The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Oligarch Ruling Class "Strategy Of Tension" and Trump…
Terrorizing Us Into Acceptance - by Roger Boyd Improved and Made better by Satchidanand
The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Oligarch Ruling Class "Strategy Of Tension" and Trump…
Terrorizing Us Into Acceptance - by Roger Boyd Improved and Made better by Satchidanand
In George Orwell’s book 1984, the state of Oceania is always in a state of war with Eurasia and Eastasia. The Party controls all of the media and continuously spreads stories of external and internal threats to create fear and hatred within the populace to keep them compliant. We are not far away from such a reality in the present, most especially in the US with the hold of the oligarchy over the state and media, practising what was termed as a “Strategy of Tension” within Italy in the post-WW2 decades. This will not change with a Trump administration (or a Starmer one as we have seen, or with any other Western nation); the only change will be that some of the “enemies” may be different.
Yet I have heard differently about Donald Trump being a real savior of the World.
I have heard that within Mar al Lago Trump is talking with the head of NATO about the ending of the Ukraine war.
As well as the head of NATO, Trump is talking with all the interested parties, Putin, Zelensky, et al and has been for several days hoping to end this corruption even before he becomes President.
With his ambitious plans to remove Satanic Globalism from the American State apparatus like Milei in Argentina using Elon Musk in his DOGE apparatus to shut down Departments, and fire troves of useless idiots and save Trillions of corruption which has cost America so far 36 Trillions of Dollars, the Satanic Global elite are using the escalation of the Ukrainian War to pressure Trump into not prosecuting them as they pretend to relinquish their hundreds of years plan to take over the World in a New World Order using the unelected United Nations – like the unelected controllers of the EU - to become the World Governors and Moving the controlling Empire, destroying the controlling Empire from within by Satanic Phoenician Infiltration, from the Anglo-American Empire to China for it’s Chinese Century.
Threatening them with Nuremberg 2, probably Trump will need to forgive them and create a New Marshall Plan to rebuild the remains of the Ukraine so that these corrupt Satanic Globalists can continue to feed off it’s corruption so as to confirm the deal.
We shall see…
You know, the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires have a plan and have been writing about it in white papers and books for over two hundred years. They have been searching for a Political methodology for controlling more billions of people with minimum resources so as to vampirise more people for their Spiritual Energy so as to live, immortally for ever, and they seem to have found it.
Without this historical knowledge and the Higher Hypothesis it is impossible to predict the future as we find in “taker of the ring” Vox Day’s
And his Miss Oginy SSH
From the times of the Jesuit’s colonies in South America to the creation of their political methodology in British Agent’s Marx Das Kapital, the Bible of communism, from his office in the British National Library in London, from the notes of his handler, British Empire Agent, Ambassador Urquhart.
See Against Satanism, Volume One.
AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 1 - The Satanic History of the World Part 1 by Satchidanand
This AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 1 - The Satanic History of the World Part 1 is the first volume in a series of 12 books written in order to delineate the Satanic History of the World proving not only that the "Old Religion"of Satanism has been the hidden Religion of the World from 10,000 years before Christ but also even now Satanism is the Religion of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires of the Black Nobility, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and is guiding the Post Human Transhumanic vision of eugenocide for 99% of the World's population and of Immortality for the Satanic Elite today.
Protect Yourself against the Satanic Science of Energy Blockages with The Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Meditation Course. Innoculate yourself Against Globalism by Downloading.. Energy Enhancement Books - Against Satanism in 12 Volumes by Satchidanand.
We know the effects of meeting one psychopath and the destruction he can wreak in our lives. Wisdom teachings teach how to overcome their strategies and, "stay away from evil".
Satanism, - The Old Religion" - is when all the satanic psychopaths get together in one group to wreck the world - a Eugenocide to reduce the population by 99% with Covid-19, MRNA vaccines and their poisonous spike proteins and sv40 cancer viruses, CBDC digital Currencies, Social Credit Scores, De-banking, destruction of the economy through Climate Change Policies killing cattle, stopping petroleum and coal, reducing Nitrogen Fertilizer production, reducing food production, inducing starvation for billions together with middle class destroying lockdowns and oxygen destroying muzzles - to their benefit.
Energy Enhancement Wisdom teachings describe the historical problem and the means to overcome it. "Vampires hate the light of truth".
British Destruction of France with its created French Revolution and Satanic Jacobins, commanded by Palmerston, Necker, Bentham, Mazzini and Masonry.
Karl Marx wrote Communism Das Kapital from his office in the British National Library in London from the notes of Ambassador Urquhart. The British Superagent Marx creation of Communism in London overturning and degenerating Russia with Satanic Jacobin Bolsheviks and Agents Lenin and Stalin - 60 millions murdered and China with Superagent Mao - 100 millions murdered.
Satanic Karl Marx was a British Agent and the Communist takeovers of Russia by the Bolsheviks and British Agents Lenin and Stalin and China by the Red Guards and Satanic 33rd Degree Freemason, Yale Educated Mao.. killed 160 million people in the 20th century..
Click Below..
Ancient Phoenician Aristocratic Families with Bloodlines going back 10,000 years attend Satanic Rituals at places like Bohemian Grove Molechian Human Sacrifice
The Bush family - Royal Family of the United States
Clinton Crime Company
The conscious Great Reset destruction of the Anglo-American Empire and the move to the Chinese Century
The Phoenician Stanleys – The King Makers
Tavistock Institute from Hell
Skull & Bones (Sodomy Cult)
Colonna Crime Corporation
Habsburgs and Zionism
Bourbon Crime Syndicate
Savoy-Genovese Mafia
The Windsors - Saxe Coberg Gotha Dracul - Clan of Gehinnom
Merchant Bankers of London
British Crown Agents
SaxoNazis The Saxe-Coburg and Gotha family or Sachsen-Coburg and Gotha Clan of Gehinnom
IllumiNazi Hohenzollerns
Royal Nazi Order of Orange The House of Orange-Nassau
Royal Illuminati of Bavaria
Maximus Mafia The Massimo family
And More...
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Against Satanism by Satchidanand Volumes 1-12 - “The Occulted Satanic History of the World” - Your Worldview Will Never Be the Same! - in an easily downloadable file from our own website.
Mind Control Black Assassins by Satchidanand Volumes 1-11 in an easily downloadable file from our own website.
Satanic Spiritual Movie Reviews by Satchidanand Volumes One - “Blacklisted” and Two “AI and Transhumanism” in an easily downloadable file from our own website.
All Osho Books One by One
From there they used Communism to take over Russia but it’s strict communistic philosophy failed.
They used it also to take over China and with the reforms of Deng Xiou Ping created a communist slave state which so far, has worked wonderfully by allowing the implementation of.. the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire’s, “The Chinese Century” as the Empire is moved by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires from the USA to China and the Chinese Communist politics is installed worldwide allowing..
The Communist Hell State of Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Biden and Harris based on the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire created United Nations Agenda 2030, 2045, 2075.
Based on the Vaccine Mandates of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire created United Nations World Health Organisation helmed by terrorist Tedros.
Based on the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Communist Chinese Social Credit Score where if you do not agree with the Government you are de-banked, not allowed to use the Internet, not allowed to Travel, not allowed to receive Government Monetary benefits. But you are allowed a Government suicide pod!
The methodology of creating this movement, as always, is the Roman Empire, Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire, “Divide and Conquer” which is the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Deep State paying Terrorist Groups which they create to perform Terrorist acts to Scare, to Terrorise the public.
Since around the turn of this century, the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Western oligarchic ruling classes have engaged in a new Roman Empire Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire, “Divide and Conquer”, “Strategy Of Tension” that is designed both to cow the general population into submission to their policies and to sow division within the general population to remove any focus from themselves.
This is a repeat of the policies that were carried out in post-war Europe to stop truly progressive parties from becoming part of the government; for example, the Communist Party in Italy and the 25 “years of lead”.
The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire vassal oligarchies and the security states that they dominated, working with the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire US security services, both sponsored, paid, funded, European terrorist groups and engaged in acts of terrorism against the general population in order to manage the politics of that country. This was called Operation Gladio.
While laying blame on left wing, and to a lesser extent right wing, groups (some of them security state front organizations). This is a history that we must understand if we are to understand the present.
The Roman Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire, “Divide and Conquer” is the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Deep State paying Terrorist Groups which they create to perform Terrorist acts the Scare the public.
The Roman Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire, “Divide and Conquer” is the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Deep State paying Al Qaida created by CIA asset Osama Bin Laden to destroy the Two Towers with CIA help, of course.
Later, of course the CIA funded ISIS as it’s proxy army to do the same thing in the Middle East.
Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire created False Flags like the Two Towers which scared America to approve the Patriot Act which allowed Iraq and Afghanistan and one Trillion Dollars of Opium to fund Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire CIA Black Ops.
But which was really designed to be used on the American public when creating the Communist Hell State of Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Biden and Harris based on the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire created United Nations Agenda 2030, 2045, 2075.
Based on the Vaccine Mandates of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire created United Nations World Health Organisation helmed by terrorist Tedros.
Based on the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Communist Chinese Social Credit Score where if you do not agree with the Government you are de-banked, not allowed to use the Internet, not allowed to Travel, not allowed to receive Government Monetary benefits. But you are allowed a Government suicide pod!
Similarly in 1976, the Italian communists (PCI) won a historic high of 34% of the vote, and Aldo Moro a previous prime minister and head of the centre-left Christian Democrats (DC) proposed a DC-PCI-PSI (PSI was the Italian Socialist Party, democratic socialist) coalition which would for the first time bring the communists into the Italian government.
This was of course directly against the interests of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire US and the Italian oligarchy. Only 13 days after an attempt at linking Moro to the Lockheed Bribery Scandal in 1978 failed, Moro was kidnapped by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire CIA funded terrorist Red Brigade and eventually murdered.
The circumstances of this are extremely questionable, but the outcome was not; no more talk of bringing the communists into the government. Italy remained “safe for democracy”; i.e. with no possibility of communists in the government.
Two years later the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire CIA funded terrorist atrocity in Italy took place, the Bologna train station bombing of 1980, that killed 85 and wounded over 200 in Operation Gladio or Roman Sword.
Italian Assize Court judges described the bombing in 1980 as “a political massacre, or more accurately a State massacre” as they handed down a life term to Gilberto Cavallini - the fourth member of the neofascist NAR jailed for the bombing.
In 1992 the whole edifice of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire paid oligarchic Italian establishment was brought down as both of the establishment DC and PSI parties were destroyed due to a massive corruption scandal that engulfed them; called Tangentopoli (Bribesville).
While at the same time the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Cosa Nostra was being substantially defeated. Sadly, the timing was terrible for the communists as the collapse of the Soviet Union has absolutely delegitimized communism.
Instead, a new style of right-wing Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire oligarch, the media-tycoon Silvio Berlusconi, came to power and the neoliberalisation of Italy started in earnest; together with widespread corruption, the use of the state for personal motives, and the famous Bunga Bunga sex parties. The Years of Lead had held off democratic communist rule long enough, and delivered Italy to a new neoliberal oligarchy.
With the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire created 2011 Global Financial Crisis, Berlusconi was removed and an unelected Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire minion banker Mario Monti was put in place for two years to carry out the next leg of intensified neoliberalism; austerity and deeper labour market “reforms”.
In the post-WW2 United States the same Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire strategy of tension was used through such things as regular “duck and cover” terror exercises for children amid a state-propagandized terror of ever present possibility of nuclear war.
And Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire terror propaganda about “communist infiltration” in an era of McCarthyism.
Repeated post-9/11 with the changes to “terrorist risk levels” announced by the US state, together with a Patriot Act state-propagandized ever-present “terrorist threat”.
Such Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire state terror tactics are designed to create a willingness of the populace to accept Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire control and to, “love their slavery” – Aldous Huxley.
Such Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire state terror tactics are designed to create a strong state, including limitations on personal freedoms and a state domestic control apparatus, and a munificently funded military based on Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire created United Nations Agenda 2030, 2045, 2075.
Based on the Vaccine Mandates of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire created United Nations World Health Organisation helmed by terrorist Tedros.
Based on the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Communist Chinese Social Credit Score where if you do not agree with the Government you are de-banked, not allowed to use the Internet, not allowed to Travel, not allowed to receive Government Monetary benefits. But you are allowed a Government suicide pod!
A notable case is that of the 1948 Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire CIA created War Scare designed to facilitate a massive increase in funding for the US airforce, so that the US airplane industry would not have to face the much lesser peacetime profits. Also, to “discipline” some European nations into alignment with US foreign policy aims.
Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire bought and paid for minion, handled by Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Agent Colonel House, Harry S Truman
As Frank Kofsky states in his book Harry S. Truman and the War Scare of 1948:
One of the most obvious of the new developments was the Truman administration’s penchant for governing by what Richard Freeland has aptly called “crisis politics”.
Rather than encouraging a rational discussion of the issues by an informed electorate, the president and his chief lieutenants found it more convenient to proceed by deceit and manipulation, using, as we have seen, baseless claims of an impending Soviet military offensive to stampede Congress and the citizenry.
The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire CIA was created in 1947.
Anyone who has lived through the years of the U.S. war in Southeast Asia or, to take a more recent example, the 1991 war against Iraq, will not have to be told how readily later presidents have emulated the kind of chicanery by the Truman administration in 1948 …
Nineteen forty-eight was the last year in which it might have been possible to devise an escape from the iron grip of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Cold War. By following the path charted by Clark Clifford and like-minded political henchmen, however, Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire, Truman ensured that such a result would not come to pass …
Not only did it pave the way for later and less scrupulous demagogues such as Joseph McCarthy, but - most reprehensible of all - it foreclosed for decades any chance of reaching accord with the U.S.S.R which the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires have always wanted to plunder..
After 1948, the very idea of negotiating an end to hostilities with the Soviets was guaranteed to call down charges of “Appeasement” on the head of anyone so naive and foolhardy as to advance it.
At a time that the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire CIA was reporting that the Soviet nation was exhausted by WW2 and unable to mount any new offensive for many years, Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire bought Truman created a threat from nothing to make sure that the super-profits of war would not disappear for corporate America and its Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire owners.
The same poisoning of any attempt at negotiating with Russia can be seen in the present, with Putin deemed to be a new “Hitler” and Trump in his first term undermined by the utterly fake “Russia, Russia, Russia” narrative of Putin having some kind of hold over him.
The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has also been heavily into the “threat creation” business with its sting operations which time and again seem to turn relatively harmless people into dangerous terrorists through the manipulation of pliable citizens.
Many of these Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) operations create the means that the individuals involved do not possess, or even place the idea of attacks into their minds; targeting mentally ill and other mind controlled wind-up toy vulnerable individuals through corrupt informants that are handsomely rewarded.
Aronson covers this reality in his book The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism. A more recent example was the plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer which had the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)s hands all over it.
Then of course we have the January 6th 2021 “insurrection” that was littered with legions of state agents; from the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire’s burocratic Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the Capitol Police, and God knows who else.
Under direct congressional questioning the heads of all these Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire bought agencies refused to state how many agents and paid informants they had within the crowd. This unarmed crowd, which could have been easily dealt with if proper state security staffing levels had been allowed by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires, was then typified as an “insurrection”. It was nothing of the sort, and was full of state actor provocateurs that egged on the crowd.
The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire oligarchy and the state that it controls does not want a reasoned discussion of policies by an informed citizenship as that would constitute actual democracy as against the purely performative version that is currently practised in the Western world.
Most recently we have had fear-mongering about Iran planning to assassinate Trump, with the security services saying “just trust us” as their assertions are not backed up by any real facts.
Recently I went to one of my favourite restaurants and read through the Canadian national newspapers, which I do not normally do (it is a distasteful exercise that I use to gauge the general level of propaganda). On the front page of the Globe and Mail was this gem:
Yes, Iranian government agents are wandering the streets of Canada attempting to kill a “human rights crusader” (actually a Zionist and fierce critic of Russia and Iran, and an abuser of human rights discourses for imperialist purposes, and an abuser of the fake definitions of “anti-semitism” to shut down criticism of Israel), says the Globe and Mail using an un-named source in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) who isn’t even authorized to discuss such matters. The story continues on page 4:
Perhaps the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Canadian media felt left out with the invented plot to kill Trump, so they invented their own Canadian assassination plot?
Perhaps the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Globe and Mail should change its name to Pravda? We are also seeing more and more concocted nonsense about China “infiltrating” (very Cold War that word) Western state organizations and corporations. Next perhaps it will be a communist Fu Manchu digging a tunnel underneath the Pacific to “infiltrate” the US:
Perhaps it was Fu Manchu who cut the communications cable under the Baltic, as the Danish have boarded a Chinese ship they say may be responsible? The Danish security services are especially close to the US ones, it is they that facilitated the bugging of the previous German Chancellor’s phone for the US. The Swedish and Finnish governments doing their own version of “duck and cover”.
The orchestrated strategy of tension is being escalated, with China now increasingly being defined as the chosen “enemy”. The regular “2 minutes of hate” must be triggered by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire oligarch-controlled state and the oligarch-controlled media.
From enemies within to enemies without we can see the structure of the Cold War and the book 1984 playing out in front of us.
We must be terrorized into loving the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire authoritarian and ever watching state, while the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire oligarchy extracts more and more of the wealth out of our societies - aided by their well remunerated courtier class; as we the people become more impoverished and without basic rights.
As Matt Gaetz bites the dust Only the delusional can think that this will improve with a Trump presidency, the lies designed to terrorize us will just serve slightly different ends.
The last breaths of the Biden administration are being used for an attempt at further demonizing Russia and trying to trigger a wrong move from Putin that can be used as a cause celebre for further escalation, all this to threaten Trump into conceding points in his bid to stop the war currently at Mar al Lago.
We have the utterly mythical “North Korean troops” in Ukraine, with absolutely no real evidence provided.
Then we have Biden authorizing (or at least the NY Times said he did) the use of long range missiles to target the pre-2014 Russian territory, followed immediately by an actual attack on the Bryansk region of Russia.
Then Biden’s authorization of the banned anti-personnel mines for Ukraine. All supposedly in response to the utterly fabricated North Korean troops story.
The two minutes of hate may be ended with respect to Ukraine by Trump, but they may be intensified with respect to Iran, the CIA funded Arab defence and liberation movements (called “terrorists” by the West), and most importantly China.
As Matt Gaetz bites the dust we see a loss of one battle in the erosion of the War against the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds with a Trump presidency, the lies designed to terrorize us will just serve slightly different ends.
But, we still have hope in Trump!
If Trump Renages on his Promises…
Trump Vance Wins! by Miles Mathis - Trump, Controlled by Satanic Phoenician 2000 Trillion Dollar Mega Trillionaire Fatcats
Heavy Metal Anton with Qawwali Ustaad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
“I bead my beloved's name on the garland of my breaths. With every breath I take, I take His name to adorn myself in the most beautiful garland made of His name’ - Meerabai
Click above to see the video of the musical performance of the song/poem
Saint Meera Bai
These are the Lyrics of Lady Saint Meera Bai a Hindu and one of the greatest devotees of Lord Krishna are all about the love of God, the Beloved, the Lover.
Saint Meera Bai and Krishna
Meera, better known as Mirabai, and venerated as Sant Meerabai, was a 16th-century Hindu mystic poet and devotee of Krishna. She is a celebrated Sufi Bhakti saint, particularly in the North Indian Hindu tradition. She is mentioned in Bhaktamal, confirming that she was widely known and a cherished figure in the Bhakti movement by about 1600.
Mirabai was born into a Rathore Rajput royal family in Kudki (modern-day Beawar district of Rajasthan), and spent her childhood in Merta. She was the daughter of Ratan Singh and grand daughter of Rao Dudaji of Merta.
Meera unwillingly married Bhoj Raj, the crown prince of Mewar, in 1516. Her husband was wounded in one of the ongoing wars with the Delhi Sultanate in 1518, and he died from battle wounds in 1521. Both her father and father-in-law (Rana Sanga) died a few days after their defeat in the Battle of Khanwa against Babur, the first Mughal Emperor.
After the death of Rana Sanga, Vikram Singh became the ruler of Mewar. According to a popular legend, her in-laws tried to assassinate her multiple times. These attempts included sending Meera a glass of poison and telling her it was nectar, and sending her a basket with a snake instead of flowers with the snake miraculously becoming a Krishna idol or a garland of flowers. In another version of these legends, she is asked by Vikram Singh to drown herself. When she attempts to do so, she merely floats on the water. Yet another legend states that the third Mughal emperor, Akbar, came with Tansen to visit Meera and presented her with a pearl necklace.
Most legends about Mirabai mention her fearless disregard for social and family conventions, her devotion to Krishna, her treatment of Krishna as her husband, and her persecution by her in-laws for her religious devotion. She has been the subject of numerous folk tales and saintly legends.
Millions of devotional hymns in passionate praise of Krishna are attributed to Meerabai in the Indian tradition, but just a few hundred are believed to be authentic by scholars, and the earliest written records suggest that except for two hymns, most were first written down in the 18th century. Many poems attributed to Meera were likely composed later by the most famous musicians who admired Meera, were devotees of Krishna. These hymns are a type of Bhajan, and are very famous across India.
Some Hindu temples, such as Chittor Fort,
are dedicated to Mirabai's memory. Legends about Mirabai's life have been the subject of movies, films, comic strips and other popular literature in modern times.
This methodology of Enlightenment is Bhakti Yoga, Devotion.
The Greatest Devoted Lover of Krishna is Radha his greatest devotee. Krishna wanted to reward Radha for her devotion. He said what do you want? A Palace, a Prince, Gold, Jewels?
But Radha said, No My Lord, I only want only to be your flute, I want to feel your lips pressed against mine, I want to feel your sweet breath flowing through me to make ecstatic music in the world!
They say Krishna had 16,000 wives. But We are all the wives of Krishna. We are made in the Image of God, the Living Image of God, Imago Viva Dei! We are all the children of God. We cannot live without the energy of God. He visits us every night in dream to revivify us, to raise our spiritual energy, to Enlighten us!
Ustaad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
This song is sung by Ustaad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, a Muslim and One Of the greatest Hindi/Urdu Singers of all times, and Remixed by Andre Auntunes, a Portuguese Guitarist giving this Bhajan/kawali/song reincarnation. And We All Love this Blend Of Different eras, Cultures.
Legendary Pakistani Singer goes Metal [Sanson Ki Mala Pe]
The Lover is Krishna, the Lover is God!
Firstly it is a spiritual hymn written by a great Hindu Indian devotee Saint Meera Bai to her lord (Lord Shri Krishna), then it is sung by legendary Pakistani singer Ustaad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Sahab, that too in the form of a Qawwali. And now in the modern age of heavy metal music its remixed version is truly a mesmerizing example of it. Truly music has no boundaries, it is free from any bondage.
I must also point out the amazing guitar solo taking the energy of God to new heights!
Andre my man love from Pakistan 🇵🇰 and Thank you. For you and other listeners - It is almost impossible to capture the emotion of this song in any other language and originally it is much longer. But it is a soul shaking experience to listen to this while understanding the context and meaning, here is a rough english translation and my attempt at explaining the context of the excerpt used here:
I bead my beloved's name on the garland of my breaths (with every breath I take, I take His/Her name to adorn myself in the most beautiful garland made of His/Her name)
In the color of love, I drowned myself in such a way that we became one (enthralled in His/Her love to a point that the two of us are indistinguishable)
Beading the garland of love my beloved's name I myself became God (SHAYAM)
(in pursuit of this love I forgot about my own physical and spiritual existence)
My beloved is not guilty. He is innocent. He is blemish less. (Do not blame Him/Her for my transgressions and claims, he/she is the most pure)
It is by talking to myself that I got a bad repute , bad name (from what you see, people are justified to think I am insane)
My beloved is the beautification and adornment of life and vermilion in my hair (His/Her glory is unmatched, and beyond your comprehension - he/she exists in all things beautiful and is my pride)
If fallen from the eyes of my beloved, what is the point of living then (His/Her approval is all that I need, do not care about any of you/ anything else)
I bead my beloved's name on the garland of my breaths (with every breath I take, I take His/Her name to adorn myself in the most beautiful garland made of His/Her name
Dropping a comment so that every time someone likes it, i can come back and listen to this master piece
When I say I have complicated music tastes, this is exactly what I mean.
Most people will not realise Andre's genius behind this arrangement. He literally recomposed the song to fit into the western musical lingua, while preserving the eastern essence and distilled the best of both traditions.
In Tokyo 1988 when he sang, the Japanese audience was so overpowered by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan they said this was the "Singing Buddha"
This metal version is really awesome 👌
I did not know I needed Pakistani metal in my life until I listened to this song. Voice is epic. Greets from Argentina
Pleasantly surprised to find this used in the Netflix series Crashing Eid
This is Andre's masterpiece. 7 months and I keep coming back for it. 7 years and I'll be here. It's so, so good.
Ustaad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan was a powerhouse, but the other vocalist was unbelievable. Those sustained notes and micro notes, and inflections were divine. I have never heard anything like it before. Blown away.
Lyrics of a bhajan , sung in Qawali , cover by metal , Music truly knows no bounds . Love and appreciation from India
Andre Antunes
911K subscribers
You can become enlightened on any one of the Yoga paths, but once Enlightened you become a Master of All the Paths.
Energy Enhancement is the Raja Yoga of Patanjali leading on to Jnana Yoga of direct experience through the Kriya Yoga of Bhogarnathar.
But Swami Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani love Music and Dance the prime movers of Bhakti Yoga.
For more devotional music, all you have to watch and listen is Devi’s beautiful exposition of Carmina Burana where Carl Orff put to music devotional latin poems from enlightened poets of the Sufi strain from the year 1200AD found in a Benedictine Monastery in 1800AD.
Swami Satchidananda was the teacher of Swami Satchidanand and born in the South of India in Coimbatore and he was a genuine Tamil Siddar - "The greatest kundalini yogi in the West" - named Yogiraj by his Guru Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh after the Ashram of Ramana Maharshi. the Buddhafield Aura of Satchidanand lead directly to enlightenment.
Swami Satchidananda was the teacher of Swami Satchidanand
I am activating my mission in a wild ride of intense energy clearing and clear visions.
I'm riding the wave of synchronicity in the synchro mystery to have found your teachings after being shown "the white light above my head" and experiencing it directly as pure love and pure light.
Then, I was guided to your teachings which demonstrated I was on the right track Energy Enhancement circulating this divine white light energy up and down my spine.
Then, Energy Enhancement grounding down to the center of the earth to allow blockages to clear. My left hand was blocked to receiving so I've been working on that. Energy Enhancement Level 1 vastly increases energy and removes easy blockages. Energy Enhancement Level 2 is the removal of heavy duty blockages.
Even though I knew of these things even before this for many many years, encountering your information is like a lightning bolt of wisdom to take everything I've been learning directly and studying with others to the next level. Truly the Energy Enhancement Buddhafield encountered at the site and through personal emails with Satchidanand zaps the energy up massively.
I KNOW and have experienced the reality of which you speak.
My meditation time has increased dramatically since following your teachings. I'm really grateful and hope to break through to take your courses.
In the meantime, I'm always learning and activating on the inner planes and I'm very grateful. Also, I knew Swami Satchidananda, one of your teachers, in Virginia.
Over the next few Initiations of the "Kundalini Kriyas" taught by Babaji, Student of Tamil Siddar Bhogar, for over 2000 years in the Himalayas and then by his students Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteswar and then "Paramahamsa Yogananda" who wrote, "Autobiography of a Yogi".
Tamil Siddar Bhogar transmigrated into the Body of Lao Tsu and there taught the Kundalini Kriyas as the Taoist Orbits and the Taoist Alchemical Orbits were taught by Taoist Masters for 4000 years; Energy Enhancement goes further than both of the preceding Religion's teaching.
Tamil Siddar Bhogar was the teacher of Tamil Siddar Patanjali whose "Yoga Sutras of Patanjali" are the major teaching on the higher techniques of Meditation, Samadhi and Samyama for 5000 years.
Book - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Satchidanand
Save your life with Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Meditation course.. Book One, Sutra One - Here are complete Instructions on Enlightenment...
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali talks about Illumination as being Nirbija Samadhi. This word is a teaching as to what exactly enlightenment is. Nir means no, and Bija means seed. The seeds of desires which have not yet come to fruition. These Seeds are Energy Blockages. This is the Karma which is yet to come. And as it says in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, "The Karma, the Pain, that is to come can be averted" - Book 2 Sutra 16. The removal of Energy Blockages, Grounding their Negative Karmic Mass, is an Energy Enhancement Process called, "Karma Cleaning" - The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 3 of Energy Enhancement.
Each desire seed when watered can addict us to the desire it contains.
In the Yoga Sutras they talk of the method of roasting the seeds - removing the addiction, the slavery to your desires (When you slaver your saliva over something the desire drips out of your mouth) - so that the life they contain is extinguished, they can not germinate even with all the correct conditions, ever again to bring us to Painful Karma. And what roasts the seeds?
This is the concentration of the Light of the Soul in Samadhi, the next highest energy to the mind and there are higher energies still we can contact on the path of Energy Enhancement, as light is concentrated through a lens, as it is focused through the Brow Chakra, Ajna Chakra or through any of the chakras of which the Brow chakra is the Master - this is called Samyama...
Click Below..
Do you understand what is being said about the "Free Book - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Commentary by Satchidanand"?
Do you understand the depth of knowledge, the Quantum Leap of Understanding, the incisive nature, the complete change of comrehension displayed in just the talk above about the "Free Book - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Commentary by Satchidanand"? compared to the lack of penetration by the one thousand commentaries on The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali prior to this incredible work by Satchidanand.
And how much more Knowledge is available In the Book!!
Satchidanand Just Cracked the Code!!
Satchidanand Just Released the Beast!!
Satchidanand gives for the First Time, "Complete Instructions on Enlightenment!!"
Click Below..
About Swami Satchidanand
To many people across the globe, the name Swami Satchidanand is synonymous with Meditation. He is a legendary figure in the world of Personal Development. His insights, inspiration, ideas, systems, and strategies are the techniques on which countless lives have spun — the sparks that have ignited career transformations, personal epiphanies, inner awakenings, and the creation of Happiness and Enlightenment the world over.
Swami Satchidanand is the heir to the legacy of Gurdjieff, Sri Yogendra, Theos Bernard, Tamil Siddar Bhogar, Patanjali student of Bhogar, Swami Satchidananda and Zen Master Hogen.
Upon discovering Yoga at the age of 14, Swami Satchidanand’s life changed in an instant, leading him on his own quest for the fulfillment of Enlightenment - "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God - then all else will be added unto ye!!"
That quest led him to Zen Master Hogen and Swami Satchidananda who soon became Swami Satchidanand’s colleagues and mentors. With visits to Osho, Sri Yogendra, Sri Sathya Sai Baba and renegade Benedictine Monk Father Bede Griffiths, today, Swami Satchidanand continues to build upon and spread the remarkable teachings of these giants.
As a speaker, author, consultant, coach, and mentor, Swami Satchidanand works with individuals around the world, instilling within them not only the Ancient, Time Tested, Effective, Spiritual Techniques which every Enlightened Master for 10,000 years have used to become Enlightened.
Also the Secrets removed from popular ephemeral double plus good modern confections of courses and theories which do not work to create not only the spiritual soul mental foundations of success and the motivation to achieve, but also the actionable strategies that will empower them to grow, improve, and thrive in today’s ever-changing world.
Through the Energy Enhancement Foundation, Swami Satchidanand, and Swami Devi Dhyani create the Video and Live Buddhafield to burn away limiting Energy Blockages and teach the Ancient techniques, principles, strategies and fundamentals that help people and organizations create the soul results they want in life.
All you Indigos - What is stopping you achieving your potential, becoming Superhuman through Siddhis, Superpowers, easily attained in Energy Enhancement Meditation?
Energy Enhancement.. The Only Solution… IMMEDIATE Meditational Experience
1. Energy Enhancement - A Powerhouse of Culture and Enlightenment - Beaming out the Buddhafield of Satachidanand and Devi Dhyani the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course and Sacred Shaktipat Dance - Enlightenment Evolution Constantly, for a Long Time - Since 1991! - and with Enthusiasm.
2. Energy Enhancement Shaktipat!! - Energy Enhancement Kundalini Activation - Feel the Power of Kundalini starting to Remove your Blockages then increase the Power of the Flow with the Energy Enhancement Video Course Buddhafield.
Siddha Gurus have activated their student's Kundalini for thousands of Years by emanating Angels which students absorb.
Called Yoga Kundalini Shaktipat Diksha or Uppadesa by Mantra, Touch or Glance. The important Kundalini effect is a start to Your Enlightenment - Arouse Kundalini Energy for Health, Wealth, Beauty, Realisationships, Intelligence, Vim and Vigour!! With every Energy Enhancement Meditation Course..
3. Energy Enhancement Buddhafield!! For thousands of years Gurus have removed the blockages of their students and given Siddis within the Ashram Buddhafield on courses, on retreats, or as Sannyasins. Come to the Ashram for the maximal Evolutionary Experience.
4. The Energy Enhancement Meditation Streaming Video Course with Video Shaktipat Buddhafield in the comfort of your own home - Level One has 25 Hours of tuition with Satchidanand Email Answers to All Your Questions!!!! Email for details!!
5. Live Energy Enhancement Meditation Courses in Brazil - Iguazu Falls is the Seventh Wonder of the Natural World - it's an incredible Power Center to learn Energy Enhancement - and India where its Summer in your Winter! Email for details!!
Energy Enhancement Initiation 2 The Energy Circulation Kriya of the Microcosmic Orbit and then Energy
Enhancement Initiation 3 - The Secret Of Alchemical VITRIOL, and the Philosophers Stone which transmutes Lead or Negative Karmic Mass or Energy Blockages into The Golden Spiritual Energy - ANGELS!! - which alone gives Illumination.
And then Energy Enhancement Initiation 4 - The Alchemical Supra Galactic Orbit to attain Soul Fusion and the Higher Initiations of Enlightenment - Monadic Fusion, Logoic Fusion, Sirian Fusion to attain Ascended Mastery - the ability to die at will and exist outside the body whilst channeling energy to the Earth.
Learn connection to Kundalini Chakra in the Center of the Earth, the Spiritual Component of a Miles wide Uranium Nuclear Generator which has heated and kept liquid this planet for Four Billion years!!
Connect to the Gurdjeffian Central Spiritual Sun - The "Big Generator" which powers the "Little Capacitors" which are the Chakras of the Body.
The "Big Generator" is the Soul Chakra which contains all the memories of your previous lifetimes. The chakra to which we ascend when we die!!
More than that, we teach ascension into even higher chakras above the head also teaching the removal of the Blockages above the head releasing even more Energy!! Read the Dans of Enlightenment…
September 25, 2023