A Brief History of World Economics
Economics™ is a hoax.
“The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls. They got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear… They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying. Lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else… It’s called the American Dream, ’cause you have to be asleep to believe it.”
George Carlin
The answer is simple: the people in charge of the World, the USA, UK, Europe, China, Russia, Argentina, South America hate every one of those Countries, they are Occupiers of those Countries, they hate the Populations of all those Countries, and run the World like all Spiteful Xenocrat Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires have done for 10,000 years. It is quite easy to notice the signs of an occupation government because they are perennial.
“Stupid” political decisions that hurt the country.
Bad wars which cull the population.
Increasing poverty - the Oligarchic Principle of Poverty enables Control.
Population decimation.
Importation of foreign hostiles to rule over the natives.
Ideologizing to cover up the problems.
Money being sent out of the country in one way or the other.
The Poisoning of the Population
You don’t need to speak the voodoo language of Economics™ to understand what is going on.
America became the world’s richest country not because of Libertarian economics, and Austrian school voodoo nonsense. No, it became insanely rich because massive factories churning out high quality finished products gave everyone in America a middle-class wage and the ability to acquire capital (homes) over time and lift themselves out of grinding intergenerational poverty. The entire American middle class lived on the proceeds of this period of unprecedented prosperity, created by the war economy. And as this wealth continues to be eroded, America continues to veer off the cliff back into a kind of economic neo-feudalism.
Now, the second meaningful category in economies that I want to delineate is the colonial, exploitative model. In it, a country is treated like a resource colony. Their assets are owned by foreigners. Foreigners run key institutions in the government and the economy. The wealth of the country is sucked up out of the ground and out of the country. This is what the Russian Federation is. It is what most of the world is, in fact. A resource colony for the Core.
Every Country is a front for the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires and their operators who run the countries... In every country, no matter how much Economics™ word salad mumbo-jumbo that you use to obfuscate the situation, the reality is quite simple: money is being sucked out of every country. That is because every country whether commodities or labour is a resource colony for the Core.
And Putin, Millei, Trump, Xi, Modi, Starmer are business operators making sure that the labour, cheap raw resources and money continue to flow out to the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires. Yes, even in war time, as we have all seen for ourselves.
So below is in three parts…
Throughout History Seventy-Two Empires Have Been Engineered to Fail in the Same Way by Satchidanand
Where I describe how Poverty is maintained by the conscious movement of Empire from one country to another - raising them up and feeding off their decline.
A Brief History of Russian Economics. Russia does not have a real economy by Rurik Skywalker
Russia, every country, whether commodities or labour, is a resource colony for the Core.
The New Reality of American Oligarchs by Roger Boyd
The Washington Post blithely displayed this reality as it detailed how 45% of all campaign contributions came from fifty billionaires (US$1.6 billion to Republicans, US$0.75 billion to Democrats), and that does not count all the “dark money” political pools that act independently and actively hide their funders.
All these billionaires are Frontmen for the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rulers of the 10,000 year Phoenician Empire whose latest incarnation is the British Empire or the Anglo-American Establishment - having been given their billions by the real owners.
Satanic Crowleyan OTO Witch Marina Abramović poses with Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire 10,000 years old Family Jacob Rothschild in front of 'Satan summoning his Legions', 1796-1797
Some of the oligarch billionaires:
Timothy Mellon, Railroad Magnate and Heir (part of the Mellon dynasty): US$197 million
Richard & Elisabeth Uihlein, Shipping Supplies Magnates (part of the Uihlein dynasty that owned the Schlitz Brewing Company): US$139 million
Miriam Adelson, Widow of Casino Magnate Sheldon Adelson and arch Jewish Zionist (served in the Israeli army and has Israeli citizenship): US$136 million
Elon Musk, Transportation Entrepreneur, owner of Twitter/X and currently richest man in the world (born into the wealthy South African Musk family), forced to bow down to the Zionists: US$132 million
Kenneth Griffin, Hedge Fund Manager (born into a wealthy family): US$104 million
Jeff & Janine Yass, Financial Trader and arch Jewish Zionist: US$96 million
Paul Singer, Hedge Fund Manager and Jewish “rabid Zionist”: US$63 million
Michal Bloomberg, Financial Information Provider (founder of Bloomberg) and Jewish Zionist: US$47 million
Stephen & Christine Schwarzman, Investors (founder of the Blackstone Group) and Jewish Zionists: US$40 million
Dustin Moscowitz, Facebook co-founder and Jewish: US$39 million
US$993 million from just 10 donors, out of a total of US$2.5 billion for the top 50 billionaire contributors. Even among the billionaire class, wealth and political contributions are concentrated near the top! Imagine how much clout this concentration of wealth and political donations gives these ten donors over the US political courtier class.
Throughout History Seventy-Two Empires Have Been Engineered to Fail in the Same Way.
"The Earth is littered with the ruins of empires that once believed they were eternal." -Percy Bysshe Shelley
The crash of civilisations does not happen by accident. The crash of civilisations does not happen all at once. The crash of civilisations takes a lot of planning over a long time.
Seventy-Two Empires have been recorded and every one of them has failed in the same way. The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and satanic elite infil-traitored and took over all these Empires and that 72 once free, flourishing and rich republics were destroyed from within by Satanic Ritual - read Toynbee. The Satanic Wanker Banker Banksters are crashing the Financial System. Satanism is gradually being instituted as the New World Religion defined by Satanic Ritual.
What I am saying is that the crash of civilisations does not happen by accident. What I am saying is that the crash of civilisations does not happen all at once. What I am saying is that the crash of civilisations takes a lot of planning over a long time to bring down a civilisation once the trigger has been pulled.
“What is important to hold in mind is that through this entire post 1971 process, capitalism itself was thus slowly turned into a time bomb which could do nothing but collapse. This means that it is fatally wrong to consider the abuses of globalization or the collapse now underway as errors, but rather as the intended consequence of the system’s design itself.” from…
The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires have been in charge of this planet for 10,000 years..
READ AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 6 -The Satanic History of the World Part 2 Published May 2019
Dark Forces have used Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families which have existed for over 5000 years before the Birth of Christ. Using emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control humanity, they themselves worship all the Pagan Gods, including Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Bel, Molech, Ashtoreth, Cybele and Attis. In this book we find that over thousands of years, spook, Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family, in Europe, Britain, America, India, China and in every other country in the World.
The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires in that process have developed a lot of experience in the engineered destruction of Empires and the raising of the new. It seems they always use the same playbook from the Fall of the Roman Epmire to now which I will describe below...
First though, this fact of the conscious engineered destruction of Empires and the raising of the new by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires does not seem to have infiltrated the minds of commentators..
Like Martyanov
Or Simplicius
who can give you book and verse on the current state of the destruction of the West but never ask the question "WHY?"
Of course, why do commentators miss out the obvious question, "WHY?" - it's because they are paid, Propagandist Gatekeepers funded by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires.
I wrote a substack on Simplicius on this very subject so you can see how Gatekeepers work.
Why? is the American wealthy, partisan, minion elite class working so hard to destroy civilisation, destroy America, destroy humanity?
Mar 5
I wrote a substack on Clif High
The Elohim Demons and Elohim Minion Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Wanker Bankster Bankers
Elohim Demon Control by Mind Viruses and Mind Parasite Energy Blockages and Narratives...
The Elohim Demons and Elohim Minion Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Wanker Bankster Bankers
Apr 3
Martyanov, Simplicius and Clif High all have brains the size of planets but none of them seem to ask the question, "Why?". And the reason, obviously, is that they themselves are members of the Aristocratic families of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires and/or are paid by them as revealed by Miles Mathis
who has delved deeply into the genealogies of famous people, film stars, scientists, artists, composers, musicians currently and through history and who has found that mainstream media and history itself is a web of deceit and lies and that all famous people are Phoenicians - as he says from, “The Phoenician Navy” Thalassocracy and are all given the promotion needed to become famous by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires.
What I am getting at is that they are not asking the question, "WHY?" then they, by not giving the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, by being, “Parsimonious with the Truth” are diverting people into useless channels which can bear no fruit, then they are paid propagandist Phoenician Gatekeepers.
Tucker Carlson, Russel Brand, Mike Adams - everyone promoted, famous, is like this!
Like all Gatekeepers 90% of what they say is the truth but 10% is designed to put you off the track.
The crash of civilisations, the Fall of the West, the Infil-traition of Satanism is the methodology as slowly every Government Ministry and Societal function is taken over. Eventually a Satanist becomes King Emperor President. LGBTP - The Satanist Ritual Pillars of Homosexuality, Pederasty, Pedophilia, Drugs and Ritual Sex - both Hetero and Homosexual - are introduced overtly as a prelude to Ritual Human Sacrifice - Suicide Pods, and Ritual Baby Sacrifice - Abortion. Christianity and Judaism - the bulwarks Against Satanism - are destroyed and then society destroyed through the fear of mandatory Ritual Human Sacrifice.
The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Satanic Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Left and Right Politics, Dynastic Families, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Eugenics.
Innoculate yourself Against Satanic Globalism which created Cybele and Attis, Baal, Molech, Zeus, Venus, Pedophile Plato, No Soul Aristotle, Catholicism, Protestantism, the Illuminaughty, Sabatean Frankism, Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), Islam, Wahhabic ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Communism, Socialism, Gaia and Satanic Hitler's Pagan Eugenic Nazism by Downloading and Reading.. The Energy Enhancement Set of Books - Against Satanism Volumes 1 - 11 by Satchidanand.
Adorno said he composed, "Music to Suicide By" Music which destroys the Heart and Aspiration to Beauty and the Good.
This Satanic Frankfurt School promoted Ugliness, the Ugly Virus - Ugly Modern Art, Ugly Architecture, Ugly Fat Females in Movies and Video Games - All designed to destroy Beauty, Destroy and Degenerate the Human Soul. All designed to destroy the Human Heart..
For 10,000 years the whole of media, all world history, all information, has been censored, removed, distorted, perverted, so that the Truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth can never be revealed.
As the Buddha said, "If I say something they won't understand it, if I write something it will be changed, or censored"
Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Aristocratic Family Gatekeepers and paid Gatekeepers tell partial truths higher and higher up the intellectual ladder so the real truth can never be known.
I have been disturbed for some time by the reports of historians who say what happened and that the cause was Jews, Fascism or Communism or Capitalism, but with no research into the cause behind them.
How it came to be. Who is in charge of it!
The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who have controlled humanity for 10,000 years developed a technique of spiritual vampirism, a Transhumanism to suck all the energy of humanity so they could take that energy into their reservoirs and use that energy to live forever in Private Universes out of the body high up in the Astral Plane Chakras above the head. The higher the Universe, the higher the Power.
They created the Religion of Satanism 10,000 years ago to institutionalise that vampirism in their evil Rituals, then also used their Mind Control Rituals to tightly control their adherants in their Secret Sodomite Societies and Satanic Aristocratic Families, to richly reward their worshippers, so that their worshippers of Satan would work to dumb down humanity secretly, permanently, so that the vampirisation of their energy could continue eternally without any pushback from the populace.
You are Surrounded by Paid Liars!
Jan 19
10,000 Years of Phoenician History…
AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 6 -The Satanic History of the World Part 2 Published May 2019
Dark Forces have used Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician/Jewish Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility aristocratic Families which have existed for over 5000 years before the Birth of Christ. Using emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control humanity, they themselves worship all the Pagan Dark Gods who live out of the body in Private Universes in the Chakras above the Head by means of Vampirising the Energies of Humanity by means of Addiction Energy Blockage Implants, including Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Bel, Molech, Ashtoreth, Cybele and Attis.
Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility aristocratic Family minions serve the Dark Gods and yearn for the promotion of Immortality by learning how to leave the body and live forever as an Energy Vampire in the chakras above the head.
In this book we find that over thousands of years, spook, Satanic Bloodline Phoenician/Jewish Black Nobility Aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family, in Europe, Britain, America, India, China and in every other country in the World ruling the Political and the Mafia in one great family - The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility.
The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility use Satanism and the use of Satanic Rituals to corrupt people in order to create a group of Psychopaths willing to follow any mandate in order to Rule the World…
Their Minions will conscript you and send you to war, mandate the Deathvaxx, Digital identity, Central Bank Digital Currencies, total surveillance and the end of free speech!
Aleister Crowley's Satanic Secret Sex, Sodomy, Baby Sacrifice, Cannibal Rituals of Ordo Templi Orientis - O.T.O.
Sep 15
Click Below..
Satanism is gradually being instituted as the New World Religion defined by Satanic Ritual.
72 Empires have been recorded and every one of them has failed in the same way. The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and satanic elite infil-traitored and took over all these Empires and that 72 once free, flourishing and rich republics were destroyed from within by Satanic Ritual - read Toynbee.
Infil-traition of Satanism is the methodology as slowly every Government Ministry and Societal function is taken over. Eventually a Satanist becomes King Emperor President. LGBTP - The Satanist Ritual Pillars of Homosexuality, Pederasty, Drugs and Ritual Sex - both Hetero and Homosexual - are introduced overtly as a prelude to Ritual Human Sacrifice. Christianity and Judaism - the bulwarks Against Satanism - are destroyed and then society destroyed through the fear of mandatory Ritual Human Sacrifice.
The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Satanic Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Left and Right Politics, Dynastic Families, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, Facebook, Twitter, International Companies, Vatican, Transhumanism, CRISPR Androids, Eugenics..
The key is that the Satanic Religion and is current recruiting cults of Freemasonry and the Crowlean Sexual Ritual OTO - Ordo Templi Orientis - are Fake Gangs, created by men as a 10,000 years old technique to create psychopathic leaders and their minions, and thus conquer the world.
All Rituals, Religions, Education, Secret Services and Political Movements have been scientifically Engineered to create Fake Gangs for 10,000 years. It's what the old Roman Empire, The Babylonian Empire of Satanic Nimrod, and the Cult of Apollo and the Byzantine Empire did before.
As you know, every Gang has Blackmail Rituals before you can join. Making your Bones with the Mafia means you must murder someone before you can join. Drug Cartels like MS13, secret groups within the Masons, the Hellfire Club, all have their Rituals before you can progress.
Epstein did not kill himself. He videoed Scientists from MIT and Harvard, Oligarchs, Politicians etc, Pedophiling young girls then Blackmailed them into doing the work of his Trillionaire sponsors - MKULTRA, Transhumanism, CRISPR Androids. As their willing victims are given access to stealing higher quantities of money, so they must go to the next level of Ritual. First it is 15 year old girls who look 25. Then it's 12 year olds, 5 year olds, and then its the murder of children, babies!
All to create a Satanic Society of Total Control through Human Sacrifice, poverty, lack of education, poison in the air, water and food. Lack of infrastructure, education and Total Control of the Media.
All of them Censoring Worldwide, Advanced Meditation techniques - Alchemical VITRIOL, the Kundalini Key and Energy Blockage Removal from every Meditation Program..
55 Free Energy Enhancement Books
384 videos on Youtube under Swami Satchidanand https://www.youtube.com/user/SwamiSatchidanand
Energy Enhancement Articles https://www.energyenhancement.org/
Against Satanism Articles https://againstsatanism.com/
Energy Enhancement Meditation videos in https://eemeditationvideo.org/
Against Satanism videos in https://against-satanism-video.com/
See Use the Perfect Enemy to Become a White Knight Spiritual Warrior
Volume 1
This is the story of Yuko Sato who came to see Swamis Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani for the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course in 2006 whilst we were teaching in Escala a small coastal village in the sight of the Pyrrenees just north of Barcelona in Spain.
All Three Yuko Sato Books in one Downloadable file
This is the story of Jamie - Starlight who came to see Swamis Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani for the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course in 2015 in Iguazu.
All 16 Energy Enhancement Meditation Books - “The Only Solution to Satanism” in an easily downloadable file from our own website.
The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society JFK (27 April 1961)
The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence – on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
JFK (27 April 1961)
Click Below..
The Bush family - Royal Family of the United States
Clinton Crime Company
The conscious Great Reset destruction of the Anglo-American Empire and the move to the Chinese Century
The Phoenician Stanleys – The King Makers
Tavistock Institute from Hell
Skull & Bones (Sodomy Cult)
Colonna Crime Corporation
Habsburgs and Zionism
Bourbon Crime Syndicate
Savoy-Genovese Mafia
The Windsors - Saxe Coberg Gotha Dracul - Clan of Gehinnom
Merchant Bankers of London
British Crown Agents
SaxoNazis The Saxe-Coburg and Gotha family or Sachsen-Coburg and Gotha Clan of Gehinnom
IllumiNazi Hohenzollerns
Royal Nazi Order of Orange The House of Orange-Nassau
Royal Illuminati of Bavaria
Maximus Mafia The Massimo family
And More...
Download this!
Against Satanism by Satchidanand Volumes 1-12 - “The Occulted Satanic History of the World” - Your Worldview Will Never Be the Same! - in an easily downloadable file from our own website.
Mind Control Black Assassins by Satchidanand Volumes 1-11 in an easily downloadable file from our own website.
Satanic Spiritual Movie Reviews by Satchidanand Volumes One - “Blacklisted” and Two “AI and Transhumanism” in an easily downloadable file from our own website.
All Osho Books One by One
A Brief History of Russian Economics
Russia does not have a real economy.
Nov 28, 2024
Russia used to be an autarkic country for many centuries. It had all the resources that it needed to do its own thing. We don’t know much about this period though, really, because the histories were systematically destroyed by Peter the Great and the pseudo-Romanov psychopaths who took over Russia. What we do have is fragmentary and contradictory at best.
When Peter the “Great” came to power (or someone claiming to be anyway), he quickly bankrupted the country to fund his cultural revolution and to start disastrous, costly wars all over the place. In the process of “reform”, he destroyed the Old Russia. As an aside, the only difference between the term “Reform” and “Revolution” appears to be aesthetic and negligible.
Peter achieved the following reforms. He:
massacred a significant chunk of the Russian nobility
smeared the Russians as a mongolic rape-people (yes, that’s the origin of that pernicious meme)
put a bunch of psychotic Lutherans and Prussians in charge of the new, expanded central government in St. Petersburg.
reduced the natives to chattel slavery in the form of a Junker-type system of serfdom.
put down several uprisings with exceptional brutality.
estranged the entire southern and Siberian parts of Russia for centuries after,
inflicted divisive wounds in the cultural psyche of the slavic people that reap their dividends in blood to this day.
Ukraine, for example, was not treated nicely by Peter the Great.
But then, neither were the Russians. But Peter, like other non-Russian xenocrat rulers of Russia centuries later, gets blamed on the Russian peasantry, who were the ones that suffered the most, by far under their tyranny. The absolute terror that he unleashed on the Slavic peoples is only made tame by comparing it to the predations inflicted by subsequent xenocrat governments that made Peter seem benign in comparison.
Many fell deeds were done and systematic injustices were enshrined into Russian law thanks to Peter and his psychotic offspring.
But I bring this all up today to explain the foundation of the colonial, exploitative economic model that Russia has suffered under for centuries.
Put simply: Peter made Russia a raw resource export colony. He monopolized entire raw resource industries. Crushing taxes were leveled on the peasantry. Expensive and stupid wars were waged and lost. All this contributed to rampant inflation in the country. Russians fled Russia in droves to escape this ruin being foisted upon them.
Does any of this sound familiar?
I’m going to cut to the chase today and simply hammer out the points that I had because I’m short on time and there’s so much news to cover. I was also working on a series of essays that I think are really something, but all of that will have to take a backseat to talking about the massive NATO escalations on Russia.
The big news is that Kiev continues to bomb Russia with NATO weapons. The red line didn’t work. The super-missile didn’t impress Zelensky. ZAnon shills lied on Twitter claiming that Kiev had backed off and learned their lesson. They didn’t.
The good news is that at least the Kremlin is promising dire retribution on Kiev, which is interesting. I thought that they were going to keep playing down the seriousness of the attacks and jailing people who claimed that NATO missiles still rained down on Russia. But shaking an impotent fist at NATO is a good second-best option, I guess.
And now let’s cover the early 20th century of Russian economics quickly.
The Bolsheviks came to power and they looted the country and sold it all off for a quick buck to their cousins in the West. Everything that wasn’t bolted down was sold off to the West. This is called the NEP period. Under Lenin and Trotsky, this was justified as a kind of crash course in Capitalism that Russia needed before it could become Communist. They claimed that Communism can only be instituted thanks to Capitalism. Like Marx said, they thought that Capitalism was a kind of wrecking ball that destroyed traditional, feudal, tribal civilization. The worker is deracinated and removed from his culture and the natural rhythms of life by the power of capital.
Thanks to the work of the Capitalists, the ground is paved for Communism down the line!
Now, the average person does not know or understand the implications of Communists coming to power only to institute a brutal form of Libertarian-style laissez-faire capitalism as their official economic policy.
Too many minds would go 🤯 (technical economic term) if they learned this fact.
The idea that Communism is opposed to Capitalism in some way is a misnomer. The real position of the Marxist is that Communism is the next natural evolution of Capitalism. It is to Capitalism as, say, Protestantism is to Catholicism. Both systems are very similar in their core principles and goals, but they have some interdenominational squabbles, that’s all.
The truth of the matter is that “Communism” and “Capitalism” are meaningless terms. Sure, you could define Capitalism as “rule by Capitalists” and Communism as “rule by Communists” but that doesn’t really get you anywhere. Furthermore, it makes no sense to analyze the Cold War as being an ideological competition between two different models striving to ensure efficient widget production.
Anyway, after the NEP period of rampant inflation and Capitalism under which foreigners with armfuls of capital (cash) and guns simply robbed the country blind, a new policy was adopted. This new policy was considered “Communism” but what it really was was a war economy that would fuel the USSR’s conquest agenda and defend the USSR from invaders. The USSR began to prepare for war with the Capitalists and so they started opening up massive factories and driving the peasants into barracks to work in these toxic pits hammering pieces of steel or whatever. The only problem with this program was that it required lots and lots of capital (machines) and they had to be imported.
Luckily, the United States was a large promoter and sponsor of organized Communism from Lincoln onwards, and so most of Soviet industry was provided to them by Judeo-Anglo capitalists. Most famously, the Soviet car industry was set up by Ford, an American industrial icon. The Cold War had nothing to do with “free” markets or capital gains tax or all that other bullshit that they tell Americans.
What really exists in the world are two completely different kinds of economic systems — colonial ones and national ones.
The war economy is the most perfect and pure example of a nationalistic economy. These economies strive for self-sufficiency, full employment, cooperation between the state and big business, financial stability, real production and so on. The massive and unprecedented material prosperity of the post-WWI and post-WWII world was built on the back of these war economies.
America became the world’s richest country not because of Libertarian economics, and Austrian school voodoo nonsense. No, it became insanely rich because massive factories churning out high quality finished products gave everyone in America a middle-class wage and the ability to acquire capital (homes) over time and lift themselves out of grinding intergenerational poverty. The entire American middle class lived on the proceeds of this period of unprecedented prosperity, created by the war economy. And as this wealth continues to be eroded, America continues to veer off the cliff back into a kind of economic neo-feudalism.
Now, the second meaningful category in economies that I want to delineate is the colonial, exploitative model. In it, a country is treated like a resource colony. Their assets are owned by foreigners. Foreigners run key institutions in the government and the economy. The wealth of the country is sucked up out of the ground and out of the country. This is what the Russian Federation is. It is what most of the world is, in fact. A resource colony for the Core.
The NWO Has Core Winners and Periphery Losers
Nov 16
Perhaps you have heard of the Wallerstein theory of geopolitics?
What makes this current arrangement curious is that the West has also been deindustrialized to the same extent that Russia has. Their industry has all been sent over to China, a Communist country that is supposedly working to destabilize our Democracies and against whom a big war is being planned.
How can this be?
Well, because labor is a resource to be exploited as well. And so countries without large amounts of natural resources can also be treated as labor colonies. Essentially, as a kind of prison camp. That is what the USSR started out as. And that was the reason that Western capital flooded into Bolshevik Russia — because Lenin and Trotsky and his gang of ethnic murderers transformed the entire country into a giant penal labor colony. Thus, wages were reduced to almost nothing (in many cases, literally nothing). Russian culture was systematically wiped out in favor of prison and factory and military “culture”. Core companies found an exciting investment opportunity in Russia because they essentially had a slave work force waiting for them there. This is exactly what happened with China next only later in the same century.
Over time though the workers start to have their conditions improve. They might even become middle class if they are able to organize themselves effectively and force the capitalists to give them a decent quality of life by using the power of the federal government. This all happened in America and it even happened in the USSR, believe it or not. And when the labor costs go up too high, and the threat from a middle class re-emerges, capital pulls its investments, detonates the project, and goes to set up shop somewhere else. Preferably in a war-torn shithole ruled by Communists who have rounded up a significant chunk of the population into prison camps.
Capitalists love love love! to invest in Communist countries that threaten to hang them for some reason!
Also, they then hire some ideologists to justify their detonation of the previous economic model. Lolbergtardianism came on the scene in America right as capital began to move into China and Mexico and the elite needed to justify their heist of American wealth somehow. It also appeared in the USSR right on the eve of the Perestroika reforms.
Curious, no?
So, here is what I am driving at today.
Many countries (most countries in the world, actually) are being plundered for existing capital, natural resources, or labor.
These are Colonies and they have colonial economies set up by their comprador ruling elite.
You can easily sniff them out by the economic policies that their central banks or financial authorities impose on the country.
Countries run on a colonial economic system are also political colonies ruled by crony satrap governments
They will always stay poor and get poorer as the eat through the wealth generated from the better war economy days
Ideologists will justify the looting by bringing up the Holocaust
Take, for example, the “neoliberal austerity” measures imposed by Germany on Greece a decade ago to extract payments from Greece. The Greek government borrowed money from Germany and embezzled it because they’re a bunch of swarthy Turkish criminals in power, essentially. To get their money back, the German government began extracting rents out of ordinary Greeks — the whole country was then squeezed to pay off the loan. A giant sucking sound could be heard in Athens, you could say.
I bring this example up because the policies implemented by Germany to get money sucked out of Greece to service the debt are identical to the policies that are imposed on any colonial country. With Greece, we just saw the exact moment when and where these measures were implemented and we could do the before/after comparison. The emphasis was on sending as much money over to “the Troika” as possible, essentially. That is what all those austerity measures amounted to.
And with the Russian Federation, it was the same.
Economics™ is a hoax.
There is no need to dig deep into economic mumbo-jumbo to figure out what has been going on. Economics™ isn’t even a real thing. I wish I had known this before I tried to get a degree in it, but, well, better later than never. Put simply: Economics™ is just a brand of voodoo beliefs based on conjecture at best that fails to accurately map reality or predict the future. In other words, the equations that you are taught in your micro/macro econ class in high school or college almost NEVER actually work. The professional economists are essentially theological authorities who make careers out of explaining why their models failed to predict anything and how, despite this, the underlying economic model hasn’t been invalidated in the slightest. There are simply exceptions to the rules, see? But then bit by bit you realize that the entire economy is actually nothing but these “exceptions” to the supposed Laws of Economics and actual economic talking head commentary is nothing more than post factum explanations of why the economy reacted the way that it did when it shouldn’t have according to the theories.
Economics™ is an edifice built on lies so obtuse and bizarre that it would make the Catholic Church green with envy. No, the only important thing to understand about economies is where the money ends up going.
Follow the money and all will become clear.
In Russia’s case, no matter how much St. Petersburg KGB-Economic Club Economics™ word salad mumbo-jumbo that you use to obfuscate the situation, the reality is quite simple: money is being sucked out of Russia. That is because Russia is a resource colony for the Core. And Putin is a business operator making sure that the cheap raw resources and Russian money continue to flow out to the West. Yes, even in war time, as we have all seen for ourselves.
It doesn’t matter that you can use money to buy and sell things within Russia. The USSR had this as well. There was money in the USSR. You could buy things in the USSR too. This “free market” gibberish is totally irrelevant.
What is relevant is that Putin’s Russia does not have a war economy in place, despite claiming to be in a mortal struggle against Analic-NATO-Fascism. And Putin justifies this by claiming that he is ideologically opposed to Communism and Fascism and equates the war economy with the bad times of Soviet repression and even the Holocaust on occasion. Yes, really. Sometimes, justifies this by saying “Russia is a normal country now”, which means “Russia is plugged into the globalist economic centrally-planned network and our role is to be a resource colony and I have been put into place to shoot anyone who tries to get the war economy up and running again”.
But the truth of the matter is that all serious countries eventually adopted war economies in the 20th century, with great military and economic results to show for it. There was no difference in the war time economies of the USSA, the USSR, Imperial Japan and NSDAP Germany. We have been ideologized to think that this was not the case, but it was. And all of these countries used slave labor to maximize their war economies as well. Yes, there were labor camps in America for Germans and Italians and Japanese just as there were LABOR camps in Germany filled with POW Slavs, Hungarians, Balts and Jews. To say nothing of the penal labor camps of the USSR or the slave labor of POWs and SE Asian natives used by the Jappos, who were quite brutal to other asians, actually. Only one of these countries gets guilt-trapped for using these methods to increase wartime production though.
It is also, coincidentally, the country that lost the war.
But I digress.
My main points here are that:
Russia needs a war economy now.
Attempts to morally or ideologically counter-signal against a war economy for being Fascistic or Communistic are nonsense and a deliberate attempt to undermine Russia.
Putin won’t implement a war economy because he was put into power to run a colonial resource economy.
Under the terms of the USSR’s surrender, Russia was no longer allowed to have a large, powerful military, or a war economy.
Putin was put into power to enforce this informal Versailles-style treaty imposed on Russia.
This is because Putin was part of Andropov’s KGB, who were the people who imploded the USSR in the first place.
And so now we can answer the following questions with some fidelity:
Why is head of the Central Bank doing such a poor job of managing the rouble?
Why is Russia experiencing rampant inflation?
Why are they importing Muslim psychos when even native Russians can’t find any work?
The answer is simple: the people in charge of Russia hate Russia and run the country like all spiteful xenocrats have done since forever. It is quite easy to notice the signs of an occupation government because they are perennial.
“Stupid” political decisions that hurt the country.
Bad wars.
Increasing poverty.
Population decimation.
Importation of foreign hostiles to rule over the natives.
Ideologizing to cover up the problems.
Money being sent out of the country in one way or the other.
You don’t need to speak the voodoo language of Economics™ to understand what is going on.
I hope that this all makes sense now.
Maybe next time I can explain how China was probably behind this latest run on the rouble because of their insistence on bending Russia over the barrel and enforcing Washington’s sanctions on Moscow. But I think that would tie in neatly into a larger piece about Sino-Soviet relations.
The New Reality of American Oligarchy
I am putting together a piece that will cover the happenings of this December, to provide a stock taking prior to Trump’s inauguration. The Western security state has been very busy attempting to get things in place before Trump comes to power, and there are also many other significant changes to be taken into account. There is a mix of imperial losses, the delay of probable losses and the odd victory; what one would expect from a deteriorating empire. It is important to understand the underlying trend and not get lost in the noise. The piece below covers the reality of the rule of the US by an increasingly small group of the billionaire class, exemplified by the Trump administration and its donor class.
The US elite neoliberal revolution that was fully launched in the 1970s has now arrived at its logical conclusion, with a very small group of billionaire and multi-billionaire oligarchs utterly controlling the government through political donations. A type of outright bribery fully legalized by the Supreme Court in a number of judgements that started with the 1976 Buckley vs. Veleo case, found full force with the 2010 Citizen’s United vs. FEC case and continued with the 2014 McCutcheon vs. FEC case. With political bribes and concentrated money attacks on progressive (and anti-Zionist) candidates now legally defined as protected free speech, combined with the massive concentration of wealth at the very top of wealth pyramid, US politicians are now fully courtiers of the 0.001%; a few thousand US citizens (and that’s counting their spouses and children).
The Washington Post blithely displayed this reality as it detailed how 45% of all campaign contributions came from fifty billionaires (US$1.6 billion to Republicans, US$0.75 billion to Democrats), and that does not count all the “dark money” political pools that act independently and actively hide their funders. Some of the oligarch billionaires:
Timothy Mellon, Railroad Magnate and Heir (part of the Mellon dynasty): US$197 million
Richard & Elisabeth Uihlein, Shipping Supplies Magnates (part of the Uihlein dynasty that owned the Schlitz Brewing Company): US$139 million
Miriam Adelson, Widow of Casino Magnate Sheldon Adelson and arch Jewish Zionist (served in the Israeli army and has Israeli citizenship): US$136 million
Elon Musk, Transportation Entrepreneur, owner of Twitter/X and currently richest man in the world (born into the wealthy South African Musk family), forced to bow down to the Zionists: US$132 million
Kenneth Griffin, Hedge Fund Manager (born into a wealthy family): US$104 million
Jeff & Janine Yass, Financial Trader and arch Jewish Zionist: US$96 million
Paul Singer, Hedge Fund Manager and Jewish “rabid Zionist”: US$63 million
Michal Bloomberg, Financial Information Provider (founder of Bloomberg) and Jewish Zionist: US$47 million
Stephen & Christine Schwarzman, Investors (founder of the Blackstone Group) and Jewish Zionists: US$40 million
Dustin Moscowitz, Facebook co-founder and Jewish: US$39 million
US$993 million from just 10 donors, out of a total of US$2.5 billion for the top 50 billionaire contributors. Even among the billionaire class, wealth and political contributions are concentrated near the top! Imagine how much clout this concentration of wealth and political donations gives these ten donors over the US political courtier class. Out of those ten, five are Jewish Zionists, one is Jewish, and another was forced by his advertisers to bow down to the Zionist regime. The other US billionaires benefit from Israel’s role of disciplining the Middle East and supplying operatives for so many dirty political operations around the world, so there are very few that oppose the Zionist regime’s actions. No wonder nearly every Trump nominee seems to spout Make Israel Great Again more than Make America Great Again. He is bought and paid for by Zionist money, and most especially Miriam Adelson.
Following in the foot steps of her shady husband, who made most of his money in Macau where Chinese organized crime is rampant.
Of course, the Democrats have been all in on the Zionist genocide and happily invited Netanyahu to speak to the US political courtier class during the genocide. And Biden’s cabinet was extensively stocked with Zionists.
Another thing that these donors share is an utter distastefulness for being taxed, and their tax dollars “wasted” on the “unworthy”; some much more rabidly than others. Five made their money in finance, one from social media, one from shipping supplies, one from railroads (which he inherited), and one from Casinos (inevitably involving linkages with organized crime, just like Trump with his casinos). Only one is involved in manufacturing; very much representative of the new US wealth. Tax cuts are always on the agenda, never tax rises (for the rich), and the regulation of the financial industry (especially for hedge funds and private equity) is hardly ever on the table; only post-2008 was some window dressing regulatory legislation required. They all live lives that are utterly disconnected from the lives of even multi-millionaires, let alone the average American.
The oligarch billionaire class is also becoming increasingly embedded with the security state, and adept at utilizing political donations to have themselves appointed to important positions within the very state that their corporations are entwined with. A specially egregious case is Howard Lutnick (CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald, a very large player in the US government debt market) who played a central role in gathering donations for Trump. Another of his companies, Satellogic is very much in bed with the security state and global surveillance, and also using the revolving door as its board has a former Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff as a member. In his new role as Commerce Secretary, Lutnick will be overseeing agencies, such as NOAA, that Satellogic wants to sell its services to. His stable coin venture Tether has also become a large holder of US government debt. Mark Goodwin and Whitney Webb detail Lutnick’s incestuous relationship with state organizations here.
Then we have a Vice President who is a creation of the silicon valley billionaire Peter Thiel, the owner of the Palantir data gathering and analysis corporation that is in bed with the security state, as well as many other parts of the state and in many different countries. The CIA venture fund was one of the founding investors in Palantir. Trae Stephens, a close affiliate of Thiel, may get the number 2 job at the Pentagon. The other option for the job is a Stephen Feinburg who previously owned a prominent MIC contractor and now heads a Cerberus Capital Management that launched a major defence-focused venture capital fund in 2024. Musk, the co-head of the proposed DOGE agency is also a major state contractor through his SpaceX venture. And which areas is DOGE focusing on? The vast cesspit of corruption that is the Defence Budget and the five massive defence contractors (Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman and Boeing)? The massive profiteering of the Health Industrial Complex?
No, of course not; the targets seem to be the Internal Revenue Service (the agency that taxes the billionaires) and Social Security (money “wasted” on the retired plebs, and vast sums that could be freed from the state to be looted by the financiers). The above are just a few of the oligarchs who are getting themselves placed in important government roles. Who needs courtiers when you can run the state yourself?
In the background we have the modern day equivalents of the anti-competitive and corrupt “trusts” that dominated the US corporate world of the late nineteenth century Gilded Age; Blackrock (US$11.5 trillion under management), The Vanguard Group (US$9.3 trillion under management), and State Street (US$4 trillion under management and US$40 trillion under custody and administration).
The Chairman and CEO of Blackrock, a publicly traded company, is one of its founders, billionaire Larry Fink (US1.2 billion). Vanguard is a private company owned by investment clients (CEO Salim Ramji) and State Street is a publicly traded company (Chairman and CEO Ronald O. O’Hanley). Then in addition, there is the global leader in private equity investment, behemoth Blackstone with US$8.7 trillion under management, with the CEO being the co-founder and billionaire Stephen Schwarzman (US$54 billion). Then there are lesser private equity players such as KKR (US$1 trillion under management), Apollo, the Carlyle Group, Bain Capital and Warburg Pincus. Always searching for areas that can be turned into monopolies or cozy oligopolies to maximize the extractive profits of the ownership class.
Through such vehicles the ownership class concentrate their wealth and power, dominating US and other corporations. In so many US and other corporations Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street will be the top three shareholders, or within the top five. At the same time, Blackstone and others can utilize their assets, together with vast borrowing capacity, to take corporations private and shake them down for the benefit of their investors and management. The senior executives of these investment corporations, representing the ownership class, wield immense power; for example Larry Fink and Stephen Schwarzman are considered to be two of the most powerful people in the world.
These new style trusts also get their executives appointed to important government positions, and even get appointed to run significant parts of the government; as with Blackrock and the large scale US state interventions in the debt markets during the COVID-19 pandemic. A direct conflict of interest given Blackrock’s large US government and corporate bond holdings.
Elections in the US have always been mostly performative and superficial, but in the post-WW2 era the US rich held less of the economic pie and were less concentrated. With the massive concentration of wealth of the past 50 years, both within society and within the wealthy, an incredibly small group of the extreme wealthy together with those that manage the concentrated assets of the wealthy, exercise more power over the government than the rest of society combined. Added to this of course is the concentration of the US (and Western) media, including social media, in so few hands; greatly aided by the lack of any real anti-trust enforcement and oversight since the 1980s.
Even with this level of propagandist control, the level of outright looting and theft of this concentrated oligarchy has become more and more apparent to the general citizenry. A new Gilded Age, but this time the Robber Barons are more feasting off the already in place wealth of the nation and the people rather than building new wealth; a cannibal capitalism that eats its own base of strength. It is in such circumstances that the murder of the CEO of a healthcare company, which excelled in refusing claims under his leadership, is met with a general feeling of “he got what he deserved” by such a large chunk of the population.
There has been a significant a level of breakdown in the “manufacturing of consent”; even in the face of escalating levels of state and concentrated media censorship. When propaganda fails to control the population, liberalism can remove its velvet gloves to show its fascist fists. The result can only be greater authoritarianism as the mask of “democracy” has been so utterly removed and the oligarchy continue to plunder and immiserate the citizenry. Frank Zappa was incredibly prescient when he said:
The concentration of wealth in lesser and lesser hands, the disconnection of the rulers from the ruled, a vast courtier class fully focused on slavishly serving the oligarchs and not discomfiting them with inconvenient truths, the immiseration of the ruled as the rulers openly display their vast wealth, vast private wealth amidst public squalor; these are all symptoms of a failing empire. An imperial oligarchy feasting on the very bases of its own power, like a snake eating its own tail.
Below is the first two parts of a series documenting the linkages between the state, big business and the media that the oligarchy use to drive both foreign and domestic policies. From the excellent YouTube channel “Eyes Wide Open”.
One solid hour of zen, 100% on point