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Viral Australian Senator Malcom Roberts Issues Emergency Warning To The World

Humanity Is Coming For the SATANIC Globalists

Viral Australian Senator Malcom Roberts Issues Emergency Warning To The World Humanity Is Coming For the Globalists



Australia: A Testing Ground for the Great Reset

Alright, I wanted to get this guy on for years. I know it's the middle of the night. We really appreciate him joining us from Queensland, Australia. He is the main guy, the most prominent of a lot of great people in Australia that are battling the Great Reset, the globalist takeover. And they are one of the main testing grounds. So is the UK. So are places like Italy and Germany and Canada. And everything you see done there is going to happen here in the USA. I know most of our audience cares about everybody in the world.


Essentially what what's happening is your country Britain, Canada, New Zealand Australia all descendants from the the Satanic Black Nobility Mega Trillionaire British Commonwealth are all ruled by a red and a blue team what I call the Uni Party And they're all the same - Satanists!

They're pushing the same basic policies. It's driven by these internationalists, these globalists, these Satanists, these unelected parasites who are fronts for big corporations, who are fronts for a few people that own them and control them. can convince us we're bad and that we have no life force and that we have no survival instinct, then we'll all roll over and be slaves and be sterilized and basically just phased out. I mean, that's it.

Don't blame the Mini Minions like the Camel, Bidet and Strauss. This has all been planned for 150 years for the Anglo-American Empire to be taken down and China put in place. Blame the Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who created an Unelected World Government - The United Nations with its partner the Rothschild Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum is in the terms of Mussolini, Fusion of the State with Corporations, essentially Undemocratic and Fascist. The United Nations with its partner the Rothschild Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum uses Fake narratives like Fake Climate Change and Collectivism to mandate Agenda 2030 World Totalitarianism The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who worship Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Molech, Cybele and Attis for 10,000 years before Christ are in charge of the minions like Starmtrooper, Turdow, Bidet, Camel, Richie, and Macron are all prostitutes, they sold out to Satan. And the Presstitutes who say that it is just the minions we need to change, that it's the minions who are the problem. The minions have been bought by the The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs and Warburgs. The minions have been bought by the The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility who came from Venice, Rome, Babylon and Egypt like King Chuckie the Turd. The minions just follow orders and follow the Satanic Rituals like Human Sacrifice, the Sodomy Rituals, the Castration Rituals, the Drug Rituals, the Whore of Babalon Rituals.


TS stands for Terror Squad and also covertly stands for TransSexual. Fat Joe knows this. Fat Joe is a transvestite and he really manages transsexual and transvestite prostitution rings in New York. Fat Joe has attempted to deflect away from his homosexuality and transvestitism by claiming the rap industry is run by the Gay Faggot Mafia and it basically is and he is one of them. All the major leaders in the rap industry including P Diddy, Dr Dre, 50 Cent, and Fat Joe

are crypto bisexuals and rapists and its the rape which is what makes them faggots.

Faggots are crypto-bisexual men that rape other men to control them. Fascism means a centralization of power.

The word fascism derives from the word Fasces - a bundle of wooden Rods - Penises - Faggots.

Ritual Rape Sodomy is the Base of all Fascist Control Systems!

Against Satanism by Satchidanand Volumes 1 to 12 - “The Occulted Satanic History of the World” - Your Worldview Will Never Be the Same! - in an easily downloadable file from our own website.

Prince Duccio Corsini is a Roman prince and top owner of the Corsican Mafia. The Corsinis are both Florentine and Roman nobles. Prince Duccio is an overseer of a private Swiss banking and human trafficking operation in Gstadd, Switzerland. The Scherz family of Gstadd own a hotel in Gstadd and basically run Gstadd. The Scherz coat of arms is a heart. The Corsinis coat of arms is shaped as a heart and the Italian word Core or Coure has the meaning of heart. Prince Duccio also oversees the DEA. Lucien Conein was from Maryland and he was a documented associate of the Corsican Mafia and he worked for the OSS, CIA, and later for the DEA. The Corsican Mafia have a headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland and they oversee a large heroin and opium trafficking ring from Turkey, the Middle East, and Afghanistan to ports on the East Coast. Nancy Pelosi is from Baltimore and she is a Knight Grand Cross of the Italian Order of Merit and an agent of the Corsinis. The Corsican Mafia then traffics the heroin or opium to the Lucchese crime family which then provide it to the modern day Drug Council run by black gangster rappers. Corsica is named after the Corsinis and uses a black Moor on its coat of arms and flag. Moors, Arabs, and Africans invaded Europe and Slave trafficked natural white Europeans for over a thousand years. The Corsinis also owned banks in Florence and London.

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The decision's been made by the Limits to Growth, Club of Rome, the World Economic Forum, to build a post-human future. And it's the mad scientist's and we have to get people to face it. It sounds crazy, but now the WEF's very public about it. The New York Times has headlines, looking forward to the end of humanity. I've been in the grocery store, seen magazines. Humans are bad, you know, looking forward to the end of humans. They want us to hate ourselves, so we get rid of that empathy and then accept their globalist anti-human program. It's really, for me, You're absolutely correct. And they want us to hate ourselves. They want us to hate each other. They want division. They want fear.

During COVID, we saw the same things, fear and isolation and separation, making us feel as though we're alone and individual and vulnerable. And nothing could be further from the truth. It's become clear that people in this country and globally have been steamrolled It is also clear that it has been coordinated globally. It is also clear that it has been integrated, not just over six months, not just over two and a half years, but it has been planned over decades.

So, Senator, it's great to have you here.


And we're all together in solidarity against the same enemy. And we share a lot of the same culture. So we're in this together. I would like, I mean, I'll jump in some and bring in some clips and topics, but to kind of give you the floor here to start where you think is most important. Thanks so much for being here. You're welcome, Alex, and thank you so much for what you're doing. You've been fighting a lone battle until fairly recently, and now people recognise that your credibility is very, very high. So thank you so much for what you're doing. Where do you start, Alex? It's pervasive.

We are in the middle of an indoctrination war, an information war, which is the title of your show. We've been saying that for years. But essentially what's happening is your country is Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, all descendants from the SATANIC PHOENICIAN MEGA TRILLIONAIRE British Commonwealth are all ruled by a red and a blue team, what I call the uniparty. and they're all the same they're pushing the same basic policies they're pretending to be different and some of the people in the liberal party in australia for example the blue party in australia are different but the majority are just following like sheep and what we're seeing is the same globalist policies the united nations the world health organization the world economic forum the and and the policies that will make blackrock vanguard state street first state all rich.


They're pushing what's happening in our country. The agenda is driven by these internationalists, these globalists, these unelected parasites who are fronts for big corporations, who are fronts for a few people that own them and control them.


Absolutely. And of course, the jewel in their crown has been climate change, carbon taxes, the global corporate rules, the regimens. And now they're bringing in COVID as their lockdown excuse, which they admit are training rules for it. Let's talk about then your awakening and what's happening in Australia. And then it's happening everywhere. And then walk through the stratagems they're involved in and then how we dismantle this, how we stop it.


Well, I first became involved. I didn't know anything about this. You know, what you would have been saying in 2009, I would have probably laughed at. And then I got involved in the climate fraud, exposing the climate fraud.


I'm a mining engineer by training. I've worked in leadership and management at corporate levels and at mine sites. And I've been trained as a mining engineer to keep people alive underground. That means I have to understand atmospheric gases. So I just knew that they couldn't, that carbon dioxide cannot do what they're saying it can do. It'll boil the planet.

It's not going to boil the bloody planet. It's essential. It's nature's essential fertilizer for plants. So when they started demonizing carbon dioxide and I worked in New Zealand for a client over there for a year, our family went over there. When we came back, I saw it was a rage in this country. And so I said, this is bullshit. So I started researching it and I found out the science is absolute crap. There is no science backing it up whatsoever.


So I then started exploring further. I explored the people who were That was the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. And I found that the whole thing was rigged. And then I found out who was driving it and the motives. And it's just the same things that globalists do everywhere, control and wealth transfer. And there's a bigger and nastier thing going on.

"A Citizen has the courage to make the safety of the whole human race his personal responsibility" Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers 1hr 38mins

Understand, the 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschilds and Rockefellers Rule!! and have ruled, as Devil Worshipping, Human Sacrificing, Phoenician Families, for 10,000 years. If you want to know what the Satanic Owl of Sodomite Bohemian Grove meant to the Phoenicians, it isn't hidden. Both the Greeks and the Vikings were Phoenicians, and we know they both held the owl to be a symbol of wisdom. But the owl is of course also the most covert hunter, gliding silently through the darkness. So while the dolphin is a symbol of their shipping, the owl is a symbol of their stealth. He is the ultimate symbol of covert operations, which is why the CIA and NRO love to use him. Historically, the “double-eagle” was usually black, and that is because it was really the double headed phoenix, charred by the flames. At that last link to Wikipedia, you will learn the symbol goes back even further, to Mycenae and the Hittites, and that it has always been a symbol of Empire and that which ties it all together, the Satanic Sodomy Pedophile Ritual!

One Phoenix behind the other Phoenix sodomising the one in front! Since the Phoenicians were behind both the Hittites and the Mycenae, they are just proving my point for me. Eagles don't have two heads, do they? What does? The Satanic Sodomiser Phoenix.



We had a wonderful scientist here called Bob Carter. Professor Bob Carter was an eminent climatologist. He understood the science. And he and I were speaking around the country in various places, all voluntary. He did a marvellous job. Anyway, one day he said to me, Alex, um you know this this climate change stuff must be the biggest fraud ever and i said bob it's not even close and he said what do you mean and and i said well look at the monetary system look at the way they issue currency make it out of thin air…

he said you got a point okay and i said but that's not the worst the worst is the anti-human scam alex as you know and many of your listeners probably know the fundamental


The fundamental problem is an anti-human problem.


They're portraying humans as uncaring, greedy, rapacious, unkind. We just don't give a damn about the planet. Nothing could be further from the truth. When a foal is given birth from the mare, within 20 minutes, it's up and about on spindly legs, awkward, and it's trotting. And then it sidles up to its mother and has a drink. And then within a few months, it's eating grass and moving with the herd, completely alone, completely independent.


But a human baby, when you and I were born, we were about so long and we were completely helpless for years. And that shows that humans, the fact that you are here, the fact that I am here, the fact that people are watching this shows that someone cared for each of us because that is the fundamental trait.

The human traits that set us apart are love, care, and reason.

Although I sometimes wonder about the reasoning skills, but you know what I'm getting at. And that sets us apart. But we are vulnerable. We are dependent for many, many years. And the fact that humans actually care about us is evidence that we are here. And so that means it wasn't God who made me, God created me, but I fabricated my ego. And so what we've got is we've got these parasitic globalist billionaires, parasitic globalist corporation run by the billionaires who are basically evil and separate from the rest of humanity in that they think they're superior because they fabricated that. And underneath all of that is fear. Always, Alex, these people are after control. They're after wealth transfer from us to them. They want to make us serfs.


Cristiana Figueres, who used to lead the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and other senior bureaucrats in the UN have admitted, I mean, we don't need to make this stuff up. They've admitted that their agenda is a new world order, a new economic order. What's his name? Maurice Strong, who fabricated global climate change. He said he had two aims in life. One was to put in place an unelected socialist global governance. His words, and the other one was to de-industrialize Western civilization. No more of these things. And, you know, no more lights, no more electricity, no more power, no more roads. They want us back in the dark ages, back in the cave.


That's how inhuman these people are.


But they want the good life. They want us to be serfs to look after them. I mean, we're looking at their own words. They're telling us with their own words, and they've told it repeatedly. World Economic Forum, United Nations. And you stand up.

Roberts, the plan of the Great Reset is that you will die with nothing.


And that's that's their public plan. Everything will be rented and you can't rent it unless you've got good favorability with a social credit score. And they'll always be raising the bar. Let's play that clip and back to back with clip two about COVID. Here it is. Instead of working together to push Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum plan based on United Nations policies, work together instead for our country. Klaus Schwab's life by subscription, quote, is really serfdom, it's slavery. Billionaire globalist corporations will own everything, homes, factories, farms, cars, furniture, and everyday citizens will rent what they need. if their social credit score allows.


The plan of the Great Reset is that you will die with nothing.


To pull off this evil plan, Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum will need to take more than just material possessions from Australians. Senators in this very chamber today who support the Great Reset threaten our privacy, freedom and dignity. Yes, they're in this Senate chamber. One Nation vehemently opposes the Great Reset, the Digital Identity Bill, forcing farmers off their land, and all of the Great Reset. One Nation has a comprehensive plan to bring our beautiful country back to sustainable prosperity. And in the months ahead, we will be rolling that plan out. Instead of Lib Lab pushing Klaus Schwab's Great Reset with the tagline, you will own nothing and be happy, One Nation advocates the Great Resist.

McCabe & Mrs. Miller 1971

Set in winter in the Old West. Charismatic but dumb John McCabe arrives in a young Pacific Northwest town to set up a whorehouse/tavern. The shrewd Mrs. Miller, a professional madam, arrives soon after construction begins. She offers to use her experience to help McCabe run his business, while sharing in the profits. The whorehouse thrives and McCabe and Mrs. Miller draw closer, despite their conflicting intelligences and philosophies.

Soon, however, the mining deposits in the town attract the attention of a major corporation, which wants to buy out McCabe along with the rest. He refuses, and his decision has major repercussions for him, Mrs. Miller, and the town.— The American frontier depicted here is not a sacred place waiting for brave and noble men to come and realize their dreams. Instead, it's a brutal and dangerous wasteland, in which only the craftiest can survive.

The theme of corporate exploitation that pervades the film still rings resoundingly to a present-day audience as when McCabe refuses to sell his business to the Corporation, the Corporation sends hired Guns to Kill McCabe and so take his business.

For many years we have known that the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who have run this planet for 10,000 years will burn down the farms which are then sold off to the banks for nothing which banks are owned by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires. Time to Repo!

We know about LaHaina in Hawaii which was slated to become a 15 minute city but the inhabitants said NO! Next thing you know the city is burnt to the ground including all the inhabitants and the city is put into the hands of The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires.

Hurricanes and twisters AND FIRES are all weather events created by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires…

Hurricane Helene allows Lithium mines of the Corporations owned by BlackRock Holding Company Owned by the Satanic Phoenician Black Nobility to prosper.

Hurricanes, twisters and fires destroy the small businesses which are then bought up for pennies on the Dollar again and again and again!

McCabe and Mrs. Miller is an excellent film and one of Altman's masterpieces. I loved how the story took its time to get rolling and I got the feeling I knew these characters as if they're real-life people. That should be the goal of every single movie, no matter the premise. The movie is very beautiful to look at, but I also get a sense of sadness because there is no happiness to be found in the movie. There is a lot of dreariness, but it's important for the kind of story being told. I had a heavy heart at times, but I still liked this movie very, very much.

So, we can see that the people who made this movie were part of CIA Operation Chaos - Propaganda to take your heart, where the world is presented as a Wasteland with Dumb and Ugly people who deserve to die because Humanity is a Virus!


We stand for a world where individuals and communities have primacy over predatory globalist billionaires and their quizzling bureaucrats, politicians and mouthpiece media. One Nation accepts the challenge to provide a better future for everyday Australians. We have one flag, we are one community and we are One Nation. It's become clear that people in this country and globally have been steamrolled.


It is also clear that it has been coordinated globally. It is also clear that it has been integrated, not just over six months, not just over two and a half years, but it has been planned over decades - hundreds of years!

The changes to legislation in this country were done so that they could control doctors and people. But the people are waking and it's thanks to people like Dr Altman and all the presenters here today. Thanks to people like Senator Babette and Craig Kelly. We know and we knew that this is all bullshit and that we've been had. But we are going to hound you down, the people that are guilty. We are going to hound you down and hold you accountable. And we will expose your global agenda so that the people of Australia can be free in the future. Because I love my kids and I'm looking forward to my grandkids. And we are going to save this country.


This is control of energy because once you have control, as Kissinger said, one of the most evil globalists of all, if you can control energy, food and money, you have control of the country. And then that's what they're doing here. It's technocracy. They also have encouraged people through massive subsidies that we pay for. I won't fall for the scam, so I refuse to have solar panels put on my roof. but but what they're wanting to do what they've done now is is they're they're wanting to turn off your remote your your solar panels from feeding energy into the grid because the grid is unstable we used to have the world's cheapest electricity in the world because of our coal-fired power stations now we've got amongst the most expensive because we've got the highest level of subsidies


So what they're trying to do now is put smart meters to not only control air conditioners and when you'll use your power and how you'll use it, but to actually control the supply from solar panels into the house solar panels into the grid. And also when they shut it down, you won't be able to use the power generated on your own bloody solar panels. That's what they're trying to do. They're trying to control the whole way we live.


Look at it. They're destroying it. Same thing being done here. Same thing in Europe. They put in the solar panels, get you to pay for it, claim it as a rebate, and then turn around later and say, oh, it isn't working in the grid. And then now they're trying to pass laws in some areas where you can't have your own independent solar panels. right and and so what we're also doing Alex is we we have we are paying subsidies which drive up the cost of our electricity we're paying subsidies to parasitic billionaires parasitic corporations mostly foreign-owned many of them from China to install solar and wind here which is driving up the cost of electricity so the number one cost component in manufacturing today is not labor it's electricity Labor is phased out of manufacturing because of the mechanization and the control automation. So electricity. Now what happens is we buy our bloody solar panels and our wind turbines from China.

China imports some of our coal for them to make those things. So we're sending them our resources. We're a bigger supplier of iron ore for their steel, which goes into turbines. So we're supplying the resources to China China is then turning that into coal-fired power at $0.08 a kilowatt hour. We're using the same power here with no transport costs, and we're selling it at $0.25 to $0.30 per kilowatt hour. Our manufacturing is going broke and being shipped to China. Our factories and jobs are being shipped to China.

And so we are supplying them with that. We are the world's largest exporters of cheap hydrocarbon fuels. That's coal, oil, and natural gas. We've got huge exports of coal and natural gas. the largest exporter, we can't use the stuff here. But we can send it to China and let them generate cheap electricity out of it and smash us. And that's because the globalists have made a deal with them. They made a deal to do that that Trump was trying to kill.


Talking about coal, we have clean burning coal plants that only put out carbon dioxide and water vapor. So they list carbon dioxide as toxic. As you said, it's one of the four keys of life. Water, sunlight, oxygen, carbon dioxide.

And... They are shutting it down all over the West and moving it all to China and India and Mexico that have dirty plants. It's totally insane. But again, it centralizes power. Exactly. It gives them control over us. And that's what they're wanting to do. So we also know that – We also know that what they're wanting to do is smash down private enterprise, private initiative, private ownership. That's what I mentioned in my speech about the Great Reset. They're wanting to smash private ownership, and then you'll become dependent on them. So whether you get your food, whether you get your electricity will depend on your social credit score. This has all been done.


It's being done in China. They want to turn us.


Alex, before the Industrial Revolution, there was basically feudalism. And we were serfs on land that the lord or the baron or the lord of the manor controlled. And he gave us enough land, the use of enough land, sorry, he didn't give us the land, the use of enough land to sustain ourselves. But he took most of our work results. He took most of the product of the fruits of our labour. what they're wanting to do now and then we had the industrial revolution we had the development of science and science is wonderful because it's it's a it's the basis of freedom because up until science someone with the strongest religious fear someone with the biggest army the the the financial power the the property ownership they controlled what we said what we did how we lived whether or not we lived at times and in in the so-called civilized countries at the time


They lost all of that when science came out and started making decisions based on objective data. But they also lost it with the Industrial Revolution. We had a huge middle-class burgeon across the Western world that freed slaves. So we had slavery abolished. We had a middle-class rising. We had the people having the power through choice, through private enterprise. Instead, they're teaching us to hate the West because the globalists have written in their own books—we've covered it here— that if the world aspires to the civil wars and the things that happened in what is England today and Scotland and Ireland and develop the freedoms that spread to America and the rest of the world, the flower of the Renaissance, if the world aspires to the ideas that we promoted in a middle class and freedom, that makes globalism look terrible and no one's going to want it. But if they can discredit and deindustrialize and culturally destroy the West, then everyone will fall to this new corporate world government hellhole. Exactly.


You know, I've been in all 50 of your American states. I went over there when I was 24 and I fell in love with the joint. I mean, I'm very proud of my country, but I loved America. I mean, America, and I've got to put a caveat on that, has been decimated in the last 30 years. Thanks to the Obama's, the Clinton's. I mean, you've been ruled by criminals. and literally ruled.


But I was fascinated by America, all 50 states. You know, t was nothing to just be driving through some place in back blocks of Idaho or Iowa and see a massive building constructed by someone and across the top of the portal would be dedicated to people of the world. And it was genuine. And I felt the energy. I arrived just before Reagan took over, and I was there when he took over. And I felt the energy. He picked up the whole damn country and said, stop being embarrassed and stop being ashamed of your country and be proud. And I've never seen so many people lifted up by one person trying to bring back freedom. And that's the fundamental thing. We've got to be free because... That's the key to human prosperity, human civilization.


So what they're wanting, they're wanting to take us back to serfdom.


This time it'll be a digitally imposed serfdom with restrictions.


So what they're wanting us to be is producers against serfs and happy little consumers that'll buy only the products that they want to sell us, which will be drugs and diseases that keep us in disease. They don't want to kill us. They want to kill us, keep us just on the edge of death so that we become lifetime subscribers to Big Pharma. I mean,


Big Pharma controls 75% of the advertising revenue in your country, not in your show, that's for sure. But, you know, defense, they create wars. And your country turned into, instead of being the beacon of the world, it's got wonderful people still. Americans are just beautiful.


I'm married to an American. Our kids are dual citizens. So I love Americans. But the government of America has now become a terrorist organization, willy-nilly just invading any country it will. And that is infected in some of our countries around the world as well because we just madly follow you into war. I mean, it's just insane. But the people are starting to wake up.

Elon Musk and the Death Cult

And Elon Musk, after they basically kidnapped his son and sterilized him and his brother almost died from the poison shot, he's now fully awake and says, look, I know the globalists. And he went back decades ago to the founders of Google saying, we need to get rid of the people. And, you know, don't be pro-human. And he explains it's a death cult. If they can convince us we're bad and that we have no life force and that we have no survival instinct, then we'll all roll over and be slaves and be sterilized and basically just phased out. I mean, that's it. The decision's been made by the Limits to Growth, the Club of Rome, the World Economic Forum, to build a post-human future.

The Plan: Serfdom by Design

Instead of working together to push Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum plan based on United Nations policies, work together instead for our country. Klaus Schwab's life by subscription, quote, is really serfdom, it's slavery. Billionaire globalist corporations will own everything, homes, factories, farms, cars, furniture, and everyday citizens will rent what they need. if their social credit score allows

Fiercely Pro-Human: Embracing Human Potential

I am fiercely pro-human, Alex. First of all, I want to thank you for what you're doing. You're a beacon of hope around the world. I mean, just amazing. I'm fiercely pro-human because humans are wonderful. We've got some who are parasites, some who are control freaks who want to keep us in fear. But we need to remember, always beneath control, there is fear. The parasitic globalists are afraid of us.

The Anti-Human Narrative: A Misconception

The fundamental problem is an anti-human problem. They're portraying humans as uncaring, greedy, rapacious, unkind. We just don't give a damn about the planet. Nothing could be further from the truth. When a foal is given birth from the mare, within 20 minutes, it's up and about on spindly legs, awkward, and it's trotting. And then it sidles up to its mother and has a drink. And then within a few months, it's eating grass and moving with the herd, completely alone, completely independent. But a human baby, when you and I were born, we were about so long and we were completely helpless for years. Challenging Globalist Narratives

But our number one goal they're telling us, the globalists are telling us, should be to protect the environment. That is complete horseshit. What our number one goal should be is to have our species flourishing, our species to be flourishing. So just remember that what they're telling us about our human race is lies. What they're trying to do is set us down for control, keep us under fear.

Wage Theft and Technocracy in Action

I've had to take on the socialist government over wage theft of workers losing up to $41,000 per year, per person, and they're wanting to cover it up, and we're still fighting on that. Oh, that's just like the unions selling out workers here. Next topic you sent, and this is happening in the United States very quietly. I told people 20 years ago it was in the documents. Now they're doing it in California. They're doing it in Oregon. They're doing it in Colorado, New York. In your country, interjects. That's a big company remotely cuts power to one hundred and seventy thousand air conditioners six times in a month. And now they're giving people notices on their digital thermostats that they've taken control of it for climate change. I mean, so so and again, just like Enron was caught scamming people and charging more. This is technocracy.

Fiercely Pro-Human: Embracing Human Potential

I am fiercely pro-human, Alex. First of all, I want to thank you for what you're doing. You're a beacon of hope around the world. I mean, just amazing. I'm fiercely pro-human because humans are wonderful. We've got some who are parasites, some who are control freaks who want to keep us in fear. But we need to remember, always beneath control, there is fear. The parasitic globalists are afraid of us.

The Anti-Human Narrative: A Misconception

The fundamental problem is an anti-human problem. They're portraying humans as uncaring, greedy, rapacious, unkind. We just don't give a damn about the planet. Nothing could be further from the truth. When a foal is given birth from the mare, within 20 minutes, it's up and about on spindly legs, awkward, and it's trotting. And then it sidles up to its mother and has a drink. And then within a few months, it's eating grass and moving with the herd, completely alone, completely independent. But a human baby, when you and I were born, we were about so long and we were completely helpless for years.

Public Awakening: Connecting COVID and Climate Control

But the majority of people are still asleep, Alex. We've got a long, long way to go. You know, the climate fraud, as I call it, that was starting to get somewhere. But on Instagram, for example, just before COVID arrived, we had very slow growth on Instagram. And then COVID arrived and we took a very strong stance. I mean, just natural stance to doing what is right and protecting people. And we saw a lot of young people join us and start following us on Instagram until we got to about 45,000. And then it was capped. We didn't move above that because it was controlled by Meta. But then what we noticed was that initially my posts about COVID and standing up against the government's regime were drawing a lot of favorable comments. But climate, my posts about climate fraud were not drawing many comments. Then over the over the ensuing years, bit by bit, people started realizing that. And they said that said this to me. Younger people in their 20s and 30s said we looked at COVID. We could see the fraud that was going on there and the control mechanisms being put in place. And then we looked at climate in new eyes, and we started seeing the same traits, the same characteristics in that. And then they realized climate fraud is just a control mechanism as well

Interdependence of Civilization and Environment

The future of our civilization depends upon having a healthy environment. The future of the environment depends upon having a healthy civilization because the higher developed our civilization is, the lesser our impact on the environment. That is around the world. Go to a poor country in Africa and you'll find them shitting in the creek because they can't afford any services and they're too busy scratching for the next meal for their kids. So look at us here in Australia, in America, civilized, developed countries. We have lower impact on the environment. But our number one goal they're telling us, the globalists are telling us, should be to protect the environment. That is complete horseshit. What our number one goal should be is to have our species flourishing, our species to be flourishing.

One Nation's Stand Against the Great Reset

One Nation vehemently opposes the Great Reset, the Digital Identity Bill, theft of agricultural land use, forcing farmers off their land, and all of the Great Reset. One Nation has a comprehensive plan to bring our beautiful country back to sustainable prosperity. And in the months ahead, we will be rolling that plan out.

Exposing Global Censorship Systems

And you stand up. We've got some of these clips coming up. I mean, we play them almost every week in the Senate. And you look them right in the eyes and expose their operations. And I know they've come after you. But let's talk about the censorship systems. And I see the policies without even votes they're trying to enforce where the government can break in your social media and even pose as you and then put you in jail for what they've done. And we see other senators calling for Elon Musk arrest. We see similar things in the EU and Brazil. So, again, you guys are really the test case, along with New Zealand, with the WEF minion Ardennes and Australian leaders saying, don't look at the sunset, don't talk to your neighbors. I mean, this is a wild cult. Your current leader is saying he wants to arrest people for memes.

A Call to Embrace Humanity and Speak

I am fiercely pro-human, Alex. First of all, I want to thank you for what you're doing. You're a beacon of hope around the world. I mean, just amazing. I'm fiercely pro-human because humans are wonderful. We've got some who are parasites, some who are control freaks who want to keep us in fear. But we need to remember, always beneath control, there is fear. The parasitic globalists are afraid of us. And Tucker Carlson came over here and spoke so wonderfully. And at the end of his show, he spoke for 50 minutes. And at the end of his show, his call to action was one word, speak. So everyone around the world start to realize just how wonderful humans are, how caring we are, how loving we are. We're the only ones with the ability to reason.

Energy Control and Union Comparisons

Oh, that's just like the unions selling out workers here. Next topic you sent, and this is happening in the United States very quietly. I told people 20 years ago it was in the documents. Now they're doing it in California. They're doing it in Oregon. They're doing it in Colorado, New York. In your country, interjects. That's a big company remotely cuts power to one hundred and seventy thousand air conditioners six times in a month. And now they're giving people notices on their digital thermostats that they've taken control of it for climate change.

Love and Change! - the Removal of Energy Blockages - And the Augmentation of Psychic Powers - Caused by the Buddhafield

Reverence to all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Aryasravakas, and Pratyekabuddhas, in the past, the present, and the future.

Thus have I heard at one time.

The Lord Buddha was in residence in the garden of Amrapali, in the city of Vaisali, attended by a great gathering. Of bhikshus there were eight thousand, all saints. They were free from impurities and afflictions, and all had attained self-mastery.

Their minds were entirely liberated by perfect knowledge. They were calm and dignified, like royal elephants. They had accomplished their work, done what they had to do, cast off their burdens, attained their goals, and totally destroyed the bonds of existence. They all had attained the utmost perfection of every form of mind control.

Of bodhisattvas there were thirty-two thousand, great spiritual heroes who were universally acclaimed. They were dedicated through the penetrating activity of their great super-knowledges and were sustained by the grace of the Buddha. Guardians of the city of Dharma, they upheld the true doctrine, and their great teachings resounded like the lion's roar throughout the ten directions.

Without having to be asked, they were the natural spiritual benefactors of all living beings.

They maintained unbroken the succession of the Three Jewels, conquering demons and foes and overwhelming all critics.

Their mindfulness, intelligence, realization, meditation, incantation, and eloquence all were perfected. They had attained the intuitive tolerance of the ultimate incomprehensibility of all things.

They turned the irreversible wheel of the Dharma. They were stamped with the insignia of signlessness. They were expert in knowing the spiritual faculties of all living beings.

They were brave with the confidence that overawes all assemblies. They had gathered the great stores of merit and of wisdom, and their bodies, beautiful without ornaments, were adorned with all the auspicious signs and marks.

They were exalted in fame and glory, like the lofty summit of Mount Sumeru. Their high resolve as hard as diamond, unbreakable in their faith in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, they showered forth the rain of ambrosia that is released by the light rays of the jewel of the Dharma, which shines everywhere.


The Spiritual Warrior



Not only pointing out the problems but also pointing out solutions starting with the line between evil and good which always traverses the human heart.

"The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either -- but right through every human heart -- and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained" - Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Like V for Vendetta says, "I know why you did it..."

V: Good evening, London. Allow me first to apologise for this interruption. I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of everyday routine-the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration, thereby those important events of the past usually associated with someone's death or the end of some awful bloody struggle are celebrated with a nice holiday, I thought we could mark this November the 5th, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat. There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well, certainly, there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now high chancellor, Joe Biden. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. Last night, I sought to end that silence. Last night, I destroyed the Old Bailey to remind this country of what it has forgotten. More than four hundred years ago, a great citizen wished to embed the fifth of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words-they are perspectives. So if you've seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you, then I would suggest that you allow the fifth of November to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me one year from tonight, outside the gates of Parliament, and together we shall give them a fifth of November that shall never, ever be forgot.

This change in the Human Heart can only be effected by Energy Enhancement Meditation which uses Ancient Techniques purposefully removed from Traditional Meditations over thousands of years, "Traditional Meditations are designed to fail" to remove evil from the human heart and create a true Pure Spiritual Warrior.


The True Pure Spiritual Warrior effects change without doing anything. Just his presence on the Planet, just his aura or Buddafield affects all humanity to awaken their Hearts.

By practising the Advanced, Speedy and Effective Techniques of Energy Enhancement Meditation like the Kundalini Kriyas, Alchemical VITRIOL and the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process we access the infinite energy to remove all negative energy, remove all demonic energy blockages.

Only this process can awaken the Spiritual Warrior who can change, just by his presence, the energy on this Planet to achieve the necessary changes.

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When he attains enlightenment, living beings who are secure in long life, great in wealth, chaste in conduct, enhanced by true speech, soft-spoken, free of divisive intrigues and adroit in reconciling factions, enlightening in their conversations, free of envy, free of malice, and endowed with perfect views will be born in his buddhafield.

"Thus, noble son, just as is the bodhisattva's production of the spirit of enlightenment, so is his positive thought. And just as is his positive thought, so is his virtuous application.

"His virtuous application is tantamount to his high resolve, his high resolve is tantamount to his determination, his determination is tantamount to his practice, his practice is tantamount to his total dedication, his total dedication is tantamount to his liberative technique, his liberative technique is tantamount to his development of living beings, and his development of living beings is tantamount to the purity of his buddhafield.

"The purity - the lack of energy blockages - of his buddhafield reflects the purity of living beings; the purity of the living beings reflects the purity of his gnosis; the purity of his gnosis reflects the purity of his doctrine; the purity of his doctrine reflects the purity of his transcendental practice; and the purity of his transcendental practice reflects the purity of his own mind."

Thereupon, magically influenced by the Buddha, the venerable Sariputra had this thought: "If the buddhafield is pure only to the extent that the mind of the bodhisattva is pure, then, when Sakyamuni Buddha was engaged in the career of the bodhisattva, his mind must have been impure. Otherwise, how could this buddhafield appear to be so impure?"

The Buddha, knowing telepathically the thought of venerable Sariputra, said to him, "What do you think, Sariputra? Is it because the sun and moon are impure that those blind from birth do not see them?"

Sariputra replied, "No, Lord. It is not so. The fault lies with those blind from birth, and not with the sun and moon."

The Buddha declared, "In the same way, Sariputra, the fact that some living beings do not behold the splendid display of virtues of the buddhafield of the Tathagata is due to their own ignorance. It is not the fault of the Tathagata. Sariputra, the buddhafield of the Tathagata is pure, but you do not see it."

Then the Brahma Sikhin said to the venerable Sariputra, "Reverend Sariputra, do not say that the buddhafield of the Tathagata is impure.

Reverend Sariputra, the buddhafield of the Tathagata is pure.

I see the splendid expanse of the buddhafield of the Lord Sakyamuni as equal to the splendor of, for example, the abodes of the highest deities."

Then the venerable Sariputra said to the Brahma Sikhin, "As for me, O Brahma, I see this great earth, with its highs and lows (Blockages), its thorns, its precipices, its peaks, and its abysses, as if it were entirely filled with ordure."

Brahma Sikhin replied, "The fact that you see such a buddhafield as this as if it were so impure, reverend Sariputra, is a sure sign that there are highs and lows (Blockages) in your mind and that your positive thought in regard to the buddha-gnosis is not pure either.

Reverend Sariputra, those whose minds are impartial toward all living beings and whose positive thoughts toward the buddha-gnosis are pure see this buddhafield as perfectly pure."

Sariputra replied, "I see it, Lord! Here before me is a display of splendor such as I never before heard of or beheld!"

The Buddha said, "Sariputra, this Buddhafield is always thus pure, but the Tathagata makes it appear to be spoiled by many faults, in order to bring about the maturity of the inferior living beings.

For example, Sariputra, the gods of the Trayastrimsa heaven all take their food from a single precious vessel, yet the nectar which nourishes each one differs according to the differences of the merits each has accumulated.

Just so, Sariputra, living beings born in the same buddhafield see the splendor of the virtues of the buddhafields of the Buddhas according to their own degrees of purity."

When this splendor of the beauty of the virtues of the Buddhafield shone forth, eighty-four thousand beings conceived the spirit of unexcelled perfect enlightenment, and the five hundred Licchavi youths who had accompanied the young Licchavi Ratnakara all attained the conformative tolerance of ultimate birthlessness.

Then, the Lord withdrew his miraculous power and at once the buddhafield was restored to its usual appearance. Then, both men and gods who subscribed to the disciple-vehicle thought, "Alas! All constructed things are impermanent."

Thereby, thirty-two thousand living beings purified their immaculate, undistorted Dharma-eye in regard to all things.

The eight thousand bhikshus were liberated from their mental defilements, attaining the state of non-grasping.

And the eighty-four thousand living beings who were devoted to the grandeur of the buddhafield, having understood that all things are by nature but magical creations, all conceived in their own minds the spirit of unexcelled, totally perfect enlightenment.




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So after 500 - 1000+ lifetimes - Kalpas - we wake up. And then we open our eyes - Our Eyes become One! - How long does it take to open your eyes? - Satchidanand

The Buddhist, "Vimalakirti Sutra" in 14 Chapters - by Satchidanand plus one Chapter - The Buddhist Energy Enhancement Kundalini Key is the Buddhist Stupa

Vimalakirti Sutra

The Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa (Devanagari: विमलकीर्तिनिर्देश) (sometimes referred to as the Vimalakīrti Sūtra or Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa Sūtra) is a Buddhist text which centers on a lay Buddhist meditator who attained a very high degree of enlightenment considered by some second only to the Buddha's.

It was extremely influential in Asia. The word nirdeśa in the title means "instruction, advice", and Vimalakīrti is the name of the main protagonist of the text, and means "Taintless Fame".

The sutra teaches, among other subjects, the meaning of nondualism, the doctrine of the true body of the Buddha, the characteristically Mahāyāna claim that the appearances of the world are mere illusions, and the superiority of the Mahāyāna over other paths.

It places in the mouth of the upāsaka (lay practitioner) Vimalakīrti a teaching addressed to both arhats and bodhisattvas, regarding the doctrine of śūnyatā. In most versions, the discourse of the text culminates with a wordless teaching of silence.[1] Translator Burton Watson argues that the Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa was likely composed in approximately 100 CE.[2]

Although it had been thought lost for centuries, a version in Sanskrit was recovered in 1999 among the manuscripts of the Potala Palace in Lhasa.[3]

The Sanskrit was published in parallel with the Tibetan and three Chinese versions by the Study Group on Buddhist Sanskrit Literature at the Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism at Taisho University in 2004,[4] and in 2006, the same group published a critical edition that has become the standard version of the Sanskrit for scholarly purposes.[5] In 2007 the Nagarjuna Institute of Exact Methods published a romanized Sanskrit version under the title Āryavimalakīrtinirdeśo Nāma Mahāyānasūtram.[6]

For a recent and thorough summary of the present scholarly understanding of the text, readers should consult Felbur.[7]

Chapter 1 The Buddhafield

The scene is Āmrapālī's garden outside Vaiśālī. Even in this setting, we may see evidence of the literary sophistication of the authors, and the foreshadowing of key themes (antinomianism, female characters as literary tropes): Āmrapālī was a famously accomplished courtesan, ascribed in narrative with various roles in relation to promulgation of the Dharma. Five hundred Licchavi youths offer parasols to the Buddha, who miraculously transforms them into a single gigantic parasol that covers the entire cosmos. The youths ask how the "Buddhafield" (buddhakṣetra) can be purified. The Buddha responds that the Buddha field is pure when the mind is pure of Energy Blockages (this line was one source of a whole line of interpretation in Pure Land thinking in the later East Asian tradition). The buddhakṣetra is also equated with various other exalted categories in the Mahāyāna, such as the six perfections, or the four "illimitables" or "noble dwelling-places" or Chakras above the head on the Astral Plane (brahmavihāra). Because Śāriputra is unable to see this purity, the Buddha performs a miracle that displays it to him briefly. One implication of this scene is that our Sahā world—the buddhakṣetra of Śākyamuni—is in fact as glorious as other Buddha worlds, but our defilements prevent us from correctly seeing it as such.

Click Below.. GET Satchidanand’s Translation NOW!

The point is that Satan and Lucifer were thrown out of Heaven and thus have been cut off from the energy of God. The Demons demand pain and death so as to harvest the spiritual energy of the suffering and the death so they can continue to live eternally, out of the body. Sexual ritual to harvest the spiritual energy of the orgasm. Drug ritual to harvest the energy of the drug induced burning of the candle at both ends. Poison Ritual to kill you and send your energy to them…

These Satan and Lucifer Demons and others like them have taught the spiritual meditational technology - Satanic Rituals - of how to leave the body and live eternally in private universes on the astral plane by cutting off from the energies of God and vampirising humanity for their energy - and this has been going on for thousands of years.

These Demons and others like them have taught the spiritual meditational technology of how to take over and possess people during Satanic Rituals designed for that purpose. Some people suggest that the heads of each Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Royal or Aristocratic family are such downloaded demons by means of the Satanic Palladian Ritual…

The Enemy Within by Sonny Rene Stermole

The Illuminati Enemy Within Freemasonry - Weishaupt, General Pike, Palladian Rite, Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike, Rose-Croix, Templars, Alta Vendita or highest lodge of the Italian Carbonari, Mazzini, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall the seething energies of Lucifer - Satan, or Lucifer, and the demons, Demonic Possession, becoming a fleshly glove for Demonic Possession by means of the Satanic Palladian Ritual, Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike, Elias Ashmole edited Dr. John Dee, sorcerer who "brought through" the Enochian system of magic, of satanic ritual and demonic evocation, the Pagan Eleusinian Mysteries, Council on Foreign Relations ... the Trilateral Commission ... and the Bilderberger Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called new world order, Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986, "The Plan" involves a one-world government, an occult hierarchy, an elite "illumined" oligarchy ruling over a world in which Christianity has been slated to be displaced and destroyed.

Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Royal or Aristocratic family are such downloaded demons by means of the Satanic Palladian Ritual… sent down from time to time from their private universes on the Astral plane to manage their World plantation.

Because in order to live forever they need to cut themselves off from God, they need to close down their Hearts, their whole life cycle so they can continue to live eternally, out of the body depends on the harvesting of spiritual energy from their human cattle. In the same way the Masai live by drinking the blood of their cattle, the Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires are minions kept in order by Satanic Rituals to manage the human population by Poison Dumbing them down.

The main method of retaining control, so as to steal their energy, of dumbing down the human population is poison. As well as the 10,000 year Principle of Poverty, the poisonous fluoride in the water, the poisonous chemtrails in the air, the poisonous pesticides and GMO in the food, the poisonous Deathvaxx, War, and the poisonous lies of their fake Politicians and fake media are the weapons which the Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires use to Dumb Down aspirational populations in order to maintain their control.

But also humanity is Dumbed down and weakened by corruption and perversion. Blackmail, corruption by accepting the shilling of being bought off or just accepting wages working for the Corporations of the Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires.

Feminists, Trannies, Communists, Fascists, Economists are all corrupted by low level lies created to deceive. Fabulous created lies of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires for people who do not understand that Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires are the creations of people who live out of the body like Sauron who are the top of the hierarchy which need to be removed..

Transhumanism proposes the ability to upload consciousness into objects like computers and to download that consciousness into bodies so as to live eternally, immortally, for ever is one of the ways billionaires are offered immortality by Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires are the creations of people who live out of the body like Sauron - but they are all deceived!

The ability to live immortally is the sweetie Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires and the people who live out of the body like Sauron offer to the billionaires to importune them to join their Illuminati secret societies. Secretive groups like the Jesuits, 33rd Degree Masons and the Palladian sexual ritual also show the management structure of the elite.

The ability to live immortally is the sweetie Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires and the people who live out of the body like Sauron offer to the billionaires to importune them to join Aleister Crowley's OTO and it's Dog Priest homosexual rituals and Whore of Babalon sexual rituals based on the absorbtion of demons, being taken over by Demons, through sexual congress with demon possessed prostitutes.

The ability to live immortally is the sweetie Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires and the people who live out of the body like Sauron offer to the billionaires to importune them to join Jeffry Epstein's farming of underage boys and girls to service high level Pedophile Elite's Sexual Rituals and Human Sacrifice Rituals as well as to induct high level minions into the World management structure by proving how bad they are by blackmail through videoing them murdering children - very much how the Mafia test their applicants through asking them to murder someone and so, "make their bones".

So when the Dark Lord - probably someone who wants to join the Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires and the people who live out of the body like Sauron - says, "Let me assure you now, there is nothing to watch here".

You need to understand that the core of Tolkien's story is the Real! Eternal! Fight! against Sauron, a demon of the Ancient Deep who lives out of the body, because he was thrown out of the body by having the One Ring cut off his finger by Isildur, and who wants to come back into a body to rule eternally by corrupting and perverting the creations of God, very much like the android creating monstrosities out of human DNA in Ridley Scott's "Alien Covanent" so he can steal their energy.

- The Great Reset to bring in World Totalitarianism, Financial collapse, poverty, fake Global Warming to increase energy prices and fertilizer prices for starvation, Bug protein, Social Credit Score, Scamdemic Covid and DEATHVAX™, the censorship of botfake Twitter, Facebook and Google.

Vaccine Passport subcutanious Chips, Satanic Woke Cultural Marxist lies, Farm Destruction Genocidal Agenda - the Vaccines, the War in Ukraine, Totalitarian Surveillance, Satanic Cyborgs and Transhuman MRNA Injection Gene Altering of Humanity into a Ridley Scott Satanic "Alien Covenant" CRISPR Gene Edited Alien Lifeform, and the ongoing Collapse of the Energy and Food Supply channels.

An eternal age of darkness covering the whole planet!

Everything else in the story is secondary.

In the Real! Eternal! Fight! against Sauron, a demon of the Ancient Deep who lives out of the body, the homosexual holding the sword on my left and the transsexual holding the battle rifle on my right are my brothers and sisters!

Watch the creation of the Rings of Power!

Tolkien Knew about the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires

It’s easy to understand why the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires hate Tolkien so much and why they want to destroy his legacy. He knew. He absolutely knew. He knew about them, their evil, and the source of that evil, as evidenced by the Dark Herald’s review of the third episode of The Rangz:

So, we arrive at Númenor. For those of you who aren’t familiar with legendarium, Númenor is Atlantis. That’s it in a nutshell. After its fall, the Elves started calling it Atalantë. Just in case there was any doubt in your mind. I’m actually going to have to give a quick history of Númenor, so skip the next couple of paragraphs if you are easily bored by history.

The Men who sided with the Valar during the War of Wrath got a nice off-the-cuffo from the gods. An island kingdom flowing with bounty and whatnot. And the Men were happy. For a while. However, a division rose up; there were those who remained loyal to the Valar and accepted Iluvater’s gift of death, they thought Elves were super cool too. But the vast majority of the Númenorians resented the Elves’ immortality and wanted to be immortal themselves.

Just as today the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires seek immortality in Transhumanism, uploading into the machine, downloading into a new body, eternally as 10,000 years ago their Phoenician ancestors perfected the spiritual technology of leaving the body to live in private universes on the astral plane downloading in Satanic Ritual into Eton "whipping and fagging" prepared, destroyed, minds - easy to possess to become heads of the top Phoenician families to manage their human plantation. All they have to do is totally block their Heart Chakras and vampirise the spiritual energy of humanity. They have to maintain their control of humanity to do that

Sauron was captured by the Númenorians and was imprisoned but then like an evil Joseph worked his way up to becoming the high advisor to the king. A cult of Morgoth was established complete with human sacrifice of the Elf Faithful humans with the goal of achieving immortality. Finally, the last king of Númenor launched an invasion of Valinor to steal immortality. Iluvatar Himself intervened and destroyed the entire fleet of Men by opening a chasm in the sea.

Then Númenor itself was sunk beneath the waves during a night of fire and whatever that will cost a lot to CG. The Elf Faithful escaped under the leadership of Elendil, who became their king and founded Gondor. Making Elendil, Aragorn’s remote but direct ancestor. And yes, Elendil is the same king Sauron kills on the battlefield at the start of Jackson’s Fellowship of the Ring.

Read this sentence again: A cult of Morgoth was established complete with human sacrifice of the Elf Faithful humans with the goal of achieving immortality.

Fascinating, is it not, that a high fantasy writer could foresee today’s transhuman global technocrats in the 1940s? It’s because their goals are no different than they were 10,000 years ago, back before the dawn of recorded human history: To be Satanic. To institute human sacrifice. To live forever. To be like God.,-Satanic-human-sacrificing-Incas,-Satanic-human-sacrificing-Phoenicians-of-Baal-and-Molech-were-totally-destroyed.htm

The Hubris of Morgoth and The Rings of Power - the Story of Fight against Sauron a Demon who lives out of the Body, thrown out of the body by having the One Ring cut off his finger by Isildur



October 2, 2022

The Hubris of Morgoth and The Rings of Power - the Story of Fight against Sauron a Demon who lives out of the Body, thrown out of the body by having the One Ring cut off his finger by Isildur

The Hubris of Morgoth and The Rings of Power - The Story of the Eternal Fight against Sauron a Demon of the Ancient Deep who lives out of the Body, because he was thrown out of the body by having the One Ring cut off his finger by Isildur

Read full story










"Traditional forms of meditation are designed to fail!!"










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