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The Attack by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Minions of the Dark Gods who want to be given the Gift of Immortality

Dark Gods who learned to live out of the body through Meditation thousands of years ago and who live in Private Universes on the Astral Plane and Download into Heads of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Tri

The Attack by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Minions of the Dark Gods who want to be given the Gift of Immortality

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The Attack by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Minions of the Dark Gods who want to be given the Gift of Immortality

Discourse on the Attack by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Minions of the Dark Gods who want to be given the gift of Immortality through service to their Dark Gods who learned to live out of the body through Meditation thousands of years ago and who live in Private Universes on the Astral Plane and Download into Heads of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Families to oversee their Planet Earth Plantation so as to suck, to Vampirise the Spiritual Energy of Humanity by implanting everyone with Demon Addiction Blockages to Drugs and Sex.

The Ancient, Thousands of Years Old Psychic Science of Black Magic - the Creation of Implant Drug and Sex Addiction Energy Blockages to create Narcissistic Machiavellian, Psychopaths - is an Ancient Technology censored from books and schools of meditation for thousands of years, which although is scientific, appears like Magic to those which have never been taught the Only Solution - Energy Enhancement Meditation…

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
― Satanic Pedophile Aristocrat Arthur C. Clarke,

Satanic Ritual of Human Sacrifice and more is the methodology used to destroy the Heart, to become a Psychopath necessary to serve the Dark Gods, necessary to become a Dark God.

Pedophile Roman Polanski, a Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Family insider gave us Rosmary’s Baby, Chinatown and the The Ninth Gate as an insight into the methodology of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires…

Ninth Gate (The) - Original Cinema Movie Poster From ...

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As well as becoming a subscriber to this Substack I would advise telling the world, your friends, of every article you find here which you like. Shadow banning and censorship is endemic and we depend upon only you, the true humanity to spread the word. To open their eyes!

The Spirit of 1776 Ignites Again

Infowars is pure Americana. The living embodiment of the spirit of 1776. Just as coals, as the fire burns down over the night, can be obscured by the ash. But if you put kindling back on those coals and simply breathe the life of truth, the breath of truth onto it, the fire explodes into life again. And the globalists had sought to suppress that spark, but now it is a raging inferno of truth and justice and strength. And it's never too late for those that have been serving satanic evil to join us and to come in for the big win.

If you study history, humans, no matter where they're from in the world, act in the same cycles. Everybody knows that. It's not debated, it's a fact that history repeats, it rhymes, it echoes. And societies go through a process, civilizations, peoples, nations, cultures.


Hard times make strong men,


strong men make good times,


good times make weak men,


and weak men make hard times.


And we have the old globalist robber baron establishment when the West was dominant in the world because we were the open society compared to others. We were the freest, we were the Renaissance, we weren't perfect, but we were the best. So the world came here and the world emulated us and we became the standard in politics and life and religion and custom and clothing.

And with that great power came the good times.and came the weak men, so now we're getting the hard times. And if you read the Satanic Rand Corporation and the Satanic Carnegie Endowment and the Satanic Rockefeller Endowment and the Satanic WEF and their thinkers, they admit all this and say, we want the end of the cycles.

We want the end of history, is what Satanic Obama and other globalists call it. And by that they mean, where they take control of the cycles, they destroy the family, they destroy normal human So that they have a corporate packaged humanoid like Satanic Brave New World that Satanic Aldous Huxley before he died in 1961 wrote a book, Satanic Brave New World Revisited, non-fiction. I've read the book five times at least, where he says, this is actually our plan for you as the transhumanist.

And his Satanic brother Julian Huxley, Head of UN WHO, founded the Satanic Transhumanist Global Society and was the head of the Satanic Eugenics Society before that until Satanic Hitler gave it a bad name in 1940, 1945. So I study what the real would-be controllers, they're not in full control, they're trying to get full control of global government, global currencies, leftist ideology, because it makes you weak, that they can standardize, and that's illogical, so they can change the programming whenever they want, they can have a social credit score where you agree to everything they're saying one day and next month, it's not good enough, and they can punish you for what you did in the past, even though you were following their orders in the past, it's not good in the present or the future.

1984 meets Brave New World.

This is the Hellscape.

This is the Satanic mad scientist, Satanic behavioral psychologist, Satanic open-air lunatic asylum they're building. Satanic Hunger Games meets 1984, meets Brave New World, meets Elysium.

By the way, the director of Elysium has been blacklisted!

Neill Blomkamp has not made a big picture since Elysium 2013…


And now that's where you are.

Imagine a Venn diagram of Brave New World and 1984. All the other dystopic visions we've had and you find yourself right in the middle of that paradigm. And so they're offering a hellish world and selling you the end of the life force, the end of the family, the end of natalism, loving children, loving babies, hating your own survival instinct, going against what it is to be human.

Because the Carnegie Endowment after World War I was given a 10-year project by the so-called Satanic Phoenician Megatrillionaire Minion controllers in the U.S. and England and Europe asking them, how do we end war?

And they said, kill all humanity, you end the human condition and how humans behave, and you end the family, and you end civilization, and you create high-tech city-states that have the advanced knowledge.

Everybody else lives who's allowed to live.

You depopulate 80% in agrarian areas without electricity. And then the ruling class like gods from the Mount Olympus fly above you in their airships. And that's in... H.G. Wells' Things to Come, his book and the movie. It's in Fritz Lang's Metropolis. They're telling you this same message over and over and over again.

metropolis-jpg.1627 (1225×1733) | Metropolis poster, Metropolis film ...


Pin by Regan Nicholls on Film Stuff | Metropolis 1927, Metropolis film ...

And it is inspired by the fallen Demonic entity - The Dark God who learned how to leave the body and live in private universes on the Astral Plane by vampirising the spiritual energies of Humanity only possible by one who has destroyed his own heart through the performance of murderous Satanic Rituals of Human Sacrifice..

Who is marooned on this planet, who is an ancient alien force that the Bible warns you of, that would take over, create a world government, and implement a cashless society where you must submit to the beast and worship the beast and its social credit score and do everything it says for the right to buy and sell and live.

The Pentagon in the 60s had a plan to put us in pods where we power the computers. We're born into pods and an electoral jack is put in our brain. You may have seen the Matrix. That's based on a Pentagon proposal. The same Pentagon group proposed the Internet, the intergalactic communications system. Look it up. When I say these things, you look them up. It's there. It's public. You'll be blown away.

And you see how we're progressively living in this proto-Matrix takeover.

And the Virtual Reality is the next step to the chips in the brain. You say, well, then I thought Elon's good. He's doing that. That's where it's all going. He wants to dominate all technology. If you're blind or have your back broken, give me chips. But the chips are like a gun. They can be used for good or bad. And the way they're being deployed is for social control. I'm not against the technology. I'm against its deployment, its architecture.

I want to play you a clip.

It's totally accurate.

I've read books on this.

It's mainline history.

Understanding God's Role and Human Free Will

We are an extension that God created. Little g. Old Testament. Little god. But you've got to have a drill, Sergeant. You've got to have a hell week. You've got to have a test, an examination to reject evil and cling to the good.

And so people say, well, God's the ultimate Satanist. That's what Satanists always say. Well, your God allows this all to happen. No, God gave us free will so he could test our goodness to resist evil. And in these examinations, if you fail the test you get the same test presented to you again and again until you pass the test! Even from lifetime to lifetime because we are immortal beings!

And then lets us experience this before we go to the next level and get the real power.

Prussian Educational Mind Control is now the Core Educational System Worldwide!

The Prussians in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, the most powerful state in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire that broke up after World War I, going back hundreds of years ago, had such good brainwashing through their public school system that they could take the Prussians who were chattel, who were slaves, who were serfs and have them so proud of their blue uniforms and black Hessian boots and their silver belt buckles that they would be slaves for life, march into battle and die because of the esprit de corps and how they were honored as slave soldiers.

Those were Germans. And yes, the Prussians then deployed into Poland and other areas, the modern psychological system that they invented and the modern educational system of brainwashing. And classical education in the last 150 years has been taken over by the Prussian model.

This is mainline books on the history of education. It's a fact by any PhD in education. It's just not known by the public. And all of this is then an extension out of that for total control where they say why brainwash people?

We'll just get rid of most people. That makes the world more manageable. As Brzezinski said 10 years ago at the CFR in Canada, where he said 50 years ago it was easier to brainwash a million people than it is to now kill a million people. We can't control people's minds anymore. Let's just kill the majority of the people. Look it up.

Look up Zbigniew Brzezinski's quote about easier to kill people. You'll get it. You'll get the video.

So they're having these post-human discussions. You've all know Harari, the high priest of the World Economic Forum says, the future is not human. By 2047, no real humans, only cyborgs. They're going to poison us so bad that we have to go into a medical system to have a baby, only babies through IVF! and then go into a medical system to even survive where we're no longer human This is the program. This is the operation. This is what they're doing.

Controversial Views on Society and Mind Control

We're Paul Reveres, we're sheepdogs. We just like humanity. We like the truth. We like justice. We like a good society. And that exists when people stand up and demand it and stop rolling over to the left, dictating more and more insane things as a test with their cult to see what we'll put up with. Like, oh, be a man, support Kamala Harris. Be a man, support tampons in the boys' bathrooms. Be a man, support biological men. coaches that say they're females showering with girls in high schools and elementary schools and middle schools. Remember Andrew Cuomo said, you know, if these 11-year-old girls don't like seeing a woman's penis, that's a quote, sounds like their dad or their mom's bigoted and taught them that. That's a quote.

Think of the Mind Control.


Forget about the Minions like Camel, Turdow, Macron or Starmtrooper. Here are the people who tell these minions what to do...
THE SATANIC PHOENICIAN BLACK NOBILITY.. Prince Duccio Corsini is a Roman prince and top owner of the Corsican Mafia. The Corsinis are both Florentine and Roman nobles. Prince Duccio is an overseer of a private Swiss banking and human trafficking operation in Gstadd, Switzerland. The Scherz family of Gstadd own a hotel in Gstadd and basically run Gstadd. The Scherz coat of arms is a heart. The Corsinis coat of arms is shaped as a heart and the Italian word Core or Coure has the meaning of heart. Prince Duccio also oversees the DEA. Lucien Conein was from Maryland and he was a documented associate of the Corsican Mafia and he worked for the OSS, CIA, and later for the DEA. The Corsican Mafia have a headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland and they oversee a large heroin and opium trafficking ring from Turkey, the Middle East, and Afghanistan to ports on the East Coast. Nancy Pelosi is from Baltimore and she is a Knight Grand Cross of the Italian Order of Merit and an agent of the Corsinis. The Corsican Mafia then traffics the heroin or opium to the Lucchese crime family which then provide it to the modern day Drug Council run by black gangster rappers. Corsica is named after the Corsinis and uses a black Moor on its coat of arms and flag. Moors, Arabs, and Africans invaded Europe and Slave trafficked natural white Europeans for over a thousand years. The Corsinis also owned banks in Florence and London.And More...


Satanic Lord Bertrand Russel, Satanic Lord Aldous Huxley, Satanic Lord George Orwell...

But what I'm getting at is, I'm a young man reading all these famous books written by Bertrand Russell, written by Aldous Huxley.

Written by 1984 George Orwell. His father ran the Opium Trafficking out of India into China for the British King Black Nobility, for the Committee of 300.

George Orwell went to Band of Thebes Sodomy Ritual Eton where he was tutored by Aldous Huxley!

He wrote nonfiction books saying, I was one of the head communists, they made me head of the Fabian Society socialists, 1984 is their real plan, I'm warning you.

And then he died a year after he published the book…. Assassinated!

He was like Edward Snowden of his day, or the Julian Assange.

He is Winston Smith in the 1984 book.

That's about him, but he put it in a fictional setting.

He worked in the Ministry of Truth. He was one of the top propagandists, number two at the BBC in World War II. Then he found out the British and the U.S. had secretly funded Hitler AND the Communists.

Now there's the Brzezinski quote, "it's easier to kill a million people today than to control a million people". You see the full quote. You pull it up.

So, they're there saying this, they're there doing it, they've got about 80% control of the world, they've got 87% control of the resources. BlackRock, that's just the front room. And they've made the decision to get rid of you and me, and in the process they're poisoning us and dumbing us down and turning us against each other, and I think that's a horrible plan.

I think we ought to have a plan B. I think we ought to say no to the death cult.

And then, I had a two and a half hour interview with Elon Musk last year. We ought to re-air that. And he agrees with everything I'm saying about it and says we got to stop the death cult. I said, what about Team Humanity? Yeah, let's call it Team Humanity. Let's do it.

He goes to the World Government Summit months later and says you're trying to destroy everybody. You're the bad guys. Humanity should unite against you but stay independent, like firewalls or bulkheads in a ship.

So what we're promoting is common sense and is a good, open, loving, prosperous, safe future. They're promoting a dystopia and saying we all deserve to die because we're bad for the earth. So we have a fatalistic view and just give in to their worldview and don't have children and aren't successful and don't have a job and wait for our universal credit score and our universal basic income. And then they tell us what to eat and where we can go and how to live and what to think. You can say, well, I don't believe the Bible.

Have you read Revelation? Have you read Daniel? It just repeats it in the same warning. Have you read Ezekiel? It's time travel, people. It's happening.

I thought I said he said that 10 years ago. Zbig said it in 2008 in Canada. Back then the internet was so bad. I played the clip a lot. It's like a tiny little video. I mean, it's all blurred, but he said it. The newspapers all picked it up. See if you can find the Brzezinski clip about that. I haven't played that in a while. It's good to always get that out there.

So, that's what they're doing. And you can say, well, that sounds too dystopic. I choose to just not believe that's possible. Okay, well, how did I know 30 years ago to go on air and warn of all this and then it's all come true?

Up to this point. I even told you the years it would happen. Because they have agenda 2030. In 1992, Rio de Janeiro, they said by the year 2000, they'd be set up for the world government. And then between 2020 and 2030, they would launch the total takeover and cut off the resources and ban most of the farms and ban beef eat bugs and take away your personal car and make you rent everything. I mean, they're saying it. And I'm here believing in you, believing in myself, believing in God through us, saying, I don't think you're going to want to go along with this.

And I said this 25 years ago. I'll hit the key here in a moment. I said it over and over again in my films, in my books, everywhere. I said, I knew early on only really informed, caring people that were already dialed in would hear what I was saying. We would share info and get a better understanding and build an infrastructure to resist it when it went operational in 2000. And I said in 2010, I said, here's the Rockefeller plan to release a virus, roll out deadly shots, turn off your immune system.


And they're going to set up vaccine passports and train you to start being locked down, introduce martial law. And people see those videos and go, this guy's Nostradamus. No, I'm not.

It was all in the Rockefeller plan, Operation Lockstep and the others. They had plans in 2006. We covered on air under the BioShield program, tens of billions a year, Bush signed it into law. And it said, when the pandemic comes, you'll stay six feet apart, you'll wear a mask, that'll be used for psychological reasons, the public takes it serious, and this will be used as training wheels for the new global ID system and to control everybody. And then it came. I didn't know when it would come, but then I saw the crescendo a year before they released COVID,

With the UN saying, imminently disease X will be released and imminently we'll have our takeover.

And then they did it. And I said, looks like it's imminent. I mean, isn't that common sense? You see their battle plans, their documents that aren't really getting circulated, but are public.

And then you see the pre-programming right before they do it. And I go, looks like they're about to do it. And they did it. See, this isn't that hard. I want to get you like me, and a lot of folks are now, where you just start understanding their game plan, and it's like a jigsaw puzzle. You get more and more pieces, and towards the end, you know, when you're first doing a jigsaw puzzle, it's really slow. Then it gets faster and faster and faster and faster.

Well, we're down to the... They're not even hiding. They're like, yeah, you see the picture? We're going to depopulate you. World government, get rid of the people. People suck, right? It's a good plan, right? Right down to the wire, they're like, yeah, we are going to get rid of all of you. Yeah, we are pedophiles. Yeah, we are devil worshippers. Yeah, yeah.

What's you going to do about it? What's you going to do? What's you going to do? I'm like, we're going to roll up our sleeves and remove your ass from the system. Politically, nonviolently.

But if they go to full martial law and are shipping us off to FEMA camps for emergencies and the new, you know, I mean, Katie bar the door, they started it, they did it, we're fighting for our lives at that point. And I'm just warning the military and the government and all the bureaucrats, you really want this war? You really think your boss is in their bunkers? Care about you when we're about to destroy civilization? You think your pension fund's worth anything? I mean, use your frickin' head.

To all you corporate and government functionaries, you are signing on to an insane depopulation death cult program. Why don't you be like Elon Musk and say, I'm getting off the train. You know what? I'm not just going to get off the train. I'm going to fight it. That's the only logical, sane thing to do. I'm handing out free, delicious, clean, healthy ice water in the Sahara Desert. Because I need you to wake up and see this to join me in stopping this insane plan. That's why I keep saying, do not call me and thank me and say how great I am.

How the hell would I know about this program that was just background noise growing up around my father and my uncle and my cousins? and then see it actually in the real world as I got older, how would I not get organized and fight it? I want to eat bugs. I want to be slowly poisoned. I want to be sterilized. I want to be killed. I want to stop eating steak. I want to be under a social credit score that controls everything I say and do. I mean, why the hell would I want to be a slave?

It's like Scarface and Tony Montana. which is based on a composite of true stories. Took Oliver Stone 10 years to write that screenplay based on real people he interviewed. That's why it's like The Godfather. It's so powerful because it's based on real stories just mixed together, just like The Patriot, Mel Gibson, is three true stories combined. It's all true in that movie. Three different people, though, combined. Based on The Swamp Fox, he's the main character, but then they combine three stories. It was too much to tell. I mean, do you really think it's heroic to stand up for survival?

Scarface Movie Poster | 1 Sheet (27x41) Original Vintage Movie Poster ...


See, once you realize this isn't heroic, then it's not a job you've got to go do because, you know, you're not a hero. Neither am I. You're just simply fighting evil for your own future because your forebearers did it. I'm wearing a shirt that says, we are not descended from fearful men. Well, I mean, I'll turn that around. We're not descended from suicidal idiots. We're not descended from slaves. We're not descended from people that want to roll over. And of course, we're all descended from slaves at one point, but you get what I'm saying.

Our ancestors, whether they were black or white, fought for freedom. Whether you're brown or yellow, it doesn't matter. Every freedom we've got was paid for by other people before us. And now it's not even time for us to pay because we're up to the great tyranny. It's not like, oh, we keep doing this. Your kids will be slaves in 20 years. We're 20 years, 30 years later. It's going down right now. And if you think things are bad right now, you're crazy.

Satanists Contacting the Dark Gods who live Immortally out of the Body in Private Universes on the Astral Plane by Vampirising the Spiritual Energies of Humanity by using DMT Ayahuasca and receiving advanced technology in return for Blood, In return for Sacrificing Humans

I've always known that if we warned enough people and got the word out, when the really nasty stuff started to happen, people look back and say, wow, he called all that, he's calling all this, and then see the documents, and we get together and stop this craziness.

But there's also something happening where there are a lot of people, and I didn't think of this 30 years ago, that heard about the New World Order and heard about how it worked, and they didn't join Freedom, they didn't join Team Humanity, they decided to serve the system out of fear or out of greed or out of a mixture of that. I didn't see that. I saw that happen later. But now I'm seeing this, and I did see this coming. All these people that are on the fence, the followers, the opportunists, you name it, As they see freedom exploding and courage is contagious and they witness humanity getting to struggle and Trump getting shot and standing up,




That is in the human spirit. That's infectious to stand up to tyranny, to be a rebel, to be a maverick. And it's exciting and people are having those instincts and that spirit rekindled in them right now. And the life force and the survival force is exploding right now. And so whether Elon Musk has joined us because he knows the globalists are going down and he jumped ship, or whether he's found humanity and is pissed off and is on Team Humanity, it doesn't matter because it's the same effect.

But, you know, they took his son away from him and killed him, in his words. Put him in a fancy school behind his back, brainwashed his son. He was a girl. Now they're sterilizing him. He said, they killed my son. They did kill the person that was his son. He's still living, but destroyed as a person. His brother almost died from the shot. A bunch of his crew at his factories got sick from it. That was his final wake-up call. Wow, they really did give us something to hurt us. So he researched it and found out it was true.

And he's Elon Musk, supposedly the richest man in the world.



He's not really, but he's the biggest innovator right now. And notice... he didn't get the memo not to take the shot all right so we're at the point of the tipping point where they all jump ship we're at the point of victory that makes the enemy the most dangerous they're going to throw out everything they can they're going to pull out all the stops but they will be defeated and they need to understand that Hollywood produced a bunch of movies about martial law, Civil War by Obama, and how the good guys go take over the white house and kill trump yep that's what it's all about whole movie's about a race war.

Let me finish the point I was making, because I didn't, I quantified it, but I really need to make this clear. You are going to see, and you're already seeing, the Zuckerbergs come out and apologize for being a Democrat operative and censorship. You're going to see Musk as he has fully come out. As I told you three years ago, I was told people very close to Musk. He was, I'll leave it at that, very close to Musk. I told you Joe Rogan was going to get hardcore. He did. And it's because it's been made safe for them to. And that's fine. Because freedom is so popular. So bet on freedom.

Because even if we lose, it's better to be on your legs when you die than on your knees. Because Zapata said, I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees. Historically, people that live on their knees die on their knees. You get killed more often. You get enslaved. That's the way it really works.

Does a wolf in the forest get attacked or does the bunny rabbit? Does a killer whale get attacked or does a salmon? So you don't want to be a wolf and go out attacking innocent people, but you don't want to be a sheep. You want to be a sheepdog. And that's really what we are as the Sheepdog Society. I don't know one of those exists. That'd be a great name of an organization.

We're Paul Revere's, we're sheepdogs. We just like humanity. We like the truth. We like justice. We like a good society. And that exists when people stand up and demand it and stop rolling over to the left, dictating more and more insane things as a test with their cult to see what we'll put up with. Like, oh, be a man, support Kamala Harris. Be a man, support tampons in the boys' bathrooms. Be a man, support biological men. coaches that say they're females showering with girls in high schools and elementary schools and middle schools. Remember Andrew Cuomo said, you know, if these 11-year-old girls don't like seeing a woman's penis, that's a quote, sounds like their dad or their mom's bigoted and taught them that. That's a quote. Think of the mind control.

If your 11-year-old daughter doesn't like seeing a woman's penis, a woman doesn't have a penis, That's a cult. It's two men can have a baby. They went back and edited from the 1990s, Bill Guy, Science Guy, videos where they said X and Y chromosomes. They took those out and now he says there aren't X and Y chromosomes. Like saying there isn't gravity on planet Earth. There is gravity. Doesn't matter if they claim it's suspended. It's still there. And so they have to murder logic to get the public to go against their own self-interest. It's not heroic to fight tyranny, it's self-interested. It's not avant-garde to be against medical tyranny and forced experimental shots that kill a bunch of people, it's survival.

It is the default of common sense to resist these people. And the dam broke in the last couple of years. It's accelerating.

And more and more people are joining us. Again, all the top talk show hosts around the world are anti-New World Order, anti-globalists. Everybody sounds like Alex Jones. That's great. And how many times did I say, for at least the last 25 years of my 30 plus years on air, I see a time of victory. In fact, ask the archivist to find this, and I don't want a 10-hour archive. I love him. Have him get the oldest clips he can find.

He'll find 20-plus-year-old clips of me saying, I want to become obsolete. I want to get to the point where people understand how the world works so much that everybody else is talking about it, and Alex Jones isn't that important anymore. Now, we've almost reached that point, but we're still not there. But we've gotten to the point where people are like, hey, who needs Jones? Everybody gets it. Not everybody. And I still have work to do exposing the next leg of the enemy operation.

If other people were out there doing a better job than me, I will step aside. Believe me. Or maybe do a review once a week of the best voices and the best stuff and just boost that. Because I don't dislike doing the show seven days a week. In fact, I have a total drive to do it, but I want to get to the point where I can pull back and make elegant films once a year, maybe write one super powerful book a year, maybe do a podcast once a week. And it's not because I don't want to work. It's that I can really do good if I only did three hours a week and really focused on it and really crafted what I was going to say and the clips and the work and just that's when the, and, you know, write one book a year and make maybe one film a year and still work five, six days a week.

It's not about the workload. It's about I have a real hunger Like I want to go do shows on ranching and farming and blacksmithing and gardening. That's what I want to do. I want to make knives. I want to show people how to take care of cows. I want to, you know, I want to show people how to build a log cabin. Not that I'm even really great at it, but I know how to do it. The point is it'd be me doing it, you know, and with experts. Those are the things I want to do.

But instead I get to focus on the nasty, sick Satan cult and try to get people to admit how horrible it is and how it wants to look like God and how it wants to look invincible and how it wants control of your mind and your language and your body and your chromosomes and how if we like animals that are domesticated and they're the Ubermenschen, they're the Morlocks and we're the Eloi, We have to step into that role of being sheep. We have to step into that role of not knowing how things work and not having the knowledge of it so they can play God when they are the absolute most selfish, degenerate, hateful, sick people ever that have had to divorce themselves from humanity to be who they are in the office they've created for themselves with their father, the devil.

And so it's incredibly alluring. It's incredibly sexy. It's incredibly empowering and magic and electric and dynamic to be on Team Humanity. To open yourself up to God, to open yourself up to courage, to open yourself up to will, to open yourself up to being as human as you can be. And then everything is so much more beautiful. Everything is so much more wondrous. Everything I see is through the eyes of a child. And I get closer to God every day. And then I just get disgusted having to analyze every little piece of their operation, because I see deep into each legislation and executive order and propaganda and actions, and to properly cover one story would take an hour.

And so I say, should I just break the news and rally the people and do what I've been doing for 30 years, or should I just each week take one topic, one area, and do the deep dive on that? Would that be more effective? So that's what I want to do. Should I continue to do the thing that my enemies feared in the past and just do that same thing because that's what they don't want me to do when I can do something way more damaging to them?

See what I'm saying? So those are the things that are going on in my mind, in my calculus about how to be the most effective for you and your family because I have built in empathy and love. The more aggressive a creature, the more loving the creature is. It's a duality in alpha species, in apex predators, and that's what humans are. That in our own species, though, we have built in hardwiring to not hurt our own people. And so I have that because God gave that to me, but I can then intellectually look at it and say, those genes that are expressed through my spirit That's the electrical field that energizes the DNA. But it's like a filament in a light bulb.

Unless the spirit's there, it doesn't ignite. It's both flesh and spirit intersecting in the third dimension and transcending to the 12th in a ethereal, intergalactic, interdimensional vortex that it is the most selfish thing ever to want to be loving and strong and good because that's what's going to empower you

The Satanic globalists have to live in bunkers and live in fear of their own security and are racing to try to have robots so no humans are even around them so they'll be safe in the hellscape dystopic system they've built that they believe was going to give them all this power. Instead, they've just built a giant prison for themselves.

How is that a good battle plan where there'll be nowhere to spend their unlimited wealth? which they then will find is like dust in their hands and nothing if their plan goes to fruition. You think the satanic globalists are going to stop at killing 6 billion people? 8 billion people is actually the number. They want an 80 plus percent reduction. That's the public number.

They say, humans are just bad, period. We'll just get rid of all humans. That's what Yuval Noah Harari says now, is we should get rid of everybody. Humans are fail, we're bad, we're ugly, we're gross. He's projecting his own self-hatred onto us. If he would believe in humanity and love God, God would then, he would feel God's love for him, and he would go to his knees in front of the maker. But instead, he hates himself because he's a servant of Satan, and then projects Satan's hate that flows through him onto us instead of rejecting Satan and all his pimps.

All right. The point is the time of choice has come. It's never going to get any clearer. It's only going to get more intense. Good versus evil. And I say it's never going to get any clearer. It shouldn't have to get clearer. It will get a lot clearer. But for people that have eyes to see and ears to hear and a soul to feel and a brain to analyze, what more do you need than to understand that with Trump there is somewhat of a future, with Kamala Harris there's total destruction, as Elon Musk said properly.

All right, let's hit this story. There's a lot of developments and a lot of phenomenon that if you understand that phenomenon, it's a gateway, a keyhole into a larger understanding. And this is one of those stories, and it's a long story. But for 30 plus years, there have been unidentified flying aircraft that will approach fighter jets, approach drones, approach commercial airliners, and will do maneuvers and make 90-degree turns that no known technology can do. And there's the big flying Vs that show up above the nuclear weapons bases The ships, you know, that have the drones come in and fly around them. Now you've got classic drones that are loud with propellers, big ones, some of them 20 feet long, showing up at the most secure U.S. military bases. And buzzing the airfields and doing all this, and then notice, even though it happens night after night, the military doesn't shoot them down. Well, what does that tell you?

I mean, look at that thing. That's an imperial probe droid. Just go back to that last one. Now there's the military catching this robot flying around with no propulsion system they can see. And then it zips off at Mach 20. And these things disappear into the ocean and all the rest of it. You didn't start seeing these until after World War II. And from the research we've done that's overwhelming, these are man-made.

The breakaway civilization has super advanced technologies they're suppressing. They admit that. The stealth bombers are from the 1960s. They still say the fastest plane ever made was in service in the late 50s, the SR-71 Blackbird. The pilots wear spacesuits when they fly them. It goes up to the edge of space. It's a space plane. It's like a Model T compared to the newest Tesla today. But they tell you the Model T is the fastest, best, newest car in the world. That's the equivalent. So here's what we know.

The big flying Vs are space planes and nuclear weapon and sabot meteor gun platforms. These other pod and flying saucer craft have got some type of anti-gravity propulsion system. And what we know is the Pentagon is purposely leaking information and implying that it's alien to create fear. And we've gotten some of the leaks on this that the UN and Henry Kissinger planned to have a fake alien invasion at some point to unify the planet under their control.

And so obviously if you're the breakaway civilization with all this advanced technology that's really the equivalent of the year 2050 or beyond, You don't show people the human animal chimera clones they admit they've got. You don't show people that you've got all this weather control that their own documents admit they have. You don't show people you've got antimatter weapons that can blow up the whole solar system. You don't show people all these new free energy propulsion systems they've got. and then you start harassing aircraft and ships with the drones and saying they're aliens but then you can look at them and then from the leaks we have know that they're actually man-made controlled by the United States and the UK the only two countries that actually are in the club and have this stuff that we know of then you gotta ask how the United States actually got all this and created the microchip and the transistor before that when nobody else did and where are they getting the knowledge and then I don't know.

Some say aliens interdimensionally gave them the codes. Some say the Dark Gods that live immortally out of the body for tens of thousands of years got these designs from previous civilisations.

People think of a demon traveling here and so they can just send the message via a radio telescope message like the movie in the 90s. Species where the radio telescope picks up a code of DNA, they put it in a egg and plant it in a woman. Looks like a humanoid, it's actually an alien. That's an example of, from the intel I've got, how they're getting it. Radio telescopes, interdimensional communications, that's what they do on the Ayahuasca DMT.

I told you this before, it was declassified on Joe Rogan eight years ago. One year later, they declassified that indeed the U.S. military and governments were doing Ayahuasca DMT drips to communicate with the Dark Gods as they did in every previous Satanic Civilisation like the Aztecs and the Phoenicians with their Tophets going back to the 60s, as I told you. The equivalent of interdimensional astronauts who were mapping this and communicating with these Satanic Dark God Demons who learned live out of the body through advanced meditation techniques and are Worshipped by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who too want to learn to live immortally out of the Body who would tell them, okay, bring me 20 kids, slit their throats, and I'll give you some technology.

You go, that sounds crazy.

Well, look at all the Aztecs would kill kids to be given knowledge by the gods. The Babylonians, the Druids, it's always these creatures that want us to do bad things, go against our own species, and they promise now, if you'll kill the majority of the humans and transcend and merge with silicon, we will give you the advanced technology for life extension, immortality but you have to become a new psychopathic species and end all carbon-based life on Earth, which they're doing with the geoengineering, getting rid of. life on earth as we know it there is a terraforming operation clearly for Satan and his entourage of creatures that is going on and and notice when i talk about this the media doesn't attack it the system doesn't talk about it i've been talking about this i knew about it decades ago for at least 10 years giving you the final pieces of the puzzle that's actually right there in the bible and notice the media never picks this up never touches it I have met with top retired generals. I've met with top scientists. I've met with top tech people.

I've met with the top people. They all know this. They all understand it. They all accept it. And so we're being given advanced knowledge to be able to build things never before on this earth to build a terraforming operation that doesn't just change the atmosphere, it changes the very genetic makeup of you, of the planet. They've been doing it covertly for a long time, and now they're doing it overtly through the self-replicating nanoshots being put in the population.

And so now, imagine the Pentagon, and I told you this when this first broke last week, I said, watch, they'll announce it's happening to all the bases. Now in these articles, overhead shot, please, they're saying, oh, every military base has these drones showing up. And they call them UFOs, that just means unidentified flying object, but imply they're aliens, though they admit they have propellers and they say they don't know who's sending it.

As if they don't put up a helicopter or a jet and follow back where they're coming from. As if they don't shoot them down. No, this is branches of the Pentagon and the deep state doing a PSYOP on the military personnel who were told to stand down on the ships and the bases and in the air. and then it creates this internal debate about what is it and then they have whistleblowers say it's aliens to create a belief in the military that these are aliens when what it is is humans following a satanic off-world fallen angel demon entity plan to roll all of this out to at some point with the hologram projections they have that I told you about 30 years ago that they now, you know, use and do where you see a giant snake in the sky or Godzilla or whatever they want.

You've got CERN opening interdimensional gates, and the minute they can blow the planet up with it, and doing giant Satanic rituals with Baphomet at its opening, and they have movies about it like Event Horizon, decades before they actually do it, to again, with lesser magic, tell you what they're going to do before they then actually do it.

Event Horizon (1997) movie poster - Dangerous Universe

So this is an interdimensional alien assault... That's how at the higher dimensions these things operate. That's why the Bible says Satan goes up to heaven in the Old Testament and New Testament and talks to God and asks permission for things he wants to do here, and then Satan... complains that God won't let him fully go after us, and then when humans do really bad things, and humans by free will agree to it, God will then remove the protection and let Satan do what he wants to a limited extent, because God gave us free will, but also gave us the retribution of karma but God gave us a blueprint and a cheat sheet of the enemy operation.

He gave us the enemy battle plan to show that we would have a chance to make the right decision. And then they tell you, drone swarms targeting U.S. military bases are operated by mothership. UFO claims top Pentagon official. Oh, and they've got a secret base with all the old alien spacecraft. Like aliens come here and then get shot down by aircraft back in the 40s and 50s. No.

The breakaway civilization flies up a tinker toy. They've got a biological android on board. Just a mutated human. Very easy to do. You put even a little bit more of the allowable amount of aspartame in the egg right at inception and it will come out looking like a gray alien. Shriveled, big eyes, big open mouth, no teeth. And they just, you know, have a few humanoids that just basically, you know, aren't even as smart as, you know, sadly, a Down syndrome person. And they just, you know, fly one of these around. Okay, shoot it down, shoot it down.

They find some, you know, three foot tall dwarfs. And then they run in the PSYOP, run in the PSYOP. It's all a big movie production. It's all about what they can get us to do so that we accept, oh, there's all this advanced stuff, but it's aliens.

And oh, something weird's happening with the weather. It's because you ate beef or you've got a car or you've got a nice house. So the key to this is you don't know about the advanced technology. You don't know about the cloning. You don't know about their overall You don't know they're getting it from the Satan Dark God fallen one marooned on the planet. here with us to test us but then we were built by the big guy and he has a much bigger plan for us because it's not like Satan can even build this stuff Satan just has knowledge of it and from all these interdimensional encounters that have come out and been documented they give them the general theoretics of the plan and then say you know how to do it this is what you built

The dark Gods who live out of the body, communicated to with Drugs don't even give them the schematics or the exact details. They just give them hints and explain it. So, again, you could be a 5'5 person that weighs 100 pounds, and you could beat up Mike Tyson when he's 3 years old. But when Mike Tyson is 20 years old, nobody can beat him up.

So see, we're more advanced. We're more powerful. We're made in God's image. We're given the free will. We are the advanced technology. We are God's artificial intelligence. We are an extension that God created. Little g. Old Testament. Little god. But you've got to have a drill, Sergeant. You've got to have a hell week. You've got to have a test. And so people say, well, God's the ultimate Satanist. That's what Satanists always say. Well, your God allows this all to happen.

No, God gave us free will and then lets us experience this as an examination to do good in the face of evil before we can go to the next level and get the real power. Otherwise we cannot be trusted.

And this is why they want me off the air, because I understand the compendium historically, biblically, and I can see it all around us. And that's what this is.

It's leaked out. The government's been planning it to unify the world around world government. And now they're harassing their own military bases to up the fear and think we're so stupid. They go, yeah, they got propellers, but they might be aliens. No. What you just saw on screen is a super advanced jump ship. And look at that big triangle. That's a big bomber.

Alien PsyOps and Divine Advanced Technology

a Down syndrome person. And they just, you know, fly one of these around. Okay, shoot it down, shoot it down. They find some, you know, three foot tall dwarfs. And then they run in the PSYOP, run in the PSYOP. It's all a big movie production. It's all about what they can get us to do so that we accept, oh, there's all this advanced stuff, but it's aliens. And oh, something weird's happening with the weather. It's because you ate beef or you've got a car or you've got a nice house. So the key to this is you don't know about the advanced technology. You don't know about the cloning. You don't know about their overall operation.

You don't know they're getting it from the Dark God Demonic Fallen One marooned on the planet. here with us to test us but then we were built by the big guy and he has a much bigger plan for us because it's not like Satan can even build this stuff Satan just has knowledge of it and from all these interdimensional encounters that have come out and been documented they give them the general theoretics of the plan and then say you know how to do it this is what you built

They don't even give them the schematics or the exact details. They just give them hints and explain it. So, again, you could be a 5'5 person that weighs 100 pounds, and you could beat up Mike Tyson when he's 3 years old. But when Mike Tyson is 20 years old, nobody can beat him up. So see, we're more advanced. We're more powerful. We're made in God's image. We're given the free will. We are the advanced technology. We are God's artificial intelligence

Mysterious Unidentified Aircraft and Military Inaction

For 30 plus years, there have been unidentified flying aircraft that will approach fighter jets, approach drones, approach commercial airliners, and will do maneuvers and make 90-degree turns that no known technology can do. And there's the big flying Vs that show up above the nuclear weapons bases. The ships, you know, that have the drones come in and fly around them. Now you've got classic drones that are loud with propellers, big ones, some of them 20 feet long, showing up at the most secure U.S. military bases. And buzzing the airfields and doing all this, and then notice, even though it happens night after night, the military doesn't shoot them down. Well, what does that tell you?

Common Sense Resistance Against Tyranny

It's not heroic to fight tyranny, it's self-interested. It's not avant-garde to be against medical tyranny and forced experimental shots that kill a bunch of people, it's survival. It is the default of common sense to resist these people. And the dam broke in the last couple of years. It's accelerating. And more and more people are joining us. Again, all the top talk show hosts around the world are anti-New World Order, anti-globalists. Everybody sounds like Alex Jones. That's great. And how many times did I say, for at least the last 25 years of my 30 plus years on air, I see a time of victory.

Warning on Current Global State of Affairs

And now it's not even time for us to pay because we're up to the great tyranny. It's not like, oh, we keep doing this. Your kids will be slaves in 20 years. We're 20 years, 30 years later. It's going down right now. And if you think things are bad right now, you're crazy. So here's the final point. Then I'll hit the news and continue on. I've always known that if we warned enough people and got the word out, when the really nasty stuff started to happen, people look back and say, wow, he called all that, he's calling all this, and then see the documents, and we get together and stop this craziness.

Call to Action Against Global 'Death Cult'

I'm like, we're going to roll up our sleeves and remove your ass from the system. Politically, nonviolently. But if they go to full martial law and are shipping us off to FEMA camps for emergencies and the new, you know, I mean, Katie barred the door, they started it, they did it, we're fighting for our lives at that point. And I'm just warning the military and the government and all the bureaucrats, you really want this war? You really think your boss is in their bunkers? Care about you when we're about to destroy civilization? You think your pension fund's worth anything? I mean, use your frickin' head. To all you corporate and government functionaries, you are signing on to an insane depopulation death cult program. Why don't you be like Elon Musk and say, I'm getting off the train. You know what? I'm not just going to get off the train. I'm going to fight it. That's the only logical, sane thing to do.

Humans as Divine AI

So see, we're more advanced. We're more powerful. We're made in God's image. We're given the free will. We are the advanced technology. We are God's artificial intelligence. We are an extension that God created. Little g. Old Testament. Little god.

Elon Musk's Stand with Humanity

As they see freedom exploding and courage is contagious and they witness humanity getting to struggle and Trump getting shot and standing up, fight, fight, fight. That is in the human spirit. That's infectious to stand up to tyranny, to be a rebel, to be a maverick. And it's exciting and people are having those instincts and that spirit rekindled in them right now. And the life force and the survival force is exploding right now. And so whether Elon Musk has joined us because he knows the globalists are going down and he jumped ship, or whether he's found humanity and is pissed off and is on Team Humanity, it doesn't matter because it's the same effect. But, you know, they took his son away from him and killed him, in his words. Put him in a fancy school behind his back, brainwashed his son. He was a girl. Now they're sterilizing him. He said, they killed my son. They did kill the person that was his son.

Terraforming Earth: Covert to Overt Operations

And so we're being given advanced knowledge to be able to build things never before on this earth to build a terraforming operation that doesn't just change the atmosphere, it changes the very genetic makeup of the planet. They've been doing it covertly for a long time, and now they're doing it overtly through the self-replicating nanoshots being put in the population.

Prepping for a False Alien Invasion

And this is why they want me off the air, because I understand the compendium historically, biblically, and I can see it all around us. And that's what this is. So they're prepping a false alien invasion. You've heard about this forever. It's leaked out.

Orwell's Real-Life Inspirations

And I'll be back Sunday, obviously, 4 to 8 p.m., maybe longer. But what I'm getting at is, I'm a young man reading all these famous books written by Bertrand Russell, written by Aldous Huxley, written by George Orwell. He wrote nonfiction books saying, I was one of the head communists, the Fabian socialists, this is their real plan, I'm warning you. And then he died a year after he published the book. He was like Edward Snowden of his day, or the Julian Assange. He is Winston Smith in the book. That's about him, but he put it in a fictional setting. He worked in the Ministry of Truth. He was one of the top propagandists, number two at the BBC in World War II. Then he found out the British and the U.S. had secretly funded Hitler and the Communists.

Pentagon and The Fake Alien Invasion

And what we know is the Pentagon is purposely leaking information and implying that it's alien to create fear. And we've gotten some of the leaks on this that the UN and Henry Kissinger planned to have a fake alien invasion at some point to unify the planet under their control.

Trump vs Kamala Harris: Future or Destruction?

But for people that have eyes to see and ears to hear and a soul to feel and a brain to analyze, what more do you need than to understand that with Trump there is somewhat of a future, with Kamala Harris there's total destruction, as Elon Musk said properly.

Predicting the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rockefeller Plan

I said it over and over again in my films, in my books, everywhere. I said, I knew early on only really informed, caring people that were already dialed in would hear what I was saying. We would share info and get a better understanding and build an infrastructure to resist it when it went operational in 2000. And I said in 2010, I said, here's the Rockefeller plan to release a virus, roll out deadly shots, turn off your immune system. And they're going to set up vaccine passports and train you to start being locked down, introduce martial law. And people see those videos and go, this guy's Nostradamus. No, I'm not. It was all in the Rockefeller plan, Operation Lockstep and the others. They had plans in 2006. We covered on air under the BioShield program, tens of billions a year, Bush signed it into law.

Unidentified Aircraft and Military Bases

There have been unidentified flying aircraft that will approach fighter jets, approach drones, approach commercial airliners, and will do maneuvers and make 90-degree turns that no known technology can do. And there's the big flying Vs that show up above the nuclear weapons bases The ships, you know, that have the drones come in and fly around them. Now you've got classic drones that are loud with propellers, big ones, some of them 20 feet long, showing up at the most secure U.S. military bases. And buzzing the airfields and doing all this, and then notice, even though it happens night after night, the military doesn't shoot them down. Well, what does that tell you?

Dark Secrets of Interdimensional Communication

That's an example of, from the intel I've got, how they're getting it. Radio telescopes, interdimensional communications, that's what they do on the DMT. I told you this before, it was declassified on Joe Rogan eight years ago. One year later, they declassified that indeed the U.S. military and governments were doing DMT drips going back to the 60s, as I told you. The equivalent of interdimensional astronauts who were mapping this and communicating with these Dark Gods who would tell them, okay, bring me 20 kids, slit their throats, and I'll give you some technology. You go, that sounds crazy.

Infowars and the American Spirit: A Fiery Metaphor

Infowars is pure Americana. The living embodiment of the spirit of 1776. Just as coals, as the fire burns down over the night, can be obscured by the ash. But if you put kindling back on those coals and simply breathe the life of truth, the breath of truth onto it, the fire explodes into life again. And the globalists had sought to suppress that spark, but now it is a raging inferno of truth and justice and strength. And it's never too late for those that have been serving evil to join us and to come in for the big win.

Influence Through Deception

It's all about what they can get us to do so that we accept, oh, there's all this advanced stuff, but it's aliens. And oh, something weird's happening with the weather. It's because you ate beef or you've got a car or you've got a nice house. So the key to this is you don't know about the advanced technology.

Team Humanity vs. The Death Cult

And they've made the decision to get rid of you and me, and in the process they're poisoning us and dumbing us down and turning us against each other, and I think that's a horrible plan. I think we ought to have a plan B. I think we ought to say no to the death cult. And then, two and a half hour interview with Elon Musk last year. We ought to re-air that. And he agrees with everything I'm saying about it and says we got to stop the death cult. I said, what about Team Humanity? Yeah, let's call it Team Humanity. Let's do it. He goes to the World Government Summit months later and says you're trying to destroy everybody. You're the bad guys. Humanity should unite against you but stay independent, like firewalls or bulkheads in a ship. So what we're promoting is common sense and is a good, open, loving, prosperous, safe future.

Globalist Intentions to Reshape Society

And if you read the Rand Corporation and the Carnegie Endowment and the Rockefeller Endowment and the WEF and their thinkers, they admit all this and say, we want the end of the cycles. We want the end of history, is what Obama and other globalists call it. And by that they mean, where they take control of the cycles, they destroy the family, they destroy normal human activities, So that they have a corporate packaged humanoid like Brave New World that Aldous Huxley before he died in 1961 wrote a book, Brave New World Revisited, non-fiction.

Humanity as God's A.I.

So see, we're more advanced. We're more powerful. We're made in God's image. We're given the free will. We are the advanced technology. We are God's artificial intelligence. We are an extension that God created. Little g. Old Testament. Little god. But you've got to have a drill, Sergeant. You've got to have a hell week. You've got to have a test.

Resisting Tyranny is Common Sense

And so they have to murder logic to get the public to go against their own self-interest. It's not heroic to fight tyranny, it's self-interested. It's not avant-garde to be against medical tyranny and forced experimental shots that kill a bunch of people, it's survival. It is the default of common sense to resist these people. And the dam broke in the last couple of years. It's accelerating. And more and more people are joining us. Again, all the top talk show hosts around the world are anti-New World Order, anti-globalists. Everybody sounds like Alex Jones. That's great. And how many times did I say, for at least the last 25 years of my 30 plus years on air, I see a time of victory.

Satchidanand’s Against Satanism Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.


Eyes Wide Shut - and the Dawn of a New Age

MKUltra and the rise of a new drug-laced spirituality.

MKUltra was a vast secret science program which was revealed publicly during the Church Committee hearings of 1975. Between 1953 and 1973, MKUltra involved a vast complex of thousands of projects and sub-projects that developed a wide array of psychoactive drugs, hypnosis, trauma-based mind control, techniques of sexual abuse, sensory deprivation, electroshock therapy, and psychological torture more broadly.

These horrific experiments carried out on millions of civilians involved the application of psychiatric theories premised on a mixture of Sabbatean Frankist Satanic Sigmund Freud, Pavlov, the founder of behaviorism, and CIA Asset advising Dulles, Carl Jung. The facts show that it was the CIA and military intelligence that developed those drugs which users have come to see as their spiritual liberation.

The Satanic Tavistock Institute Rockefeller Sabbatean Frankism Freud ...


The satanic tavistock institute, satanic lord russel, satanic rockefeller, satanic sabbatean frankism, satanic freud, the satanic frankfurt school and the kabbalah satanic frankfurt school adorno, benjamin, marcuse, lukacs, brecht, weill, eco, derrida vampire addiction implant blockages, vampire sexual




Additionally, by promoting drugs as a key to mental health, personal liberation, and even religious experiences, Henry Luce and Gordon Wasson were acting entirely as agents of the CIA and MKUltra. MK-Ultra itself was overseen by CIA director Alan Dulles, as well as the American chemist and spymaster Sidney Gottlieb, who both managed a vast array of experiments across North America.


In the CIA's Harvard Psilocybin Project founded in 1958, a devoted disciple of both Dulles and Carl Jung, Henry Luce and Gordon Wasson were acting entirely as agents of the CIA and MKUltra.


MK-Ultra itself was overseen by CIA director Alan Dulles, as well as the American chemist and spymaster Sidney Gottlieb, who both managed a vast array of experiments across North America.


In the CIA's Harvard Psilocybin Project founded in 1958, a devoted disciple of both Dulles and Carl Jung, named Dr. Henry Murray, used talented young students as test cases with a star guinea pig named Theodore Kaczynski coming out of the experience with a strange desire to murder anyone who promoted industrial civilization.

After sending out murderous letter bombs across America, Unabomber Kaczynski won infamy and even a vast cult following as the Unabomber.

Other controllers of the Harvard Psilocybin Project included one Richard Alpert, later known as Ram Dass, Aldous Huxley, and a certain LSD-loving psychiatry teacher named Timothy Leary.

How Trillionaires Infiltrated DMT, LSD and Ayahuasca

How Trillionaires Infiltrated DMT, LSD and Ayahuasca into the Environmental, Hippie, Progressive and New Age Movements to Destroy Them Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Graham Hancock, Russell Brand, Rupert Sheldrake, Daniel Pinchbeck, Aldous Huxley, Tim Leary and Ram Dass pushing Drugs for

Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Graham Hancock, pushing Drugs for ...

Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Graham Hancock, Russell Brand, Rupert Sheldrake, Daniel Pinchbeck, Aldous Huxley, Tim Leary and Ram Dass pushing Drugs for Trillionaire Oligarch Controlled Military Intelligence to Destroy Society WEALTH - THE NEW HUMAN RIGHT Russell Brand and Satchidanand


Is Joe Rogan related to Mussolini? -

Rogan, from the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Families… Rogan is said to have held several jobs, including one as a private investigator, but he apparently couldn't find his own parents and get the news to Wikipedia. All the while he was performing stand-up comedy on the side, allegedly "scratching and grinding for money". The classic sob story of a privilaged Phoenician.

DAVID ICKE Inspired By Drugs! "INSPIRED" BY DAVID ICKE - Against Satanism

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All three individuals soon joined Gordon Wasson, Albert Hoffman, and Henry Luce as gurus of the newly forming counterculture, where they pioneered a New Age movement based on an embrace of Satanic ancient pagan mysticism, the definition of Satanism, sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

Aleister Crowley's Satanic Secret Sex, Sodomy, Baby Sacrifice, Cannibal Rituals of Ordo Templi Orientis - O.T.O.

Aleister Crowley's Satanic Secret Sex, Sodomy, Baby Sacrifice, Cannibal Rituals of Ordo Templi Orientis - O.T.O.

Aleister Crowley's Secret Sex, Sodomy, Baby Sacrifice, Cannibal Rituals of Ordo Templi Orientis - O.T.O.

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In 1961, Aldous Huxley described the importance of these new CIA brain drugs to Timothy Leary. These brain drugs, mass produced in the laboratories, will bring about vast changes in society. This will happen with or without you or me. All we can do is spread the word.


The obstacle to this evolution, Timothy, is the Bible.

Leary then reflected on the obstacles they encountered as they sought to flesh out their Satanic vision of a new enlightened world religion.

We had run up against the Judeo-Christian commitment to one God, one religion, one reality that has cursed Europe for centuries and America since our founding days. Drugs that open the mind to multiple realities inevitably lead to a Satanic polytheistic view of the universe.

We sensed that the time for a new humanist religion based on intelligence, good-natured pluralism, and scientific Satanic paganism had arrived.

America's secret science program proved terribly effective as an entire generation watched their world go dark as the United States, once a beacon of freedom, now embarked on a new age of militarism abroad, consumerism at home, and CIA assassination programs everywhere.

With this conversion of the Republic into a corrupt expansionist empire, the stage was set for a new reactionary youth movement ready to embrace a new (00:39:10): religion based on drugs, sex, and alien gods.

Dr. Davidson also took astute notice of the important role in this affair played by Alan Dulles' fellow OSS agent and mentor, Satanist and Hallucinogenic Drug Initiator, Carl Jung.


Davidson was among the very few truth seekers who recognized that Carl Jung's 1954 book, Flying Saucers, a modern myth of things seen in the sky, was nothing short of a manual for social engineering and mass hypnosis in shaping a new Satanic religious order.

It should be recalled that Carl Jung saw himself as a modern sorcerer who believed it his destiny to overthrow Christianity by restoring a Satanic Dionysian Gnostic paganism.

This aim was made explicit by Jung, who wrote this new pagan revival in a 1912 letter to Sigmund Freud. I think we must give it time to infiltrate into people from many centers, to revivify among intellectuals a feeling for symbol and myth, ever so gently to transform Christ back into the soothsaying god of the vine which he was Bacchus, Satan, and in this way absorb those ecstatic instinctual forces of Christianity for the one purpose of making the cult and the sacred myths what they once were, a drunken feast of joy where man regained the Satanic ethos and holiness of an animal.

Despite being hailed as a great psychologist to this day, the fact is that Jung was nothing short of a Satanic sun-worshipping occultist obsessed with reviving Satanic ancient mystery cults outlined by Wasson and Hoffman in The Road to Eleusis.

Jung had also believed that he was himself a Satanic initiate, having come into contact with several demonic entities over the years, with names such as Philemon and Abraxas.

Jung believed that the high initiate of secret mysteries would become liberated, mind controlled, hallucinated of all dualisms of right and wrong imposed on us by culture, as light and darkness and goodness and Satanic evil were integrated within ourselves.

Through this exercise, which of course involved the use of mind-altering drugs, the initiate would become essentially God.

Jung describes his own Satanic awakening to his deification in a 1925 lecture.

Awe surrounds the mysteries, particularly the mysteries of deification. This was one of the most important of the mysteries. It gave certainty of immortality. One gets a peculiar feeling from being put through such an initiation. The important part of that led up to the deification was the snakes and coiling of me.

The animal face which I felt mine transformed into was the famous Deus Leontocephalus of the Mithraic Mysteries, the Demonic figure which is represented with a snake coiled around a man, the snake's head resting on the man's head, and the face of the man that of a lion.

This statue has only been found in the mystery grottoes, the under churches, Mitraeum, the last remnants of the catacombs.

Jung's account of his deification hinged on the ancient Persian solar deity Mithra, which had been imported into Rome under the leadership of Rome's general Pompey in 60 BC.

The cult of Mithra became ttagna Cybele Mer he most important religion rivaling the early Christian movement during the first four centuries after the death of Jesus. The male-only mystery religion was a favorite among Rome's praetorian guards and elite legion, and operated in close proximity to the earth-mother cult -

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Mater Magna Cybele - State Religion of the Roman Empire - of Transsexual Cybele and Attis whose Castration Rituals created Homosexual Dog Priests - the Galli, who took it up the rear in Sacred Satanic Sodomy Rituals, whose temples were typically located in close proximity to Mithraic enclaves.

All three cults practiced the Satanic Hallucinogenic Drug Rites of Eleusis.

The Mithraic cult worshipped exclusively in underground caverns called Mithraeum, (00:45:17): of which over 400 have been discovered across Europe and North Africa to this day.

Jung then turns his analysis of ETs inside out by casting it as a new global mythology that will usher in a post-Christian age of Aquarius.

He also asserted that these ETs represented a mass Shadow subpersonality archetypal projection of ourselves onto the Shadow mind Split Sub-personalities of the schizophrenic gods, which each higher initiate of the ancient mysteries deified themselves into becoming.

Book 15 out of 53 Free Books with Energy Enhancement..


15. Eliminating the Shadow.. In this book, Satchidanand trashes the greatest most intellectual investigators and descriptors of the Shadow and the Shadow Subpersonalities.

Great People - The Highest of All Humanity - Jordan Peterson, Carl Jung, Niezsche, and every Psychotherapy, Psychological therapist who can describe the problem of the Shadow, talk about the problem of the shadow but have no Practical solution to the Shadow. All of those guys Failed to Solve the Problem of the Shadow. None of these guys have Any practical solution for the Shadow.. And it is the Shadow Subpersonalities which is the Source, The Fount, of All Evil on this Planet... And the Source of All Evil within You!!

Carl Jung says.. “There is no generally effective technique for assimilating the shadow. It is more like diplomacy or statesmanship and it is always an individual matter. First one has to accept and take seriously the existence of the shadow. Second, one has to become aware of its qualities and intentions. This happens through conscientious attention to moods, fantasies and impulses. Third, a long process of negotiation is unavoidable.” (Carl Jung)

As Jung notes in the passage above, he thought there is no general technique to integrate the shadow, even though the Buddha and Jesus Christ exemplified the Ancient Meditation Technology which is the only means for removing the Shadow. For thousands of years great souls have come to earth to demonstrate otherwise, that enlightenment is, "Tat tvam asi" Thou art that!! You are a part of the Universe and have nothing else to seek.

Energy Enhancement Meditation including Level 1 Alchemical VITRIOL to Ground Pain and Trauma from Memories and the Energy Enhancement Level 2 Seven Step Process to remove Energy Blockages by Purifying them then Integrating them with the Soul to create ONE Soul Infused Personality creating Spiritual Insight – combined with psychological knowledge Energy Enhancement is THE complete way of processing and integrating your Shadow Side into wholeness.

See Swami Satchidanand talk about the Shadow on Videos

I am writing today because this is so important.

Only Energy Enhancement can Annihilate Evil on Earth and change this Planet into a Planet of Love and Light in this Place, for You, for Me, for the Entire Human Race.

It is about The Energy Enhancement Elimination of All Evil on this Planet.

You remember my latest book, Eliminating the Shadow Subpersonalities..

It is beneficial for everyone to heal themselves by removing ALL blockages using Energy Enhancement advanced techniques. Not just a handful.

Because the Shadow Subpersonalities are the Source, the Fount, of All Evil on this Planet.

The Shadow Subpersonalities are essentially Evil because they are cut off from the energies of God and thus from Good, because Only God is Good!!

Shadow Subpersonalities are virtual machines existing within the mind computer but with no access to God, "They are minds of metal and wheels" - Tolkien, with no access to genius because the geni etymologically, is the Soul.

Shadow Subpersonalities, cut off from the energies of God, can only live off the Soul infused Personality or the Essence within themselves or that Energy within other people.

Shadow Subpersonalities Vampirise the Energy of God and devise Evil schemes to get it.

Strategies, - the Strategies of the Vampire are all Attention Seeking schemes to Vampirise your Energy. The Poor Me Addictions, the Violator Bullying, the Selfish Competitive Black Star, the Sabotaging Self Destructor, are all Drama Queens - just a little Evil to destroy lives - Your Life, the Lives of your family, your City, and your Country.

You can see all these strategies busily at work in the people around you. You might even see them at work in yourself. Know that these strategies are even now turning you against the One Course which can Remove them.


The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process Can Easily Remove All your Strategies and Subpersonalities!

Most people are just a little evil, but over many lifetimes, as the number and power of Subpersonalities grow within you, so that the Demon on your left shoulder, debating with the Angel on your right shoulder becomes so powerful that you become more and more Evil.. Until you are entirely taken over by Evil.. Possessed by Evil, a Servant of Satan!!


You can see in the picture below that most people are controlled by Shadow Subpersonalities.

The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 3 - The Karma Cleaning Process - Remove Even Deeper Subpersonality Energy Blockages Click Below..

These Evil Shadow Subpersonalities band together to take you over and repress the Soul infused Personality. They are then Evil psychopaths and this is bad enough. But when these Evil Shadow taken over people band together into groups, Satanic Evil Religions, Bloodline Families and Bloodline Races, Secret Societies, Cartels, Banksters - giving courses on how to repress further the soul infused personality - how to become even more Evil - then this is what and why I write in my Against Satanism series of Books - currently Eleven volumes available for FREE!! when you sign up for the newsletter at . the Energy Enhancement Video Meditation Course or the Iguazu Live Course

There is a translation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika which I studied as a young man as part of my studies of Hatha Yoga by my Guru, Theos Bernard who through yoga, pranayama and meditation became accepted as a Rinpoche, Tibetan Reincarnation when he came to the gates of Tibet.

Through the practise of Hatha Yoga from the age of fourteen and the study of Pranayama and Agnisar Kriya at age 21 and then the study of meditation and Shambhavi Mudra at age 28 I gradually built up the happy power of samadhi within my being and became a healer with the National Federation of Spiritual Healers of Great Britain.

My Guru, Swami Satchidananda said that when he was young he could touch a person and take away their Heart disease or Cancer. But later he found the same people coming back with the same problem. By this he learned that the people had to change themselves, their attitudes, their lives before the disease, a product of all that, could be truly healed. And for this reason, people need to learn to do it for themselves with the Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course - or come visit us in India of Iguazu Falls, Brazil.

In reality, Illumination is the final healing required. Although the normal miracle can show what is possible, this should only show the way. So then he started teaching yoga and meditation. Healing came in from the side.

With the addition of Energy Enhancement, came the finish of all the problems associated with Energy Blockages, the bane of every healers life yet at the same time their reason for existence.

I can now say the same for every man and woman on this planet, "Energy Blockages, the Shadow, are the bane of every persons life yet at the same time their reason for existence"

In order to evolve we need to understand that Energy Blockages are the reason for all your problems.

The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course, is the solution.

Satchidanand - "who can know the true greatness of the Raja Yoga. Knowledge, mukti, condition, and Siddhis can be learnt by instructions from a guru alone" Hatha Pradipika 4.8

Can I help you in any way with more information about the course?

Successful people make decisions quickly.

And change them slowly.

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The Subpersonalities - Satchidanand's Warning to The World - Substack

Nov 14, 2022 Share. The Subpersonalities - Satchidanand's Warning to The World. "Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual's conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. If an inferiority is conscious, one always has a chance to correct it…. But if it is repressed and isolated from consciousness, it never gets ... › p › satchidanand-talks-about-satanic


Satchidanand talks about Energy Blockages creating the Shadow, Revenge and Ghosts and the Removal of the Energy Blockages creating Detachment, Forgiveness and Peace

The Mastery of Relationships – Ahimsa, Detachment, Ghosts, Revenge, Forgiveness and the Shadow


Watch the video – Click Here –

Watch the video – Click Here –


So I will give a little a talk, in honor of this birthday of Hanumananda with his nice beautiful shirt. And I would like to reiterate what we talked about this morning because I think everybody has problems in life and they are very general in nature, like, everybody has the same problems but with just with a few variations of a theme, a general theme, which is normal.

Hanumananda – all six foot nine of him! and Satchidanand


I think it was Alice Bailey, let me just check my notes, I made some notes for this, yea a little bit off target but there we go, yea Alice Bailey it was that said there were initiations before the enlightenment initiation. And the first is The Opening of the Heart, because in general most people don’t think of others, they only think about themselves.

And the initiation of the opening of the heart is a very important one for humanity. Because with the opening of the heart, we have a person who thinks about other people as well as themselves, on the way toward thinking about other people instead of themselves. Yea. Basically if you don’t think about other people, if you cannot place yourselves in the feet of another person, if you cannot put yourselves in their place, then you don’t have a heart.

Oct 4, 2022 satchidanand talks about satanic energy blockages creating the shadow, revenge and ghosts and the removal of the energy blockages creating detachment, forgiveness and peace › p › 19-my-shadow-and-third-eye

1.9. My Shadow and Third Eye - Yuko's Substack\

Sep 15, 2024 Satchidanand's guidance to meditate and clear the second chakra blockages indicates his ability to perceive subtle energies and provide tailored support to students. ... That place was Substack. This time, in 1.9. My Shadow and Third Eye, I was confused by the fact that I was able to express a deeper and more complex inner self than I have ever ...

Yuko’s Substack
1.9. My Shadow and Third Eye
My body was honest yet raw and sensitive. Every muscle in my frame began to assert itself at once. I was so captivated by their assertions that my left hemisphere stopped creating language the next day after dedicating my mind and body to the primary series of Ashtanga Yoga. Silence descended, enveloping my head…
Read more › p › 14-my-featherweight-ego

1.4. MY FEATHERWEIGHT EGO - by Yuko and Satchidanand - Substack

Jun 3, 2024 There was only one person in the past who noticed my dangerous ability. An Englishman named Swami Satchidanand taught me how to meditate in a small town in south Spain. He had a soft but strong, melodic and passionate voice like the sounds of iron wind chimes in a sweltering summer.

Jung writes, the UFOs could easily be conceived as Demonic Gods.

They are impressive manifestations of totality, whose simple, round form portrays the subpersonality archetype of the self, which, as we know from experience, plays the chief role in uniting apparently irreconcilable opposites, and is therefore best suited to compensate the split-mindedness of our age.

It has a particularly important role to play among the other subpersonality archetypes, in that it is primarily the regulator and orderer of chaotic states, giving the personality the highest possible unity and wholeness.

It creates the image of the divine human personality, the primordial man or anthropos, Chen Yen, un Elijah, who calls down fire from heaven, rises up to heaven in a fiery chariot, and is a forerunner of the Messiah, the dogmatized figure of Christ, as well as of Sufi Quidr, the verdant one, who is another parallel to Elijah.

Like him, he wanders over the earth as the human personification of Allah.

At this point, it is important to reemphasize that Jung was not merely a psychiatrist with a fetish for UFOs and ancient satanic paganism, but was also a Swiss-based OSS agent during World War II, where he began a long-term relationship with Alan Dulles, advising him on matters of psychological warfare.

Throughout the Cold War, (01:08:56): the mythology of extraterrestrial gods, both seeding and overseeing humanity's evolution across millennia, would be cultivated by the modern sorcerers of the CIA, following the template laid out by H.G. Wells and Carl Jung.

The objective was never about aliens, UFOs or disclosure, but was always about the creation of a new world religion whose Satanic deities and drug-laced rites of initiation would be overseen by a new class of technocratic priests which came to be called social engineers or transhumanists.

The Atheism of Ricky Gervais ends in, Satanic Society - Against Satanism


I would like to express my gratitude to Cynthia Chung and her Husband, Mathew Ehret whose knowledge and this movie - IMPROVED AND MADE BETTER - has augmented mine along with Lyndon Larouche for many years…

Free Book – Eliminating the Shadow

Download the Free Book – Eliminating the Shadow by Satchidanand

Watch the video – Click Here –


And I was just counting one thing, and people count all the bad things people have done to you wanting revenge.

There’s all these movies from Hong Kong and they want their revenge, they’re actually teaching you that it’s a good thing to get revenge.

So what is it inside, we mentioned the shadow . And I give it a name, energy blockages but as we’ve seen before ghosts are energy blockages. What type of energy blockage is it that counts the revenge and wants to know all these things and I give them the name “inner children” because they’re childish, because who else but a child would take revenge?

No adult would take notice of what the little children do him. Because we’re all children.

Every relationship we have is with a child. And when the children want to kick you or hurt you or cry or scream, there, there, little child, be calm, don’t worry, daddy’s here. (laughs).

Inner children, and we have another name for them. Because these inner children don’t just start in this lifetime, they probably started in many past lifetimes and they pass along lifetime to lifetime, all the time getting stronger, all the time getting filled with more and more negative energy, all the time being wanting to take more and more deep and horrible revenge on everybody around them, as we gather more and more negative energy, as we gather more, and more slights come into the black book, each page in the black book, gets longer and longer, filled with revenge, which is to come.

And it is this negative energy which I call evil. It is a pertinence to evil, it is truly evil because it is waiting for the opportunity for all of that bile to be spewed out in an interaction of revenge, for everything that’s ever happened to them.

Another name for these inner children is subpersonalities. They are virtual machines, within the mind computer. They have these in the computer, they’re when the computer gets split up into VPS’s and into virtual machines and everybody has a part of the mind which the computer.

I think if you’ve watched Shyamalaman’s Split or Glass or any of those multiple movies that are being made about subpersonalities which exist where you’ve got 6 or 7 or 23 different personalities existing within the one mind and they just come in through the side… oomph front and center, I’m that subpersonality and then another one comes in and I’ve changed my personality, and I’ve got another one coming in front of me.

Well I want to say that this is not unusual except that in most people they are a little bit circumspect, they don’t just come in and take you over, and you can tell the difference, these are subtle subpersonalities, that seem to be a part of the main personality and yet they totally change the way you think.

We talk about them using the strategies of the poor me, “oh I’m so sad today I’ve got a pain in the diodes all down my left side” and everybody goes “oh there, there, you poor thing” getting a load of energy and it’s the subpersonalities that want the energy from everybody else .

Or you have the subpersonality of the violator, you get this bondage and sadomasochism. And you’ve got this poor sub going, beat me, beat me, and the sadist comes by and goes “no”. That’s my favourite joke, on BDSM.

But when you beat another person, you take their energy. And one person enjoys giving the energy and one person enjoys receiving the energy and the poor person who has been beating dies, and the person who was beating them goes “you bastard you died on me I better go find someone else to go beat”.

Subpersonalities, they take you over, there are all sorts of emotions and desires, evil desires that can take a human being over if we allow it to happen, and most people know about this therefore they keep themselves in the center, away from the drugs and the sex and the violence which is inherent in subpersonalities which are entirely Satanically Evil.

Because they are not part of the soul.

We have a soul infused personality, which says, “when I wake up and see you in front of me, its as if I am seeing you for the very first time”, that is normal, and all the other things come from the shadow, from subpersonalities, they come from lifetimes of counting the hurts, the spew, the bile, the revenge that wants to hit and hurt and destroy and kill.

So when we are talking about the mastery of relationships first of all we have to clean ourselves of all these lifetimes of spew and bile and pain and revenge, and Energy Enhancement Meditation will help you do that by teaching how to drain the pain, the trauma, the Evil from the Subs and then fusing, integrating, the sub back into the Soul.

But when it comes to mastery of relationships, it means that if you have close friends around you or personal relationships, you have to expect that these people have all of that stuff fulminating inside of them.

And you can either treat them like a child or if it gets too bad they can’t stay with you or you have to teach them how to how to remove all of that stuff within themselves or they can’t stay with you.

The mastery of relationships mean that you understand all of that and you can handle it, it means you have to be compassionate even with Genghis Khan. You have to be compassionate even with Hitler.

In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali it says stay away from evil, and what I am telling you is that every person on this planet is evil, some have more evil than others, but everybody is evil, everybody has that shadow, everybody has those subpersonalities, everybody has those little black books, if you wake up in the morning and you feel I said something bad to you (laughs) “ that bastard Satchidanand, he did that to me” (laughs) you have not yet mastered relationships in yourself.

How can anybody think bad thoughts about me?

How can anybody have evil thoughts about me?

It’s just not possible.

Nail him up, get him on that cross, you bastard. I suppose you think you’re better than me? (laughs).

So there you go.

What else was I going to say…

You might think you are ok, but at the heart of you is a sub personality. We are filled with many of these subs, these people who have come down to us from many past lifetimes.

We are filled with Karma from all the bad things we have done in this and previous lifetimes.

This time it’s a little boy who is sad his father died. More than that, he is angry his father left him.

This little boy needs to be grounded and fused into your soul again.


We will teach you how to do this on the Energy Enhancement Meditation course.

I think that’s enough for today.
I think it was very good, I enjoyed that. I enjoy getting it all out.
Oh does anybody have any questions before we finish? Any questions?

Oh I must have done well.
I think its because we all want to go to the Indian restaurant and have some nice Indian food.

Because it is the birthday of Hanumanananda and we’re all going to celebrate.

Watch the video – Click Here –


The Energy Enhancement Video Course in Five Levels is the essential Meditation Course which connects us, Powers us up! With Infinite Spiritual Energy and Removes the Shadow – All the Infinite Energy Blockages to which we are Prey.

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Individuality. The Universe. Enlightenment.

He alone who has encountered reality and achieved Union has a genuine claim to self-confidence, for he has faced the dark ground of his self and learned the Energy Enhancement techniques which allow him to easily transmute his Energy Blockages and thereby has gained himself.

This Energy Enhancement experience gives faith and trust…

In the ability of the higher self to sustain him, for everything that menaced him from inside he has made his own by..

Transmuting the Trauma.

Purifying the Pain.

He has acquired the right to believe that he will be able to overcome all future threats by the same means.

He has arrived at an inner certainty which makes him capable of self-reliance.

Carl Jung, The Symbolic Life – adapted by Satchidanand

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