lost complete feeling in his legs one night.
He said he got complete numbness, lost feeling in his legs.
He collapsed.
He went to the doctors the next day, and all he said, the doctor said he ate something bad.
Of course.
Well, that's because your dad's a good guy and can't believe the system's evil.
He's projecting his own self onto the system, and that's what evil does.
It does things so evil that we just can't admit it because it's too horrible.
I hope you understand that you're really keeping someone like me motivated and not
just giving up because it's hard without a strong father.
Brother, I can't do it without you.
God bless you, and thanks for the call.
Listen, listen.
I want to explain this to new listeners.
The reason we need a big war chest is I've been sued by the Democrat Party and in
rigged courts,
and they have been literally...
I don't think they spent $316 million.
They said that in court last week.
It's in the newspapers.
They've spent, in the last seven years, $316 million suing me.
We think the number's closer to $80 million.
But the point is...
That's what we're up against, but we're winning.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are fighting to stop World War III.
We are battling to get Trump into office.
He's only president-elect right now.
We are exposing the globalists.
We are reaching 60, 70, 80 million people a day.
We're back in the Infowar studios.
The purchase was fraudulent.
There's emergency hearings in court coming up next week.
But regardless, I'm gonna stay on air at The Alex Jones Network, even if this shuts down.
So when you go to our sponsor,, that's not owned by me.
The Onion people and the National Gun Control Crew and the Democrats,
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(02:48:41): thank you so much for your support
All right, we're taking your phone calls.
Got a bunch of breaking news coming up in this fourth hour.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Let's go ahead and talk to Joe in Washington.
Joe, what's your loving COVID experience?
Hi, Alex.
So back in 2021, my wife, she got COVID, and she was having a hard time breathing.
We brought her to the hospital today.
And we told them no remdesivir and no ventilator.
So they starved her for six days.
We found out about that.
And they started giving her nutrition.
And then after that, they put her on a CPAP machine.
And I guess the most you can give them is 65 liters.
They gave her 95 liters per minute.
blew out her lungs,
and after that,
it was a few days after that,
she stopped texting me,
and they called me and said that she's not going to make it come in right away.
So I came into the hospital, and the doctor and the head nurse took me into a room
And I said, you're murdering my wife.
And he said, my hands are tied.
I have to follow protocol.
So after that, I finally got to go see my wife.
And she was dying at that point.
And the alarm, her oxygen went down to...
to 63 and the nurse came in and she goes she needs more morphine and the night
before we said no morphine that that night they gave her five doses of morphine and
so so after that we we took her out of the hospital
And she died at my son's house because they wouldn't let my kids or grandkids in to see her.
So she died.
I'm so sorry.
I had no idea that your wife died when I made the sarcastic thing about loving liberals.
But for those that don't know,
all over the world,
they ordered them as protocol to give them on ventilators and other systems more
air than you're supposed to to blow out the lungs.
And the nurses knew what they were doing.
Many of them didn't follow orders.
And then they would get fired, but they kept their souls.
And yeah, and again, the morphine makes you not be able to breathe, and I am so sorry.
So the other thing that happened,
so when her oxygen dropped down to 63,
you know,
the bell came ringing,
and the nurse came running,
and she goes,
she needs more morphine.
She's in pain.
And I turned around and I said, don't you dare.
And two thugs came and grabbed me by both arms and they dragged me out of the room.
I didn't walk out of the room.
And notice whenever you'd leave at night, that's when you'd come see the chart.
Oh, five doses of morphine because.
But in England, they gave them a similar drug that's way stronger that is designed to euthanize people.
I forget the name of it.
But the point is,
and right before COVID,
they ordered something like 10 times what they would even use in a year,
bigger order than they've ever done of the loving chemical.
And then the story went on.
Okay, so after that, I had them do a autopsy.
And now on the death report, okay, so she died at six at night.
At my son's house, on the death certificate, they said that she died at the hospital.
You know why?
Because they get extra money if they die there.
And plus, so they doctored the death certificate.
They said that she died at the hospital at six.
And plus it said no autopsy.
And I did give her, you know, have an autopsy.
And I could not find one attorney who'd want to take my.
But sir, I'm so sorry for you.
But this is the anatomy of murder.
Has this really woken up your family?
Oh, yes.
We were always very conservative.
We didn't take any vaccines or nothing like that.
Well, God bless you, sir.
And I'm so sorry for your wife, but she's in heaven.
You'll join her.
But this is why Fauci gets $15 million of security a year.
He is Joseph Mengel, and he'll burn in hell.
All right, I will continue interspersing your calls, Sam, Ian, Nick, David, Nick, Jason, Robert.
And what I noticed here every time I say your COVID stories,
it's people that had family murdered after murdered after murdered.
And you notice I'm finishing their sentences because I've studied all this.
These people are not making this up.
It's all on record.
And these hospitals are so corrupt,
whether you're in England or the U.S.,
the same global standardized deal around the Western world,
they don't just get $53,000 and put you on the intubator and kill you.
If you even go to the hospital for a day and die two weeks later at home,
they will say you died at the hospital because they get tens of thousands,
I think it's like $18,000 more on top of that.
And I covered this all last hour.
The crew was throwing up the articles, USA Today admitting it, all of it.
I mean, this is so evil.
Now, I've been trying to get Robert Barnes on for a month.
to do post-mortem on the election and the appointments and Trump and what he's planning.
Barnes is a good friend of mine,
great lawyer,
really smart guy,
quite the historian as well,
but he had his back massively go out and has been out of the game.
And so he's finally back.
So we're glad to have Robert Barnes.
He lost some weight.
He wasn't fat before, but lost some weight there, buddy.
And we're glad you're here.
But since we've got all these callers,
because we had to move you up an hour because of some issues,
I do want to intersperse them in with their COVID stories as well.
So we'll get to them as well.
But please,
I know you've got important stories,
but I'll just make your point with the next person.
But what I'm saying is I will do a show.
Soon, maybe even tomorrow, where we just take like four hours of calls and give you all time.
Because I hated cutting that last guy off, the horrible story of them murdering his wife.
He only got five minutes.
I felt disrespectful even only giving him five minutes.
But we have time constraints here.
You know what?
I'm not going to say maybe.
I'll do a four-hour Saturday show on the COVID with all the news coming out.
I'm doing it.
I'm doing it.
Saturday, noon to four, we're doing a four-hour COVID breakdown.
With your calls, we're doing it.
But you have filed a bunch of suits with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,
On Pfizer, on the documents, it's all coming out.
The Senate report confirming everything you and others said.
Fauci getting caught in so much trouble.
You've got Bill Gates admitting he uses third world populations as guinea pigs illegally,
violating the Nuremberg Code,
the Supreme Court ruling in a bunch of other states as well.
In Vermont saying, yeah, we can secretly shoot your kids up.
You have no medical rights.
I want to get your update on the COVID battle.
But regardless, it is all coming out.
They're in a lot of trouble.
What's the Senate report mean?
Then we'll get into the election.
I haven't been able to talk to you since a week before the election when your back went out.
I know you've got a lot of great connections as well.
You can tell us where this is all going.
But, man, you've got Tom Homan.
The New Borders are saying,
we are going to prosecute not just the NGOs and the U.N.,
but the government officials that ran the human trafficking.
That is the right thing to do.
Find the missing kids,
and it will get everybody behind the deportations and will bring down the deep state.
Massive moves there.
I mean, so much to unpack, Barnes.
I want to kind of give you the floor here to run through as much of this as we can,
then go to phone calls.
Great to have you back with us, Robert Barnes.
Glad to be here.
I mean,
it's an interesting time that,
you know,
on our,
you know,
between you and I on our cell phones that we can reach out to a future half dozen
or so cabinet secretaries.
So, I mean, it really shows you how consequential this election was.
So not only was it that Trump prevailed and the disaster,
I think,
that a Harris presidency would have been brought in,
I think would have been far worse than a Biden presidency.
And it was time to do plan B contingency planning for what could happen to the world.
So I think it was a rescue the world election,
not just rescue America,
not just rescue the American constitutional liberty that we were founded upon.
It was keep the world safe so we don't have nuclear war,
not have another pandemic that can cause a bunch of problems,
not let the big food,
big ag,
big tech and big media create the Bill Gates dystopian world that would lock us out
of a healthy,
happy future for ourselves and our children.
And now we have that possibility.
Robert Kennedy,
Secretary of Health and Human Services,
talking about Kash Patel at the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
I would have loved Matt Gaetz as attorney general.
I think Bondi's okay.
Not as good as I think Matt Gaetz could have been.
But it would be solid.
The key there is who she puts in underneath her.
The deputies have a lot of power at the Justice Department.
There needs to be,
I think,
one of the key things that President Trump should do and consider is create a
lawfare committee.
A committee of people that are people like myself that have been practicing in this
for a quarter century that know a lot of cases and a lot of people in a lot of
places where our justice system when they will and use the pardon power the way it
should be used not to cover up for your historic crime family like Joe Biden did.
Because Joe Biden's pardon of Hunter has nothing to do with Hunter.
It has everything to do with his brother.
It has everything to do with his sister.
It has everything to do with him.
It has everything to do with his wife.
It has everything to do with his deep state allies that were running the illegal
bio labs in Ukraine,
that treated Ukraine as a massive money laundering operation,
all of that.
But the pardon power is a powerful power that needs to be utilized for the right and righteous purposes.
Let's use it for people.
I agree with Julie Kelly that at this point,
the January 6th cases are such a joke,
such a disgrace to the rule of law that you can't distinguish between any of them
meaningfully if you're going to meaningfully enforce the rule of law against the
government itself.
Pardon every one of them.
Just pardon them all.
Pardon every January 6th defendant.
Pardon Steve Bannon.
Pardon Peter Navarro.
Pardon all the people that were wrongfully targeted with political lawfare.
But don't just do those people.
Also extend the pardon to begin to use it to go after other politically motivated cases.
I'll give you a high profile current case that President Trump I think could benefit from politically.
But I think it would be good for the country and the world at reversing this course
of action is the Roger Ver case,
popularly or colloquially known as Bitcoin Jesus.
He's the guy that right now the Biden Justice Department has effectively locked up in Spain.
pending Spain extradition hearings in the coming weeks.
And what was this guy's crime?
They really can't identify it.
The crime they alleged is tax evasion.
And then you dig into it, there was no tax he evaded.
He was not even a U.S.
citizen at the time in which they claimed the tax was due based on money that
didn't come from the United States.
By the way, you're a famous tax lawyer.
You know what you're talking about.
But let me just stop you for a moment then.
What you're saying is Trump needs to never let them put him on the defense and get
caught in even arguing about all these appointments and the fake dirt they dig up
and all the crap.
He needs to just boldly just rampage forward to keep them on defense.
I 100% agree with you.
I mean, it's like, I like this, the three eternal truths statement that I made for years.
And one of them was that Sally Yates is still corrupt, that Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.
And I always tell people that number three is, well, we all know what number three is.
But number three is Alex Jones is always right.
And this is another example of it.
And in these cases,
you've been on the core,
on the forefront of fighting for food freedom,
financial freedom,
political freedom,
medical freedom,
all of it for a quarter century or more.
By the way,
I didn't want to write myself into this,
but if it was happening to somebody else,
I'd be making a big deal about it.
Have you been able to follow how they – you know how they tried to shut us down
without a court order of the U.S.
trustee on May 31st?
And the bankruptcy trustee appeared to be complicit in?
And the U.S.
trustee appears to be complicit in?
I mean this is one of the most outrageous lawfare scams out of all of this, which is really impressive.
I mean, given that, I mean, they managed to try you without a trial.
They managed to give you a trial on the merits except deny you the ability to
defend yourself of the merits.
Didn't allow you to produce evidence in your own case.
Created a completely fake claim that InfoWars is a quarter of a billion dollar
company and so on and so forth.
Remember all that nonsense.
Did a fake documentary on it on HBO in order to get away with not being able to be
sued for libel because they turned the courtroom into literally a play theater.
And so like something out of Shakespeare, except a disgraceful version of it.
And then they add on to it.
At the end of it,
they decide how can we and what I said from day one about this case before I was
your counsel when I was not your counsel didn't matter.
I've said the same thing all along that the cases against Alex Jones are
politically weaponized mechanisms to use our American legal system to effectively
discredit our legal system.
And create a system that basically suppresses and censors speech, pure and simple.
And it was all about how do we shut down Alex Jones,
but also how do we shut down all the future Alex Joneses so that the world,
so that the Robert Kennedys of the world can't become secretaries of health and
human services.
So the Donald Trumps don't become president United States.
So J.D.
Vance doesn't become vice president United States.
That was the method they chose all the way through.
And we were proven by it by how they pursued the case afterwards.
They didn't pursue a settlement.
They could have got a lucrative settlement that would have been very helpful for all the families.
Yet they didn't ask for it.
They didn't want a penny, nickel, dime, or dollar in that regard.
They wanted to shut it down.
They wanted to censor it.
They wanted to suppress it.
They wanted to crush it.
And Barnes, Barnes, I know you're an expert unless you're actually on the case early on, but-
Separately, what do you make of the last U.S.
trustee without a court order trying to close us on May 31st?
Then they did it again on November 14th with a fake auction,
gave different rules to the other bidders,
gave themselves another rule saying no formulas or credit for any other bidders,
but to them,
then did that,
then seized the building illegally,
then were kicked out.
The judge said last week, quote,
The onion sale never happened, though they keep saying they own it.
I mean, what the hell is that?
I mean, it's bankruptcy fraud.
That's what they did.
If private participants had done it by themselves, they would call what happened bankruptcy fraud.
They attempted to go to the bankruptcy court and steal an asset for far less than
it was worth,
steal it from other auctioneers,
deprive them of due process,
deprive the debtor of due process,
in order to shut down the company, in order to deprive plaintiffs of any monetary recovery.
At every level, this was a censorship operation.
But the problem is bankruptcy law doesn't allow that.
So they had to violate bankruptcy law to do it.
And that's what they did.
And to me, it looks like bankruptcy fraud.
It looks like an insider deal.
By the way, as you know, I've got well-known, very respected bankruptcy lawyers.
Shelby Jordan's represented $50 billion companies.
I mean, he's famous.
And the people that tried to buy the company that are patriots that I said I would work with
Their lawyer is one of the top bankruptcy guys.
They say they've never filed, and both these guys together, it's almost 100 years of practice.
They said they've never, and with all my lawyers, like 140 years of practice, they've never filed on U.S.
trustees or people saying in their filings in my lawsuit, literally saying the U.S.
code and the fraud.
They say it's cut and dry.
It is.
It is cut and dry.
I mean,
because what took place here is you're supposed to do an honest auction where the
whole purpose and objective of the honest auction is to be able to maximize value
to the estate.
That's the point of bankruptcy law.
So you're looking, OK, how can we maximize value?
Well, it's been obvious from day one.
There's only one way to maximize value to the estate, and that's maximize the value of Alex Jones.
And that's keep Alex Jones on the air.
That's have Alex Jones available to as many people anywhere in the world.
Because the more people that see you,
the more people that hear you,
the more people that like to listen to you,
and the more people that engage.
And this is just honest, objective, independent analysis.
This is what any economic honest analysis would do,
unlike the quarter of a billion dollar company analysis that they claimed back then.
I mean,
the same people that put that evidence up helped coordinate,
it appears to me,
as an independent third party observer,
an inside effort to suddenly say,
you know what,
when we told the court and the jury in fours is worth quarter of a billion,
we knew we were lying.
It's really worth zero.
Because that's how that's effectively what their auction bid was.
As far as I can tell,
it looks to me like it was they said we're going to use Alex Jones's future revenue
to fund our offer,
even though we're going to preclude Alex Jones from making any future revenue
because our goal is to shut it down.
I mean, this is fraud.
This is fraud of the bankruptcy court.
In my view,
it means there was fraud on the Austin jury,
means there was fraud in the Connecticut jury,
fraud on the Arizona on both Austin and Connecticut courts.
Because what they have said contradicted each other.
You can't claim the business is worth a quarter of a billion dollars,
according to your expert testimony,
and then submit an expert bid that says it's worth zero.
I mean, and the bankruptcy trustee, what in the world is he doing?
I mean, his goal is to maximize value.
There's a bunch of people that are interested in the brand of Infowars and want to
promote Alex Jones,
particularly in the modern era.
I mean, your ideas have won in the court of public opinion.
The Trump victory was a victory for the entire Infowars audience.
It took a quarter century to get there.
But to be honest with you, I never thought we would get there.
I mean, I always try to stay hopeful and optimistic because you have to.
But I didn't think that Trump would be able to necessarily make it all the way back,
that something wouldn't happen to him and they try to kill him twice,
at least twice that we know of.
And here the bankruptcy Trump is being complicit in what is really a no bid sale.
It's like an old school mob sale from the,
like the mob comes in and bids on a project and they make sure nobody else makes
any other competitive bid.
I mean, it's bid rigging.
That's exactly what it is, bid rigging.
Which is a directly violation of federal law, bankruptcy law, state law, you name it.
By a federal trustee,
and I don't know if you read my lawsuit,
but we have like 30,
40 pages of their own documents that they gave my lawyers after.
And they say,
we wanted the families to have it,
so we decided to give it to them even though it's less money.
They're not supposed to talk to them.
Exactly correct.
I mean,
it was clearly a coordinated conspiracy going all the way back,
which other independent reporters,
not even InfoWars,
got people on tape,
on camera,
admitting people that have ties to the FBI,
ties to the CIA,
saying this was part of a coordinated effort to take Alex Jones out and then put it
in the broader context.
The broader context of the weaponization of the government,
of the legal system against political dissidents,
trying to lock people up.
Like right now we have a de facto coup in South Korea going on because the South
Korean president decided,
claimed he was going to clean up corruption.
And instead he used his prosecutorial power to try to put his adversaries in jail.
And it was starting to collapse on him.
His approval rating was down to 19%.
So what does he do?
He declares martial law and decides that he's going to lock up everybody who disagrees with him.
And this is something that was common in South Korea back in the 40s and 50s and
60s when US-sponsored dictatorships were replete there.
But it's been uncommon for a couple of decades now.
And yet the American media is not even talking about it much.
I mean, here you have true tyranny in force.
The declaration of martial law that says- And Mars, we've got some good time to go through all this.
And as important as my case is and crazy-
Let's move away from me and talk about the martial law.
I don't want you to finish up with Korea, but let's come home.
The Democrats,
as you know,
but for listeners,
said in 2020,
in August,
in the New York Times,
John Podesta,
they war-gamed,
not accepting a Trump win if he was able to override the fraud,
but she wasn't.
They would then have Western liberal states secede,
declare a new government,
and have a new inauguration for Joe Biden.
And that they would then trigger a civil war based along racial lines.
They made movies fantasizing about it like Civil War that came out this year.
And now they're back in the news with Senator Blumenthal and others,
overhead shot,
introducing legislation to strip Trump of the power of the military.
And they're trying to get Biden to agree to it now to try to pass it,
which is a legislative coup over the executive.
And here it is, war games.
West Coast seceding civil war.
I mean, this is, and so they brought the plan back.
All they need is a false flag of killing a bunch of migrants to blame Trump once he gets into office.
They are saying this is their plan.
What do we do about this?
I mean, I think we need institutional reform.
So part of it is policy, part of his personnel, part of it is elected officials that are different.
But we need institutional reform so this can't happen again.
And so part of that is you have a lawfare committee where President Trump puts
together highlights cases,
civil and criminal cases,
state and federal cases all across the country at least once a week.
Pardon or commute or take whatever corrective or remedial action you can.
Some civil case.
But I think what your cases should be one of the cases that are discussed.
So they can say, look, our legal system has gone AWOL.
It's gone off the rails, and we gotta fix it.
And if we don't fix it, we're gonna end up like South Korea.
We're gonna end up like these countries with martial law.
We're gonna end up like the pandemic.
So we need institutional reform.
some of that comes from the right people being in positions of power to purge bad
actors from positions of power.
Part of it comes from shifting where power is located.
I mean, that's why we've always advocated everything that can shift power back to ordinary people.
Give it to ordinary people, not centralize it in the hands of a small group of people.
that that always invites trouble and problems.
And we've seen it at peak trouble in the last decade.
And so I think those are a couple of critical things to do.
But we have to stay active and stay engaged in the court of public opinion.
The fact they're still trying to steal Infowars after the election tells you how
that they have plans beyond the election and tells you that the importance of the
Infowars audience hasn't faded one bit.
I totally agree with you.
So what do you make so far of Trump's moves and the establishment's response,
the Hunter Biden omnibus or,
unconditional pardon,
total blank check.
Now, CNN's saying they had to give him a pardon.
Trump was going to kill Hunter.
Folks, it's on
We have the video.
They are going even more insane.
But the acceleration of people waking up that I see is just exponential.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, look at the massive change.
40-point movement in Puerto Rican precincts,
African-American precincts,
Mexican-American precincts,
Cuban-American precincts,
working-class white precincts.
I mean, you name it, there was massive movement towards Trump.
Trump, I believe, it may be the first time ever.
There might have been one other example.
But it was the only one to do better in every single county in the country than he
did in his prior two elections.
I mean, that's extraordinary.
He's done things that is the greatest comeback in American political history.
But it's only gonna matter if it translates into personnel and policy that
precludes these events from reoccurring and repeating in the future.
And that's where we have to stay hyper alert and push back when Trump is given some bad nominee choices.
Like the DEA head, the sheriff from Florida, bad idea.
That guy went neck deep and got way in with COVID-related issues.
So I get he's tight with DeSantis.
I get he's tight with Susie Wiles, the new chief of staff for President Trump.
But Wiles comes from the corporate lobbying world.
So that's not someone I would trust for any position of influence or power.
Same with Mike Rogers.
We don't need Mike Rogers anywhere near the FBI, the NSA, the Defense Department, anywhere else.
Trump's got to stick to his guns,
push these people through,
and do it by whatever means needed because they can go in and then start to fix
things that are beyond his everyday acumen to handle.
Because that's going to be key if we're going to make any kind of progress whatsoever.
Otherwise, it's going to be an all-out civil war.
And you can see they're already planning and seeding the idea for that somehow
being credible or respectable when it's insane.
What do you make of what I've been calling for in finding the kids is the right thing to do?
325,000 disappeared by design.
Tom Homan saying no.
And I've talked to people.
Trump's going to criminally go after the Biden administration officials that made
these criminal orders like Mayorkas.
Mayorkas is reportedly trying to get immunity right now.
I don't know how he can do that.
What do you make of really the way to bring down the whole deep state and PR-wise
legitimize the right thing to do already,
round up the illegals,
deport them,
start with the human traffickers,
the drug dealers,
the sex slavers,
and then boom,
the whole thing comes down like a house of cards,
and then you're able to go after the entire deep state,
the UN,
all of them,
their long histories of human trafficking.
Oh, I agree.
And what J.B.
Vance said also on immigration, you gotta crack down on the big companies.
You gotta tell the big companies,
you hire people,
we're gonna start putting executives in prison for 25 years.
We're going to accuse you of illegal alien smuggling activities and lock you up for
life if you continue to do it.
You cut off the money, you end the whole thing.
Cut off the NGOs, cut off the corporate employers hiring them, illegal immigration disappears.
Most people that are here for illegal immigration are here because they have no
other option or they think it's their best option.
But if you give them other economic options and take away the economic options here
to do illegal activities,
then you'll dramatically improve the ability to shrink the illegal immigration problem.
And that's a key first step.
to being able to make some of the major changes that President Trump needs to make.
And I think he is committed to a legacy of difference,
that he wants to be the most consequential president in history.
One of the best ways to do so,
there's three people who need to be,
if the American people believe our government has restored its constitutional democracy,
there's three people that need to face legal consequences for their action.
And that's Bill Gates, George Soros, and Anthony Fauci.
That if President Trump is able to have those three people face major civil or
criminal consequences for their decades of illegal behavior,
then people can have much greater confidence around the world that we can restore
old school constitutional liberty.
Then once again, the answer to 1984 is 1776.
All right, Lawrence, I told the callers I got their names and numbers.
We're going to call them back tomorrow so they don't have to hold because I want to
really do the deep dive on COVID.
But when we come back,
I want to get back into the COVID tyranny collapsing,
where you think that's going,
the UN treaty,
what needs to happen to Fauci,
his illegal federal protection that's totally illegal,
came out two years ago,
still going on,
but now a big news item.
And why do you think Bill Gates...
is out on TV saying,
I do experiments on Indian people as guinea pigs,
which violates the Nuremberg Code.
Why is he so arrogant?
Why is he so public?
Are they trying to hide it in plain view?
And how do we make sure they get prosecuted?
What do you think President Trump should do on this front?
you know,
he went along with some of it,
nothing like the Democrats,
but he's now,
you know,
put in Robert F.
Kennedy Jr.
for HHS, which is the right move.
He's putting in the NIH head, who's really hardcore.
Where do you see that going and how do you think Trump should make his moves?
Back with the great Robert Barnes straight ahead.
Please follow me on X at Real Alex Jones.
We'll tell you where to follow him when we come back.
Ladies and gentlemen, InfoWars is back on the air.
The judge is having emergency hearings.
Looks like their fraudulent sale won't go through.
But regardless,
I'm suing the daylights of the Democratic Party and the big national gun control
group that's actually behind The Onion and has now admitted it in court.
So we also have backup studios, the Alex Jones Network.
Whatever they do,
we're staying on air to make sure Trump gets into office and to back him and his
agenda to stop World War III,
secure the borders and more.
But we can't do it without your support.
So there are all these new, amazing, incredible designs up
on that has nothing to do with M4s not owned by me so they
can never get that that's how we stay on the air even if they're successful in
shutting us down if you go to and you get great supplements
t-shirts limited edition collectible fundraiser posters and more you will keep me
on the air regardless at the Alex Jones Network please go to the site now
(03:17:06): and keep us on air they're amazing products thank you so much
for taking action you are the resistance
All right,
my friends,
I want everybody to really listen to me because I'm going to say something really
important here,
and I think everybody's going to agree with me it's important.
And again, I want to be very clear.
When I'm saying this on Tuesday,
December 3rd,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon central time,
I'm not preaching at you.
I'm preaching to myself.
Because I tend to not really just sit back and look at things like I should in the
context of the compendium of time.
I mean, I do that a lot more than most people, but it's so important is what I'm saying.
that what I'm about to say really sinks in.
And again, I know we have a smart audience.
I don't think there's any way you disagree with me,
but I want people to really mull it over in your head and think about where we are
and then where we're going to go because I cannot describe to you,
and I was already planning to do this when Barnes came on,
and then I forgot to,
and then he brought it up himself.
That's why I love interviewing him because our minds think alike.
And then he'll take me someplace that's next level.
I'll take him someplace that's next level.
We all do that together.
The callers as well, incredible points.
We feed off each other.
But in our search for the maximum truth,
to sit back and ask ourselves,
what historical point are we now in this journey?
And where do we want to go?
And then what are the bad guys going to do to try to stop us?
Because as Barnes said 20 minutes ago or so,
He said he can't believe how big the awakening is.
He can't believe how fast it's moving, not just here, but around the world.
He can't believe how everything's blowing up in their face, basically.
I mean, I'm elaborating on what he started to say.
I want him to elaborate now.
But then we can't get overconfident.
We've also got to think about what will the desperate establishment do?
A lot of them are giving up and rolling over, at least on the surface.
Bezos, Zuckerberg, the list goes on and on.
But a lot of them are really rolling over.
And then as other people that are on the fence see that, they're going to join the liberty movement.
And it's really amazing.
So Barnes,
talking about Trump coming back in the greatest comeback story from ever,
all the persecution,
the deep state believing they would always stay in control,
now losing the initiative,
now committing all these crimes,
exposing themselves,
like you said with the show trials.
Alex Jones isn't on trial.
These show trials are on trial.
was prophetic because when people watched the trials,
who were even against me,
they went 99% against him on YouTube until they banned comments because people are like,
he's not allowed to talk.
He can't put on a defense.
Wait, there wasn't, he was already found guilty.
The judge is saying he's guilty to the jury.
People are like, that's not supposed to be that way.
So in their arrogance, they've screwed the pooch.
How would you describe this moment?
And then we don't want to be overconfident
What do we need to be doing to secure this victory?
And then as the populist movement worldwide comes back into power,
how do we not become the old boss like the who song?
Meet the new boss.
Same as the old boss.
Don't get fooled again, because this is a real fourth turning.
This is a real global realignment.
But these are also very dangerous times.
So that's quite an intro there.
But how would you quantify that?
I think from an historical perspective,
the best analogy I can give is like 1780,
that we've just fought the American Revolution and we've won.
And that's what the Trump election was to me.
It was the recandescence of the American Revolution in its spirit.
But everybody that can remember, the Brits came back.
We had, what, two, three, four more wars with the Brits after that.
People kind of don't always remember that in full context, the Battle of New Orleans and all the rest.
And so that we're going to face similar kind of obstacles.
Now, one advantage we have is that the adversary is incompetent.
That can be dangerous because an incompetent adversary can do things that are so
self-destructive and implosive.
You end up with something.
I mean,
when I look at the elites,
I look at us in America in terms of our populist reformation and revolution as
being like 1780 that led to the French Revolution.
Good part of it before it got hijacked by the crazies.
um and and then led to the i mean every idea of bill of rights or constitutional
rights or liberty rights or uh any of those doctrines ideas they really stem from
the american revolution try to find people articulating that in 1650 england well
exactly we think of that as old no that's back to the future that is still the
flower of the renaissance that's where i was going you read my mind how do we not
have our revolution turn into the french revolution by the jacobins of the
communist the proto-communist
How do we have the George Washington, Thomas Jefferson revolution?
Because this is dangerous, not just from the bad guys.
We can become the bad guys very quickly.
Oh, no doubt about that.
And I think there's people out there that will make efforts a foot for it.
I think there's a couple of his nominees that could go in that direction.
Those are the nominees I don't trust, like the nominee to head the DEA.
Don't trust that gentleman.
Don't know him well, but of what I know about him, I don't trust.
You articulated it well earlier when you were describing what some of these people did.
Even if they were not bad people,
that their default is a bad default.
It's a government default.
It's a tyranny default.
It's a control default.
It's a Bill Gates control grid default.
And so we need to counteract that.
And in order for that to happen,
part of that is policy,
part of that is personnel,
part of that is public staying awake and alert.
But part of that is the American revolutionaries,
our founding generation was hyper cognizant of this precise concern.
That's why they imposed all these legal restrictions and restraints on the
government's power to do things.
That's why they wanted the people to have the power to enforce the Constitution
through the Second Amendment.
No standing army, but ordinary, everyday individuals would be the only tool of violence.
And the first, and the first, and because we defended the second, it's getting shored up.
Now we're beginning the process of realizing the first is just as important,
and now the defense of that's beginning.
Oh, exactly.
And so we've got to,
the Constitution usually has an answer to almost every significant question you
have if you dig in.
And our Constitution's answer is trust the people.
Trust the people as much power as possible,
and limit power to politicians as much as you can,
and always try to put the politicians against one another.
They're not supposed to be aligned with protecting one another,
which is what's happened,
is an insider racket scam.
No, you want total separation of powers, tie them down.
And that's why I think we also have to have consequences for some of these high profile people.
You can't let these if the next Bill Gates sees Bill Gates suffer no consequence at
all for what he's done in the last decade,
he's going to do it again.
And people like him will do it.
Well, you're talking about Bill Gates like he's done.
He is in a lot of trouble.
How would you describe where he's at on his trajectory?
In his mind, he still has a great chance.
This was a minor setback.
He'll be back.
He's still in the saddle, that he's still in control of the World Health Organization.
He's got a new virus he's getting ready to release.
And he keeps trying to plant the seed for that.
I mean,
now he'll have a big distraction over the next two months because his main nemesis
is Robert Kennedy.
And Robert Kennedy,
Secretary of Health and Human Services,
would be as dangerous to Bill Gates as anybody.
And so you're gonna see one of the- He's like Van Helsing to Dracula.
That's exactly what he is.
And so I think that the – and Robert Kennedy is getting prepared.
He's getting ready.
I think Trump's got to use a lot of political capital to make sure Kennedy gets in there,
make sure Kash Patel gets in there.
I know Kash.
You know Kash.
He's an old school guy.
I would call him kind of an idealist, really.
He's a romantist.
When I first talked to him, he was romantic about the Justice Department.
I was like,
I'm a lot more skeptical about any agency like the FBI that was founded by a man by
the name like J.
Edgar Hoover.
But hey, if you believe you can convert it into something positive, have at it.
But he's got to stand by those people.
He's got to defend those people.
And he's got to be willing to escalate.
I'll give an example.
If Mitch McConnell tries to sabotage a whole bunch of people of Trump's nominees,
it's time to put the McConnell Biden style family corruption under criminal investigation.
The McConnell family has made a bunch of money cashing in on the US of power and
doing it for their personal enrichment at the expense of the people they're
supposed to represent.
So it's got to be some big names, some Bill Gates, some George Soros, some people of that.
And it's not just the right thing to do.
We have to do it to keep them off balance.
They keep saying, don't go on offense, don't go on offense, because that's how we beat them.
Well, exactly, it's confession through projection, but in reverse.
Look at, what would they have done?
They made clear what they were going to do.
They were gonna use the US military politically.
That's why they're scared about Trump doing it, because they were planning on doing it.
I mean,
Harris made that really clear with a lot of her statements,
a lot of her confession through projection.
But look at what they tried to do,
and how they tried to take out Trump,
and how they tried to take out all Trump supporters,
Steve Bannon,
Alex Jones,
Peter Varro,
go down the list,
all the January 6th people.
What are they scared of?
They're scared of the legal system being pointed at them.
They're scared of a jury sitting in judgment of them.
And that means we need to have some people that sit in that rack.
They've got to be there.
Nothing personal to them, nothing political at all.
It's in order to restore America's faith in our constitutional republic.
Because that faith was already in great jeopardy.
This election restored hope, like the American Revolution restored hope for liberty around the world.
But now it's going to take the implementation of that American Revolution a second time.
I mean,
I want to be clear,
and I'm in the nice phase right now,
the honeymoon,
and I'm overall...
I think Trump's doing a great job,
and by his enemies,
you know he's a good guy.
And Holman says they are going after the administration.
have to not just shut down the border trafficking, human trafficking and sex slavery and slave labor.
They have to do a serious task force to find the children,
which they're now saying they have to find the children.
And then we're going to put it on television.
And can you imagine they'll find thousands in the first week?
And just Muckraker got 8,000 names and went a three-man team to a few hundred homes
and found people in literal sex slavery.
I mean, we will devastate their ass.
We have the detonator in our hand to politically annihilate them.
Just think about it.
You know where else you could get that list of potential victims?
The Epstein list?
The P Diddy list, these other lists that he said he's going to look into to disclose, to discord.
Part of that is let's look at meaningful investigation of all the disturbing
behaviors of the elites who weaponize their power.
So let's do this and I'll stop interrupting.
Let's start here because this will be the most important thing to talk about.
How do we save the children,
stop the human trafficking,
and prosecute those that did it,
knowing it's the international control system,
not just here,
but all over Western Europe,
the UN,
the human trafficking,
that is their little dirty secret currency in operation.
Talk about what you think Tom Homan and Kash Patel and Trump should be doing.
Well, that's a good phrase, dirty currency.
So we look at all the resources the Biden administration has spent harassing
Bitcoin people,
trying to criminally prosecute them,
civilly sue them.
Look at how the Biden administration was complicit in the attacks on you and other
people in lawfare,
all the efforts against Trump,
all the efforts on January 6th.
Take all that money that's a waste of money.
We need to de-budget a whole bunch of parts of government.
The easiest way, rather than fire somebody, is to just take away their paycheck.
Do that throughout.
That's what Vivek is talking about.
That's what Elon is talking about.
We need to get rid of two-thirds of government if we can.
And then take that money and apply it to something very productive,
like protecting the children around the world.
And you have two tools for that.
One is using criminal law enforcement,
using the tools particularly related to illegal immigration,
crack through the cartels,
crack through the NGOs that are deeply complicit in this,
get people to- And again,
making it about saving the children.
which is the right thing to do, the entire envelope of the agenda, defeating them on every other point.
And if Trump makes that the centerpiece up front,
not just shutting down the border,
but saving the children and prosecuting the criminals,
then everybody's going to get on board.
I mean, this is a no-brainer.
And my guess is you're going to find some surprising connections, at least to the American public.
The American public is still not fully aware of how much Jeffrey Epstein was a
eugenicist and that that's what was driving a lot of his ideology.
It wasn't personal perversion as much as it was deep,
moral ideology that made Epstein such a threat to people.
Who is his best pal, best buddy at all kinds of get-togethers?
uh bill gates is that a coincidence right i mean good dig into that investigation
they've given us the road map look at how they attacked alex jones donald trump
everybody connected to trump world that's what they're scared of why because that's
what they are guilty of trump never was guilty of it you were never guilty of it
none of the peter navarro was never guilty of it none steve bannon wasn't guilty of
it they are they have already confessed their crimes so use it as a road map
and pick off the weak links.
And there's going to be tons of weak links because you're talking about massive
cartels with all kinds of people involved in the NGO operations,
et cetera.
Somebody will flip in five seconds rather than be part of a criminal defense team.
So that's where I think we really need to look at it.
And I think you'll find all kinds of interesting places,
money laundering places that will implicate major banks and financial institutions
like BlackRock,
for example.
You dig in and you're gonna find all kinds of interesting connections to
interesting places that could radically reshape the world simply by meaningfully
prosecuting and punishing the people that hurt our children.
What else do you think Trump should do?
And it looks like he's doing it all, which is scaring the living snot.
I mean,
what do you make of dumb Democrat Senator Durbin defends deep state ally,
claims Trump can't fire FBI director?
You know, that's the gateway pundit headline.
They're not dumb.
They're arrogant.
That's exactly right.
They're just completely arrogant.
And they believed this for a while.
I mean, this is what the whole prosecution of Trump was, the documents case we talked about at the time.
It was an attempt to say the deep state had more legal authority to control the
classification of documents than the elected executive of the United States,
which was insane on its face.
So basically what's happening,
we've reached the 200 year plus point,
250 years thereabouts,
in which we need a new revolution to restore the original revolution.
That's what the Trump election proffers the promise of.
And now we just gotta hold Trump to the fire,
his feet to the fire when some of his people give him bad advice.
And we got to defend his key allies in the court of public opinion.
And these people need to make the changes in personnel policy elsewhere that needs to be done.
Trump can learn from Putin about how Putin managed his private security and used
and incorporated only people he trusted into his security team.
Trump needs to do that as well.
He cannot trust sadly the secret service.
Yeah, what do you make of Putin's warning to Trump last week?
That's I think Trump and you're gonna see a lot of theater between Trump and Middle
Eastern people like Hamas and Israel and Iran and a lot of theater between Trump
and Putin that is all established to get to where they all want to get to when
Trump comes into office.
What Trump wants is he wants peace deals within the first three months of his presidency.
He wants a peace deal in Europe.
He wants a peace deal in the Middle East to tell the whole world I'm back and I'm
back in a big way and all the deep state nonsense is gonna go away.
And I want it done fast so they can't harass me, harangue me or limit me for the next four years.
And I think that's already in the works.
And you're gonna see both Trump and Putin are masters at public theater.
And so you're gonna see a lot of public theater that might look like, oh, I'm gonna attack you.
No, I'm gonna attack you when it's all set up to do a peace deal in February.
And I think we get a peace deal in February, both in the Middle East.
I mean,
look at how relatively pulled back the reaction of Hamas was today to Trump saying,
if there's any hostages left,
there's gonna be hell to pay on January 21st.
And what's the reaction to Hamas?
We respect what the president said, and we are committed to that not being the case come January 21st.
That's a very different reaction from a terror-driven organization.
So everybody in the world recognizes that Trump is the ticket to peace.
And they either get on board fast or they risk world war.
And that leads us to the big enchilada, the Russia-Ukraine war and Biden.
And then this new general is Peace Envoy Kellogg,
Keith Kellogg claiming last week,
Trump's really probably behind the missile attacks as a way to negotiate.
I mean, and then Trump's been very silent since he became president-elect on Ukraine.
What's your intel on what's happening there?
That Trump will get a peace deal done,
but that there'll be a lot of feints,
a lot of fronts,
a lot of misdirection.
And you're going to see it like,
what was interesting is there was a brief part of Rogan where you got to see a real
inside to Trump that very few,
I mean,
we've seen it,
but not a lot of people have seen it,
where you see the uber pragmatic strategic mindset that he has.
Where he starts talking about,
you might wanna do this with this because this group needs this and then that group
needs this.
And if you move this this way, that's gonna move it this way.
And I forget whether it was he's describing in Iran or Ukraine or Russia, whatever it was.
But he was saying,
there's things I'm not gonna explain to anybody as to how and why I think I can get
a PCO.
he actually talks about deals to give everybody what they want instead of mindless
confrontations that destroy the planet.
I mean, he actually tries to do deals.
Exactly, and he wants a great deal.
He wants a legacy.
He wants to cut the biggest peace deals in the history of any president of the United States.
He wants to have the best reform of food and pharmaceutical policies in the history of the United States.
And he wants to restructure our government so it can never become a lawfare regime
like it has the last five years.
And he's committed to that.
You don't bring on Robert Kennedy and take all the heat that he took unless you're serious.
You don't bring on J.D.
Vance unless you're serious.
You don't bring on Vivek and Elon Musk unless you're serious.
You don't do the things he's done unless you're committed to doing it.
And the moment they tried to kill him was the moment he made his mind up.
Okay, I'm gonna go to the wall.
And if they get me, so be it.
I don't care.
I'm gonna be me.
And I'm gonna try to make as much change as I can and leave as good a change on the
country as is possible.
And he is in a position where he could be the best president in the history of
America because he could not only restore the constitutional republic,
but he could also bring world peace.
And he could also revitalize our food and pharmaceutical policies so that they're
about individual health and individual autonomy,
not corporate profit.
You got to come back sooner.
It's great to have you with us, Barnes.
We got a few minutes left here.
I got a bunch of other quick questions, but how do people find your podcast?
You can be back home with Viva.
I know your back's been out, but you're better now.
Yeah, yeah, but part of the way there.
So about a week or so in the hospital and in and out and so forth.
But so far so good, as they say.
So hopefully we'll keep trucking in the right direction.
But yeah, everybody can find me at
It does a show every day and I do a show with them every Sunday when I'm healthy and available.
And I usually do a bourbon show every night during the week when I'm available.
I probably won't be back until next week.
I think this is the only interview I think I've done in the last month other than
talk with Viva a little bit and with Richard Paris.
But I mean, that was one of the greatest wins I've ever seen.
I mean, unfortunately, I was cringed up in vain for a month.
I didn't get to quite celebrate it.
But I mean, that was something that it was like 2016 times 10.
I don't know if it felt that way for you, but it felt that way.
Ultra epic.
So postmortem,
they thought they could steal it clearly because Trump got a big ground game to
expose the fraud.
They tried to deliver the trucks at 1 a.m.
in Pennsylvania and Michigan other areas.
They were unable to do it.
They literally got caught.
They didn't flip one Republican county in the country for the first time ever.
They are in deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep trouble.
Do you agree with that statement?
And what do you think the Democrats were thinking,
thinking they could force feed Kamala Harris and Tampon Tim?
Yeah, I think they had so isolated themselves that they don't connect to the ordinary American.
And we've been describing that for a while.
I mean, you could see it in the cases against you.
They were describing a caricature out of a Homeland TV series.
It was nothing like Alex Jones that anybody that knows Alex Jones would identify.
And the same was true.
They never understood Trump.
And they didn't understand the Trump voter.
And they don't understand the American people.
I mean,
they were losing massively amongst the very constituencies that were supposed to
give them permanent majorities.
That the millennials and Zoomers along with minorities and women were supposed to
be the permanent Democratic majority for the country.
And instead,
they lost ground with every single group,
but particularly lost ground with millennials and Zoomers and minorities.
I mean, Trump won counties that no Republican has ever won along the West Texas border.
I mean, when you win counties that are named after Mexican revolutionaries, like Emiliano Zapata,
then that gives you an idea for how much Trump's populist revolution.
I saw the map.
All of South Texas was blue.
It's all red now.
I know exactly.
I mean, that's not far from where you're at.
And that's because everybody recognizes Trump is the rebel.
I mean, if you're punk, you're with Trump.
I mean, it is a reality.
I mean, that's where the meme makers are.
That's where the challenges are.
That's where the questioners are.
That's where the critics are.
That's where the zeitgeist is.
And let's not be over positive here.
And I'm saying to myself, I'm not lecturing anybody.
What is the what is the corrupt globalist system have left?
We got the states coming after BlackRock now for cutting off the energy.
I mean, there's just this exciting things happening.
But what they try to kill Trump.
I mean, what else?
Well, I think they're gonna be in a defensive posture for the next 90 days.
They're gonna try to prevent and derail a peace deal in the Middle East.
They're gonna try to prevent and derail a peace deal in Europe.
They will try to instigate conflict and confrontations abroad, like you've already seen with South Korea.
I mean,
the deep state will be glad to promote- Syria,
South Korea,
and they admit that it's the West doing it all.
You find their fingerprints all over the place.
I mean,
you can't get behind any kind of open borders,
open source,
whatever other organization you want to entitle it.
But basically,
the various George Soros-related entities have helped coordinate various color
revolutions across Europe and Asia and Africa over the past 20 years,
and he's bragged about it.
And Ukraine was his ultimate example of that, both his first and last example of that.
And so they're gonna continue to destabilize, continue to destroy, continue to be dangerous.
So we still have to be aware of that and cognizant of that.
And we have to defend and protect Trump's best people,
defend and protect Trump from his own bad advisors.
There's a lot fewer of them, but they still exist.
And continue to advocate in the court of public opinion, which matters.
I mean,
we've had three jury verdicts on vaccine mandates in the past year that have been
over a million dollars.
I mean, verdicts that defense lawyers told me would never, ever happen in America.
And not only did it happen,
it happened in politically divergent places like San Francisco,
and Chattanooga,
So that tells us, stick with it.
That's right, we're out of time.
What happens to Jack Smith, Fannie Willis, and Letitia James?
they're gonna send Jack Smith back to the International Criminal Court where he
belongs with all the other criminals.
And I don't mean the people they prosecute, I mean the people that do the prosecute.
I think the Atlanta prosecutor should recognize, should limit her risk and just get out of Dodge.
Just dump the Trump case and move on.
It served its purpose.
That's it.
Same in New York, if they're smart.
But some of these people need to face consequence.
Jack Smith,
in my view,
stole $80 million of federal government money that didn't belong to him because he
was not legally authorized to take that money or spend it or to prosecute anybody.
Robert Barnes, we love you.
Come back soon.
Great to see you, buddy.
Owen Schroyer takes over now, now, now, now.
the winner,
Chris DiLaro,
is here in studio from New Jersey,
former F-16 Air Force fighter pilot and flew the big 777s.
What an amazing aircraft.
Chris, I got to say, man, we love you.
Thanks for the support.
I love you, Alex.
I love Bigley, Nate, Colin.
Thanks, Chris.
This is one of the pinnacles in my life,
and there have been a few good ones,
but this is right up there just being in this studio.
I never imagined I'd be.
Well, we appreciate you, brother.
You're the reason we're here.
It's so cool how cool the listeners are.
It is.
Wow, thank you.
The listeners are amazing.
everyone that goes to the Alex Jones store,
you're in it to win this truck,
but this experience of coming on the show,
how is this,
I mean, is this not, this is like a, it's a dream, I would feel like, for the winner, right?
I slept pretty good last night,
but it's been very stressful because he said,
Colin said,
you're going on the show,
and I was like,
I'm a little camera shy,
but here I am.
And I've done well, old Vader.
I said I'll do whatever I need to do to help Alex and Bigley.
Well, I'm glad I got to meet you.
We're going to eat some barbecue from Terry Black's here in a minute.
I'm starting to mouthwater when you said that.
Oh, I'm starving.
Now, real quick.
This is all done by a computer, by a professional company.
I was talking to you guys before.
Sometimes it's in the middle of it.
Sometimes it's at the end.
Sometimes it's at the start.
Have you seen where somebody who entered on the first day won?
we've done probably 30 of these giveaways and have never seen someone win on the
very first day.
But we have these multipliers that go into place maybe at the first week and the
last week of the giveaway,
And during these multipliers, if you spend $10, you get 100 entries.
If you spend $100, you get 1,000 entries, right?
It's a 10x multiplier for when you enter during that time period.
You actually enter during the 10x time period, right?
And at the end of the giveaway, we run the 10x time period as well.
So it was one of the best times to enter to win.
And, I mean, you got, you know, more entries for how much you spent.
With the new contest, where are we right now?
It's a brand new Ford F-250 Super Duty trimmer.
It's sick.
It's all black, jacked up.
It's Alex Jones verified for sure.
He picked the wheels.
He picked the tires.
It looks good.
I don't know.
Yeah, we're showing it right here.
It also comes with $10,000 in cash as well.
Chris, do you have that on you?
Yeah, this is not a hoax, people.
He is the winner of all the thousands of folks that came to
and got products we entered to win or just put your email in for free and you're
entered to win.
He bought two t-shirts, ladies and gentlemen, and he won this incredible super truck.
Somebody can be like Chris.
They can go to
They can order the great CMOS,
order any of the great supplements,
and you're entered to win a badass,
brand new F-250 trimmer,
fully loaded pickup truck,
and you get $10,000 in cash,
and we fly you down here.
You get to meet Alex.
You get to be on the show.
If you just enter your email, you're still entered to win.
Go to, enter your email, join the VIP club.
I promise you next week what you'll get for being in the VIP club.
You'll be very excited.
I knew folks would love the last truck, and I know you'll love this truck as well.
Another incredible pickup truck, super off-road package, this time from Ford.
It's a beautiful truck.
super high ratings, and you get $10,000 in cash on top of it for the lucky winner.
A 2024 Ford F-250 Super Duty Diesel Tremor Edition,
6.7 liter high output power stroke diesel engine with 500 horsepower and 1,200
pound-feet per torque,
2-inch ready lift kit,
37-inch Toyo off-road tires,
20-inch black rhino wheels,
12-inch touchscreen with 360-degree cameras to see all around the truck.
Well, it's a kick-ass truck.
I'm sorry to see it go, but it's going to a great guy, Chris.
Chris, love you, brother.
Love you, man.
Thank you.
Somebody's about to get this, sweetheart, right here.
And listen, they said I could drive it while I was down here for the last month and a half.
I only drove it once.
These things are too nice.
The winners are going to get these pristine trucks.
So we'll see you at, and thanks for all your support.
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