I really enjoy your Substack, you are an incredible writer and very prolific. How did you start learning about Satanism and its effects on our world?

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Well, I have been teaching the most advanced Energy Enhancement Meditation Course for thirty five years. As we developed psychic vision, as all of my students do, we saw that energy blockages were always connected back to the people who made them in order to vampirise the spiritual energy of the person consciously implanted by the energy blockage.

All humanity is implanted and vampirised.

So, then I studied the vampirisation and came up with twelve books on satanism.

Jupiter Ascending - Stealing your Spiritual Energy

An Allegory of How Satanic Oligarchs set up a Society in order to steal your Spiritual Energy


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The way I see it is the two polarities that Satanism is the greatest danger to the Human Race, and the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course is the Solution...

55 Free Energy Enhancement Books

384 videos on Youtube under Swami Satchidanand https://www.youtube.com/user/SwamiSatchidanand

Energy Enhancement Articles https://www.energyenhancement.org/

Against Satanism Articles https://againstsatanism.com/

Energy Enhancement Meditation videos in https://eemeditationvideo.org/

Against Satanism videos in https://against-satanism-video.com/

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I don't think so.

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