Keep it up against the Satanic Banking Criminal Mafia!! 👹👺


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I cannot believe the pedo aristocrat’s name is actually Mountbottom, that’s pretty rich.

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Yes, nobody gets my jokes.

His real name was Lord Mountbatten after the Battenbergs and really though he and his wife were known as pretty serious sex perverts and pedophiles and it was his family who came up with the name Mountbottom which I thought was pretty good as I passed it on to you.

I could go on about his history about how he was put in charge of Britain pretending to get out of India as they put their flunkies in charge like British Secret Agents Ghandi and Nehru and Jinna in charge of Pakistan and how Mountbottoms wife had a sexual liason with Nehru amongst others, but I think that is enough

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What compelled you initially to embark on all this research? It is so much to compile, you must have been studying it a while now.

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It was Energy Enhancement Meditation!

Once you have opened the Third Eye then you see that the World is different from what the majority say. That behind the veil are bad people who steal energy.

And when all your Energy Enhancement Meditation students start to dissolve their trauma, their bad experiences and catch visions of where their trauma created their chains, their energy blockages which so affect their minds, and that some of them are implanted! by bad people.

Then you see that this world behind the scenes is not what they say.

Here is one of my students https://eemeditationvideo.org/watch/nickananda-report-satanic-pacts-past-life-rituals_iioaUZPaW9B1wJ2.html

Reporting on his experiences in Roman times!

So, my nature is to study and write!

Against Satanism by Satchidanand Volumes 1 to 12 - “The Occulted Satanic History of the World” - Your Worldview Will Never Be the Same! - in an easily downloadable file from our own website.


All 16 Energy Enhancement Meditation Books - “The Only Solution to Satanism” in an easily downloadable file from our own website.


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I am so grateful for your time and work!

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