Satchi: Question: What is the connection between the Ancient Rishi's of India and the Buddha ?

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Paramahansa Yogananda, in his book Autobiography of a Yogi, published in the 1950's stated that the same knowledge he was writing about that exists in India, exists in other places in the world, one of which is Mexico, Yucatan, the ancient Maya people. It appears that the God Thrice Greatest, Hermes Trismigistus named those people after his mother after he sailed across the sea from Egypt, whose name was Maia, pronounced the same as Maya, the mother of Hermes has a star in the pleades also named Maia, so the two meanings of the word Maya, magic and illusion, are not the only meanings and are not the most important ones, one being a star in the pleades, and the other being the mother of the God Hermes, Tris Magistus, who was also called the Unifier of the Opposites ! Augustus Leplongeon a 32nd Degree French Master Free Mason, who lived in the Mayan Jungle with his wife for 12 years in the late 1800's, and learned the Mayan language, being from France, stated that he obtained a French translation of the RamaYana, back then in the 1800's, and the Bramin Preists said in that book that they were descended from a line of Mayan, back when the Mayan were the KIngs of the sea, thousands of years before, and they left a colony in India. It is a funny coincidence that Paramahansa says in his book that the favorite fruit of the people who live along the Ganges river is the Mango, as there are many Mango trees along the Ganges. Is it mere coinicdence that the Mango grows in Guatamala Yucatan Mexico ? Could it be that the Colony that was left in India made their home along the Ganges and took their favoirtie fruit with them, and planted trees along the Ganges long ago ? Another telling coinicidence I found was that the ancient teaching in the Mayan mysteries of Xibalba, of the upside down tree with its branches on Earth, and its roots in the stars of the Pleades, is also in the Mahabarata ! It becomes obvious that the peoples of Egypt, Mexico and India are linked in the ancient past. I read a book back in the 1980's when I lived in Redondo Beach California, which is Los Angeles County, which was based on a ten (10) year study of the calandars of the ancient Egyptian, Mayan, and indian peoples. At the end of the ten year study they concluded the ancient Egyptians, Mayan, and Indians calandars were based on the same knowledge, and they were somehow connected. leplongeon in one of his books revealed a discovery he made regarding a stone stele from Egypt which had almost identicle written Characters to the ancient written language of the Mayan people, they were about % 90-99 percent identical with only 1 or 2 characters that were different from each other. In addition the sleeping prophet of America, Edgar Cayce, stated in his readings about the lost continent of Atlantis that sank under the sea around 11, 600 + or so years ago, that three groups left Atlantis in three ships, before it sank one went to Egypt, one went to Yucatan, and another went somewhere else. They found alleged Egyptian artifacts in at least 3 different locations on the North American Continent, but I think they may be Atlantean, mistaken for Egyptian because Atlanteans went to Egypt, but they likely also came to North America, because more than one native American, refers to an ancient oral history that their peoples go back to an island that sank into the sea long ago ! Also interesting is the fact that carved on the wall of one of the Pyramids in Egypt is a line of Egyptian preists walking single file one behind the other, each priest has one feather attached to head band at the back of their head, it is well known that this tradition of (1) one feather at the back of the head is a well established tradition of North American Natives ! They are most definitely connected !

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I have made so many discoveries in the last 5 decades that I have not told anyone it is goingtonmake thirheads spin when the shithits the fan in the next 4 years of Trumps Adminstration ! I can't wait to let it fly, they have tried to kill me so many times and maybe they figured out I am protected, Sai Baba is here and a number of otherbImmortal beings, Gods and what is coming isinevitable ! The truth must prevail or all else shall fail ! If you do not have the truth what do you have ? The prophecy in the New Testament of the Holy Bible that in the end times the whole world shall be deceived, has already been fulfilled and I have the proof that will soon be revealed !

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Satchi,Question: Was the one they call Gautama the first so called Buddha ? What does the name Gautama refer to or what is its meaning ?

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